Subject: FCP: FINAL The Cat (m/m, m/beast, minors)
The following is a text file which contains adults-only material. If you are under the age at which it is legal to read such material, exit this file now and do not continue reading. Knowing the Net and re-posts, it will still be around when you are old enough to read it.
If you, or your community standards are offended by reading adult sexual material, exit this file now and do not continue reading. If you are an adult, you are old enough and wise enough to choose what you wish to read. Please do not say that you were not warned!
The following story is about love. It involves adults, minor boys, and big cats. If you feel faint at this point, it is best that you leave now.
All of the characters in this story are fictional, save for the cat, which I think I saw years ago in a jungle far away from here. None of this happens in real life, only in the minds of Fan Cha Phaw authors.
All flames, junk mail, and chain letters will be ignored, so don't bother. We have much better things to do with our time other than read that crap.
Oh, and finally, you might have noticed that we are back, and with a vengeance. Stay tuned to this station for more of the best of Fan Cha Phaw.
Ishmael Wilkins August, 1995
Note: This is the final posting of this story
Lurking, sleeking, sliding through the grasses silently, behavior and skills learned long ago, his mother teaching him what he would need to survive. The days of pretending and playing with his brother, born slightly before him, the same litter. The days of childhood full of fun and dreams, and examples, some good and some bad.
The first time smelling that strange scent, their mother fear filled, as she leads them away from danger. The brothers playing off on their own, their mother off hunting, providing, so that they will not starve.
The scent again, from nowhere, from everywhere, the children too young, too experienced to know which direction to take. They cry, a call to their mother, their protector, not knowing what to do. The scent grows nearer, and it is too late. They hiss, and try to look menacing, but the strange animal seem not alarmed.
They try to run, but they are captured. They fear the animal, but soon it becomes apparent that the animal does not intend to kill or eat them. He sits with the brothers on his lap, stroking, caressing, and comforting, much like mother.
The animal makes sounds which they do not understand, but follows each with a caress. Their coats are groomed, their backs stroked, tails played with like the brother's play with each others. Their belly's rubbed by the strange animal which plays mother to them.
The strange animal with hair only on its head and around its sex, definitely more around the head than sex. The remainder of the animal's body is brown, skin like the prey, without a sign of hair or fur.
The strange animal continues to stroke their belly's, and then lower, stroking their sexes, bringing a contented purr from his brother like when he grooms and teases his brother's sex. Paws of the strange animal, long digits stroke and take hold of the brother's hardened sexes, stroking, awakening feelings deep inside of them.
Brother being lifted to the face of the animal, to be eaten no doubt, I growl, my brother's protector, but the strange animal strokes me, comforting. I hear no cries from my brother but a strange, contented sound, as I watch the strange animal grooming my brother as I groom him, tongue licking and teasing his sex. The animal does what I did not, takes brother's sex into his mouth, brother purring and whimpering, until he is placed down, and I am lifted in his place, tongue darting out, licking my sex. My sex drawn into the animal's mouth, I cry in fear that it is to be eaten, but not. The animal's mouth grooms me unlike brother grooms me, unlike mother grooms me, awakening something deep inside of me, something pleasant, something scary.
I join brother once again, the strange animal gathering us up close to his sex, rubbing us against it, like others of our tribe we have seen. Faces pushed close to his sex, brother's tongue darts out to groom, mine follows, licking the sex of the strange animal, sex salty to taste, stronger smell on the sex.
Brother taken up in animal's paws, backed up to sex, brother cries out in pain. I watch, remembering the elders that did this to other mothers, to our mother, to smaller and weaker males. We are smaller and weaker than the strange animal, and he mounts us to show it.
Brother cries out again, strange animal's sex moving in his back, pushing in, pulling out, as brother cries, animal making strange sounds, face to the sun, brother is cast aside, lands roughly, seeping from his hole from animal's sex, and I am drawn near to groom the seepage, salty taste, but liquid, I groom and lick, and drink.
Animal draws me near, forces my bottom to his sex, and pushes in, I cry our in fear and stabbing pain unknown until that time, and sex roughly pushed in, my hole bursting, my cries louder as strange animal moves me to and away from sex. A sound, a sound I know and a roar, my mother.
