Archive-name: the-island


Subject: The Island-1 Fan Cha Phaw (boy/boy, boy/beast)


The following story is fiction. It contains boy/boy and boy/animal sex. If you are offended by this type of material exit now, do not continue. If you are under the age of eighteen, exit now and do not read any further.
Fan Cha Phaw does not condone the actions or activities of the actors in this story. This story is fiction, and intended for the reading pleasure of adults. Fan Cha Phaw does not advocate the breaking of any laws.
This story may be distributed freely as long as the header remains intact, and Fan Cha Phaw and the author are credited.

by Robert Michael Shook

Jimmy had a faint feeling that he was wet. He felt as if he were surrounded by water, and it was reaching for him, trying to pull him under, to reclaim him for its own. His head hurt, and he could not yet see, nor remember anything. What was he doing there? Where was there? The sunlight beating down on him blinded him, his eyes hurt, as if they were being burned from their sockets. His lips were parched, his mouth dry. He felt a heat rising from his body; it felt as if he were on a large frying pan, his body's moisture seeping away from the heat of the pan, being absorbed by the harsh heat light.
A small wave crashed up and over Jimmy, bringing him closer to total consciousness. The water felt good on his body, and some of it entered his mouth, which is partially opened in an effort to suck oxygen from this vacuum. When yet another wave of water came crushing over him his body moved from the force of it and he was rolled onto his side.
In this position the sun wasn't so bad. The cool water seemed to be helping him regain his strength. He opened his eyes, trying to get them to adjust to what laid before him. Slowly, he began to focus on a spot a few inches in front of him. It was sand. He was on a beach, and he was laying on the shore, right at the point at which the waves reached the beach sand.
As his eyes accustomed themselves to his surroundings, he turned them to explore other things. As far as he could see ahead of himself, there was beach. He could see the water line as it snaked itself down the imperfect sand. Moving his eyes slightly along the sand, he could see what seemed like trees. With a little more focus, he realized that the beach gave away in that direction to what looked to him like a jungle.

"Where the hell am I?" Jimmy asked out loud, although his voice was no more than a croak. Slowly he began to take stock of himself. He wiggled his fingers and then his toes. It seemed as if everything was there, and in working order.
Slowly he began to move his limbs. His first attempts brought on stabbing pain. He thought that he must be badly hurt to feel so much pain, however, the more he tried, he realized that his muscles were what was aching. He felt like he did that time that he had lifted weights with his friends, his muscles had hurt him after that.
This thought pleased him, but when he examined why, he found that although he could remember the incident, he could not remember the other boys. He knew that they were his friends, however, he could not remember their faces, their names, or any details about them. This confused Jimmy, however, he decided not to dwell on all of that right then.
Eventually Jimmy was able to move. With what seemed like all of the strength he had, he sat up, using his sore arms to balance himself. Looking down along his body, he seen dark red skin. He knew that he had one hell of a sunburn, and that it would be painful as all hell when the sun went down.
Jimmy noted another thing. He was naked. He did not remember what his clothes looked like, or really if he had any, but he knew that he should be dressed, and not lying naked here on this beach, not able to remember anything, with his body burnt to a crisp, right down to his dick.
Over a period of ten minutes, Jimmy was able to half walk, half crawl up the beach some, getting himself away from the water. He knew that the salt water would add to his sunburn, but he didn't know how he knew this fact.
With almost every ounce of energy he had in his body, Jimmy pulled himself up the beach until he was finally at the edge of a clump of bushes. Taking no precautions for wild animals, insects, or anything else, he crawled into the bushes, gasping at the firm cool ground, and the first shade which caressed his body.
Jimmy slept like he had slept when he was a baby. He slept for what seemed like years, all while held safely by his clump of bushes. His bodily functions had returned to somewhat normal, although Jimmy was too tired to notice them. He slept on. He slept as he urinated several times, coating his body and his earth bed with his fluids. When his bowels released themselves, he did not notice, or care, being lost in his curative sleep. As he turned and rolled during his sleep, he did so in his own feces, covering himself in his waste.
Jimmy awoke in a startled state. He remembered the water and the beach. The water was trying to reclaim him. He relaxed, however, when he found himself safely in his bushes. He was pleased that he could remember the events which found him in those bushes. Those events were only those, however, which had begun the first time he woke up on the beach in the water.
Stretching and yawning, Jimmy sat up. His mouth was dry, his lips chapped and peeled. He was thirsty as hell. As he looked around his bedroom, he began to sniff, and them he jumped away from his bed, repulsed as he realized that he had been sleeping in a pile of shit.
It took him only a while longer, with the aid of his probing hand, to find out that the shit was his own, and that he had both pissed and shitted himself during his sleep. Jimmy was a little put out at the thought of that, and more put out by his smell. Standing, he peered out onto the beach to see if he were alone, before he headed off at a slow trot for the water to rinse the waste materials from his body.
Returning back to his den, Jimmy surveyed the mess which he had made. He considered cleaning his home up, but then decided that it would take too much effort. He decided that he would find another clump of bushes which he could use to sleep.
Wandering around a bit, Jimmy realized that he was in a jungle, or perhaps a rain forest. Somehow rain forest came to his mind, but he did not know why. Looking around and listening closely, he began to pick out the sounds of birds and other animals as they began their day.
Looking up into a tree to identify a noise which he had never heard before, he noticed a large bird. It wasn't the bird, however, which captured his attention. Hanging there on vine-like structures amongst the trees were fruits, fruits which he recognized. There were mangos, and further up there were bananas.
Jimmy realized, painfully, how hungry he was. The fruit was fairly high, and he was not sure if he could climb the trees in the first place, but he needed to try. After several false starts, he managed to climb about five feet, only to loose his footing and tumble to the ground. Luckily, the ground was soft with undergrowth and he did not get hurt. Finally Jimmy was able to reach the mangos. He wanted to try for the bananas also, but he did not feel strong enough to do so.
Knocking about a dozen or so to the ground, he quickly climbed back down from the tree, almost falling again in the process, until he finally reached the soft forest floor. Squatting down, he gathered his fruit before him, and glancing around for predators, he began to eat, not caring if he showed any manners whatsoever during his dining.
At first the sweet nectar of the fruit burned his throat and lips. He thought for a moment that the food was poison, but quickly realized that he was so dried out and thirsty, that the liquid was hurting him. As he made his way through about a half dozen mangos, his thirst lessened, his stomach began to feel better, and his lips felt less parched.
Not realizing that he situation called for restraint, Jimmy finished all of the mangos which he had managed to knock down from the trees. As he throw away the last seed, he belched, laughing at the sound of it as it echoed through the forest. Still squatting, he surveyed his surroundings. It still seemed that he was alone, with the exception of the animals.
Jimmy felt a pressure in his bladder, and realized that he had to piss. Normally he would have stood, held his penis, and urinated in a proper fashion onto a clump of leaves, or at a tree's base. These were not normal circumstances, however, and Jimmy delighted himself as he began to piss right there as he squatted, not even bothering to hold his penis.
Thirst and hunger quenched, Jimmy decided to head out for a little exploring. He needed to find out where he was, and how he got there. He also knew that it was important that he find some other people, perhaps some adults who could help him.
For most of the day Jimmy wandered around, eventually realizing that he was on an island, and that it seemed as if it were a deserted island at that. He knew that the day was almost over. The sun was off to one side of the sky, and it began to get a little cooler. He knew that he had to find shelter, and fast, least he be caught out in the open when the light failed.
Jimmy was able to find another clump of bushes which seemed even better suited for his needs than the last bunch. He really had to crawl to get into his new house, the branches and crawlers were thick. He realized that any animal which might want to eat him would also have difficulty getting at him, with the exception of snakes. Jimmy froze and then shuttered at the thought of snakes. He hated snakes. He hoped that he would not have to confront any.
During the early part of the evening Jimmy paid the toll for being greedy with the mangos. All of the fruit had played hell with his stomach and his digestion, and he had a violent case of diarrhea. Luckily he was able to get outside of his bedroom each time before his bowels released themselves. He was able to clean himself sufficiently using leaves from nearby bushes. He hoped that none of them were poisonous, or else he would have hell to pay.
Finally his stomach settled down, and he laid there quietly thinking and trying to remember, trying to remember anything. He knew that his name was Jimmy, but beyond that he was lost. He realized that he didn't even know how old he was. There wasn't any hair around his genitals, so he knew that he wasn't old enough for puberty yet. He didn't know how he knew it, but he knew that older boys and men had hair around their cocks, and that they could shoot cum.
While thinking these things, Jimmy let his hand wander down to his own penis, which he fondled tentatively. As his fingers ran up and down his soft flesh, he was on the verge of remembering something, but it would not come in clear. His penis responded to the caresses he was giving it, it began to fill with blood and grow erect.
Jimmy could feel the transformation in his cock, and muttered "hard-on" to himself, but it was if it were a first time experience for him. When finally Jimmy's cock reached its full height, it stood a proud, angry four inches. Reaching around it, he guessed that it was about as fat as two of his fingers together. Letting his fingers run from tip to stem, he laughed and said, "Big dick!" Somehow this was funny to him, and it made him laugh, but he didn't know why. It was all confusing to him.
Without even having to think about it, Jimmy wrapped his hand around his penis, making a fist with his curled fingers. Nature was taking over at this point, instinct. His hand began to rub the penis, and slide itself up and down its length. Faster and faster his hand went, it becoming no more than a blur as it flew up and down the boy's penis. Beneath the masturbating hand Jimmy laid panting and twitching, seeking, waiting for the release which he knew would come.
Arching his body high to meet the thrusting hand, Jimmy gasped aloud, and then tensed, his body trapped up in its half circle, buttocks high in the air. The pulsating began, one, two, and then three bursts of invisible fluid; a pause, and then two more bursts. Jimmy was racked in orgasm, his hand still operating on its own, still racing up and down his hardness, until, spent, Jimmy's body returned back to his earth bed, and the hand relinquished its hold on his boyhood.
Jimmy laid breathing heavily as his orgasm subsided, and as his penis returned to its normal flaccid state. All during this process the hand which had brought him such pleasure and confusion continued to gently stoke the softness, and the small orbs nestled in a skin sack between his legs, until sleep overtook both boy and hand; and Jimmy slept, dreaming dreams of reality, dreams which he wished that he could remember when he was awake; dreams which held valuable clues to his past.

The following morning as Jimmy awoke, he remembered his night time penis play, and decided that he was going to try it again during the day when he could watch what was going on. Although this all seemed new to him, somewhere deep inside of him he knew that it wasn't.
During the day's explorations, Jimmy came upon a small stream with fresh water, something which he realized was important for his survival. After drinking his fill, he stepped into the clean cold water, and washed himself from head to toe, feeling clean for the first time. The boy found various fruits during the day, which he seemed to know he could eat, and he stockpiled some of them so that he wouldn't always have to search when he was hungry.
After eating lunch Jimmy laid down at the base of a tree, and decided to do what he had done the previous night, play with his penis. Slowly, he reached for his penis, and began tugging at it softly, encouraging it to grow large. His penis did not need much encouragement, as it swiftly grew to its full hardness. Jimmy then wrapped his hand around his erection and began to stoke himself lazily. He realized that there was no need to hurry. He could play with his penis all afternoon if he wanted to. There was no one around to bother him, and he didn't have to go anywhere. The thought was pleasing to him.
After stroking himself for about five or so minutes, Jimmy realized that he was being watched. He didn't want to jump in case there was danger at hand. He also did not want to startle whoever it was watching him, as this might cause them to run away. Slowly Jimmy looked around, and almost laughed out loud when he finally found who was spying on him. Sticking out of a clump of bushes a few feet away was a pretty good size monkey. The monkey had his penis in his hands, and he was stroking it as he watched the boy.
"Pervert!" Jimmy yelled at the monkey, giggling when the monkey screeched and ran off back into the bushes. Jimmy soon forgot about the monkey, as he returned back to masturbating himself. When a few minutes later he noticed the monkey back again, he laughed. The monkey had his cock back in his hand jacking off as well.
"Come on over and join me!" Jimmy called to the monkey. This time the monkey did not run off, but he dropped his hand away from his penis and looked squarely at the boy. Jimmy had to giggle as the monkey stood in front of him, hard-on sticking out from his body.
"Hey, yours is almost as big as mine." Jimmy told the animal, who turned his head almost sideways when Jimmy began talking to him. Jimmy slowly reached over for a banana and held it out, offering it t the monkey.
The animal started towards Jimmy, and then stopped in his tracks. Jimmy encouraged the monkey again, holding the banana out further and shaking it a little. The monkey moved forward, grabbed the banana from the boy, and then scurried back towards the bushes.
Twice more the banana offering took place, and twice more the monkey scurried forward, timidly, to take the fruit from the boy. The last time, however, the monkey did not retreat so far. He stopped several feet away from the boy, and sat on his legs peeling the skin back from the fruit.
Jimmy talked softly to the animal as it sat there eating. All during this time Jimmy continued to stroke his erection. The monkey, now interested in eating his fruit, had lost its erection, but as it glanced over to see what the boy was doing, a stirring once again began in its genitals, and it developed half a hard-on.
Jimmy giggled as he watched the monkey grow erect again, and began wagging his own erection at the monkey, pointing with his other hand at the animal's rising excitement. Having finished his banana, the monkey took his own erection into his hand, and somewhat imitating the boy, waggled it around a bit.
For several minutes the two sat, erections in hand, smiling back and forth at each other. Jimmy decided to see if the monkey would play "monkey see, monkey do." Lying back on the ground, Jimmy began to stoke his erection, finding his rhythm, and beginning to seriously masturbate himself. After a few minutes of watching him, the monkey began to stroke himself, seeming accustomed to doing it, pretty much in the same fashion.
Both boy and animal stroked themselves until Jimmy arched his buttocks from the ground, clenched his teeth, and released his invisible semen. The monkey followed pretty much the same pattern, thrusting his hips forward as his climax approached. His semen, however, was far from imaginary, and several small spurts flew from his penis onto the ground in front of him. Exhausted, both youngsters fell back and rested, the monkey lying back on the ground for the first time.
Soon after the par had gotten themselves off, Jimmy heard a rustling in the trees, and a calling from what seemed to be another monkey. The animal next to Jimmy perked up, looked off into the trees, and then scurried away. Jimmy decided that the monkey's mother had called him to come home, and he laughed watching the younger monkey run off to meet her.
Jimmy continued to explore for the remainder of the day, stopping now and then to sample fruit and berries which he ran across. Whenever he would find a fresh water pool, he would stop to quench his thirst, and then to take a short swim, after looking carefully around for any signs that there could be animals in the water which might like to eat him.
Jimmy also stopped several times during the day to play with himself sexually. He enjoyed being able to strip totally naked and lie around playing with his penis. He enjoyed the freedom of this. After his last bout of masturbation he decided that he was going to go naked for most of the day, and therefore when he wanted to play with himself all he had to do is to reach down. He decided that if he found any other people, he could put his clothes back on again.
Jimmy returned that evening to the spot at which he had met the monkey. There was sufficient cover from him to sleep comfortably, and he half hoped that his monkey friend would come back to visit him, as he was beginning to feel lonely.
The boy was overjoyed when, after a loud crashing through nearby trees, the small monkey appeared again, screeching and grinning at him. This time when the animal came to the ground, it walked almost right up to the boy. Smiling back at the monkey, Jimmy reached over and offered it a banana.
When the snack was complete, Jimmy decided that it was time to get friendlier with the monkey. Tentatively, he reached out his hand towards the animal. At first the monkey jumped when the hand approached, but after a few tries, it seemed to relax a bit. When Jimmy was able to finally touch the monkey's fur, he found that the animal was trembling with fear.
After stroking and talking gently for a few minutes, he felt the animal's body begin to relax, and the monkey moved in closer to the boy, seemingly enjoying the physical contact. After a little more time for making friends, the two were wrestling around, bodies rubbing against each other.
Darkness overtook the two, and they cuddled closer for comfort and warmth. It was obvious to Jimmy that the monkey was also uneasy about being on the ground during the night. As Jimmy was fumbling around in the dark, stroking his monkey friend to keep both of them calm, his hand descended lower than it had, and brushed over the groin of the monkey. Jimmy giggled as he realized where he hand was, but he didn't stop rubbing, especially when the monkey shuttered a bit under his touch.

