Archive-name: geisha_house

From: Caesar <>

Subject: REPOST: "Geisha House" (mf, teen, voy)



Keywords: mf, teen, voy Author: Caesar

"There was an Old Man of the Mountain,
Who frigged himself into a fountain,
Fifteen times had he spent,
Still he wasn't content,
He simply got tired of the counting."
-The Pearl No. 3

A businessman is talken to a Japanese house-of-ill repute
and he discovers his own sexual lust.


#include "std_disclaimer.h"

All characters are fictional and a figment <g> of my
imagination. Constructive e-mail welcome.

Geisha House

by Caesar(91)

Joey walked ahead of me, through the dark corridor of an old
brick building. The smell of piss, puke and sweat was very
persuasive. We passed a stocky thick set oriental at the metal
doors to a shady corridor, but since then we have passed only
one drunk passed out on the floor, his own vomit covering his
lap and chest. Dirt was thrown about the hallway randomly, yet
a well worn path was made down the middle.

I followed my business partner as he turned several corners,
obviously knowing where he is going. After about two minutes
of this I can hear a faint musical sound from far off down the

Joey turns and smiles a shiny tooth grin at me. His yellow
skin is shiny from sweat and his small frame seemed even
smaller in the dark hallway. I had agreed to accompany him on
this "erotic adventure" not because I like the little oriental,
nor because I was overly curious but because I had been ordered
on this business trip to improve relations with our two
companies. My boss had said that, I was to do anything to get
the trust and friendship of this man. My thoughts wondered to
my wife and two daughters, what they were doing?

"Here! Right here is where we enter another world." Said the
thickly accented Joey. "You ready?"

"Yes, of course." I answered.

We turned a corner and walked through a heavy canvas curtain.
On the other side was a small room, like a coat room, where a
man in a tuxedo stood with two young girls. Along the wall was
bins with shoes, briefcases, and jackets. Under the smiling
order of the man, I took off my shoes and sports jacket, he
placed them in a bin and assured me that they would be here
when I returned. The two teenage girls were wearing
traditional Japanese kimono and obi. They folded my jacket
tenderly and with flowing movements, and I might add very

There was one more short clean corridor we walked through and
then we were standing in a large dark room. Decorated in a
mixture of traditional and modern influences. My eyes were
everywhere, trying to see everything. But Joey pulled me along
towards what could be a bar. I sat on a normal bar stool and
immediately there was a pretty girl standing at my shoulder
asking in Japanese, if I wanted anything to drink. I ordered.

My eyes returned to the thin stage, that we sat at. On it were
seven pretty naked girls dancing seductively, one right above
my face, her almost hairless crotch was inches from my face.
I could smell her sweat and thick perfume and perhaps the smell
of her sex. I turned to Joey and saw him rubbing another girls
inner thigh and even up to her crotch with his hand. There
were two other oriental men sitting at the stage, and each had
a woman directly above him.

Slowly I turned and looked behind me. There was several
traditional Japanese low tables. About half were full of
business men and partially to full naked woman. They were
drinking and laughing. The mans hands ran over every part of
any woman's body, they often moved their bodies to make it

On wire cages hanging from the ceiling were miniature stages.
One had two naked girls inverted to each other, their faces
pressed against the others sex. On another, a small oriental
with a very large penis was standing while a pre-teenage girl
tried to suck him. It was obviously too large for her, but his
hands forced her head down upon his cock. There were five more
such cages with a different sexual experience in each. The
naked bodies in them were painted and made-up with makeup
giving each show a eerie appearance.

Throughout the crowd walked small pretty girls carrying trays
laden with food, drinks, and other assortments. Some I could
not make out. As they walked by a man, a hand would often
reach out to fondle or grab an intimate part of her body.

A loud commotion caught my attention. At a far table, a man
had thrown a waitress over his knee and ripped her kimono up to
her waist and began to spank her, roughly. His fellows at the
table laughed and clapped along to the slaps of his hands. It
seemed the unfortunate girl had accidentally dropped a sake cup
full down upon the mans lap.