Strange animal's sex leaves me roughly, and I am cast aside, animal rising to two legs, looking, smell of fear. The animal runs, away, avoiding mother. Mother charges, stops sniffs, examines, and charges into the grasses. Cries heard, mother strikes, animal lays dying. We run to mother, animal down, neck with mother's marks, she goes and bites eating stomach, her favorite. The animal screams, not yet dead, but mother ignores screams, will soon be dead.
Brother nears and sniffs, strange animal smell, and strikes the sex that struck him. Claws rake sex, animal cries, brother bites, tries to eat, I join him. Together we bite sex, animal screams and stops, brother and I feast on sex.
Strange smells surround us, mother in panic, brother and I in fear of more sexes hurting us, we run. Other strange animals gather at the site of the fallen animal, one of their kind, sounds of sorrow and anger roar throughout the grasses, and strange sounds, "o-n-l-y th-i-r-t--ee-n," over and over, a mother's cry, animal tongue.
Brother and I grow, soon the strange animal only a vague memory in our minds, our wounds healed, no longer pain. We learn to crawl, slink, sneak, and attack. The kill, the hunt, the prey. We play, small animals our schoolroom, they fall easily, we feast.
Mother attacks, this time us, we must go on our own. We cry and fight, and wander behind her. She attacks, hurts, we flee, alone, scared, alone. Hunger comes and goes, we play, the play becomes desperate we stalk, attack, hunt, the prey, hunger fades.
The smell surrounds us, we run, the smell follows. Brother turns, cannot run, turns and sneaks like when after prey, crawling on belly, ears turned back, moving towards the strange smell, remembering the strange animals and the pain.
Strange noises, and strange animals appear. Brother rises and begins to run towards strange animals, a sound like from the sky, hurting ears, and brother falls. I move to help brother but noise come, loud noises, hurting noises, and I turn and run. Settling down I watch the strange animals surround brother. Does not move, blood flows as strange animals feast on brother.
I wait, dark comes and goes. I chase away small animals moving towards brother. I smell, no strange smells, I move. Brother lays still, fur gone, only flesh blood bones. No brother. I turn to go, turn back and eat, feast, finding sex, eating sex, games brother and I played.
I grow, alone, avoiding strange smell, strange animals, I grow. I hunt, sneak, prey, feast, avoiding strange animals, alone.
I grow, sex grows, swells hurts, needs unfilled, not understood, I feast, eating sex, swelling sex, hurting sex.
Water smell draws me near, water smell first in long time. I draw near, strange smell, small strange smell. I sneak and lurk, belly in grass, I move. Strange animal. Small strange animal. No big smells, only little smell, I watch and wait, little animal in water.
Little animal leaves water lays in grass, ears go back, I lurk. Animal in grass lurking, I crawl, belly in grass, animal laying still, prey.
I approach, standing tall. Animal opens eyes and cries, tries to move, I growl, animal cowers, small frightened, helpless, I approach. Smell, small animal smell. Little animal hair on head, none on sex, body white and hairless. Smell, little animal smell.
Prod with nose, little animal cries out. Tongue little animal, salt taste, small smell. Animal cowers, nose prods, sex. Small animal sex, male sex. Tongue grooms sex, little animal sex. Animal cries out, covers sex, nose uncovers, licks sex, salty sex. Little animal sex.
Little animal makes sounds, spreads legs, sex swells, little animal sex swells, tongue licks, small animal sex. Memories flood, animal sex, animal grooming brother's sex, animal grooming my sex. I lick sex, small animal sex, sex swells, salty sex. Imitate big animal grooming, small animal sex in mouth, salty sex. Small animal makes sounds, small sex in mouth, do not eat. Salty sex.
Sex swells, my sex. Sex hurts, my sex. Move sex to small animal to groom, like big animal, memories, animal's mouth, my sex. Animal grunts, moves head. I growl louder, animal cries, move sex to animal's mouth, groom sex.
Small animal cries, my sex, swollen sex, push against mouth, small animal mouth, groom sex. Small animal opens mouth, licks sex, grooms sex, small animal, big animal grooming sex. Animal licks, not in mouth, I move sex to animal mouth, small animal mouth. Mouth opens, small animal mouth, grooms sex, mouth moves on sex. Small animal mouth, memories of big animal mouth, small animal grooms sex, sex swells, sex hurts.
