Archive-name: jessica1-5


Subject: ** REPOST: Jessica PROLOGUE (Pt 0/Vb)


Well, damned if there isn't a really fucking sad dirth of hot female masturbation stories in this Newsgroup! For that matter (not that I really care all that much), there's also quite a dirth of MALE-related masturbation stories. Well, that part's probably all for the better, but I really am sorry that in this particular Newsgroup there's hardly anything being written about the single most fascinating sexual subject of all time! ......women's masturbation.

Riddle: What's even more secret, taboo, and exciting than WOMEN'S masturbation?

Answer: Teenaged GIRL'S masturbation. Am I right? ;-)

This is something we hardly ever get to see, right? Of course, those of us who are in intimate relationships certainly get to watch our wives or our girlfriends masturbate for us, during sex or otherwise, but how many of us EVER get to watch a young, pretty teenaged girl softly, sensuously playing with her pussy, ESPECIALLY when she doesn't know she's being watched?

I used to be a teacher. Seems kind of ridiculous, now that I look at it in retrospect. Can't think of a less appreciated profession. But I digress.

When I taught high school math in the Los Angeles area, there was always one female student or another (or more than one at a time, of course!) who would, in particular, catch my fancy. Guys, you know the look I'm talking about.
Just beautiful, sexy, an incredibly hot body; and I have to admit, some of these girls were as young as in the seventh grade! O.K., O.K., I admit they become MUCH more fascinating when they're older, but still...... masturbation while fantasizing about these girls can really be great! ;-)

Anyway, there is one girl in particular that I still find myself thinking about from time to time.... Her name was (is!) Jessica S. I used to fantasize about her like crazy.... She was about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches tall, she had beautiful golden-blonde streaked hair, probably a 34-C cup; just the really beautiful, sexy, young teenaged girl-next-door look. She dressed like most of the other kids her age.... you know, baggy pants, etc., most of the time. But in warm whether, like many of the other girls, she would wear shorts, and at times like that, during my rounds in the classroom, I would often catch myself sneaking furtive, lusting looks at her beautiful legs..... Golden blonde hair on those legs, hair that became slightly thicker and more pronounced as they worked their way up her gorgeous, tanned, brown legs.
Guys (and gals!), you know what I'm talking about. ;-)

Right about now, Jessica would be in her Junior year at a major California university. I don't know whether Jessica ever went "all the way" with anybody before she graduated from high school, but I'm quite sure that, by now, some lucky HUNK (GOD, I hate them!) has had the pleasure of enjoying Jessica's sex. Jesus, what must that be like?? :-/

Anyway, this "fantasy" might or might not actually BE a fantasy after all.... Jessica probably really has engaged in the activities written about in this "story" quite a bit. After all, Jessica is a normal, healthy, young woman, and she surely masturbates just as often, and in exactly the same way, as do most girls her age.

The stories I'm going to be posting about Jessica take you and I into the complete and utter secrecy and privacy of her bedroom and bathroom at the home in West Los Angeles where she grew up. I've never actually had the pleasure of entering her room to find out what exactly it looks like (imagine the extra fuel for fantasy THAT would have provided; to see just what her bed and her bathroom looks like, etc.....), but I've imagined what they must look like, and I've imagined just what kind of secretive activities take place in these areas from time to time. You're about to be let into the secret of Jessica's most private activity..... the secret of her teenaged girl's masturbation.....

Part I is actually quite a bit shorter than the subsequent ones I'll be posting, but hopefully, you'll still find it "enjoyable". The next ones will be longer, I promise.

If you're a member of the religious right or if you're otherwise sexually repressed or something, don't bother writing to me to tell me what a scumbag I am. Believe me, your opinion means LESS than nothing to me, if that's possible.

CONSTRUCTIVE comments (especially laudatory ones! ;-) are always welcome!
In fact, I'll be honest.... I'm like everyone else. The more people that write in to tell me of their appreciation for my work, the more likely it is that I'll continue to post my offerings.

Good reading! If you're into young girl's masturbation stories, make sure you have a healthy supply of paper towels before you start reading. You'll need them. ;-)


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Message-ID: <> Path:!imci3!!!!!! Newsgroups:, From: X-Anonymously-To:, Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 06:50:12 UTC Subject: ** REPOST: Jessica, Pt. I/Vb. (AWESOME teen fem., mast) Lines: 114 Xref:

The following story is just THAT and nothing more - a STORY, get it?
FICTION? You know? It's not real! Me entiendes'?

If you are under eighteen years of age, you don't belong here anyways, so go steal your daddy's Playboy or your mother's vibrator and leave me alone, before you get me into trouble.

As for the REST of you, if you're in any way offended by explicit (though truly tasteful, if I do say so myself!) sexually-oriented material, proceed no further! Unsubscribe from this Newsgroup, and subscribe instead to alt.purity or', or something like that. There's something for everyone on the Net! ;-)

Come to think of it, since the only way you could even get so far as to READ this disclaimer was to have intentionally subscribed to this Newsgroup in the first place, you have nobody to blame but yourself for reading it. So eat me! :-)

So much for that.

