Subject: "The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 1 ff/teen/very cons (fwd)
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 1 By Linda B.
It had been a week now since we moved in, but still I was a stranger in my
new home. My thoughts drifted back again to the place I left behind like so
many times before. My old familiar friends, the school, the park. It all faded in
in and out of my mind as I watched the small boats in the harbor bob gently
up and down. Oceans waves crashed ashore behind me, momentarily silencing
the playful screams of the children. The sun was setting on the long days of
summer, soon there would be another school year starting. I would be the "new"
kid. That was something I didn't want to face. I wanted to run away, back to
my home. Back to a place where people knew my name. A place where I didn't have
to "make" new friends. One where they had been made long ago.
Now, this boardwalk was my only friend, my place of refuge. But I was alone
here. Until another long shadow on the wood slowly merged with mine.
She stood next to me and watched out over the little cove, not saying a word.
Then the screeching of seagulls above made us both jump.
"God did that scare me!" She broke the silence.
I turned to face her. "Yeah, it scared me too."
It was hard to face what I could only dream of looking like. A face that was
something out of a fashion magazine. She seemed to glow in the warmth of the
afternoon sun with her blond hair blowing wildly in the ocean breeze.
I could only look with envy at a body that filled perfectly every girl's dream.
A thousand miles from my mine, I desperately wanted it to go away. Did they
all look like this in California? Everyone from back home seemed to think that
way. I could only hope that they were wrong.
Then came the words I dreaded to hear. "So....Are you new here?"
"Umm...." I looked down almost in tears. "Yeah".
"I don't mean to be nosey... but I've noticed you been coming here every day
around the same time. I wanted to get to know you. I know what it's like....
to be in a new place."
There was no way to hold back the sobs and tears from coming, they gushed out
of me like a river. A hand reached over and covered mine. "I'm really sorry,
I didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's Ok." I tried to snap out of it. "I really have to go, my parents still
have this thing about me being out in the dark." It was hard to lie to her.
"Will you be back tomorrow?" She asked.
"Uh....OK." I smiled. The red sky was fading into darkness as I slowly walked
"Oh, my name's Jenny. What's yours?"
I called back to her as I continued down the boardwalk. "Sarah."
"See you tomorrow, Sarah."
Summers were long here, longer than summer vacations. Only three weeks were
left until school started, a thought that haunted me throughout the next day.
I could see Jenny in a circle of people gathered on the beach sand. She waved,
motioning for me to come over while I walked down the boardwalk. I shook my head
shyly. Why would they want to talk to me anyway? She was just trying to be
nice. She must be incredibly popular, I thought. Every guy around would be
trying to get her attention while I would be ignored with occasional small
talk to make me feel included. That's how it would work. No thanks.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure getting up and running over.
"Hi Sarah!" Jenny jumped up on the wooden deck. "Would you like to meet some
of my friends."
"Not right now." I answered. "I'm still having a really hard time here."
Jenny looked into my eyes. "Can we talk about it? Hey, you want to take a
walk down the beach?"
I followed her out across the sand with the wind blowing her long white dress.
A white which contrasted against a whole summer of suntan. My bare feet felt
like they were on fire when we finally reached the water's edge. It was such a
beautiful place, why couldn't I enjoy it? I kept thinking about how left out I
"Where are you from?" Her voice was soft and yet strong.
"Nebraska, from a really small farm town. Hey, I'm sorry about not wanting to
meet your friends, it's too intimidating for me. Everyone here is so....well
more attractive than me." I looked down at the hard wet sand as we walked.
She stopped, putting her hand under my chin. I couldn't avoid her gaze. Those
wild eyes of hers seemed to be ablaze. "I think your pretty."
"Do you real-" The sudden roar of an incoming waved drowned out my words. She
grabbed my hand running and pulled me away from the rising tide. Was it the
warmth I felt against the cold water surrounding me that touched me so deeply?
That made me feel so alive inside and so full with feelings. Just as suddenly
as she had held me for that brief moment, her hand was gone, leaving me with
a sense that there was still so much more.
We both sat down in sand, still out of breath with laughter. The sun was now
a half circle on the horizon. Jenny held out her hand. "Can we be friends?"
"OK." Our handshake lingered on a little longer than usual before I answered.
"Do you really think I'm pretty, or are you just trying to make me feel better?"
Jenny returned something between a smile and a frown. Her look turned more
serious when she spoke. "Of course I was serious. You have a kind of special a wholesomeness. It's hard to describe. I hope I'm not embarrassing
you or anything."
"It's funny, I don't mind being a little embarrassed with you. I feel like I
can trust you."
"Isn't that what friends are for?" She made little circles in the sand with
feet like she was writing something. We moved toward each other slowly and
hugged. Those feelings welled up inside of me again like a spring. Our bodies
as one, I felt waves of emotion pass between us. But it was too uncomfortable
for me to have those feelings with her, so I pulled away ashamed. There was a
look of understanding on her face that told me everything was all right. I
needed someone to tell me I was all right. It was that strange mixture of warm
romantic feelings of love and the shameful guilt of having them with another
girl that made me feel confused. What was wrong with me? Or was there
Jenny noticed my quietness as I stared out to sea. "What's wrong, Sarah?"
"Oh, nothing....." I could tell that answer wasn't going to work. "OK, this
is really going to be hard."
Jenny reached out and gently held my trembling hand. "It's OK. You can trust
I knew she was right. "I...I have some feelings when I'm with you, It's not
like love or anything, don't worry. It's probably because I'm so needy right
now, so insecure about fitting in with everyone, going to school, it's just
really har...." I broke into tears again. "I'm really sorry Jenny...I don't
mean to be this way."
"Can I hold you?" She held her arms open and her eyes seemed to beckon me.
I slid over into her enveloping embrace. It felt even more wonderful in her
arms crying like a baby. Through my teary eyes I watched the last rays of
sunlight disappear into the waves as she slowly rocked me back and forth. At
last my tide of my tears had subsided.
"Jenny?" I whispered. "Do you have a lot of boyfriends?"
She chuckled, throwing her long hair back. "They only want one thing, to get
into my pants, I'm tired of it. There just seem so immature at our age. They
don't know anything about real love."
"Do you?.....Know about real love, I mean." I blushed.
"I know a few things, mostly self taught. But I'd like to learn more. How about
I stared up at the passing seagulls. "Yeah, I think there's probably a lot to
know. I've read a few things, but that's about it." I knew there had been a
lot of changes going on over the last few years. Being a teenager was really
hard, I knew that. I felt so alone. My parents, well they tried to help, but
they didn't really understand what I was going through. I just need someone
to help me find out who I am, I thought, while the sky overhead slowly turned
from blue to black.
There were new excuses why I needed to go. But mostly I was just getting to
uncomfortable. It was really threatening to let someone get this close to me,
not just physically, but emotionally too. Jenny had broken through some sort
of barrier with me, I can't explain it.
"Tomorrow?" asked Jenny.
I nodded, walking away into the twilight sand.
I hadn't told anyone about her. Not that there was a lot of people to tell
anyway. That would probably spoil all those tender feelings I was having as
I lay in my bed thinking about Jenny. About how we would meet again at the
boardwalk again at the same time, my special friend. My secret friend.
Another day had dawned with the light streaming in through the window. I sat
on the edge of my bed contemplating the coming school year. The passing of the
seasons was always a sad time for me, especially when summer turned to autumn.
Like a sunset, it was watching something you love go away. I had seen enough
of that when we had said goodbye to everything I had ever known. It was easy
for me to imagine my friends. How they envied me because I was moving to
a place they could only dream of or watch on TV. And I had shared that same
excitement too. Now I would trade places with any of them.
Then my thoughts found their way back to Jenny. Jenny. My sweet memories of
her still lingered as I rummaged through my drawers in search of something to
wear. High above from my window, the view of the beach was beautiful. Only a
handful of people were there now to walk their dogs or jog. Each day would
bring fewer and fewer of them to our little seaside town. Just another way to
say the summer was over I guess.
I never gave what I wore that much thought, but I couldn't decide today. Was
it because of her? I stirred through my suitcase, still opened in the middle
of the floor. It was packed with warmer clothes like wool skirts and sweaters.
Remembering how cold it had been last night, I put aside a skirt and matching
sweater for later. So what would Jenny think is pretty? Probably nothing that
would look good on me. We dressed so differently. She to show off all that she
had and me to hide all that I didn't have. I would spend most of this day as I
had with others, sitting around in my room. Time could only drag along with
the anxiety of my coming meeting with Jenny. I put on the pleated wool skirt
and a pretty white blouse with a lace collar. Then a sweater with embroidered
flowers on it. The whole thing looked kind of preppie. Suddenly I just didn't
like any of my clothes and wished that Jenny was here so I could just ask her
to help me.
I could see her occupying my usual spot on the boardwalk as I approached.
There was a big warm smile and a wave when she saw me coming. Her raised hand
shielded the setting sun as she spoke. "Hi! Cute outfit." A thumb went up.
"Thanks." I grinned, enjoying her attention. She was wearing a pair of tight
fitting jeans today with a t-shirt. A sweater was draped over her shoulders
with sleeves tied together in front of her. We looked into each others eyes
for what seemed like an eternity.
"I was thinking we could go out to the end of the beach and climb up on the
rocks." Her finger pointed the way. "It's low tide now."
We ran like the wind that blew the kites high up in the afternoon sky, chasing
the birds along the water's edge. Water that no one dared swim in with it's
bone chilling cold and rocky undercurrents. I could see the surf pounding the
steep cliffs at the end of the beach as we got closer. Jenny slowed down to a
walk, allowing me to catch up.
"Oh!" I gasped, out of breath. "It's so beautiful out here and I love to
explore new things."
"Shall we?" Jenny asked as she started climbing up the rocks, turning back to
offer me her hand. I knew it was only an excuse when I told her I had
problems balancing. It was just that I really wanted to hold her hand forever,
it felt so wonderful. We found a nice place to sit down nestled among the
the jagged outcroppings. Side by side we looked out at the setting sun from
our safe hideaway. Holding her hand any longer would have been too revealing,
but Jenny gazed into my eyes softly to calm my fears. "It's OK. Are you afraid?"
I lied down into her lap. "Yes, I'm afraid of my feelings for you."
She smiled, slowly caressing my hair. "What are you afraid will happen?"
"This is going to sound really funny, but...what if I, well...fell in love or
something, not that it's going to happen or anything."
"Have you ever been in love before?" Her voice was so gentle, so reassuring.
"Not like this. *No* I mean I haven't had *feelings* quite like this. I feel
so silly." We both started giggling. Laughter poured from me as if there was no
end to it. Finally we stopped, making eye contact again. Everything was so
warm and safe with my head tucked into Jenny's lap. The thought of having to
leave her saddened me. She bent down and kissed my forehead tenderly. I shouted
to her from inside to kiss me again and again. It took all the courage I had
to pull her face back to mine and guide her toward my lips. I closed my eyes
as we met, eager to embrace her lovely mouth. Intense feelings bubbled up
through me as our kiss lingered in the warm afternoon light. But darkness was
slowly approaching our secluded hideout and staying much longer would mean a
treacherous climb back down in the darkness. I felt torn between my longing
to be close to Jenny and our need to get back. We climbed back down the rocks
with the last rays of purple light guiding our way. I could already see some
of the brighter stars when we said goodbye for another day.
"Would you like to come over tomorrow? I asked, afraid of being rejected.
She answered enthusiastically. "I'd love too. Where do you live anyway?"
I pointed out my house which was easy to see from where we stood.
"Oh wow!" She beamed "You're *so* lucky! I live about a mile from the beach."
"Why don't you come over at around ten." I suggested. "Give me a call. My
number is 5922."
With a wave she was gone, leaving me alone with my chaotic thoughts and
intense desire for her. My walk back home was filled with a mixture of guilt,
joy and excitement. She's coming over tomorrow, I thought. I'm going to be
so nervous. My room's still a mess, what will she think? I raced back the rest
of way to get things ready for Jenny's visit.
Mom barely had time to say hello as I sped up the stairs to my room. I hid
most of my clothes, afraid of what Jenny might think of them. I felt really
foolish doing it. So far she had liked me the way I was. I shouldn't
have to change now. It didn't take long to pick up the few things I had and make
my room presentable.
A light wind blew my curtains, tossing and turning with me into the morning
hours. It *did* feel like love. Those wonderful warm feelings kept telling
me. Why couldn't I just admit it? But that would mean I was a lesbian, wouldn't
it? I couldn't understand why this had to be so wrong when it felt so right.
The telephone's ring finally woke me. I glanced over at the clock and panicked.
9:30! Oh my goodness! And that's got to be Jenny calling. The phone stopped
ringing, mom or dad must have gotten it. I flew down the stairs in my nightgown.
"Sarah?" Mom called over with her hand over the mouthpiece. "There's a Jenny
on the phone for you? New friend?" She smiled.
I smiled back, skipping over to her. I was sure that she could see how happy
I was that my *special* friend was on the phone. Little did she know just how
special Jenny was. Mom kept her waiting a little longer, tightly covering up
our conversation with her hand. "I'm *so* glad you found a new friend, Sarah!
I was starting to get worried about you." She handed me the phone and gave me
a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi Jenny! It's so good to talk to you again. I really miss you."
Her voice sounded so sweet over the phone. "I'm feeling so girly today.
Think I should wear something really pretty?"
That comment made me feel all weak inside, I couldn't wait to see her. "Yes!"
I answered. "I *love* pretty clothes. I'll let you go so you can come over
right away. See you soon, Bye."
Now I was completely nervous. What was *I* going to wear for her? In no time
at all I found myself searching through my clothes again. Mom always told
me that women dress for other women. She was right. Would she help me if I
asked her? I wondered.
My mother had a way of sensing when I needed her and soon her head was
sticking in through my open door, just to see if I needed anything. She
seemed almost as excited as I did. I was afraid she might get suspicious
though. Wouldn't she wonder why I wanted to look so nice for another girl?
"Mom, I feel really silly, but I don't know what to wear. I hope you
She nodded coming over to give me a hug. "It's Ok honey. I'll help you. Now
let's see.....Let's find your prettiest dress. You were planning on wearing a
dress, I hope."
"Yeah, yeah, mom." She was making me blush now. Actually I avoiding wearing
dresses because of my underdeveloped figure. Suddenly I felt very self-
concious. "You know, mom....I think I'm just going to wear to some nice pants,
OK? I'm afraid of over doing it."
Mom knew what was going on, she always did. She dug up some pants with a
feminine print that looked good and tossed them on my bed. I searched for the
right blouse to wear. I ended up with a plain looking light blue one with a high
collar. It was depressing. Until I heard the doorbell ring. My mood instantly
improved as I stumbled down the stairs, practically knocking my mother down
in the process.
I felt my heart flutter when I open the door and saw her. She was absolutely
beautiful wearing a peach colored sundress with a tiny flower print. Her hair
was in french braids accented by a flower on each side and delicate heart
shape gold earrings. I was surprised to see that she had no shoes on, but with
such pretty feet, it would have been a shame. I stood there with my mouth half
open, gawking at her. I felt kind of stupid when I realized it.
"Hi Jenny! You look so pretty!"
She blushed a little. "Thanks."
Then I introduced her. "Jenny, this is my mom. Mom this is my new friend Jenny."
Mom had a big smile on her face. Jenny's gold bracelets caught my eye when they
shook hands. She was so glamorous, but not in a showy way. If there was any
makeup on her face it sure wasn't much, not that she needed it anyway.
She was drawn to the window when we got upstairs to my bedroom. "What a view!
It must be so wonderful to wake up to this everyday." I looked at her thinking
how much more wonderful it would be to wake up with her everyday, but I pushed
those feelings away. The guilt had come back. Had we really *kissed* each other
just yesterday? No, I thought, not even willing to admit it to myself. And what
about her feelings for me? How did I even know she had them? She turned away
from the window and gave me a warm smile.
"I really like your dress, Jenny. I wish dresses looked that good on me."
She tried to cheer me up. "I think you would look nice in a dress. Would you
mind if we picked something out together?"
It would be so embarrassing to go through all of my ugly clothes with her, I
thought. Everything I had was probably really out of style, but I wanted so
much to wear something pretty for her.
"OK," I blushed. "But please try not to laugh at my clothes."
She hugged me sympathetically. "Sarah, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I
want you to know that."
Soon there were piles of clothes everywhere. Jenny would make little comments
about each piece we pulled out of a drawer or my suitcase. Mostly positive,
she always found something nice to say about everything I had. I could tell
her favorites were going into a separate pile.
"You have a lot of really cute things in here." Her eyes lit up, pulling a
dress off the stack of her favorites. "This is *so* darling! I love these
poofy sleeves, they're very romantic." I liked the dress too. It was a dark
blue gown with a row of ruffles at the hem line and a lace trimmed collar. I'd
only wore it once to a wedding.
"Can you model it for me?" She asked so nicely that I couldn't refuse. Couldn't
*resist* is a better way to put it! She turned around while I put it on for
the surprise. I felt waves of warm feelings pass through me as the satiny
fabric slid over my body. It was scary to admit it, but dressing up for Jenny
was definitely getting me excited. Especially knowing that it was something that
*she* had picked for me.
"Ok, you can look now." I announced, turning red in anticipation.
Jenny clapped her hands together in approval running over to me. "Oh! You are
simply smashing in that dress. Let's dance!"
Before I could object with my usual dancing excuses she was waltzing me
around my room in circles. "Just follow my two
three." I tripped all over her, giving us both a bad case of the giggles. And
those wonderful tender feelings just kept rising up inside me, making me feel
so weak all over. We both fell onto my bed with out of breath laughter. Finally
I caught my breath. I noticed her adorable french braids again and had to
complement them. "Jenny, your hair is so pretty, can you teach me how to do
those braids some time?"
"Do you have a brush?" She asked, taking my hint.
I tried not to be too obvious when I ran over to my dresser to find one. That
mischievous smile of her's told me that she knew. I could only hope she was
getting as turned on by this as much as I was.
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story, including your
feelings as you read the story. Enjoy!
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 2 by Linda B.
I sat down in the chair facing my dresser with the brush in my hand. Making
eye contact with her face in the mirror, I watched her slowly move toward me.
After handing her the brush I placed my folded my hands abruptly into my lap
and smiled just to let her know I was ready. Actually, I was more than ready.
I was ready for more. More of whatever she wanted. I felt her hands on both
sides of my face, gently pushing downward, ready to take the brush to me.
Feeling my nipples pressing out against the soft fabric of my dress was enough
make me even more excited.
Starting at the top of my head, the brush moved slowly through my hair,
sending warm shivers to every part of my neck and back. All I could think
about was how much I wanted to surrender to her touch, to give myself
completely over to her. And how I wanted to give her those same delicious
sensations too. The brush seemed to glide through my hair a little more with
each stroke.
"It's *really* soft and shiny. MMMMM....MMMM. I'm just falling in love with
your hair!" She put one hand under my chin and rubbed her face on the side of
my hair, lightly kissing it. Making me feel even weaker still as my limp head
dangled in her hands.
"I feel so tingly all over." I blushed at my own confession. Was this getting
her excited too? I wondered again. If so, there was no indication yet. And
those guilt feelings of mine would still come and go, just when I was enjoying
Jenny's touch most.
Then she slid her hands up my neck, taking almost every strand of hair with
them. "Oh! Don't we look so *cute* with our hair up," She gushed, trying out
some different styles. For the first time that day I could feel myself getting
wet from all the attention and pampering Jenny was giving me. I wanted her to
prepare me for whatever she wanted, to make me beautiful for herself. I felt
totally lost in those delightful feelings of femininity. Like I was falling
through space into her loving arms.
It seemed to go on forever before she finally starting braiding my hair. First
my long locks were brushed back and tied into two sections. Each section was
then separated further into three and braided, one section over the other.
She smiled at me in the mirror, closed her eyes, and teasingly kissed into
the air. I felt like I was going to go crazy with desire while feeling helplessly
under her command. I anxiously awaited her every move. When the braids were done,
they were fastened above my ears with clips.
She admired her work in the mirror gently turning my head from side to side.
"You look so lovely with these braids, very attractive."
Then she started massaging my exposed neck, making me melt into her hands.
I had to talk about my feelings with her. "Jenny?" Our eyes met. "I'm having
a lot of feelings right now? It's a little confusing, I'm really sorry. I hope
you don't think I'm..... Well, this is making me kind of...."
"Excited?" She apparently knew what was going on with me.
"And guilty." I added.
"I have to admit, this *is* very exciting for me too."
"It is?!" It immediately made me feel better to hear that.
Jenny's look told me she was up to something. "And you know what else...."
"No." I answered, feeling all pins and needles.
"I'm not done *yet* making you excited!"
With that her lips dove into my neck, kissing it up and down and up and down
some more. "MMMMMMM-HHHMMM. Don't you simply *adore* having your neck smooched?!"
Jenny had both her hands tightly woven into my hair, making it impossible for me
to move as she nibbled ever so gently on my ear lobe. I felt completely
helpless. "Let's see how these ears taste. Oh aren't these *delicious*! Yummy
yummy!" Suddenly she went into a feeding frenzy on my ear, making my whole
body break into goosebumbs. Then I found out why she was holding my head so
tightly. She knew I would try to get away when she shoved her tongue into my
ear. It damn near drove me crazy.
