Archive-name: my-life-as-dog-2

From: (Owned)

Subject: My Life As a Dog part 2


From: Owned <> Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 14:46:11 -0500
The following fantasy involves Owner / Pet role playing,
bi sexual activities, mindcontrol and assorted other
fetishes. I am interested in comments and reaction to
this story. If favorably received, I will continue with
more chapters.

My Life As a Dog
Chapter 2

by Owned

I am one of those people who can endlessly debate the
pros and cons over a decision with their inner voice. I
had just made the decision of my life. Was it a good
decision or a bad one?

I had just agreed to trade a year of my life for an
opportunity to take part in a major study of human
behavior. Well, actually that isn't the reason I am doing
it. The $100,000 payment at the end of the year is
certainly attractive, but that wasn't my primary
motivation. I would be working every day with Gary. I
and half the coeds on campus had been fantasizing about
after class liaisons with him since he came to this school.
This was close to the mark, I couldn't count how many
times I masturbated to images of Gary and me with our
loins locked together. My real motivation was an
intellectual and emotional fascination with the
relationship between a pet and its owner.

I had agreed to live my life for the next year as a DOG. I
would be a dog, a lab animal and a pet. Just thinking
about this would reliably send an electric charge from
my brain to my cunt and back again. How did I know
that I had made the right decision? As I left that fateful
meeting when I agreed to take part, I was flushed and
feeling more than a bit light headed. Soft shudders were
running through my body as I thought about my
decision. Less than a block from his office, I had to sit on
a bench or risk falling down. I was pressing my hands
against my dripping cunt through my jeans to try to
quell the lightning bolts running up and down my spine.
It didn't work. Before I knew what had come over me I
experienced a shattering orgasm. Sitting there in public,
fully dressed, and with no more stimulation than my
commitment to live as a canine bitch for the next year I
had the biggest orgasm of my life. Wow, if I needed
confirmation that I had made the right decision, I guess
that my orgasm was it!

I sat there dazed for another ten minutes before
continuing my walk back to the dorm room. I had a long
list of arrangements that I had to make in the next week
before I began the experiment. I had been preparing for
the start of the fall semester. All of those plans would
have to be changed. Gary had been very thorough and
left me detailed arrangements for nearly every

I visited the school registrar and informed her that I
would be taking the next year off. All of the classes that
I had signed up for would have to be taken next year.

The next visit was to give up my dorm room and dinning
hall pass. I would not get full credit since it was so close
to the beginning of school, but the project grant would
provide funds to cover that.

I would have to move out of the dorm room and put all of
my stuff in storage. Gary had rented me a storage bin at
a local U-store-it facility. I felt that I was starting a
significant new chapter in my life. Rather than store all
of my belongings, I decided to give away or sell what I
could. I wanted to start my new life clean without ties to
the past. What made it to the storage bin was primarily
clothes that no one else would want second hand. My
stereo and most other possessions found good homes with
my roommate and others.

Gary instructed me to talk about my coming role in the
behavior experiment with my roommate and other
friends. He reminded me that my role would be very
public once the program started. He reasoned that the
sooner I dealt with that openly the better. My roommate,
Sally, progressively went through the emotions of shock,
disbelief, horror, pity and curiosity. Yes, after a dusk to
dawn emotional encounter she began to understand my
need to live out my canine fantasy. Apparently she had
a few fantasies of her own, but lacked the courage or
opportunity to live them out. One of those fantasies
turned out to involve a romantic interest in me. By
dawn, we had fully explored the latent bisexual urges in
both of us. This aspect of my sexuality was a revelation
to me. However, after admitting my need to be treated
as a pet, being bi should not have been much of a shock.

Sally and I took a short nap in each others arms before
we had to attend to the demands of the next day. I was
emotionally drained. I had told her of my long time
interest in dogs, my daydreams about Gary, my
submissive sexual fantasies, and the coming experiment
where I would become a dog. I woke up about 10:00 am
opening my eyes to see Sally gazing thoughtfully at me.
She explained that she was thinking about all that we
had talked about last night. As I was rising, she asked
to see the collar that I would be wearing. I proudly
showed her the finely crafted piece of leather and metal.