Joey tugged at my elbow, then nodded to the wiggling naked
female on the stage above me. "Any girl you want? It yours,
anything!" He laughed, then pointed to a hidden shelf next to
each stool. He opened his and took out a thick six inch ivory
dildo. The girl above him started to gyrate and turn her back
upon him. At his orders she bent over, arching her back, her
young pussy lips pouting out towards his face. Laughing he
slowly inserted the thick ivory tool into the tight vaginal
hole until it was seated deeply inside her. She moaned loudly
and wiggled her ass, but kept still otherwise. Joey looked
over at me and smile that bucktooth grin and motioned for me to
do the same.

I remember his exact words in the limo coming over from the
office, "Any fantasy is fulfilled. Boys, girls, anything.
Understand?" It had been almost a order or perhaps a test.

I thought of my pretty wife of sixteen years at home with my
two gorgeous daughters. I had never cheated on her, but had
been tempted very often. My position as a senior manager put
me in an awkward position. My wife enjoyed the fineries that
my money gave her, but could she give it up if I was fired?
Maybe. But, I would probably get a promotion if I enticed Mr.
Joey Teremoto into linking businesses with our companies. An
action that would make my wife happier, and I would not have to
kow-tow to anyone ever again. Therefore, all I needed to do
was enjoy myself tonight, even at the expense of my vow to my

My hand opened the drawer and took out one of the seven
different styles of dildos. I had chosen a small four inch
rubber tool, I hoped it would not hurt the pretty girl above

Joey's eyes watched me closely.

The dancer looked down into my eyes waiting for the order for
her to position herself. I nodded to the stage top. She danced
until she was laying upon her back, her thin legs in a vee
right up in the air. Again I looked upon her almost hairless
pussy, the pink pussy lips slightly pouting. Without thinking
too much about what I was about to do, I inserted the rubber
tool inside her most private of privates.

She took it easily, and my finger tips touched her thick pussy
lips. I could feel the moist heat from her body, and even the
electricity that ran up from my hand. She wiggled her ass
against the stage, grinding and rubbing the fake phallus inside
her vagina. She humped, and ground her body. Fucking the
tool, while I held the dildo firmly in my fingertips. Enjoying
the forbidden sight of her passion and the feeling of my
fingers sometimes touching her.

Joey was much more into it, I saw that he had one large dildo
inside the girls vagina, and another smaller one inside her
asshole. The girl was controlling the large one herself,
allowing Joey to use his free hand to tweak her nipples. It
was a fascinating and addictive sight.

So, I rubbed up and down her thin muscular legs with my free
hand while the dancer continued to fuck herself upon the tool
in my hand. I compared the dancer to my wife. They were
completely different, in body and actions. The dancer was
small, muscular and very agile. My wife was a large pretty
middle-aged woman, who had thick hips but thin waist, large
heavy breasts, and shapely but yet aging legs. My wife was
very sensual, but not very experimentative. Our sex life, was
regular, and fulfilling, but not kinky or new.

I realized that Joey had waved away the dancer and put the
dildos back inside the drawer, he now had a young waitress on
his lap as he watched me. I wanted to impress the Japanese
executive so I ordered the dancer onto her knees. Her bottom
wiggled seductively and I promptly hit her hard with my open
hand. The loud slap and the red mark left on her round ass
cheek was a testament to my choice to enjoy myself and to leave
behind all my inhibitions.

Joey laughed, while the dancer yelled out in pain and pleasure
while I continued to spank her and to fuck her with the dildo.
I pictured my wife here kneeling upon her knees while I spanked
her firmly, the thought made my cock to enlarge and press
against my trousers. The thought of my proper wife allowing me
to do anything I wanted was a hot idea, for her to succumb to
my every desire.

I laughed as I spanked the beautiful dancer.

When I stopped, it was not because I had enough, but because I
was tired. When I pulled out the dildo the dancer collapsed
upon the stage, she was also exhausted, her ass a bright red
colour. I put the rubber tool back into the drawer and turned
to Joey.

"So, do you want to party some more?" He smiled motioning to
my drink. I drank and nodded. I realized the girl on his lap
was kissing his neck while his hand was inside a fold in her
kimono and probably playing with her pussy. He stood up and
threw the waitress off his lap, "Come on, it gets more
interesting from here on."