"Stop it!" I giggled, weakly attempting to escape.
"Stop it some more!" She teased with a momentary pause from her meal. My
chance came when she relaxed a little and put her hands on my shoulders. In
one smooth motion I grabbed Jenny by the wrists guiding her hands under the
front of my dress. There would be no doubt what I wanted now. Precariously
slumped over my chair, she struggled to gain her balance while I directed her
fingertips to their intended target: my erect nipples. It almost made me jump
out of the chair when they were grabbed. I felt a surge of blood make a
beeline for that excitable spot between my legs. She tweaked my small breasts
like radio knobs, desperate to find a station.
"Oh!!!" I moaned, writhing in the chair as Jenny twisted, turned and pulled
on my nipples making me squeal in ecstacy.
Then I realized that the door to my bedroom wasn't locked! A terrible thought
came into my mind. What would happen mom came in and saw this? What would she
think? I knew the answer to *that* question. She would think that her daughter
is a *lesbian*, that's what she would think!
"Jenny, I think we better lock my door just in case."
She pulled her hands out and straightened the front of my dress. I waited until
the door was locked before attacking. Into my bed we rolled after a perfect tackle.
We wrestled on the bed laughing. Jenny soon learned that despite my smaller
size I was pretty spunky. She spent most of the time pinned down trying
to shake me off. Now it was my turn to have some fun with her. Slowly, I lowered
my face toward her breasts, making sure she knew what was coming. And shaking
her head *wasn't* going to stop me either, although she made a feeble attempt
before breaking up into giggles. I practically inhaled those big beautiful
globes ignoring the fact that I was soaking her dress in her process. Hopefully
another spot would be getting equally soaked at the same time!
"Oh this is *so* delicious, why don't we try the other!" I joked. All of her
squirming did no good as I buried my mouth into her ripe breast. She
probably could have gotten away if she wanted to, but guess what! Besides,
I had already warned her that she would only get *more* if she tried to escape!
I gasped, trying to catch my breath. "I think we should stop now Jenny, don't
Obviously not from look she gave me. "Nnnnt.....nnnnn" Her head began to shake
back and forth with a teasing rhythm.
I tried to keep a straight face. "I...I'm n..not sure we should go any further."
"Don't lie to me, it will only make things worse for you!" Threatened Jenny.
Thinking about the assortment of possible punishments for bad girls such as
myself was a major turn-on. Not that I wasn't *already* turned on beyond my
wildest dreams! It just made things even *more* intense. Thinking about what
she might do to me next was making we feel weak at the knees. She was going to
have her way with me, I was sure about that. I laid my head back off the edge
of the bed, baring my neck in surrender. Every inch of my body was quivering
in delightful anticipation for what was coming next. I felt like I was in a
dream state, floating on a soft cloud of love.
Jenny must have loved making out with my neck as much as I did, it sure
seemed that way with the endless time she spent there. Telling me over and over
how *cute* I was and how *soft* my hair felt and nibbling my ears here and
there. Just when I thought that I couldn't *possibly* get any more excited, I
would move to another level of ecstacy.
"Can you be in love with another girl, Jenny?" I asked rhetorically.
She answered in a gentle whisper. "I love with you."
A wave of tingly shivers passed over me when I heard those words. It was so
beautiful. Please last forever, I remember thinking.
"I'm *so* much in love with you too, Jenny. My sweetheart, Jenny. You are so
That brought on another wave of neck kisses and matching shivers. I lifted her
head up and looked deeply into those endless blue eyes of hers. Then our lips
met slowly and passionately. I never thought a kiss could make me feel so
A sudden knock on the door made me shutter. Jenny reassured me it was locked
as mom's voice called through the closed door. "Sarah dear? Would you girls
like to join for a little tea party downstairs?"
Embarrassed, I looked at Jenny.
"I'd love to." She surprised me. "I haven't done that since I was a little girl."
I finally answered my mother. "Ok mom, we'll be down in a few minutes."
Knowing mom she would go all out on something like this: all the fine
silverware and fancy china, pretty linen tablecloth and napkins. The works.
She always did like to spoil me with nice things, not that I minded being
spoiled. I guess it's one of the few nice things about being an only child.
And of *course* she would expect me to be dressed appropriately for the
occasion as well, luckily I already was. She would certainly be wearing
one of her most elegant dresses. Sometimes I got the feeling that she wanted to
be my age again. But I doubt she ever did anything like what Jenny and I had
just done. No way!
We walked done the stairs together, pretending that nothing had happened.
Jenny's eyes lit up when she saw my mother's elaborate preparations. There
sat my mom in an off-white victorian gown that was just gorgeous. I knew she
had been collecting these antiques for a while, but she hadn't showed me this
one yet. It was a lace lovers delight, very formal with a high collar, ruffled
long sleeves, and buttons all the way down the front. Mother looked just as
fancy as all the petite teacups and silver spoons that adorned the table.
We all sat there sipping tea as the sunlight poured in through the window.
Every now and then I would steal a glance into Jenny's eyes, thinking about
how much I was in love with her. Usually it would make me giggle. Mom didn't
seem to catch on.
She smiled at my new girlfriend. "So Jenny, can you tell me a little bit
about yourself? Are you from this area?"
"I grew up here, and you? You're accent sounds English."
"Quite right you are." Mom emphasized her proper english while watching
Jenny over the top of her raised teacup. "Tell me." She clutched the cup with
both hands and leaned back in her chair. "Have you any boyfriends?"
I spit up my tea into the cup. "MO...UUMM!" I couldn't believe my mother.
Asking such a personal question of someone she hardly knew, but that was *her*
all right. She was very blunt, very direct, but equally as charming. I figured
out what she was doing. It was obvious that someone as attractive as Jenny
would be very popular, and just maybe, mom could persuade her to set up a date
for me. If it wasn't too much trouble, of course.
Jenny didn't seem to be fazed in the least bit by the question. She paused
for a moment before answering with a penetrating stare.
"Actually I'm looking for a new relationship."
"Oh?" Responded my mom. "Do you care to elaborate?"
"Yeah, the last one couldn't keep his damn hands out of my pants!"
Wholly crap! I thought, waiting for mom's reaction. If Jenny thought she was
capable of making my mother blush, she had another thing coming. And mom reacted
just the way I expected too, she loved someone who was as tactless as herself.
She laughed and nodded her head over and over again, pointing at Jenny.
"Well dear, you *must* understand. It's simply not their *fault* you know. It's
those *constant* erections that boys your age have. Are you aware that they
have them night and day?"
I reeled back in my chair from the shock wave.
Jenny wasn't short on comebacks either. "Really! And all that time I thought
he had a big dildo or something in his pocket!" They both erupted into
I interrupted the giggles, barely believing my ears. "Ok!........ Now that
we've broken the ice.......Hey mom, I really love that dress, when did you get
it?" Even out of the corner of my eye I could see how red Jenny's face was. I
was embarrassed too, but this naughty talk was also very stimulating. I was
ready for another *session* with her in my bedroom at that point.
But to sit there any longer with my mom would have been incredibly uncomfortable
so I made up some reason to get out of there. "Oh goodness Jenny! Weren't we
supposed to meet your friends at the beach at 10:30?"
She looked a little puzzled until she caught my winking eye. "Oh, that's
right, would you be so kind to excuse us please?" A question aimed at my mom.
"Of course dear, you two have a lovely time now."
I quietly slipped away, meeting Jenny on the porch.
Talk about being at a loss for words!
The bright sunshine made me squint. "I'm really sorry Jenny....about my mom."
"I think your mom is really cool. I wish I could talk to my parents that
She did have a good point, I guess. Mom had always been open to talk about
sexual things, almost too open for me. She knew it was hard for me to talk
about it with her. But with Jenny, I felt that I could discuss anything, no
matter how personal. It was almost like she was a part of me already, we shared an
intimacy that never could have imagined. As we walked past the little cottages
along the hillside my mind kept wandering back to Jenny. Her special touch
and loving ways made me feel soft and warm inside.
On the way up the boardwalk steps I had to stop and tell her. "Jenny?" I
whispered. "You make me feel so special and loved. I feel like I can't give
you enough in return."
With a tender gaze into my eyes, she spoke. "Oh Sarah, you are such a
treasure. I saw you when you first came here and I watched you everyday. I
knew then that you were special. And I could sense your sadness. I wanted
so much to love you and to be loved by you. I feel so lucky to have found you.
I really love you, my darling Sarah."
I reached out and drew her into a long and deep embrace. My heart was
overwhelmed with joy while we held each other, gently rocking from side
to side. All I could think about was how much I desperately wanted to be alone
with her, but also aware of our public display of affection and what passersby
might think. And we were both dressed up so fancy and frilly, I could almost
feel the extra attention we were getting already. I wanted to run and hide
somewhere alone with my Jenny.
Jenny's expression changed to a frown when she saw a distant figure on the
boardwalk. It had to be her old boyfriend by the nervousness I was picking
up. Noticing Jenny, his direction became more deliberate. Jenny's head fell
as she turned around to leave. The brightness of her smile, the light in her
eyes, gone suddenly as if a switch had been thrown. I tried to attract her
eyes, but there was no response. The footsteps came closer, running now. I
knew she would need to leave me, but inside I was calling to her "Jenny come
back, please come back Jenny." I was overwhelmed by those same feelings of
sadness and loneliness that I had come to know so well. The brief moment of
what seemed like heaven to me was being shattered as I watched them walk off
together. The wave goodbye, the smile. It wasn't real, I just knew it.
Somehow she had changed into someone else.
Maybe they really hadn't broken up after all, but why didn't she tell me? And
how could I be jealous of her going out with a guy anyway? Isn't that the way
it's supposed to be? Why couldn't I just be like everyone else and find a
The memories of Nebraska started coming back again. There was mom's
unsuccessful attempts to set me up with dates, and there was the barn dance
that everyone *else* got asked to. Oh yes, and the teasing that I endured in
school about being a "tom-boy". I *had* to be tough, just to survive. I never
let anyone get close enough to hurt me. But I was hurt now. It was hard to
hold back my tears as I walked back up the hill.
The house was empty when I got home. I trudged up the stairs after grabbing a
few crackers to eat. The only appetite I had was for Jenny. But now, the feelings
had turned to anger at her for leaving me. Betrayal, that's how it felt when
the tears started pouring out again.
I cried myself to sleep on my bed, waking to the ring of the telephone. Oh my
goodness! My mind raced while still half sleep. Could that be Jenny? I
stumbled down the stairs, hoping to grab it before the last ring. But the
receiver was dead as my luck that day would have it. Even if it was Jenny,
there would be no way for me to call her back because I didn't have her phone
It was that time of day again when I would go to the boardwalk. To
watch the tiny sailboats come into the harbor. To listen to the roar of the
waves crashing into the beach. To meet Jenny. I wondered if I should take the
chance and risk more disappointment. But her warm voice seemed to be drawing
me there. I could hear her as if she was with me. That soft gentle whisper
telling me I was so precious and special, so beautiful to her. Her delicate
touch stroking my hair with little kisses here and there. Those wild distant
eyes of hers.
Somewhere within those thoughts of Jenny, my decision was made. I jumped into
my favorite pair of overalls and was on my way. Life was going to go on for
me in any case. The same strength that been had there to carry me through in
times past seemed to surge through me again. Growing stronger with each step.
I scanned across the boardwalk as I approached, hoping she was there. The
place appeared deserted with the incoming fog and drizzle. I shook off a chill,
refusing to let it get me down.
I thought I recognized a lone figure crumpled up on a beach towel, wasn't
that her? Could it be? As I slowly made my way over to her I could hear the
sobs. It was Jenny.
"Are you OK?" I called, startling her momentarily.
She nodded sadly and made a some room on the towel for me. A moment passed
quietly while I watched those teary eyes stare out to sea.
"Can I hold you Jenny?" I knew the answer before asking. She felt like a
wounded animal in my arms, needing to be nursed back to life with my love.
She would talk when she was ready and I would be there for her. It felt so
wonderful to give back what she had so freely given to me. With my arms
wrapped around her tightly, I wanted to protect her from every hurt. My
precious Jennifer.
"Well, Sarah. It's over boyfriend and me." Her tears were leaving.
"I'm sorry." I consoled her with another squeeze.
"He kept saying that I was teasing him sexually with the way I dressed and
acted, getting him excited then pushing him away. I kept trying to tell him
that I didn't want to go any further, but he just kept on pushing me, making me
even more afraid of him."
Maybe a walk down the beach would help get her mind off him and keep me from
getting frostbite, I thought. I stood up and offered her a hand. The joy that
I had felt was quickly returning, hoping that she would be all mine now. It
was so good to have her back, but I wanted those feelings to last forever. With
arms around each other we watched as the waves tumbled ashore. The fog muffled
their sound like a soothing autumn wind.
I flashed back to my bedroom and our playful adventures there. Would I see her
there again? The memories of our kissing and touching began to flood my mind.
"Let's walk back to my house, Jenny." I suggested. "We can warm up and get
into some dry clothes." She felt more wet than I was, shaking from the cold.
Her sad face made me wish that I could warm her up on the inside too.
Then I remembered that my parents were going out tonight with some friends
and mom said they wouldn't be back until late. We would have the house to
ourselves though Jenny obviously wasn't in the mood for anything sexy.
It was almost completely dark when we got to my house. Suddenly I realized
that the days had gotten shorter. And that meant school again, boy was that
a depressing thought. I put some soup on the stove and looked over at Jenny.
"Do you know what I could use right now?" Her eyes lit up just a little when
she asked me.
"A nice, long hot *bubblebath*. Like to join me?"
"Oh yes! I'd love to!" I answered excitedly.
It felt so nice when my nipples reached out and brushed against my shirt. It
was going to really be hard to leave her alone, but I would have to, remembering
what she had said about her boyfriend. Of course it wouldn't hurt to try getting
her in the mood, would it? I had plenty of ideas for that. Just thinking about
it was making me feel all soft and feminine inside. And the idea of taking a bath
with Jenny. How delicious. Luckily we had a big tub.
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story, including your
feelings as you read the story. Enjoy!
"The Passing of Seasons" Part 3 by Linda B.
Neither of us felt like eating a whole lot so we shared a little of the hot
soup before moving on to the *main* course: the hot bath. I led Jenny by the
hand into the bathroom with the 6 foot tub then slowly undressed her.
Stopping after each piece to caress her skin and tell how her pretty she was
all over. She was obviously getting turned on in the process. Oh, well. Some
things I just can't help!
The poor thing's clothes were soaked to the bone. Nothing that a nice warm
snuggle couldn't fix.
Then it was her turn to take off my clothes. It started with a long hug before
I heard my overalls' suspenders come unbuckled. Then they were pulled down
followed by thousands of tiny kisses all over my neck and shoulders, then my
breasts got some extra special attention, making me giggle with delight. I was
so glad that Jenny was feeling better.
After pouring in some of my favorite scented bubble bath I started filling the
tub. We jumped in and watched the water turn into a rich layer of girly smelly
foam. There was just enough room for us to fit side by side in the tub and
it was a good thing that we both didn't mind such close quarters.
"I forgot something, sweetie." I informed Jenny, petting some bubbles on her
hair. I returned quickly with some candles which were placed around the tub
and lit.
Soon we were together again in the warm flicker of candle light gazing into
each other's eyes. I slid her forward in the tub and got behind her so that
she was kind of sitting in my lap, then went to work planting gentle kisses in
rows across her back. She let out little ooohs and aaaahs as I went. Gathering
up her hair above her head, I pushed it forward and commenced to nibbling the
back of Jenny's neck.
Remembering her teasing last time I decided to do some of my own. "Oh, Jenny!
Don't you simply *adore* having your neck nibbled? Wouldn't you just *love*
some juicy little smootchies here...and here...and here." I marked each spot
on her neck with kiss, then ran my hands along the very tops of the freshly formed
goosebumps to keep them going. She squirmed around in the tub making me hold
her tighter. There would be no escaping from my relentless kissing attacks on
her neck. None!
Then I leaned all the way back in the tub taking her with me.
"Just relax, Jenny. That's it." I comforted, holding her close to me.
Jenny put her hands over mine and caressed them delicately. "Sarah, I feel so vulnerable like this."
"And loved." I added.
My hands found there way to her breasts where they were gently massaged and
squeezed. I scooped up a handful of the bubbles and rubbed some on each breast,
letting only the bubbles touch her.
"Oooooooh!" She wiggled. "That tickles!"
I whispered back in her ear, "I really love that soft crackling sound the bubbles
make when they pop. Close your eyes and listen......Can you hear it?" While she
wasn't looking I grabbed some bubbles and pushed them into her ears, laughing.
The next thing I knew she had turned around and pinned me against the back of
the tub. It looked like I was going to *get* it now as I weakened from my own
First my chest was getting kissed before those little teasing excursions to
the undersides of my breasts started happening. And they continued, all the
while my weak resistance fading. Waves of feminine emotion swept over me
like a cozy blanket. My nipples were now getting sucked, pulled and licked in
every possible direction. It felt like my entire breasts were glowing as a
warm electricity flowed through my body. But at the same time I became very
aware of how small my breasts were and how it embarrassed me that Jenny's were much
"Jenny, do you think my breasts are small?"
She took a short break from her sucking to answer. "Oh, people like to make too
big a deal out of that. These are just the right size for snacking!" She dove
in for some more before continuing the conversation. "And they're *so* much
more sensitive, aren't they?" All of a sudden she started gently biting my
nipples almost to the point that it hurt, rendering me completely speechless.
I thought I was going to shoot through the ceiling with intense pleasure.
"I didn't get an *answer*! I *asked* you if they are sensitive." Laughed Jenny.
By the time I could answer my nipples were being punished again. She seemed
to know exactly how far to go, never quite crossing the line between
pain and pleasure, but pushing me just beyond what I thought I could handle.
I felt as if I was being stretched just like my nipples. And, oh yes, my
breasts were sensitive all right, I finally admitted to Jenny, but then again,
she could make me say anything the way she was eating them!
"I think it's time to see how sensitive *your's* are sweety!" I invited her
switch places with me. She laid all the way back in the bathtub and closed
her eyes. I had a another little teasing session planned for her, hopefully
she enjoyed being teased as much as I do. But then, she was going to get it
whether she wanted it or not! It came in the form of sniffing, all over
the front of her body, especially near the boobs. I sniffed her up and down
like some sort of sex starved wild animal. I sniffed her nipples really good
making them stand up and take notice.
"Stop that.....he-he-he" She giggled so cutely pulling her head down into her
Then her breasts got even more sniffing with little hesitations as if I was
on the trail of something yummy. Next I went around and around them acting
like a vacuum cleaner, sucking just above the surface. She whined something
about it being too cold, *and*, of *course*, I should stop immediately. I
ignored the whole thing and continued to tantalize her nipples with little
promises of attention, before leaving them again and again. I could definitely
tell that all this was driving Jenny off the deep end. That was right before I
felt her hands grab the back of my head to pull me forward. I struggled to hold
back, but it was no use. My face was on a collision course with her breasts!
My lips touched down just to the side of her nipple as she mashed my face into
them. There was no way out of this one! She kept rubbing me all over her boobs
like a washrag, laughing and sarcastically making fun of my predicament.
"Oh, Sarah? Did you finally find them darling? I felt *so* sorry for you searching
like that for them. Aren't you glad I helped you? Isn't this *just* so much
My mouth was lost in her breast and there was simply no way to answer.
"MMMMMMM...LLLL...MMMMM....SHHHHH" was about the best I could do. There was
only one thing left to do.....I would have to suck my way out! How would she
like a few *hickies* in here! I couldn't help but wondering. Probably wouldn't
even notice them! Ha-ha-ha! Having never actually *given* anyone a hickey, I
wasn't even sure I knew how to do it. But I guess it was worth a try.
With everything moving there was no way to get a hold of her skin until the
moment I had been waiting for arrived: Jenny took a break. I latched on to
her skin, just to the right of the cleavage and sucked as hard as possible.
Any harder and blood would have been drawn.
"Hey! What are you...!" Jenny sounded a little angry as she yanked my head
away. Somehow I had this terrible feeling that she just *might* have made it
worse by doing that, but I wasn't really sure. That is until I saw her breast!
Oh my goodness, I worried.
"Hiiiiiiii, Jenny." I smirked, trying not to stare at the devastation.
"Look at me! She turned my face toward hers, trying to keep a straight face.
"Did you give me a hickey on my breast? And don't you *dare* lie to me either!"
"Uhmmmmm.....I.....could have, but not really on purpose....I mean.... I didn't
*mean* to."
I was really worried when she spread her breasts apart to take a closer look.
Her eyes opened incredibly wide when she saw the silver dollar-sized hickey
with almost every color in the rainbow displayed. Oooops!
Instead of being mad she studied the huge mark with a quizzical look.
"Do you think it's pretty, Sarah?" I was asked.
Without really thinking I answered "Oh yes Jenny, I think it's *kind* of cute."
"Good! Where do you want yours?" She beckoned me with her forefinger. "*I*
think we should put one *right* in the middle of your neck, *right* where
everyone can see. Oh, Sarah dear, It's going to be *so* darling, don't you
think?" I wasn't sure if she was joking or serious.
