From: Hawaiian Heat <>
Subject: Mary Had a Hot Ram 1/5
Although I've seen this story (these five chapters) floating around the (618) Metro East St. Louis, Illinois area since the late 80's. I snagged this story off one of the less "anal rentative" FidoNET (423) Knoxville, Tennessee (aka Hillbilly Hell) area BBS' which had it archived on a fairly pathetic CD collection. It was posted here on a.s.s 12/3/90 by CARL@ROBOT.NUCENG.UFL.EDU or CARL%NUCENG.DECNET@PINE.CIRCA.UFL.EDU whom also stated he had no additional chapters.
Chapters one thru five of a story called "Mary Had A Hot Ram," sort of parody (of a rather graphic sort) of the Mary Had A Little Lamb children's poem.
I didn't write this story and haven't a clue as to whom the author may be. I only have the first 5 chapters of the story, there's at least a sixth chapter and perhaps more. If anyone else has them, please mail them to me (Hawaiian Heat) at or or post them here on a.s.s.
Don't ask me for any of the chapters past chapter 5 because I don't have them.
.....By Harry Balls.
...Most of us lead two lives...real and fantasy. The housewife imagines herself leading a life of luxury. The businessman imagines himself away from the rat race, fishing by a quiet lake. The schoolboy dreams of becoming a famous athlete. And then there are sexual fantasies...wild dreams that we seldom expect to see come true.
In this story, Mary Wilson has learned to be honest with her sexual desires,
and she becomes a girl whom many would brand a slut and others would merely
call liberated. She is a girl dedicated to becoming a sexually liberated soul
-- a person who not only feels sexually free, but who has been compelled to
unshackle others from the bonds of puritanism.
MARY HAD A HOT RAM deals with a volatile issue, an issue that government has
tried to define, that churches have tried to repress, that swingers have tried
to advocate...but perhaps the answer lies with the individual. Let him or her
decide his own standard of morality where sex between consenting individuals is
concerned, just as Mary has done.
Mary Wilson had a little lamb. His fleece was white as snow and he followed
her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there --
because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram.
The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and
piledriver haunches. He remained white except for a black face and black rings
around his legs just above the nimble cloven hoofs. He had golden eyes. He had
the long flowing beard of a patriarch, but his balls were full of youthful cum.
He had a huge prick and massive balls. In the prime of his life, the ram
would have been ready to challenge all other rams for the right to fuck the
fat, wooly ewes that grazed on the green hillside, for he knew his rightful
But it had been reared as a pet. And the ram often turned a glowing golden
eye on Mary and his thoughts were hardly sheepish...
Mary Wilson was a teen by the time the ram was in his youthful prime. She
could hardly fail to notice the change in the beast. As a soft wooly lamb she
had named him cuddles but as he grew into a powerful hard-muscled creature the
name had seemed rather silly and she had begun to call him Rocky the Ram.
Mary was growing into a nubile young lady at the same time that Rocky
matured into potency.
Mary was still a virgin and quite innocent, although, being a farm girl, she
knew all about the way that animals fucked and observed those bestial fuckings
with interest. She was'nt sure just how humans fucked but, being inquisitive,
had often listened to the grunts and the moans that drifted through the thin
wooden farmhouse walls from her parents' bedroom.
Fucking sounded like fun.
Although the ram was no longer what could be called cuddly, he was still
Mary's favorite pet and she often stroked and petted the powerful brute.
She had also recently started to stroke and pet her cunt.
She had discovered the pleasures of self-caress more or less by accident.
One day her pussy had been particularly hot and juicy and her clit was
standing out stiff and tingling. Mary had begun to rub her crotch to soothe
her cunt, not quite sure what had caused the condition. very soon, a thrill had
started to sweep through her pussy.
She had been surprised by such a wonderful sensation. Her hand had rubbed
vigorously away. All of a sudden her big blue eyes had snapped wide open in
amazement and her mouth had trembled as her first ever orgasm ripped through
her. She had been almost frightened by such intense feeling.
After she'd finished coming and her cunt had cooled down, the girl had
thought about what had happened.
She had a strict upbringing.
Anything that felt that good, she figured, just had to be a sin. She vowed
never to rub her cunt again.
Fifteen minutes later she frigged herself off again.
Since that day of discovery, Mary began to give herself handjobs with
regularity, at least once a day.
Her hands felt so lovely that the girl just had to wonder what a cock or a
tongue would feel like.
There was a girl in her school -- a one room country schoolhouse -- who had
a bad reputation. Her name was Lulu May Dickens and it was rumored that she
had gone all the way with more than one of the lusty local lads. Mary placed
little stock in such gossip as a rule, but she thought that Lulu May looked
like the sort of girl who had been naughty.
