Archive-name: animal_antics07

From: (Ken Nestle)

Subject: Animal Antics 001 (07/11)


"And he fucked you?"
Kathy put down her lemonade and peered over her heart-shaped sunglasses. The magazine she'd been reading fluttered to the ground, the pages turning quickly in the soft breeze.
"Yeah . . . that's about it," Marcie said, feeling warm and buzzy all over.
It bad been two days since Byron had fucked her. She was going to tell Kathy about it before. But Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack were still doting over their son, drawing Kathy into the fold even though the girl wanted to be alone with Marcie. Today the three had gone into town, leaving the two girls alone. It was warm, and Kathy had suggested they sunbathe out back around the pool. It was then that Marcie decided to tell her cousin everything.
"Wow! I always thought Byron slept around a lot. Was he good?"
Marcie blushed. After all she and her cousin had gone through, she knew it was foolish to feel embarrassed in front of Kathy. But there had been something so . . . so private about what had happened between her and Byron. Talking about it this way seemed shameful. Still, Kathy had a right to know. And Marcie felt she just had to tell someone about one of the most important experiences in her whole young life!
"Oh yes, he was fantastic"' Marcie cried, putting her hands together and interlocking her fingers. She thought of the way he'd held her, about the way his hips fitted against hers as he fucked his cockmeat into her cunthole! Just thinking about it made her shiver! "Wow!
Kathy took another sip of her lemonade, giving her cousin a devious took. "I'll bet Bryon wants to do it again with you. Right?"
Marcie shrugged, her cheeks flushed-with anger, embarrassment or excitement, she wasn't sure which. "Maybe."
She leaned back against the red lounge chair, staring at the blue pool in front of her. A light breeze was making the water ripple. Shading her eyes, she stared at the brown rolling hills that surrounded the relatively flat land of her uncle's ranch. It was so peaceful around here. No one would have guessed how she'd been fucking so wildly.
Marcie pressed her shoulders against the warm material of the lounge chair. The sun against her tiny crotchband of nylon was starting to get her going again. My God, anything seemed to turn her on! Marcie rolled over onto her belly, sipping more lemonade from the glass.
"Well, I don't know what you see in my creepy brother, but I wish Craig would fuck me," Kathy said dreamily, rubbing her fingers over her tummy.
"Maybe he will. He seemed awfully turned on at the party. "
"Oh, yeah . . . well, he almost got to that point. But he chickened out. At the party we were really going. I took off my panties. Can you imagine that shy guy and how he looked when I took them off?"
The two girls giggled, Marcie nearly spilling lemonade. She was glad they had changed topic from her fucking. She was beginning to feel so hot. And there was nobody around to satisfy her.
"What did he do?" she asked breathlessly.
"Well, old Craig isn't all that inexperienced, it seems. He was fingering me, pulling at my pussy until I thought I was gonna scream," Kathy said, leaning confidentially toward her cousin.
"And then?"
"And then . . . nothing," Kathy said, giving Marcie a sour look. "I thought he was gonna do it. You know, gonna fuck me. I guess that's what you and Byron were doing upstairs while Craig was fingering me."
Kathy sighed, putting down her drink with a loud clank. 1,
"It's really frustrating, Marcie. I mean, he was fingering my pussy and all, kissing me, telling me all sorts of good things. We'd gotten away from the others. I pushed him down and moaned and wiggled around like I was gonna die. Damn! I thought I was really gonna die."
Kathy sucked in a gaspy breath.
"But I don't think he liked the way I smelled down there."
"Some guys like it," Marcie added, remembering how Byron had sucked her hot pussy.
"Yeah, like my brother, I'll bet," Kathy added, giggling.
Marcie flushed beet red, taking another drink of her lemonade until her straw gurgled at the bottom. The topic had turned back to Byron, and again she felt her clit burning like a tiny jewel.
"So, he backed away?"
"Yeah, kind of. But I'm not through yet. I'm gonna make him fuck me, just the way Byron fucked you."
The two girls lay there for some time. Each one was filled with thoughts of fucking. Marcie hugged her own body, feeling her cunt burning so hotly.
"Something else. You know, I was thinking, I mean, when Craig wouldn't suck me, I thought about sucking his . . . his cock. Would you do something like that? I mean, suck my brother's prick?"
The questions were getting too freaky. Marcie nearly dropped the glass at the last one.
"I don't know," she said icily, hoping her attitude would end the conversation.
"Well, the other night when I was trying to get Craig really hot I almost did it to him."
Kathy laughed nervously, eyeing her friend, then finishing her lemonade.
"And I really wanted to. That's the funny thing. I stared at his cock and had it in my hand. And it seemed like it would be the most natural thing in the world to put my mouth around his cock. But I didn't," she said, shrugging, then looking away at the hills.
Again the two of them were plunged into silence. It was broken as Pardner came trotting in from the back yard.
"Well, look who's here . . . and just in time," Kathy said, peering again over her sunglasses at her cousin.
"Oh no, Kathy . . . "