"No Jenny, please don't, not on my neck, please." I begged, nervously watching
her move closer.
"Oh come on sweetheart, stop *pretending* you don't want it. Isn't that the
*real* reason you gave *me* one? You *knew* what I would do."
At that point I was running out of room in the tub to move away from her. I
did some fast talking to convince her to do my breast instead of my neck.
After all, wasn't that more fair? Then she had another idea: How about a nice
little hickey right on my nipple? And if I *really* liked it, she would gladly
do the other side. Just the thought of her trying made the blood rush to my
vagina. I think that was the idea!
She motioned for me to come over to her. It was time for the naughty girl to
be punished. She held me very tightly, positioning her mouth on the side of
my breast. With everything she had she sucked and sucked and sucked, finally
ripping her mouth away. It felt like the skin was being torn. Gee, I can't
wait to see *that*, I thought. *Anyone* who saw it would surely think I got
punched or something. I guess that was the key: Don't let *anyone* see it!
We both started laughing, ready to make up with each other. There was no way
for me to stay mad at her, not with the fun we were having. I couldn't help
think of the symbolism behind giving each other hickies. We had placed our
marks on each other, I belonged to her and she to me. But who would really
understand this relationship the way we did? It felt as if the whole world
would judge us if they knew. It would have to kept a secret.
"Jenny? You're not going to tell anybody about.....well....*us* are you?"
She looked at me with disappointment. "No way! It's none of anyone's
business as far as I'm concerned."
I changed the subject to something more positive. "I think you need to have
your hair washed, come right over here."
Jenny scooted over to me, throwing her long hair back into my waiting hands.
My hands that massaged the shampoo into a thick lather and played with beautiful
tresses. I didn't let a bit of soap stop me from necking with her while I made
cute little hairdos on top of her head.
Jenny just purred in my loving hands. "MMMMMMMM.....It's feels so nice to have
my hair washed like this! Don't ever stop!"
I couldn't wait for my turn wondering how much *more* excitement I could handle.
How much further should we go? I knew the answer to *that* question already!
I finally rinsed her hair and got out my special conditioner.
"Ah-hah!" Accused Jenny. "So *that's* the secret of your super soft hair!"
I smirked at her. "Only *part* of the secret, so, do you like *really* soft hair?
Like *especially* soft hair. Are you *sure* that's what you want?" I teasingly
rubbed the bottle of conditioner all over her hair until she got tired of my
game and snatched it away from me. We both got the giggles again for about
the hundredth time. Once her hair had been conditioned, it was time for mine
to get washed. I was got so excited I couldn't stand it when I suggested that
she hold me in her arms while washing my hair. I buried my face into her
shoulder and went limp as we embraced, letting her take over with my hair.
The shampoo was then stroked sensuously into my hair while I moaned softly with
"I love to curl up into you and hide in your sweet love." I blushed, feeling
weaker with every word.
Then Jenny started fondling my breasts with her lathered hands, making our
erect nipples touch each other.
"Look!" She teased. "They're kissing each other! Isn't that *cute*! Oh, I think
they're in love!"
It felt like electric shivers were running down my spine every time our nipples
touched. Eventually, she would even get around to rinsing off my hair, but not
before water got cold. I couldn't even imagine what time it was by then.
My parents never came home before 2 or 3 in the morning though, so I wasn't
too worried. We got out and dried each other off thoroughly, taking extra care
to dry the more *sensitive* spots. Jenny's tanned skin was even more beautiful
and soft after our bath so we just had to have another dose of touching each
other, I insisted.
I went out to my room to get two of my prettiest flannel nightgowns, hoping
that maybe Jenny could call home and get the OK to stay overnight. When I returned
Jenny had her arms behind her back, making her sexy shoulders poke out a bit
more. That grin on her face told me she was hiding something.
"OK, what have you got there?" I pried, trying to look around behind her. The
only thing I got to see was her shaking head.
"No-no-no, my little sweetheart! We're going to have a little surprise now!
Close your eyes and turn around." instructed Jenny. "And *no* peeking or you'll
be sorry!"
Hmmmm, I wondered. What does she have? I had this strange feeling that I was
about to find out! Her warm body touched against mine making me tingle all
over with anticipation. She crouched down a little then pulled my head back
over her shoulder holding me up so I wouldn't fall. I felt like I had been
captured with my neck helplessly stretched over her shoulder. A prisoner of Jenny's
love. It started with her kissing my neck everywhere, but I knew there was
something else coming. Then she stopped and there was a pause.
I heard a soft hissing sound and felt something on my neck. My neck had just
been sprayed with perfume. Suddenly I was surrounded by a intense garden of
sweet smelling flowers.
"MMMMMM" I whispered. "It's so beautiful to be perfumed by you."
With her fingers she gently rubbed the spot on my neck making me want her
even more. My hair was then held above my head while she sprayed more perfume
behind each ear. The waves of feminine fragrance made me feel completely
soft and pretty over every inch of my body. I put both my wrists together
in front of me hoping see would take the hint.
"Oh no, I forgot." She remarked with a smile, aiming the perfume at my
wrists and spraying me again. "Isn't this a darling fragrance, Sarah love?"
I was almost too weak to comment, intoxicated by the heady scent. "I think
I've fallen in love with your perfume. What's it called?"
"La fleur du soir. It's French for 'the evening flower'. Are you taking French
this year in school?" She asked, erotically rubbing her wrists against mine.
"If this is part of the class....the answer is yes!"
Jenny examined the two nightgowns I had brought in. One of them was light pink
with thin delicate lace straps, a lace trimmed collar and long sleeves with
ruffles around them. The other, my favorite, was off-the-shoulder style with
a big ruffle all the way around the neckline just above the breasts. The sleeves
were made of bunched up pieces of lace with a bow atop each and three rows
of lace trim around the hem. And the soft cotton flannel makes me feel so snugly.
I wanted to see how pretty Jenny would be in my favorite nighty so I dressed
her in it before leading her by the hand to my bedroom.
She was instructed to sit down in a chair in front of my dresser to have her
hair brushed *and* whatever *else* I wanted to do to her.
With one hand on top of her head I starting stroking her long silky mane,
spraying in some of my super-soft spray as I went. The brush slid through her
perfectly straight with ease now, making a tiny flip curl at the bottom. *Very*
Jenny smiled at me in the mirror. "You smell so delicious, my beautiful evening
flower. I want to eat you!" I was grabbed and pulled into her lap where my neck
was thoroughly sniffed and kissed in every spot. I was covered with goosebumps
by the time she was through with me.
*Eat* me! Did I hear that right? She wanted to *eat* me? Did she really mean
what I thought she did?
"I....I've never been...eeee....eaten before Jenny," I stuttered.
"Oh, it's OK sweetheart, I'll take it slow and make sure you *really* enjoy
I was so excited there was *no* way I was going to argue with her! I jumped
into my bed and waited submissively. I felt my gown lift up and her hands began
slowly going up and down the insides of my thighs, each time getting
ever so closer to their final destination.
I heard a soft whisper. "I love these cute curls you have down here!" Soon
my pubic hairs were being pulled and kissed. I put my hands over my face
as I writhed on the bed trying to hold on to *something*. There was a long pause
while I anxiously waited for her next move. Her head was down there already,
waiting to dive in at any time. But nothing was happening. I thought I would
go crazy waiting.
My whole body must of rose a half foot off the bed when I felt her tongue finally
slithered into me. It didn't take her long to find my little clitty either.
Around and around it went, pushed by her eager tongue. I started feeling
like I was spinning helplessly out of control in a storm of ecstacy.
Jenny could sense my fear, grabbing both my hands and holding them tightly.
"Just hold onto me, my love. I've got you." Even more of that wonderful warmth
flowed through me as I listened her strong, gentle voice. Her tongue went at my
clit again, this time more intensely and faster. My body was bucking up and down
on the bed, there was no stopping it now. I thought for sure I would pass out
from the intensity of it all. Then waves of beautiful tingles fell over me
like of soft cloud, getting more and more intense each time until they
exploded inside of me making my body convulse in orgasm.
"Jenny.....I'm falling, please catch me." I whimpered, feeling her arms securely
around me. It was as if I just kept falling, falling, falling through space
with no way to stop. It was so wonderful I started crying.
"I love you *so* much Sarah, I want to make you happy."
"I love you too, Jennifer. Your so precious." We held each other and kissed
passionately. It all felt like a dream to me as we lay there together.
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 4 by Linda B.
I playfully rolled over on my side and held Jenny's shoulders. "It was kind
of scary, like I was falling through a tunnel into another world. And I could
see you fading away into the darkness. It was so beautiful but so frightening
at the same time. Do you know what I mean?"
That smile she flashed at me had "understanding" written all over it. "It *is*
frightening to be completely out of control and yet so freeing. It's like being
out of your your floating on a cloud or something."
"Wow! That's *exactly* what I was thinking, it felt like I escaped from my
body! Like I could fly." I was so excited about her having the same thoughts
as me. "Mom always says that when you're really *really* close to someone you
often think about things at the same time as the other person. I could really
feel your pain when your boyfriend came to the beach today. I wanted so much
to protect you and hold you, it made me very sad."
She put her hand under my chin. "Thanks. It was really hard for me too.
Especially leaving you. I know exactly what you mean about being sensitive.
Sometimes I feel like I have a big antenna on my head, you know? It's like I
can pick up all these feelings out there. It gets overwhelming when I feel really
sensitive. Her fingers now traced the outlines of my nose and cheeks and eyes.
So gently. So tenderly.
"So!" I jumped up to a sitting position. "What are you thinking about right
She contemplated the question briefly. "I was just thinking about how much I
simply *adore* having you play with my hair."
"I was thinking the exact same thing!"
"Were you really?" Her look of disbelief told me she knew better.
I braced myself for her certain retaliation. " soon as you mentioned
it...yes." I couldn't hold back the laughter.
Next thing you know we were wrestling around in the bed like two playful
kittens. How did she find my ticklish spots so quickly? There was only one
possible answer. She had the same ones! My fingers jammed into her sides to
find out. We rolled around on the bed tickling each other and laughing so hard
we were both in tears. When we finally stopped, it was hard to tell which hurt
more. My chest from all that laughing or my poor rib cage. I pulled her out of
bed by the hand.
"Where are we going?" She asked enthusiastically.
The hairbrush I waved in front in front of her should have been answer
enough. "I never finished doing your hair," I explained just in case there was
any doubt. She sat down in the chair again throwing that beautiful hair back,
folding her hands neatly into her lap.
I pushed the brush through her hair slowly. "What in the *world* have you been
doing with your hair? I have to start all over again! Look at this mess!"
Jenny watched me in the mirror shaking my head at her and laughed. She probably
figured out by now that I had *other* plans for her. Plans that included the
usual dose of teasing along with something a bit more serious. She'd have to
wait to find out.
Her hair was going to get lots of brushing for starters. We'd just have to go
from there. I worked my way through her silky tresses, stroking them over and
over until every strand was shiny and beautiful.
"Ok, I want you bend forward all the way, I think I'm going to put your hair
up *really* pretty," I instructed, pushing her head down to make sure she
understood exactly what I wanted. Her long hair hung down like soft curtain
while I brushed it up over her head. She would have to be complimented. "You
have *such* nice hair. MMMMMM! So touchably *soft* and *pretty*! And, of course
*very* kissable!" I decided that the back of her neck should be rewarded with
a jackpot of kisses. "You're *so* pretty right here....and here.....and here
...and *here*!" Each spot got it's own kiss.
"Purrrrrrrrr" She blushed.
My hand slid up the back of her neck gathering up every hair tightly into a
knot on the top of her head. Her bangs were combed and a clip with a big velvet
bow added the finishing touch. She was so prim and proper looking with her
hair like this. I found myself getting more and more turned on as we went along.
"There!" I admired while turning her head from side to side so she could see
in the mirror. "You need to relax more, there's too much resistance when I move
your head around." I spoke with my "you better be obedient" voice. She nodded
submissively. That was reason enough to continue moving her moving her head
around to random positions until she could learn to be more passive. Jenny was
a fast learner and soon her head was limp in my hands as I gently massaged
her neck and shoulders.
Some of the shorter hairs on the back of her neck had slid away from their
bondage. They didn't get far.
"These *naughty* hairs keep trying to get away!" I teased, pushing them back
up and watching fall again. "I'm going to have to kiss *everyone* that trys
to escape! Oh, There goes one right now!" And, as you could probably guess,
lots of little kissies were soon to follow. I was somehow getting this feeling
that *maybe* this just *might* be turning on Jenny. But then, one can never be
sure, can one? Better to keep going then take *any* chances!
"Doesn't all that exposed skin on your neck and shoulders make you feel so
soft and pretty all over?" I asked, kissing the little nook between her neck and
shoulders gently.
She started to squirm uncomfortably in the chair. "You're making me cold, stop
that!" My face was now getting squeezed between the side of Jenny's chin and
her shoulder.
That only made me dig in a little deeper. "Ooooooh, what a *pathetically*.....
*poor* thing you are!" The sarcasm was thick. "MMM-MMM-MMM! I'm coming down
with a *major* crush on your shoulders! I love the way your bones are so
delicate right here." My finger traced around her dainty collar bone on one
side while I made out with the other side. By the way she was giggling and
slithering around in her seat I could tell that she was getting *really*
excited by all this. But then, how could I blame her? Especially when I was
feeling so delightfully *moist* myself!
Jenny lips pressed against my ear, kissing loudly. "Oh my, don't we smell
just darling! I just *love* that perfume on you." The sniffing continued,
making me blush.
"Well *sweetie*....seeing how *your* perfume smells so nice on *me*, I was
thinking....that perhaps we could try some of *mine* on *you*." I looked at the pretty
bottles under the mirror while I spoke.
"Can I smell first to see if I like it?"
The answer was a nonchalant "no". After all, she afforded *me* no such luxury.
And she was advised that there had better not be *any* complaining either....
"or else"! Naturally, she would have to be teased first, I simply could not
resist. I went through my perfumes one by one saying things like "Maybe we
should try this one on her?" Then: "No, I don't think so." And: "Ooooh this one
is *so* feminine!" But: "Maybe something else."
I stood at the mirror smiling at her reflection as I held up a bottle and
pulled out the stopper. It was beautiful crystal with a lid that looked like
angel's wings.
"Isn't this a pretty bottle?" I gushed. "Just *wait* to you smell it! You'll
feel even *prettier*!" A wave of the intensely floral fragrance hit me, making
me swoon. I walked slowly toward her swishing my hips in sexy, elaborated
I walked around in back of Jennifer and whispered into her ear, "Now close
your eyes and relax, my sweet flower. Now let's see how much you learned from
our last lesson. Do you remember that? I believe it was called 'how to be a
completely passive female prisoner' or something like that!"
A nod and a chuckle told me we were ready for lesson 2. I picked up her hand,
finding it surprisingly limp. Into it went the perfume bottle, my fingers
enclosing hers. The other hand was opened up and its forefinger pushed around the
opening of the bottle in little circles. I worked Jenny's hands and arms like
a puppet guiding her every movement. The perfume was tipped onto her forefinger
and raised to her neck where it was gently rubbed in. Grabbing her hair
by the velvet bow, I pulled back, stretching out her long neck. Another wave
of intoxicating smell sent warm tingles through me. With her hair out of the
way, there was so much bare skin to perfume together.
"Oh! That smells *so* romantic." Purred Jenny. "It makes me feel so girly
I kissed behind her ear, whispering in. "That's why there's an angel's wings
on the bottle. Your my beautiful angel, now you have wings to fly too!"
"I sure *feel* like i'm in heaven." She added. "Is it French?"
"Oui, Oui! It''s...parfum, right?" My French was a little rusty.
Jenny played the teacher. "Good! Now is it masculine or feminine?"
The student laughed at the question. "It's *very* feminine if you ask me!"
She shook her head indicating I was wrong. "It's *le* parfum. Sorry, but the
French think it's masculine..... but what do *they* know?"
"My French teacher taught me an easy way to remember the feminine nouns. She
said that everything beautiful is feminine. But I guess le parfum is an
exception, huh?
Jenny gazed into my eyes. "You're exception. You're beautiful *and*
I sure *felt* feminine listening to her make me blush like that. The soft
flannel rubbed against my erect nipples and suddenly the outside of me
felt almost as warm and fuzzy as the inside. Then my hand wandered down the
front of her nighty, stopping at her breasts.
"I just *love* how *soft* this cotton flannel feels don't you?" The palm of
my hand slowly rubbing circles around those protruding nipples.
"From the outside or the inside?" She teased, pulling my hands under her clothes.
I took her by the hand over to my bed. I think she knew what she was going
to get now!
I sat up against the wall and pulled her into my lap. Then with two belts that
were laying around I fastened our legs together.
"Now you can see how strong my legs are." I bragged as I pulled her legs apart
with mine. A quiet moan oozed from Jenny's lips. Was she enjoying this? I
would have to guess, she was so quiet laying back in my arms. The whole room
smelled like the most heavenly flower garden, it made me feel weak at the knees
again. I pulled her head back, draped her neck over my shoulder, and rubbed
her nipples some more. I would slowly pull them out further and further, then
let go. The whole process was repeated over and over again until I'm sure she
was wondering if I was *ever* going to stop. Of course, I would, my hands
still had some *other* chores to take of.
Jenny confessed. "I feel so helpless like this, so....wonderfully helpless."
Maybe it was that extra bit of outward pressure that I had just put on her legs
that made her feel that way. Or maybe it was my hand that slowly was making it's
way to toward her pussy. Whatever it was, she had to have known what was coming
next, judging by the soft moans coming from her.
I slid my fingers deeply into Jenny's pubic curls making her legs jerk inwardly
against mine. I parted them as far as I could, pulling and teasing those delicious
curls. Even the slightest pull would make her twitch. To me, that meant she
would be getting a *lot* more of *that* before we were done! I had to tell her
how cute her little curls were down there and how they would just have to be
combed out to be even *cuter*. Some nonsense was mumbled about the comb
tickling her. But did that stop me?..........How did you guess?
Meanwhile, my other hand was working her nipples, twisting, turning, pulling,
and stretching. All the necessary ingredients for a soaking wet pussy. Of
*course* that would need to be checked right away to see how she was progressing.
"Ooooooh!" Gasped Jenny, rocking back and forth while my finger inched its
way into her vagina. "I love to be touched by you like this."
It was no surprise to feel how slippery and soft she felt inside. How inviting.
"Feels like *somebody* is getting all ready for *something*!" I observed.
"Don't you just *love* being *prepared*?!"
"For what?" Grinned Jenny. Acting like she didn't *know* what was in store
for her. Right! Did she expect me to believe something like that? No way!
"Now where's that little clitty hiding?" I taunted. You are so nice and *wet*
for me. Now how did *that* happen? Tell me *now*!"
She let out a few giggles before I started getting serious with her clitty.
"There it is!" I rolled it around with circular movements making Jenny buckle
against me helplessly, her hips moving with my penetrating finger. I could
hear her panting faster and faster as I massaged her clitoris gently while
kissing her neck and exposed ears. "Your little *clitty* keeps trying to get
away! That silly thing, it always hides in the same spot!"
"Sarah, I feel like I'm flying. Oh, it's so wonderful. Please don't stop....
Uh-huh! How did she know what I was planning to do with her? I wondered.
Ok, eventually she would be allowed to have an orgasm, but her teasing wasn't
nearly completed. It was time for her first break and boy did I get to listen
to more whining! I was being *so* mean! I was told. Terrible! And could that
*poor* neglected little clitty have *immediate* attention? Clamping down on her
breasts gave her something else to think about and the complaints faded quickly
into moans when her nipples got a little "adjustment" done to them.
I was again enchanted by Jenny's beautiful long neck and delicate ears. MMMMMMM!
The way those almost invisible light colored hairs hung down below her
ears. And how sweetly they were adorned with those tiny golden hearts
that danced whenever she moved her head. If I was developing an ear fetish, I
would know who to blame. I just *had* to make out with that darling ear, the
way it was just sitting there in front of me, asking to be kissed.
"I love your ears Jenny." I whispered in. "And don't they look fancy with those
pretty earrings!" (More kissing). "Does your neck need some kissies too?"
With all those goosebumps? The answer to *that* question was clear. (*Lots*
more kissing!) Then back to that adorable ear. I just couldn't leave it alone!
My tongue slid in under her earlobe, licking and sucking it, earring and all.
Jenny's head was squirming now, not that it did her any good. Where did she
think she was going anyway?
"I *just* checked my schedule, Jenny. It looks like it's time for your clitty
massage appointment! Isn't that *so* exciting! This is going to be so much
"That just gave me another wave of warm shivers." She admitted foolishly.
My hand moved slowly down the front of her body, making little circles the whole
way. Acting like it was going straight for her vagina, then backtracking just
when its destination was becoming obvious. I wanted her to have plenty of time
to think about her fate. And, just when she was probably thinking nothing was
*ever* going to happen, I took her by surprise by abruptly inserting three
fingers into her. No time was wasted finding her clitoris which was rolled
around between the three fingers as if they were playing catch with it.