Pt. I: Discovery

Jessica S. was a beautiful, young, teenaged girl. At 17 years old and a senior at Quimitch High, she was very young and beautiful, in that innocent girl-next-door way. She had golden-blonde hair with brown streaks, and a firm, young, healthy teenage body. She was an athelete on the school softball team and an excellent student, and had just received an athletic scholarship to Stanford University for next year.
Outwardly, this is what people saw when they looked at Jessica. Just a regular girl, really. And that's exactly the extent of what Jessica wanted people to see -the prim and proper Jessica, concerned only with school and sports and socializing with friends, and the like. But they had no idea what else went on inside her pretty head. They had no idea what kind of exciting, personal secrets the young Jessica harbored in the privacy of her yearning young mind.
Beknownst only to Jessica, boys and sexual topics had been an important part of her life since she was in the eighth grade. In the quiet of night, a time when many young adolescent girls learn about the pleasures the secret, hidden areas of their body can bring them, she had been laying in bed, thinking about a guy she liked at school. She just couldn't seem to get him out of her mind. Although Jess hadn't said anything to anyone about it, she had had a huge crush on him for about six months now. Whenever she looked at him and, embarrassed to admit it even to herself, his crotch and ass, the budding 13-year-old girl would experience a feeling and a temptation in her lower body unlike anything she had ever experienced.
On this night, the pretty Jessica had awakened from a dream she had about the guy. She had been kissing him in the his parent's pool. No one was home. The guy had placed his hand in-between her legs and softly started touching her, around and around a special place. The feeling of his wet tongue in her mouth, kissing her sexily, as well as the fingers moving sinuously through her dark-haired, sensitive, 13-year-old vagina, excited her tremendously, so much in fact that she woke from her dream, very stimulated and quite definitely moist under her covers, between her young, blonde-haired thighs, in that teenaged girl's most secret area hidden underneath her thin, yellow panties. At the age of thirteen, the beautiful, golden-haired eighth-grade girl was about to discover how to masturbate her vagina.
Still lying on her stomach, Jessica instinctively placed both hands between her legs and pushed against the crotch of her pajama bottoms. She felt a delicious rush of naughty pleasure emanating from between her legs.
The golden-blonde eighth-grader continued to push and grind her clothed pussy against her small hands for several minutes, as she closed her eyes and drifted back into thoughts and scenes from her dream. All the while, she was becoming more and more excited and wet. In her innocence, she had simply thought that the building warmth and moisture between her legs was sweat, as a result of her excitement. But it didn't really matter. All that mattered was the growing feeling of pure sexual pleasure in her young, dark-brown haired vagina.
In the privacy of her darkened bedroom, in the middle of the night, the thirteen-year old Jessica was quickly approaching her first orgasm. She didn't know what exactly was going to happen... she simply knew that the longer she continued pressing against her pussy, the better and better it was feeling. It was feeding on itself. It was becoming uncontrollable.
She continued rubbing herself through the thickness of her pajama bottoms, grinding her small ass and vagina against her fingertips, instinctively masturbating her young cunt for several more minutes, as she panted heavier and heavier, and then finally, with a shudder, she reached an enormous climax! As she continued to grind her cunt against her rubbing hands, Jessica whimpered quietly as her young thirteen-year-old body shook and shivered under her covers with the first of what would be many hot, young, golden-haired, teenaged-girl's climaxes, brought about by her own soft, sexy young hands and her shameless imagination.

Stay tuned for Pt. II.......

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Message-ID: <> Path:!imci3!!!!!! Newsgroups:, From: X-Anonymously-To:, Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 06:50:38 UTC Subject: ** REPOST: Jessica, Pt. II/Vb. (AWESOME teen fem., mast) Lines: 161 Xref:

The following story is just THAT and nothing more - a STORY, get it?
FICTION? You know? It's not real! Me entiendes'?

If you are under eighteen years of age, you don't belong here anyways, so go steal your daddy's Playboy or your mother's vibrator and leave me alone, before you get me into trouble. ;-)

As for the REST of you, if you're in any way offended by explicit (though truly tasteful, if I do say so myself!) sexually-oriented material, proceed no further! Unsubscribe from this Newsgroup, and subscribe instead to alt.purity or', or something like that. There's something for everyone on the Net! ;-)

Come to think of it, since the only way you could even get so far as to READ this disclaimer was to have intentionally subscribed to this Newsgroup in the first place, you have nobody to blame but yourself for reading it. So eat me! :-)

So much for that.

To recap:

JESSICA, PT. I featured the story of the night young Jessica (just thirteen years old at the time) discovered the private pleasure of playing with her pussy.....

JESSICA, PT. II recounts the story of a particularly exciting masturbation experience Jessica enjoyed one night, a couple of years later, at age fifteen.

After that first experience of sexual experimentation, she knew that she would be doing playing with her young pussy alot. One night, a couple of years later, at the age of 15, when Jessica was in tenth grade, she accidently discovered that her older brother, a boy of sixteen, also masturbated. Unsuspectingly, she had walked in on him at about 9:30 one night, when he had suddenly pulled his hands out from under the covers, looking embarrassed, but trying to play it off, as though nothing was going on. Instinctively, she knew what had been happening, though. On the single occasion that she had been surprised in the act by her father, a moment she'd never forget, she had reacted the same way.
Being a healthy, normal, 15-year-old girl, whose vagina consistently begged attention, the sight of this immediately sent a hot shiver through the golden-haired teenager, making the beautiful high-school sophomore feel the familiar, secret ache between her young, tanned legs, beneath her sexy panties. It was the ache that always preceded what happened next. She couldn't help it. The image of her brother playing with himself hit her like a baseball bat.
Starting to breath more heavily, which she always did as soon as she came to the slightly guilt-ridden conclusion that she was giving into an uncontrollable urge to play with her pussy, the golden-haired tenth-grader turned and casually walked back to her own room, quietly closing the door.
Knowing full well what she was about to do, Jessica took off her slippers, turned on the T.V., turned out the light, and jumped into her own bed, pulling the covers up around her.
To be careful, in case anybody followed her into her room, she waited several minutes, seemingly an interminable period of time, before she took any action to relieve herself. In the meantime, however, she couldn't keep the first two fingers of her right hand from busily rubbing her rapidly moistening mound of teenage girl's pussy, still hidden beneath her panties and thick, grey sweats. As soon as she was reasonably certain he wasn't following her into her room after all, she quietly slid her sweats and panties halfway down her thighs, not too far, just in case, and let her knowing hands glide their way toward her now very wet pussy and red, engorged clitoris.
By now, the beautiful fifteen-year-old high school sophomore had, like many normal teenaged girls, been secretly masturbating to climax three or four times a week over the past two years. She knew just how to lightly, sensuously touch her cunt and vagina to give herself the greatest pleasure.
Jessica always played with herself very lightly, in small circles over the length of her clitoris. So it was tonight, as well. The awesomely beautiful tenth-grade girl opened her legs and used the first two fingers of her right hand to lightly play with her clitoris and vagina.
She turned down the T.V. just a bit, just to be able to hear if anyone was walking down the hall toward her room. She wanted to have enough warning to be able to pull her hands out from between her legs and then quickly pull up her sweats, just in case anybody knocked at her door. She couldn't allow her parents or anyone else to have the idea that their very pretty, extremely popular teenaged daughter would, at this very moment, be alone in her darkened bedroom, secretly playing with her vagina behind her locked bedroom door!
You see, on one level, she really regarded masturbation as dirty, and that only really desperate guys and girls ever did it. But, along with a certain amount of guilt when she was forced to do it, the otherwise prim and proper teenaged girl could, at just the right times, become very sexually excited by the thought of secluding herself and doing it in private, and this always made her even more excited as she engaged in this hot, secret, sexy behavior.
Just laying in bed like that, furtively looking around and listening for the approach of anyone, excited the golden-haired 15-year-old Jessica tremendously as she opened her thighs, dropped her knowing right hand to the moist, humid area between her thighs, and began to lightly stroke her wetness under her covers. The "nasty" feel of wet teenaged-girl's pubic hair and slippery-wet vagina lips, her small hands secretly masturbating her maturing cunt behind her closed bedroom door and under her covers, was a strong catalyst in her approach to a young, wet, 15-year-old high school girl's climax.
Although her eyes were glued to the television set, the pretty Jessica was not looking at the picture. Instead, her eyes stared blankly, as she concentrated completely on the sexual feelings coursing through her body and in her vagina. As her hands steadily worked her most intimate areas, she pictured how her brother must look under his own bed covers, with a strong young erect cock protruding from between his legs.
By this time, the pretty 10th-grade girl's firm, young legs and body were beginning to move under the covers, involuntarily quivering and trembling from time to time, her breathing becoming more heavy and erratic as she felt her slippery clitoris swell and protrude obscenely from its little sheath. Her clitoris felt so big, so huge, as she used her fingertips on its slippery, bulging erection through the wet bristles of her dark brown, almost black pubic hair.
As she continued to masturbate her cunt, Jessica could hear the faint, tell-tale sounds of her wet vagina as her small fingers rubbed her slippery pussy. She knew she was fast approaching her climax. The pretty 15-year-old instinctively started to dip her first and second fingers into her wet vagina, in and out, in and out, and back onto her clitoris with her now very slippery fingers. God, it felt so good!
Rubbing faster and faster now, the beautiful, blonde tenth-grade girl happened to take notice of what she looked like from above her covers. She saw what anyone secretly looking at her through her bedroom window would see.
The soft, blue glow of the T.V. illuminated her room. With one hand now steadily and rapidly playing with her vagina, and her left hand softly massaging her already large, beautiful young breasts, she could see through the bedspread the tell-tale up-and-down and circular motion of her hand in her pussy, her legs spread into a V-shape, and knees slightly raised as she made room for her hands.
The popular tenth-grader was extremely excited by the thought of secretly fingering her cunt here in her bedroom, making herself hot and wet, knowing full well that no one else in the house had any idea what she was doing with herself in bed right now. If only all those popular guys at school could see what she does sometimes!
These thoughts finally tipped her over the edge. Jessica groaned quietly as she came on her fingers. Quivering with orgasm, she continuing to rub her now very wet vagina steadily and rhythmically throughout her hot orgasm.
Sighing, Jessica first pulled her hand out from under the covers, wiping her very wet hand on a couple of tissues, a box of which she kept on her dresser. Although she knew exactly why those tissues were kept where they were, she thought no one else in the house were think that this was the reason. That done, she dropped both hands under her covers once again to pull up her still damp panties, and then her sweats.