In a matter of a few more seconds, Jimmy felt the monkey's erection pushing away from its body. Timidly at first, Jimmy began to run his hand over the monkey's hard-on, trying to judge the reaction from the animal. When the monkey didn't seem to mind, Jimmy wrapped a few fingers around the monkey's penis and began stroking him.
Hoping that the monkey would follow suit, Jimmy reached for the animal's hand, and then moved it to his own erection. The monkey tentatively felt around the boy's groin, poking and pulling a few times, however, with direction by Jimmy, he soon began to move his hand around in a way which was much like Jimmy's own hand moved on his body.
When Jimmy was sure that the monkey got the idea, he removed his hand from over the animal's, and began to concentrate on jacking off his little friend. The monkey continued to masturbate his human friend, and they continued until both reached climax, Jimmy bumping his hairless groin against the monkey's hand in prepubescent orgasm, the monkey releasing his tiny spurts of seed over Jimmy's hand. As they drifted off to sleep, Jimmy felt in love. He finally had a friend with whom he could not feel lonely, and with whom he could share his sexual explorations. The possibilities which entered Jimmy's mind were exciting. He knew that there was much more that they could try together, however, he could not remember how he knew of these things. He figured that he must have done these things before...
When morning came, and Jimmy awoke, he found himself alone. Sometime during the night, or perhaps the early morning, the monkey had disappeared, probably going back to his family, Jimmy thought. After a brief breakfast of assorted fruit, Jimmy headed down to the fresh water pool to have his morning bath. After a few minutes of swimming around, Jimmy was startled when he heard something splashing into the water behind him. He had the mental picture of some wild animal thinking that it had found breakfast, all washed and ready to go.
Jimmy turned around defensively, but let out a sigh of relief when he seen the monkey splashing into the water. Jimmy hadn't realized that monkeys liked water, and he wasn't all that sure if they all did, however, there entering the water was his little monkey friend, all smiles and waving arms. His friend had come to play with him in the water.
The two children frolicked and played in the water together for about a half hour before growing tried, at which time they moved to the pool edge and climbed out. Jimmy imitated the monkey's shaking off the water from his fur. They laid, side by side, in the sun, letting the warmth dry their bodies.
As they laid together resting, Jimmy felt the monkey's hand reaching around his groin, finally resting on top of his penis. The monkey wrapped his fingers around Jimmy's flaccid penis, and tugged on it a bit, seemingly trying to get it to grow erect. The monkey didn't have to wait long, as Jimmy's body responded to the tug and strokes.
The monkey lazily stroked the boy's penis, seeming to enjoy it more in the daylight. Letting go of the boy's penis, the monkey reached down and cupped the boy's testicles in his hands, looking down at his own body while doing so, seemingly saying, "see, we both have a penis and testicles."
Jimmy cooed and giggled all the while that the monkey was caressing his small acorn-size balls. The boy's giggles turned to breath holding when the monkey lowered his head into his groin area. Jimmy was not sure what the monkey was going to do, however, he was more excited than ever before. He felt the hot breath of the monkey against his genitals, and heard as the animal began to sniff around his penis and testicles.
His body jumped when he felt a warm, moist sensation against the side of his erection. The monkey had licked the side of his erection. After a few more exploratory licks, the monkey sat back up with an impish smile on his face. Jimmy's hard-on was harder than it ever had been. It's tip was more engorged with blood than he had ever remembered, and it's head shinned an angry purplish color.
With little effort the monkey lowered its head into its own groin, and took its penis deep within its mouth. Upon doing this, the animal raised its eyes and looked at the boy. Jimmy was wide-eyed with surprise to see the monkey sucking his own penis.
Jimmy tried to imitate the monkey, however, he could not bend forward enough to do so. He found, however, that if he rolled onto his back, lifting his legs from the ground, he could get his penis about halfway into his mouth. This discovery excited him, and he eagerly sucked his own penis. This position, however, was tiring and so Jimmy didn't maintain it for too long. Both boy and ape smiled widely at each other, sharing an erotic secret.
Jimmy watched as the monkey sucked his penis for a few more minutes. The monkey stopped, seemingly a little embarrassed at being watched in this act. Jimmy decided to try something, and lowered his head to the monkey's lap in imitation to what they animal had done to him.
The boy sniffed around a little, and found that there was no unpleasant smell. He attributed this to the fact that they had both recently bathed. He had half expected to find the monkey dirty "down there," and when he wasn't, the boy grew excited.
Jimmy sniffed around the monkey's genitals for a few minutes, and then ran his tongue tentatively around the animal's organ, exactly as the monkey had done to him. He sat up and looked at the monkey for response. The young monkey had the same impish smile on his face. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that the boy was licking his penis.
Jimmy lowered his head once more, and after a few more exploratory licks, took the monkey's penis fully into his mouth. Jimmy was a little bothered by the fur around the base of the animal's penis, however, he decided that it wasn't any worse than sucking on the penis of someone with pubic hair.
The boy stopped to think how he knew this, but the thought was there alone, he couldn't remember how he knew this. He decided that he must have had experience in sucking penises with hair around them.
After a slow start, Jimmy began to earnestly suck the penis of the monkey. He found it a little strange and unnerving, however, it was exciting as well. The monkey was certainly not about to have him stop. The animal spread it's legs wider and began thrusting its groin at the boy's sucking mouth.
Jimmy was about to stop, and was in the process of releasing the monkey's penis, when the animal grabbed onto his head with both hands, and held on as he began to thrust his erection in and out of the boy's mouth.
The sudden aggressiveness startled Jimmy, and the thrusting organ in his mouth began to choke him as it drove deeper and deeper inside of him. Jimmy struggled to free himself, however, the monkey was too excited to stop, and his strength far exceeded the boy's.
With a few more deep thrusts, the monkey let out a grunt, and with one final thrust, began releasing his semen in the boy's mouth. Jimmy at first gagged as the fluid shot into his mouth and down his throat, but he quickly recovered, and instinct (?) took over as he began to swallow. Several more seconds, and the monkey's orgasm subsided, and he released his hold on the boy's head.
As Jimmy spat out the remains of the monkey's semen, he glared at the animal angrily, too surprised to speak. The monkey looked at him questioningly, a little look of shame and concern spreading over his face. Jimmy couldn't help to laugh, looking at the monkey's expression, and he held his arms out for the animal to come to him. A wide smile spread over the monkey's face, and he jumped into the arms of his human boy lover.
Jimmy decided that fair was fair, and he put his hands on the monkey's head and lowered it down to his own groin. The monkey's head rested on his groin, however, the animal did not open his mouth. No matter how hard Jimmy tried, the monkey would not open his mouth. Finally, with a look of total despair on his face, Jimmy released the monkey, made a pouting face at him, and turned his back to him, resting his head on his arms like he was crying.
The monkey began to circle the boy, concerned. When Jimmy did not respond, the monkey began to pet and stroke him. Jimmy did not respond until the monkey reached between the boy's legs and fondled his penis. Jimmy sat back up, opened his legs, and pointed to his penis and then the monkey's mouth. The monkey looked at the boy's penis and then back at Jimmy. Jimmy once again pointed at his penis and the monkey's mouth, pouted, and put his head back onto his arms.
A few seconds later, when penis stroking did not stop the boy from pouting, the monkey lowered his head to the boy's lap. Jimmy raised up as he felt the monkey's tongue against his penis. Gently he put his hand on the back of the monkey's head and pushed forward. The message was received and understood. Jimmy felt the monkey's mouth open, and as it did, he thrust forward, sending his penis inside.
For the first few moments the monkey did nothing but hold the penis in his mouth. Jimmy had to thrust himself in and out to receive enjoyment. Finally the boy decided to teach the animal how to suck cock. Placing his hands on either side of the monkey's head, Jimmy began to guide his head up and down on his penis. Every so often he would stop to see if the monkey would continue, but the monkey would stop. Finally the animal seemed to get the hang of it, and when Jimmy stopped guiding, the monkey took over and began sucking up and down the boy's penis. Jimmy laid back and enjoyed the sensation as the monkey sucked him to climax.
After a little rest, the monkey jumped on top of the boy with his impish grin spread across his face. Jimmy glanced down and noticed a raging erection. He knew, without further encouragement, that the monkey wanted another blow-job. He rolled the monkey off of him and onto his back, and spread the small legs of his friend. Lowering his lead, he took the entire penis into his mouth, and began to suck.
Jimmy wanted to suck the monkey off this time, instead of being mouth fucked. Every time the monkey would thrust upward, or reach for his head, Jimmy would stop him. Eventually the monkey got the idea, and laid still while the boy worked on his penis. Both participants were rewarded a few minutes later when the monkey bucked his body upward and shot his semen into the boy's waiting mouth.
This time Jimmy was ready for him, and swallowed greedily. After the semen stopped flowing, Jimmy continued to gently suck and nibble on his friend's penis, until it grew flaccid and almost disappeared in it's fur.
When dusk was beginning to set in, Jimmy once again tried blowing himself, lying on his back and pulling his legs over his head. He noticed that he had more success at this, as he was able to take his entire penis into his mouth, his lips resting against his groin. Jimmy was totally turned on by being able to suck his own dick. With a little wrangling, Jimmy found that he could also lick and suck his balls, however, it was far easier to suck them one at a time.
While Jimmy was wrapped up in his own pleasure, his monkey friend was watching him with growing excitement. The monkey roamed around the boy's curled body, every once in a while reaching out and caressing the boy's body somewhere.
When Jimmy didn't seem to mind this, the monkey came around the boy, where his buttocks stuck in the air. Tentatively the monkey sniffed at the boy's backside. Jimmy's attention turned to the monkey who was exploring his backside.
The monkey reached out and gently stroked the boy's soft bottom, running a finger across the boy's anal opening. The excitement of the monkey was obvious. His hard-on looked over bigger than it had in the past. After a few careful sniffs at the boy's anus, the monkey darted his tongue across the boy's asshole. Jimmy shuttered with pleasure, something which was noticed by his friend.
The monkey darted his tongue across the boy's asshole a few more times, and then rested his tongue against the hole. Jimmy's body was shuttering with pleasure. Noticing how turned on the boy was with this, the monkey concentrated on licking the small opening. Jimmy was beside himself with pleasure. Little did he know, however, that his monkey friend was involved in a kind of courting ritual with his human friend.

The monkey's attention was focused on the boy's little hole. The monkey knew that this hole would be just right for fucking, something which he was trying to lead up to. He hoped that if he turned on the little boy enough by licking his asshole, that the boy would let him stick his penis into his little hole and fuck it.
Jimmy had not thought of the possibility that the monkey was getting ready to fuck him. Fucking was one memory that didn't impose itself on the boy, and it seemed as if he were totally innocent of this one sexual pleasure.
The monkey, however, was well aquatinted with fucking. He had grown up watching adults fuck each other, males with females, and sometimes males with males; especially when a dominate male wanted to show who was boss to a lesser ranking male. The monkey had watched as several adolescent wannabe's were fucked up their assholes by stronger dominate males when the adolescents lost their nerve during attacks against the leader's position.
The young monkey himself, was cornered one day almost a year ago, by one of the adolescents who he had seen ass fucked. The older monkey caught him playing around on the ground, out of sight of the adults. The teenager approached the monkey, bent him over, and fucked his ass good. Over the screams of pain and protest, the adolescent monkey fucked his little captive two or three times before he released him, upon which time he went running back to his mother. The monkey's asshole was sore for several weeks after that, and it taught him to stay away from older horny males.
It also taught him, however, that asses were good for fucking. He had watched for as long as he could remember why other members of his tribe fucked. He had also witnessed the great pleasure that his adolescent rapist had while fucking him. The one thing that the monkey wanted after all of that action was to find someone whom he could fuck himself.
His opportunity came when he was off in some trees looking for food. A younger male climbed into his tree, and approached him wanting to be friends. After some idle chatter, and showing off to each other, the younger monkey reached out to fondle the penis of his older friend. When the older monkey did not stop him, the younger bent his head and sucked the penis of the older.
The older monkey encouraged the youngster in his sucking, and finally finished off his first blow job by thrusting his penis in and out of the youngster's mouth until he came inside of it. Afterwards, even though it was not required of him in the age-group hierarchy, the older bent down and sucked the youngster's penis as well.
About a half hour later the older was horny again, and he decided that he wanted to fuck the ass of the younger monkey. At first, when he tried to mount the little monkey, the youngster would have nothing to do with it. After a little encouraging, and then threatening, the youngster finally assumed the position, head down and buttocks in the air, and the older monkey mounted him and fucked the screeching youngster to climax. The monkey could not believe how beautiful fucking felt, especially fucking the virginal ass of his younger playmate.
Coming out of his daydream, the monkey once again focused on the asshole of the human boy in front of him. The boy had agreed in the past to masturbate with him. The boy had even sucked his penis, and let him suck his. The monkey had replaced his mouth with his fingers, and he was presently rubbing one finger up against the boy's hole. As he continued to rub the hole began to contract and expand a little, as if it were waiting for something to be put into it. Remembering the little monkey that he had ass fucked, the monkey took one last look as the human boy's gaping asshole, and decided that he would fuck him, if he had to hold him down to do it.
Standing on his hind legs, he positioned himself behind the boy, and with one hand he placed his penis against the boy's anal opening. When he attempted to thrust inside of him all in one swift movement, the boy cried out in pain, and reached around to try to stop the monkey. The monkey did what came first in his mind, he bit the boy, wrapped his arms tightly around him, and pushed his penis back into the boy's ass.
With great difficulty, and a lot of grunting, screeching, and complaining from the boy, he eventually managed to get himself totally inside of the boy's body. The monkey was amazed at the sensations that he was feeling. The asshole of the boy was far better feeling than that of the other monkey that he had fucked. Somehow this boy's ass felt warmed and tighter than the monkey's.
Not being one for wasting time, the monkey began to thrust in and out of the boy, wanting to cum as fast as possible before the boy tried to stop him again. After about twenty more thrusts, he felt himself ready to cum, and with one final thrust, he sent his penis as far as it could go inside of the boy's ass, and shot his small load of cum.