I cry, sex hurts, sex bursts, pleasure, memories of big animal grooming, water rushing into small animal's mouth, small animal makes sounds, struggles, my sex pushes into small animal mouth. Small animal drinks sex, falls back. I sniff, lick, taste, my sex, animals mouth, memories big animal sex, my mouth, brother's mouth, water flowing.
I pull on animal, lead animal, herd animal. My land, my home, my animal. Not eat small animal, small sex, salty sex, my sex, animal's mouth. Dark comes, my mouth small animal sex, my sex small animal's mouth, water comes, animal's mouth, sex fades, does not hurt. Small animal, my animal.
Prey comes, I hunt, animal stays. Animal runs, abandon hunt, catch animal. Animal cries, stays. I hunt. I eat, animal eats, my animal. Dark comes, my sex, animal mouth, my mouth, animal sex, sex swells water comes, small animal sex swells no water comes.
Sleep, small animal cuddles close, small smell. Animal grooms, makes sounds, happy sounds. My animal. Animal grooms me, grooms sex, sex swells, animal mouth my sex, I lay, he grooms. His mouth, my sex, mouth moves, water comes, animal drinks. Animal sleeps. happy animal, small animal.
Light comes, animal sleeps. My animal. I groom, small animal. Bottom up, I sniff, lick bottom, groom animal, my animal. Lick hole, memories flood, big animal, brother's hole, sex in hole. I lick small animal hole, sex swells, small animal hole.
Sex hurts, small animal hole. Sex in hole, memories flood. I move, cover animal, sex to hole, paws holding, animal wakes, small animal cries. My sex, sex hurts. Small animal hole, sex pushes, searches, finds, small animal hole. Sex goes in, animal screams with pain, paws hold, sex moves. Swelled sex, my sex, sex hurts. Sex in hole, animal cries, sex in hole, memories flow, sex moves in and out, animal cries, water comes, fills hole, sex happy. Small animal lays crying, holding hole, small animal hole, sex in hole, happy sex, my small animal hole.
Small animal joins in hunt, small animal, my animal. Smell water, go to drink. Small animal drinks, enters water, plays. My animal, small animal sex, small animal hole. Animal comes out, lays on grass. Nose pokes at hole. Small animal hole, My small hole. Animal cries, sees sex swell, my sex swells, small animal hole. Memories flood.
Animal turns, grooms sex, my sex. My sex swells, small animal mouth grooms sex, small animal mouth moving fast on sex, swells hard. I pull away, prod at small animal hole, my hole, and growl. Small animal cries, I bite softly, small animal crouches, small animal hole. Sniff hole, lick hole, sex in hole, animal cries out, sex into hole, move in and out sex in hole, water comes into hole. Happy sex.
Many lights and darks come, animal hunts, sleeps, grooms. Small animal, my animal. Animal grooms sex, sex in mouth, drinks water. Small animal, hole turned up, sex swells, my sex. little animal hole, water comes, little animal cries, does not fight. Little animal sex swells, my sex in hole, happy animal with sex in his hole.
The Morning Times
Authorities informed us this morning that the missing eight- year-old English boy, Jason Blackstone was found, after having been lost in the jungle for more than a year. The child, naked when he was found, seemingly had gone wild being left alone in the jungle for so long. According to reports, he growled and hissed when surrounded by hunters, acting much like one of the jungle's big cats.
Moments later a cat came charging out of the grasses towards hunters. The cat was shot dead, which sent the child into a fir of rage. He clawed and bit at anyone who tried to get near him. The child sat at the dead cat's body for almost an hour, crying and stroking the cat's body, until he was grabbed by hunters who managed to get close to him.
The child was taken to the local University hospital for treatment and observation. No word on his physical or mental condition was given out by hospital.
"Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone. My name is Inspector Terry. I am afraid that it will be a while longer before you can see your son."
"Yes, he is okay, but more tests have to be run first, and he is still in great shock. Yes, yes, we will call you as soon as you can see him. Cheers."