I followed. He lead.

We walked through a sliding paper wall into a bright clean room
with seven young traditional dressed girls and a old woman also
dressed the same. The girls were sitting in a semi-circle
around behind her. She sat at a small table with cha and
sake. We sat across from her.

She spoke only Japanese, but was obviously the madame. Joey
talked back and forth for a couple of minutes when he turned to
me, "Choose..."

I smiled at him and pointed out a small shy young girl who had
a round face of a pyxie. I wondered what I had chosen, but was
not surprised when the round face girl stood then walked slowly
towards us then knelt next to my elbow. Joey also picked one.

He explained, "These girls are not like those in the other
room. These are very special! They will do anything for you."
We sat for twenty minutes sipping cha silently while the two
girls as our elbows poured for us. No one talked, but the old
woman constantly eyed me suspiciously. She spoke rapidly to

He translated, "She asks if you are interested in viewing the
coloured rooms?" The look in his eye told me that he wanted to
see these rooms, but he waited patiently for my choice. I
nodded yes.

A moment latter, the three of us were walking down a thin dark
corridor, the two geisha girls had left us to prepare our rooms
for us. The old woman stopped at a curtained window, she
opened it wide. I stared into a wooden room coloured in blue.
In the centre was a fat oriental man, who was surrounded by
naked pretty females. The only ornaments in the room were
pillows and trays. The girls feed him, rubbed oil into his
skin, one sucked upon his thin small penis, another pressed her
sex against his thigh.

The old woman watched my reaction. Then turned to another
window and I looked in. A man was tied over a wooden horse
while two older women whipped and thrashed the man. They were
brutal, and the man loved it.

The next room was with one very old wrinkly man with one young
boy and young girl. Both of which were not over twelve years
old. The boy was standing with his small penis inside the old
mans mouth while the girl was sucking the old mans cock.

Another room was with a older woman, and a pretty girl. The
girl was oiling and rubbing the older woman's body, even down
into the cracks and holes of her sex.

And another was with two young men attacking and raping a young
woman. They had a cock in each end of her, while she struggled
to escape they forced her to succumb.

There were several other rooms. I viewed every one.

Joey and I were lead to our separate private rooms. A smile
upon the face of the old woman as she left us told me I had
somehow passed some test. I entered my private room. It was
decorated in modern American influence. In the centre of the
room was the round faced girl, she was kneeling properly on the
floor, her head bowed on the pavement in respect.

I asked her name and she answered, "Mitsou". I sat upon the
edge of the huge soft bed. And beckoned the girl over to
undress me. As I watched her I knew the girl was the same age
as my oldest daughter. As Mitsou slowly and softly disrobed me
I pictured her as my daughter, wondering if it was possible
that this could be my daughter. At first I thought my daughter
was too irresponsible, but I knew she would learn perhaps like
this small girl had. I knew that some girls were taken while
they were six or seven years old and taught how to please.
Every moment was taken in studying and watching others, she
would learn how to please or be an outcast. I wondered what
fee this evening was costing Joey. I knew it must be huge.

I fell back on the bed after I was naked, and turned on my
stomach. I heard the girl disrobe, but ignored her. Until I
felt her naked leg pressing against my thigh. She poured oil
onto my back and down past my buttocks and legs. Then her
small strong hands worked the thick warm oil into my skin. It
felt wonderful.

Mitsou began to sing softly while massaging me. Her voice was
like a choir, the song like a lullaby. She worked upon my back
and legs for I don't know how long, since I fell asleep. But
when I awoke I realized that I was laying on my back with her
cradled in my arm, her head on my shoulder. I could feel her
warm smooth skin against my own. I could even feel the thick
hair of her sex against my waist. She was also sleeping

It was perhaps the most enjoyable moment of my business trip.
This small beautiful girl lay in my arms while we both slept.
The smell of incense and perfume was in the room, and it
created a sense of wa. Harmony. For the first time I realized
what the word meant. Her body was almost exactly made for me,
she fit in my arm perfectly while her small frame was petite
and dainty. At that moment, I felt a sexual passion like never
before. Not with my wife or even before. But with this
stranger I felt a energy of passion like I had not experienced

Maybe I moved, or perhaps she noticed the change in my
breathing but she woke up. Almost like a gentle breeze she sat
up and looked into my eyes. A lonely sadness was what I saw,
and she closed her eyes and bent forward to kiss me. The kiss
was short and gentle. Almost beyond feeling, yet a electricity
ran down my body enlarging my cock.