The collar is about 1 1/2 inches wide. The leather is
thick but pliable as only the highest quality leather can
be. Feeling the collar, Sally realized that sandwiched
between the layers of leather is a band of surgical steel.
It is beautifully tooled with a geometric design that
circles the entire collar. The back of the collar is almost
seamlessly joined by a flush stainless steel lock. The
front of the collar includes a post and a hinged steel ring.
On one side is a blank steel name plate waiting for an
engraver's tools. Sally asked about the thicker area on
the other side of the collar. I told her about the
embedded electronics and the remote control box. She
asked if this was like the electronic collar and fence
systems that have become popular with widespread
leash laws.

Sally turned the collar over and over in her hands, then
held it up to my neck. She asked me why I wasn't
wearing my collar? I had admitted to her last night that
I had been told to be as open as possible about my new
status as a participant in the experiment. I didn't have a
good answer for her. With a sly smile Sally pulled me
down to my knees in front of her. She took my head in
both hands, leaned over and gave me one of the hottest
kisses I can remember. When we got our tongues
untangled, she announced that she would help me with
my transition. Before I knew it, she had locked the collar
on my neck. It was already warm from her handling of
it. It fit me snugly as expected and would be a constant
reminder to keep my chin up.

I was an emotional wreck once again. My face was flush
and I knew that I was on the edge of coming
spontaneously once again. I pulled of my nighty and
rubbed my cunt right there in front of Sally.

Sally reached down and attached a chain belt to the ring
on my collar and pulled my face into her cunt. She
gripped my leash with one hand and held a fist full of my
hair with the other. I was being firmly guided as Sally
came to her own orgasm.

After a refreshing shower Sally asked me if I would be
wearing any cloths during the experiment. I told her
that normally, I would not wear any cloths except for
flesh colored spandex leotard that would be worn in
public to avoid scandal. Predictably, Sally ordered me to
remain naked while we were in the dorm.

Dressed only in my collar, I helped Sally to clean up the
room and prepare for the day's activities. Sally offered to
help me with all of my arrangements as I prepared for
my new life. After our lovemaking of last night, I eagerly
agreed to spend every moment I had left at her side.
Sally said that she would visit Gary's office to let him
know about the arrangement and to get a couple of
questions answered about the coming experiment.

Gary's office in the psychology building was our first
stop. He was surprised to see me back so soon, but
obviously pleased that I had already revealed our
arrangement to my roommate and was wearing my

I asked Gary for the key to the collar. Gary ignored my
request and said that he wanted to talk privately with
Sally. Sally turned to me and with a big grin told me to
STAY in the waiting room.

She emerged an hour later carrying a large canvas bag.
I told her that I wanted to talk to Gary also and inquired
about what he had given her in the canvas bag. I was
told that Gary was now busy with something else and
could not be disturbed. Sally opened the canvas bag and
held up its contents one item at a time. The first item
was a chain dog leash with a leather handle at one end
and a on clasp at the other. The second item was the
remote control box that I had seen actuate the electronics
embedded in my collar. The third item was a bag of
pellets. The label on the bag stated that these were
specially formulated "dog" treats made by the Iams
company for the experiment. Sally let me try one while

* Origin: The GeneSplicer's <-> Internet Gateway (1:209/10)

Article 37632 of Path:!!caen!!!!netcomsv!realpro!owned From: (Owned) Newsgroups: Subject: 02:My Life As a Dog part 2 Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 13:46:11 GMT Message-ID: <> Organization: Real Pro Bbs Las Vegas, NV Distribution: world Lines: 195

From: Owned <> Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 14:46:11 -0500

petting me on the head and telling me that I was being a
GOOD GIRL. The last item was the key to my collar.
The key was on a long gold chain which Sally slipped
over her neck.

She told me that Gary was very excited that Sally would
be helping with my transition. He apparently had been
told about our sexual exploration last night. Sally
related his comment that my new role would be more
effectively imprinted if reinforced with positive sexual

Sally gleefully announced that for the next week, she
would be my owner and I would be her pet. She
observed that it was very similar to the Mistress / Slave
relationship that occupied her deepest fantasies.

We spent the rest of the morning working through the
list of arrangements for my extended absence. We
visited the post office and made arrangements for my
mail to forwarded to a post office box that Sally would
periodically check. My telephone was cancelled. Most of
my possessions were packed away for the storage facility.
After a light lunch, we headed for my appointment with
the local veterinarian.

