Archive-name: teri_and_nicky

From: (Roycroft)

Subject: Teri and Nicky(the Horse) [teen, ff, best]


STOP!! if you are under 18, you do not want to see material of an explicit sexual nature, or if to do so would violate the laws in your locale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This happened a long time ago, back when I was in high school. I had a horse named Nicky that we kept in a stable at my parents house. We had a half an of acre pasture that he could run in with a stable at the other end of the pasture from our house. After school I would hurry home to ride and every once in awhile Iąd take a friend home with me so they could ride too. Usually my folks wouldnąt be back from work until later so I pretty much had the place to myself until evening.
One afternoon, close to the end of my senior year, a girlfriend of mine named Teri and I decided we would skip our last class and go back to my house so weąd have even more time to ride. I remember that it was already hot outside and we snuck a few beers from my parents refrigerator and went down to the stable to saddle my horse. It dawned on us that we were both wearing our favorite skirts and blouses and didnąt want to get horse hair or dust all over them but we didnąt really want to walk back up to the house to change either. After searching the tack room for jeans or overalls without any luck, Teri suggested that we could ride in our underwear, since it was so warm out and it wouldnąt be much different from riding in our bathing suits, which we had done earlier that week. I knew that my mom and dad wouldnąt be home for hours and our pasture was way back off the road where nobody could see us, so I agreed that I would if she would.
We both took our clothes off and hung them in the tack room. Iąm pretty sure I had on fairly conservative underwear, I didnąt start buying slinky stuff until I moved to college, but I clearly remember Teri had on a thin, nearly transparent bra and the first pair of thong panties I had ever seen. Now you have to remember, this was like 1980, and as a high school senior I had lived a fairly sheltered life, so I was surprised to see her in such risqué things. She asked me what I thought of her panties and I told her that they looked great on her. She asked if I ever wore thongs and I told that Iąd never even seen a pair before. I have to admit I got a little tingly watching Teri in her underwear as she helped me put the bridle on Nicky. I told her that I thought the saddle might rub our legs raw since we werenąt wearing jeans and that we should ride with just a blanket. We finished our first beer and opened another to take with us as we rode. I hadnąt had too many beers at that point in my life either, so I was feeling pretty loose as we climbed on to ride together, with me in front. We let my horse walk freely while we talked about our coming graduation and the senior prom the weekend before. I wasnąt too shocked to hear that Teri and her boyfriend had łgone all the way˛ in his parents car after the dance. It wasnąt their first time apparently and she went in to great detail about what they had done and how it felt. I had fooled around with a couple of guys by then, but definitely hadnąt gone all the way. In fact Iąm not embarrassed to admit that at that point the only time I had ever come was from my own fingers. I mentioned this to Teri and she acted surprised, like she had never masturbated. I told her that I didnąt believe her and finally got her to admit that she actually did it fairly regularly.
We were giggling away like any seventeen year old when Teri suggested we should take our bras off to get some sun. I agreed since I knew we wouldnąt get caught by my parents and we could do what ever we wanted. Teri took hers off first and since my bra snap was right in front of her she undid mine too. We talked about how nice the sun felt on our breasts as we continued to let Nicky wander through the pasture while we drank our beers. Teri had her arms loosely around my waist for support and I could feel her nipples tickling my back as we bounced along. I donąt know what made me suggest it, but I said that it would be really cool to take our panties off too and ride around totally naked. Teri said she was worried that the blanket would scratch her privates, as she called them, but I explained that I had put a soft packing blanket on Nicky rather than the wool one I normally used under the saddle. So off came our panties which we left hanging with our bras on the fence surrounding the pasture.
I was curious and asked Teri how long she had been masturbating and whether she ever had orgasms when she did it. She explained that she had first started in junior high school and that now she could reach a climax every time she tried. I was really aroused by now and I reached down secretly to rub myself, hoping Teri wouldnąt notice. With my legs spread on my horse I could feel myself rubbing against the blanket as we rode around. It felt terrific and sort of naughty, but I knew that I couldnąt have an orgasm from just the friction. I guess Teri felt the same way because suddenly I realized we had stopped talking and I could feel her hand between us moving just like mine. Nicky had apparently had enough of the hot sun and moved back into the shade of the stable with us still on his back. Neither of us spoke as he stopped just inside the door of his stall.