The next kiss was stronger and with more passion. Her tongue
slipped into my mouth to play with my lips, teeth and tongue.
It was the most satisfying kiss of my life. Her body lay upon
mine, her legs straddling my waist, her sex pressed into my
stomach, her hard nipples pressed into my chest. The smell of
her skin and the perfume she used was the most stimulating
sensation that my nostrils had ever experienced.

She gently but passionately kissed down past my chin to my
chest. She kissed and gently bit my hair covered nip I could
feel her tongue run over the sensitive skin, wetting it before
her lips sucked and tugged. Her hands were working at the same
time, running up and down my chest and stomach. While her sex
was gently but rhythmically pressed into my thigh.

Mitsou kissed lower, to my belly button, she tongued and licked
the submerged hole.

Then down she kissed until her lips were kissing the hair
around my hard penis. Her hands were rubbing the inside of my
legs giving me shivers of delight. I could no longer feel her
sex, but I could feel her seductively rotating her hips. Up to
this point she had not yet touched my aching cock, yet it
throbbed with a painful yearning that she had caused it.

She may have been young, but she was very experienced. It was
the first time I had ever moaned and begged for release while
I pressed my middle upwards, begging her to relieve my tension.
I opened my eyes and looked down to the top of her head just as
she kissed the head of my cock for the first time. A loud
grown escaped my lips and I tensed my body up, my eyes again
rolling back into my head. For just one second, while I looked
down onto the top of her head, I pictured my daughter, her lips
puckered, her eyes closed, giving me pleasure.

Mitsou's second kiss was very satisfying. It was firmer, with
wide lips, she left moist saliva on the round crown of my sex.
She kissed down my shaft to my balls which she kissed one then
the other. I could scream for the release that I needed, my
sex was almost painfully aching. She cupped my balls in her
hands to gently squeeze the throbbing globes.

For the first time she moved rapidly and engulfed my cock. Her
mouth swallowed perhaps three inches of my six and a half. I
could feel her mouth sucking hard on my rock-like penis. She
hummed softly and it caused the most orally stimulating
experience I had ever felt. Her now-wet pussy was again
pressing my lower leg in time to her sucking. Her head lifted
up then dropped down again. She fucked my cock with her pretty
round face and lips.

I believed she knew before I did when I was about to cum. Her
lips wrapped around my shaft with more pressure and her tongue
played with my crown, while her hand gripped and squeezed my
balls more firmly. I did not yet realize any of this because
the only sensation I could feel was my rising excitement as the
sperm began to shot out the head of my cock.

The first blast was like a release of all my tension and energy
as the shot hit the back of the young girls throat. I could
hear her swallow my sperm loudly. Her lips came up to the head
of my penis, while the rest of my cum shot on her warm wet
tongue. All the while she continued to suck hard on my cock.
I can barely remember calling out my daughters name, as the
sperm shot out the head of my cock.

I wished that it could have lasted forever, but knew the pain
in my balls was almost unbearable as it was. My wife would
suck my penis, but it was like an operation and it was used
only as foreplay, she never sucked until I came. Never before
had I been the victim of such sexual ecstasy or sexual release.
From this moment on, my view of my wife's sexual prowess was in
jeopardy. And my unnatural imagination of my daughter
thrilling while sending a jolt of excitement through my body.

When my body finally collapsed and relaxed, I realized Mitsou
had not stopped sucking on my now soft cock. In fact she had
adapted a different style and was sucking my cock like a
lollipop. She had the whole thing in her mouth and her tongue
played along the shaft, trying to be careful of my sensitive
head. It felt relaxing and good, but I knew she was wasting
her time. I had not gotten a hard-on right after a orgasm
since I was nineteen. But I didn't argue and lay back and

She was relentless. Mitsou sucked and sucked until my penis
started to react. To my surprise my cock rose and forced
itself again into and down the throat of the young girl. No
one was more surprised than me, but my cock was again throbbing
with almost the same passion as before.