A few seconds after he came, he pulled out of the boy's ass, and backed up a few feet and adopted a defensive posture. He was not certain if the boy would get violent with him, but he had often seen prepubescent and adolescent monkey males attack their rapist after they had dismounted. He did not want to get clobbered by the boy.
When the boy turned to look at him, his face was red. There were a few tears in his eyes, which meant that he had either hurt him, or that the boy was very angry. After a few minutes of silence, however, the boy seemed to calm down, and even encouraged him to come over to him. When he finally got enough courage to climb into the boy's arms, he was met with meaningless jabber and meaningful caresses instead of anger and punches.
"Gee Whiz. When you fuck, you really fuck. You almost busted my ass wide open," Jimmy told the monkey as he hugged and caressed him. Although his ass was sore from the fucking by the monkey, it also felt good. Jimmy thought about having the monkey fuck him again later that day, but he thought to himself that he would have to find something to grease the monkey and him up with first.
Jimmy felt a little funny again, as if he was on the verge of remembering, but not quite making it. He knew, somehow, that a lube of some type would make fucking easier, but he didn't know how he knew this.
Jimmy and his monkey friend spent the remainder of the afternoon playing and scouting around for food and adventure. They sucked each other off twice more during the day, however, neither made a move to fuck the other. The monkey decided that he would wait a bit before trying the boy's ass again, and Jimmy had been having his own thoughts. He decided that if the monkey stayed with him again that night, he would be the one to fuck him in his ass. He smiled as he also thought how nice it would be to have to monkey fuck him again, but the next time on his terms, slow and gently.
Jimmy's time came that evening, after he and his friend bedded down for the night. They had found themselves another cave like area surrounded by bushes, and both felt comfortable with sleeping there. The two friends laid together, Jimmy naked, and both with hard-ons. Gently they stroked and caressed each other's penises and testicles, realizing that they had the entire night for serious love making.
Jimmy began his adventure by starting to make love with his friend. The two had begun kissing several days prior, quite a strange experience for both. At first the monkey could not understand what kissing was all about, but Jimmy was a good teacher, and eventually they were kissing each other like lovers.
Jimmy eventually worked his way down to his friend's cock and balls, spending a fair amount of time licking and sucking them. Jimmy would often complain about the monkey's hair, and threatened to shave him bald, however, the monkey did not seem to understand or care. He did enjoy, however, the fact that when he played with his human friend's body, he could do so against the naked skin, no hair in the way to inhibit him in his explorations. He did feel sorry for the boy, however, that he was a freak, being so utterly naked and void of hair.
Jimmy finally found enough courage to run his tongue between the monkey's legs, and towards his ass hole. He thought at first that the experience would be distasteful, especially knowing his friend's toilet habits, however, he found that it wasn't bad after all, and he settled in on getting him aroused enough to fuck.
Within several seconds it was obvious that the monkey was totally enjoying being rimmed. He began thrusting his small behind back into Jimmy's face as the boy thrust his tongue forward. Each time that Jimmy moved forward, his tongue entered a little further into the monkey's ass, until it seemed as if he had his entire tongue inside of the animal.
Finally when Jimmy could take it no longer, he pulled away from the monkey's asshole, and spit into his hand, rubbing it onto his raging hard-on. Rolling the monkey over onto his back, he climbed over and on top of the animal, and spread his legs open. Placing one hand under its buttocks, he lifted up a bit, until the monkey's asshole was even with the position of his penis.
With his other hand Jimmy took hold of his penis, and aimed it towards his friend's ass. Jimmy shuttered with excitement when he felt the tip of his penis touch the monkey's outer anal ring. Looking down as he positioned himself squarely on the monkey's hole, he realized just how small the monkey's asshole was, and how difficult it would be to get inside of him. He thought to himself, however, that if he did manage to get inside of his little friend, it would be one of the tightest fucks that he ever had.
Again the thought bothered him. He knew that the small ass of the monkey would be the tightest fuck for him ever, yet he could not remember how he knew this, nor could he ever remember having fucked before in his life. All of his half remembering, and knowing that something was true without really knowing how he knew it, was beginning to drive him a little crazy. He wished that he could remember anything prior to the time at which he woke up on the beach.
Slowly, but determined, Jimmy placed his penis against the monkey's ass, and began to push it ever so gently against the piece of flesh. At first nothing happened, and so he began to increase the forward pressure. Finally he felt the tight ring begin to give a bit, and as it did he felt himself slide forward a fraction of an inch. He knew that he was on his way, and he wanted to thrust fully inside of his young friend, however, he knew that this would cause him pain, and mostly likely provoke an angry response from him.
As Jimmy's cock began to slide a little into his asshole, the monkey began to fidget and squirm. There was a feeling much like that the time that the older monkey had raped him, and he wasn't sure that he was going to like this at all. One part of him wanted Jimmy to fuck him. He wanted the human boy's penis inside of him, and he knew that if he allowed Jimmy to fuck him, he could also fuck Jimmy again in return.
The pressure and stabbing feeling of the boy's cock in his ass soon turned to pain, as the boy's erection moved a quarter of the way inside of him. The monkey didn't think that he could be able to handle being fucked by the boy, however, he wasn't sure how to stop him once he was so aroused.
By the time that Jimmy was halfway inside of his ass, he knew that a full fuck by the boy would probably damage him badly. He was attempting to squirm away from the boy, when Jimmy suddenly lowered his weight onto him, pinning him down, and in the process driving his hard-on fully into his ass.
The monkey had thought that he had known pain when the adolescent monkey had butt fucked him, but compared to the pain that he felt at that moment, the other monkey was pure pleasure. The monkey thought that his ass would burst any second. He felt as if the boy's cock would come out of his mouth if he opened it.
Instead of beginning to fuck his young friend straight away, however, Jimmy rested once he attained total penetration. Not only did Jimmy want the monkey to have time to get use to his dick, he wanted to totally enjoy the warm tight feel of the rectum before he began to stretch it during his fucking. Jimmy realized that he was correct in assuming that the monkey's ass would be tight. He had not imagined, even for a moment, that the ass could be as tight as it was. It felt as if the monkey's ass muscle would cut the circulation off to his dick.
The two laid together for a few more moments getting use to each other. Finally Jimmy moved off from the monkey a bit, pulling back until half of his length was sticking into his friend's ass. The monkey thought that Jimmy was through, however, he was surprised when Jimmy rolled him onto his side, laid back down behind him, and once again thrust his hard-on back inside of him.
The monkey had to admit that in this position is wasn't as bad as it had been when the boy was hovering over him, hard-on buried deep inside of him, however, there was still a stabbing pain deep in his bowels which would not go away.
Jimmy reached around and felt for the monkey's penis. He eventually found it. It had shriveled up the moment that the boy had inserted himself inside him. Slowly Jimmy began to caress and pull at his friend's penis, coaxing it to grow hard again. Jimmy didn't have to do much coaxing, for in a few more seconds the monkey had a raging hard-on.
Once Jimmy felt the monkey erect in his hand, he began to pull his cock out from animal's ass. Just as the tip of his cock was about to slide totally out, Jimmy began to push forward, stopping only when he was fully planted inside of the monkey once again. Jimmy repeated this procedure four or five more times until he felt the monkey begin to relax a little.
Slowly beginning to masturbate the monkey, Jimmy began to thrust in and out of his ass, at first making sure that his thrusts were slow and gentle. As the boy increased the action on his friend's penis, he increased the motion of his own thrusts, until his hand was flying over the animal's penis, and his dick was flying in an out of the monkey's asshole.
After several minutes of heavy duty fisting and fucking, Jimmy began to feel that sensation in the bottom of his balls. As it continued to mount, and spread to the very base of his penis, he increased his thrusting. All at once the sensation were too much for the boy, and with one last lunge which brought a screech from his butt buddy, Jimmy buried himself deeply inside of the monkey, and felt his cock pulsate four or five times. If he had been older, Jimmy would have been filling the monkey's ass with semen, however, the release inside of his friend's ass was invisible.
About five seconds after Jimmy began to climax, he felt the monkey's dick begin to swell, and then his hand was covered with the animal's semen. The boy continued to pull and massage the dick in his hand, as it leaked its fluid over his fingers.
Boy and animal laid resting, still attached to each other, for about five minutes after they climaxed, both lost in their own private thoughts. When they finally separated, the glanced over at each other and smiled widely. It was done. Animal had fucked boy, and boy had fucked animal. The relationship between the two had changed. Both had felt it. Perhaps it was their fucking, the act which had remained so taboo for so long of a period of time. Both unconsciously realized that they had done something which few had ever accomplished. Two species had met, courted, fell in love, and "mated." Two species had fucked, swapping their fluids and energy.
The remainder of the night was a blur for both youngsters. It began again with the monkey fucking the boy, and then the boy fucked the monkey once again, and so on throughout the night. When the two awoke the next morning, wrapped in each other's arms, the first thing which had come to mind was how sore both of their backsides were.
The monkey wished that he could communicate with the human boy. There was so much that he wanted to tell him, so much that he wanted to ask him. Language was a barrier to their relationship, however, he thought, perhaps there was a way in which he could communicate. Perhaps they would be able to develop their own language.
The monkey wanted to tell the boy some stories, stories which he had overheard since he was a baby, sneaking around and listening to the adults talking. For example, there were stories of other humans, young and old who use to come into the jungle to do to the monkey's the same things as they had done with each other. The monkey had listened to a few tales of both male and female monkeys being fucked in the ass by humans.
The monkeys did seem to get even, or so they said in their stories. He would listen to the elders talk about the times when they would find a human child alone at the edge of the jungle. They would surround the child, and then take turns fucking it. If it were a girl, she was forced into a submissive position like monkey's adopted while being fucked, and the elders would fuck her in her cunt and ass. If it were a boy, which seemingly was the case most of the time, he would be bent over and fucked by all of the leading males from the tribe. The monkey had never heard any stories about ape and man getting together voluntarily and having sex, and he was curious if the boy knew of this happening within his tribe.

The two youngsters started their day by going out to gather food for their breakfast. Neither had an appetite for sex, which was unusual since they had practiced early morning sex for a while now. Both seemed to realize that their backsides were not quite ready for another screwing, and after their wild night of passionate fucking, neither seemed too interested in exchanging blowjobs.
After a leisurely breakfast, the two headed down to their pond to have their morning bath. After playing in the water for a while, the two lovers were startled by an unusual sound coming from the depths of the rain forest. It seemed as if every animal in the jungle had been awakened at once, and there was a commotion of sounds, many sounding panicky. Jimmy had never heard quite a commotion in his life, but he knew that the cause for this uproar was not good. It could only mean that danger was approaching, and all of the animals knew it.
Jimmy looked towards his monkey friend, who was turning his head in all directions, seemingly trying to see and hear in all directions at once. The monkey looked scared. Jimmy noticed that he actually began to tremble. The monkey jumped in surprise when he heard other monkeys chattering in the nearby trees. The monkey knew that these animals were from his tribe. They were gathering in the trees now, seemingly deciding to take cover there from whatever was approaching.
Jimmy noticed that a larger monkey appeared on a low branch. The monkey glanced around, and when it saw the two on the ground, it started to screech and chatter at them. The monkey beside Jimmy jumped up and started like it was going to head for the trees. It stopped for a moment and looked back at Jimmy, and then back at the trees. Jimmy knew that his friend was being called by his tribe. The monkey in the tree was most likely his mother. Jimmy also realized that his friend did not want to leave him there.
The young monkey turned and ran back to Jimmy, chirping at him, and poking him with his hand. Jimmy knew at once that they monkey was asking him to go with him. His friend wanted him to go into the trees with him where he would be safe.
Jimmy had never had any interaction with other monkeys, just his young friend. Half of him was afraid of approaching the others in the tribe, however, this fear was quickly being replaced with a fear of being trapped by whatever scared the other animals.
Jumping to his feet, Jimmy began to follow his friend, first at a fast walk, and then at a run when the monkey took off full speed for the trees. The monkey leapt and landed a few feet up on the tree. Almost at once he began to scurry up the tree, climbing it expertly. Jimmy stopped at the trunk of the tree and looked up. The other animals were high up in the tree. He could see three or four in the tree he was under. The remainder of the tribe was spread throughout nearby trees.
Jimmy knew that he could climb trees. He sensed that he was good at climbing, however, the thought of climbing this tree up to where the monkeys were, scared him. When his young friend stopped at a branch about ten feet from the ground and began chirping at him, Jimmy focused back on his situation, and wrapped his arms around the trunk of the tree, lifting his feet up a bit to try to climb it.
After several false starts Jimmy was able to get a foothold, and he began to slowly climb upwards. By the time that he reached the branch where his friend had been, the younger monkey was already three quarters of the way up the tree. Jimmy looked up and saw how far he had to climb. Glancing down, Jimmy began to get dizzy. He didn't realize that he had climbed so far. He told himself that he shouldn't look down, and with new determination he looked up and began to climb.
Several minutes later Jimmy reached a branch where his friend sat. The young monkey chattered at him, and grinned his full face grin at him. It was obvious that his friend was happy that he was there and safe. Jimmy could tell, however, that the other monkeys were not so happy that he was there. Looking around him he saw that all eyes were upon him. He could hear grunts and angry- sounding chattering. The other monkeys did not know what to make of this human up in the tree with one of their children, but they felt no threat from him. It was of they realized that he was a harmless child. They would eventually treat him like an orphan and adopt him into the tribe, upon which time he would have to learn the ways of the tribe, including attitude before superiors.
Eventually the monkeys around him began to settle down. Instead of watching him, they were nervously glancing around, as if expecting the anticipated danger to appear any second. Jimmy wasn't sure what the danger was, but he could feel the fear coming from the animals, and he knew that he should be afraid as well.
As minutes turned into an hour, Jimmy began to get tired. He was not made for the trees, that much was obvious. Whereas the monkeys seemed to be comfortable sitting motionless on the branches, it was uncomfortable for him. Jimmy began to wonder what would happen if the danger continued on into the night. It was obvious that the monkeys could sleep in the trees, but he knew that he couldn't. As soon as he fell to sleep, he would probably fall from the tree and kill himself. He knew that at some point soon, he would have to leave the trees for the more familiar ground.
After about two hours Jimmy could take it no longer. His legs hurt from squatting on the tree limb, and he felt as if he would fall to the ground any minute. Reaching over, he stroked his friend's head, and then moved to climb down from the tree. At first it looked as if his friend would follow him, but after a warning from his mother, and a grunt from what looked to be the "boss" monkey, his friend sat still. The monkeys began to stare at the boy again. A few chattered at him, seemingly in warning, not to climb down to the ground. Jimmy could not obey their wishes. He knew that he couldn't stay in the tree any longer. After a long climb the boy finally reached the ground. Looking around briefly, he headed off to his clump of bushes, and crawled inside to safety.
Jimmy sat in his bedroom for what seemed to be several hours. Every once in a while he would crawl out to the opening and glance around, however, he never seen anything out of order. When he glanced towards the trees, he could see the monkeys, still sitting quietly on the limbs, looking around and waiting.
Jimmy decided that he couldnUt stay cooped up in his "house" all day. He did not have a stockpile of food set aside. That was going to be one of their tasks that day, prior to having the warning sounded by the animals. Jimmy decided to climb out of his bushes and scout around. As he exited his little doorway, he noticed that the jungle was unusually quiet. He could hardly hear a sound from the animals. He knew that something was wrong, because by that time of the day the jungle was alive with millions of sounds.
Cautiously, Jimmy started off, heading away towards his pond. He decided to get a drink and see if he could see or hear anything from there. He couldnUt. After refreshing himself, he decided to wander around a bit and see what he could find.
The boy wandered around for close to an hour, keeping pretty much to the jungle, hoping that it would give him cover from whatever was out there. He did not see or hear anything. Eventually he decided to go to the cliffs which overlooked the beach on the far side of the island. This is the spot at which he had awoken on the island. He decided to see if perhaps someone was there. His heart began to race when he thought that it might be someone looking for him.
Moving a little faster, he began to cover greater ground. He knew his surroundings by now, and he knew that if he kept up his pace he would be to the cliffs in about five minutes. Jimmy was driven now by the thought that it was humans which had scared all of the animals silent.
Someone must have come from him, he thought. It was these thoughts which allowed him to race towards his destination. If someone had come for him, perhaps they would have all the answers to the questions which had been nagging him since he woke on the beach.
Reaching the cliff tops, Jimmy went down to his hands and knees and crawled closer to the edge so that he could see over onto the beach. His heart was beating fast in his chest as he looked down onto the sand. At first he could see nothing, and he moaned in disappointment. He then decided that perhaps the people looking for him had gone into the jungle. He figured that he would sit up on the cliffs until they returned, and then he could signal them.
Jimmy sat watching the beach for almost an hour before he spotted anything. At first he thought that what he had seen was an animal darting in and out of the under growth, but when he was able to focus on the spot again, he definitely saw a person run quickly out of the bushes, only to disappear back into them once again.
Jimmy shook his head thinking that he was seeing things. He thought that he had seen a child, and a naked child at that. He continued to sit there a few more minutes, however, whatever he had seen did not appear.

