From: Hamlet (Hamlet)
Subject: Rita and her Pet. (bestiality)
Hello, I'm not the author of the following story. It was posted here a few weeks ago. I've collected some stories the last month and I will post some of them in the next time. If there is someone out there with bestiality stories, dont hide them, still post these stories. But now proudly presenting:
My name is Rita and I want to share something with you. It's
something I discovered innocently enough a year or so ago but which, I
must confess, I have nurtured with total disregard for any innocence.
My husband is a foreman at a steel mill and, at times when the
work-load is heavy, he is required to work long hours. The mill
sometimes operates seven days a week and when Russ comes home
(sometimes late at night - sometimes early in the morning after a
double) he is tired. Too tired to give me the attention I'd like to
have once in a while.
I am twenty-seven years old and have been told often enough that
I am "A gooood lookin' woman!" (as some of Russ's friends like to
say). I had gained some extra weight when I was pregnant with our son,
Russ Junior, and after he was born I had a devil of a time losing it.
But that was seven years ago and I have managed to stay in shape
pretty well just by watching what I eat and by the normal exercise I
get while working around the house. Some days I make enough trips up
and down the stairs to qualify for a marathon! I also have an
exercise cycle that I sometimes ride in the living room in front of
the TV.
Early last spring our neighbors across the street asked if I
would take care of their dog, Max, while they were away on a
three-week vacation. I couldn't very well turn them down. They knew
I was at home all day and probably assumed I'd be over-joyed at the
opportunity to show my good will. My mind told me that I really
didn't want to accept the burden (a small burden, granted, but still a
burden) but I didn't know how to refuse graciously.
Russ and Russ Junior thought it was great! Russ Junior had taken
to playing with Max when he was out and loved the way he howled. Max
is a beagle, mostly brown with a few black and white splotches here
and there on his back. Even I, not the world's greatest dog lover,
thought he was a good looking dog and he seemed to be well behaved.
We had his blanket and food bowl in a corner of the kitchen and he
seemed to make himself right at home after the first day.
On the first Monday Max was with us, Russ was working (as always)
and Russ Junior was at school (1st grade). I had finished my
housework by lunch time and, after eating, I moved my exer-cycle into
the living room so I could work out while watching my soaps. By the
time I had ridden my regular ten miles in thirty minutes I had worked
up a respectable sweat and decided to lay on the floor for a while and
catch my breath. We have a big over-stuffed pillow that usually sits
on the sofa or on the floor next to it that I like to lay on when I
watch TV. I was on my stomach, the pillow sort of bunched up under my
chest with my arms wrapped around under it.
I became totally engrossed in the program I was watching and I
had completely forgotten Max was even in the house. I was wearing one
of Russ's T-shirts and a pair of soft cotton shorts and when Max
walked silently up between my slightly parted legs and pushed his nose
up into my crotch I screamed like the devil was after me! I was on my
feet in an instant, yelling at the stupid dog to "stay the hell away
from me" and to "not EVER do that again."
Even while I was screaming at him I knew I was being overly harsh
but I couldn't help it. He had scared the daylights out of me!
Naturally, after my first scream, Max disappeared around the corner
into the safety of the kitchen and I followed him as I sternly
impressed on him what kind of behavior I expected. He was huddled in
the corner on his blanket, his eyes about as big as saucers staring at
I went back into the living room and sat on the sofa, still
trembling a little from the excitement. I couldn't get my mind back
on the program though. I felt ashamed for having screamed at Max and,
after a few minutes, walked back out into the kitchen with the
intention of apologizing. Maybe that sounds really crazy, apologizing
to a dog, but I knew it was the only thing I could do......
Max shrunk back into the corner tightly as I approached and I
could see that he was shaking in fright. God, talk about make a
person feel guilty! I reached out to pet his head, talking softly.
"I'm sorry, Max", I said. His ears perked up and he lifted his
face out of the blanket. "Yesss, Rita is sorry for yelling at the
poor fella." He tried to lick my hand and I didn't stop him, letting
him lick while using my other hand to scratch behind his ears. "Did
you smell something good between my sweaty old legs", I asked. "You
should always ask first before putting your nose between a lady's
legs, don't you know?" My tone of voice must have convinced him that I
wasn't mad at him any longer and he was soon standing up, his tail
wagging a mile a minute.