We have learned a lot about the case of the wild cat boy, Jason Blackstone. What we have learned, however, officials deny. Our sources are people closely associated with the case, and with the University Hospital.
Our sources reported that Jason went totally wild during his stay in the jungle, and other than grunts and growls, seems to have retained no language at all. Stranger yet, is some of the habits which the boy picked up while in the wild, seemingly from his cat friends. The boy totally refuses to wear clothing, and will grow wild if someone attempts to dress him. He spends a great amount of time grooming himself, and is involved in what is termed "excessive" masturbation." What is more odd, is that the child manages to lick and suck his own genitals, part of the reason why he is kept out of sight.
Sources also reported that upon close physical examination, it was found that the anus and rectal area of the child were widened much more than a normal child of his age. Although these sources would not say what the doctors speculated, they assumed that the child was subjected to repeated anal intercourse during his time in the wild.
When questions were raised as to if the native population could have engaged in sodomy with the child during his time in the jungle, the sources said that this was not likely, since he showed an aversion to all human beings, including some of the locals employed at the hospital.
After some further research, and a few well placed bribes, we were able to learn that doctors took samples of fresh semen from the boy's rectum shortly after it were discovered that he had been being sodomized. The results of the tests concluded, without a doubt, that the semen belonged to an animal, one of our big cats in particular.
The news of this discovery sent shock waves through the entire scientific community, that a seven-year-old boy found alone in the jungle by a big cat, was taken in by the cat, and then taken as a mate. The parents, when learning that their son had spent his year in the jungle being boofed by a cat, announced that they did not feel that they could properly take care of the child who was now wild, after his ordeal.
The child remains at the university hospital in the care of the doctors.
It took me many long weeks of casual contact with Jason before he would finally accept me near him. He could only be handled by others after being captured and basically tied down. I showed Jason that I meant no harm, and I never bothered him.
I was so happy the day that he let me close enough to touch him. He tensed when I finally did touch him, and I could feel him tremble with fear, but I soon had him calmed down. What did it was when I took hold of his penis, and gently rubbed it. The child looked at me, got an erection, and leaned up against me, content as I gently masturbated him to climax.
From that day on, he allowed me, and only me to be near him, or to touch him. Whenever something had to be done, I was on hand to take care of it. I got close to the little boy. I would go into his room each night, and masturbate him while he fell to sleep.
One afternoon when I was giving him a bath, Jason stood up, displaying his erection. He moved forward, and I took it between my fingers and fondled it for him. He pulled away, and then pushed his penis towards me again. It took a while for me to understand. The boy wanted me to suck his penis. I had never sucked a boy before, so I was a little reluctant. I saw that he was getting agitated, and so I decided to do it for him. The minute I took him in my mouth, and started sucking, the boy began to purr like a cat. Placing his hands, paw-like, on my head, he held me to him and started intercourse in my mouth. He did this for about three or four minutes, and then he climaxed.
Afterwards I sat at the side of his bed and scratched and rubbed his back and stomach, while he continued to purr. The boy rolled himself up into almost a ball, and sucked his own penis and licked his testicles, looking at me while he did it.
Afterwards Jason laid his head in my lap and started rubbing his face against my genitals. He started biting against my pants, and I had to stop him once or twice when he nipped me. He grew very agitated, and I realized that he wanted me to take my penis out as well. I did not do so. Jason got up on the bed, on his hands and knees, with his bottom end pointing at me, and lowered his head down, assuming a mounting position of cats.
When I did not respond, Jason growled at me and started masturbating himself. I left him to himself and went to my room, a bit put out with his behavior, but strangely excited by it as well. I laid in bed for a while thinking about it, disgusted with myself that I had an erection which would not fade. I finally made my decision, and went back to Jason' s room naked.
Jason woke up at once. When he saw me naked and erect, his own penis grew hard. I went over to the bed, and Jason immediately began licking my erection. Figuring in for a penny, in for a pound, I laid back, and the boy took my erection into his mouth and started sucking it. I had only been sucked off by a few females in my life, but I was sure that the boy did it better than any of them ever had. When I was close to ejaculation, I tried to pull out, but Jason growled, and continued to suck on my penis, and I erupted in his mouth. The child continued to suck, and swallowed everything which was released into his mouth.