She didn't continue to suck. I moaned and would have begged
for her lips to return to my cock. When I realized she was
climbing up my body and positioning her-self over my upward
pointing penis. I could not help but picture my daughter
aiming over me.

I opened my eyes just as she fell onto my cock. The sight of
her round pretty face twisted with passion was a delight in
itself. Her mouth was open in a silent scream, and her eyes
were shut hard. I could feel her hands balancing herself on my
chest, and I could see her small breasts for the first time.
A round firm breast with a hard small nipple pointing almost
towards the ceiling was glistening with sweat. I could feel
the very wet grip of her cunt pressing against my cock.

My hands rose up and gripped her waist in a firm but gentle
grasp. I was about to begin her thrusts but she again
anticipated my need and rose up until the head of my cock was
just touching the opening of her gaping cunt. Then she drove
downward, slamming her cunt against my pubic hair.

Mitsou screamed.

It was a loud, fulfilling, and enjoyable scream. As she again
drove her sex down on mine, I imagined that I could feel her
womb bounce against the head of my cock. Her cunt had very
controllable pussy muscles as she gripped and squeezed my
penis. It was beyond question that she was in control, she was
the one calling the punches. It was almost as if I was here
for her pleasure.

She screamed then growled in delight as my large cock filled
her small body up. She began moan in Japanese, I did not
understand the words but I knew what she was saying. The words
were international.

I do not know how long we fucked. But I knew that every second
was heaven. The sweat was covering both of us and I could feel
her muscles tremble with exhaustion as I neared another
fantastic orgasm. Up and down, up and down. She fucked with
even more passion, as she sensed the end was nearing. Her
words had a ring of begging as she rose also in ecstasy. My
imagination kept flashing my daughters face before me, before
Mitsou again filled my vision.

The sound that filled my ears when we spent both at the same
time was indescribable. Except it was inhuman, almost animal
in its passion and fulfilment. And it was loud.

I could feel every muscle in her body quiver and spasm in
orgasm, as a flood of moisture drenched my lap. Our pubic
hairs intermingled and ground together. I shot another large
load of sperm deep inside her, and then I lay exhausted and
watched her own orgasm finish.

Our eyes meet in mutual exhaustion and fulfilment. She smiled
sweetly then lay upon my chest, my exhausted cock still inside
her gripping cunt. My mind wandered to my family, and what I
was willing to do for them. Never before had work been so
enjoyable. I wondered what sex with my wife would be like now,
or if I would look upon my daughters in the same light as when
I left them. Especially the oldest, who I had fantasized being

This young girl who had stimulated me like no other person had
ever done, was a mystery to me. She was the same age as my
oldest daughter and the same size as my youngest, but she was
more experienced than my wife. I would not say I was in love,
I would say that I was in lust. I wanted to try everything
with this young lady.

I awoke to a wonderful feeling as a soft wet cloth rubbed up
and down my body. Mitsou's voice was singing the same relaxing
tune as she washed every pore of my body. I turned as she
finished washing my back and buttocks. I sat up and she helped
me dress. When I was back to myself, she stood on her toes and
wrapped her arms around my neck, just as my oldest daughter
does every day, but kissed me softly with gentle passion.

I exited the room.

Joey finally joined me in the large common room, where I sat
with a waitress. My left hand absentmindedly inside her dress
rubbing along the cleft of her vagina, while with my other I
drank my drink.

We left the secret pleasure palace five hours after we entered.
I was a different person than the one that came in, sexually I
had experienced a new world, fell in love with a young girl who
didn't speak my language and discovered my unnatural desire for
my daughter. I knew I would someday return to live out
fantasies that I couldn't have. Perhaps very soon!

Joey continued to smile at me, but did not say anything. I
knew I had passed the test.

Last modified (12/24/96 13:58:51) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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