Gary had told me that I had to see the vet to initiate
paperwork necessary to establish my legal status as a
test subject (lab animal). I was expected by the vet in
charge of the hospital, Jim. Sally accompanied me into
the examination room.

Jim explained that I would be thoroughly examined,
given several shots and be tested for common canine
ailments. He said that my close contact with the other
dogs in the lab required some assurance that I was not
carrying something that would be harmful to the canine
live stock. Talking more to Sally than to me, he also
explained that I would have to be kept overnight for
observation to insure that I reacted positively to the
vaccination shots. Sally expressed her disappointment
at this news. I simply sat speechless, amazed at how
quickly I was being treated as a dog by both my closest
friend and by complete strangers.

Jim left Sally and I with collection containers for my
urine and feces. I was told to strip so that a nurse could
begin the examination procedures.

I took the two containers and started to go into the
adjoining bathroom. Sally stopped me and reminded me
that I was supposed to be easing into my canine role.
She ordered me to strip right there in the middle of the
examining room. My clothes were put into her canvas
bag. Next she led me to the bathroom and supervised
the filling of the specimen containers. In answer to my
protests, she reminded me that it would be more in
character if we did it outside in the dog run.

I then sat quietly on the stainless steel examining table
waiting for the nurse to come back in. She said hi to
Sally and asked her if I was being a good girl. While she
chatted with Sally, the nurse scratched me lightly
behind my ears and petted my head. It felt very good.
Any embarrassment I had from being nude except for my
collar soon disappeared.

The nurse then handed Sally a leash and asked her to
hold me while I was examined. I was first led to a floor
scale that was large enough for me to stand on, on all
fours. I was weighed and measured with all of the data
entered into my vet's file. Back on the examining table,
a blood sample was drawn from what the nurse
described as my right paw. This was followed by a
number of shots including canine cough and rabies
vaccines. Every procedure was entered into my file.

Soon after the nurse left, Jim returned looking
thoughtfully at my file. He told me that they needed a
single canine name for my file and other forms. He had
called Gary and they decided that my canine name
would be Fluffy. This would not have been my first
choice, but then I had not been consulted.

Jim finished up my examination and a mountain of
paperwork. He told Sally that they would arrange for
the appropriate license with the city and forward a full
report to the University Canine Lab. Sally was told to
pick me up the next morning at 11:00am. I was
wondering what accommodations the animal hospital
had for me to spend the night. Before I could ask the
question, Sally was out the door and Jim had handed my
leash to the nurse.

The nurse led me from the examination room, through
the waiting area and into the rear of the animal hospital.
I realized too late that I was still nude and that Sally
had left with my clothes. Despite a few double takes, no
one in the lobby seemed upset to be treated to the
spectacle of a naked woman being led away by her leash.

My first stop was at the grooming salon. The nurse
explained that as long as I was here, Sally and Jim had
decided that I should receive the full treatment. Jim had
made some special arrangements on Gary's behalf. My
leash was handed from the nurse to the groomer. I was
immediately led to a large tub where I was given a very
though shampooing. I noticed that the shampoo
included a flee treatment. Something else was spread
over my underarms, legs and crotch. When it was rinsed
off my hair from those areas washed away too. I was
now more nude than I had been since I was little girl.

Still dripping wet, I was led to a large wire cage. Once
secured inside, a large hair dryer on a stand was directed
into the cage to dry my hair. There were three dogs to be
groomed before my turn so I waited patently absorbed in
my thoughts. This was really the first opportunity to
replay the events of the last two days. I had made a
fantastic decision to become a dog for the next year.
That was still sinking in. A side benefit was that my
previously reserved roommate had overnight become my
lover and Mistress. I realized that this whole experience
had kept my pussy constantly damp for the last 48
hours. No wonder they thought that I needed a bath and
grooming, I must reek of musk.

Finally my turn arrived. I was placed on the grooming
table on all fours. My leash was secured to a post at the
head of the table to keep me still. An oil was rubbed into
my skin from my neck down to my toes. Besides feeling
wonderful, I noticed that the bottle claimed that a
thorough application would retard unwanted hair
growth for up to six months.