Without the motion of the horse it was clear that we were both masturbating while still straddling the soft blanket. I didnąt think I could come, so I took a chance and acting as if nothing was unusual, asked Teri what she wanted to do next. She didnąt even stop rubbing herself when she said she thought I should turn around and watch her masturbate. I pivoted so that I was now sitting directly facing Teri who had one hand between her legs and was leaning back on the other. I had never seen another girl up so close while she was naked and had definitely not ever seen one masturbating, but I recognized right away that I wasnąt unique in the way I did it. In fact it was almost as if I was watching myself in a mirror. Teri asked me why I had stopped and I told her that I didnąt feel like it was working for some reason. I asked her if she could teach me to do it so that I could come each time too. She stopped for a minute and asked what I knew about it and if I could show her how I did it. I mentioned that I usually did it with two fingers, one on either side of my clitoris, rubbing straight up and down until I came. I explained that sometimes I rubbed until I was sore and still couldnąt make it happen. She told me that the wetness we produced was there to make everything slipperier, including our fingers and that I should use it to wet my clitoris while I was doing it. She talked me into showing her how I did it and I began to work my fingers up and down beside my sensitive button. She also began to rub herself, using the same motions and technique I was but she would slide her fingers down to her wet opening now and then to keep her fingers slippery. She made a point of telling me to slide my fingers inside myself too because it would help me have a climax. I was very close to coming when she reached over and stuck her finger inside my vagina. I could feel it sliding in and out as she watched me closely. I knew I was going to have an orgasm and told her that it was coming when she suddenly grabbed one of my nipples with her other hand causing sparks to shoot through my entire body as I humped against both of our hands. I rocked around on our fingers for what seemed like minutes until I fell back against my horses neck in bliss.
She said that it was her turn and asked if I would stick my finger in her vagina while she did it. Despite my embarrassment I said yes, as long as she wouldnąt ever tell anyone what we had done. She agreed and spread her legs wider so that I could see every inch of her opening. I told her she should lie back on my horse and get comfortable, that way I could watch how she rubbed herself. Soon she was sliding her middle finger around her clit in circles which I had never tried. I told her she should let me know when to stick my finger in her and that I hoped she climaxed as much as I had. Teri worked her finger all around her opening, paying special attention to her clit, but I could tell she wasnąt any closer to coming than when she started. She said that I should go ahead and put a finger in her now and maybe that would help her. I slowly slid my middle finger into her hole, amazed at how hot she felt inside. I didnąt move it around at first because I was afraid I would hurt her, but she told me to start moving it in and out like I was łdoing it˛ to her. I knew she meant to move it like I was screwing and I was aroused again at the thought that I was actually screwing Teri with my finger. We did this for several more minutes without her coming and I felt bad that I had done it and she couldnąt. I told her I was sorry, that it was probably because of me doing something wrong that she couldnąt have her orgasm. She reassured me that she could have had one by now but that she was holding back to make it better. I hadnąt ever thought that you could actually control when it happened and I told her that I didnąt think I could possibly do that. She said that she would be glad to teach me that part of it too and that she would do it in a very special way if I was willing. I said that we had come this far and since she wasnąt a guy I couldnąt lose my virginity, so I would do what ever it took to learn that trick.