I invited him to come back into the living room with me and he
followed eagerly as I went in and sat on the sofa. I don't know what
part of my brain was controlling me then, but I sat on the front edge
of the cushion and slouched back, half lying there. I held my knees
apart in an obvious invitation to Max and didn't make a move to
discourage him. Sure enough....... with only the slightest hesitation,
he wagged himself as if propelled by his tail right up between my legs
and buried his nose in my crotch. What he was doing was completely
contrary to everything I'd learned about what a dog should be allowed
to do but I wanted to see what he'd do next. I sat there like that
and rubbed his ears for him as he sniffed and prodded me. When he
began licking the crotch of my shorts, I almost made him stop ........
but I didn't.
It felt nice and, after all, Max certainly wasn't going to tell
anyone what he'd been doing! Sometimes his tongue would stray a
little and I'd feel it on the bare skin of my thigh and I'd squirm a
little from the roughness of it. Max was whining as if frustrated and
I knew I was going to take my pants off for him, that strange part of
my brain sending out the signals for me to follow.
"Are those mean old pants in your way, Max", I asked him. "Do
you want me to take them off?"
If he could have spoken, I'm sure he would have told me because
he backed up a bit as if to give me room to stand, his tail swinging
wildly and rapping against the leg of the coffee table. I stood and
quickly slipped out of my shorts and panties, dropping them to the
floor next to my feet. Max's head followed them down and he nosed
them around a little as I sat once again. He didn't waste his time on
the pants, instead returning to his place between my knees. I reached
out with both hands in a moment of indecision, one covering my
shamefully naked crotch and the other holding his very insistent nose
away. I rubbed his ears thoughtfully while struggling with better
judgement and slowly resigned myself to go ahead with it.......
"Are you sure you want to lick Rita's wet pussy", I asked him
playfully as he began whining again. I felt really strange using such
coarse language but it seemed somehow appropriate to the strange
When his cold nose touched my hot skin I thought I'd go crazy!
He quickly zeroed in on the spot he was interested in and buried his
nose between the lips of my cunt. My God! The sensation was
indescribable! I wanted so badly to push him away but his nose warmed
rapidly and he started licking again..... and I didn't WANT to push
him away any more. His nose was prodding me and I could feel his hot
breath panting there. His tongue moved up and down over my anus,
apparently tasting a bit salty or something. I carefully eased myself
back to lean against the rear cushions of the sofa, releasing my grip
on his ears, and I just laid there for the longest time while Max
treated me to an experience I'd only HEARD about. I held the tip of
my middle finger on the throbbing bud of my clit and rubbed it around
in small circles as his rough tongue continued to stroke up and down
between my lips over and over.
I was cumming almost before I realized it was happening and I
stared down at Max through glassy eyes as my hips moved of their own
accord in a somewhat pagan rhythm. Wave after wave of pleasure gripped
me and I found myself once again squeezing Max's ears to hold him
still so I wouldn't go mad! I gently pushed him away then because I
had become so sensitive that his tongue was beginning to hurt my skin.
"Thank you, Max", I said. "You're a real gentleman." He almost
seemed to smile and I laughed nervously, suddenly feeling a little
guilty for letting him do what he did. "But this will have to be our
little secret. Do you understand me? If you try that when someone
else is here, I'll paddle you GOOD!!!"
He seemed to understand somehow because he turned then a walked
slowly back out into the kitchen. I went to my bedroom for some dry
pants and put them on, still feeling a little weak. When I peeked
around the corner into the kitchen, there was Max on his blanked, busy
licking himself.
I retreated into the living room then thinking, "That's a good
boy. You'll have to do THAT for yourself."
I couldn't seem to get back into my soaps again though and I sat
there on the sofa sort of day-dreaming about what had happened. Russ
had never ever even hinted that he might be willing to do what Max had
done ..... and my up-bringing prevented me from asking him to. The
few times I'd given him head were tolerable but I hadn't enjoyed it.
I did it because Russ wanted me to.......
For the remainder of that first week, Max and I played our little
game each day. I tried to tend to my housework each morning to get it
out of the way, the excitement building to a peak by the time lunch
was over. I made it a point to give myself a good workout on the bike
so I'd be nice and sweaty for him ...... I surmised that that was
what had attracted him to me in the first place.
