From: (asulykit)
Subject: My Lovely Roommate (f/f)
This is the one and only time I will post this story. Hope you enjoy it. Please do not e-mail me. I won't respond. Thanks.
Hey, I've just got to tell you about my roommate, Marie. What a lady--and what a lay! Soft, sweet, succulent womanhood. You'd never guess she's gay if you saw her on the street. By day, she's the picture of a modern business woman. Straight, professional, and no-nonsense about it. But when we get between the sheets at night, well...
Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself. You probably want to hear about how I first got my hands on her luscious body...and what we did next. Well, you're in luck; I'm in a story-telling mood tonight.
You see, we'd known each other back in college and kind of kept in touch after graduation. When Marie got a job in Seattle, I offered her the chance to move into the spare bedroom in the house I rent. No ulterior motive. We were friends. The fact that I had always lusted after Marie's firm, healthy body and then suddenly having the chance to have that beautiful woman in my house--all to myself--had nothing to do with it... Yeah, sure, all right--I'm a liar. But she didn't seem to know about my feelings; or, at least she had never let on that she did!
I've got a decent-sized place, so there's plenty of space for the two of us. Once Marie had moved all the way in, life got into kind of a rhythm: get up, go to work, come home after dinner out and watch TV or listen to music. Sometimes she or I go out for a movie or meet with some friends, but we're mostly homebodies.
We're pretty casual around the house. In fact, Marie is in the habit of tossing off her work outfit as soon as she gets home and usually spends the rest of the night walking around in a t-shirt and panties. It didn't take me long to adopt similar attire--partly because it's damn comfortable to walk around nearly half-naked. And sexy, too. Also, I certainly didn't want to discourage Marie out of the show she (maybe unwittingly) was putting on for me. I love watching her prance around the room, her wavy brown hair tumbling down over her shoulders as her tight buns flex back and forth in two smooth curves beneath her stretchy cotton underwear... it's downright distracting, I tell you.
I guess my interest must have showed, too, because Marie picked up on it. She's known since our college days that I'm more interested in girls than guys. That never seemed to bother her, but I never thought she was into making it with other women. A girl can always hope, though! And as we went on living together, day by day, night by night, it seemed like there might be some hope that my dream might be finally realized.
You see, at first we'd sit politely far apart when we watched TV--one of us on the couch and the other in the easy chair. After a while, though, we got more comfortable around each other and began sharing the couch. It was nice to have her close like that. On occasion, I'd let my arm or leg casually slide over to touch her body. She wouldn't move away, but I didn't go any further, either. I didn't want to push my luck too fast. But there were times--during especially tense parts of a movie or something--that Marie would put her hand on my leg, or I'd put my arm around her shoulder, or we'd even hold hands to reassure each other.
Having a pretty woman like Marie in the house made me want to look my best, too, so I took up jogging again. She jogs in the morning, but I can't get up and run that early. I'm in good shape, don't get me wrong. Plenty of heads turn when I pass by a group of guys (and I always feel a thrill when I catch the gals looking, too). I'm good looking and healthy--I just want to keep it that way.
Well, anyway, one day after an evening jog I came back to the house and heard a familiar sound through the door. Instead of opening it, I got quiet and listened. The sound of ecstatic moans and gasps drifted out into the doorway and I recognized them immediately. Sure enough, someone was playing one of the erotic video tapes that I keep in my room. There's only girl/girl scenes on those tapes, you see, so I keep them out of sight. I suddenly realized that Marie must have found them and put one in the VCR!
I didn't want to embarass my roommate by barging in on her, so I took another run around the block. Finally I had to come in, though, so I made a bunch of noise fumbling around on the porch to let her know I was coming back. When I got inside the TV was off and Marie was perched on the couch with her arms around her knees.
"How was the jog?" she said, just a little too loudly, obviously startled at my return.
"Oh, just fine," I replied, standing there in my sweaty sports bra and shorts. Marie seemed nervous or uncomfortable and I wanted to give her some space. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. While I was inside I heard Marie eject the tape from the VCR and walk by the bathroom door, down the hall to the bedrooms. 'Covering your tracks, huh?' I thought to myself. But I didn't say anything. No reason to embarass her about her desires; if Marie likes lesbians, well, that's the very thing I had been hoping for!
When I got out of the shower Marie was back on the couch. She'd changed her panties, I noticed ('must have gotten turned on--a wet pussy is a good sign!'). As I walked by the couch I couldn't resist reaching out to touch her shoulder and run my finger coyly along and up her neck.
"What've you been up to?" I asked, innocently.
"Nothing much," she replied. That was it. She wasn't going to say anything about what she'd been doing and I decided that was fine. All in good time.
I didn't have to wait long, it turned out. Just that Friday night, as I was getting ready to go out for my run, Marie came back from work, quickly changed into a lavender chemise and lace panties, poured herself a glass of wine and sat down on the couch.
"Starting early tonight, huh?" I said.
"I'm just in the mood. See you when you get back." She seemed anxious for me to go, and I knew why--she wanted to watch the tapes of those lusty ladies making love to each other on video.