Just when Jimmy decided to return to the safety of his "house" and animal friend, he heard a loud crashing sound coming from the jungle down below him. Instinctively he lowered his head a bit, and peered down towards the sound. After a few minutes of silence, the brush parted and out onto the beach ran about eight or nine figures.
Straining to see better, Jimmy decided that they were children, and they were very naked. The children were shouting in a tongue which Jimmy did not recognize, and they were heading off towards the water.
For about ten minutes the children swam and played in the waves, much like any other children would when at the ocean. When they tired they ran up onto the beach, and sat in the sun drying themselves. Jimmy could see well enough to see that they were not white like him, unless they were very tanned. He decided that they were not really black, but rather brown.
Jimmy was deciding whether or not to call down to them, when he saw more figures leaving the jungle and enter onto the sand. Those newcomers also seemed to be children, however, they were much larger than the ones which had played in the water.
When the smaller children saw the older ones, they yipped and jumped to their feet, running away towards the cliffs. The older boys also began to run, and it became obvious that they were chasing the smaller boys.
For a while it seemed if the younger boys would evade the older ones. The small boys were faster and more agile than the others, however, the larger boys had more strength, and they could keep up their chase longer. It soon became obvious that the older boys were trying to wear the younger ones down, knowing that they could then catch them.
The first youngster was caught by a tackle from an older one. The small boy gave a cry of pain and protest, but the older hung onto him tightly. The two sat in the sand watching the others chasing each other around.
One by one the small boys dropped off and were captured by the older boys, until only one small boy remained free. He seemed to have more strength than his would be captor, and displayed this strength when the older boy managed to grab onto one of his arms.
The younger boy turned on his heels and drove one of his feet into the naked groin of the older boy, sending the youth down to his knees. While the older boy was doubled over in pain, the small boy ran off towards the jungle, disappearing into it almost without a sound.
The remainder of the older boys laughed at the misfortune of their age mate, and the older boy went racing off into the jungle, perhaps in pursuit of the younger boy. The older boys turned their attention towards their young captives. The older youths made the boys stand, while holding onto their arms so that they would not run away.
Each boy reached to his waist and unwrapped a cord. The cord had a lasso-type opening at the end, and they draped this opening over the heads of the younger boys, drawing it snugly to resemble a leash. They tied the other end of this cord to their wrist, and then began brushing the sand off the bodies of the little boys.
Several of the little boys were crying, and others were trembling with what looked to be fear. The older boys ignored any protests, and continued with their task of wiping sand from the boy's bodies.
Finally one youth seemed to be satisfied that his young captive was clean. Placing both of his hands on the sides of the boy's face, he lifted his face up towards his, and lowered his lips down to the boy's. The smaller boy struggled against the advances of the older boy, trying to keep himself from being kissed. The older boy ignored this struggling for a few minutes, however, when it became obvious that he could not kiss the struggling boy, he released his face, pulled tightly on the cord wrapped around the little boy's neck, and when the boy was up close to him, he raised his hand high in the air and slapped the little boy hard on his buttocks. He repeated this a few times, the cracks of flesh against flesh, and the wails of the little boy echoing off the walls of the cliff.
The older boy stopped and bent his head down to the little boy's, seemingly talking to him. The youngster nodded his head in agreement, and raised his face towards the youth's. The older boy once again lowered his head, and began kissing the small boy on the lips.
All around the pair similar things were taking place. A few of the boys gave up without a struggle, and allowed the older boys to kiss them, while one or two holdouts found their asses being slapped by the boys to gain their submission.
After a few minutes of kissing the older boys forced the younger ones down to their knees and began talking to them. Some of the boys shook their heads, while others began crying again. A few, however, resigned to their fate, opened their mouths and took the older boy's penises into their mouths. With a little more threatening and a few more beltings, eventually all of the little boys were sucking on the penises of their captors.
One by one the older boys reached orgasm, grabbing onto the heads of the younger boys as they did, thrusting their penises in and out of the younger boy's throats. Most were made to swallow the semen, however, a few choked and spit it out around the penis which filled their mouth, and a few vomited which caused the older boys to release them.
Once gaining their sexual release, the older boys sat down on the sand and pulled the little boys down next to them, or down onto their laps. While resting, they fondled and petted the younger boys. Every now and then an older boy would bend his head towards the lap of his young captive and suck on his penis, or one would stand the younger boy up in front of him and coax him to simulate intercourse in his mouth.
Eventually all of the older boys joined in bringing their partners pleasure. Each little boy had his penis and testicles thoroughly sucked. The older boys eventually expanded their area of sucking and licking to include the area between the boys legs, down under the scrotum. When the little boys began to become turned on by all of this oral foreplay, the youths lifted the legs of the younger boys, spread them out, and dived down between their buttocks with their mouths and tongues.
For what seemed like hours the older boys licked, sucked, and rimmed the younger boys. Jimmy could not believe his eyes. Not only were the boys having sex, they were all having it out in the open where each other could see it.
Jimmy had a feeling that the younger boys were far from through, and this proved to be correct when the older boys began to roll the little ones onto their stomach. A few of the boys fought this move, and struggled against the older youths, however, their strength was no match for the older boy's.
Instead of jumping right on the younger boys, however, the youths went back to their rimming, which they continued for about ten more minutes. Eventually Jimmy saw one or two of the older boys spitting into their hands and wiping the spit onto their penises. He knew that it was time. The little boys were going to be fucked. Jimmy wished that he was down their on the beach with the boys, however, he could not decide if he wished that he was doing the fucking, or that he was in the place of one of the little boys.
All around him Jimmy witnessed boy's buttocks being spread out. The older boys were in various stages of penetration, a few leisurely rubbing their, sometimes large, cocks against the opening of the squirming boys under them, while others seemed to forgo any foreplay and ram themselves deeply inside of the boy's anuses without any delay. Jimmy could hear moans, cries, and a few muffled screams as the boy's asses were violated.
Jimmy focused his attention on one pair which caught his attention earlier on when the younger boy was sucking the dick of the older. The older boy seemed to be around fourteen. He had a fairly large penis, which was quite visible to Jimmy up above. Like the rest of the boys, this youth was uncircumcised, and Jimmy watched several times as he pulled his longish foreskin down and over his erection. When he had the younger boy suck him, he always made sure that the foreskin was peeled back. Jimmy noticed, however, that where the other boys used force to get the younger ones to suck, this one youth did not. He bent down and talked quietly to the younger boy for a few minutes, rubbing his hands over the back and buttocks of the boy while he talked. The younger looked up into the eyes of the older boy, opened his mouth, and allowed the older to put his penis in.
Instead of roughly handing the younger boy's head, or thrusting his penis in and out of the younger's mouth, however, this youth laid back and let the younger boy suck him at his own pace and using his own style. When the older boy seemed nearing climax, he took hold of the younger boy's head and began to gently thrust his penis in and out of the boy's mouth. Climax for this boy was very noticeable, as his body began to shutter, and his legs began to thrash around. When he came into the younger boy's mouth, the boy did not pull away. He allowed the semen to flow into his mouth, and he then swallowed all of it, afterwards seemingly following instructions from the older youth, and licking him clean.
This older boy was the only one who wasn't firmly planted inside of his boy's ass. Whereas the others were by now beginning their fucks, this youth was still rimming and fingering the anus of his young captive. Under his caresses the younger boy squirmed and struggled, but it was obvious even at that distance that those struggles were not to get away from the youth, but from the immense pleasure that the youth was giving to him.
Once more the youth lowered his head into the spread buttocks of the younger boy. Once more it seemed as if the youth buried his entire tongue inside of the boyUs body. When he raised his face away from the boy's buttocks, instead of ramming himself inside of them, he rolled the boy over onto his back, kissed his face, and then began to run his tongue and mouth over the boy's small body.
As the youth made love to the younger boy, Jimmy had an opportunity to look at the youngster. Jimmy guessed his age to be about seven or eight. There was a great size difference between the two boys. The boy's erection was tiny in comparison to the youths. Jimmy guessed him to be about one and a half to two inches long. The older boy had no difficulty in cupping both of the little boy's buttocks in one of his larger hands.
Jimmy thought at first that the youths special care with the little boy was because of his tender age, however, he realized that several of the other boys looked as young, or even younger, than him, and they were at that time being viciously ass fucked by other youths.
When the older youth had finished orally caressing the younger's body, he raised himself onto his knees and placed his penis into the little boy's mouth. While he gently thrust himself in and out of the boyUs mouth he talked to him, perhaps instructing him, or perhaps getting him ready for what was about to take place.
When the older boy removed his penis from the boy's mouth, it was dripping with the little boy's saliva. It seemed as if the older boy told his young friend to make it slippery and wet.
With little persuasion the little boy rolled onto his stomach and reached behind him, pulling his buttocks apart. The youth lowered his mouth towards the boy's anus, and let a stream of his saliva fall onto the boy's opening. Only then did he lower himself, placing the head of his penis against the boyUs opening.
For what seemed like hours the pair stayed in this position, with only minimal movement being seen. The older youth, it seemed, was taking his time in penetrating the little boy. Every once in a while the little boy would raise his head, seemingly experiencing some pain, however, the older youth would caress the sides of his face, slow his entry, and the little boy would lie flat again.
After a while Jimmy noticed that the older boy was lying fully upon the younger boy. The older boy's penis had made total penetration, and he laid there allowing the boy to get use to his size. Jimmy watched the older boy flex his buttocks now and then, and a few times raising himself a little and then lying back down once again. Jimmy realized that the older boy was making sure that his partner was comfortable during his ass fucking, perhaps the little boy's first.
All around the pair couples were finishing their fucks. A few older boys laid motionlessly on top of the younger boys. A few were still thrusting, however, slowly seemingly the thrust post ejaculation ones. Other youths laid on their sides or backs, while the younger boys laid near, some crying and massaging their sore backsides.
A few energetic youths were still fucking their young captives, probably for the second or third time. Jimmy noticed that a few had released their original boys, and had pulled another boy to them for fucking. Off to one side Jimmy noticed one boy who had two little boys lying side by side on their stomachs, spread eagled. The youth was taking turns, first pumping into the ass of one boy, and then moving to the other to pump him. One unsuspecting little boy headed away from his fucker, perhaps thinking that he could slip off into the jungle without being assaulted again. As he passed the youth with the two boys, however, the youth reached out and caught the boy's ankle. He tripped the boy, dragged him over to where the other two boys were, turned him onto his stomach, and added him to his fuckees, immediately ramming himself inside of the little boy.
Jimmy turned his attention back to the slow fucking couple. He noticed that the older boy was now beginning to fuck the little one. His movements were slow and gentle, and Jimmy could see the younger boy's body beginning to respond to the ass fucking.
After a few more minutes the boy pulled out of the younger's ass. For a moment Jimmy thought that the youth had cum, however, when he raised the little boy onto his knees and positioned himself behind the kneeling boy, Jimmy realized that he had decided to use the boy in another fashion. Jimmy watched this new position with some curiosity. None of the other boys had varied their positions during their fucks. They had all climbed on top of the backs of the little boys and fucked them in that standard position. This boy, however, seemed to enjoy fucking in different positions.
Jimmy was not sure how he knew this, however, he knew that there were many more positions which could be used, and he secretly hoped that the older boy would use them.
Jimmy was not disappointed. Over the next several moments the older boy changed his position. After fucking the little boy doggie style, increasing his speed and force while in this style, he rolled the boy onto his back, lifted his legs onto his shoulders, and began to fuck him in this position. A few minutes later and the youth had the boy standing on his head, his arms out on the sand to steady himself. While the little boy stood on his head, the older penetrated down into his anus, and began thrusting himself in and out of the boy.
The next position brought strange feelings to Jimmy. The youth picked the little boy up into his arms, cradling him to his chest. Slowly the youth lowered the little boy onto his erection. Once the boy was firmly impaled on the youth's cock, the youth positioned his arms at the neck and lower back of the boy and extended him out from his body horizontally. For a few minutes he thrust himself in and out of the boy. He then stood still and began moving the boy's body on and off of his cock. Watching this sent chills down Jimmy's spine. Somehow this position meant something to him. Somehow it was a special position. Jimmy wished that he was down on the beach, and that he was in the place of the little boy. Jimmy wanted the older boy to be holding him out from his body, fucking his ass.
Eventually the youth tired of that position, and laid down on the sand on his back. He gently urged the little boy down over his body. Jimmy watched as the youth coaxed the little boy to sit down on his erection. The entire scene was a little too much for Jimmy. As he watched the little boy fuck himself up and down on the older boy's erection, Jimmy masturbated himself, with fantasies that it was him riding the older boy's cock.
Both Jimmy and the older youth reached climax at almost the same time. Jimmy felt the comfortable shuttering and pulses in his erection as he watched the older boy grasp the hips of the younger, thrust upward, and hold his position as he shot his semen deep into the boy's bowels. Jimmy could almost hear the moans and sighs of pleasure coming from both boys. Jimmy could almost see the little boy's cock pulsating as the youth's hand stopped its masturbation of it and held it in tight embrace.
All three boys spent themselves at the same moment, an omen thought Jimmy, as he moved back a little so as not to be spotted. He was not sure who the boys were, or where they came from, but he was sure that they were not from the same place as he was. Jimmy was not sure that he wanted to meet them right at that time, for even having sexually spent themselves, he could still come away from the adventure gang raped, not too pleasant of a prospect.
After a while the sexual games seemed to end. All around the beach the older boys laid satisfied. Some of the younger boys laid near or with the older youths, however, a few of the little boys slipped away into the jungle, seemingly in a hurry to save from a repeat performance. Jimmy glanced towards his favorite couple, and noticed that the little boy laid on top of the older, his head buried in his neck, looking much more at ease and satisfied than the other little boys.
Jimmy quietly slipped away, backing up away from the cliff crawling backwards on his stomach. When he felt that he could not be seen, he got to his feet and headed back towards his hut, hoping that the boys from the beach would not find him until he was ready to meet them.