Mary was eager to ask Lulu May about such things. But Mary was shy. She
could'nt think of a way to bring such a subject into the conversation without
becoming embarrassed.
One fine spring day, Mary was sitting on a fallen log out in the back forty,
out of sight of the farmhouse, watching the fluffy white clouds drift across
the bright blue sky and thinking about this and that. Mainly she was thinking
about sex and trying to figure out how to ask the advice of Lulu May without
seeming to be too interested, to find out about naughty things without acting
She was wearing a checkered dress and a blue bonnet with a pink ribbon.
Under the dress, she wore nothing.
Being a young farm girl of 18, Mary did not have any sexy underwear. She
had no money of her own with which to buy any. The local general store did'nt
stock anything like that, anyhow, and her mother always bought her plain white
panties and bras as unshapely and restrictive as armor plate.
Mary hated those awful undies.
So she had taken to not wearing them.
She liked to know and feel that she was naked under her dresses. It gave
her a thrill.
It was also handy for frigging herself off.
It was a bother to have to remove her panties when she felt like a quick
finger fucking and if she left them on she always got the crotchband soaking
wet, which was awfully embarrassing when her mother washed them in the tub.
She had'nt yet decided if she would give herself a handjob today. It was a
Saturday and she had slept later than usual. By the time that she awoke, her
mother was banging the gong to announce that breakfast was on the table.
Usually on Saturday mornings when she did'nt have to hurry to get to school,
Mary liked to stay in bed and enjoy a long and leisurely finger fucking
This morning she had been forced to make a choice -- she could miss
breakfast and have a good come, or she could forego the pleasures of her pussy
for those of her tummy. Mary had a healthy appetite and she could smell bacon
and coffee. Furthermore, having just awakened, she had not had time to think
the sort of thoughts that usually got her cunt smoldering. Anyhow, she
reasoned, she could always finger fuck later on if she wanted to. So she went
down to breakfast.
Then she wandered out to the fields.
Now she began to squirm on the log as, thinking of the things that naughty
Lulu May might have done, she became aroused and horny.
The idea of finger fucking herself in the fresh air was attractive. An
outdoor handjob seemed sort of wholesome.
She was in no hurry to come.
Coming was the best part, certainly, but Mary liked to enjoy the build up
and the preliminaries. She looked around to make sure that there was no one who
could see her, then, smiling, she began to unbutton the front of her dress.
Spreading it open, she tilted her face down and looked at her tits.
They were lovely tits.
Mary had been amazed when they first became so large and shapely, and she
admired them a great deal. Her tits were full and firm, and her nipples were
big and fat. When they got stiff, as they were now, they stood out like little
pink spaceships ready to be launched.
She knew that the boys in school looked at her tits a lot.
But they looked at the rest of her, too.
Mary's ass was shaped like a teardrop, firm and sweeping. Her waist was
tiny and her hips were rounded. She had long, shapely legs that seem to have
been designed for wrapping around a man's haunches as he fucked her and had a
gently sloping belly fashioned to pump a man dry.
Her face was well matched to that splendid body. She had big blue eyes that
looked innocent when they were wide open but not so innocent when they were
narrowed with desire. Her mouth was wide and full and sensual, the lower lip
slightly turned down in a cute pout. Her hair was thick and blonde, like coils
of spun gold tumbling to her shoulders, cascading over her cheeks.
Now she gazed down at her tits.
As she looked, as if her vision were gently caressing her, her nipples began
to grow and stiffen.
She cupped her tits in her hands, lifting the plump tits and pushing them
together into deep cleavage.
Cupping her tits in her palms and fingers, she began to seep her thumbs back
and forth across the nips.
She was starting slowly.
Mary had'nt yet decided what to think about, what fantasy to employ while
she worked on her hot cunt.
Usually she thought about Jimmy Wilson or George Hubble. They were the
best-looking boys at her school. But sometimes she liked to think about
nameless strangers. Sometimes she fantasized about more than one nameless
stranger at once, imagining what it would be like to have two or three horny
young men fondling her at the same time.
She had even pretended that she had sneaked into a monastery where monks had
been without women for years, and she had fantasized about a jailbreak, when a
dozen escaped convicts who'd had nothing better than their own fists for their
long incarcerations raped her.
Mary was a normal heterosexual girl.
She had never thought about doing anything naughty with another gir -- yet.
Nor had she ever thought about fucking with an animal.
Like, say, a ram...