Jenny was now twitching and jerking in little spasms. Out of control. Her face
looked like she was gone, in some other world. My beautiful angel had flown
Little "I love yous" were softly whispered into Jenny's ear while her clitoris
was entertained by my fingertips. An "I ** you", a little massage, then
stop. Another "I lo....e you", more rubbing, then stop again. And so on and so
on. I could feel her moving closer and closer to climaxing with every rub,
squirming a wee bit more, panting slightly faster, holding me a little tighter.
Jenny's angelic face was so beautiful to watch. Looking at her made my insides
feel like warm putty as the waves of emotion washed over me.
Suddenly she came back to life, opening her eyes widely.
I had all I could do to hold her in place when she climaxed, the bed felt like
roller coaster going up and down. I thought her fingers were going to put holes
in my legs where she was holding on. The movements slowly came to a stop.
Both my arms were around her now holding tight, gently rocking my sweetheart
Jenny. "I love you Jennifer" I whispered.
Moments of silence passed before she spoke. "Wow, what happened?"
"If I had to guess, I'd say you *probably* had an orgasm."
"Thanks for telling me." I detected a note of sarcasm watching her eyes roll
upward briefly before closing again. "And *what* an orgasm! That was *the*
most intense orgasm I've ever had! My whole body is tingling with warm
Our lips met in a deeply passionate kiss as we held each other, cut short by
the ringing telephone. I think Jenny was too weak to move so I had to leave her
It was mom letting me know that she and dad had a *wee bit* too much to
drink and would be staying over night, only if it were OK with me of course.
What were they going to do if I said no? Drive home anyway? Mom was able to
twist my arm and convince me that it was OK, I didn't want to make it *too*
hard for her! Wait a minute, I thought. It's only 10:30 and they're too drunk
*already*! What are they going to be like at 2:30 when they've finally had
enough? No wonder they're calling me at 10:30. The first thing that came into
my mind was Jenny. Not that she ever left it the first place. It was probably
too late for her to call home and get permission to stay over but I would have
to ask her.
I stuck my head into the bedroom doorway. "Jenny, are you awake?" A weak nod.
"That was my mom. My parents aren't coming home until tomorrow night. It's
10:30. Do you think it's too late to ask your parents if it's OK to stay over?
"They probably don't care, but I'll call them." Jenny rolled out of bed and
eased herself onto the floor like she was sick or something. The evening's fun
was beginning to catch up with me as well. Suddenly I noticed how completely
exhausted I was both physically and emotionally. The sound of Jenny's footsteps
on the stairs seemed to fade in and out like there was wind blowing in my ears.
I snuggled up under my cozy down comforter, chasing away the chills that snuck
up on me. I struggled to stay awake, but when Jenny returned, she found me out
like a light. Sometime in the middle of that night I woke to feel Jenny's hand
gently holding mine. Such a wonderful feeling it was to be so in love with her,
and cry softly those tears of joy.
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
Author's note: Chapter 5 has been rewritten.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 5 by Linda B.
I drifted in and out of sleep until the lines between the two became hard
to recognize. Bits and pieces of my erotic dreams began to scroll through my
mind at random. Each of them held together by a single common thread: Jenny.
She was everywhere, in my thoughts, in my heart, and now in my dreams.
I gently squeezed her hand, still in mine, watching a tiny smile appear on her
face while she slept.
The full moon was like a bright car headlight shining through my window.
Getting up to draw the shade would mean letting go of Jenny's hand, something
I wasn't about to do. I wanted to wake her up and tell her how beautiful she
was and how much she was loved. Just thinking about it made me feel so soft
and feminine all over. Lately I'd been having more of those kinds of feelings
than ever before. It was like Jenny had awaken something deep inside of me,
something intensely emotional, almost overwhelming. Feelings that seemed
to wash through me in waves and carry me away, helplessly losing myself in them.
I could feel that intense desire rising up inside of me for more.
Inching my way toward her, Jenny looked like she was made for snuggling, just
the right size for me. But I just had to wake her up didn't I? That token
fragment of guilt quickly faded in her warm glow.
"I'm sorry sweetie," Jenny's ear lingering of perfume as I whispered in.
She answered, still half asleep. "Is this a dream?"
"*You* are a dream" I touched the tip of her nose with my finger. "A dream
come true!"
The arms around me squeezed a little tighter. "You're *so* cuddly," gushed
Ocean waves rumbled in the distance, hardly seeming anything more than
so much background noise. Pleasant, they were only occasionally noticeable like
the soft din of elevator music. They had gotten my attention again.
"Do they seem louder to you Jenny?.......the waves."
She paused, concentrating on the sound. "It might be foggy out there, It
always sounds louder to me when it's foggy. You want to look?"
Her hand tugged mine until both of us were running over to the window like
a pair of Christmas children waiting for Santa Claus to come. The view from
my window was nothing more than the blurry light from our walkway lamp. A thick
blanket of fog had covered our little world reminding me of a snowstorm as I
watched the mist swirl around. Sometimes I would get up at night and go out
when it was snowing. I felt that sudden urge again now.
Jenny liked the idea too so we bundled up for the cold and headed outside.
Walking arm in arm along the sleeping streets at 2 in the morning, we expected
to see no one. Only the long intermittent pulses of a foghorn punctuated the
silence as we made our way through a ghost town of dimly lit store fronts,
empty streets, and a lone blinking stoplight. It somehow really struck
me that this was such a nothing little beach town, that's all it was.
"So how did you end up moving here?" I was afraid she'd get around to asking
that eventually.
"Well," I answered reluctantly. "My parents had this farm in Nebraska that
had been in the family for who knows how long. As time went on the big
corporation farmers, as my dad called them, gobbled up all the smaller farms
as they ran them out of business. But not my dad, he managed to hold out.
It was like when you play monopoly and someone has that one property you
need for a monopoly. That was dad. Every year they offered more and more for
our land until this year.....that's when he decided that he wanted to retire."
Jenny smiled that smile. The one that told me she had finally put two and two
together. "I guess your parents are rich, aren't they?"
"I wish they weren't. I don't want to be treated differently because of
that. It doesn't change anything with you, Jenny. Does it?"
That starry eyed smile of hers was really starting to worry me. "No, it
doesn't. But it explains a few things. Like how your parents could possibly
afford that house overlooking the ocean."
"Well that's not *all* they bought in this town." I looked around at several
of the rentals they now owned without actually pointing them out. "They bought
quite a bit of real estate here, it's no wonder they're already good friends
with the mayor and who knows who else. I don't want any part of their money
and influence, it all makes me sick."
Jenny looked me straight in the eyes, finally replacing that silly grin with
a serious look. "I just want to know one you think your mom can
take us shopping some time?"
We both burst into laughter, scaring away the seagulls next to us on the
boardwalk railing. I watched as they disappeared into the thick fog. When I
turned back to Jenny she was busy doing something on the railing, cupping her
hands around the secret so I couldn't see.
Finally she opened them up, revealing a small heart carved into the railing.
Inside were the initials "J" and "S".
I wrapped my arms around and squeezed her tightly. "I really love you, Jenny."
Wanting so much to kiss her right then, I felt silly thinking someone might
see us. With visibility down to about arms length, it was hardly what you would
call kissing in public. We both looked around nervously as if synchronized by
the same desire. Then we slowly moved closer to each other. It seemed as
though we were kissing for the first time. Kissing in our special spot on the
boardwalk where we met, a place now engraved with a memorial to our love. I
shoved my hands into her pants pockets, redoubling my efforts on her lips. More
than just the kiss was turning wet as our tongues approached each other,
meeting, touching, then intertwining in an intimate dance. My nipples too had
figured out that something was going on, judging by the warm tingly sensations
they were having.
"Are you getting all *hot* and bothered?" I was asked.
I grabbed her hand and jumped off the boardwalk, taking her along. "Yes, you
are.......heating and bothering me!"
We ran to the water's edge, swallowed up by the dark misty night.
The waves rolled ashore while we sat just out of their reach and held hands.
"Jenny, what are your parents like?"
My question was greeted by a sad frown. "Oh, they're OK, I guess. My dad
kind of scares me sometimes, he has this problem with his temper." Jenny stared
down at her fidgeting fingers. "My mom says we all need to try harder not
to get him upset, especially my brother Jim. He's always doing things that
get my dad angry. I think most of it is his fault."
While she was talking I flashed back to that sad, broken figure on the sand.
The pain all seemed connected in some way. Jenny looked like she was going to
cry any minute, just like she had yesterday. The small beads of water
that had formed on her hair made me think of tears.
Putting my arm around her shoulder, I spoke softly. "It's OK if you don't want
to talk about it."
The conversation turned abruptly to the new school year. Not exactly my
favorite subject, but it was such a relief to see Jenny's mood pick up when
she talked about being a senior in high school and graduating. That was my
main regret about moving in the first place, why couldn't they wait one more
There were more than a few things about my parents worthy of complaint, but
the wet sand soaking through my pants distracted me. And back home, there was
that nice warm comforter waiting.
Without any warning the lack of sleep had caught up with me again and the
long climb back home drained the last bit of energy I had left.
Jenny looked tired too, her pretty blue eyes now drooping with puffy bags
under them. When we finally settled into bed, I fell fast asleep the
minute my head hit the pillow.
The morning had brought with it incredible winds that seemed to shake the
house to its foundation. The walls creaked and cracked as if they were alive.
This house had seen 50 years of weather that was as rough as the jagged rocks
to which it was attached. Surely it would survive what the folks back home
would call tornado weather.
None of it seemed disturb my dearest Jennifer who lay asleep while I caressed
her face gently. The first rays of sunlight dimly lit up my curtains, shedding
just enough light for me to see her. That sweet face looked even more beautiful
in the warmth of the morning light. I wanted so much to wake her up, so much
to tell her how much I loved her.
"Feel my love for you Jenny." I could barely hear my own whisper.
My stomach was starting to do some talking of its own by then. "Feed me! Feed
me!" it cried. Would Jenny like breakfast in bed? I wondered, thinking about
how I was probably going to be spoiling her rotten. But then, I always seemed
to get plenty of spoiling from my mom so why not?
Things started humming in the kitchen and before long I had cooked up an
inviting breakfast for two, decorated with some of mom's fancy tea settings
and ornate egg cups. Even our everyday dishware made you feel like royalty when
you ate from it. I wanted Jenny to feel as special as she was to me.
It was sheer determination that kept the tray full of eggs and toast and
clinking teacups from falling as I made my way slowly up the stairs. I parked
the whole thing on the bed and slid under the thick layer of down. Slipping
into that warm bed was a lot like slipping into a bathtub. I found myself
reminded again of my little bath adventure with Jenny. All those fragrant soft
bubbles, her sweet smile, an endless supply of giggles. Then the touching.
Our soapy nipples touching. "Look they're kissing." She had said. And
speaking of nipples: Is that what I felt getting hard under my nightgown? How
could I be horny at this hour? Maybe those erotic dreams I had were somehow
responsible, their images scrolled through my mind in tiny fragments.
Jenny was always the main character. Jenny wearing a blindfold, Jenny quietly
moaning, Jenny wildly rocking in orgasm. Her now tranquil face on the pillow
reminded me of somebody different. The Jenny I had met at the beach. Someone I
wanted to be closer to, more than just in a sexual way.
I used the toast like smelling salts to wake up my sleeping beauty, waving it
back and forth in front of her nose until she came to.
"Oh!" She beamed. "What a wonderful surprise! Being served breakfast in bed
makes me feel so cherished and loved."
We sat up in my bed bumped up against each other like two inseparable pieces
of the same a puzzle. We fit so nicely into each other, I thought, looking down
at the tray that bridged the tiny crack between our legs. It was hard to imagine
getting anything done today, with Jenny here. I could easily picture us laying
around all day in bed, rolling around and tickling each other, taking turns
being on top in wrestling matches, and exploring each other sexually. I took
a contemplative sip on my teacup. Then came the expected questions from inside
me. What was I doing? Wasn't this wrong? Shouldn't I stop doing it? But the
scariest of all was what if I'm changing my sexual preferences permanently by
doing this.
Jenny interrupted her chewing. "Hey, what's going on with you? Are you OK?"
You look so sad."
"I feel guilty again about what we've been doing. Do you think it's wrong?"
It didn't take her long to answer, like she had figured it out already. "No
I think it's OK. I need to be loved and touched like we do with each other. I
still like boys just as much, but I haven't found one who doesn't just want to
get his rocks off immediately. I want to learn about my own feelings and have
sex that's not just a physical 'knee-jerk' reaction. There's so much more."
"You're right," I agreed. "I never thought anything could be this beautiful
and so deeply emotional. Maybe that's what's so frightening about it. It's
like I'm losing part of myself and becoming part of you. Do you know what I
Jenny finished up the last corner of toast as she spoke. "Yes. I think
I love losing myself in your love. To fall into your wonderful love, to fly
away together into that special place, that secret place that only we know.
That place that belongs to us."
"That's so beautiful, Jenny. You're going to make me cry," I sniffed. After
she removed the empty tray I felt myself being pulled down into her lap, right
where I really wanted to be. The feeling of Jenny's fingers combing through my
hair was making me feel so loved and delicious inside. Getting out of bed
before my parents came home was looking more remote all the time. I remember
wishing that we were snowed in like back home. Then, you *had* to stay inside,
and of course staying warm was the most important thing. But having spent her
whole life here, Jenny probably had no idea what it was like.
I looked up at her. "We used to get snowed in sometimes in Nebraska, I wish
I could explain what it's like."
Her laugh seemed mean to me at first until she explained. "There's parts of
California that have snow year round, at least on the ground. I've been snowed
in before up in the mountains. It's kind of fun. Why don't we pretend?"
"Wow! What a great idea! It's so windy right now, it's easy to imagine a
blizzard out there. Do you think people will be smart enough to stay inside?"
"You're silly!" She tickled me. "Everyone knows that it's windy just by looking
out the window!"
I rummaged through the Christmas box and covered my window with those phony
snow flakes. When I opened up my window, the air that breathed in sure felt
cold to me. It was amazing how it could be so cold here in late August. Outside
it was cloudy again and the rocks we had climbed were obscured by fog. If I
didn't know any better I would guess that it was at least November out there.
It was a perfect day for pretending we were snowed in. I quickly ran back to
my shelter under the warm comforter, after all, with a storm like this brewing
I shouldn't take *any* chances!
Jenny received me back into her arms. I belonged there.
"Get those *ice cube* feet off my legs!" She complained.
I explained, "I'm just trying to keep from freezing!" She wasn't buying my
excuses and soon I learned what my punishment was going to be: more tickling.
At least wrestling around under the covers was a good way for us to stay warm.
Too warm, that's what I ended up being after we finally settled back in to our
familiar hugging position again. I couldn't tell Jenny that it was getting
uncomfortable although it was hard to say why. The more I thought about it,
the more insecure I felt about whether or not she really loved me. Hurting
her feelings was the last thing that I wanted to do. Was I making her happy?
I wondered. And what about all of the sex we were having? Too much? Maybe.
What did Jenny want? What did I want? Suddenly, it all seemed to be confusing.
All my feelings were becoming intertwined with hers and separating it all
At the same time I was horny, and wanted more of her.
"Jenny, I'm really horny right now," I admitted, not so reluctantly.
Her answer surprised me. "Kind of submissive....that's how I'm feeling
right now."
I replied, "What exactly does that mean," pretending to be confused.
"It means that I'm really not sure what I want, someone else needs to decide
for me. I like to feel helpless, you know what I mean?"
Who exactly did she think she was talking to anyway? I wondered. I knew what
she meant. Being overpowered but in a loving way like you know it's going
to feel really good but you still know there's no choice. You're going
to get it whether you want it or not.
I threw some fuel on the fire. "Isn't it exciting for you to *struggle* and
know that you can't get away? I kind of like *that*! Get's me into
a submissive frame of mind in a hurry."
Jenny agreed to at least try it. "After all," she said. "It couldn't hurt to
give it a whirl, could it?"
With a tight grip on her wrists, I held her down on my bed. "OK, you can
*try* to get away now." Jenny put up what you might call a fight, but it wasn't
that hard to subdue her. In no time at all she found herself at my mercy with
her hands held behind her back, exposed and completely vulnerable. Every time
she tried to escape, I squeezed her wrists in all the wrong places until the
squirming stopped. Eventually my sweetheart had learned a few things about
being submissive. But guess if I was done with her?
End of Chapter 5
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 6 by Linda B.
"So, are you ready to let me do *anything* I want to you?"
She managed to squeeze in a "no" between all the laughing. Ok, fine, I thought.
she'll agree with everything when I get done with her.
I decided to give her another chance. "I think it's time for some sweet little
promises, don't you? I think you really want to be *eaten* don't you? Don't act
like you don't know *exactly* what I'm talking about either! And you know what
*else* I think? I think you should admit it *right* now or you're only going
to make it harder on yourself!"
"MMMMM-hhhmmmm," giggled Jenny. Finally we were making progress!
I kept teasing and tickling her. "So that's what you really want isn't it?"
That nodding head proved that I was right. Ah-ha! I knew there would be a
confession eventually, even if it was kind of coerced! Not only that, but she
*did* end up giving me permission to have my way with her. A smart decision
First I stripped her of the nightgown. Then I went to my dresser and took out
two of my silk scarves. Why didn't she *guess* what they were for, I suggested.
And wouldn't she just *love* to know? All things in their time. Their own sweet
time! When I returned to the bed she was laying there passively, waiting for
what she was going to have done to her next, it had all been explained
during an earlier conversation.
There was no need to explain the rule about "no peeking", not when I put the
silk blindfold on her. It should have become quite obvious at that point!
The other scarf would only be felt now, softly sliding over her erect
nipples. Pulled tightly between my two hands and stroking, stroking, her
breasts over and over again. And she seemed to like it too, judging by those
tiny little mmmms that would periodically emerge from her lips. Not that it
was a surprise or anything.
"So, what *are* we going to do with you now?" I asked rhetorically. It wasn't
like I really needed any suggestions or anything! But Jenny seemed to be
completely preoccupied with that soft silky feeling on her nipples and there
was no answer. I stopped, hoping to somehow get her attention. Guess if she
liked *that*!
Maybe she would like a little game, I thought. After all, games *are* fun.
I spoke to Jenny with my high pitched baby-talk voice. "How about a nice
little game, sweetie? Aren't we just going to *love* that!"
"I'm not sure." Answered my playmate. "How do we play?"
"Oh you're part's easy," I assured. "You just lay there and try to guess where
the next kiss is going to land. It's not one of those games where you have to
keep score or anything, in the end, everyone wins!"
"Aren't you going to *punish* me if I guess wrong?"
I lifted up her chin with my forefinger, acting like I was offended. "Of
*course* I am! Did we think we were going to get *away* with something? You'll
just have to be *teased* until you start learning how to play the game. Ok,
now it's time for your first guess."
A moment later came the answer. The *wrong* answer. No, it wasn't going to be
the *left* nipple, but rather the right! I was glad that she expected to be
punished for answering incorrectly, besides, it wasn't like she didn't deserve
it or anything!
After a nice little smooching session with Jenny's nipple I moved away and
made her *wait* for what was coming next. Hovering over her other breast, I
kept my lips just a fraction of an inch away. I knew what had to be done, but
still, some questions remained. Could she feel the heat of my
breath on her nipple? I made sure of that.
Was she getting restless with anticipation? Those little squirms were giving
her away.
And could she *possibly* be wondering what I was about to do with that darling
breast? Not for long!
I clamped my lips down on her nipple, making sure it couldn't get away. Then
it got the tugging and pulling of its life. Jenny sure seemed to be enjoying
having her nipple pulled, sucked and stretched to new limits, although she
never actually *said* she was. There were just all of these soft moaning sounds
coming from her. It was impossible to be absolutely sure. One thing I *was* sure
about though: She'd think twice before giving me the wrong answer again!
"Time for your next guess! Where is the next kiss going to be?"
There was a uncertainty in her voice. " lips, that's it."
"But *which* lips are you talking about?" I wanted to make sure she was
"The ones that you're making *incredibly* wet!"
"You mean your *pussy* lips?" I asked, trying to sound as if I had no idea
*what* she was talking about. "You mean the ones between your legs." Pushing her
legs part. "You mean these ones, right here. Is that what you're telling me?"
"Uhhhhhh....uhhhhhhh....huhhhhhh" She whimpered, indicating a "yes" answer.
And just in time too! She was about to get in trouble *again* for taking so long
to answer. Oh well. Who says life is fair! Tell you one thing though, it's a
good thing she ended up with right answer after all that stalling!
I planted a big kiss right on her pussy lips. Oh yes, they were wet all right!
But not as wet as they would get from the kissing party that was about to
start! I had to hold her legs tightly so that she could be properly kissed,
they just kept on moving around, even after repeated warnings.
"MMMMM-MMMMM....Kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss-kiss!" I teased before beginning a fresh
batch of wet kisses. And did Jenny think I was going to stop there with just
a bit of kissing? No-no-no! She was going to get some "French" kissing too.
It was time to tell Jenny *exactly* what she would be having done to her.
"Jenny? Oh Jenny cutie. Time for some more kissies sweetie. And you know what
*kind* of kisses your getting now, dear? *French* ones with lots of *licking*.
Isn't *that* what you want? Or are we going to be bashful today?"