I laid, guilt ridden, back in my own bed, thinking of not only had I sucked the boy's penis, but that I had allowed him to suck mine and then swallow my semen. I decided that for his own good, I had to leave him before things got too carried away.
I was awakened by my door opening. I turned to see who it was. I could see his eyes in the dim light, and they shined like a cats. It was the first time that Jason had found his way out of his room, and not only that, he had also opened my door.
The boy came over to my bed, and crawled in with me. First his hands, and then his tongue and mouth found my penis again, and he had me erect in no time. I found myself fondling and then sucking his penis as well.
Jason got up on the bed, on his hands and knees, and presented his bottom to me once again. I absent-mindedly stroke and fondled it, and reached another decision. I got up and went to the bath. Jason growled when I got up. I told him to be quiet and I would be back. The child might have understood me, I am not sure, but he waited for my return. When he saw me enter, he got back onto his hands and knees again, and I spread some hand lotion on his bottom and on my erection.
I pushed forward slowly, thinking that I might hurt him. Jason pushed back up against me, however, and in no time I was inside of him. I had done a few kids in their bums when I was between eleven and thirteen, but I had not done that since then. When k started to move in and out of the boy, and found that it did not hurt him, I abandoned myself to the task which he had set out, and I fucked the child in his ass like I never fucked anyone in my life.
Afterwards I laid with the sleeping child in my arms. I had never had such good sex from anyone in my life, and I had experienced it with an eight-year-old boy. I stroked and petted Jason as he slept, vowing never to sodomize him again. Never did not last very long. In the morning, with the new sun shinning through the window, Jason assumed the position once more, and I got behind him and fucked him once more.
Jason shared my bed each night after that, and each night we sucked each other, and then I fucked his bottom to several climaxes. Jason was not willing to change the position in which I fucked him in for a long time, but eventually he trusted me enough, and I was able to lay on top of him during intercourse, as well as have him in every position I could think about. While laying on top of the child, humping into his rectum, I would growl softly and bite his neck softly. Jason would purr away, a very happy boy.
I took Jason home with me close to the end of his eighth year, and he started living with me. I did little to civilize him, as he would come round if he wished. Jason had his own room, but he seldom stayed there. He slept with me, and we had intercourse several times each night, as well as in the morning.
At eleven, Jason's genitals started to grow, and there were a few small pubic hairs appearing over his penis. One night after I had fucked him soundly for the second time, Jason began to caress and play with my backside. It was the first time that he had done so with such obvious interest. I smiled, realizing that my little boy was growing up.
Wanting to see how he would respond, I got onto my hands and knees, offering my backside to him, and lowering my head, assuming a mating position. Jason jumped up and whimpered for a while, his hands touching me, paw-like.
I felt the boy's noise at my buttocks, and he parted them a little sniffing at me. I jumped when he stuck out his tongue and licked my anus. That was something else that he had never done before. Jason half climbed on my back, and put his hands on my shoulders. He placed his face against my neck, and gently bit some skin. I could feel his erection poking around. Finally he found his mark, and I jumped when he plunged into me straight on, no lubrication, and no patients.
I cried out as his erection stabbed into me, creating a great deal of pain. Even though his penis was not so big, it was the first one in my backside since I was a child, and he was doing it dry. Jason bit down on me a little harder, and held me firm with his hands. The child began his first intercourse, and he did not want to have to stop it for anything.
The pain soon passed, and a feeling of pleasure passed over me as the young boy continued to move his penis in and out of me. He gained a lot of speed and force before he finally pushed up hard against me and with a little cry, had his orgasm inside of me.
I cuddled and kissed the boy afterwards, as he laid panting against my chest. Jason allowed me to kiss him on the mouth for the first time that night, and he opened his mouth when I poked with my tongue, and allowed me to teach him how to kiss.
Jason and I took turns after that fucking each other. It was a new thing for him to be both the fucker and fuckee, but he adopted to it quite well. Every time we had sex, it was like the first time. I was totally in love with the soon to be twelve- year-old boy.