Crawling back into his hut, Jimmy was at first startled. He thought that some of the boys had found his home and were waiting for him. He relaxed, however, when he saw that it was only his monkey friend waiting for him. His attention was focused, however, on a second monkey which was also in the hut.
Jimmy noticed two things almost at once with his new visitor. First he was smaller and younger than his monkey friend, and two he was also male, as an erection smaller than his stuck out from between his legs. Jimmy was not sure what to make of the younger monkey being there.
Jimmy wondered if the older monkey had brought the younger with him to join in on their games, or if the two were just hiding there. Jimmy became aroused looking at the younger monkey sitting there with a hard on, especially after seeing the beach scene involving the younger boy. Jimmy had mental images of fucking the little monkey much like the older boy had done with his little lover.
The older monkey's intentions became clear when he spread his legs, revealing a much larger erection, and began to masturbate himself, grinning at Jimmy in the process. The younger monkey followed suit and began to fondle himself. Jimmy laughed, spread his own legs and began to fondle his penis to full erection.
The three sat or laid there masturbating themselves to climax, each of them watching the others. Jimmy and the younger monkey experienced dry climaxes, while the older monkey shot his sperm high above his body.
At first the younger monkey was afraid of Jimmy. Every time that the boy tried to get near him, the little monkey would scoot away and would go towards the older monkey for protection. Finally Jimmy reached out and began to fondle the penis of his monkey friend. The youngster watched intently as this occurred, and his semi-soft penis sprang to full erection again, when he saw the older monkey reach over for the boy's penis to follow suit.
While the two friends were busy caressing each other's penises, Jimmy reached his hand over and began to stroke the youngster's hairy chest. The little monkey backed away at first, but then moved closer and allowed himself to be petted. Slowly Jimmy moved his hand downward, until eventually he was able to first touch, and then wrap his hand around the monkey's little erection.
Jimmy was extremely horny at that point. The monkey was small like the little boy, and their penises almost matched. Jimmy hoped that the little monkey would not be scared off, and would participate in their sex games.
The little monkey allowed Jimmy to caress his penis, and spread his legs wider when the boy's caresses turned to masturbation. When Jimmy tried to lower his head into the little monkey's crotch, however, the youngster scooted away from him.
Jimmy turned his attention to his older friend. Lowering his head so that the little monkey could see what was going on, he took the monkey's erection into his mouth and began sucking it. The small monkey moved closer, seemingly amazed that the human boy was sucking the older's penis.
Following suit, the older monkey lowered his head and took the boy's erection into his mouth. When this took place, the little monkey moved even closer so that his body was touching Jimmy's. Tentatively, the younger monkey reached out and touched the boy's penis. After his shyness vanished, he began to eagerly explore the boy's hairless penis, testicles, and groin area.
The little monkey allowed Jimmy to fondle and explore his body in return. This time when Jimmy lowered his head towards the monkey's groin, the youngster did not back away. Jimmy almost laughed as the youngster arched his hips forward trying to meet the approaching mouth.
Jimmy was hoping that sucking the young monkey's penis would be pleasant. It was. Short of a mild urine smell and taste, which he mentally thought all little boys have, the experience was pleasant. The little monkey spread his legs wide, and allowed Jimmy to push him onto his back. Jimmy lowered himself further, and took the monkey's penis deep into his mouth.
Jimmy had no way of knowing this, however, he was a good and experienced sucker. The little monkey began to respond under his mouth. When Jimmy thought that things were progressing a little too fast, he released the monkey's penis and worked his way down to the youngster's semi-hairy balls. He took the tiny orbs into his mouth and tongued them wildly, causing the monkey to squawk with pleasure.
Finally Jimmy decided to finish the monkey off, and took his little penis back into his mouth, where there he madly sucked it, the monkey thrusting his hips upward to meet the boy's downward sucks. The little monkey's body began to shake and shutter, and Jimmy felt a dwelling and pulsating of the animal's penis. After a few more seconds Jimmy felt the animal's organ begin to shrink a bit, and he realized that he had accomplished his goal, he had brought the little monkey off.
Shortly afterwards Jimmy tried to pull the monkey's head to his lap, but the youngster resisted him. Lowering him onto his back, Jimmy positioned himself over the monkey's face and pressed his penis against the monkey's closed lips. The little monkey would not open his mouth, no matter how hard Jimmy tried. Finally Jimmy thought that he had won, as he felt the monkey opening his lips, but a second later he screamed in pain. The little monkey opened his mouth, allowed the boy's penis in, and then nipped it with his teeth. Jimmy looked down thinking that the monkey had bitten his penis off, but there was no blood, and upon closer inspection, no marks on his erection. The monkey had nipped just enough with his teeth to get the point across. He didn't want to suck the boy's cock.
The older monkey jumped into action hearing the boy's cries. He began to squawk and babble at the youngster, and moved to him, swiping him across his forehead with his powerful arm. The youngster rolled back against the branches and began to squawk and babble in return. Jimmy realized that the monkey's were talking and that the older was mad at the younger for biting him.
A heated argument seemed to take place, after which the older monkey sat with his back turned to the younger, and the younger monkey sat there silently, seemingly pouting. Every once in a while he would chirp and make a few sounds, but the older monkey would only grunt in response, and would continue to ignore him.
Finally the young monkey approached the older with his head hung low. He moved his head into the lap of the older, and in a moment or so, Jimmy could see that the younger monkey was sucking the penis of the older. After a few minutes the older monkey grunted something to the younger, and the little monkey sat up, looking as if he was pleased with himself. Jimmy realized that this was probably the first time that he had sucked a cock, and that the older was both teaching him how to do so, and also teaching him that it was his duty to suck when requested by elders.
Jimmy was not sure how to gage monkey ages, however, he believed that the younger monkey, if considered in human development years, was probably between five and six years old. This excited Jimmy even more as he thought about the youngster sucking his cock. Jimmy knew that he had a special fondness for young children, for boys who were little more than babies, however, once again any memories other than this one failed him.
The little monkey approached Jimmy, a little leery at first. Jimmy decided that the monkey thought that Jimmy was going to punish him for biting him. Jimmy waited until the monkey was touching his body before he reached out and fondled his chest. Jimmy then took the monkey's semi-erect penis into his hand and fondled it a bit. Reaching for the monkey's hand, he placed it on his cock, which was erect once more. The monkey rubbed his hand over Jimmy's hard on in imitation of what the human boy was doing to him.
This time when Jimmy gently pushed down on the monkey's head, the youngster complied and bent his head until his face was in the boy's crotch. At first the monkey seemed to be smelling around the boy's crotch. Jimmy was sure that he was a little frightened by the strange scent. Jimmy felt the monkey's lips brush against his penis, and then a few seconds later he felt a swipe of a tongue over his cock. A few seconds more and another swipe was made.
Jimmy reached over and began to fondle the monkey's penis, while gently pushing down on the animal's head. This time the monkey got the message, as he took the boy's erection into his mouth. Jimmy gasped as he felt the monkey take his entire length inside of his mouth. Jimmy was sure that there were few human children of this age who could accomplish this on their second attempt.
After a little experimentation the monkey began to suck like he had been doing it for years, and like sucking a human boy's penis was an everyday occurrence for him. Jimmy began to thrash beneath the youngster, who recognizing the boy's excitement, began to suck even more eagerly. Jimmy spent himself deep inside of the monkey's mouth, and then laid back as the youngster released his penis, licked his lips, and then grinned widely at the boy.
Jimmy held out his arms and the monkey climbed onto of him and did not resist as Jimmy pulled the monkey down to lie on top of him. Jimmy stroked and petted the animal, and then pulling his head upward a bit, kissed the youngster on his lips. The younger monkey responded much like his older friend had when they first kissed. The monkey was surprised and couldn't figure out the use for kissing, however, after a little practice and understanding what the human boy wanted, he kissed back like a pro.
Unable to hold off his own release any longer, the young monkey pulled away from Jimmy's embrace, sat up on his chest, and thrust his erection at Jimmy's lips. Jimmy opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the young penis. The monkey began to thrust his hips forward and back, sucking Jimmy in the mouth. Had the monkey's penis been any larger Jimmy might not have been able to handle it, however, seeing as it was so small, all he had to do was to lie there while the youngster fucked his mouth.
Jimmy had a partial memory of another youngster doing that to him in the past. He couldn't remember any details, however, he remembered that the youngster was human, had a small penis, and was extremely young. Jimmy smiled past the monkey's erection as he realized that this was the first real memory that he had had, even though he could not remember what the little boy looked like, or where the event took place.
The little monkey soon spent himself in Jimmy's mouth, and climbed off from the boy, looking quite contented and pleased with himself. The three friends laid together for a while until they fell to sleep.
Jimmy woke up some time later to see the youngster sucking on the penis of his older friend. From the looks of it they had been at it for quite a while. Jimmy watched as the older monkey pulled the younger's head away from his penis and pushed it down towards his testicles. A few minutes later the head was pulled back towards the penis. When this was repeated a few minutes later, Jimmy realized what the older monkey was doing. Jimmy had taught him that. Just at the point at which the older monkey felt as if he was going to cum, he stopped the younger monkey's sucking and had him suck and lick his balls until the feeling went away. The older monkey was extended his climax using tricks that Jimmy had taught him during their love making.
Jimmy knew that his friend could not hold off much longer, and he was right. The next time that he felt as if he were cumming, instead of stopping the youngster, he held on to the younger monkey's head and thrust his penis deeply inside of the youngster's throat. Jimmy could count the number of squirts that the older monkey sent into the younger's mouth and throat. Every time that he squirted, he would tense and rise his buttocks against the youngster's mouth.
Jimmy giggled as he watched the youngster's eyes bulge in surprise. The little monkey tried to get away from the older's penis, not knowing what was shooting from it, but the older held onto his head tightly, forcing him to accept and swallow his cum.
Not until the little monkey had swallowed the last of his semen did the older monkey release the younger's head. When the young monkey sat up with a surprised and hurt look on his face, the older reached out and patted him on the head. Jimmy then witnessed something which had not happened prior. The older monkey pulled the younger down onto the ground and spreading the younger's legs, dived down onto his cock and began sucking it with great speed and skill. The little monkey lasted less than a minute under this attack, and after thrusting himself deeply into the older's throat, he sat up with a smile wider than any that Jimmy had ever seen.
Jimmy decided that he knew the reason for the monkey' sudden good mood and smile. He had been downcast after having to swallow the older monkey's semen, however, right after the older sucked him off, everything was all right again, and all was forgotten. It seemed that a blow job in return was enough to wipe out cumming in his mouth.
Jimmy realized that in the monkey world sexual fair play was not common. The older male was the dominate partner in sex, be it with a female or another male. The younger and lesser ranking males were slaves to the older's wishes. If the older used a younger's mouth or ass for sex, that was a fact of life, and nothing could be done about it.
The dominant male fucked his partner's mouth or ass to his pleasure, and was never expected to give in return, nor did he ever do so. For the older monkey to have sucked the younger's penis was a momentous act, rising the younger, at least in the eyes of the older to an equal social position. It was unheard of in the monkey world, even among homosexual or "boy"-loving males, but the younger had been sucked.
The remainder of the daylight hours were spent with the three friends sucking each other, sometimes separately, and sometimes together as a group. Jimmy introduced the little monkey to sixty- nine, ad they were occupied with this for quite some time. The younger monkey sucked the older to several more climaxes, each time swallowing the older's semen without question. Afterwards he would lie back, spread his legs, and await the older monkey's blow job. All in all, it was a pretty good afternoon.
When darkness came, Jimmy was not sure what would occur. He wasn't sure if his older friend would spend the night, or if the younger would be included as well. The animals were still a little on edge from the boys being on the island, however, they seemed to be a little calmer than they had previously had been.
Jimmy's hopes vanished when the older monkey got up and headed towards the door. The younger began to follow, however, the older stopped and grunted something to him. The younger turned, looked at Jimmy, and then looked back at the older again. Finally he turned and returned back to Jimmy, climbing into his lap and wrapping his arms around his neck.
Jimmy's older friend disappeared from the hut, and after about a half hour he did not return, Jimmy understood that he had left him with the younger monkey for the night. Jimmy decided that the older monkey had left the younger with Jimmy so that Jimmy could complete his sexual education. Jimmy had found it a little strange that no fucking had taken place that day, as it had been a usual occurrence when the younger monkey was not there.
Jimmy realized that his friend was leaving ass fucking up to him, and that he was leaving him to do the teaching. Jimmy also realized that his friend had left probably because he would have never allowed the younger to fuck him in return, or could he allow the younger to see Jimmy fuck him.
Eventually the little monkey began to relax, and the two laid side by side kissing and caressing each other. Jimmy flipped the little monkey into a sixty-nine, and with a little stretching, which was no problem for the youngster, they wrapped their lips around each other's cocks. After a while Jimmy began to pay attention to the youngster's marble size balls, and with a little encouragement the youngster followed suit. The two spent the next few minutes licking and sucking on each other's balls, occasionally teasing each other's ball sacks with gently nibbles.
When Jimmy's tongue left the monkey's balls and headed south, the youngster stopped his sucking and laid there, perhaps wondering what Jimmy was doing licking towards his ass hole. When Jimmy's tongue touched his anal opening, the little monkey jumped, and almost scurried away from the boy. Jimmy held onto him, however, and spread his legs a little further to gain better access to his anus. Slowly Jimmy licked around the outside of the youngster's hole. He found it cleaner than he had expected, and soon had his tongue poking inside of the youngster.
The monkey finally relaxed as he began to be turned on by his ass being licked and probed by Jimmy's tongue. Soon the little monkey was pushing his buttocks up against Jimmy's tongue as it entered further and further into the tight little hole. Jimmy couldn't believe that the little monkey's asshole was even tighter than his friend's had been when he first fucked him. Over the time that the two friends has spent fucking each other, both of their asses loosened up a bit, and it was easier to penetrate each other. The younger monkey's ass, however, seemed to be three times as small and tight as his older friend's had been, and Jimmy began to think that there was no way in which he could fuck him without hurting him.
Eventually Jimmy coaxed the youngster to lie on his stomach, and by spreading his legs apart, the boy had full access to the monkey's little asshole. Jimmy took advantage of this by burying his tongue inside of him. When he thought that the animal was ready, he began to finger him, starting out with his baby finger, and gradually working his way up to his pointer. The monkey was at last able to accept two of Jimmy's fingers, but just so. The boy thought that there was no way that he could get more than the head of his cock inside of the little monkey. Jimmy decided, however, that he would get in as much as he could, and then he would masturbate himself while inside of the monkey's ass. That seemed as if it would be fun.
Imitating what he had seen on the beach, Jimmy moved his penis around until he could put it into the monkey's mouth. The animal accepted the penis without question, even though they were in a strange position. The little monkey sucked eagerly on the boy for a few minutes until Jimmy pulled his penis out of his mouth. Jimmy almost laughed as the monkey looked longingly at the boy's penis as it disappeared from sight. Jimmy loved it, the monkey had become cock crazy.
Returning his attention back to the monkey's back side, Jimmy lowered his head a bit, and let some of his spit dribble on to the monkey's hole. Using a finger he rubbed the spit around the hole, and gently pushed his finger into the anal opening, allowing some of the spit to enter as well.
Having the monkey properly lubricated, Jimmy positioned himself and rubbed his penis up against the outside of the monkey's anus. At first the little animal laid there as the boy rubbed up against him, but all of a sudden it seemed as if he understood what was about to take place, and he began to struggle. Every monkey, no matter how young, has witnessed fucking. Some of the males have also witnessed other young males being ass fucked by horny adolescents or adults, and the young monkey probably remembered that most of them squawked with pain while being fucked.
Jimmy wasn't able to hang onto the monkey, and it got out from under him. The monkey sat a few feet away from Jimmy with a terrified look on its face. Jimmy could see that they monkey was looking towards the opening of the hut, and was trying to figure out how to get around the boy.
Jimmy lunged forward and caught the animal before it could respond. Following the lead of his older friend, he grunted in a disgusted tone, and backhanded the youngster, however, making sure that it wasn't too hard. The monkey rolled onto the floor, and then looked up at the boy with even more fear in his eyes. Jimmy reached out and grabbed the monkey's legs and pulled him closer to him. The monkey looked as if it were ready to bite the boy, and so Jimmy raised his hand and grunted once again. The monkey cowered, and only resisted slightly as Jimmy grabbed him again and laid him on his stomach on the ground. Holding him tightly Jimmy positioned his cock at the monkey's ass and began to apply pressure. The monkey chirped with surprise and pain when the head of the boy's penis passed through his opening.
The monkey then relaxed and Jimmy thought that he had resigned himself to the fact that he was going to get fucked anyway, so why fight it. He released his grip on the monkey so that he could better position himself to fuck. That was the boy's mistake, as the monkey rolled out from under him, and before Jimmy could recover, the animal ran out of the door and crawled off through the opening. Jimmy knew that there was no way that he could catch the youngster once out in the open.
Jimmy laid on his back, his erection pointing up into the air. He wanted to cry. He was angry. He was angry that the monkey had escaped, and he was angry at himself for being so impatient. He had rushed things, and therefore had lost his chance to fuck the little monkey. He had all night, and if he had taken his time, he could have ended up fucking him before the night was over. He decided that he should have probably offered his ass to the monkey first, and then perhaps the monkey would have been more responsive to his fucking him.

While Jimmy laid there feeling sorry for himself, he heard a commotion outside of his hut. A few minutes later the young monkey came racing into the door and huddled behind the boy. Jimmy was scared, as he thought that another animal, or perhaps worse yet, the boys had found them. A few seconds his older friend came poking through the door, looking angry and threatening. Jimmy got scared, thinking that his friend was angry with him for trying to fuck the youngster. It soon became obvious, however, that his friend was angry with the little guy for running away and not offering his ass as he should have done.
After a little more arguing and threatening from the older, the younger came around in the open and lowering himself, presented his buttocks to the older. The older monkey climbed up on top of the younger's back and thrust himself against the little monkey's ass a few times, but there was no penetration. When the older monkey dismounted and growled at the younger, the little monkey turned to Jimmy and lowering himself into the same position, offered him his buttocks as well. Jimmy imitated his friend and mounted the younger monkey, thrusting himself up against him a few times. It was difficult to do as Jimmy's erection was rock hard by this time. Jimmy dismounted and pulled the little monkey into his arms and began stroking him. When he lowered his lips, the little monkey wrapped his arms up around Jimmy's neck and eagerly returned the boy's kisses. The older monkey grunted and then disappeared back out through the opening.
Jimmy laughed to himself. His friend was standing guard outside of the hut, perhaps thinking that the younger would try to run away when threatened with being fucked. The younger monkey was well aware now that the older was outside of the hut, and so he decided that he had to make the best of the situation inside.
When Jimmy moved the monkey from his lap, the youngster dived onto his cock and began sucking it. Jimmy laughed as he pulled the little monkey from his cock. The little monkey probably thought that if he sucked the boy off, he would not get fucked. Little did the monkey know that Jimmy had changed his game plan. He was going to let the little monkey fuck him first.
Jimmy realized that the little monkey had probably never fucked before, so he would have to be shown how to do it. That presented a few problems, however, Jimmy realized that he could best demonstrate by fucking himself on the youngster's cock.
Laying the little monkey on his back, Jimmy spread his legs and began sucking his cock. A few minutes later and the youngster had a raging hard on. Jimmy decided that it would be fairly easy now to accomplish his goal. Straddling himself over the monkey's body, he reached under and took hold of the little penis. He lowered himself until he felt the monkey's cock up against his hole. After a few tries the penis would not go in, and so Jimmy spit into his hand and rubbed it onto his hole and onto the monkey's cock. Trying once again, the monkey's cock slipped easily into the boy's rectum, and Jimmy swallowed the monkey's cock whole.
It took no effort to plant himself firmly on the small tool, and once there Jimmy squeezed his buttocks together a few times to heighten the monkey's pleasure. The little monkey laid wide eyes under the boy, his body shuddering. Jimmy began to move himself up and down on the monkey's small shaft, each time he lowered himself, resting his buttocks against the monkey's groin.
After a few minutes it was obvious that the monkey had understood, as he began to thrust back in response. Jimmy got off of him, and lying on his back, he pulled his legs up into the air, exposing his anus for the youngster to see. The little monkey looked at the offering lustfully, and with erection in hand, moved towards the boy. After a few false starts, where the monkey slipped out of the boy's anus, he found himself planted firmly inside, and he began to fuck the boy with hard and rapid thrusts.
Almost as soon as it started, it was over. The little monkey tensed up, pushed his little cock in as far as it would go, and came. Jimmy could feel the little penis pulsating, and with the shuddering of the monkey's body, he knew that it was a good orgasm for him. Jimmy squeezed his anal muscles against the monkey's cock, each time feeling the animal shudder, until finally he felt the tiny organ deflate and slip out of his hole. Jimmy noticed that even though the youngster had a small cock, his asshole as a little sore when he pulled out. Jimmy explained that as the youngster's inexperienced and impassioned fucking.
Jimmy was happy now that his fuck was over. From the look on the young monkey's face, it was obvious that he knew what was coming next. Jimmy smiled seductively at the younger monkey, and then reached over and rolled him onto his stomach. It was time. Jimmy lowered his head and gave the monkey a through ass licking, making sure that plenty of spit was left over in and around the young animal's cock. As he did before when he tried to fuck the young animal, Jimmy positioned his cock so that it entered the youngster's mouth, and after a few minutes of sucking, he pulled out and repositioned himself so that he was at the entrance of the monkey's ass.
Slowly, but surely, Jimmy began to apply pressure. He felt his dick begin to move against the monkey's ass, and he knew that in a matter of moments he would be inside, or at least as far as he could go.
The monkey wiggled around a bit with discomfort as the boy's larger penis tried to penetrate his smaller hole. After a few more minutes of downward pressure Jimmy felt the head of his dick slide into the monkey's ass. Jimmy held tightly onto the youngster, not wanting to loose him again at the moment of penetration. Although the youngster whimpered under him, he did not try to pull away. It seemed as if he decided that fair was fair, one fuck for another.
Jimmy began to slide down into the monkey's rectum, hardly able to believe the level of tightness and warmth that he was feeling. Jimmy didn;t ever remember being inside something so tight, however, he realized that his memories were limited. Finally Jimmy felt as if he were entirely inside and reached down to feel around the monkey's ass. He was surprised to find that he was only about halfway there. With one huge effort, he grabbed tightly onto the monkey and thrust himself deeply inside. The monkey jumped and yelped at the same time, however, he laid there taking all that the boy had to offer. Jimmy felt himself slide in the final few inches, and was in heaven. He knew that if he moved at that point, or if he even breathed, he could cum right then and there. He laid on top of the monkey's body motionless, which the young monkey was grateful for, as it gave him a chance to get use to the giant invader.
Jimmy finally felt assured that he would cum at once anymore, and so he began to withdraw his penis. The monkey looked around hopefully, thinking that the boy might have already cum, but his luck was not so good, for just as Jimmy was almost all the way out of the youngster's ass, he thrust again deeply inside. Jimmy continued this for several moments until the monkey's ass began to stretch and become able to accommodate the large intruder.
Once Jimmy felt the monkey's ass begin to loosen up, he knew that it was time, and so he began to thrust away with a little more speed and force. He was enjoying this fuck immensely, and he wanted it to continue for as long as possible.
Just when things began to feel a little too good, Jimmy changed positions, pulling the monkey up to a squatting position, and fucking him much like he would be fucked by another monkey. The two continued their fuck in this position for a little while, until Jimmy was ready to change and he rolled the monkey onto his back. Raising the youngster's legs into the air, he thrust his penis into the little ass and began to buck away. This position seemed the most uncomfortable for the animal, and so Jimmy changed quickly, grabbing the monkey up in his arms, and getting onto his knees.
Supporting the monkey at neck and buttocks, Jimmy pushed his cock into him as he had seen the older boy do on the beach. This position seemed more comfortable for both, and so Jimmy used this for quite some time, alternating back and forth between thrusting and standing still and moving the youngster's body back and forth over his cock.
Eventually Jimmy was tiring and knew that he could not last any longer. He had one more position to try, and he wanted this to be the one that he came in. Lying down on his back, he raised the monkey up and positioned him down over his cock. Carefully he guided the youngster down so that his cock head speared the now tender behind of the little monkey.
Jimmy guided the youngster up and down a few times, and then released him to see if he got the idea. Eventually, after a few more demonstrations, the young monkey began to understand, and he began to slowly fuck himself up and down on the boy's cock.
Jimmy reached up and began masturbating the youngster, and this caused him to thrust himself up and down faster, and thus caused Jimmy to approach climax even faster. Within a few seconds of each other, the pair reached their climax and shuddered for moments afterwards in orgasm.
Totally spent they rested in each other's arms. Throughout the night, until they could finally not stay awake any longer, they alternated back and forth fucking each other, each one taking his time with different positions. By morning, when the pair awoke, their asses were extremely sore. Jimmy had woke with an urge to fuck his little friend again, but when he felt the soreness in his own ass, he realized that the monkey's ass must feel much like his, and so he forgot about fucking.
After a quick breakfast of fruit, Jimmy took the young monkey into his arms and headed off towards his favorite stream and pool to bathe. He decided that he was going to introduce the youngster to the pleasures of taking a bath. He figured that the cool water might also help calm the burning sensation in his tender ass hole.
When they reached the pool, both froze silently, listening to sounds coming from beyond the bushes. Jimmy stuck his head through just enough to see, and what he saw alarmed him. In his pond were three small boys from the beach. As the raised and lowered themselves into the water, Jimmy realized that they were not the older boys, they were the little ones.
None of the three boys looked older than seven or eight, as a matter of fact, he decided that they were just barely past the toddler stages. Jimmy did not want to expose himself, however, he wanted badly to go into the water and play with these children. It would be his first real contact with other human beings in a long time, how long he was not certain.
Jimmy decided to play it safe, figuring that where there were little boys, there would be older ones not far behind. Pulling back through the bushes, he quickly headed back for his hut, hoping that none of the boys would discover its secret entrance.
Jimmy decided that it would be safer to stay inside until he was sure that the coast was clear. That signal would probably be delivered by his older friend coming to visit. Jimmy decided that he would pass the time sex playing with his new little friend, and so he pulled the youngster into his arms and wrapped him in a sixty-nine. Boy and animal leisurely sucked each other's dicks, pausing and playing, neither in a hurry to climax. Some fifteen minutes later they finally shared their orgasms, deeply planted in each other's mouths.
About noon, Jimmy was startled by a sound coming through the bushes. At first he was alarmed, because the sound was louder and more careless than he had heard it before. He relaxed, however, when his friend's head appeared through the narrow opening.
Jimmy's mouth hung open in surprise, however, when being drug behind the older monkey, Jimmy saw a young boy, a human boy. The boy was crying when he came into the room, but suddenly stopped when he saw the naked white boy. He couldn't believe his eyes for a moment. The boy seemed confused as he looked the strange white boy over. The little boy's eyes rested on Jimmy's penis and his confusion was clear. Jimmy was circumcised, the only one in the hut to be so cut. The boy had never seen a white boy before, let alone one with no skin over his penis. The little boy was so shocked, he stopped his crying, and just stood staring at Jimmy.
Jimmy got a good chance to look the little boy over. He didn't look to be much older than five, however, he couldn't be certain. He figured that the boy could be anywhere between five and seven.
The boy had a chocolate-brown body, with Caucasian features. He had straight black hair, which hung fairly long down over his neck. He had large brown eyes, and full dark lips. The boy's skin looked baby smooth, and on his chest Jimmy could see two small dots, surrounded with a slightly darker circle, representing the child's breasts. The boy had an inward-type belly button, and his pubes were small and hairless. Hanging halfway down the pubes was a small uncut penis, complete with a tiny sack which looked to be empty. The boy had long smooth legs, and feet quite big considering his size.
Not able to resist, Jimmy reached out and turned the stunned boy around so that he could check out the rest of him. The skin looked as smooth and dark as on his front, and Jimmy noticed a small compact butt on the child. The child certainly passed Jimmy's inspection. When the child was turned around once more, his eyes widened as he saw Jimmy's erection sticking up from his groin. The boy backed away a bit, knowing what a bigger boy with an erection meant. Jimmy smiled at the boy and began to talk to him with soft and gentle tones. It became apparent after a few moments that the boy did not speak English. As the boy began to feel more comfortable, he began to babble in a language which Jimmy had never heard.
Jimmy decided that either the boy was lost and had been found by his friend, or that his friend had went out looking and had kidnapped the little boy for him. Either idea was possible, and Jimmy began to wonder. When he looked to his friend, he was met with a smile and saw the friend's hard on plainly. Glancing in the direction of the younger monkey, it was obvious that he shared in everyone's assessment, as he to was standing tall.
The little brown boy looked scared as he looked around and saw everyone in the hut, human and animal, staring at him with erections. The little boy visibly swallowed. He knew what he was in for, and he wasn't sure how he should deal with it.
Jimmy decided that it was time to see what treasures the little boy possessed. He gently pulled the little boy over to him and guided him as he sat him down. Jimmy pulled on the boy's shoulders and laid his head down onto his lap. Slowly he began to rub and caress the little boy's upper body. The boy had skin of silk, which did nothing to lessen Jimmy's erection which was poking the small boy in his back.
Jimmy reached down and cupped the boy's penis and testicles. It was a soft little velvet tube and bag. Jimmy felt around in the boy's scrotum and when rubbing the skin together, felt two pea size testicles inside. After a minute or so of rubbing the boy's cock between his fingers, the boy popped an erection to make it unanimous.
Jimmy lovingly ran his fingers up and down the length of the little boy's penis. He was pleased to see that the boy was larger than he expected. His penis was about the size of his baby finger, both in length and width.