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Message-ID: <> Path:!imci3!!!!!! Newsgroups:, From: X-Anonymously-To:, Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 06:50:46 UTC Subject: ** REPOST: Jessica, Pt. III/Vb. (AWESOME teen fem., mast) Lines: 350 Xref:

The following story is just THAT and nothing more - a STORY, get it?
FICTION? You know? It's not real! Me entiendes'?

If you are under eighteen years of age, you don't belong here anyways, so go steal your daddy's Playboy or your mother's vibrator and leave me alone, before you get me into trouble. ;-)

As for the REST of you, if you're in any way offended by explicit (though truly tasteful, if I do say so myself!) sexually-oriented material, proceed no further! Unsubscribe from this Newsgroup, and subscribe instead to alt.purity or', or something like that. There's something for everyone on the Net! Even you! :-)

Come to think of it, since the only way you could even get so far as to READ this disclaimer was to have intentionally subscribed to this Newsgroup in the first place, you have nobody to blame but yourself for reading it. So eat me! :-)

So much for that.

NOW, then.....

To recap:

JESSICA, PT. I featured the story of the night young Jessica (just thirteen years old at the time) discovered the private pleasure of playing with her pussy.....

JESSICA, PT. II recounts the story of a particularly exciting masturbation experience Jessica enjoyed one night, a couple of years later, at age fifteen.

JESSICA, PT. III tells the story of Jessica's 11th grade Prom night experience. Oh, the pretty and popular Jessica went to the Prom just like everybody else, and she danced, and she partied all that..... But at evening's end, when other couples sought to find a hotel room for the night, Jessica's date finally brought her home at 2:30 or 3:00 AM. And by that time, she was ready.... very, very ready...... to relieve all the sexual tension that had built up that evening in the only way she knew how....... by secretly, softly, play with her young vagina inside the safety of her locked bedroom.