Never really got an answer to that question, just a lot of heavy breathing,
a few sighs, and an almost constant moaning as I started thoroughly frenching
This was a new experience for me, but I couldn't help remembering
just how wonderful it felt when I got my turn at being tongued. How those
warm waves of soft feeling flowed over me. That helpless vulnerability of being
penetrated over and over. Wondering how much I could handle. Now it was *my*
tongue that would have its way with *her* pussy, and all her squirming wasn't
going to change a thing!
Just when it seemed like she was *really* getting hot, I backed away. Now we
wouldn't want to go *too* quickly would we? I had no idea how many orgasms Jenny
had experienced, but I was going for the record. And hurrying was not the way
to get to the top of the charts, I was sure about that.
Though she couldn't see a thing, Jenny's head turned form side to side as if
she was looking for me.
"Down here sweetheart." I whispered, just before engulfing her breast in my
"Ooooooooh. I'm tingling all over again," purred Jennifer.
Each breast got another turn at being sucked and kissed. Then it was time to
play with those nipples again. Well, I did give them rest didn't I? My fingers
plucked at her delicious fruit with endless twisting, turning and stretching.
Eventually I did stop, only to be assaulted with all the usual complaints and
distractions. *First* it was the blindfold that wasn't on quite right. Oh sure!
Then that *terrible* wrinkle in the sheet right on her little ol' backside: I
needed a detailed description of course. Oh, I felt *so* sorry for *her*! *And*
whatever it was that I was doing with her boob? Could I just *please* be so kind
to continue? *Whatever* that was. Jenny hadn't even noticed that I hardly was
listening at that point. Instead I had got up to get her next little surprise.
She just kept right on talking, that is, of course, until she felt another
scarf slip into her mouth and gag her! That *does* seem to affect one's ability
to whine.
"What was that?" I chuckled, tying of the scarf in back of her head. "Now where
was I? That is, *before* I was so *rudely* interrupted. You *do* remember what
we were doing don't you? Maybe you need something to refresh your memory."
Before she could say "Lick my lips" I was back, doing just that. About the only
thing I could hear coming from Jenny was occasional whimpers. Nothing that
gave me *any* reason to believe she wasn't absolutely adoring all the attention
I was giving her pussy.
And speaking of attention, I knew what to say to get her *attention*. "Jenny?
Do you think I can reach your clitty with my tongue? I'm just dying to see
what it *tastes* like. I'll bet it's *so* tasty!" Her body starting writhing
like a switch had been flipped on or something. What was she going to do when
my tongue started attacking her *poor* helpless little clitty?
I shoved my tongue in as far as I could, desperate to find her hiding clitoris.
"MMMMMM, this tastes *so* good, yum-yum-yum!"
Trying to keep my tongue in her was quite a challenge, I must say. It reminded
of me of riding a horse with all that bucking up and down, but I was determined
to stay in the saddle no matter what. My tongue made circles around inside of her
vagina, flicking in and out, relentlessly probing for that reclusive clitty.
At last, I thought I could just get at it. With Jenny's entire body shifting
into high gear like a sports car, I had to at least be getting warm. Then
I stopped again and waited for what must have seemed like an eternity to her.
In went my tongue, making her jerk violently. Then another wait, this time a
little longer still. With hands clutching her head, Jenny slithered around like
a snake, groaning deeply. It was obvious she wanted MORE!
It *was*, after all, only polite of me to *ask* her. "Would you like some more?"
Jenny nodded.
"Are you sure? I think your just trying to be nice. *Are* you just trying to
be nice? Maybe I should have you *beg*! Would you like beg? Oh, that
would be mean, wouldn't it? Of *course* it would! You're all gagged up, aren't
you! That's right! I'm *so* sorry, I didn't notice. Maybe I can ask for you.
How about that?"
Then, with my face right up to her pussy, I continued the teasing. "*Please*
lick me! Won't you *please* lick me." I shoved my tongue in and out, in and
out, in and out. Then I stopped. "My sweet little clitty needs *so* much
pampering, and it just *adores* your wet licking tongue, won't you *please*
eat me some more." To which she received yet another round of tongue
intercourse. And another. She was getting close now, I could just feel it.
Then I tried something that I had only fantasized about. I lifted her legs
straight up in the air and spread them out, ready to lick her good.
"Oh, god. That's scary Sarah. I don't think I can handle it."
"Please trust me Jennifer. I love you and I promise I won't hurt you."
"I feel *so* exposed, you couldn't imagine."
I couldn't imagine? Oh, it was very *easy* to imagine, in fact. It was
very *easy* to imagine how *I* would feel having my legs held up in
such a vulnerable position. That feeling of being trapped, with no way
to escape being penetrated by a hungry tongue.
Slowly I continued to eat her, trying to stretch her limit one lick,
one nibble, one kiss at a time.
I offered an analogy to explain what she was going to get next. "Jenny?
Do you know how a dog licks you when it's *really* *really* friendly? Like
when it's *so* excited to see you."
I knew she had heard me by the groans of pleasure coming out and their
sudden and *coincidental* increase in volume. Perhaps a demonstration
might help her understand things a little. Panting like a dog, my tongue
wildly lapped at her exposed pussy lips like there was no tomorrow.
"Are you ready to be finished off now?" I asked, stopping to catch my breath.
"Mmmmm...mmmmmmm" Was all I got out of her. What kind of an answer was *that*
supposed to be?
"I asked you a *question*! And I'm not happy with the answer I got either!"
The appropriate punishment seemed to be more licking and then, just when she
thought it wouldn't, my tongue plowed through the Jenny's pussy slit without
any warning. I don't how far her body flew up off the bed, but it was a quite
a ways. I was ready to bet she just *loved* being penetrated so briskly and
being completely taken off guard. So sure, in fact, that I did it 5 or 6 more
times just to make sure I was right! It sure was getting *me* excited to think
about having my own pussy violated so suddenly like this.
With my face buried into her crotch, I gave her a licking she wasn't *ever*
going to forget. Holding her flailing legs in place seemed an impossible task
at times, but hold them I would.
Twisting, turning, Jenny writhed on the bed, my tongue in pursuit the whole
way. The only way to give her a proper licking (and she was going to get that
one way the other) was to get completely on top of her and wrap my arms around
those hips. This was the last time I was going to put up with all of this
squirming. I decided that next time, she would be *strapped* down into place.
And if I was lucky, perhaps I too would suffer the same fate!
My tongue went back to work, piercing her over and over again like a machine
until I could feel her whole body start tensing up.
I couldn't understand a thing she was mumbling. Just a lot of "Mmmmmmmm-mmm-
mm-mmmmmmmm" or something like that. Then suddenly her whole body started
moving in uncontrollable spasms and I could hear Jenny scream loudly as if the
gag wasn't even there. I feasted on her pussy with reckless abandon, following
her wild body movements all over the bed. Up and down she went with violent
convulsions until slowly everything stopped, it was over.
I remembered how much I enjoyed cuddling after the orgasm Jenny had given me,
so after removing her blindfold and gag I moved in for a snuggle. The poor
thing didn't seem to have a whole lot to say about anything. Instead, she
lied there quietly, eyes closed, kind of cooing softly like a dove. I held
her there in a loving embrace, kissing gently until she slowly started to come
back to life.
"I think I went to heaven," whispered Jennifer.
"That's where angels go you know." We smiled into each other and kissed.
The bright sunlight filtered through my curtains, casting its light on the
piles of clothes, magazines and other miscellaneous trash strewn across my
bedroom floor. Looking at the mess was depressing enough, but there was more
where that came from in the kitchen.
Mom always said, "What you do in your room is your business as long as it
doesn't affect me." The rest of the house, however, was a different story all
together. Cleaning up was going to get put off until later, there were more
important things on my mind. Kissing Jennifer some more, for example.
My lips felt like they were worn out already, like they were kissing somebody
even when they weren't. It was a really funny sensation.
Before I had much of a chance to wear them out some more, I heard a familiar
sound, an unmistakable sound. The front door had just closed. Which meant,
of course, that it had *opened*. Mother was home! And I had left the kitchen a
mess. A bad combination that was.
We both jumped out of bed and got dressed as quietly as we could.
I stayed hidden from view as I edged down the stairs slowly.
It was just as I had suspected and she wasn't exactly quiet about cleaning up
my mess in the kitchen. But she didn't seem angry either, whistling away as
she put the dishes and pans into the dishwasher. Strangely, she never seemed
to get mad like my dad did. Self control she called it.
"Sa....raaaah" My mother called loudly.
Backing up the stairs a bit, I answered. "Coming mom."
There she sat at the kitchen table hovering over the last bit of mess probably
left there just for me.
"Your father had to take a flight back to Nebraska to take of some last minute
business with the farm. He wants you know that he loves you very much. I
wanted to tell you that." The harshness of her stare told my there was more.
I figured we might as well get things out in the open. "Are you mad at me
about the kitchen?"
"I'm *very* disappointed in you." She deposited a cup into the dishwasher
speaking in almost a friendly tone. "And I thought you *cared* about your
father and I." Her head shook with a disgusted expression. "We do *so* much
for you. Is *this* how you repay us? We do *everything* we can for you. We
don't ask much either. No we don't. I thought you appreciated us taking care
of you. I guess I was wrong."
A dog. That's what I had become. Like when they crap on the floor and see
the rolled up newspaper coming. They know what it's for. But this was worse.
She put another cup away loudly.
I was starting to cry at that point when mom spoke again in this kind of
artificially cheerful voice. "Why don't we finish this up together, I think that
will make me feel so much better about you and I, don't you think so? I
think it will make you feel better too."
I had frozen up inside, unable to talk or think, my movements mechanical and
void of emotion.
Jenny walked down the stairs cautiously as if she knew something was going on.
"Well....hello there Jennifer!" Shouted mother acting like everything was just
so wonderful. "It's *so* nice to see you again. Did you to have fun today?
I'll bet *breakfast* was *just* delicious."
Jenny nodded politely, turning toward me. Her face was so loving and
understanding when her eyes met mine. The ice inside me was already beginning
to melt. But the tears were starting to push out, they wouldn't be held back
much longer. Just long enough for me to run out the door, Jenny right behind
me, finally grabbing my hand at the bottom of the driveway. I turned around
fell into her waiting embrace. At that point I really needed Jenny's love, but
everything inside of me was recoiling away from her in pain. Feeling my
resistance, she let me pull away.
We walked past the familiar shops and houses to the beach not saying a word.
When we got to the boardwalk, some of Jenny's friends were gathered together
on their beach towels in the sand. They were all waving and motioning for us
to come over but I just wasn't in any kind of mood to meet them.
"I think I need to be alone for a while Jenny." A party pooper like me wasn't
something she needed right then and I could see Jenny felt torn between helping
me and being with her other friends.
"Are you really sure? I'd rather be with you if you want me to."
I shook my head. "Thanks Jenny, but go ahead. I'll be OK. I just need some
time to think."
So we went our separate ways. She to be with her friends, me to be alone.
I felt so sad and yet so envious of her popularity. I had always been somewhat
of a loner, but living in a place where I knew no one was threatening to make
my life even more solitary.
The deep rumbling of the ocean waves was so calming, so healing, as I walked
along following the small birds in and out of the tide.
End of Chapter 6
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 7 by Linda B.
My mother was so efficient at reducing me to the lowest life form on earth.
I really don't know how she does it or why, but when she does, I completely
freeze up inside. Unable to think or act in a rational manner, I become her
ugly portrayal of myself. I even start to believe she's right after a while
and behave accordingly. It was little wonder why most of my time was spent
away from her.
A warm sunny rock had become my chair. From there I could watch the waves
roll ashore, listen to the gulls calling overhead and feel the chill that
told of the coming season. Just sitting there made my depression start to
lift away like the breeze that blew in from the ocean.
How could I be getting tired of a place like this? It was so beautiful.
You need friends to be happy, I concluded. Not that it was some major
discovery or anything, having lots of friends was just something I was
accustomed to. At least Jenny did have other friends which was more than I
could say for myself. Maybe our friendship was really hurting me, giving me
an excuse for my shyness, making it all too easy for me to hide away.
There wasn't much to do, whittling away at the few remaining days before
school started. I didn't feel like doing anything or meeting anyone, just
being with Jennifer.
I could see her sun lit hair flying around in the breeze as she walked toward
me. Even at a distance I could recognize her, feel her warmth inside of me.
Somehow, nothing else seemed to matter now, only Jenny. Her smile made me feel
lighter as I watched her coming closer. There was a part of me that still
wanted to look sad and hurt for Jenny. No doubt she would try to cheer to me
up if I was.
Jenny ran over as soon as she noticed me. "Mind if I join you?"
The rock was small, but I gladly slid over to make room for my friend. Remember,
I told myself holding back a smile, you're sad and hurt. Well, it *was* true.
She picked up a stick and starting drawing little hearts in the sand, flushing
out a small cloud of flies from their home in the seaweed. Tiny legs appeared
from the bottom of a shell and carried it slowly across the sand. It stopped
just a few inches from Jenny's stick.
"That's a hermit crab." She informed me. "When they get scared they climb back
inside their shell. As soon as it's safe, it'll come out again. Watch."
After a few minutes the shell rocked back and forth a few times, then continued
it's journey across the sand.
Jenny reached into her purse. "I've got something that will make you feel
I was still too sad and hurt to talk, but perhaps there was something she could
do to make me feel better. It was worth a try.
When I saw the hairbrush in her hand and that cute little giggle of hers, I
couldn't hold back from smiling. The feeling of Jenny's hands on my shoulders,
gently rotating me into position, was just enough to get the blood flowing to
all those excitable areas of my body.
My silence was broken. "Just so you know, my hair is *incredibly* available
....for brushing."
Jenny laughed, pushing the brush through my hair. "Is it...... available to
for a date? How.....about to be in it available for that?"
I didn't bother to hesitate with my answer, "it's available for *some* kind of
sex, I think."
The brushing continued, occasionally interrupted by Jenny's fingers petting
my hair. "I love the soft feeling of hair across my nipples, have you ever
felt that?" Was she talking to me? She must have been judging by my rapidly
weakening state.
"No." I blushed. "But the idea sounds nice. And of course my nipples *are*
very friendly, which I *think* you remember."
She remembered all right. How could she possibly forget how much I enjoyed
having my nipples sucked, twisted and pulled in and out of shape. When she
*demanded* to know how sensitive they were? It should have been quite clear
at that point that they were *very* sensitive. I was again reminded of that
as they brushed the inside of my blouse, making them even harder still.
The brush stopped half way through my waist length hair. "Oh god!" Scowled
Jenny. "Here comes 'lover boy'."
I shuttered, already feeling embarrassed. "Your old boyfriend?"
When I turned my head to look, Jenny's hand forcefully repositioned it. Then
I felt the brush again. It was obvious at that point: She was planning on
brushing my hair right in front of him! Oh no!
"Jenny?" I whispered, not knowing how close he was. "I think this is
embarrassing me? But I'm getting *really* turned on too?" Hopefully she
But there was no answer, just the static sound of a brush clinging slowly
through hair. Inside me, the messages were a bit more mixed: "Tell her to stop."
.... "No, tell her *not* to stop."......"Don't tell her anything!" One thing
was sure. My face must have been 5 shades of burning red by now. Every part
of me felt like it was shaking as I heard the footsteps get louder and louder.
My whole body felt electric, shrinking up in utter embarrassment, yet
so excited to be on public display. The whole thing was definitely getting me
even more horny, something I *didn't* need at that point.
Jenny spoke in an upbeat voice. "Hi Tom. I have a friend I'd like you to
meet. This is Sarah....Sarah, this is my boyfriend Tom." She finally allowed
me turn around and say hello, but one look at his snarling face was enough to
make me turn my head back.
Wait a minute. 'My boyfriend'? Did she call him her boyfriend? I must have
heard wrong. I thought they had broken up, at least that's what she told me.
"Sarah's having her hair braided, I think she's going to look really pretty
that way." Each of Jenny's words was like a small electric shock travelling
through my body. Was she teasing this guy or what? Or was she teasing me?
Or both of us? I couldn't bear to think what was going to happen next. This
guy would be telling the whole world about us. What was even crazier was how
much I was getting turned on by that possibility!
"So what's the big idea?" Barked Tom. "Huh? Just getting up and leaving me
like that. What kind of crap is that anyway?"
I started to get up, I don't know what I would have done though, if it
hadn't been for Jenny's pressure on my shoulders telling me to stay put. Inside
of me there was a dog growling, lifting up its lip to show the teeth.
Then I couldn't believe my ears, Jenny started apologizing to that jerk!
"I'm really sorry Tom, for leaving you."
"You're *mine*, do you understand me? You're not going to walk out on me like
that, make *me* look like a fool in front of *my* friends. Don't *ever* do
that again. A bunch of the guys are going out tonight with their girlfriends.
You're invited. We'll be at the boardwalk at 8. See you later."
Off he went in a rage, stomping his way down the beach.
I was completely shocked. "Does he always talk to you like that?"
"It's just that tough guy act, you know, football star, sports hero. He's
got quite a flock of followers too. Inside that tough outside there's a
warm, thoughtful person inside. He really needs someone like me to love him
and bring out his good side."
The thought of someone like that having a good side was sure foreign to me.
It would take a much bigger person than myself to love a guy like him. He
would talk to me like that exactly *one* time.
I looked over at Jenny, her face numb and expressionless. "So how do you fit
into the sports scene? You don't seem the type."
"Don't laugh, but I'm a cheerleader," she admitted reluctantly.
This was sure one day full of surprises. A cheerleader of all things. Boy, if
I were a cheerleader, I'd be routing for the *other* team and Tom would get a
pom-pom right in his face!
It was getting hard to imagine how we were going to stay friends in school,
our interests were so different. I never could stand jocks, especially the
ones like Tom who represented everything I'd come to despise in the breed.
Jenny was busy braiding my hair as promised, stopping now and then to kiss
the top of my head or hug me from behind. Her touch was so nice, so sensitive
and gentle.
"Why don't you try out Sarah.....for cheerleading."
"Cheerleading?.....Me?" Hopefully she was kidding. I felt so defensive trying
to explain. "Well...I just don't think I'd be very good at it. I mean you're
so pretty and popular, but I wouldn't-"
Jenny cut me off, stopping in the middle of a braid. "Come on, how do you
know if you don't give it a chance. Try-outs start in 2 days, why don't you
School was still 2 weeks away and already they were trying out for sports?
Just how I wanted to savor the last drops of summer vacation, trying out for
the cheerleading squad! "Can't they at least wait until school starts for
all that?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I guess they used to, but the football coach complained they didn't have
enough time before the first games. There was big debate about it and he
basically said 'this town has to decide whether it wants a winning team
or a losing team.' I guess he won the debate. There's a big emphasis on
sports right from the first day of school."
Then she explained how they have a huge pep rally the first day to introduce
the teams, and how the whole town shows up for the event. She said that
some of the teachers make jokes like "I wish we had as many people at
A seal bobbed up and down in the water, playing hide and seek with me.
My focus went in and out, alternating between sharp and blurry as I
contemplated school and pep rallies and cheerleaders. I was seriously debating
skipping the whole "Pep Rally" thing, but Jenny would be so disappointed. OK,
I decided. I'll go, but I would definitely be keeping a low profile. Jenny
never brought up the cheerleading thing again, not until weeks later. Not that
I was going to complain.
The long shadows of passing joggers reminded me that another day was coming
to an end. It made me think too, of how Jenny and I had spent that late
afternoon nestled in the rocks high above the beach and how her warmth blended
with the warmth of the sunlight. Her love seemed to flow through me, filling
every crack and crevice in me.
There really wasn't any point beating around the bush so I was blunt with her.
"Jenny, are you very horny? What are you on a scale of 1 to 10..... with 10
being the horniest."
She paused for a minute after tying off the braid with a rubber band. "How
about a 7."
"That's high enough for me!" I answered enthusiastically. "I'm at least a 12!"
Well, my braids never got finished that day. Instead she took me by the hand
toward our little hideaway in the rocks. More memories began flooding my mind
from our first expedition there when we met. The setting sun, holding each
other, the first kiss, my guilt feelings. All of it replayed in my mind as we
climbed the steep rocks.
Slowly we crept up the rocky ledges with our hands held tightly. When we
reached our secluded little spot I was instructed to sit down. "Passively" was
the word Jenny used to describe how she wanted me to sit there. "Weaker" was
the word I would use to describe how that made me feel!
"Now close your eyes and imagine that you are completely helpless and want
to be my captured love prisoner."
I giggled, "I think I've been imagining *that* all day!"
Jenny started playing with my hair again, using the end the of braid like a
brush to tickle my neck and ears, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. Then
the braids became ropes to pull me back into her waiting arms. When I
felt her breath like a warm breeze across my neck there was no mistaking what
I would be getting next.
"I *love* having my neck kissed, don't you?" Must have been a rhetorical
Nodding in passive agreement, I threw back my neck with reckless abandon,
giving Jenny final approval to do with me as she pleased. But Jenny
didn't seem to need approval. The way she was holding me so firmly, the message
was loud and clear: "You're getting *whatever* I want and don't you *dare* try
to stop me!" I was ready to take my chances.
"Oh what pretty earrings you have, the better to taste you!" She mused.
I was glad she liked them, after all, I had her in mind when I put them on.