Next I was given a manicure and pedicure. After
shaping and filing, a black die was applied to my finger
and toe nails. It looked like a shiny black nail polish
with one significant difference. The dye would last until
my nails grew out. The black polish did kind of make my
hands and feet look like paws. It didn't stop here. Real
looking black claws were glued onto my nails with a
special polymer. These claws extended beyond my
fingertips about one inch and had been filed to a point.
The claws on my feet were similar, but would probably
not interfere with wearing shoes.

Attention then focused on my mouth. Four canine
incisor caps were epoxied over my human teeth.
Glancing into a mirror and bearing my teeth, I looked a
little like a female vampire and a lot like a canine bitch.

I was rolled over on the grooming table and strapped
down. The table had a damn extension that made me
feel like I was back at my gynecologist. My legs were
strapped into the stirrups and spread wide. An orange
colored disinfectant was spread generously over my cunt
lips and a few inches away on my inner thigh. The
groomer told me that there was a real problem with
stolen pets being sold to unethical laboratories for
medical research. I was to be tattooed on my thigh with
my owner's social security number which would be
registered with the national lost pet clearinghouse.

I idly wondered whose social security number they would
use before it dawned on me that such a tattoo would
either be permanent or very painful to have removed. It
was too late, with a bit of local anaesthesia, the labeling
was over before I realized. I now felt an instrument
probing at my labia. I was quickly pierced here. While
waiting for a little bleeding to stop, I was shown the ring
and tag that would be inserted. The tag indicated that I
answered to Fluffy and was the property of Sally ______.
The back of the tag included information about the
national registry, my tattoo and an 800 number to call to
return me to my owner.

I could feel my humanity being stripped away with each
passing moment. Everyone was already treating me like
a dog. What would it be like when the experiment began
in earnest next week? Was I really ready for this
complete submersion in the personality of an animal?
My ponderings were interrupted when the groomer
replaced his piecing instrument with my new ring and
tag. He closed the ring with pliers, then soldered the
opening closed. As he handled my ring and pulled at it
gently, I was overcome by yet another spontaneous
orgasm. What was happening to me? Every time I let
down my guard, I was experiencing another orgasm. Is

* Origin: The GeneSplicer's <-> Internet Gateway (1:209/10)

Article 37633 of Path:!!caen!!!!netcomsv!realpro!owned From: (Owned) Newsgroups: Subject: 03:My Life As a Dog part 2 Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 21:46:11 GMT Message-ID: <> Organization: Real Pro Bbs Las Vegas, NV Distribution: world Lines: 173

From: Owned <> Date: Mon, 7 Nov 94 14:46:11 -0500

this what Gary meant by sexual reinforcement of my
new role?

The groomer moved up my body and prepared to pierce
my left nipple. He told me with a grin that this had
nothing to do with my canine persona. Sally simply
wanted me to be pierced here. Had I completely lost
control of my own body?

Next my pierced earnings were removed and replaced
with a wide ear staple on each side. I had been tagged
like a wild animal or like the punk babes that hangout
around the sleazy leather sex clubs.

The groomer finally got around to doing my hair. Once
again, I wasn't consulted. My over the shoulder hair was
cut very short and dramatic in a swept up style that
furthered my appearance as a canine. It was a very
severe style that was also reminiscent of a punk / slut
style. After the perm set up, a frilly red ribbon was tied
onto my collar and I was led to the kennel section of the
animal hospital.

I had spent so much time on my knees between the cage
and grooming table, neither the groomer or I thought
anything of it as he led me by my leash down to the
kennels with me still on all fours. In this position, my
nipple ring and cunt tag dangled freely. The groomer
commented to the kennel attendant that I seemed to be
pleased with my new doo and jewelry by the way I was

I was led to a large cage that had obviously just been
cleaned. There was fresh water in the bowl and some of
the dog treats that I recognized from the Iams package
earlier. The cage was too short to stand in so I simply
remained on all fours. After dark, I explored the outside
dog run portion of the cage. I couldn't put off my bodily
functions any longer and squatted outside to relieve
myself. Feeling much better, I crawled back through the
doggy door to the inside of the kennel. The attendant
stood there grinning at me and offered to clean me up.

