From: (John Mann)
Subject: 1st time Nina & Tanya
Keywords: (ff)
Standard Disclaimer-The following story contains GRAPHIC sexual descriptions between two consenting adults (ff). If you find this type of material offensive, please do not read it. If you are under 18, do not read it. The characters in this story are not intended to represent any person living or dead.
**Authors note.--I have had some problems with my line length. A lot of the stories got cut off. I am going to try to correct this by only using 60 characters per line. When I look at the story, it is fine on my home system, so this will be longer, and thinner<<????? ok. any probs let me know.
Nina & Tanya first time (ff)
This story idea arose from an e-mail request. It is intended to depict when the two girls had sex with one another for the 1st time. If you want a copy of the rest of the 'series' let me know. I can not guarantee how they will turn out on your screen i.e. the note above. Well enough of my mindless bull shit. here ya go. love it or hate it.
Tanya sat alone in her new place just staring at the wall. Her
graduation had been ok, to her thinking. The apartment she now had
was a real nice gesture, and she was thankful for it. Tanya was going
through some mental troubles with her sexuality. All was fine when it
came to boys, and she was satisfied with the relationships she'd had
before now. The thing she kept turning in her mind regarded Nina. Her
best friend since the 8th grade. The two girls were quite close, only
one year difference in age, and Nina was out of school sooner. Tanya
knew she could talk to her friend about almost anything but this was
some how different in her eyes. She felt a love for Nina. More than
the sisterly type love, more on a sexual need basis. She began to
feel dirty, and guilty about all the times they were together and
she fantasized about making love with her. Tanya had spent much time
masturbating and thinking of Nina, naked and enjoying it. NO, she could
take any more. When Nina came over in the morning she would confront
her feelings, even if it meant termination of the friendship. With
that last thought out her mind, she slid the crotch of her panties
to one side and began to rub her clit while moaning Nina's name softly
to her self. She then removed her bra and pinched her nipple with
her free hand. Closing her eyes, she moved her hips with the rhythm
of her hand. She was visualizing her friend doing these things to her.
When She felt her climax begin, she moved the hand on her breast to
her outer pussy lips, then slid three of them deep into her hot
hole. As her orgasm came into full force, she shook and shuddered.
The knock at the door she had been yearning for all morning, came
at last. She was wearing only a skimpy pair of white briefs, and a
bra as she let Nina in. Nina was wearing a pair of jogging shorts,
T-shirt, and a pair of running shoes. Nina went straight to the shower,
as this was her normal routine. She would jog to Tanya's place every
Sat., shower, then the two would go out for breakfast. Tanya had other
ideas for the morning though. She went to the kitchen and started to
make breakfast for them. When Nina came from the shower, she had her
hair up in a towel, and was wearing sweat pants, and a tube top.
"What 'cha doing babe?" Nina asked
"Um, I have some things I want to talk to you about. They are kinda
private, and I thought we could eat here and talk. If that's ok?"
Nina had an honest look of concern as she went to Tanya and reassuringly
said "Yea, sure. I have no problem with that. Is every thing ok hun?"
Tanya was trying to keep her composure as she spoke with a slight twinge
of anxiety in her voice. "Yes, I just have some questions I would like
to ask you over breakfast."
Nina agreed to save the conversation 'till the food was ready and they
could sit down and chat. Nina helped put the finishing touches on the
Once at the table, and with Breakfast almost gone Nina bluntly spoke
out. "Ok, so now tell me, what is eating you?"
Tanya had wished she used other words, and with apprehension went ahead.
"Um, ok. Um, yea. Nina, I want you to wait until I am completely finished
with what I want to say before you respond, aright?"
Nina was beginning to get more and more nervous, but agreed to the terms
her friend layed out.
Tanya then spoke out as calmly and clearly as she could. "Nina, I have
known you for a long time now. The first thing I want to say is, I find
you very attractive. I know this sound weird, but I have to get it off
my chest. Please don't hate me, or be offended by what I say next"
Tanya cleared her throat, and proceeded with her sermon. "Nina, I think
you are very beautiful, and have thought how nice it would be if we could
get to know each other better. What I mean is, um....well..." Tanya was
almost shaking by this time in the conversation, but went straight in
for the kill. "Well, here goes nothing. Nina, I want to fuck you. I have
wanted to have sex with you for the past year. I still like guys and
all, I just want to try some thing new. You are the only one I feel
close enough with to even make such a request. If you don't want to,
fine but please don't hate me." When the young red head was done, she began
to sob a little. Nina immediately went to comfort her.
"Hey, relax, I don't hate you. What kind of friend would I be if you
could not tell me every thing."
Tanya looked up and spoke softly, "You mean I didn't gross you out or
any thing then?"
"No, not at all. I mean, I have had the same thoughts, but never the
courage to come out and say it like you!!"
Nina had her arms around Tanya gently stroking her hair. Tanya felt safe
in the sanctuary of her arms. Nina bent down and whispered into her
ear "would it be ok if I kissed you sweety?"
Tanya looked up and nodded her head in agreement.
The two decided to move to the couch and get comfortable.
Once on the couch, Nina eased her partner down first, then climbed
on top and straddled her. She pulled Tanya's head to her and kissed the
top, while massaging her shoulders. Tanya begna to relax as her friend
continued to kiss, and rub her. With Nina and Tanya both comfortable with
the situation, They began to slowly undress one another, taking time to
marvel each new taste, and sensation. Tanya moved her hands up and slid
Nina's top off over her head exposing the full size of her breasts
and erect nubs. With her top now off, She sucked one of Nina's large rosy
nipples into her mouth and niped it with her front teeth.
"MMhhhhmmm baby, just like that, now slip your hand down between my legs."
Obeying Nina's plea, she slowly worked her palm down to crotch of her
pants. "Here, let me take these off." Nina suggested, then stood, removed
her pants, then promptly returned to her prior position. Tanya was a bit
surprised that Nina had no panties on, but she now realized there were now no
more abstacles. She moved her fingers around the hood that hid Nina's clit,
then spoke "You need a shave babe."
Nina looked down at her and said, "MMMMHHHHMMMMMM Do you wanna shave me?"
"Yes, then you can you shave me"
With that the two headed to the bathroom.
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