Like many of the beautiful things I owned, the delicate gold earrings came
from my mom. They were like small pieces of gold lace, each with a pearl in the
center. I loved wearing pretty jewelry, especially if it encouraged *this*
kind of attention from Jenny.
Jenny started making out with my ear lobe, licking it all over as she went,
slowly putting more and more of her weight on me in the process. Her arms
slipped around me as I went down, insuring a soft landing. I remembered her
instructions: "Imagine that you are my completely helpless love prisoner."
Playing the roll of the "weak and submissive female" made me feel so intensely
excited. Just lying there with my eyes closed, waiting for the next kiss,
the next little nibble, the next stroke of her long sensitive fingers. And she
always made me wait too, just knowing how much more it turned me on to be
taken off guard, reminded that I had no control over what was happening to me.
Eyes closed, I could only feel now as Jenny lifted up my blouse and slid her
hands toward my anxiously waiting breasts. Then I felt the blouse being pulled
and stretched away from my body. Next thing I knew, Jenny's head was coming
in too! She groped around for my nipples as if she didn't know where they were.
I'm sure! If her little charade was intended to turn me on even more, it was
certainly working! My nipples felt like they were glowing with warmth as each
one got a most *thorough* licking, her tongue making circles around and around
and around them forever. I was quickly falling into one of those dream states
again where I felt the my whole world floating away.
Suddenly, everything came to a screeching halt when I heard a loud noise like
a rock falling. I opened my eyes to see someone's hand reaching over the top of
the ledge! Shit!
"Jenny!" I whispered loudly. "Someone's coming!"
She jerked her head out from my blouse, smashing me right in the nose! I'll
tell you one thing, pain and pleasure sure don't mix! For the next minute or
so I could only see stars.
"Oh god! I'm sorry Sarah, are you OK?"
I nodded briefly, still holding my hands over my face in pain.
When I finally took them away to look, there he was. Tom. Just standing there
with his hands on his hips, staring at Jenny with obvious discontent.
That creep must have followed us! It was like I could feel the hairs on my
head standing up in rage. Everything in me wanted to hit him, but I settled
for the dirtiest look I could possibly come up with.
But to him, I didn't even seem to be there. He barked at Jenny as if I didn't
exist. "So, are you coming or what?"
Jenny winced. "Oh yes, Tom. I really do want to."
"Everyone is waiting for *you*. You're always making me look bad and I'm
getting *really* sick of it too. Let's go before you do it again."
Tom went first, carrying Jenny down behind him like some worn out piece
of luggage. I could only watch in despair as her sad eyes disappeared over the
rocks. It was all too familiar, just like the last time he took her away from
me. She had mouthed a goodbye to me, probably afraid to even speak. The fire
that seemed to burn in her eyes had been snuffed out so easily by Tom. Jenny's
sad and frightened look would haunt me for days to come.
But how could she let him do this to her? That was the hardest thing for me
to understand as I stared out over the pounding surf. Just wondering a thousand
questions. What was she attracted to in a guy like him? How could anyone
tolerate being treated like a run over piece of road-kill. I just didn't get
The tears came with no warning and flowed out of me, partly for myself and
partly for Jennifer. She was so beautiful, so full of life. Watching her with
Tom was watching her die and the pain I felt was almost unbearable.
After waiting until they were long gone, I made my way back down the rocks,
picking up the pace as the cold ocean mist surrounded me. Through teary
eyes I watched the sun inch it's way over the horizon.
Walking the length of the boardwalk was the shortest way home, but that day
I would take a different route. It would have been too painful to see
Jenny with Tom. Once in a group of people, she was so good at making everyone
feel like they belonged, despite her own problems. The hurt she felt inside
would stay hidden and watching her pretend would have made things even harder
for me.
Imagining Jenny was such a routine thing by now, it was almost as if she
never left me. Like we were connected somehow. But still I felt torn apart from
her. Hurt, angry, not willing to hide it or even pretend it wasn't there,
I went straight past my mom saying little more than "Hi, I'm home, and I'm
not hungry." The last thing I wanted was to do talk to her about any of this.
That night I lie awake in my bed, holding out hope that Jenny would call.
Telling myself that it really wasn't too late when I knew it was. She never
did call that night, nor did she call the next day either.
And each day that went by without hearing from her brought more sadness and
pain. I just couldn't understand it. Why was she doing this? Did something bad
happen to her? I kept telling myself that she was probably at cheerleading
practice or something else, none of which I could get myself to believe.
I rarely left my room as the summer days passed, instead finding comfort in
my books with their own little worlds. Worlds that were happier than mine. Mom
stayed out of my way, occasionally reaching out to me with a smile or a little
present. She had seen me like this before and knew that I would come out of it
in time.
But time was working against me now. The numbers on my calendar counted each
day as it went by. Twenty nine....thirty....thirty one, trickling away like
the sand in an hourglass. I couldn't bear to turn the page to September.
Preparing for school was something I just kept putting off until later,
telling myself "I'll do it tomorrow." Knowing that preparing for school was more
than just getting a notebook, ruler and some pens. No thought had been given to
what courses I was going to take or even what I wanted to do with my life. I
just kept wishing it would all go away, wondering if I would ever see Jennifer
End of Chapter 7
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 8 by Linda B.
My favorite books were romantic novels, especially those that took place in
the medieval times. In them I found all the necessary ingredients for my
wildest fantasies: Castles, knights in shining armor, princes to sweep me of
my feet and ride off into the nearest sunset. Nothing to do but stroll around
all day in fancy dresses through the flower gardens.............
But, there was a darker side to my fantasies too, where masked men would
lock a steel collar around my neck and lead me by chains into that room.
The one with a table in the middle of it. The table on which I would
inevitably be strapped down and "prepared" for sex, usually by a full compliment
of beautiful maidens. They would braid my hair and rub my entire naked body
with perfumed oil. And then, of course, they would make sure I was *very*
wet in the most important place. For this, a specially shaped "tool" was used.
Not surprisingly, it vaguely resembled a full-grown penis. I would squirm to no
avail when I saw it coming. This would only earn me the punishment of having my
breasts put into this special bra-like contraption made of leather with holes
for my nipples so they could be pulled out just to the point where it started
to hurt and held there by clamps on the bra.
Mom had always made me feel that touching myself was somehow wrong and that I
shouldn't do it. Knowing I would feel guilty afterward was usually enough to keep
me from doing it, but not then, I was getting much too hot thinking about my
favorite fantasies. Fantasies that by now usually included Jennifer.
Thinking about that dildo made me want to use something other than my fingers
this time, something stiff and long. But what was there in the house? Sure,
mom probably had a dildo tucked away somewhere, and knowing her, it probably
had "keep out of reach of teenagers" stamped all over it!
My mind raced through the house: candles, a bar of soap, my hair brush handle,
none of which sounded too appealing.
Various fruits and vegetables seemed the most promising to me, but which ones?
Mom would sure get suspicious if I pulled a zucchini out of the fridge for a
snack. I don't even like the stupid things *cooked* for crying out loud! After
deciding that a banana would probably be too soft, I settled on a carrot.
The kitchen was empty and dark when I snuck in quietly, making my way over to
refrigerator. Luckily, a nice selection of carrots were available for "snacking"
I pondered momentarily which one would provide the most pleasure. The one
with the big "S" curve was completely out of the question, as were several
other smallish ones. There were two medium sized carrots that looked appetizing,
both having lots of ridges. I wonder how *they* would feel, I thought.
My finger tips caressed and stroked each one slowly, trying to imagine how
wonderful they might be inside me. I couldn't wait to find out!
Warming them up in the microwave would have been nice, but too risky. I could
imagine trying to explain *that* one to my mother!
Once back in my bed room, it wasn't long before I was being whisked away
to the castle, where various forms of exquisite pleasure would await me.
My transportation consisted of a cage on top of a wagon which was deliberately
paraded through the town. No pumpkin coach for this slave girl!
My nipples immediately hardened as I gently rolled them in my fingertips.
Suddenly the wagon stopped and three knights rode up, their horses clad in armor.
They walked over silently, then unlocked the cage. I tried to hold on as my
body was pulled through the door. It didn't work.
Later....I would receive a well deserved and proper punishment.
But for now, it was time for the carrot.
Slowly and carefully I pushed it up into my vagina. It was a little scary at
first, at *very* first! I could feel each ridge of the carrot stimulating my
clit as it passed by. In and out, in and out, I could feel myself being carried
Carried away in chains. To my favorite castle, my favorite room, my favorite
table. Where the knights awaited me. "Put her into the special bra for her
punishment," called one of them. While I was being held, they put me into
what was more like a large leather harness than a bra, complete with the same
sort of nipple clamping accessories as the other one. The clamps were installed,
just as I had hoped, then a leash was attached to them this time, and I was
led down a long corridor.
I could feel the blood rushing into my private areas, slowly writhing on my
bed, working the "tool" I held in my hand.
The tool that he held in his hand when I was urged through the doorway into
the room. The dust from the dirt floor was suspended in the sunlight, shadowed
by iron bars in the window.
The dark handsome figure motioned toward the table. I knew what they wanted.
I felt my weightless body being carried with the strength of several men.
It felt like my whole body was rising, lifting off my bed, higher with each
stroke of the carrot. I spread my legs as wide as they would go, imagining
my captures in that room doing the same.
Suddenly everything started expanding, all my senses, my feelings. Everything
was getting bigger and bigger until it all exploded. My body jerked up and down
on the bed uncontrollably. I didn't know where I was or who I was for that
moment of time, that moment when time stands still for eternity. It was an
incredible orgasm, one I could only imagine sharing with Jennifer.
Then there was a knock on my bedroom door. It was mom, no doubt, slowly
forcing the doorknob back and forth against the lock. No one else would
continue for so long. So agonizingly long.
My voice was muffled while I quickly jerked a shirt over my head. "Yes mom."
"Can I come in?"
I felt like saying "no" right then, but her tone of voice had given away the
suspicion. She no doubt had come to find out what was going on, although never
asking me directly.
Instead she kept glancing around the room, looking for clues and distracting
me with things like: "Aren't you excited about the first day of school?" and
"Tell me all about the books you've been reading lately." Like I was going to
believe she was interested in that! Right!
Little did she know, some of my favorite books and magazines were ones I had
dug out of the trash or "borrowed" from her reading room.
You could always tell which ones she had tried to hide. The magazine at the
bottom of the stack with a woman in leather and chains on the cover, or the
book on the top of the bookshelf with a title something like "Encouraging
submissive behavior through bondage". Small wonder where I got some of my
Then came that dreaded question, one that I knew she would ask sooner or later.
Was I "prepared" for school. After all, it was tomorrow you know. Oh, I almost
forgot mom!
I was so afraid of not being prepared for school that I had let it happen, as
if purposely.
Summoning up my courage, I spoke. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be I guess."
My mother wasn't impressed.
"Here Sarah, I got a few things for you." She handed me a bag with a notebook,
some pens, and few other basics in it. That was more than I was going to bring.
But how could I? Go to school with nothing? What was I *doing* anyway?
I was obviously starting to cry, by then. Mom came over and hugged me, patting
me on the back. If only she could be there to help me, if only someone. How
Jenny could abandon me like this was hard to imagine. Didn't she know how hard
this was?
That was the only thing I could think of, riding my bicycle to school the next
day. Mom had offered to let me drive her car, a Mercedes convertible. There was
no way! It stood for everything I despised: Money, power, and privilege. Besides
that, what would the other students think of me? They would think that I'm
a stuck up, rich, bitch. That's exactly what they would think.
Lots of people had bikes, judging by how full the rack was at school. There
was only 2 or 3 slots left by the time I got there. I rushed in through the
large double doors, knowing I was probably late already.
A woman sitting behind a large table at the door asked my name, then she
handed me a folder full of stuff and pointed to my homeroom down the hall.
My face felt the heat of a hundred eyes bearing down on me as I opened the
classroom door. Being late the first day doesn't exactly make a good impression.
Just as soon as I had gotten there, we were directed to the cafeteria where
tables had been set up for each of courses that were being offered. It was
pretty much the same way it had been in Nebraska, so I knew the routine.
There were choices for sciences, mathematics, history and foreign languages.
Everything except English. That was required. On my course schedule, I found
an English class had been assigned to me already. Since I had plenty of credits
from my last school, I could take pretty much what I wanted. There wasn't much.
"French III" was the only sure thing; I knew Jenny was taking that and luckily
there was only one French teacher.
After signing up for the courses, we had a couple hours before "orientation"
started. Enough time to wander around and check the place out, have lunch, and
hopefully bump into Jenny somewhere along the way.
I hadn't said much more than "hi" to anyone when I struck out in search of my
locker which ended up being right across from the office door. Suddenly I noticed
how dressed-up everyone was, except for myself. It looked more like a *runway*
than a hallway, each young woman making her own "fashion statement" with her
own designer threads, or for some, cheap imitations. Living with my mom had
given me the wisdom to know the difference.
And there *I* was, dressed entirely in denim, my hair tied up and tucked under a
baseball cap.
As I began putting books and things away in my locker I heard a familiar voice
from behind me. It was Jenny's. I was so nervous, afraid to turn around and
look even when I heard her whisper "There's Sarah".
What I saw when I did finally turn around shocked me. There she was, in full
cheerleader get-up! First there was the pleated skirt, alternating between
white and the school color, burgundy. Then came the cleavage-revealing, glitter
look, sleeveless top. Rah,Rah!
I had to admit that I was really jealous. After all, Jennifer was beautiful.
Her hair was done up in those same delicious French braids she had worn to my
house that wonderful first day. Except for a slightly dark spot under one eye,
her makeup was flawless. Unlike some of the younger girls that were giggling
around her. When I looked into her eyes I felt the warm emotion flowing into
me like the breeze through an open summer window.
"Hi Sarah!" She smiled, acting as if everything was just fine. It wasn't.
My head was half turned away when I answered. "Hi Jenny."
Just as she started introducing me to her friends, I heard this loud group
of guys coming down the hall. Sure enough, it was Tom and his cronies! I
thought I would be sick when I saw him in his football uniform. About every
2 seconds someone had to punch his shoulder and say something like "Way to
go Tom" or "State champions this year". All of their laughing and joking seemed
to come to an abrupt end just about the same time Tom saw Jenny talking to me.
"Hey babe." Tom spoke with a ridiculous "I'm Mr. Cool" voice. Only his
tag-alongs were impressed. "We have to get going, the newspaper people are
here to get our pictures."
Jenny rolled her eyes back, trying to ignore him. It couldn't have been easy.
"Sarah, friend Cindy." She sounded frightened, and
understandably so. In that uniform Tom seemed almost as wide as he was tall.
Who would say "no" to someone like that?
Tom put his hand on Jenny's shoulder. It wasn't there for long before Jenny
politely removed it.
I heard an "ooooh!" come out from behind Tom, but you couldn't see around him
to see who it was. It was as if they were saying, "You're going to let her
get away with that? You? *Big Tom*? The football star?"
His face looked even meaner now. "I *said*.....Lets go."
I just had to say something, I didn't care who the hell this guy thought he was.
"Can't you take a hint Tom, she obviously doesn't want to go with you." I
started regretting saying anything when I saw the look on Tom's face as he
stepped through the group of girls around me.
"Are you talking to me." He pointed to himself, looking around at the crowd that
was gathering. He kept coming closer and closer.
"Leave her alone, Tom." Jenny begged.
Tom chuckled. "*Her*? The tough guy?"
He wasn't the first one to suggest I was a boy so I wasn't really bothered
by the comment. Where I grew up I was the only girl in the neighborhood and it
took plenty of wrestling matches to prove I was just tough as the they were.
I had even taken some self-defense classes at my dad's insistence, though
nothing I could really use against Tom. I wasn't about to try pulling some
kind of slick jump kick on someone that was three times my size.
"You've got a big mouth." He barked, pointing his finger right into my breast
so hard it pushed me back. I tried not to give him the satisfaction of knowing
how much that hurt. The next time his finger came at me I deflected it easily,
but the space between my back and the lockers had run out.
At that point the whole world starting fading in and out. I could hear Jenny
telling him over and over to leave me alone. I could smell alcohol on
Tom's breath as he slowly moved closer and closer. At that point I wasn't
thinking anymore, my survival instincts had taken over.
I drove my knee right between Tom's legs with full force making him double over
right in his tracks.
By then several teachers and the principal had come out of nowhere asking
what had happened. Tom was kneeling on the floor by that time and I was crying
my eyes out. Nobody would say anything. Twenty people standing around and no one
saw anything!
A big guy in sweats ran up to Tom, he must have been the coach. "What the
hell's going on here? Come on big guy, are you O.K.?" Tom's head nodded "yes"
but through my teary eyes I could see different story. He wasn't O.K. at all.
And it wasn't long before the football coach found out what had happened and
not much longer after that before he was telling the principal to suspend me.
"I want her out of here." He pushed the words through a narrow slit in his
clenched teeth. Then they moved the conversation into the office along
with Tom, but I could still barely hear it.
I recognized the principal's wimpy voice. "Oh my, I just don't know what to
"What the hell am *I* gonna do? Huh? If Tom can't play tomorrow, we're gonna
Suddenly a third voice cut in, one I didn't recognize. "That's your problem.
Tell your *fucking* jock here to pick on some his own size and preferably his
own gender."
"Now, now, John. I'm sure we can come to an agreement here without arguing."
"Carey doesn't give a shit if we win or loose. He doesn't give a shit if
Tom gets that scholarship to Yale."
"Yale? You know John, these scholarships to big schools *do* mean a lot for our
image. And you know as well as I do, the principal here, I really
have to support that. We really do John."
"How about some *FUCKING* *ACADEMIC* scholarships for a change of pace? Can you
support that?"
"A scholarship's a scholarship. It's *Yale* John. Yale for crying out loud!
Nobody's going to ask what *kind* of scholarship. Last year we sent one to
Harvard and one to Stanford. Makes us look really good John, really does."
"I'm not passing any more *fucking* *jocks* who can barely spell their own name
so we look good. No more." Then I heard stomping footsteps leaving the office.
I had sat there on the floor against my locker the entire time, head on my
knees, still shaking. I finally looked up to see Jenny standing there by
herself. We both smiled at each other, then she sat down next to me and held
me. It was a scene that always seemed to repeat itself. Jenny always coming to
the rescue when I was the most hurt, she always seemed to be there when I
needed her most.
End of Chapter 8
(to be continued)
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 9 by Linda B.
I wanted desperately to know what had happened to Jenny during those long
days I'd spent alone in my room. I began to suspect that it was something
bad during that uneasy silence.
The hallway that only minutes ago bustled with activity was now strangely
quiet. And inside me there was the same quietness. There were no words to say,
no way to describe how I felt. But Jenny knew somehow, later I would find
out why. I sensed her strength when her hand reached out to help me up off the
floor. The symbolism of her gesture really hit me.
We walked together down the long hallway and out the side door. Secluded
among the tall grass and redwood trees, we sat down. Soft afternoon light
filtered through the trees and danced across Jenny's face. Those eyes of hers
were so deep, so intense, they seemed to look right through me. It was as if
everything was revealed, my entire being naked before her. An incredible
emotional bonding was taking place, one that I would never experience again.
She cradled and held me like a baby until I was completely at peace.
"Can you talk?" She asked with a concerned look.
A big smile spread across my face as we made eye contact again. "Did you know
how wonderful you are?"
For a moment we laughed, then her expression changed back to serious. "I'm
sorry....about not calling you. There were some problems."
What sort of problems? I wondered, knowing that they couldn't possibly be any
worse than I had imagined. But it was better not to ask. I figured when she
was ready, she'd tell me.
"I really missed you Jenny, and worried about what happened."
There was an uncomfortable feeling in the air, like I was getting too close
to what was going on with her. Her face was telling me. And one and one were
beginning to make two.
I struggled to get the words out. "I'm afraid of Tom....and for you."
"Hey, come on now, it's going to be O.K." She dodged the issue gracefully,
putting me back in the spotlight. "He really hurt you didn't he?" Her arms
reached out again and held me. It was so soothing and gentle the way Jennifer
stroked my face and whispered how it was going to be all right. So loving,
so understanding, but there was something wrong. I just couldn't put my
finger on it.
Just then I remembered, jumping up to look at my watch. "Oh, no Jenny! We're
going to be late for orientation, it's five after two already!"
Jenny chuckled, grabbing at my shirt as I tried to get up. "Relax Sarah, no
one ever goes to that. It's just for new....well, you don't need it. The only
thing that's going on today is the pep rally at three thirty. Coming?"
She must have *known* that I didn't want to go to that *stupid* thing. "Prep
rally" is what some of the other students were calling it. Chewing on a piece
grass, I stared out across the empty football field, not really wanting to
answer the question.
Jenny tried to make eye contact. "I've got to go and get ready. See you there?
She managed to get a smile out of me as she left which was about as close to
to a "yes" answer as there was.
Down on the field, a transformation was slowly taking place. First there were
chairs were set up, loudspeakers, streamers and big signs followed. Next, the
people came. Only a handful at first, then more and more until it was a huge
crowd. Every single man, woman, child and dog from the whole county must have been
there. In the end I figured I might as well go too.
Travelling down the winding path to the field made me think about my life
and where I was going. Fitting in at this high school was probably going to
be difficult at best, especially after what had happened that day.