I gratefully accepted his offer to clean up my bottom and
cunt. He gently cleaned me inside my cage with a damp
towel then rubbed more of the hair retardant oil into my
skin. I couldn't help being turned on by this intimate
attention and his masterful handling of me. Without
words, I gratefully returned the favor by giving him a
blow job. Rather than interfering, my new canine teeth
seemed to heighten his sensations. I had to be careful
not to bite him. Shortly before he came, she turned me
around and took me doggy style. How appropriate! He
left after refilling my water dish and giving me more
doggy treats. I noticed that the german shepard and
golden retriever on either side of me both had hardons
and were trying to get at me through the bars.

The rest of the night was uneventful. I went to sleep and
continued my vivid dreams of being a dog only to find
upon waking that it was really happening. After
breakfast and a brisk walk (on lead) I was returned to
the groomer for another bath and to check on the

Before he finished Jim and Sally came in to admire my
grooming. Sally was beside herself as she touched my
rings and tag. After examining my tattoo with her social
security number, she exclaimed that "You really do
belong to me now!".

Jim had two additional tags for me. One signified that I
had just been vaccinated for rabies. The second tag was
my city issued dog license. These tags were attached to
the ring on my collar. The accompanying paperwork was
handed to Sally.

Sally then replaced the hospital's lead with a leash that
she had brought with her. She also handed me the
spandex leotard that I had told her about. She
commented that would go shopping for something more
appropriate for public wear. With that she led me out to
her car.

Rather than going back to the dorm room, Sally told me
that we were going shopping. She said that we were
going to a lesbian leather bar that night and I needed to
be properly attired. The store was one that I had never
dared to go into until now. It featured mannequins in
the window dressed in various articles of leather and
rubber. A leather body harness caught my eye as we
walked up to the entrance.

Once inside, Sally took off my leotard and ordered me to
my knees. Sally had apparently called ahead and they
had gathered everything she had asked about. The first
station had all sorts of theatrical makeup supplies. A
sales girl suggested a demonstration and proceeded with
my makeover. Actually she didn't do much of a make
over. She continued where the dog groomer had left off
by emphasizing my canine features. She even
demonstrated how a special pair of contact lenses would
convert my human looking eyes to those of a dog with the
large brown pupil. After she was satisfied with the
makeup around my eyes and down my nose, she placed a
narrow shiny tube against my cheek. There was a click
and a bee sting like pain where the tube touched me.
She withdrew the tube to display and long and thick
whisker. She told me that this is the same technique
used by hair transplant salons. By the time she finished,
I had a full set of canine whiskers on either side of my

Moving to another part of the store, we were shown
several garments. The one that Sally selected for me
was a heavy rubber bodice. The slick material was laced
tightly to compress my waist down to an impossible 22
inches. The bodice was a study in contrasts. While
severely constricting my breathing, it offered no
protection to my tender breasts. These were pulled
through small openings at the front of the bodice. The
restricted openings caused my breasts to stick straight
out with no other support. The bodice had straps that
disappeared under my crotch only to reappear in the
crack of my buttocks. These straps exhibited me further,
they hid nothing.

My shaved pussy was quite visible underneath the
straps. Even more prominent was my dangling cunt ring
and tag. Looking in a mirror, I noticed that the effect
there was to lift and spread my ass cheeks.

The bodice had a wide belt which locked over the lacings
and sported a ring on either side. My wrists were fitted
with locking wrist cuffs which were secured to the belt's

Finally, my feet were slipped into a pair of black
skyscraper high heeled booties. A strap over the ankle of
the boot was secured with a pad lock to insure that the
booties stayed on.

We paid for the purchases which I wore out of the store.
Just as I entered, I was led out by my leash. This time I
was much more exposed and obviously wearing some
very kinky accessories. Sally told me to hold my head up
high as she led us through the shopping crowd to her car.

She predicted that we would be the hit of the leather bar
that night where she would lead me around like her
kinky puppy.

I was starting to feel that pressure building in my loins
again. I was going to have another organism before we
got home. I couldn't wait for tonight.

Sally told me that we would have to practice my walk
and other behavior before we left for the bar.

The next day we had an appointment with the attorneys
to wrap up my legal affairs and sign all of the consents
and releases necessary to establish the right of the
University to use me in place of traditional lab animals.

To be continued in part 3...

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