This tended to characterize Jessica's life of secret sexual stimulation since she was in the eighth grade, a life no one would have any idea about.
Beyond typical teenage behavior, Jessica never gave any clue that she was in any way all that especially interested in sex. Of course, she had never confided to anybody about the fact that she ever indulged in such behavior.
Like most seventeen-year-old high school girls, had anyone asked her about it, she would have denied it vehemently. She was much too pretty and popular with the guys to have to resort to that!
However, the secret truth that only Jessica knew, was that, during those times of complete privacy, when she was completely alone in her bedroom, she would feel the irresistable temptation several times a week, usually at night or when she had time to herself, such as when she was studying for a test. At such times, when her parents hadn't bothered her for awhile, and when Jessica happened to feel that special, secret urge creep up on her, the pretty high-school senior knew that she could probably get away with going into her bathroom, locking the door, to quietly lower her shorts and panties, and then use her fingers on herself, undistracted, in complete privacy.
This is not to say that Jessica hadn't had plenty of opportunities to go further than that with the boys at her school and elsewhere. Why, just last year, when she was in the eleventh grade, she had attended the Senior Prom with the school's student body president, maybe the most popular boy in the school. She remembered that night well. For although she hadn't engaged in any kind of sexual activity with her date that night - she just didn't have that kind of relationship with him - she knew darn well that several of her best friends were going to be having sex with their boyfriends that very night.
Such thoughts started flooding her mind as soon as the formal Prom was finished, at about one in the morning. Many couples had left by that time, and for the rest of the night, until she finally arrived home, she was very conscious of the fact that many of her friends were already looking at and had their hands all over a guy's strong, young cock. Like most normal teenaged girls, the private thought of what a guy's hard cock must look like could instantly make Jessica's beautiful pussy start to lubricate, but only Jessica knew about that. Her excited vagina isn't something that Jess would ever tell people about. She had only secretly imagined, in the privacy of her young girl's mind, what it would be like to stroke a hard penis in her hands, and to feel it sliding in and out of the wetness of her teenaged cunt, and she had, in private, masturbated to those fantasies on many occasions.
She was thinking about it on this night as well. She couldn't help herself.... the guys were all around her tonight, and they were giving her the eye. She was absolutely stunning tonight. She couldn't help but notice the looks she was getting, and she couldn't help what her young body urged her to do when she got home.
The beautiful 16-year-old girl arrived home at about three in the morning. Her parents had long been asleep by this time, and she knew it.
That was fine with her. Jessica had felt the familiar heat of sexual tension throughout her body for most of the night, and without actually making conscious plans to do so, there was a part of her that knew exactly what she was going to do when she got home tonight, and finally found herself in the solitude and complete privacy of her beautiful, sixteen-year-old's, teenaged girls' bedroom.
Jessica always felt a bit excited just in the knowledge that nobody was around to interrupt her or otherwise prevent her from indulging in the fantastic pleasure brought about by her hands, her clitoris, and her imagination. You see, by now, Jessica had developed a very strong sexual drive. She wasn't necessarily aware of it, but the fact that she was an accomplished athlete, a star softball player on the school team, made her a strong, healthy young girl. And although she had played with herself more often during the first year or two after she had learned how to do it, the times that she did give in to her urges these days were times of great need.
And once every few days, or maybe once a week or so, when the tension had built up to a point where she couldn't wait any longer, finally giving in to her needs, the golden-haired high school senior would isolate herself, and let herself go completely. Shielded from the world, knowing that there was no chance that anyone else could possibly see what she secretly does to herself sometimes, dropping all pretenses now, she would unashamedly use the fingers of her right hand to lightly play with her bristly, brown-haired cunt, sometimes standing and staring at the secret image in the full-length bathroom mirror until she would have one or more explosive orgasms. She was a strong, athletic young girl, and strong, athletic young girls have very strong sexual needs, even if they kept those needs entirely to themselves and gave in to those needs only in the complete privacy of their locked bedroom or bathroom at home.
But there were times when Jessica just didn't care about suppressing her sexual needs. There were times when just the reverse happened - when she became all the more excited by the thought of satisfying those needs in secrecy in the privacy of her bedroom. She had done this many times before, and such was the case tonight.
Arriving home, Jessica went upstairs and quietly closed and instinctively locked the door to her bedroom. Even if it was three o'clock in the morning, she made darn sure the door was locked whenever she knew that she was going to masturbate. Jessica was unusually sexually charged tonight.
She had seen alot of good looking guys tonight, and had caught herself thinking about what their strong young cocks and asses must look like underneath their clothes on several occasions.
The 16-year-old girl's vagina and panties were now very moist with the knowledge that, within minutes now, she would be touching and playing with herself in her own secret way, in the solitude of her own teenaged girl's bedroom, rubbing her hot, full young breasts and nipples, and beautifully manicured young, yet already very mature vagina and clitoris, breathing heavily as she stared at the awesome spectacle in the full-length mirror placed on her bedroom door.
Sitting down on her bed, she first removed her black dress shoes and skimpy socks. She flexed her toes, feeling their freedom. Standing up, she went into her bathroom, and looking in the mirror, she immediately reached behind her back to unzip her top. Slowly, she unzipped her top, and reaching up, she pulled it down over her soft, sexy young shoulders, revealing for the first time that night the smooth brown skin of her upper body. Pulling the top off herself, she then reached down to unsnap the waistband of her long, black dress. Staring at the secret process in the mirror, Jessica slowly lowered the expensive dress down her young, firm, tanned legs, and stepped out of it. Standing up again, she gathered her top and dress and laid it down over the back of her study chair.
The excited 16-year-old girl then walked over to her full-length mirror, and admired the secret sight of her young, tanned, curvaceous body, clad only in black bra and panties. Looking at herself in this way, at this time when she felt such an uncontrollable urge to play with herself to a climax, was a terribly exciting sexual experience for her. She was very attuned to sensitivity of the area of her thighs and vagina. She shivered with sexual excitement.
Jessica was ready now, very ready. Although she was certainly tired, she knew she couldn't wait until morning to relieve herself. In fact, she had been waiting for this all night. In the morning, she might not have the unusual level of privacy that she would have at this time of night. She had learned to take advantage of such rare opportunities.
Finally it was time. If the truth be known, the golden-haired Jessica knew fucking well that she was one of the hottest-looking girls at school.
It was no secret. She wasn't blind. She notices the guys at school as they stare, and sometimes talk to their friends in quiet whispers about her.
Jessica knew that alot of guys at school probably played with their cocks at night thinking about the mystery of what her hot naked body must look like underneath her loose-fitting clothes. She knew that a great many guys who had been at the prom tonight were probably in bed right now, stroking their stiff cocks, just fantasizing about what the golden-haired Jessica knew she was about to secretly do for real, right now, all alone in her room tonight.
Jessica knew they would like nothing better than to secretly peek into her bedroom while she slowly took off her clothes, maybe preparing to masturbate.
Now, Jess was clad in nothing more than a black bra and high-cut, shear, but thin, black panties, barely concealing the almost black pubic hair covering the secret of her sensitive, 16-year-old vagina.
The gorgeous Jessica began to breathe heavier now, as she raised her small hands to her large young breasts, still encased in her black bra. She very softly and lightly commenced running her finger tips around and around her young, red, rosy nipples. As she did so, she parted her legs slightly where she stood. She sucked in her breath as she gazed at the secret sight of that part of her body, a private area that no one but her had ever laid eyes on - her tanned upper thighs, lined with soft, blond hairs, her smooth brown-skinned torso, and her thin, black panties, tightly stretched now, displaying clearly the swelling mound of her brown and golden-haired pussy underneath. She knew that the guys at Quimitch High would just kill to have the opportunity to see what she was freely looking at, right this very moment.