On the other hand, all the newness of California was wonderful. Walking along,
sipping on the dry sweet smell of pine trees, looking up through a thousand
shades of green seemed to breathe life back into me. There was an energy here
that I hadn't experienced before.
And yet there was that painful awareness that there would be repercussions
from my "incident" with Tom earlier that day. In the back row of bleachers I
couldn't help but feel isolated. And I was. While no one knew me, everyone
probably had heard about me and seemed to be avoiding me.
One by one they announced the players on the football team to loud
screams and applause as they took the field. They saved Tom for last, who
received a standing ovation for probably five minutes straight. The limp was
noticeable, as well as a slight grimace on his face when he walked. A few guilt
feelings started surfacing for a split second before I caught myself.
Then something caught my eye on the sidelines, the cheerleading squad had
started their routines. It was something to see. Instead of the more
conservative outfit that Jenny had been wearing earlier that day, they had
these juicy little short, ass length skirts and even a more revealing top.
The first part was a fairly simple dance routine with a bunch of cartwheels,
handstand-like flips and various cheers.
My eyes kept focusing on Jenny, her breasts bouncing along as she danced with
graceful movements. I started having some strange feelings inside watching her,
almost wanting to be there with her. Wanting to dance, to be attractive like she
was. And as usual, getting excited sexually.
Then they made a human pyramid with Jenny standing on top.
You just knew people were trying to see what they could see of her scantily
clad body. Wasn't that the intention, after all? And she got plenty of mileage
out of that *pert* little back end of hers, that's for sure. There was more
than one opportunity to flaunt it, waving that frilly little skirt tail to a
thunderous applause.
One of the best parts was when they were all lined up facing the crowd,
chanting something that sounded like "go-team-go....kick-em-in-the-groin".
Then, after they all crouch down, my favorite cheerleader comes running in
from the side, jumps up and lands across their shoulders and goes into a split.
The whole group starts rotating like a giant propeller around the field,
Jenny spinning around on top, pompoms shooting out in every direction. It was
an excellent show, one that would surely bring a lot more fans to the games,
myself included.
A few of the teachers got up to speak. Each one reiterated how important it
was for everyone to be "committed" to the teams success, etc. Next it was the
coach's turn, repeating the same mantra one more time, like we needed it
already! It seemed it a little strange to me, but he went on to tell the crowd
that despite Tom's "injury" earlier today, he would be able to play in
tomorrow's game which of course they would win.
It was probably time for me to disappear at that point, although I really
wanted to see if I could find Jenny in the crowd of small groups now scattered
throughout the playing field. Maybe even talk to her? About the feelings I was
having once more. The feelings of excitement, of tenderness, of adolescent
sexual desire.
Should I have let her talk me into becoming a cheerleader? I wondered. Maybe
then we could spend more than two minutes together. There was just no one else
in the world right now except Jennifer and by the looks of things, I would
have to wait in a long line for her attention.
The next day in school I was greeted by more of the same silent treatment
that I had received the first day. Jenny was constantly surrounded by people
every time I saw her. How in the world was I ever going to get a minute
to even say "Hi"?
Early that day I had discovered her locker, not that I wasn't looking for it
or anything! Then this thought crossed my mind. A note could easily be
slipped in through the vents at the top when the coast was clear. MMMM, yes,
a *love* note! I always fantasized about finding one or two in my locker from
that "secret admirer". Possibly she could be reminded of our previous
expeditions up mount orgasm? Or maybe I should mention how much I just
*adored* brushing her soft, beautiful hair or licking her earlobes until I
teased up a full complement of goosebumps? Or how about the feelings we had when
our nipples were introduced and got to know each other? talk about love at first
To avoid embarrassing her, I decided to condense it just in case
someone else saw it. It went like this:
"Dearest Jennifer,
I watched you yesterday at the pep rally. You were wonderful, beautiful.
I miss the times we spent together when we first met. Your my best friend, I
need you so much. Please come over to my house after school today at five?
Secret admirer.
And just in case there was any doubt who this "secret admirer" was, I dabbed
some perfume on the note. The same one that *somehow* ended up getting on her
in my bedroom.
Memories and emotions overcame me as the fragrance briefly filled the air,
making me feel all soft and romantic inside. I rubbed the note all over
my neck before dropping it off at it's final destination. That only brought up
even more of those weak and wonderful feelings.
Classes went well although we really didn't do much other than go over course
requirements and schedules for the year. The one exception was French III.
Ms. Le Fevre never spoke anything but French which was obviously *her* native
tongue and obviously *not* mine! Any questions or answers in English were
greeted by a shrug of her shoulders. From what my mom had told me, this was
something that many an English speaking tourist had experienced in France. So
much for realism.
I was pretty much lost throughout the whole thing, picking up no more than
bits and pieces of the strained conversations. The tension in the crowded
classroom air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
For some reason, Jenny wasn't there as I had expected. Maybe she wasn't taking
the class? Talk about a depressing thought! Normally I would see her between
classes and later that day I realized another one of Jenny's mysterious
disappearing acts had taken place. It made me wonder what was going on even
End of Chapter 9
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 10 by Linda B.
When I got home, there was a note from mom saying she was taking care of
"business" at the store. Business that usually meant shopping. And *lots* of it.
She took the whole process quite seriously. I remember well the one time I
went along. It was a big mistake. Her rude, impatient attitude embarrassed me
over and over again. The second we left the house she was in this kind of "get
the hell out my way" frenzy, acting more like an addict in desperate need of
a fix than anything else.
As the shopping progressed, the change in my mother went slowly from night to
day. With each beep of the cash register, each signature, each detour back to
the car, mom was more and more elated, as if her emotional high was somehow
electronically linked to the credit card balance.
But what happened when we got home that day sickened me the most.
My dad greeted us and asked her how she was doing. Nothing was said. Instead,
he was immediately taken by the hand and escorted to the rear of the car,
where she proceeded to open the trunk lid, exposing the vast quantities of
her "booty".
"Just *look* in there," her eyes glazed over insanely as she spoke. "That's
how I feel! Right there!"
I watched the living room clock nervously at it approached that magic hour,
five O'clock. The hour when hopefully Jenny would show up.
With each passing minute the prospects grew dimmer like the slowly setting
sun through the window shades. Had she even seen my note? If so, why wasn't
there a reply?
Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door and I jumped up to answer it.
As I opened the door I could feel everything bubbling up inside me with
Wow! Was she a sight, wearing this off-the-shoulder white dress with wide
straps that crossed in front, widening enough to barely encompass her
breasts. Her arms crossed in front too, making those pointy shoulders poke
out seductively.
Jenny looked like a sweet southern belle, an image of delightful femininity.
Sure, I knew that being feminine is much more than wearing darling dresses
and lace and cute hairdos.
I knew that. But inside me there was this desire to be that beautiful flower,
just like Jennifer was. To be caught up in that whimsical flight of fancy.
Of being totally and completely "girl". I was in love with the thought of it
and in love with love itself.
It sure looked like she had really gone well out of her way to look extra
pretty that day. But for me? I could only dream of being the object of her
affection, she had so many other friends. Looking at how attractive she was
started stirring up all these romantic, dreamy feelings again. It was too
embarrassing for me to admit to being such a tomboy. Too hard to admit being
afraid of being a girl, of not knowing what it was all about. But desperately
wanting someone other than mother to help me sort things out. Someone I could
trust. Someone like Jenny.
Maybe, I wondered, if I dropped some subtle hints, would she figure out what
I really wanted? The only question left
"Jenny? Do you think boys would.....uh...think I was....well....cute?" So much
for subtle hints. I never was very good about beating around the bush.
She put her hand under my chin and spoke in soft, caring voice. "Oh, Sarah! Of
course I do. *I* think you're cute."
Suddenly I was pushing back tears, trying to avoid eye contact and knowing
she probably felt sorry for me. What did I expect her to say anyway? NO, I
THINK YOU'RE UGLY! Not that it would have been a surprise or anything.
Jenny was silent for a moment before finding the right words. "I read an
article recently called 'taking charge of your looks' that talked about how
each of us has our own beauty and how we can do things to *enhance* it, but we
first need to have peace with ourselves an accept who we are."
It made me feel really wonderful to hear that. Even though I would never look
like Jenny, it wasn't like my looks were something to be ashamed of. As far as
acceptance was concerned, though, there was a ways to go.
'Taking charge'. Mmmmm. I liked the sound of that. Yet another favorite fantasy
came to mind. One where an attractive girl like Jenny or better yet, a group
of them would suddenly notice that I was just a bit too *boyish*, a little too
tom-boyish and that *something* would have to be done about it. And right away,
too! First I would hear little whispers, catching just enough of the
conversation to know that they were talking about me. Then after listening
more closely, the realization would come: they were deciding what they were
going to *do* about it. More specifically, what they were going to do to *me*.
Completely excited, yet scared, I would fantasize about the treatment I was
going to get. There would be no choice. Not that they *had* to force me or
anything, but they *were* very persuasive and *very* firm about things. Things
that included a complete makeover, lots of romantic, feminine clothes and
jewelry. Those kinds of things. Throughout the entire day I would be pampered
and prettied nonstop, never having been asked my opinion on anything.
Everything would be decided for me. What I should wear, what color my
lipstick would be, how my hair would be cut. Everything. Talk about a fantasy
that I would *never* admit to *anyone*! How embarrassing! How much *more*
embarrassing to actually *do* it! But then, wasn't the complete and total
*embarrassment* part of what made the whole thing so exciting in the first
"Jenny? This is kind of embarrassing, but...." A hot blush flooded my face.
It was almost impossible to say it. These big waves of weak and tingly
sensations kept passing through me as I tried to force it out. I told myself,
"You're *going* to say it! Yes, you know you want it and you're going to get
"Ummm.....I was kind of wondering...wondering if you could.........maybe
help me choose some pretty clothes and....well things like that maybe, you
know?" Talk about feeling stupid along with embarrassed! At that point my face
was buried in my lap, still trying to hide my utter humiliation over what I had
just confessed.
"You look cute when you blush," Giggled Jennifer, adding that she thought red
was one of my colors. Well I was sure wearing it enough!
"I really don't know much about all this stuff with colors and makeup, you'll
.........probably need to help me, if you don't mind?"
Jenny voice was sexy. "That sounds like fuuuuu.....uuuuuuun!
I couldn't wait to get all of that attention. I wondered if she knew *exactly*
all that I had in mind. Probably not. Could there be a way to tell her without
risking even more embarrassment? Hopefully not. I was getting much too excited
by playing this little game of "hide and seek" with her.
I would probably need a lot of work, don't you think so Jenny? Oh, yes. She
tried to say it diplomatically. A "complete" makeover was just what I needed,
the kind you get at a mall department store. A mall that would hopefully
have a nice lingerie store, a formal wear shop, a beauty salon, and plenty of
maidens to attend to my every need.
"Jenny, this is going to sound strange, I don't know exactly how to say it,
but I uh......" I wished I hadn't known what I was about to say.
"It's O.K. sweetie." She put her hand under my chin.
"I hope I won't let you down or anything. I'm just kind of afraid of that.
That, like I might...... like chicken out or something at the last minute or
something like that, you know? You might have to make some decisions for me."
Jenny started to get this silly grin on her face, Oh no! A chill of fear
went through my body thinking about the reality that was taking place: She
knew damn well what I was doing! Then it was explained how she couldn't *wait*
to model me into some of those skimpy little teddies at Freddy's. And while
I was there? Could I be so *kind* as to try on some of those oh-so-sleezie
little velvet cocktail dresses? And maybe, just maybe, she could help me
overcome all my fears. Help me by making her self available in the dressing
room to assist me, if that was *O.K.*, and maybe even if it wasn't!
You could see her wheels turning, figuring out something. Hopefully, something
that needed to be done to me. "Do you know what you need Sarah?"
Yes, I wondered, but did she? My whole body started quivering with excitement
as I waited for the possibilities to be made into probabilities.
"You need a *date*" She stuck her finger in the air as she spoke. "A date
for the big dance next month. It's going to be ballroom dancing, really
romantic. I can't wait!"
I pouted, "You really think someone's going to ask *me* to go?"
"When we're done with you, guys will be *lining* up for a date with you!"
I was starting to feel a bit like Cinderella talking to my fairy godmother.
Maybe I'd get that pumpkin coach after all!
End of Chapter 10
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 11 by Linda B.
I often used my mother's absence as an opportunity to browse through her latest
"reading material". It wasn't long after Jenny arrived, that we found
ourselves sprawled out on my bed amidst a vast array of sexy magazines and
Because there hadn't been enough time to sort through them, I ended up
with some pretty heavy duty stuff.
Jenny dug up one that was buried at the bottom called "Submissively Yours:
Adult Toys Catalog for the Women who needs to be put in her place." Mmmmmm! I
thought, *playing* could take on a whole new meaning with some of *those*
"Lookie hear!" She gushed, pointing to some pushup bras with "optional"
nipple clamps, similar in many respects to the ones I fantasized about. Then
she held the catalog away from me so I couldn't see it. "OOOH-OOOH they have
a *leash* that you can way! A *vibrating* leash!
"Get out of town," I snickered, grabbing at the catalog, trying to pry it
away from her.
By then she was giggling out of control, rolling around on the bed while
fighting off my attempts to wrestle that thing away from her. Vibrating leash
all right! We'd see about that! But the mere *thought* of such a device was
enough to send tingly sensations spreading out all over me. In any case, one
thing was certain. I wanted one and I wanted it *now*!
"What *other* goodies do they have? Let me see." Hoping my new approach
would get her to hand over the catalog. No way!
"It's mine," she teased, waving it just in front of my face. "*I* had it
first! Oh I bet you've never seen one of *these*."
Of course I hadn't! Not with *her* hogging the darn thing!
"What is it? Come on tell me."
"A choker, I mean a *collar*, that's what it really is. MMMMMMM, *so*
submissive in this thing and I'm not even wearing it...yet! It says here it's
guaranteed to bring out the "weak and helpless" in *every* woman. I could
imagine it would, with that little miniature *padlock* dangling out in the
open like that. And it's loaded with *darling* little d-rings. 'One size
*forces* all'!
D-rings? What were those, I wondered. I was instructed that they were for
*attaching* various things. Things like leashes. Oh, *those* kinds of things.
Eventually I managed to wrestle the magazine away her for more than five
seconds. Just long enough to get a look at the previously discussed hardware.
In reality the leash did not exactly vibrate, but delivered a mild electrical
stimulation, according to the advertisement. I could feel the electricity
flowing into my nipples already, and we hadn't even hooked it up yet!
The ad went on to say how the "corrections" could be administered by a
control on the end of the leash and how it was an effective "tool" for training.
"Oh look Jenny, it says that these are good" Acting
like I had absolutely no idea what in the world they were talking about. Yeah,
right! I knew all about *slave* training, to be precise.
Jenny answered with a restrained smirk. "I *think* I know what they mean. We
played something like that at a party I went to last year."
Two questions. She did what?! And why wasn't I invited? Wait a minute here,
I thought. She was obviously trying to get me going again so I played along
with her little party game.
"So.....How *do* you play that game anyway?"
"Well, each person finds a partner. It works best with couples, you know,
boyfriend and girlfriend."
"Sounds *fun* already!" I blushed.
She went on to tell me how one person would be the train-er, and the other the
train-ee. Then some cards with different "activities" were passed around. When
I asked her what the cards said, that little stinker told me she couldn't
remember! Now where's that electric leash?
One of my favorite items in the catalog was the "soft" rope for "all your
basic bondage needs." According to the ad, it takes the rope burn out of
struggling. It went on to say that there's nothing quite like a good
struggle, just to let you know you're not *about* to get away. An ever-present
reminder that someone *else* is in charge. And, of course, a good rope should
be gentle, but *very* firm!
We looked at each other when we saw the order form in the back, neither knowing
exactly what to say. Should we order something? And if so, what?
Wait a minute, HOW?! Mom would freak out if she found out that....Hold on here,
Isn't *she* the one who had it in the first place? Why should *I* feel guilty?
"Ummmmmmm........I need your exact street address, Jenny."
"No....uh....I think yours would be better! My dad's a cop, he'd probably
arrest us or something."
"Yeah," I added, "And then he would have to thoroughly test the *evidence*!"
Jenny's face changed to serious. "You should hear him go on about all this
pornography and *drugs*, Oh, he has this thing about drugs. He's on a crusade
to rid the world of them."
I agreed that whatever we ordered should be delivered to my house. As long
as my name was on the package, it would probably be all right, though I
ended up leaving very specific instructions on a note attached to the order
form. There was to be *absolutely* no return address on the package, which
would require no less than *two* layers of packaging tape. Yet, still I felt
uneasy about the whole thing. Mom did, after all, have her "nosey" side.
Jenny was already busy, anxiously filling in the blanks.
"What have you got here?" I asked. "Come on now. Let's not be bashful!" After
some token resistance, she was persuaded to show me.
"Oooooh! I like this! You getting a....a *strap-on* vibrator! Let me read
about this." I cuddled up next to her and proceeded. "'Butterfly strap-on
vibrator.....In fact...*the only* strap on with wireless remote control?!' No
way! 'Has the all the range of a garage door opener? And three times the
fun'?!" Jenny's blushing face was now covered with her hands, but I'm sure
she could still hear me. "Look Jenny! It says right here that it's *great* for
those long walks on the beach! I hope you ordered two!"
And speaking of ordering, there were a few items on *my* shopping list as
well. Like for instance, some of that "soft" rope, maybe a hundred or so feet.
And I just *adored* the back velvet choker, you know, the one with miniature
padlock? But for the next part, some advice was needed.
"Oh Jennnnn...eeeeee! Jenny sweetie!" She shook her head, giggling through a
veil of fingers. "Jenny, I need to know which *nipple* clamps you think would
be the best. I don't want anything with *teeth*, like these ones here." I
pointed at the picture, not that she was *even* paying attention!
The ones called "vice-grips" didn't sound too appealing either. Then I found
them. "Comfort clamps". Just like the soft rope, they claimed to be the
comfortable solution for restraining problems.
It was no surprise at all to me when I noticed how *wet* things had been
getting under my panties, but the thought of having to wait for the "goodies"
to arrive was depressing. Even more depressing was how I felt about myself and
my appearance. Sitting down at my dresser, I examined my face. Then Jenny's
appeared with that contagious smile of hers as she walked over. She
motioned for me to get up from the chair. Before I even knew what was happening,
she was sitting in the chair pulling me down onto her lap, holding me tightly
against her body. Things were getting more exciting by the second as I
contemplated my fate.
Jenny winked at me in the mirror. "I just want you to know that I saw that
*carrot* of yours on the floor. Have you been a *naughty* girl? Tell the truth
Shock waves went through my body as I wondered how anyone could be foolish
enough to leave such incriminating evidence out it the open like that? Or did
I? In any case, it was too late. The truth had been discovered. She stared at
me in the mirror waiting for an answer. Slowly I nodded my head, ready to
confess my awful deed. "Yes.....I've been *very* naughty!"
With her lips pressed to my ear, Jenny whispered softly, "What *should* we
do with you? Do you think you should be punished? Yes, that's right," she
added, nodding in agreement with herself.*Punished*! You *do* understand that
you *must* be punished." Oh I understood, all right! First I would have to
*ask* nicely if it wouldn't be too much bother to start my punishment right
away. I pretended to look ashamed of myself for doing such a naughty, naughty
thing such as pleasuring myself with a carrot.
"Please punish me, Jenny." I pouted, hoping that pleading guilty might somehow
lessen, I mean lengthen my sentence. Each of those words drove sharp spikes of
delight into my vaginal crevice and its punishment receptor, the clitoris.
Jenny again made eye contact in the mirror. "*Give* me your hand!"
I did.
Then more instruction followed: "*spread* your legs." Hopefully I heard that
right. Jenny assisted me in the process just in case. I slumped back helplessly
in the chair with my neck stretched over her naked shoulder. She giggled and
whined something about my hair tickling her bare skin. Oh, what a *poor*
thing! Shouldn't *I* be allowed to complain too? Especially with the previously
threatened punishment about to begin?
My hand was grabbed tightly and directed between my legs. A little token
struggling went a long way toward putting me into sexual overdrive. Not that
it was really necessary!
Jenny guided my hand to it's final destination. In ever tightening circles
around my eroginous zone she made me feel the touch of my own fingers.
"Masturbation is *bad*," She councelled. "You've been naughty! Don't you
agree?" Of course I agreed. It was either that or risk the consequences. I
was in big enough trouble already!
I felt Jenny tugging at my pants' zipper, exposing my panties with a single
quick and forceful jerk. Next her hand gave mine a guided tour of what was
under my wears, stopping occasionally to twirl a strand of pubic hair here or
rub a special spot there. Jenny told me again how naughty it is to play
with oneself. Talk about a mixed message!
For the next part, my index and middle fingers were selected, pulled apart
from the rest, and pushed slowly up my slit. It took forever reach the top. No
doubt this was the intention of the one who was controlling them.
"I don't think you understand *just* how bad you've been," lectured Jenny,
pushing my fingers around my clitoris in a circular motion. Suddenly it all
started to make sense as I groaned with understanding.
She whispered, "What *are* we going to do with you?"
I did have a few ideas but they were inappropriate for discussion at that point.