Without much protest, the little boy rolled over onto his stomach when guided. This placed the boy's mouth directly onto Jimmy's groin. As Jimmy ran his hands over the boy's buttocks, admiring their shape, firmness, and beauty, he felt first a hot breath, and then a wetness against his cock. Only seconds longer and he felt himself being sucked into the boy's mouth.
The little boy was well trained. When his mouth ended up anywhere near a penis he sucked. He took about half of Jimmy's length into his mouth, and then as he wet it down with his saliva, he lowered his head further until his lips met the boy's pubes. Jimmy shuttered with pleasure. Twice in two days youngsters had swallowed his cock as if it were nothing.
As Jimmy continued to stroke the little boy's buttocks, the boy increased his sucking motions, until his head was visibly bobbing up and down in the older boy's lap. Jimmy parted the boy's buttocks, and instead of the usual tight little opening that he had witnessed on the younger monkey, and had hoped for on this boy, he saw a small hole appear, which began to widen by itself. Jimmy wet one of his fingers and placed it up against the boy's now gaping hole. Jimmy's finger was sucked into the boy's rectum as if it were a vacuum cleaner.
While the little boy sucked Jimmy's dick, Jimmy fingered the boy's hole, eventually working two and then three fingers up inside. The boy moaned a bit, but Jimmy wasn't sure that it was from pain.
Jimmy decided that he didn't want to cum in the boy's mouth, but in his ass, and so he guided him off onto his belly, and then bent down to rim the boy's ass. Jimmy found that his tongue entered the boy's ass as easily as his finger did. He did notice, however, that the boy retained great muscle control, and that he could squeeze objects inside of his anus.
All of this was a little too much for Jimmy to deal with, and so after spreading a little saliva onto his cock to aid in intercourse, he climbed on top of the boy, sunk fully inside of him, and then began fucking the boy with great passion and glee. Although loose at his anal opening, the boy's rectum fit like a glove and the little boy knew how to bump and grind his little bottom to produce the maximum pleasure. Whoever taught this little boy how to fuck had done a good job. Jimmy spent himself three times in the little boy's ass before he finally rolled off of him. He pulled the little boy on top of him and brought his lips to the boy's. The little boy kissed as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do with an older boy. As their lips parted, the little boy smiled at Jimmy. Jimmy shook his head in disbelief. He had fucked the little boy's ass off three times without stopping, yet the boy was lying there with him smiling like nothing had ever happened. Jimmy had considered fucking the boy for a while and then turning him loose so that he could return to his people, but while holding him in his arms and caressing his little body, he wasn't sure that he could do it. He wanted the little boy for his own. He wanted to have blow jobs and fucks at leisure with a human boy, a little boy like the one that snuggled up against him.
While Jimmy was lost in his daydreams about life on the island with his monkey friends and his own little boy, the child resting ontop of him fell asleep. As Jimmy became aware again of where he was, he noticed the boy's hot breath against his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around the little boy and settled in for a nap himself.
Jimmy was vaguely aware of the monkeys as he slipped off to sleep. His last vision was of the older monkey entering the anus of the younger, the little monkey bent over in a submissive posture to allow the older in. Finally, Jimmy thought to himself, my friend is fucking his little monkey friend.
Jimmy awoke a few hours later, and was startled at first to see himself alone in the hut. He first thought that the boy had been a dream, however, just as he stirred, the little boy came bouncing into the opening of the hut. He reached his hand to his lips as if to quiet Jimmy and then pointed out towards the jungle. In a few seconds Jimmy heard the sounds of other boys, speaking in alien tongues. They were close to the hut, but they had not seen it, nor its opening.
The little boy, instead of running away to his friends, was hiding in the hut with him. Jimmy smiled widely, and opened his arms to the little boy. The boy looked towards the door once more and then smiling in return, flew into the older boy's arms.
The boy's lips met, and at once both were kissing as if they had been long-time lovers. Jimmy explored every inch of the little boy's mouth, while the boy explored his. Finally, with both boys erect, Jimmy laid the little boy down onto his back and began kissing and licking him on his neck and then his chest. Jimmy spent a considerable amount of time on each of the boy's nipples, managing to get both of the erect.
Rolling the little boy once more onto his back, Jimmy lowered his head down to between the boy's buttocks and tungued his anus, making sure that he left enough saliva there to serve his purposes.
With little effort Jimmy entered the youngster, and quickly began to thrust in and out of the boy's body. Whereas the boy had laid motionlessly on prior fuckings, this time he began to buck back up against the boy, and Jimmy could feel him squeezing his anal muscles against his cock. Slowly the boy began grinding and wiggling his hips against his cock, until not able to stand it any longer, Jimmy lunged deeply inside of the boy and shot his invisable load.
Jimmy thought that it was barzen to be fucking the little boy, while all around his hut the older native boys strolled around, perhaps themselves looking for the little boy. The thought of fucking the little boy while his friends looked for him somehow pleased him.
Pulling out of the boy's anus, Jimmy rolled him over onto his back and began blowing him. It was the first time that he had really blown the boy, and so he settled down and began to leasurely suck on the child's penis. It was obvious that the little boy enjoyed it, as not only was he rock hard, he was thrusting himself upwards into the older boy's mouth.
After about a half dozen climaxes the little boy went limp, and Jimmy noticed that all was quiet around his hut. The older boys had not found him or his hiding place, and he was safe inside with his young boy.
Jimmy decided that if the little boy wanted to, he would live there with him, just the two of them, save for their monkey friends. Thinking about his monkey friends, Jimmy realized that he had not seen either of them for some time. He decided that the older boys must have scared them away. For the remainder of the day Jimmy stroked, caressed, and fucked the little boy to his pleasure. Not once did the boy refuse to accept Jimmy's penis in either his ass or mouth, and each time Jimmy entered the child's anus, the boy reacted as if it were the first time, and squeezed, wiggled, and bounced to give Jimmy greater pleasure.
Around sunset Jimmy decided that both of them needed a bath, and that they would have to make a trip to the nearby trees and shrubs to find fruit and berries for a meal. The little boy followed Jimmy eagerly as they set off looking for food. Having found their fill of food, the two boys headed off to the stream with a little pond to bathe. While Jimmy seriously tried to wash the little boy, the child responded as all children do when in water, and he played around making Jimmy's job even more difficult.
After eating a rather filling meal, the little boy took Jimmy by the hand and indicated that he wanted to take him somewhere. For the next ten minutes Jimmy was lead by the little boy throught the jungle. The child might have been little, but he certainly seemed to know where he was going.
After a while the boys came upon a small clearing. The boy once again placed his fingers to his lips, as he had done in the hut, seemingly signalling Jimmy to be quiet.The little boy lead Jimmy around the clearing to another much larger one.
When they peeked out through the underbrush, Jimmy saw that they were at the camp of what seemed to be the early teen age boys. There were about fifteen boys mulling around the area. They were all between eleven and thirteen, and all of them were naked. Jimmy's eyes feasted over the bodies of the boys, wanting very much to go out and become friends with them. He was stunned with the physical beauty of most of the boys.

After about ten minutes of little to no activity, an older boy of about fifteen entered the camp area of the younger boys. In tow he had a child who looked even younger and smaller than the boy with Jimmy. The older boy grunted something to the little boy, and the child went over to the fire and sat down.
By this time all of the teenage boys had wandered over to where the older youth was standing. With a few grunts, the teens lined up, as if they were to be inspected. Jimmy was pleased to see that inspection was what the older boy had in mind.
The youth walked down to the end of the line and looked the first boy over, running his hands up and down the boy's body, throughally caressing the younger boy's genitals. The boy being fondled quickly sprung an erection. Upon command the younger boy turned, and the youth inspected his backside, taking each of the boy's buttocks into his hands.
Turning the boy back around again, the youth pushed downward on his shoulders, and the teen lowered himself onto his knees. The teen was well aware of what was commanded of him, because as soon as he hit his knees, he reached out and took the youth's penis into his hands.
After a few strokes, the teen opened his mouth and took the youth's penis deeply inside. For the next few minutes the younger boy performed fellatio on the older boy, his head bobbing wildly up and down the youth's penis.
After a few minutes, the youth reached out and stopped the boy, and then moved on to inspect the next boy. For close to an hour these inspections continued. They never varied much from the previous, and each of them ended with the teen on his knees sucking on the penis of the youth.
When the last boy had sucked the penis of the youth, the older boy looked them over once more. He walked over to one boy, who looked to be about eleven. He grunted something to the boy, and the boy fell out of line. The youth went to another boy of abour twelve or thirteen, and this boy fell out of line as well.
Both chosen boys were extremely beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful of all of the boys there. The younger boy was totally hairless on his pubes, and sported an erection which was thin and about three inches in length. The second boy had the beginnings of pubic hair. His penis was fatter than the younger boy's, and when erect, he reached about four and a half inches. Both boys had spectacular buttocks, however, the younger of the two had plump little buttocks that would make even a straight male want to fuck him.
The youth began to walk off towards the edge of the clearing with the two boys following him. At the edge the youth laid down on the ground, followed by the two younger boys. For the next half hour or so the three boys engaged in sex. First the two boys sucked the youth's penis and testicles, and then each of the rimmed the older boy. Both kissed deeply on the mouth when they were pulled to the youth, and thrashed wildly when the older boy sucked their penises and testicles, and more so when the youth rimmed each of them in sucession.
Once the pliminaries were over, the youth arranged both boys on their stomachs side by side. He placed himself over the buttocks of the youngest boy first, and with his penis in one fist, he lowered himself down between the boy's buttocks. It was obvious that the boy was being entered, as his body tightened, and he gasped as the older boy forcefully pushed his penis inside.
After about ten or so strokes, the youth removed his penis from the younger boy, and repeated the same thing with the older one. For what seemed like forever, the youth alternated back and forth between the anuses of the two boys. He would stroke himself ten or fifteen times in one boy and then pull out and stroke himself inside the other.
Finally when he looked as if he could take no more, he pushed himself back inside of the youngest boy, and after about two minutes of intense fucking, he arched his body, lunged forward one final time, and shot his seed deeply inside the boy's ass.
As the two boys wound down, the third boy went back into the encampment and brought back a gourd filled with water. First he washed off the penis of the older youth, then the youngest boy, and finally his own. When the three boys were clean, they stood up and headed back towards the middle of the clearing.
The youth made some sort of announcement to the group, and immediately cheers were heard. There was a lot of back slapping and the likes, as seemingly the two boys were congradulated by their friends. When the youth stood and headed towards the edge of the clearing, heading back the way that he came, the two younger boys followed. It soon became apparant that the boys had been selected by the youth, and had left to live with him.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that Jimmy realized that the little boy was left behind at the camp. He had noticed that all while the youth was fucking the two boys, it seemed as if the little boy was being guarded by several of the older ones.
The attentions of the remaining boys turned to the little boy. The child looked terrified. Quite adbruptly, several boys grabbed the child, and held each of his arms and legs down to the ground. Other boys began caressing, and then pinching the child's body. The little boy began to cry, and then scream, as the boys tortured him, pinching his tiny nipples, penis, and testicles.
It seemed as if the torture was about to end when the boys released the child, however, that was not the case. Another group of boys flipped the child down onto his stomach, and held him while others slapped his buttocks. The child's screams could be heard for miles. The boys took turn spanking the little boy for what seemed to be at least a half hour. Finally they released him and wandered off away from him for a while.
One by one the older boys returned to where the child was laying. Each of them caressed the little boy's body, and kissed him deeply on the lips, talking to him. Each of the boys lowered their heads into the lap of the child and sucked on his genitals for a few minutes, and then gently guided the boy's head until he began to suck them. After a boy would climax, some shooting their cum into the child's mouth, he would get up and wander away and another boy would appear.
This continued until each of the boys had sucked and been sucked by the child. After a few more minutes all of the boys returned to where the child was now sitting. They sat around him in a circle, and one or two of them began to talk. After a few minutes it seemed as if things got heated up, because several of the boys began yelling at each other.