Shortly after Jason's birthday, more signs of physical maturity were appearing. His testicles dropped more and grew larger. His penis also grew a little larger and fatter, and a few more hairs appeared. I studied him closely in bed that night, realizing that it would not be long before he came for the first time.
I decided to do a nightly test. Laying Jason back, I sucked his penis through orgasm to test for any wetness. Jason was impatient through all of this. He wanted to fuck me, like I did him, but he endured, knowing that he would get his chance before the night was over.
About a week after we started out nightly suck, Jason's dam broke, and he shot his first seed in my mouth. He had an orgasm to beat all orgasms, and he looked down at me with a surprised look on his face, realizing that he had cum. I opened my mouth a little, showing him his first cum, and then swallowed quickly before he tried to get it back. That was a good move, because he was angry that I swallowed it.
The boy looked all around in my mouth trying to see his cum. I kissed him, swapping tongues as usual, and his eyes lit up when he tasted cum in my mouth that was not mine. Awhile later, I laid him back down and masturbated him to climax. The boy watched, wide eyed, as his erection spurt forth a fairly nice jet of semen onto his body. Jason played with his cum quite happily, looking over at me with a smile as he did so. My little boy was very happy that he could cum.
Later that night I was treated to a sight that not many men are treated to. I watched as my lover bent himself, took his penis into his mouth, and sucked himself to climax. I watched as his cheeks bulged when he came, and then as he played the cum around in his mouth. He was one happy boy.
When Jason fucked me, later that night, he had me paying full attention again. I had grown use to his erection inside of me, but somehow now that he could cum, he seemed huge, and I grunted a lot in tune with him while he banged wildly inside of me.
At fourteen, Jason was quite the young man. He was still very boyish in appearance, but he was a well developed boy. He had a nice size dick, a full crop of pubic hair, and testicles that could produce a seemingly endless supply of semen.
Jason still loved sex, perhaps more than anything, and our nights were filled with passionate love making. He learned that the days were for work and other things, unless we took a "nap" at midday, when we would fool around. The boy seemed content with that. At night, having waited all day, he was one horny boy.
From the first time that I put my penis inside of Jason, I had whispered words of love into his ear as I was fucking him. While I fucked him I would tell him how much I enjoyed it, how nice and pretty of a boy he was, and how nice his ass was. Afterwards as he laid in my arms, freshly fucked, I would whisper, "I love you Jason."
During the six years that we had been making love, Jason never muttered a single word. He understood what I told him, that was tested, and he found his own special way, with grunts cries and facial expressions to communicate with me. It was as if we had developed out own special language, and indeed it was, I could understand him as well as if he were pouring his heart out to me.
Jason and I never fought, and he never really grew mad. He would be frustrated now and then, but he would cuddle up after such a bout, seeking forgiveness.
Every once in a while Jason would slip off for an hour or two, and head off to his old home. I discussed this, telling him to be careful. I had talked him into wearing a pair of short pants when outside, and when guests were around. When he were alone, he stayed naked. When he went off by himself, we also went naked, or got naked when he was out, dressing in his shorts when he was ready t o come home again.
Jason came home from one of his adventures scratched up. When I examined him, I found the wounds were fairly bad. I cleaned and dressed them, and fretted over him while he healed. I found bite marks on his body, especially on his neck, and knew that he had tangled with a big cat. I wondered about the bitten neck, but did not ask. I wondered if Jason was being humped by an aggressive cat. I certainly could not tell. We had fucked long enough for his anus to be stretched out, so that would not tell. I also deposited sperm in him morning and night, and so sperm in his butt was no indication.
I asked Jason to be careful when he went out. He came home scratched up now and again, but never again as bad as that one time. One night as we laid together in bed, I smelled cat. I knew for sure that he was with them, and knowing him, he was being fucked by them, or fucking them. I was a little jealous at first, but then realized I was being stupid. Jason left over night one of the times that I was jealous, and came slinking home the next day. He perked up when I hugged and kissed him.
Early one morning Jason woke me up by sucking me. I smiled and made a joke about him always being horny. I took my turn sucking him when he had finished me, enjoying as always him shooting his semen in my mouth.
I fucked Jason in his favorite position, whispering away as I always did as I fucked him. He bumped and ground against me while I fucked him, purring as I bit his neck. Afterwards I told him I loved him again, and he turned his head towards me and we kissed long and hard.