I couldn't resisy a sly smile, "Have a good time," I said as I left. 'I know you will!' I thought to myself.
It was a warm, humid night and the sultry air felt as though it was caressing my skin as I ran. It was sensuous, and I got excited about getting back home. Thinking about what Marie must be up to was turning me on. My nipples began to stand up on my bouncing breasts as I imagined her back on the couch, fingering her pussy while she gazed at the lesbian video sex show. My own twat was getting warm now, partly from the exercise but mostly from anticipation of how hot Marie would be when I got back to the house.
'This has got to be the night that we finally get it on,' I thought to myself. It was the perfect time of the month for both of us (one advantage of living together--I learned that our periods are pretty much in synch). Marie would have worked herself up to a fever pitch by now, I figured and I couldn't wait any longer. Cutting my jog short by five minutes, I turned and headed for home.
I made my usual noisy entrance and found Marie sprawled on the couch. Although the TV was off, the VCR light was on. I had guessed right. A bottle of wine was on the table now--half empty. Marie looked up at me with a naughty look in her eyes. Her shapely legs were crossed and her tossled top gave me a good view of her cleavage.
"Hi," she said, staring at me with a smoldering look in her eyes that I'd never seen before.
"Hello... You look comfortable," I replied as I stood in front of her. My muscles tingled from the run. I felt like a hot Amazon, facing her there with my hands on my hips.
"Mmmm. Feeling good," Marie purred, shifting her body directly toward me and letting her legs slide apart to reveal a panty-covered twat. She seemed ready to do it. I was tempted to jump on her right then and there, but I wanted to wash up first.
"I'm going to jump in the shower."
Marie's reply confirmed my fondest hopes, "Don't be away too long," she said with an inviting smile.
"I won't, babe. You can count on that"
After washing up, I pulled on some sleek, high-cut bikini panties and a risque half tank top that teasingly showed off the bottom of my breasts. I got back to the living room as quick as I could, grabbed a glass and poured some wine as I sat down on the couch next to her. Marie sidled up next to me and cuddled. She was a bit tipsy; but she seemed determined, too.
"I have a confession to make," she said, lowering her eyes.I was hoping that she liked what she saw as she stared down at my lap.
"I...I've been watching your videos," she said. "You know, the ones with the women... the ones you keep in your room?" Marie looked up at me as she said this, her thin eyebrows raised high as her eyes pleaded with mine to be understanding. I was only too happy to accomodate.
"Hey, that's fine, honey," I said reassuringly, reaching over to touch her cheek softly. "They're there for the taking. I only keep them in my room because I didn't want to offend you."
"They don't offend me...," she said. Her voice trailed off as the sexual tension between us began to build. Our eyes were locked on each other. The scent of Marie's musky perfume mixed with mine as our bodies drew closer together. The room seemed to be getting warmer, and I was sure we both knew what was coming next.
"The videos don't offend me; they turn me on," Marie breathed as she placed her hand on my leg and slid it slowly up along the inside of my thigh.
It felt marvelous to have her touch me there, less than a foot from my now-tingling pussy.There was no longer any question of holding back. She wanted it--now. I ran my hand back from her cheek to cup her neck and pulled her face to mine. Marie's eyelids closed as our lips met. It was our first kiss ever, and it was wonderful. The touch of her lips gave me a magic feeling that seemed to bring back everything I had ever thought about this lovely lady: how I had wanted her, longed to hold her, how much I cared for her, and how sexy she was--especially now. My heart welled up with emotion and, just at that moment, our mouths opened as one.
Marie's tounge slipped through my lips and met my own in a loving caress. At first we frenched slowly, but soon the improbably wet fire of our lust ignited in mutual passion. Our lips opened wide to accomodate the love-play of our toungues, which began to move faster and faster against each other. I felt her run her hands up my belly to touch my tits under my shirt. It was heavenly. Only a woman really knows how to hold them. 'Only a woman...' I thought happily.
Suddenly, I felt a powerful butch impulse rush through me. Grasping her head gently but firmly, I pulled Marie's lips hard down on mine and tensed my toungue into a firm cone. I began to fuck her mouth with it as if I was fucking her cunt. Marie surrendered gratefully under the onslaught as I repeatedly impaled her mouth with the hot, sodden tongue-piston and she began to lay back on the couch, wrapping her arms around my torso and drawing me down with her.
Like leaves in Autumn, I fell down softly upon her lovely reclining figure--first the strands of my hair made contact, then my pointing breasts, then my arms, my hips, till finally I lay full upon her. The thrusts of my tounge slowed as I started to grind my pussy over her thigh. With each pump I felt myself getting damper. Marie began to take control now. Her toungue was now the agressor, licking and probing my waiting mouth. Meanwhile, she reached up around and grasped my butt in her fingers, raising her thigh even harder into my crotch.
Oh, it felt so good to have her hold me like that, her hands kneading my ass as we rocked back and forth together on the couch. It felt so good to finally be able to physically express my lust for Marie and to feel her so lovingly reciprocate. I knew she felt the same way... our hearts were open to each other and the love flowing between us was powerfully real.
Since then, we havn't done much but spend time with each other. But that's a story for another day...
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