When all but two boys had backed away from the arguement, all hell broke loose. The two boys lunged at each other and began to fight. Jimmy realized that this was no ordinary boy fight. It looked as if the two boys wanted to kill each other.
The two boys battled each other, causing much blood to fly, until finally one boy fell to the ground, and then staid there. The winner went over to the looser, and challanged him to get up. The defeated boy looked up at the winner and grunted something. The fight was over, and the looser had admitted his defeat.
More boys appeared with water goards and washed the blood and dirt from the body of the winner. No one attended to the wounds of the looser Jimmy noted. After the winner was washed and cared for, all of the boys returned to the circle surrounding the little boy.
The winner moved to the middle of the circle, and took the child onto his lap. For the next few minutes he caressed and stroked the little boy, while deeply tongue kissing him. When both child and youth were erect, the older boy turned the little one over and upside down so that his buttocks were facing upwards.
Spreading the boy's buttocks with his hands, the youth lowered his mouth to the boy's ass, and began to throughally rim him. Jimmy noticed that the boy took the older boy's penis into his mouth and began to suck fevorishly on it. Jimmy decided that the little boy knew that the older was about to fuck him, and that perhaps he could save from being fucked if he sucked him off first.
The little boy did not have the opportunity to suck the older off, as the youth flipped the child back around, and laid him down on the ground on his stomach. Spitting into one hand, the youth rubbed his saliva onto his penis, and then positioned himself so that his penis was pressed up against the child's anus.
From the scream from the little boy, it was obvious that he had never been fucked before. The youth drove himself, all in one stroke, deeply inside of the child's small body. Once there he remained motionless until the child stopped thrashing around and crying.
The youth began to talk softly to the child, and caress him. Slowly the youth began to thrust in and out of the child's body, stopping every now and then, or slowing down when the child was in pain. Eventually the child began to respond to the boy who was fucking him. The little boy's body began to buck and wiggle meeting each thrust down into him.
After a few more minutes the boy was fucking the child easily, and gasps and pants replaced cries from the child. It was obvious that the little boy was now enjoying getting fucked by the older boy.
Another boy appeared from behind the pair, and handed the older boy what looked to be a leather string. The string had been tied off in a leash-like knot. The older boy took the leash, and without missing a beat, put it around the neck of the child. Jimmy could not imagine what the leash was for.
The older boy held one end of the leash in his hand while he continued to fuck the little boy. Eventually it became obvious that the older boy was pulling the leash tighter around the child's neck. Several times the little boy reached up to his neck when the leash became too tight. Each time this happened the youth would release it a little.
Once again the child reached up for his neck, however, this time the youth did not release his grip, he tightened it. The boy began to gasp, and he began to fight against the older boy who was fucking him and strangling him at the same time.
The boy's arms were wagging around wildly and reaching for his neck, trying to get the string off of him. The older youth laid heavier on the boy and pulled all the more tighter on the cord around the child's neck. The child's body began to spasm, and then convulse, however, the youth did not let up on the string.
Holding the child firmly down to the ground, the youth began to fuck him faster and harder. Just as the child gasped his last breath, the youth tensed up and lunged deeply inside of the little boy, cumming inside of him. The child was within seconds of his death, and his body convulsed wildly under the older boy. The older boy moaned and groaned in extascy as the child's anus continued to spasm around him. Jimmy could not believe his eyes. The older boy had just killed the child while he was fucking him.
Eventually the boy got off the child's body. Jimmy could see that the child had moved his bowels when he had died. The older boy's groin was covered with the boy's feces, as well as what looked like blood.
Several boys appeared with water goards and washed the mess off the body of the older boy. Several other boys washed the dead child's buttocks off. What followed was even harder for Jimmy to believe.
One by one the other boys laid down on top of the dead child and fucked him in his ass. Several boys returned for seconds, and one or two for thirds. After the orgy of fucking the dead child was over, the boys wandered away from the body, leaving it lying where the child had died.
Jimmy looked over to his young friend. The child had tears running down his face and he was trembling. Jimmy hugged the child to him trying to soothe him. Jimmy was sure that the boy had known this child, and the shock of seeing that happen to the child must have been great.
Just when Jimmy was about to pull the child away and leave, several boys returned to the dead child. They had pictures of water, and carefully they washed the child's body. The boys then picked the child up and moved him closer to the fire.
The boy who had killed the child appeared with a knife in his hand. Before Jimmy's eyes, the youth began to slice into the child's body. Jimmy thought that he was going to be sick. The boy worked expertly gutting the child. When the insides of the child had been removed, another boy took them off to be buried in the sand. Another boy appeared with a stick which had been sharpened to points.
Two other boys appeared with small trees which had a v between the branches, and put one of them on each side of the fire. Jimmy suddenly understood what was about to take place, however, he could not believe it. It was not until the sharpened stick had been thrusted up the child's anus and out from his neck, that Jimmy believed it.
They were going to cook and eat the dead child. They had killed him so that they could eat him. Feeling sick, Jimmy grabbed the little boy by the hand and began to move away from the horror. Just as they were about to leave the area Jimmy glanced back one more time. The boys had lifted the child's body and placed it over the fire on the spit. They were cooking the child's body.
Jimmy hurried back to his hut as fast as he could go. Once inside he sat shaking, holding the little boy to him, unable to think of anything other than what he had seen take place in the jungle.
Jimmy fell to sleep with the boy in his arms, unable to even consider making love with the child before they slept. The shock of what he had seen was too much for his young mind to process. He fell to sleep, to a much troubled sleep.

STORY NOTE: Further installments of the Island will be made in about two weeks time, as the author is still in the process of writing this story. Keep tuned to for more.
A special note to all Fan Cha Phaw story readers. Please only post stories on the thread. Repost requests, questions, and comments about all stories should be made to, which is a discussion thread. By doing this the story board can remain clear and clean of garbage, which it should be.

The next morning the two naked lovers woke in each other's arms. Jimmy laid there holding the young brown boy, thinking about what they had witnessed the previous night. He could not understand why they had killed and then eaten the boy. The thought that the older boys were cannibals was very scary to him. He relaized that now, more than ever, he would have to avoid them. If they were to find him, a lone white boy, they might look at him as if he were dinner as well.
Jimmy caressed the small sleeping boy, wondering if he were meant as a meal, as well as a sexual play toy for the older youths. If he were, Jimmy was happy that he had "kidnapped" the boy to save him from that fate.
Feeling a little horny, Jimmy lowered his head to the boy's chest and began sucking on the child's tiny breasts. After a few minutes of alternating back and forth between the tiny dots, they were both erect, and the child woke from his sleep. At first the boy was startled, however, when he remembered where he was, he smiled and ran his hands down over Jimmy's hair.
With this encouragement, Jimmy began to lick lower, quickly working his way over the boy's cute brown stomach. When he reached the pubes, Jimmy began to suck a little slower and more determined. The boy, he discovered, loved to be sucked. He could lay there for hours while Jimmy sucked him. That was fine with Jimmy as well, because he loved sucking the boy as well.
After a few minutes of serious sucking on the child's penis, he felt the boy begin to struggle. At first he could not understand what was going on. When he let up on the child, however, the young boy repositioned himself so that he could suck his older friend's penis as well. Jimmy sighed happily as they sucked each other gently.
After the boys had sucked to their fill, the little boy smiled at Jimmy, and rolled himself into a little ball, pulling his legs upwards to his chest. Through his legs, his face in line with his little dick, the boy smiled widely at the older boy.
Jimmy smiled back at the child. He was requesting his second favorite activity, having his backside licked. During the time that Jimmy had been with the child, he had spent a great amoung of time with his tongue up his tight little bottom. Jimmy did not mind this, as he loved to rim the little boy. The way that the kid squeezed his rectum while his tongue was in there was wild.
After Jimmy had rimmed the boy for a few minutes, the child started saying something to him. As usual, Jimmy could not understand it. Jimmy decided that if the boy were going to stay with him, they had to learn to understand each other.
Jimmy got the message a few seconds later, when the boy took his finger, pointed it at his opening, and made several jabbing motions towards it. The boy was asking to be fucked. This pleased Jimmy greatly, because all of the times that he had fucked the boy before, he had been the aggressor. The child had allowed himself to be fucked, however, he never had made any indication like he wanted it to happen.
Jimmy spit into his hand, and rubbed it around his hard-on. Moving up behind the boy, he placed the tip of his erection at the boy's opening, and then looked up at the child questiongly, like asking, "Is this what you want?"
The little boy smiled widely at Jimmy, and he had his answer. Moving forward a little more, Jimmy placed his penis firmly at the boy's backside. Giving a little push, he felt the tip penetrate the tight little opening. He heard the boy grunt a little as he began to slide inside of him, and so he slowed down a bit to make it more comfortable for him.
Jimmy realized that he could fuck the little boy as hard as he wanted, because there was no one around to punish him if he hurt the kid. He did not want to hurt the little boy, however, he wanted him to like being fucked.
Jimmy sighed with pleasure as his penis slid in and out of the boy's rectum. The kid was certainly tight, and he knew how to wiggle and squeeze against him. The boy was able to loosen himself enough to easily accept the prodding penis in his backside.
Jimmy fucked the little boy for about ten minutes. Every time that he felt like he was going to cum, he stopped and waited until it passed. Even though he could probably last for several fucks without stopping, he wanted the first to be the best.
He pulled out of the boy, and rolled him over onto his stomach. He wanted to lay on top of the boy while he fucked him. He enjoyed this position more than any other. The feeling of the boy's warm and smooth body under him, and that great feeling of his bouncy buttocks as he plowed down into him, was delightful.
In their new position, the little boy was able to perform more himself, and he began a pattern of wiggles and squeezes which drove Jimmy to the brink of cumming. Just when Jimmy decided that he was going to cum, he remembered another position that he would like to fuck the boy in.
He remembered that the position was a lot of fun, and that it felt real good, but as always, he could not remember how he knew this, or when he had ever fucked in that position before.
Pulling out of the little boy, he laid on his back. He pulled on the little boy, until he got the idea, and the child climbed on top of him. Jimmy helped the boy, by positioning him over his hard-on, and held him up a little. Jimmy placed his penis at the opening of the boy's rectum, and then slowly began to push down.
It took the boy a moment to realize what was required of him. When he figured it out, he smiled at his older friend, and began to lower himself down onto the erection. Jimmy guided the boy's hips for a few seconds, up and down on his penis. The boy smiled, knowing what he had to do, and so Jimmy let go of him.
Jimmy smiled. The boy did know what he was suppose to do. Starting out slowly, the child began to move his body up and down on Jimmy, each time moving his anus on and off of the boy's penis. Once he became accustomed to the position, the little boy settled down and began fucking himself quite nicely. Jimmy laid back and closed his eyes. He had a huge smile on his face. It felt wonderful to lay there and feel the boy's ass fucking itself on his dick.
Jimmy's climax was powerful and long. Afterwards, Jimmy rolled over onto his stomach, parted his buttocks, and smiled around his shoulder at the child. The little boy stroked his penis, rubbed some of his saliva on it, and climbed on top of his older friend. Finding Jimmy's hole, he shoved his little erection inside of the older boy, and roughly fucked away.
Jimmy grimaced a little as he felt the child stabbing inside of his anus. After a few seconds, however, it didn't feel too bad. He loved the way that the little boy fucked him. He wasn't gentle in his fucking, but it didn't matter. He was not big enough to do any real harm inside of him, outside of a few somewhat painful jabs.
The boys, worn out from their morning sexercise, headed to their pond to bathe. They laid lasily in the water soaking, occasionally washing each other. When they had tired of hanging out in the water, they headed off into the jungle for their breakfast.
After some exploration the boys found enough fruit to make them happy. After eating a bit of it, the little boy looked up at his older friend, and began chirping away again in his strange language. When he realized that his white friend still didn't understand him, he took his hand and began pulling him along after him.
Jimmy was interested in where the child was taking him. When it was clear that they were headed for the beach, Jimmy stopped, holding the boy back. He did not want to take a chance of being found by the other kids. The boy looked at Jimmy and then chirped something else, and began pulling harder on his arm. Jimmy noticed that for a little boy, the kid was very strong.
Once reaching the beach level, Jimmy stopped and looked around from the cover of the undergrowth. He could not see anyone around anywhere on the beach. He was a little concerned, however, and was not sure that he wanted to go there.
With the little boy still pulling on his arm, the boys stepped out onto the beach. Jimmy relaxed a little when he watched the little boy look around cautiously as well. The two boys began walking down the beach. It seemed as if the boy were looking for something.
After a few minutes, the child jumped, and began chirping again. Jimmy looked where the child was pointing, but he could not see anything. The little boy dropped to his hands and knees, and began digging in the sand. A few seconds later, his hands reappeared, holding what looked like an oyster. He had an ear to ear smile on his face.
Jimmy learned quickly, and in no time was spotting the shellfish himself. In about ten minutes work, the boys had about a dozen of the creatures. Each boy took about half and headed back into the jungle. Once they arrived at their "home" again, the little boy scouted around for two rocks. Once he found the ones that he was searching for, he brought them inside of their hut.
Placing one on the ground, and holding the other in his hand, the boy placed one of the shells on the rock, and brought the other down ontop of it with some force, cracking it open. The boy expertly removed all of the shell, and extracted the slimy creature which had lived inside. He held this up to Jimmy with a big smile.
Jimmy looked at the animal with a sick feeling in his stomach. He knew that it would be good to have other food other than fruit, however, the prosspect of eating that creture was not pleasant. The boy relaized what Jimmy was thinking and he giggled.
Opening his mouth, he held the creature up and then let it go into his mouth with one swift movement. It seemed as if the thing slid down the boy's throat whole. Licking his lips, he smiled at his friend, and cracked open another crustation.
Jimmy finally sampled one. It was weird, but tasty. Once he got over the looks of the creatures which they were popping into their mouths, the boys settled down for a real breakfast.

With breakfast over, the boys cleaned up the shells, and tossed them into the bathroom area behind their hut. Jimmy knew that eventually they would either have to clean their bathroom, or move their home. He loved this home. It was safe and comfortable. He decided that they would soon have to find a way to clean the toilet area, and keep it clean.
With the meal done, and no real plan for the day, Jimmy decided that they could go play in the pond. He knew that he smelled a little sweaty, and he liked to be clean. The little boy was a little ripe himself, however, Jimmy kind of liked him that way. The smell of little boy was enjoyable to him.
The boys frolicked and swam in their little pond for about an hour, before finally becoming tired and retreating for the grassy area off to the side. The children laid down, side by side, and sunned themselves dry.
Jimmy pulled the little boy close to him and snuggled, enjoying the warmth of the sun, and the comfort of the boy's smooth body. Jimmy realized that he was falling in love with the child. He hoped that nothing happened which would take the child away from him.
Jimmy's memory began to bother him once again. He half remembered loving another little boy once, a boy who was very special to him. He sighed when he could remember nothing more about it.
Jimmy noticed that more and more he would get little bursts of the past. It was almost as if he were on the verge of remembering, when the thoughts would go away again. It was driving him a little crazy. He hoped that he would, someday, remember all that there was to remember.
Jimmy looked over at his half-dozing little lover. The boy smiled up at him sleepily, as Jimmy began to stroke and pet him. Jimmy's dick began to swell as he ran his hands over the boy's baby- smooth skin.
Jimmy was horney, and he wanted to feel himself back inside of the boy's bottom. He was happy that the little boy seemed to enjoy being fucked. He was not sure if they boy really liked being fucked that much, or if he did it because he knew that his older lover enjoyed it so much, but since it did not seem to hurt the boy, he was happy that he could fuck him whenever he wished.
The boy looked up at Jimmy with questioning eyes. He knew that something was up. As soon as he looked at his lover's face, he smiled widely. He knew what the older boy wanted. The little boy was happy that they had a kind of silent communication with each other. It was easy to read the feelings of the other.
Jimmy rolled onto his back and encouraged the little boy to sit up on his stomach. At first the boy was confused as to what he was suppose to do. Jimmy pulled his head down towards his face and began kissing him. That was fine with the little boy. He liked to kiss the big white boy.
Jimmy positioned the little boy's bottom, so that it was resting up against his erection. With a little further arrangement, he felt the tip of his boyhood rest up against the boy's puckered opening.
The boy moved back towards the penis a bit as he felt Jimmy push forward towards his hole. Jimmy sighed as he felt his erection begin to slide inside of the younger boy. No matter how much he fucked the boy's bottom, he would never get tired of it. Each time he penetrated the little boy, it was as if it were the first time all over again.
Jimmy slid easily inside of his young lover. He was happy that the boy's rectum had become accustomed to his erection. At first when he had fucked the boy, his bottom was tight, and entry had been more difficult. He could feel and see the boy cringe and shudder when his dick entered him.
Now that the boy was use to being fucked, and he relaxed more and more during the fucks, there were no problems entering him. Each entry was as if his dick belonged inside of the little boy.
The two boys worked together for a little while. Jimmy thrust in and out of the little backside, and the boy moved himself back up against Jimmy each time that the older boy thrust forward. They had found a comfortable rhythm which was enjoyable for both of them.
Once they had their fuck on the way, their lips met once again, and they began to kiss deeply, enjoying the feelings of their tongues playing inside each others mouths.
After a while Jimmy decided to try something which he loved. He took the boy's shoulders and began to push him upwards so that the boy was sitting on his lap, their bodies still joined.
As the boy sat upright, more of the older boy's dick entered into him. The little boy gasped once or twice. Jimmy realized that the position was new, and that he was probably going inside of him deeper, and at a different angle than he had before. He moved slowly, wanting the little boy to become use to it before they continued.
Once the little boy was sitting up straight, he was okay. He wiggled his butt around a little, and giggled. Jimmy could imagine how this felt to him. Once the older boy was sure that his friend was use to him again, he began to thrust upwards into his little body.
The boy sat motionless for a few minutes while Jimmy did the work. When the older boy grabbed onto the boy's hips and began moving his body up and down on his erection, the younger boy's eyes lit up. He finally realized what his role was to be in the fuck. He would do the work while his big friend laid there and enjoyed it.
The little boy smiled widely at the boy under him, and began to hump himself on the big dick planted deep in his bottom. It was a little awkward at first. The little boy had to learn how to move around so that it would not hurt him, and so it was enjoyable for his partner. By the time that Jimmy came, he had it down fairly pat. Jimmy smiled and pulled the little boy back down onto his body.
It wasn't too bad for his first time, he thought. He would give the boy a lot of practice in that position until he was able to fuck like that as well as he did in other positions.
Jimmy decided that it was time to explore. They needed to gather some fruit so that they would have something to eat. He also wanted to check on the other kids on the island. He was a little uncomfortable having them around. He wanted to make sure that he knew where they were at all times.
Jimmy shuddered as he remembered the scene which they had watched that night. He could not understand how someone could fuck a boy, and then kill, cook, and eat him. His stomach reeled with the thought of what they had watched. A few tears welled in his eyes, thinking of the poor little boy who had been murdered in such a way.
Jimmy realized from watching that scene that the boys were, or at least could be cannibals. This bothered him a lot. This meant that they would have to be even more careful that they were not found by the older kids.
The two boys wandered around their part of the island. All seemed quiet. They did not hear or see any of the other boys. While they were walking, Jimmy began to wonder if the little boy had ever eaten a human being before. He shuddered with the thought. He decided that he would not think about that. If he did, it would be difficult to sleep with the boy in the same hut.
The boys gathered fruit and berries, wrapping them into large leaves which the little boy tore from plants. When their bundles seemed heavy enough, they headed back to their hut. Once their food was safely stashed away, they decided to go back out once again.
The boys could not yet communicate, however, they both knew where they were going. It was time to check on the others to see what they were up to.
The boys walked for quite a while, carefully listening to make sure that no one was around. Eventually they reached the camping area in which they had found the boys before. They carefully crept up closer, and looked out from between the tall grass and plants.
Jimmy scanned the area quickly, to make sure that they would not be spotted, or if they were, they could get away as quickly as possible.
The boy noticed that almost all of the boys were still sleeping. Scattered around the burnt out camp fire were naked bodies of all ages and sizes. Mostly the boys were paired older and younger, however, here and there he noticed two younger boys laying together, and a few older boys laying with each other.
Off to the side, away from the sleeping boys, were a handful of little boys who were awake and playing some game. They were quiet in their play, seemingly fearful of waking the older boys. From what Jimmy had seen of the behavior of the older boys towards the younger, he did not blame them.
Glancing over to the right of the fire, Jimmy saw something else which made him gasp. Sticking out of the sand were five pointed sticks. Two of them had the heads of little boys stuck on them. Jamie resisted an urge to throw up. One of the heads he identified as the boy whom they had watched being murdered. The second head looked even younger and smaller than the first boy's.
Glancing a little further to the right, Jamie gasped once again. His gasp must have been loud, because the little boy put his hand on his arm as to warn him.
There was two "y'ed" sticks poking out of the ground. Into the y's laid a long pole, and on the pole were the remains of a boy. The body on the pole looked tiny, even with the portions of it gone.
Like the other boy, the pole was sticking up his backside from one end, and out of where his neck had been on the other. The body was positioned so that the front of the child was facing them. Although distorted by fire, Jimmy could see a tiny shriveled penis and testicles.