One fuck with Pardner had been enough, Marcie thought. That was just fooling around, experimenting with the dog. But a second time, especially after she'd been fucked by a real man - that was something else.
"Come on. What are you so high and mighty about? Especially since you let my brother fuck you. That's no big deal."
Marcie wanted to argue that point. But what was the use? She stared at the German shepherd that had stopped between the two girls, his tail high in the air. Kathy was rubbing his head, her fingers brushing his pointy ears. Marcie stared at the dog. He had licked her pussy well. And the touch of that strange little knobber that hung between his hindlegs had excited her so! Her cunt was hot now, an itchy throb sapping her strength. There was no way she could get rid of it, she knew, except by fucking. And there was no guarantee Byron would fuck her tonight . . . or anytime in the future, for that matter. She sucked in her lower lip, biting down, looking from the dog to Kathy and back to the dog once more.
"Ohhhh, all right. But we gotta be more careful than before," she said, her words coming out in hurried whispers. "The last time, you were nearly caught."
Kathy waved a hand airily in front of her, swinging her lithe legs over the lounge. Pardner backed away, his bushy tail wagging from side to side.
"Up here, boy, up here. Come on and follow me," Kathy said, patting her ass.
Marcie gathered up the magazines and glasses, glancing nervously over one shoulder to make sure no one was looking at them. Always she had the feeling someone was spying on her and Kathy when they were doing something . . . well, somewhat abnormal!
"Ohhhh, I'm so hot now . . . so hot," Kathy.said, throwing her sunglasses on the floor and rushing up the stairs.
Pardner was behind her, yelping and nipping at her ankles. Marcie paused at the foot of the stairs, wondering if she should follow. The laughing sounds above her and the barking from the excited German shepherd were enough to drive her over the edge. With a gasp of joy, she climbed the stairs, the rub of her cuntlips sticking over her clit taking her breath away.
When she reached the room, Kathy had already slipped off her halter. She was bending down, stepping out of the tiny bikini, balancing herself precariously on one foot. Around her barked Pardner, sniffing up her legs, licking her ankles as the girt panted and gasped. Already, her cunt was juicing heavily. Marcie felt her heart contract as she saw a dribble of cunt oil ooze from her cousin's pussy slit and streak down her right thigh.
"I'm so hot, Marcie. So hot . . . "
Marcie closed the door, her icy fingers fumbling with the bolt before she finally locked it. She heard the bed squeak and she wheeled about. Kathy was stretched out, her knees bent over the front of the bed. And there, crouching in front of her between her thighs, was Pardner. He was leaning forward, his nose buried in her bushy cuntal thicket. And all through the room was the slurping, munching sound of his maw as he chewed lovingly on the girl's pussy.
"Ohhhhhh!" Kathy's face grimaced then slackened, her mouth opening and letting out gasps of pleasure while her eyes were closed. Her chest heaved mightily while her tits rolled from side to side from her excited movements. Pardner's tail wagged rhythmically from left to right, brushing heavily against the carpeting. Kathy cried out, her left knee jerking high in the air, then gently settling back down against the bed. "Sooooo goooood!"
Marcie shuddered, reaching back and unfastening the buckle holding her halter to her tits. Quickly, she stepped from her suit, draping the small patches of nylon on a nearby chair. She moved to the bed, her cunt trembling in hot anticipation of the dog's tongue . . . and maybe more.
Kathy was doing it all wrong! She was hurrying the animal. Marcie slid next to her cousin, brushing the stray strands of brown hair from the girl's face. Kathy was going wild, flexing her asscheeks hard, fucking her pussy up against Pardner's chewing maw. The dog was whimpering now, his cries muffled by her musky cunt. The girl squirmed heavily, her legs banging hard against the bed. Kathy was out of control. She gasped and whimpered, clawing at the bed, at the dog, at Marcie.
"Gonna . . . gonna . . . ohhhhhhh! Cummmmiiinnnnggggg!"
Kathy arched her body, jerking it rapidly up and down, making the bed bounce heavily with her moves. Marcie did all she could to hold on while the dog continued to feast on the sloppy treasure of her cunt.
"Oh wow, wow, wow!" Gradually the brunette came down, her breathing becoming more regular. She turned her head and stared lovingly up at Marcie. "That was . . . oh, beautiful. If only Craig would be like that!"
Marcie was in no mood to discuss Craig and his problems. Watching her cousin thrash around like that had turned her initial reluctance into hot excitement. She pushed away from Kathy, scooting her ass backward until she rested her back against the headboard. It didn't take Pardner long to notice he had yet another cunt to lick. Barking, he pulled his snout out of Kathy's pussy and aproached Marcie.
"Ohhhh, yes, Pardner, yes, come to me, come to me and lick me . . . "
Kathy stretched her arms out to the big animal. He lumbered up to her, his cock swinging heavily from its furry sheath. Kathy was still out of it, trying to regain her breath. Marcie rubbed her fingers over her own tits, surprised to find just how sensitive they were. Pardner scooted up to her, stretching his head forward and brushing that long sloppy tongue over her nipples. Marcie closed her eyes, biting down on her lower lip until she could taste blood. It was so good, so darned good feeling that tongue washing over her tit tips.