As she continued to softly massage her young breasts, teasing her large nipples into erection underneath her bra, she silently appreciated the sexiness of her upper legs and thighs. It turned her on to look at the soft, blonde hairs on her legs, above where she regularly shaved in the shower.
Those blonde hairs got longer and longer and progressively more curly as they inched up her sensitive inner thighs, until they climbed so close to her panties and cunt that she was sure no guys had ever seen them up close.
Jessica was becoming impatient. She longed to feel the familiar heat of her wet cunt as her fingers softly played with the lips of her sensitive, hair-lined vagina. Once again reaching behind herself, she unsnapped her bra, and let it slide off her beautiful young breasts, now with very hard, pert, and protruding nipples, due to all the attention they had received from her young finger-tips so far.
Her 16-year-old, teenaged breasts were amazing. Young and full, they had little blonde hairs on them, through which one could see traces of her young veins beneath her soft skin. Being so young yet, her breasts had not fully developed, and thus her veins were evident. But her breasts were beautiful, soft, and sexy nonetheless, and guys drooled over them. They typically played a big part in her masturbation ritual, as they did tonight.
Although outwardly, Jessica didn't do much to emphasize her growing breasts when she dressed, inwardly she had fantasized on many occasions about baring her large, beautiful breasts to guys. In reality, however, only she had ever seen their naked beauty and innocence, the way they now looked. Up to this time, they had been her private treasure.
Jessica was ready to masturbate in earnest now, and that meant it was time to start fingering her cunt. The secret sight of her own16-year-old body, clad only in black bikini panties, with large, protruding breasts and pink nipples, coupled with the knowledge that she was about to play with herself, was terribly exciting to her. The sexual tension in her body was mounting rapidly. She knew just how she wanted to do it tonight.
Approaching her door, she turned out the bedroom light. She then walked toward the dresser next to her bed, switching on her study lamp.
Going then to her closet, she quietly opened the doors, and leaning down, reached into a small box hidden beneath some of her childhood toys. From this box, she pulled out her favorite book, one that she had found about six months ago. This was a book she would use to masturbate with from time to time, but only when the rare opportunity presented itself, usually either when her parents were out for the evening, or very late at night, when she knew they would be asleep, and that there was no way they would intrude on her privacy. At times like that, Jess knew she could take her time, spreading herself out on her bed, spreading her young legs unashamedly, exposing her hairy, maturing vagina to her exploring hands, without worrying about anyone knocking on her door.
Of course, Jessica still enjoyed immensely the secret act of quickly playing with herself under her covers, or in the bathroom, as she was still resigned to do when others were around the house and she couldn't wait, but the growing woman inside her also enjoyed those rare opportunities to take a chance, stripping bare and openly playing with herself on her bedspread, exposing her firm, naked body to everything in her bedroom. She loved to look at her naked body as she masturbated, to watch her expression as she grew more and more excited, looking down at her cunt, where the tell-tale movements of her hand belied what she was doing to herself. It was a voyeuristic thrill, as though she was playing the part of the inanimate objects in her bedroom, getting the very rare opportunity to see what the golden-haired, sixteen-year-old Jessica looked like on those rare occasions when she let down every bit of pretense, unashamedly giving in to temptation, masturbating in full view of everything in the room. This is what she was going to do tonight, and she was very wet with anticipation of it.
Placing a couple of pillows against the headboard, she then spread herself out on the bed. Opening her knees like a butterfly's wings, she took in the shapely bulge of her excited young pussy, outlined tightly beneath her soft, thin black panties. She raised the book in front of her with her left hand, and dropped her right hand to her panty-covered crotch. Slowly, for the first time that night, the young, golden-haired Jessica moaned with excitement as she began the familiar stroking of her vagina through her black panties, up and down, directly over her large clitoris. As usual, she used the just the pads of the first two fingers of her right hand on her pussy.
As she began to read sex stories, Jessica began lubricating very generously. Soon, Jess's fingers were quite wet with the sticky stuff which continued to seep from her young, hair-lined, teenage cunt. Jessica was losing herself in her erotic masturbation. She knew it wouldn't be long before she would be shaking with orgasm.
This was feeling so good.... Jessica began to think about having her climax just like that, softly rubbing her sensitive, wet cunt through her thin panties instead of pulling them down, as she usually ended up doing at some point. Jessica was feeling nasty tonight, and playing with herself to a climax right through her panties seemed a particularly nasty way to do it.
Jessica took her hand out of her pussy for a quick moment, just long enough to turn the pages to one of the parts of the book that she usually liked to orgasm with. This had to do with a guy playing with himself as he watched his beautiful teenaged neighbor undressing from his secret perch outside her bedroom window. This was a secret fantasy for Jess, an exhibishinistic fantasy. Although she wouldn't often admit it even to herself, she was fully aware of just how hot her curvaceous young teenaged body was. Jess liked to time her orgasm with his orgasm in the book. This was going to be the case tonight. Jessica hadn't read this part of the book in many months, and she was very excited as she read it again for the first time in a long time.
In the secrecy of her quiet, darkened bedroom, late at night, 16-year-old Jessica's right hand returned to the thoroughly soaked crotch of her panties and vagina. She resumed the familiar rubbing of her erect clitoris in small circles, as she continued fantasizing and reading. Every few seconds, her young, teenage legs would involuntarily quiver with excitement as she read and masturbated her wet pussy through her thin black panties.
Knowing that she couldn't hold off much longer, she quickly located the point in the book where the guy was about to come. Jess could hear the sounds of her sticky, wet pussy as she played with herself in earnest. This made her all the hotter. It was such a nasty sound, the sound of a young teenage girl secretly playing with her excited vagina. It occurred to her that, at her age, as a junior in high school now, no one had ever heard this sound but her, and only when she was desperately lost in the private act of bringing herself to an orgasm. This was good, because, immaturely, she thought of this as an embarrassing sound, one that was associated with great sexual excitement on her part. No one could know about this side of her.
Only she could know.
Reaching her plateau, the 16-year-old Jessica began to slowly move her body and softly moan. She couldn't help it, but it wasn't important -- there was no way her parents could hear her, and she knew it. She was free to let herself go completely. Speeding up the circular motions on her panties, directly over her clitoris, the sounds of a wet vagina were more evident now.
She was finally ready to allow herself to come. Jess arched her young back, opened her knees and legs wide, and began her roll to orgasm, shaking and moaning as she did so. Her wet hand sped up now, working steadily and rythmically in her sticky vagina, while she pictured the boy in the book preparing to spurt his load. Finally, as she came to the part about his orgasm, she gave in. She shook, and rythmically stroked her cunt through her panties as she imagined the scene described in the book. She saw his hard penis shooting gobs of come and she imagined the look of his body as he did so.
Jessica came and came in the privacy of her bedroom. It took several minutes for her to finish herself off. She was so stimulated tonight that she kept coming and coming, bring herself to orgasm after orgasm, her brown-haired vagina and cunt wetly responding to the knowing manipulation of her hands. She shook with climax one more time, this time the best of all of them, her young torso and wet, panty-covered crotch bouncing up and down as she experienced her sexual bliss one last time.
Finally, Jessica was exhausted. Slowly, she removed her hand from where it hand been working between her legs, and she looked at it. It was covered with vaginal lubrication, and was quite wet. Putting down the book, she reached over to grab a Kleenex, wiping her hand with it and throwing it away. Standing up, she quickly removed her now-soaked panties, and threw them into the hamper in the corner of her bedroom. going into the bathroom, she took several more sheets of Kleenex and wiped herself thoroughly between her legs and now very sensitive vagina. Throwing away this Kleenex, she went to her dresser, took out a fresh, although old, pair of panties and a t-shirt. She slipped these on, turned out her dresser light, and finally slipped into bed at 3:45 A.M. Turning over onto her firm stomach, covered with short-blonde hairs and all, she placed both her hands between her legs, and, with a sigh, she fell asleep.