Jason grunted, and stood on his knees, showing me his hard- on. That meant that it was Jason's turn to fuck. I smiled at him and said, "All right, all ready. Don't bite me, I'm doing it." That was another joke, at which Jason usually play bit me in response. He did not do it, which caused me to look around at him. I swore that he was blushing, which would have been a first for him.
I got into position and Jason got over me. Instead of crawling onto my back as he usually did, he pushed down on me so that I laid on the bed. Jason would never fuck me in any position other than on my knees, even though he allowed me to fuck him anyway I liked. It was a surprise to find him wanting to take me like that.
My next surprise came when Jason parted my butt, and started rimming me. He had licked my butt a few times in the past, but he never rimmed me. Jason rimmed me as well, if not better than I usually did to him. I was in for a special treat, but yet it bothered me somehow.
Jason got on top of me and got inside. He laid on top of me and moved around a little, and then pushed up on his arms and fucked me. I was not only surprised, I was flattered that he was mimicking how I fucked him.
Jason laid back down on me and started to fuck me in earnest. He started to grunt when he did so, but the grunts were unfamiliar. It took a few minutes until I recognized them. Jason was forming words. They were shaky and garbled, but they were words. The last word he mumbled as he dove inside of me and came, was "nice ass."
I laid under Jason crying, as his chest heaved up and down on my back with labored breaths. I cried like a baby. Jason stayed on top of me for a long while, making other noises. I knew that he was trying to form new words. I knew what they would be, and what they meant.
Jason moved his face close to my ear, as I did after I fucked him , and almost as clearly as I had said to him the past six years, he whispered, "I love you Bobby." Jason pulled out a moment later, and I felt him get up off the bed. He went to his room, and returned with his short pants. I watched, tears running down my face, as he neatly folded the shorts and set them down on the bed. I jumped up and hugged him and he hugged and kissed back. Please don't go was all that I could mutter. When he moved towards the door I moved towards him. He stopped and growled. I stopped. It was a gentle growl, but I knew that he meant business if I persisted.
I slept alone for the next two weeks, crying myself to sleep holding his shorts. My baby had grown up and had left me to return to his home, and to his own kind. My days were passed looking out to the jungle, trying to spot Jason.
About two months later Jason came home for a night. After a much needed bath, he climbed back into bed with me and we made love until dawn. I fell to sleep and in the morning he was gone. He repeated that several more times, and then I did not see him again, until one day he appeared at the edge of my land. With him was a female cat, and a pair of twin male cats, about two months old.
Logic told me that it was impossible for Jason to have babies with a cat, but my heart told me otherwise. The female was nervous, and the youngsters were curious. Jason held the female at bay, and the little cats came shyly forward, urged on by their father. I picked up and played with the little guys, feeling like a grand parent. They were beautiful. Jason called the little cats back, and they scampered away. Jason moved forward a little, smiling. He had brought his family to meet me, a real act of love on his part. Before Jason went back into the jungle, I called out "I love you Jason." The once boy turned and looked back at me. I could see tears in his eyes before he turned and headed back into the jungle.
My health was fading fast. I would forget things, and often would forget to bathe or eat for several days running. Finally one day I made up my mind. Stripping out of my clothes, I walked into the jungle. If I were going to die, I wanted it to be there, no place else.
I walked until I could not walk anymore. I fell and stayed where I had landed. A long time passed before I heard anything, and it was the sound of snorting, the sounds of cats. I could barely turn my head, but I finally managed to look behind me. Into the clearing walked two young cats. They looked to be about a year old. I was sure that they were now on their own, they looked to be that age.
I smiled to myself, saying that if I had to die, it should be that way. I felt the cats draw near, and begin to sniff at my body. One of them started sniffing at my butt, and the other came closer to check it out as well. I held my breath as I felt one of the twins climb over me. It was not until his paws rested on my shoulder that I was sure of what he was up to. A moment later I felt it. His erection was prodding at me. I laid there helplessly as the young cat entered and then fucked me. I could not stop him, not that I would have. No sooner than he had shot his load inside of me, his brother climbed on and took his turn.