"Uhhhhh . . . "
Her legs trembled as the dog licked her nipples up and down, his forelegs pressing against her right arm. She love that sensation of warm fur against her flesh. And there was that tongue, that marvelous tongue licking over her nipples, then down, down toward her belly, to her cunt!
"Ohhh, good dog, good dog," Marcie groaned, hooking one leg over Pardner's broad shoulders and rubbing her bare toes over his back.
"Let him fuck you, Marcie. Go on and let him fuck you," Kathy groaned, working her fingers over her belly while craning her head back to watch what happened behind her.
Frantic, the young girl slid down on the bed, her shoulders wallowing against the crushed pillow. Her mind exploded once again as the dog's tongue slid through her thick cuntal hairs. He slicked them down again and again, the saliva making her pussy hairs hot and heavy against her swelling pussymeat. She hefted her ass up from the mattress, shoving her cunt against Pardner's maw. The dog growled with pleasure, twisting his head around and opening his powerful jaws. When Marcie felt his fangs pressing against her thigh she lost control.
"Uhhhh . . . ughghhhh! Uh! Uh! Uh!"
She jerked her ass up fast, brought it down, then snapped her ass back up again. Her fingers clawed at the mattress while her tits. jiggled from the wild moves she made. Pardner growled more frantically, shaking her thigh, his fangs pressing down harder. He was almost biting her too hard. But the animal was clever enough to keep the pressure slight. The sensation bordering on pain sent Marcie on another trip of pleasurable spasms. Again she rocked her hips from side t6 side, the buttery heat spreading to all parts of her body.
"He's so good, Kathy, he's just sooooo gooooooood," the girl moaned.
"Oh, I know! Let him fuck you. He'll show you how good he is!"
"Yes, oh yes!"
Marcie didn't know what she was saying, was even less aware of what she was doing. The big dog was wagging his tail frenziedly, bobbing his head up and down, pressing his snout against her juicy cuntal crack.
"Your tongue's so good, Pardner ... oh, it's so very, very goooood!"
She was writhing like a snake against the gathering coverlet, her shoulders down past the pillow while her legs were nearly touching her cousin. The big German shepherd whined and let his tongue move higher. A feverish tingle swept through her cunt. Marcie closed her eyes and tried to envision what they must look like - a girl and her dog. She imagined the two of them on the bed, her stark naked while he was towering over her, his tongue slicking across her pussymeat. And all the while his prick was sliding out farther from its sheath. And he was going to mount her, going to fuck her the way her cousin Byron had!
"Uhhhhhh . . ."
Pardner slid back up once more, hefting her tits with his snout, twisting his head around and licking at the heavy underswell of her tits. Marcie jerked her legs up, bendi'ng the knees as far as they would go while flattening her ass against the mattress. She arched her spine, tightening her cuntlips from that move as the big animal licked and mouthed her tits. Oh, the touch of his tongue across her hard nipples was so wonderful!
Marcie began babbling, stretching out both hands and taking the dog's head in her hands. She smoothed her trembling fingers around his pointy ears, stroking his head, feeling his fangs with her knuckles and trembling. He could have torn her apart with those teeth. But instead, he had toyed with her, played with her mind while licking her cunt.
"Fuck me, fuck me . . . "
Marcie rolled her ass higher in the air, raising her legs a few inches from the bed. Now she could feel the - full,,Iong, wet sweep of his licking across the underside of her cuntal mound. She slackened her mouth, letting out another series of moans.
"Wow, Marcie! You're really goin' for it! Go on. Let Pardner go all the way! " Kathy cried, her eyes wild with lust.
"Yes, yes!"
Marcie couldn't resist the temptation to put her fingers down and gently part her outer cuntlips. The sloppy pink tongue went deep, raking down, then sliding up until it touched her clit.
Sparks seemed to fly in all directions, piercing her delicate, whisper-soft cuntlips. A new flood of pussy juice oozed out, coating her cuntlips like grease. Marcie growled as loudly as the animal. She felt the juice seeping from her cunt slit, wetting down her ass, wetting down Pardner's snout. Oh, how she wanted something in her pussy, something long and hard . . . just like her cousin Byron's prick! Fucking. Fucking. The thought made her hotter than ever. She grabbed the fur around Pardner's thick neck hard, jamming his snout into her cunt, feeling his sharp fangs rubbing over her inner cunt flesh. The dog growled, the sensation of his growling sending rumbling sensations through her pussy.
She raised her head from the pillow, peering down once more to see that red dog-cock hanging out farther from between his legs.
"Do it to me! Fuck me!" she cried.
Pardner growled, shifting position. Marcie's doggie fuck had begun.

If you love something, set it free.
If it doesn't come back, hunt it down and kill it.

Last modified (12/24/96 14:14:32) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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