Stay tuned for Part IV: Jessica's Lonely Friday Night

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Message-ID: <> Path:!imci3!!!!!! Newsgroups:, From: X-Anonymously-To:, Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 06:51:29 UTC Subject: ** REPOST: Jessica, Pt. IV/Vb. (AWESOME teen fem., mast) Lines: 233 Xref:

The following story is just THAT and nothing more - a STORY, get it?
FICTION? You know? It's not real! Me entiendes'?

If you are under eighteen years of age, you don't belong here anyways, so go steal your daddy's Playboy or your mother's vibrator and leave me alone, before you get me into trouble. ;-)

As for the REST of you, if you're in any way offended by explicit (though truly tasteful, if I do say so myself!) sexually-oriented material, proceed no further! Unsubscribe from this Newsgroup, and subscribe instead to alt.purity or', or something like that. There's something for everyone on the Net! Even you! :-)

Come to think of it, since the only way you could even get so far as to READ this disclaimer was to have intentionally subscribed to this Newsgroup in the first place, you have nobody to blame but yourself for reading it. So eat me! :-)

So much for that.

NOW, then.....

To recap:

JESSICA, PT. I featured the story of the night young Jessica (just thirteen years old at the time) discovered the private pleasure of playing with her pussy.....

JESSICA, PT. II recounts the story of a particularly exciting masturbation experience Jessica enjoyed one night, a couple of years later, at age fifteen.

JESSICA, PT. III told the story of Jessica's 11th grade Prom night experience. Oh, the pretty and popular Jessica went to the Prom just like everybody else, and she danced, and she partied all that..... But at evening's end, when other couples sought to find a hotel room for the night, Jessica's date finally brought her home at 2:30 or 3:00 AM. And by that time, she was ready.... very, very ready...... to relieve all the sexual tension that had built up that evening in the only way she knew how....... by secretly, softly, play with her young vagina inside the safety of her locked bedroom.

JESSICA, PT. IV recounts in vivid detail Jessica's masturbatory experience one Friday night during her senior year in high school. And you can bet on this...... what happens to Jessica on this night is almost certainly no different than what takes place inside the bedroom of pretty teenaged girls
EVERYWHERE, INCLUDING that pretty young thing who lives next door to

The beautiful, golden-blonde Jessica finally arrived home from the boy's basketball game at 11:00 that cold Friday night. She was certainly disappointed that nothing much else seemed to be happening that night, so she had gone home earlier than she'd wanted to.
Wearing her normal bedtime attire, a old brown T-shirt and skimpy, tight, pink panties, the 17-year-old Jessica climbed into the comfy warmth of her bed at about 11:15. Wrapping the thick comforter around her body, she then grabbed the remote control and turned on her television set and absent-mindedly began flipping through the channels. Not much was on tonight. Finally, she gave up and settled on watching the Tonight Show, which was just starting.
Several minutes had passed when Jessica noticed that she really wasn't ready for bed. She had napped that afternoon when she had gotten home from school, and now she was antsy. She still had alot of energy. And she certainly wasn't sleepy yet.
As she continued watching the show, and without even realizing it, a natural process began to take hold.... her small hands had begun an absent-minded, yet instinctual stroll over the beautiful brown skin of her young, teenaged body. She turned over on her side, and as she continued watching the show, her right hand had dropped to her groin, and had edged it's way in between the blonde-haired furriness of her tightly closed legs.
Still watching T.V., and without any purposeful intent so far, her hand was slowly and intinctually moving around between her young, blonde-haired thighs. Her fingertips were very lightly playing around on top of her thin pink panties, just above the slice of her typically very responsive vagina.
Of course, all of this was going on in secret under her covers.
As the golden-haired young teen continued to watch television in the darkness of her bedroom, her consciousness began to wander from the screen to the growing enjoyment her young fingertips were bringing her as they nonchalantly played between her beautiful young thighs. A completely healthy, normal teenager, the 17-year-old Jessica slowly became aware of the hot tingling developing inside her most intimate area, her dark-brown haired cunt, still covered by thin, pink bikini panties. It had started this way before. And Jessica knew it.
Starting to enjoy this private titillation, yet not having consciously concluded that this was necessarily going to end in outright masturbation to a climax, the popular teenager rolled onto her back again. Protected from view by her comforter, she spread her soft, young thighs like a butterfly's wings, and allowed her right hand to continue lightly stroking the fat mound of her now much more exposed pussy, hidden beneath the thinnest of pink panties. As the pretty high school senior continued to stare at the television set, she casually lifted her left hand to her firm, tanned stomach, laced with short, blonde hairs. As her right hand continued its soft, sexy dance on her panties, the fingertips of her left hand ran light, slow, smooth circles around her tight torso, finally moving, as the seconds passed, underneath her brown T-shirt, aiming for the comfort of her large, beautiful breasts and pink nipples.
By now, all alone in her darkened bedroom, the beautiful, teenaged Jessica had become aware of the unmistakable wetness that was now clearly developing in her responsive, maturing vagina; its moistness was starting to become very apparent as her lightly stroking fingers continued to touch and play with her pussy beneath her pink panties.
Once in a while, when having gone to bed to do nothing more than relax and watch television before retiring for the night, boredom would lead nature to take its course in the darkened privacy of her young, teenaged girl's bedroom.
Sufficiently stimulated now, and finally having concluded now that she definitely wanted to go all the way, playing with her wet, hairy vagina to a full climax, the seventeen-year-old Jessie thought about getting up to quietly turn the lock on her bedroom door, as she always did when she knew she was about to secretly masturbate. Being rather late at night, though, with her bedroom lights out, and with her covers wrapped completely around her, she decided that there was not a great risk involved in doing this with her door left unlocked. On the slight chance that anybody would come knocking on her door at this late hour, she could quickly enough pull her hands out from between her legs, appearing as though she were engaged in nothing more than the innocent act of watching a few minutes of television before going to bed.
In an effort to provide unobscured access to the wet, secret places that only Jessica knew she ever enjoyed playing with, she used her left hand to pull open the leg of her pink panties, allowing her right hand full access to her naked pussy. As she did so, Jessica decided that she would masturbate to the thought of a really cute guy that she saw at the game tonight. She had noticed this young man continually shooting glances at her as she sat with her friends in the crowd. Although Jessica hadn't told any of her friends that she noticed this, from time to time, Jessie would turn and momentarily meet his glance, just wishing he would come up and introduce himself to her. Man, she thought he was cute. She wondered what his chest must look like... his ass....
But he hadn't spoken to her, and never having seen him before, she assumed that she would never see him again. But, she decided, as her right hand edged its way toward its familiar destination, she could always fantasize about what might have happened.....
As she had on so many nights before this, in the darkened secrecy of her young girl's bedroom, the beautiful high-school senior ran the first two fingers of her right hand through her mature growth of vagina hair, relishing the feel of her thick mane of brown-black pubic hair, an awesome spectacle of pubic hair that only she had ever laid eyes on. As her finger-tips edged their way yet lower, the slippery feel of wet cuntlips began to make her breath heavier. The target of her search: the sensitive, bulging erection of her clitoris. Pausing a moment to dip her fingers into the wetness of her vagina, she then returned them to her clit, and, with lubricated fingers now, she began a slow tease, circling her erect clitoris.
In the darkened privacy of her bedroom, the 17-year-old Jessica secretly played with her vagina and breasts while she thought about what must lie between that cute young man's legs. She loved thinking about guys' bodies. Although she had, of course, never, shared these desires with anyone, the developing young woman in her had masturbated on many occasions to such fantasy images.
As she thought of what his hard ass must look like underneath his pants, her legs shuddered with sexual excitement as she continued to fantasize, lightly rolling her fingertips around and around her wet clitoris beneath the bristly bush of pubic hair. Beneath the covers, the beautiful high-school senior had now raised her brown T-shirt up above her lovely pink breasts, and was gently rubbing her sensitive nipples with her left hand, alternating between left and right breasts. Oh, if only that guy could see her now, secretly and shamelessly masturbating her beautiful teenaged body to thoughts of him underneath her thick bedspread.
As her breathing became heavier and more ragged, Jessica continued the rapid stroking of her cunt behind her closed bedroom door. As always happened, sooner or later every time she masturbated, the telltale sounds of her soaking wet vagina began to make themselves very apparent now as her 17-year-old pussy was feeling the delicious, salacious pleasure of her secret masturbation. As she continued to stroke her cunt, she knew that she was approaching her time. Over the years, the beautiful high-school senior had learned that the louder and wetter her vagina sounded as she stroked it, the closer she was to an immediate and impending orgasm. If one had hooked up a microphone to her bedroom, one would have heard the low drone of the television, heavy breathing, and the wet, sucking sounds of her fingers working in her soaking wet pussy.
Her normally big, pink 17-year-old girl's nipples had become hard, raw, and stiff, and were sticking out like erect cones nearly an inch from the rest of her large, soft breasts. The very fingertips of her left hand picked and tweaked their sentitive erections as Jessie felt the symphony of eroticism build to an orgasmic crescendo between the secret of her soft thighs.
Jessica's eyes were closed now; her head, wrapped in her beautiful, thick, golden blonde-haired mane was tilted back and to the side on her soft, goose-down pillow. Her breath was cutting and erratic. The small fingers of her pretty right hand lightly, rapidly did their work on the exposed, wet bud of her clitoris..... around and around, as she unconciously tensed and untensed the muscles of her soft, tight ass. By now, her beautiful hands knew just how to touch her excited vagina in order to bring herself to the greatest possible heights of sexual ecstasy. By now, at seventeen years old, she had become quite the experienced young masturbator.
Hidden from the rest of the world beneath her thick comforter, thighs quivering with the uncontrollable passion of raw teenaged sexual excitement, Jessica finally gave in and let it happen.... "Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh........", she moaned quietly, as she felt her hot, wet, teenaged climax envelope her very being. Her legs quivered and trembled, her beautiful body shook and shivered underneath her warm blanket; time stood still for the popular high school senior as her knowing fingertips worked every ounce of pleasure from her wet, matted, black-haired cunt.
As she slowly came down from her sexual high, she became aware of very wet her excited cunt had become! Her fingertips felt so wet and slippery as she purposely slowed the pace on her now very sensitive clitoris. For a moment, Jessie dipped the first two fingers of her right hand deep inside her hot pussy, just to revel in the feel of how sexy and wet her cunt felt at this moment. Smiling, she pulled those fingers out of her vagina, gave her little clit one or two final playful tweaks, sighing with complete sexual satisfaction as she did so.
Finally...... Jessie could relax....... and sleep now.......