I think it was Friday that I followed Max out to his blanket when
he had finished with me. I sat cross-legged on the floor next to him
and watched as he licked endlessly at the red shaft protruding from
his hairy sheath.
"Would you like Rita to help you with that, Max", I asked,
shocking myself with my own words. He looked so pitiful. He looked
up at me as I rested my hand lightly on his leg. I wasn't at all sure
whether I would go through with it, and when I moved my hand over to
touch the glistening tip of his penis with my finger I decided that
maybe THAT would be carrying it too far. But Max rolled over onto his
side then, lifting his leg up for me. About two inches of his penis
was showing through the opening in his sheath and it felt very warm
under my finger. I gently explored with my fingers, feeling the length
and rigidness of his slender little boner. Growing a little more
bold, I moved the soft sheath up and down along his shaft slowly, not
quite able to pull it all the way up to cover the tip of his penis but
able to expose another two inches or so when pushing the loose skin
back toward his sack.
Feeling a bit queezy in my stomach at the idea of jacking off a
dog, I almost stopped. But that other part of my brain won out and I
continued...... I gripped him a little more firmly, not able to wrap
my fingers around him but sort of gripping the sides of his sheath
between my thumb and fingers. I stroked him up and down like that for
several minutes, fascinated by the feeling of his gristly shaft
slipping smoothly inside the sheath. When Max started growling softly
I wondered if he was wanting me to stop or if he was getting ready to
cum. I assumed the latter and quickened the rhythm of my hand.
His haunches began jerking then in the motion I'd seen several
times when witnessing the act between two dogs. I tried not to
interfere with his spastic movements as I continued to stroke him,
watching closely the red knob at the end. A few moments later his
growls took on a deeper tone and I watched as several spurts of thick
white fluid spat from him. Some of it landed on the blanket and some
of it on the short hair of his belly as his hips bucked a few more
times and then became still. I released my grip on him and watched in
amazement as he twisted his body around to begin licking himself
again. He sniffed around, locating the spots where his cum had landed
and licked it all up! When he'd finished and had curled himself up
into his nap position, I left him.
During the weekend Russ Junior was home all day, naturally, and I
couldn't help feeling a little frustrated at being prohibited from
doing what Max and I had enjoyed so much. Max came sniffing around me
several times but seemed to understand when I shoo'ed him away. Russ
was home all day Sunday with us and that made it a little easier to
keep my mind where it belonged. Fixing dinner and waiting on him made
the time pass.....
The second week was nearly an exact repeat of the first, except
that I was no longer hesitant to "help" Max relieve his tensions when
he'd finished with me each time. I like to try and catch his hot
semen in the palm of my free hand and then hold it out for him to lick
...... am I weird, or WHAT? One added element had crept into the
affair though and it started in my mind as a silly, kinky
thought...... and had become a glowing ember that dominated my
thoughts during the second weekend, our second period of forced
By the time that third Monday arrived, I was a nervous wreck! I
went through the motions of following my normal daily routine, but
that was all it was..... going through the motions. When lunch time
arrived I suddenly decided I wasn't hungry and began my ritual of
touring the living room and kitchen to be certain the doors were
locked and the blinds were drawn. Max was acting skittish too,
following me around. When I was sure that everything was as it should
be I stood in the living room and looked at Max and discovered that I
was trembling inside from excitement. Max returned my gaze as if to
say "What are we waiting for, baby?"
The smouldering ember finally caught hold and became an
honest-to-goodness fire as I stripped off my clothes (ALL of them this
time) and stood staring down into those dark eyes. I walked slowly to
the sofa and assumed my position on the edge, Max eagerly following
and nuzzling into my crotch right away. I laid there for a while
trying to bring my trembling under control and feeling the pleasure
rise within me as Max performed his magic.
After a few minutes, I leaned forward carefully so as not to
interfere with Max and felt gently down along his belly. I found him
completely erect and hot to my touch! He stopped licking and looked
sideways at my face then......
"Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking", I asked, my voice
trembling just like the rest of my body. Max licked the side of my
face and I took that to be a "yes". I stood up and grabbed that large
pillow from the end of the sofa and tossed it out into the middle of
the floor. "Cummon, Max", I said. "Let's see if we can make this
I bunched the pillow together and formed a thick roll of it,
holding it in place as I eased myself down onto it. Face down like
that, the pillow under my hips, I hoped Max would understand what I
wanted. I moved my knees out to the side as far as I could to give
him room and I watched over my shoulder as he moved behind me, acting
confused. I felt his breath between my cheeks as he sniffed my anus
and gave me an experimental lick.
"Cummon, Max", I urged softly, wiggling my butt around just a
little, "you know what you're supposed to do ..... wooof, wooof."
I was beginning to think he wouldn't do it. He licked me some
more and I could see his hind legs dancing around as if confronted
with a really hard problem. Then I felt a paw on my right cheek and
he whined.
"That's the idea, Max", I crooned. "Rita wants you to fuck her."
Having said it, I felt my stomach churn violently as the two
parts of my brain battled it out. In the mean time, Max seemed to
have made HIS decision. I felt his other paw and cringed when his
claws scraped against the skin of my lower back. He was trying to get
himself into position! But I had to do something about those claws!
I reached around gently and pushed him back.
"Just a minute, lover", I said, standing up. "I don't want to be
maimed for life."
I ran quickly to the kitchen, Max trotting along behind me, and
opened a drawer next to the sink. I grabbed two towels and, from
another drawer, two thick rubber bands. Max followed me back into the
living room and almost seemed to understand what I was doing as I
wrapped the towels around his front paws and slipped the rubber bands
in place to hold them there.
Re-bunching the pillow, I eased my hips down onto it again and
wiggled my butt for him.
"Okay, Max, no more excuses", I said. "Come to momma...."
I was thrilled to feel his padded paws on my hips and I urged him
onward with soft reassurances. He tried to grip my back with his paws
and I could barely feel them through the towels. He moved his hind
legs up close and I could tell he was hunching back there but I
couldn't feel anything. I eased a hand down between myself and the
pillow, between my legs and found that he was jabbing into the pillow.
Quickly flattening it out a little, I forced my hips downward onto it
and spread my knees father to lower my butt.
"That's it....... that's it", I said breathlessly as he found
the mark.
His slender penis was jabbing earnestly against the depression
just to the right of my cunt, along my thigh. I moved my hips just a
little to the right and was rewarded by his first, panicky thrust into
my eagerly awaiting cunt. Not very deep ..... just barely into my
vagina, but there just the same! I angled my hips downward, hoping to
help him, and felt his rapid little jabs move deeper into me! His
front paws skittered around on my back trying to hold on as he moved
his back paws a little closer. I could feel the hard muscles of his
thighs against the inner surface of my own as he fell into a very fast
but steady rhythm.
It felt incredible! I think that what made it so exciting was
the very idea of what we were doing. I was actually being fucked by a
beagle in my own living room! His rigid little penis was small
compared to Russ's naturally, being only about four inches that he
could get into me and only a little thicker than my finger. But what
Max lacked in size, he more than made up for with his eager intensity.
I found myself wishing I could see a clear image of us there in the
middle of the floor. I was on the very verge of cumming and had to
use all of my determination to keep from rocking my hips. I didn't
want to dislodge him!
So I eased my upper body down onto the floor, my nipples digging
into the carpet as I tried to hold my position. It didn't take Max
very long before he started to lunge into me violently and I knew he
was cumming in me! As if from a page in a steamy romance novel, I
felt myself floating up to that heavenly plateau where I enjoyed a
thoroughly satisfying orgasm. My groans mixed with Max's growling as
we came together and I nearly cried when Max suddenly stopped moving,
his haunches trembling with the effort to hold himself deeply within
my vagina. He was drooling on my back and his penis was twitching
rhythmically inside of me. I visualized his thick white semen
spurting into my body....
I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up my hips were
still resting on the pillow, my warmly glowing ass still angled
awkwardly toward the ceiling...... and Max was curled up quietly
behind me, between my outstretched knees.
I got up without disturbing him and returned the pillow to it's
place on the end of the sofa. He woke up while I was taking the
towels from his paws, rolling over onto his back ..... and then curled
up again to resume his nap as if nothing had happened. I stood there
for a moment looking down at him, my hand unconsciously feeling the
wetness of my cunt. I slipped a finger up into my vagina and
marvelled again at the idea of what we had done. Gathering up my
clothes then, I went into the bathroom and took a long, hot shower.