I felt certain, as I felt the cat's penis slam in and out of me, that they were Jason's sons. I could not have been happier, thinking that my lovers children were using me as their father had done when he was younger. As the cat pulled away from me, I managed to gather enough breath to whisper, "I love you guys, and your daddy."
My words panicked the cats, and they jumped as if I had poked them in their butts as well. The one that had fucked me first lunged for my throat and caught it in his teeth. I felt him begin to sink his teeth in, just as his brother's teeth found my genitals and bit down on them. The pain had left me at that point, there was only a feeling of peace and happiness.
I looked the cat in the eyes as he continued his death grip on my neck, and smiled. They were Jason's eyes. The young cat shook his head once again, and I blacked out. When I opened my eyes again, it was if I were in a dream world. There in front of me was my little Jason, my little naked eight-year-old Jason, running towards me, his erection waving around in front of him. I closed my eyes and opened them, and was still there closing in on me. I began to run towards him, and caught him in mid air.
I laid with my little boy, my lover, implanted deep inside his young body, stroking his hairless erection as I slid in and out of him, thanking my God or his for allowing me these final moments with my child.
The sex was as good as it always had been, and tears dripped from my eyes as my baby talked to me while I fucked him, telling me what a nice ass he had, and asking me if I loved him. When darkness came, and then the light, brighter than any I had ever seen, I was ready. I knew that somewhere out there Jason was waiting, and if he wasn't, I would wait for him, for as long as it took.
Deep in the jungle the cat moved quietly, aware of the smell, which brought back memories to him. He crawled along on his belly, until he reached the edge of the water. There playing naked was a brown skinned naked boy of seven years. The cat watched the child as he jumped up and down in the water, his little sex bouncing around.
The cat watched the child's buttocks as they clenched and unclenched as his body moved. Silently the cat crept closer, an eerie smile on his face, almost human. The child turned to see the cat there in front of him, and stood still as he was taught to do. The cat sniffed the boy's body, tongue flicking out now and then to taste the salt. The cat licked the child's penis, and smiled again. The child thought it odd, until he looked down and saw the cat's erection, and then he knew. The tales were still told in the villages about the boy that was taken as a mate by the big cats.
The little boy had not believed the tales until that moment, when he was face to face with a big cat with a hard penis. The child, shaking with fear got down on his hands and knees, and lowering his head close to the ground, presented his backside to the cat. The tales which he had been told were graphic, and he knew what was expected of him.
The cat circled the child a few times, stopping now and then to sniff at his young anus. The cat stopped on his next circle around the child, and the boy felt the cat's heavy paws on his shoulders. The cat moved forward, and the child screamed as the cat's erection penetrated his anus.
The scream could be heard for miles.
Jason, laying at the base of a large tree, lifted his head a moment, and listened to the scream of the child. He knew, without being there, that it was his son, and that he had found his boy. Jason smiled, as he laid his head back down on the ground and closed his eyes for the last time. His tired body drew its last breath of air, and then all was quiet, except for the grunts and cries of the child off in the distance.
Jason opened his eyes, and looked down at his body. He was young again, a little boy. His naked erection was bobbing out in front of him as he ran forward. Jason concentrated in front of him, and saw Bobby standing their with his arms out waiting for him. Bobby was young, like he had been when they met. Bobby was also naked and he was hard.
Bobby caught Jason mid air and pulled him down to the ground, biting softly on his neck, sliding his erection into his little body. As Bobby fucked Jason's little boy bottom, he growled and clicked the words of the cat, and tears filled Jason's eyes, as semen filled his body. Jason had learned to talk to him in his own language.
When all turned dark, and a light appeared which was brighter than any that he had ever seen, hurting his eyes, and making him stand ready to attack, Jason was not afraid any more. He could sense that in that light stood Bobby, he could sense it, he could smell it. Jason ran into the light, wanting more than anything to be with his lover once again.
The boy laid next to the cat, sucking like a baby on the animals erection. He was happy that he pleased the cat, and licked the cat's fluids from his lips. As the cat mounted the little boy's body, once again finding his mark, a laughter filled the jungle, disguised as the wind and the birds, and the trees. The lovers laughed as they watched the youngsters beginning their lives.
The end
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