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Message-ID: <> Path:!imci3!!!!!! Newsgroups:, From: X-Anonymously-To:, Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 06:51:37 UTC Subject: ** REPOST: Jessica, Pt. Va/Vb. (AWESOME teen fem., mast) Lines: 195 Xref:

The following story is just THAT and nothing more - a STORY, get it?
FICTION? You know? It's not real! Me entiendes'?

If you are under eighteen years of age, you don't belong here anyways, so go steal your daddy's Playboy or your mother's vibrator and leave me alone, before you get me into trouble. ;-)

As for the REST of you, if you're in any way offended by explicit (though truly tasteful, if I do say so myself!) sexually-oriented material, proceed no further! Unsubscribe from this Newsgroup, and subscribe instead to alt.purity or', or something like that. There's something for everyone on the Net! Even you! :-)

Come to think of it, since the only way you could even get so far as to READ this disclaimer was to have intentionally subscribed to this Newsgroup in the first place, you have nobody to blame but yourself for reading it. So eat me! :-)

So much for that.

NOW, then.....

To recap:

JESSICA, PT. I featured the story of the night young Jessica (just thirteen years old at the time) discovered the private pleasure of playing with her pussy.....

JESSICA, PT. II recounts the story of a particularly exciting masturbation experience Jessica enjoyed one night, a couple of years later, at age fifteen.

JESSICA, PT. III told the story of Jessica's 11th grade Prom night experience. Oh, the pretty and popular Jessica went to the Prom just like everybody else, and she danced, and she partied all that..... But at evening's end, when other couples sought to find a hotel room for the night, Jessica's date finally brought her home at 2:30 or 3:00 AM. And by that time, she was ready.... very, very ready...... to relieve all the sexual tension that had built up that evening in the only way she knew how....... by secretly, softly, play with her young vagina inside the safety of her locked bedroom.

JESSICA, PT. IV recounted in vivid detail Jessica's masturbatory experience one Friday night during her senior year in high school. And you can bet on this...... what happened inside the secrecy of Jessica's bedroom on this night is almost certainly no different than what takes place inside the bedroom of pretty teenaged girls EVERYWHERE, INCLUDING that pretty young thing who lives next door to YOU........ :-)

As the name suggests, JESSICA, PT. V shares Jessica's masturbation experience one lazy Saturday morning.......