Yet there had been a nagging sensation, a dark thrill that was not yet
knowledge the last time she had fondled Rocky the Ram. Mary had felt the
sexuality of the potent beast. His powerful muscles had trembled and vibrated
under her hands and his head had tossed about as he snorted with vague
The girl had become sexually aroused and had had to rub herself off three
times afterwards before she was satiated. Yet she was still innocent and did
not realize that it was the ram who had turned her on.
And perhaps the ram had not yet realized why his balls had bloated and his
big prick tensed as Mary petted him.
Both girl and ram sensed what they did not yet realize...
Mary squirmed on the fallen tree, the rough bark stimulating her juicy
She lifted her tits higher and ducked her head lower, pushing her tongue
She began to lick her stiff nipples.
She was lucky, she thought, that her tits were big enough so she could mouth
her own nips. She would be even luckier when she got some handsome boy to do
it for her, she figured. She lapped away, her face turning as she switched
back and forth from taut tip to tip. Then she gently slurped one nipple into
her lips and began to nurse.
Her nipples seemed to explode in her lips.
She switched to the other.
It was like a stick of dynamite.
The rippling thrill ran through her tits and rushed down her belly and
swirled in waves in her crotch. She could feel her clit expand just like the
She wished that she were agile enough to get her head down there and tongue
her sparking clit.
But she knew that she could'nt.
She had tried once.
She had sat on the edge of her bed and bent down as far as she could go, but
her tongue had fallen just short -- frustratingly short -- of her creamy cunt.
Then she had leaned back and had thrown her ass and hips up, her feet over her
head, and had tried to get at her tasty-looking pussy that way. But she had
failed by inches again. Her cunt, just over her eager upturned face, had
fluttered and the cuntlips had unfurled and a drop of hot cunt juice had fallen
right onto her straining tongue. Mary had let it run around on her tastebuds
for a moment, finding it delicious, then had swallowed it down.
Her failure had left her pussy smoldering.
Her fingers had done the job but she still yearned for a nimble tongue to
lave her cunt.
Mary mouthed her tits and nipples for some time, growing hotter by the
Then she hiked her ass up from the log and drew her dress up above the
waist. Parting her sleek thighs, she gazed down at her pussy. She was very
fond of her cunt because her pussy gave her so much pleasure and was looking
forward to the day when her cunt would be giving someone else pleasure at the
same time. Her cuntlips were unfurled like the petals of a fleshy pink flower,
opening to the morning sunlight and still streaked with pearly dew. Her pussy
had opened and was flooded with cunt juice. The darker inner flesh was streaked
with fuck cream and her clit button stood out in a taut nugget.
Not touching herself with her hands yet, the oversexed farm girl caressed
her cunt with her vision.
She licked her lips.
She began running the tips of her fingers slowly up the velvety flesh of her
inner thighs, teasing herself, stopping just short of her pussy. She wriggled
on the log, starting to pant. Her fingers traced up the creased folds where
her legs joined her pelvis, running parallel to her steaming cunt.
She flicked a fingertip over her clit.
She shuddered all over with the sensation.
Bringing her hand up to her lips, she moistened her fingertips with spit,
then flicked them over her clit bud again. When she brought them back to her
mouth, she could taste her own delicious cunt juice. She was starting to really
squirm by this time. Her slender back arched, her fat tits thrusting out. She
looked past those looming tit globes as she eyed her pussy. She began to fondle
her cunt with both hands.
With one hand she stroked her turbulent clit. with the other, tilting her
wrist, she slowly and steadily fucked three stiffened fingers in and out of the
Her cunt sucked on her fingers, the inner muscles contracting as her hole
dragged and pulled.
Her love button expanded and fluttered.
Her eyes had narrowed and her lips parted, her pretty young face contorted
into a mask of pure passion. She was panting like a steam engine and hot
flashes ran through her body, melting her loins and shooting like an electric
current up the smooth flesh of her trembling thighs.
She was almost ready to cream.
She fucked her fingers in steadily and strummed her clit as if she were
playing a banjo. The wild thrill increased, the passion waves coming higher
with each joyful spasm.
Just as the horny girl was about to reach the crest, she realized she was
not alone.
She was being watched!
"Oh!" she cried, blushing with embarrassment.
Her hands stopped moving. She was about to pull her dress down to conceal
her creamy shame.
She looked about frantically, wondering who was watching her. Was it one of
the farm-hands or, worse, her daddy?
Then she saw the eyes that were fixed upon her.
They were golden eyes.
Rocky the Ram was watching the horny girl masturbate...
(Continued in Chapter Two.....)
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