Meanwhile, my fingers, which seemed to have a mind of there own, probed
endlessly in search of my clitty. There was no real way for Jennifer to tell
exactly where it was except when I jumped, or moaned, or said
"mmmmmmm-hmmmmmm". It was strictly a "hit or miss" proposition.
But her aim seemed to improve as we went along, making me squirm with
delight every time she hit the target. The warmth of her breath on my neck could
only mean one thing: kisses were to follow. With my neck in such a vulnerable
position it was no surprise. The kissing lips traveled right up my neck until
they reached my earlobe where they changed into sucking and wet licking. The
kind of wet when your face gets too close to a *very* friendly puppy.
"Repeat after me," they said. "I will *not* masturbate any more. I will *not*
masturbate any more." Every time she said the word "masturbate" my fingers were
pressed firmly into my clitoris, driving me wild with intense stimulation.
I got the impression that it was my turn to speak. "I will.......not........
masturbate." Speech was difficult under the circumstances. That was *before*
Jenny started *french* kissing my ear! Then it was impossible! But my lesson
was far from over with. No-no-no! There were other sentences I would have to
repeat. Ones like "I am a naughty girl" and "I deserve to be punished for
being so dirty", for example. That's about the time when things started
getting a bit fuzzy.
Jenny had my fingers circling madly around my clitty while she used her other
hand to demonstrate how those nipple clamps were going to feel. My nipples
were receiving quite a work out as they were pulled, squeezed and rolled into
"Are we learning our little lesson now, Sarah dear?"
"Mmmmm-hmmmm," I mumbled as my body started twitching uncontrollably in the
chair, jumping each time I felt my fingers being manipulated into position.
My skin felt like it was crawling with electric pulses. My legs went numb.
"I'm taking off Jenny. Hold me. Please don't let me go!"
The intensity of pleasure just kept spiraling upwardly, out of control like
some carnival ride gone haywire. Each time I was sure I was going to
climax, the intensity would only go to next level higher.
"Make me cum, please." I begged, while she played my fingers as if they on a
musical keyboard, taunting and teasing my pussy over and over again. Then
I was informed of the need for more repentance on my part for being such
a "dirty", "naughty" girl and touching myself. She was *clearly* enjoying that
part, you could tell. Why else would she say it so many times? And pretending
that I should feel guilty for the incident was turning me on just as much.
The next step in my punishment was a little spanking session for which I led
over to my bed and then had my ass bared for the procedure.
"Stand on your tippy toes, bend over and lay over on your bed," Demanded
Jennifer, pushing me into compliance. Lying on my bed with feet still touching
the floor and my back end sticking out, just begging to be punished, was
super exciting.
"First your going to get a nice little spanking, just like you deserve."
She hit me just hard enough to be exciting and yet *very* embarrassing.
Each time her hand touched down on my buns she would say "Bad girl!",
"*naughty-naughty*", or something similar.
"Are you ready to be a good girl?" She asked.
"Yes," I whimpered as I attempted to get up.
"I'm not done with you yet! You stay right there, and no peeking!"
I couldn't imagine what was coming next, hopefully me! She had brought me so
close to orgasm more times than could be counted. Weak and warn out, I was
desperate to be "finished off". Jenny was getting *something*, but what?
When she got back my legs were again pulled apart and back like I was about
to be searched, *strip* searched! Then hands worked there way to my vagina
where my lips were spread apart.
"I believe you used *this*....."
Uuuuh! I felt something slowly being pushed into my pussy!
"......To *masturbate* with! I think you had *better* admit that
*right* now!"
I immediately recognized what she had inserted into my pussy, it was the
all right!-------------------------------------------------------
And from the feel of things, I was about to get it.......
and get it *good*!
End of Chapter 10
(to be continued)
This story is written for adults and involves a consensual relationship
between two older teen girls. If you are a teenager, we as adults don't think
that you should read this even though you are sexually mature and probably
have much more sexual desire than we do, but we are merely jealous of your
sexual virility. Please leave us alone to *fantasize* about being your age
once again. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you're at least 18
before you can have your own fantasies. Preferably you should wait until
you're 30 or older, that way you can really have something to fantasize about:
your very own teenage years!
I would appreciate any *positive* feedback about this story including your
feelings as you read the story.
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 12 by Linda B.
Jenny obviously knew what she was doing with the carrot, pushing in and
out slowly, making sure I could feel every ridge as it passed my clitty.
It was so nice to be penetrated like that with my bare ass presenting itself
in such a fashion: Inviting, almost begging for attention. And the thought of
being a naughty little whore getting her deserved punishment was something that
fantasies were made of. Too bad I couldn't be wearing one of those slut-suit
French maid get-ups that seemed to dominate the catalog. After all, a promiscuous
girl like me deserves to be dressed up appropriately in something that matches
her attitude!
My body, drained of all strength, was ready to collapse on the bed if it hadn't
been for Jenny. She made certain that my fanny stayed propped up and displayed
prominently while working the "tool" faster and faster.
"I hope your learning something." She parented, wrapping her arms around my
waist tightly just to let me know that escape wasn't an option. The carrot
had been removed in order to get my full attention. It seemed to work.
"Do you know why you're being *punished*?"
I answered weakly. "Mmm-hmm".
Then my pussy lips received a liberal teasing with the carrot's tip while she
held me tightly, letting me know what was to soon to be inserted. After
pretending several times, the carrot finally re-entered with penetrations
synchronized with each word:
I gasped for breath with every word as I felt wave after wave of delicate
warm sensations flowing through me. Jenny used her feet to spread my legs
even *further*, something I would have never believed possible. "This will
have to do until I can get you into the *spreader* bar that I ordered."
The what? Did she say "*spreader* bar"? My entire body shuddered at the
possibility. How could I have missed such a thing? A mechanical device to
force the legs into "ready" position? Why didn't I think of that? Wow!
What an idea!
But it was getting really hard to think straight by then and Jenny wasn't
making it any easier by stepping up the pace of my punishment. My body trembled
with dripping-wet pleasure as my hips reeled against Jennifer's hold.
Orgasm seemed to be toying with me, coming just within grasp before frustrating
me again and again. I thought it might help to fantasize about being dangled
from the ceiling by a harness. A harness designed specifically to keep my body
in the spread-eagle position. In that position I could be swung around like a
pendulum to have assorted procedures performed, usually involving some sort of
intense clitoral stimulation.
And the idea of being tethered like that elevated the level of excitement
another notch.
Jenny surmised that someone should design some sort of clamp to hold the pussy
lips open and exposed so they are always ready for penetration. At that point
my ultimate goals for education became crystal clear: an engineering degree!
Meanwhile, the dispenser of all stimulating punishment had found an even
more efficient method of pleasuring me by pulling upwardly, dragging each bump
of the carrot across my clit.
Then it came. Suddenly and out of nowhere. Everything inside me surged with
energy. Higher and higher and higher. It felt like I had passed out, completely
out of control, jerking, writhing, riding the waves of unconscious emotion.
The depth of those passionate feelings was beyond description. It was like
being immersed in a pool of warm, beautiful feelings.
I had connected with some inner part of myself, my female self.
Never had an orgasm that felt that way. One that so overwhelmed me with deep
intense emotion. There was happiness and sadness. Courage and fear. Peace and
rage. All that was inside me that could possibly be felt was felt. There was
no way for Jennifer to share that moment, something that saddened me so much
that almost started crying.
My sensitivity level had been heightened to the point of being uncomfortable.
Everything from Jenny's fingers gently caressing my back to the pain I sensed
in her face. All at full volume. How could I explain any of this to her? I
knew that trying to put it into words would have destroyed it.
Still, an urging inside me became stronger and stronger to talk. To talk with
Jenny about her pain. But how? I groped around before finding the words.
"Jenny? Please forgive me if I'm wrong....but I feel a lot of pain when
I look at you. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. Is there something there?"
For the moment the tears could be fought off, but soon she would soon lose
the battle. " know there have been some problems with Tom," Jenny
explained diplomatically.
There wasn't really any need to ask further questions, the truth was staring
me right in the eye. Literally. A bruise above her eye that was barely
detectable gave it all away.
Jenny's face turned away to avoid my hand when I tried to touch it.
Then she began to weep. Calmly at first, as if waiting for the protection of
my outstretched arms, then exploding into a storm. Here was someone who had
been so measured with her emotional responses, so good at keeping things in
check. Someone who could allow just the right amount out so as not to be
disingenuous. Not the emotion that *she* was feeling, but the emotion that
*you* needed: the emotion of empathy. This time it was different. This time it
was honest.
I wondered if this had been the first incident. Or was it the last? Talking
her out of seeing Tom again seemed so easy now. How could anything be more
clear? I soon found out that things weren't quite so simple, at least in
Jenny's mind.
Part of the answer was something I had already learned. Rebuffing Tom had a
price to pay. And pay it I would. Besides that, Jenny had other concerns
about their relationship. Ones that both surprised and intrigued me.
"I can't just think about myself, Sarah."
"When your life is endangered, why not?" She was definitely uncomfortable
with that kind of direct confrontation.
"I'm *sure* Tom wouldn't really hurt me. I *know* he wouldn't. All of his life,
people have always left him when things were difficult. I have to show
him that no matter what he does I still love him. And it always works. You
should see! He's so different now. Really!"
I was dying to see the big change, but more than a bit skeptical.
All of it made me think about how unselfish Jenny was and how I admired that
while at the same time was confused by it. Was it good or bad?
Her loyalty to the high school was even harder to understand. She couldn't
"let them all down" by breaking up with Tom. After all, everyone said how
great they looked together as a couple. And the yearbook pictures? What about
them? The first ones of her and Tom had already been taken.
The anger started rising up inside of me. "Jenny! The DAMN yearbook, Jen?
Who gives a SHIT about the DAMN yearbook?"
Jenny had regained her composure like an expert skater after a slip on the
ice. "I think you're really angry at Tom. Oh, it's perfectly understandable.
Can't blame you *one* bit."
Oh, right! Weren't we all angry at *Tom*?
My staring eyes bored into hers. "Tom *got* what he deserved from me. That's
all he deserves from you too!"
The whole conversation had turned into an argument. An argument that was
going nowhere in a hurry and with Jenny on the verge of breaking down again,
I decided to leave bad enough alone. At least for the time being. Just seeing
her brokenness was enough to make me feel guilty, enough to make me apologize
for yelling at her.
We both sat there not saying a word until the familiar sound of Mom's car
pulling up punctuated the silence. I grabbed Jenny by the hand and jettisoned
out the back door, just in time to avoid my mother.
The sweet smell of jasmine perfumed the night air as we made our way toward
the beach. I remembered well when I had been there last with Jenny. I remembered
too, how we had spent the last rays of the setting sun together on that
little tryst.
"God, it g-g-gets c-cold here at night," I shivered. "We were wearing
short-sleeves at school!" On top of freezing temperatures the wind had started
to pick up.
Jenny chuckled. "People back in the mid-west won't believe it when
you tell them you need a jacket in the summer! There, look." She gestured
toward the shore. "Some of my friends built a fire down there. That should
warm you up. Let's go."
Oh no, I thought, more of Jenny's friends that I *didn't* want to meet. How
was I going to tell her without hurting her feelings? I did my best. "Jenny,
I'm sorry but.....I'm not really up for meeting anyone tonight, O.K.?
"Yes you are!" She retorted, kicking a wind-blown coke can. "These are a
different kind of people. How can I describe them? Kind of a rag-tag bunch
of people who don't fit in anywhere at school. I'm sure they'd really like
someone, *unconventional* as you!"
That was a pretty nice way to put it. My curiosity was really going now,
wondering who these people were and if they'd accept me, even more, maybe
*like* me. After agreeing to go, Jenny informed me that her association with
them be kept an absolute secret. She sure found the right way to get
me interested!
"The Passing of Seasons" Chapter 13 by Linda B.
Their faces glowed in the amber fire light as they watched us approach.
Quiet, intensely curious expressions that were so inviting at the same
time. This was the right place for me, I knew almost immediately. No
designer fashions, no perfect makeup, just the kind of people that I grew
up with. They were a sight for sore eyes.
"Hi!" I beamed with a smile stretching across my face.
"Welcome." A voice said. The voice of John, the one they called "Junior".
Jenny introduced me. "Hi everyone, this is my friend Sarah."
Suddenly you could here mumbling and hushed whispers. "Isn't she the one....
Is that *her*?....I think it is." I could feel the smile leaving my face
when I realized that they too were probably going to hate me. Just like the
rest of school did. As I turned away to leave I felt Jenny grab my hand.
"Hey, don't go. It's O.K." She addressed the group again. "Sarah, this is
Janet....Bill...." Each hand raised as if attendance was being taken.
"Junior....Doug....and Susan."
An opening was made for Jenny and I in the tight circle. Nobody wanted to be
the first to talk. Perhaps they didn't know quite what to say.
Doug stared into the crackling fire, poking at it with a stick. "Some of
us think you did the right thing yesterday."
The other heads nodded in agreement. Jenny was uncomfortable with the topic,
it was obvious. I was too.
The silence was as thick as the smoke that filled the air around us.
Bill spoke up. "Someone had to do it." More nodding. Another voice said that
it was long overdue. I was really nervous for Jennifer, who seemed to be
pretending to ignore the conversation. She must have been torn between
her love for Tom, if you could call it, and her friends.
It was my turn to speak. " *bout* those Niner's!" The whole group
rolled back in laughter, attracting looks from a couple passing by. Overhead,
a jet was slowly drowned out by the sound of the rolling ocean waves, calling
attention to them. Then it was quiet again.
Junior looked around nervously, like he was hiding something. Whatever it was,
it was passed over to Jenny before I could see it. She was bent over in his
direction making what sounded like a hissing noise accompanied by a strange
smell. Sort of like the wood smoke, only more pungent.
Jenny passed it over to me, holding her breath as she spoke. "Ear...ave...
a hit."
"Huh, what?" I asked, not exactly sure whether it was what I thought it was.
Which would be more embarrassing? I wondered. If I was wrong or if I didn't
even know!
Meanwhile, Jenny kept motioning with her head for me to do something while
the background filled with chuckles and giggles.
Janet asked where I was from.
"Nebraska?" Laughed Bill. "Why... doesn't the stuff grow *wild* out there?!
Who is she trying to fool?"
Janet snapped back, reaching in front of me to take it from Jenny. "You're
the fool! You can't smoke that stuff! Rope is about all it's good for."
Junior had to set the record straight about all the various uses of the hemp
plant, a subject that seemed to bore just about everyone.
Janet sucked on it, exhaled, then presented it to me. "Hi, Sarah! This is
*joint*. Joint, meet Sarah." That got a round of applause and more laughter
leaving me wondering just how noticeable my *damn* *red* face was!
Now that the formal introductions were made, it was time for me to figure
out what the hell I was going to do when the joint came back to me again.
Should I try it? Why not? Why? I could feel the pressure rising each time
the joint was passed. I should try it...I should try it not....I should try...
All eyes were on me as the joint finished it's first orbit.
"Ummmm. I don't....use drugs?" Ooops, wrong thing to say! That comment
didn't go over too well at all.
"Aaaaak!" Junior pretended he was vomiting. "*Drugs*? Oh, No! This is natural,
one hundred percently as nature herself intended. Yes, and I should know,
I grew it myself in my own....parent's garden!"
Everyone seemed to agree that Junior's was the best, the purest, and of course,
most *organically* grown pot around. So why wouldn't I try it?
"All right! Give me that thing." I growled, ripping it away from Jenny.
"Ooooooh!" A voice called out. Then another and another. Then silence.
I pulled the joint in closer as the smoke from the tip danced back and
forth, stinging my eye for a moment.
Another whisper. "Is she going to do it?"
"Yes, she is." I answered. I puffed on the joint twice before coughing
it all out. After another try at it, I seemed to have the hang of it. At
least *I* thought I did.
"She's *clintoning*!" Accused Bill.
Junior agreed. "Looks that way to me too." Everyone else nodded.
Jenny gave me the bad news again. "They think your clintoning."
Junior reiterated "Yep, she is. That was a clinton if I ever saw one."
What the hell was a "clinton"? I wondered. Did it have something to do with
the president or something? Apparently it did.
It took a while before I learned how to inhale the smoke without choking and
gagging like a newbie. But by then, strange things were beginning to happen
around the circle. To everyone except me. For one thing, there was almost
continuous laughter erupting from everywhere. And beside that, people were
acting just as funny.
"I told you it could be done." Doug trying to reason with Bill.
Then Bill insisting that he couldn't *handle* it, whatever *it* was.
"The *concept* Bill, you have to grasp the *concept*." Doug was busy grasping
something else: the joint. He sipped the tiny butt deeply, let some of the
smoke go up his nose, then spoke again in a deeper voice. "Come and see
I couldn't resist having a look at what Doug's so-called "concept" was.
Janet pulled me aside to explain. "Doug's trying to separate the grains of
sand again," she whispered. "By *color*!"
"Can you do that?" I asked, just before feeling like a complete idiot.
"You can't *do* that Doug," shouted bill while he circled the camp, shaking
his head and his hand-covered ears like a headless chicken. "It's too much
Doug, there's too many Doug. I warned you, I *told* you I couldn't deal
with that Doug!"
Doug insisted that it could be done, if only a little at a time. Just a few
small piles a day, he instructed. And just *look* at the progress he had made!
Maybe *don't* look.
Junior had rolled up another, though no one else seemed to be interested. It
came down to he and I. He couldn't seem to figure out why I wasn't doing the
same sorts of silly things that everyone else was and seemed determined to
have it otherwise.
He motioned with the joint. "Here, take a hit. Let me see if your getting
......getting it right..... Wait a minute....Can you tell me what I just
said? God, my memory keeps getting shorter all the time."
After a few of the others got him back on track, my smoking technique was
subject to a most thorough evaluation. Everyone included. The conclusion: I
was, indeed, properly inhaling. What a relief! Yes, I had certainly learned
my lesson about "clintoning". That was for politicians *only*!
Susan spoke up after being quiet for the entire time. "Not everyone gets
high the first time, you know. I didn't."
Junior banged his head with his hand as if he was try to knock some sense
into it. "Oh wow! That's right! How could I forget?"
Everyone else was busy trying to roll this gigantic log that we had been
using as a bench. Doug explained that we would have to use it for the
fire, since wood on the beach was scarce.
"I know," He said, giving the log it's finally shove into the flames, "It's
a little cannibalistic to use the bench, but we can still sit on the end
that's *not* burning."
Wow!!!! Talk about a concept!
"Yes, yes!" Proclaimed Janet as if she just had some sort of revelation.
Then she jumped up on the log and straddled it like a gigantic penis ride
with a heated tip. "Of course, that's it! Good idea. Yipp.....eeeeeee!"
And if that wasn't enough, there was more to come. Much more.
Between all the laughing, Susan desperately needed to know the truth about
her eyes. Were they really the tiny slits that they felt like? She'd probably
have to open them first, I explained, before I could know the answer.
That got Bill rolling around on the ground with laughter. Then Doug started
tossing potato chips to him one at a time while he rolled around like an
animal to retrieve them.
"Yikes! It's the munchie-monster!" Joked Susan. "Aaaaaah, don't *feed* it!"
Did I miss something?
There must have been a vending machine nearby, judging by all the snack food
people were inhaling. Junior had his face literally *buried* into a bag of
corn chips. I'm talking buried here! The whole thing reminded me of a horse
in one of those feeder-bag jobbers. I swear, he actually ate a hole right
through the bag! It was wild. Everyone seemed to be crunching on one
thing or another.
Janet lost control of a donut, allowing it to skid off the end of the log
and right into fire. But could you tell Bill that it was dangerous to
use your *hands* to rescue something from the flames. No way!
It took two of us that still had some sense left to keep him from suffering
the same fate as that donut.
Just then, Junior's face popped out through the corn chip bag "Relax, Bill,
it's only a donut for crine out loud!"
Janet defended herself, "It *rolled* off, Bill! There wasn't a *damn* thing
that ANYONE of us could have done to save it. Let it go Bill, it's over."
"Tragic" Agreed Doug, shaking his head for effect. "It's gravity Bill....
you're fighting a losing battle."
All the eating seemed to mellow everyone out. Jenny had fallen asleep on
a blanket, something that everyone seemed to realize at the same time.
I could tell what was coming by how perked up everyone was all of a sudden.
Bill's hand went out for a high five. I obliged. He kept watch over Jennifer
as he whispered just in case. "I wonder if *Bubba* liked the new front-end
alignment you gave him." Jenny slept right through all the laughter and
Doug offered a more scientific analysis. "I believe nature has selected
the *bubba* species for extinction! It's the evolution process at work, my
friends." I thought the howling would *never* stop after that one. They were
making me laugh too, although I kept pushing back the guilt feelings every time
I looked at her.
Susan got serious. "Come on, now. We want to hear the *whole* story. None of
us were there, you know. We all got it second or third hand. Come on tell us.
A chorus of come-ons followed, making it impossible to resist.
The whole group huddled in close to listen.
I told of Tom's attempts to make Jenny go with him and I asked
them if they thought he was jealous of my friendship with her. The consensus
was "yes".
Janet said that Jenny has to hide a lot of her friendships, especially with
people like them. And people like me. Her unwillingness to be seen with me
in school made more sense now.
Go back to the main erotica page.