Jessica's Saturday Morning

One Saturday morning a few weeks ago, the most beautiful high school girl at Quimitch High School, Jessica S., woke up at about 10:30 A.M.
Dozing, she lazed in bed for some time, half-awake, and softly, sensuously rubbing her beautiful, nearly naked seventeen-year-old body against the sheets of her large, queen-sized bed.
The golden-haired Jessica was lying on her stomach, arms folded underneath her large, soft pillow. Rather naturally, Jessica began to slowly grind her panty-covered lower body against the sheets in a natural rythym.
The pretty high school senior was enjoying her private self-titillation immensely. Her eyes opened slightly now, as she became fully aware of the growing feelings of lacivious stimulation she was creating for herself in her lower body.
This was only teasing, however; it certainly felt good to sensuously rub her pubic mound against the mattress, but Jessica wasn't necessarily feeling as though she was eventually going to have to turn over and once do what she does so very often - play with herself in order to relieve her pent-up sexual tension....... not yet.
For a few minutes, Jessica stopped her sensuous experimentation while she dozed. But by now, she was undeniably turned on, and in the complete privacy of her young girl's mind, sexual thoughts, ideas and images started to find their way into her impressionable young mind. She thought back to a time a year or two ago, when her then-boyfriend and she had been making out in his car. Her mind flashed back to the feeling of his large fingers touching her silky-smooth thighs and vagina while they kissed and kissed. At the time, Jessica had of course become very excited, and her vagina had become almost embarrassingly wet. Yet, as is still the case, she had at the time been too self-conscious to really let herself go, at least in front of another person, and have an orgasm during their petting session. Jessie certainly did recall, however, how upon getting home late that afternoon, she had wasted no time in taking care of her needs.
Knowing full well that she was going upstairs to her bedroom to masturbate her vagina at the first opportunity, upon getting home, the then 15-year-old Jessica told her mother that she was a little tired, and that she was going upstairs for a rest. She knew her mother would have no reason to suspect anything else. She correctly figured that she wouldn't be bothered then.
Quietly closing and locking her bedroom door behind herself, the beautiful, golden-haired 15-year-old Jessie removed her thick sweatshirt and took off her tennis shoes. She quietly made her way into her pretty young teenaged girl's bathroom and, quite on purpose, very quietly locked the door behind her. Since it was during the day, and since she had a family that was up and about, including a brother only a couple of years older than she, Jessica rarely took chances by masturbating in her bedroom, even behind her closed bedroom door. At times like this, being a very smart and very careful girl, Jessica not only locked her bedroom door, but she then went into her bathroom, locked the door, and played with herself in there.
Tucked away behind both closed bedroom door and locked bathroom door, the pretty teenaged girl was finally convinced that she had the degree of privacy that she needed to let herself go right now. Excited, the golden-haired tenth-grade goddess soaked in the secret, secret sight of her image in the full-length bathroom mirror as she uncerimoniously unbuttoned the snap of her fashionable, loose pants, unzipped them, and pulled both her pants and still-damp pink panties down to her ankles. Standing up, this brought into view the very secret image of her firm, young, tanned legs and thighs, laced with the soft blonde hairs of a pretty, maturing teenaged girl.
Her excited vagina was also very visible now, black pubic hair and all.
Turning to look at the edge of the tub, she sat herself down on it, placed her left hand behind her for support, leaned back, and opened her beautiful, soft thighs, revealing her still very stimulated teenaged cunt.
Losing no time, Jessica dropped her right hand toward her moist, hot vagina, fished through her thick, black pubic hairs, and let her knowing first two fingers-tips expertly locate her clitoris.
With that, Jessica eagerly started to masturbate, lightly playing with her lubricating vagina with her right hand, as she pictured the events of her petting session of just half-an-hour or so ago. Her fingertips traveled in light circles, rapidly playing with her clitoris, all the while gazing at the secret process in the full-length bathroom mirror.
The young girl was engaged in secretly playing with her pussy behind the closed and locked doors of her bedroom and bathroom. In school, where the pretty, golden-haired tenth-grader was probably the most popular, sought-after girl at Quimitch High, both boys and girls had no possible idea that the beautiful Jessica would ever submit to the temptation to do such a thing. They couldn't even imagine what Jessica would look like when she was horny. She was much too popular and sexy for that wasn't she?
But as Jessica sat in class, casually talking to her friends or watching what was going on with the teacher, from time to time, she would flash on the fact that, in her bathroom at home, early this very morning, naked and in complete privacy, she had played with her large red nipples for several minutes in front of the full-length mirror until she knew her beautiful vagina was dripping wet. Then, wasting no time, she had entered the hot, steamy shower and, spreading her beautiful, young, 15-year-old legs, opened the lips of her cunt with her left hand, and quickly masturbated to a climax with her right; the whole thing might have lasted a minute, at the most. Maybe she had put her hand under her underwear and played with her pussy the night before. Or maybe, she would be thinking that when she got home this afternoon or evening, she was going to isolate herself, slowly take down her pants and panties, sit down in her chair, and stroke the wet, bulging erection of her clitoris while she thought about guys' bodies and asses. No one else in the room could have any idea about what the popular Jessica might be thinking about right at that moment, could they?
But here she was, hotly playing with her black-haired cunt at home in the bathroom. Jessica eyed the image of herself in the full-length bathroom mirror. Quivering with sexual excitement, she watched her small right hand work in knowing circles inside her cunt. She dipped her middle finger deep inside her wet cunt-hole, and sighed with pleasure as she did so. The high-school sophomore slowly stroked that finger in and out of her wetness, listening to the tell-tale sounds of an excited young girl's vagina fill the air of the isolated bathroom.
Approaching her plateau, Jessica got up from where she was reclining on the edge of the bathroom. Taking her right hand out of her pussy for a moment, she bent down to lower her pants as far down as they would go, down to her ankles. Standing up again, Jessica turned around so that she could lust on the image of her beautiful, naked, soft blonde-haired, round, sexy ass. Slightly bending her legs, she put her right hand back between her thighs, and started to lightly rotate her fingers on her clitoris again.
Turning to stare at the unbelievable image in the mirror, Jessica now ran the first two fingers of her right hand along the entire length of her wet slit, through soaking wet, black pubic hairs and the sensitive folds of her engorged teenaged cunt. Gazing at her hot, full ass and beautiful long legs, Jessica masturbated herself in earnest, eager to have a climax.
Flashing on how she would look to anyone who might be spying on her right at this very moment, she placed her left hand on her full ass-checks and softly rubbed her firm, blonde-haired ass. Finally, the 15-year-old teenager had had enough, and watching it all in the mirror, had her orgasm while she moaned quietly. Continuing to softly stroke her clitoris, Jessica continued coming as she stared at the image of her shivering legs and ass, breathing hard as she came and came.....

Stay tuned for Part V.b.: the continuation of "Jessica's Saturday Morning"!
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Last modified (12/24/96 13:58:52) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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