Archive-name: rocky

From: (...Mercury....)

Subject: Rocky (boy/dog) 1/1


Once, many summers ago, George, our nextdoor neighbor put up a tent in his backyard. He was the father of two children that I babysat for. He said he wanted to air it out. I was about 13. A few months previously George got a German shepherd pup, Rocky. Rocky was about 10 months old. He lived in a doghouse about 15 feet away from the tent. There was also Lenny. Everyone was talking about Lenny jacking-off dogs. He never denied it -- to everyone's surprise he defended it. I can't remember the reasoning, but it was special. I knew there was no defense for it -- he was a pervert.

Let's see what we have. A boy, a dog, a tent, and an idea. My big brother and I slept in the tent together for about a week. He was staying at a friend's house one night so I stayed in the tent alone. I don't know exactly when the idea of masturbating Rocky came into my mind but I suddenly found myself kneeling beside a sleeping Rocky. I pet him and crooned to him as he lay there, eyes open and tail thumping. I pet him on the head and down his flanks, speaking softly as I did so. I stroked his smooth belly and found his Cockskin. I began to stroke it like I liked to stroke my own meat. I could see the head begin to peek out of its sheath. I continued to stroke and felt for the first time the knob every dog has behind its stiffened dick. Rocky's back arched and he began to hump into my hand. With him humping and me stroking it wasn't long before he began squirting. The liquid was thin and watery, not like my sperm at all. There was a lot of it. I petted Rocky until he lay down again. I went back to the tent. I did this every night until school started, some-times even with my brother sleeping next to me in the tent. You can laugh, but Rocky and I became lovers. This is how it was: When I'd walk into George's yard Rocky would see me. If I walked directly up to him he would already have a hard-on. If I pointed my finger at him from across the yard he knew I wasn't going to do anything and he'd lay down again. I wonder if you can imagine how it felt to know I wasn't taking advantage of a dumb brute. I mean, if he was hard before I touched him it must have meant he liked it as much as I did. Right? It really thrilled me when I'd kneel down and feel a hardening knot already there. I knew he liked it.

He would sometimes lick my face a time or two while I jacked him off. There was an abandoned house next to George's. It was three stories high and had a huge back porch. Just off the porch was a pantry. Rocky and I played there often. I'd give a soft whistle while hidden from George's house and when Rocky would see me & all I'd have to do was pat my thigh and he'd come running. I'd pet him for a few minutes and then get down to business. My pants would be down and I'd stroke myself off as I stroked Rocky. Once Rocky compliantly lay still in the tall grass surrounding that house while I fucked my cock along the warm skin of his belly. I came all over him and he came shortly thereafter. Several times I would let him mount me and the feel of his cock pushing all around my asshole would make me cum spontaneously. He never entered me but he always came, squirting his come between my legs and on my ass.

One fall afternoon when I knew I would be alone for a long time I sneaked Rocky into my mom and dad's house. I brought him into the bathroom, the only room with a lock on the door. I took off my pants and shoes and turned to Rocky. He was already getting hard and it took only a few strokes of my hand to get him really hard. I knelt over the bathtub and Rocky readily mounted me, his feet not just draped over my back, but gripping my waist and pulling as he tried to thrust his cock into me. For the first time I reached between my legs and aimed his cock right at my virgin hole, helping him to find his way into me. He found his way in, all right. That big cock of his rammed right into me

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Last modified (12/24/96 14:24:21) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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