She jumped down and told me to turn so both my legs were on the same side of my horse. I moved around to face her and she leaned in between my legs and began to rub my wetness around my vagina. I can remember Nicky snorting and stamping as he caught the scent of Teriąs juices as she stood near his head. Iąm sure he was thinking there was a mare somewhere nearby and was ready for action. I was leaning back talking to him to calm him when I felt something soft and warm on my clit. The sensation was similar to the finger I had just felt, but was somehow different, as if it was instantly zeroing in on the nerves in my button. I leaned forward to ask Teri what it was she was doing and I was shocked to see that she had her face right up in my crotch and it was her tongue on my clitoris. I didnąt know what to say, it felt incredibly nice but I was worried that it would screw me up, you know make me a lesbian or something. I reached down to touch her head and she pulled back to look up at me asking how it felt to have her lick me. I really didnąt want her to stop and told her that it was way better than my finger, but was worried it was wrong to do this with another girl. She promised it wouldnąt mess us up and reminded me that we agreed never to mention any of this to anyone, so I told her to continue. What would be really great she said was if we could do it to each other at the same time. That way we would both feel the same things and one of us wouldnąt be left out. I told her Iąd have to get down off Nicky and we could spread the blanket out on the hay bales in the next stall so that we could lay down. We quickly repositioned ourselves in a sixty-nine, with me on my back and Teri on top facing away, so that we could see the others privates clearly. I told her I didnąt know what to do and she suggested that I copy her movements. She began by sticking her whole mouth over my vagina and licking at the wet opening. I did the same on her but went even farther and stuck my tongue in to her hole, tasting her tart juices. This got an immediate reaction out her, causing her to arch her back and moan softly. I was determined to see Teri have an orgasm and moved my tongue down to her clitoris and began to flick it back and forth across the little head. We worked on each other until we were both frantically squirming around on the blanket.
At one point I opened my eyes and looked over to see my horse standing at the door of the stall watching us. His nostrils were flared and his thick penis had extended to hang down nearly a foot below its sheath of skin. I moaned for Teri to look and she turned with a gasp to see his glistening member. She laughed and said she hoped he didnąt think she was kneeling there for him because he would never fit. I told her that I had seen him on the phantom mare that was used to collect his semen for stud services and that I had been really horny after watching him pound into the soft leather of the receptacle. She said that it was only fair then that he should be so horny watching us.
I moved my mouth back over Teriąs clit as she did the same to me, both of us nearing climax. I have never been able to describe the feeling of my first orgasm from being licked. It was like it started in my toes and head simultaneously and worked its way toward my clitoris from two different directions, but even thatąs not quite right. I do know that it lasted much longer than one with my fingers, but to this day I canąt say why. Teri took me over the edge quickly, licking hard against my button as she probed my vagina with her fingers. I bucked against her, not wanting to lose contact with her clitoris as I held on to her with both hands. I continued to lick feverishly around her clit, sensing more than feeling her building orgasm. As my shudders subsided, she pulled her head away from my crotch and turned to look at the fat shining cock still hanging beneath Nicky. She was staring at it, panting loudly as she came, filling my mouth with her juices so that they spilled down my chin and on to my breasts.
She laid her head on my pelvis until we both had recovered our senses. Sitting up, we were both surprised that Nicky was still watching us, his penis just as long and hard as it had been moments earlier. Teri wondered if horses got blue balls and I said that he would just have to wait until mating season to get rid of them. I couldnąt believe it when she suggested that we could masturbate him to relieve his discomfort. Iąll admit he did have a look of pain in his eyes but I said I was not about to touch his slimy penis. Teri said it wasnąt slimy, just wet like our pussies, from being ready for sex and that I should hold his bridle and she would jerk him off.
I stood at his head and held his reigns tightly, not quite sure it was such a good idea to try this. He could smell our scents on my hands which were right up next to his flaring nostrils now as I held him steady. It was almost as if he knew what Teri had in mind because his penis suddenly swelled and he raised his tail as if he was telling her to get on with it. She had found a bottle of lotion that we used on his saddle, commenting on how it was all natural so it wouldnąt hurt him. I was unsure what she meant until she took the top off and filled her hands with the creamy goo. She quickly kneeled down and grasped his penis with both hands spreading the lotion up and down its length. She wasnąt able to circle it with one hand so she placed her hands around it with her finger tips touching and began to slide them up and down the shaft. Nicky immediately snorted and stretched his back legs out as if he was urging her on. He continued to sniff my hands as Teri increased her tempo. She said she could feel him twitching and wondered if that meant he would come when he suddenly stiffened all over and whinnying loudly, began to shoot hard blasts of semen into the dirt of the stall floor. Teri worked the full length of his shaft lovingly with her hands as he continued to soak the floor with his ejaculation. I was amazed at how long he climaxed and how much fluid shot out of his penis. Teri slowed her motions and Nicky began to retract his cock into its protective sheath. I watched as she let it slip through her hands back into its glove-like covering, leaving a slick coating of lotion and semen on her fingers.˛

Last modified (12/24/96 13:58:57) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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