Jimmy had never seen anything like that before in his entire life. He still could not understand how the boys could do it. He felt the boy beside him tugging on his arm. The boy obviously wanted to tell him something, however, they could not understand each others words. The boy thought for a moment, and then smiled.
Pointing to the sticks in the sand, he raised five fingers. He then lowered two, looking a little sad as he did. The pointed to the remaining three fingers, and then closed them down into his little fist.
He opened the five fingers again and then closed them. Once they were closed, he waived his hand over the boys out in the clearing. He then pointed off towards the ocean and made movements like a boat sailing.
The little boy repeated this over a few times until Jimmy finally thought that he understood. To make sure, Jimmy decided to mime back to the boy.
He pointed to the sticks and held up five fingers. Two he lowered and made a motion as if he were eating. He then held up the three, pointed off towards the little boys and lowered three more fingers and made motions of eating once again.
He then made a motion of paddling a boat or canoe, motioned to all of the boys, and then made the boat sign again. The little boy smiled and shook his head up and down.
Jimmy smiled as he realized that they had "talked" for the first time. The boys would eat a total of five boys before they left. Once the fifth boy was eaten, they would leave the island.
Jimmy was still a little curious, and uncertain of one thing. He pointed to one little boy playing off with the others, and then motioned to the boy in an eating gesture. He was asking the boy if that child would be eaten.
He did this several more times, and then repeated it pointing out other boys, making sure that the child understood his question. He was trying to find out if there were certain boys already pre-selected to be eaten.
The little boy watched Jimmy's mime for a few minutes, and then smiled as he understood what he was asking. The boy shook his head, and eventually made himself understood. There were no pre-selected boys. A random choice was made of which boys to eat. The little boy shuddered as he seemingly thought about this.
Jimmy could understand what the boy was feeling. He knew that if he were still amongst the boys there, his head could be hanging on the top of one of the poles.
Jimmy had another question which he wanted to ask, however, he was not sure if he wanted the answer to it. He knew that he had to ask it, and so he began the mimes, hoping that the boy's answer would not make him cry.
Jimmy managed to get through the remaining three boys being eaten and the boys leaving the island to go back to their home. Once he reached that point, he pointed to the boy and made two choices of what he was going to do. One was the boy staying on the island with him, and the other was him returning with the other boys.
Jimmy sat holding his breath, as he watched the younger boy thinking about what was being asked of him. He smiled when he finally figured it out. Reaching out to hold Jimmy's hand, the boy pointed to himself, and then to Jimmy. He then pointed to the ground where they sat.
Jimmy's eyes teared up as he pulled the child to him. The boy was going to stay on the island with him. Jimmy was so happy that he could almost deal with the fact that children were being raped, killed, and eaten. He would have his young lover with him for as long as they remained on the island.
Jimmy kissed the boy tenderly on the lips, took his head into his hands, and stared long and hard into his eyes. There was magic which passed between the two boys during that moment, a magic which could only pass between two lovers. Jimmy was happy. He would have his lover for as long as he wanted.
With the discussion complete, the two boys looked back out into the opening and watched the boys. Over where the little boys were playing, a few had broken off from the others who were still playing a game with little stones.
One little boy, who looked to be around eight or nine, stood on the sand. Another little boy, who looked like he was around seven, knelt down in front of him. The two boys watching could not see them enough to see what was actually going on, but from the motions of the kneeling boy's head, and the smile on the older boy's face, it was obvious.
The younger boy was sucking the penis of the older. After allowing the younger boy to suck on his own for a few minutes, the older boy grabbed onto his head and holding it still, he began to thrust his penis in and out of the younger boy's mouth. The little boy did not look like he was having any trouble handling being fucked in the mouth.
Jimmy glanced over at his lover, and smiled when he saw that they boy had and erection. The boy's eyes met, and they smiled. An understanding was reached. When they next played with each other sexually, they would take turns fucking each other in the mouth in that manner.
A ways away from the sucking boys, three other boys settled themselves down onto the ground. One boy rolled onto his stomach, and a second got on top of him. The top boy fumbled around for a few minutes until he found his mark, and then he pushed himself into the rectum of the other boy.
Once the two boys were in motion, the top boy beginning to fuck wildly into the other, the third boy moved behind the top boy, and climbed on top of him. The other two boys laid still as the third fumbled his way around, and then entered the rectum of the top boy.
Once the third boy was in motion, the second boy began to fuck into the bottom boy as the other fucked into him. Jimmy smiled as he watched this fuck. He had never experienced this type of fucking in this manner, but something about it invaded his memory, causing him to think for a moment that he was about to remember his past. The thoughts and feeling faded quickly, which left Jimmy depressed as always.
Jimmy's eyes almost popped out of his head, when he glanced over the edge of the boy's camp, and saw four boys walking into the camp area. Obviously, they had been playing outside of the camping area.
Jimmy's dick jumped when he watched them walk towards the center of the camp, stop to look at the boys playing the game, the boys having sex, and then the sleeping boys.
None of the boys looked older than six. They were much smaller than any of the other boys that he had seen on the island. Between their legs rested tiny, acorn-like, penises and testicles. Jimmy was not sure just how old those boys were, but he was certain that they were no more than toddlers.
When he looked towards his lover again questioningly, he saw that the boy was smiling at him. The boy had noticed his lover's penis jump when the little boys appeared. He smiled, thinking that in matters of sex, his older friend was like the older boys of his tribe. They would also get hard-ons when the little ones were around.
Boy sex was nothing new to the boy. In his tribe boys had sex almost as soon as they learned to walk. Little boys had sex with other little boys, and with boys younger than them. Older boys had sex with little boys, and men could have sex with certain boys, as long as they were not married.
The boy wished that he could explain his way of life to his lover. He realized, however, that it could not be done with mime. He knew that he would have to teach the boy his language, learn his, or both.

On his island, boy sex had been going on for as long as anyone could remember. In all of their history, there were stories of boy sex. Boys were, by far, the most popular for sex. Men married women and produced babies. They were not suppose to have sex with boys once they were married, but this did not often stop the ones who had fallen in love with it as boys and young men.
There was strict ranking and dividing of boys on his island. Boys came of age for sex play when they were eight. Boys eight or older, up to the age at which they first produced semen, were fair game to anyone who could "legally" play sexually with boys.
Boys under the age of eight were off limits sexually to boys who could sperm, with the exception of brothers and relatives, whose job it was to teach them how to suck penises. The brothers and relatives, however, were forbidden by taboo to ever penetrate the boy's rectums with their penises.
Other boys under the age of sperming could freely play with boys of any age, and there were no prohibitions about fucking the little boys. Many older sperming boys and men were actually jealous of the little ones who could freely fuck the little boys who they found so sexy and erotic.
Once an Island boy turned eight, he would be introduced to sex with an older male outside of his family. The night of the boy's eighth birthday, he was taken into a secluded part of the family hut by his father.
The father would initiate the boy into the ways of an older boy. The father would spend the night with his son engaging in sex. Once the son rose, however, sex would never occur between the two again.

The father would begin the son's initiation by laying him down onto a grass mat on the floor. The man would then kiss, lick, and nibble on the child's body, working his way down his chest and stomach, until he reached his genitals.
The man would then suck his son's penis through several climaxes, taking time during the process to deal with his testicles as well.
Once the man showed his son how to make oral love, he would lay on his back, and tell his son to repeat on his body what he had done to his.
Most boys eagerly copied what they had been shown. Those boys would usually race through the foreplay, and get right to sucking their father's penises. Throughout the island, it was kind of a negative joke and comment when one would tell another that he sucked his father's penis. It was a put down. On the night of the boy's initiation, however, it was a required act.
The boy was required to suck his father's penis, and to make him ejaculate. The boy was also required to take the man's semen into his mouth, and then swallow it. Not a drop was to be wasted, or spilled onto the ground.
Many of the boys drank their father's cum eagerly, believing that it would help to make them a man, and a strong warrior. Some boys, however, had to be convinced. If a boy tried to take his mouth off his father's sperming penis, the man would have to quickly grab a hold of the boy's head to make sure that he kept it there.
If the boy gagged, spat out, or vomited the father's sperm, he would have to repeat it over and over again that night, until he got it right.
Some boys were not so interested in having sex with their fathers, or with anyone else, and it was with these boys that problems developed.
Besides the mats on which they laid, the father traditionally brought a long piece of bamboo. This bamboo was brought to deal with sons which were difficult.
If a boy refused to participate in his initiation, the father would be required to beat his buttocks with the bamboo until he complied. If a boy spilled his father's semen, or refused to swallow it, he was to be beaten.
Come morning, if a boy had not accomplished a willing swallowing of his father's sperm, he was an outcast. By tribal law, a father could not lie about his son's refusal or inability to swallow his semen.
Such a boy would be out-casted by the tribe. No one would feed, shelter, or care for him. He would become lower than a dog. He would also become fair game for anyone who wanted to use him, in any way in which they felt.
These out-casted boys could be raped by anyone who wished to do so. They could be tortured and abused by all, including girls and women, however, they could not be harmed or maimed.
The smart outcasts ran away and left the tribe to save from this torture, but most of the boys which had been out casted, having no where else to go, stayed and lived through the torture. Whenever a sacrifice was needed to appease something which had gone wrong, these boys were the first to go.
After the son learned how to suck a man's penis, and swallow semen, it was time for the second lesson. The father would roll his son over onto his stomach, part his buttocks, and then lick his anus and probe and loosen him using his tongue and fingers.
This was another thing which was only suppose to occur during a boy's initiation. Licking the anuses of boys was something which was seen as taboo in the tribe, and something which could lead to a great amount of verbal abuse. The lowest of all insults was that someone was an anus licker.
On son's initiation nights, however, anus licking and full scale rimming was not only totally acceptable, it was a very important part of the rite.
In reality, however, much more anus licking went on than anyone would admit. Little boys licked each others anuses in private daily. Older boys who would take a younger initiated boy to bed for the night, would first rim him before fucking him. Older men rimmed younger boys on a regular basis, and whenever they could get away with it, boys and men of all ages would secretly rim the backsides of the youngest toddler boys.
Once the boy was thoroughly rimmed and probed with the father's fingers, it was time to open him for his first butt fuck. During the boy's initiation, a father was required to fill his son with as much of his sperm as he could manage throughout the night.
When the boy was presented to the tribe the following day, a newly initiated youth, he would be required to bend and spread his buttocks to the initiated of the tribe. Semen still seeping from a boy's backside was a good omen, and brought a great deal of pride to a father.
Penetration of a boy's anus was suppose to be accomplished dry, without the aid of any lubricants. Once the father managed to bury himself totally inside of his son's anus, however, the man could and usually did, pull out and lubricate himself. This was done as much for the man's comfort as the son's. Too much dry fucking could limit the number of time which either could fuck.
The father usually did not experience too much difficulty during the fucking stage of his son. Unlike the oral stage, if a boy were to refuse or struggle, all the man had to do was to roll the boy onto his stomach, hold him down, and rape him.
Since most boys had heard terrible tales of being raped, they were often cooperative, hoping that they would receive a kinder and gentler opening.
Sucking of the father's penis, and swallowing of his semen was only required once during the initiation ceremony, although some men repeated it frequently during the night because they enjoyed it so much.
Butt fucking the young son, however, was required as much, and as often as possible. The next day, when man presented his son to the tribe as initiated, he was required to brag about how many times he had filled the boy. This was done as the boy bent to show his, normally puffy and dripping, anus.
The largest number of fucks by one man in one night was recorded in tribal history as 22. This claim was made by one of the past chiefs. Of course, no one would have ever thought of disputing the claim. On an average 10-12 was the norm.
Once the tribe accepted the child as one of them, he was literally passed around from man to man. Each man would fondle the child, and stick a finger into his anus to feel the semen and size that it was stretched to.
A man, if he were so inclined, could also briefly suck the genitals of the child, and could also have the child suck him briefly. Since many of the men would only experience sex play with a boy during this post initiation party, a lot of sucking took place.
Once the approval stage was over, the child could go to empty his bowels and clean himself up. He was then left alone to himself to rest, since he usually did not get any sleep the previous night.
Once sundown came again, however, the newly initiated child would leave his hut and go off to a prearranged location at which a mat of grasses had been placed earlier in the day. He would lie there and wait for his visitors.
For a week after his initiation, a boy would go to this mat each night and wait for his older brothers and/or cousins. During that week he would be required to service them as often as they wanted during the night.
The boy would be required to suck their penises, and swallow their semen. He was then required to take their penises into their anuses, and allow them to fuck him as much as they wanted. Only one older boy would appear at a time, however, when the older relative left, another would soon appear.
Although not required by tradition, the younger boy would usually have his penis sucked by the older youth as well, and if time allowed, and the youth was so inclined, the boy could fuck him as well.
During this week or brother and cousin love, the older boys were responsible for taking over where the father left off, teaching the boy all that there was to making love with boys. Whereas all of the anal sex between father and son took place with the son on his stomach and the father on top of him, with the brothers and cousins, the boy was introduced to all the possible positions in which boys could be fucked.
At the end of the week of relative instruction, a boy had three days in which he could freely explore sex with age mates which had also been recently initiated. The boys were left totally alone during this stage, and sometimes groups of four or more wrestled on the grass mats having sex. Nothing was taboo to them, and much mouth to anus play was engaged in. Some elders of the tribe said that it was during this time that those who had become "addicted" to licking young boy's anuses developed that particular love.
After their period of age mate sex play, the boys were officially over their adult male sex play stage, and were expected to have their sex play only with those in their own age status group. They were also no longer to have sex with their brothers.
Over the years, however, taboos had been relaxing, and boys often had sex with age mates, older youths, relatives, and men. Some boys entered into a life of semi-prostitution, offering their mouths and anuses to youths and men in exchange for some favor or material gain.
Up until the point that the boy could ejaculate, he was free to play with any uninitiated boy that he wished to. It was at this stage of a boy's life that he was the object of much jealously. He could freely have sex with any younger boy he wished, regardless of the child's age.
Many parents attempted to keep their younger children out of the reach of these boys, however, few succeeded. If a boy were isolated too much, he became an object of the boy's desires, and they would not quit until they had gotten to him.
If parents happened onto their younger son engaged in sex with one of the yet-to-ejaculate initiated boys, they could not stop the sex. They had to deal with it. Many parents who were confronted with one of these boys having sex with their younger sons, would send an older brother out to where the sex was taking place to make sure that the child was not being abused.

The previous story was presented by Fan Cha Phaw We can be reached at

Last modified (12/24/96 14:24:28) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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