By Wednesday Max and I had it down to a fine art! There was no
more of the nervous fumbling around while trying to get ourselves into
the right positions ..... and I had finally resolved the dilemma in my
mind. What we were doing wasn't hurting anyone. What we were doing
was obviously enjoyable for Max (and me). What we were doing would
forever remain a secret ..... and it would all come to an end after
Friday when the neighbors returned.
I made Friday a special occasion for us by inviting Max into my
bedroom for the first time. After getting myself all sweaty on the
bike (with Max sitting patiently off to the side and watching me
intently) I led him into the bedroom and stripped off my wet clothes.
I pulled one end of my vanity around so the large mirror was facing
toward the bed and angled it downward just a little. I was really
excited when I crawled up into the middle of the bed and patted the
comforter to invite Max up with me. He eagerly made the leap and
jumped immediately between my legs to begin nosing around and sniffing
After making a couple trips to the vanity to move the mirror, I
was finally satisfied that I'd be able to see us clearly. I took both
pillows and plumped them up behind my back, fondling Max's ears as he
licked and sniffed at the tingling lips of my cunt. I didn't know for
sure if he'd be able to fuck me like that, with me on my back instead
of the other way, but I was determined to try! I reasoned that I'd be
able to use my hands to help him.
I cursed softly to myself when I realized that I'd forgotten the
towels for Max's paws and made a quick trip to the kitchen for them.
I put them on him then and laid back experimentally, patting my belly
for him to come up to me. He put his paws up on my stomach and I
pulled him closer, holding his paws tightly against my breasts and
lifting my legs up on either side of him.
He began hunching at me almost immediately, his tongue hanging
limply from the side of his mouth. But he wasn't even close to my
cunt..... I pulled my knees way up and brought them together against
his sides, my thighs tingling at the feel of his hairy flanks. Urging
him lower with my legs, I pushed his haunches down and felt the hot
tip of his penis begin to prod between my wet lips.
"That's it, Max", I whispered. "I knew you could do it!"
He moved his hind legs a little and his furry belly dropped
comfortably down onto my own. I gasped in surprise when his hard
little shaft entered me deeper than he'd ever been before. He was
catching on nicely! I kept my knees pulled way up to hug him with my
upper thighs as he fell into a very fast and very enjoyable rhythm!
I couldn't take my eyes from the mirror. The scene was so
incredibly erotic for me and the feeling of his cock pistoning in and
out of my vagina was so intense that I came very quickly. I found
that I was able to move my hips under him just a little, thereby
abandoning myself that much more to the waves of pleasure that pulsed
within me.....
Max seemed to be in another world. His muzzle was tucked down
into the space between his front legs and I could feel him drooling
all down between my breasts. He fucked me for what must have been ten
minutes or more ..... never slowing down and never faltering in his
incredibly fast tempo. I came again before he finished with me and
when he finally reached his reward I was trembling uncontrollably, my
legs quivering along his furry sides as he plunged deeply into me and
held himself very still. His stiff little shaft continued to twitch
inside of me as he propelled his hot semen into my vagina. He was
deep enough that I felt he was nearly against my cervix and I moved my
hands from his front paws to grasp his butt, pulling him tighter to
Later that afternoon as I stood in the shower, it occurred to me
that I had never enjoyed sex with Russ nearly as much as I had with
Max. I was sad that Max would be leaving on Sunday and didn't know how
I'd be able to do without his wonderful services.
For obvious reasons, I missed Max terribly after he'd gone home
and the following week seemed totally empty. I sat on the sofa during
the afternoons and masturbated with my fingers, trying to imagine that
it was Max licking me...... but it just wasn't any good!
This story DOES have a happy ending though. Not too long after
Max left, I convinced Russ that it might be a good idea to have a dog
of our own around the house. A "BIG" dog would be able to protect the
housefor us when we weren't there. Russ agreed, happy to please me
We went to a pet store and bought a cute little German Shepherd
puppy and named him Heinrich. That was almost a year ago. Heinrich
is NOT a puppy any longer! ......and he is a quick learner,
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