Archive-name: mining-colony

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Subject: The Mines - Part1 (M/M, Human/Furry, Non-consentual)


MINES1.TXT A Mining Colony\Prison - By SwampRat and Sir Brucie (c) 1991 The Rashathran Society

The pick rose, striking the impacted earth. Again, it fell to gouge at the dirt. A guard eyed the muscular body with more than just passing interest. It was pretty much devoid of scars.. The face had some interesting ones, however. He chuckled to himself, wishing it was closer to End-Shift. Then he could make a pass at the male.. The water bucket made it's rounds as the time-mark break came. He gulped when the male turned.. The body was grimy from the dirt, nipples erect in the heat. The cock-bulge was nothing special, but the canine barely stifled a whine of lust. The strip of cloth was dark with sweat.. His tongue slid across his upper lip, wanting to taste the twin globes that were outlined by the tensioned fabric. Hell, he wouldn't mind just taking the entire thing into his muzzle and sucking it clean.. "Water.. Drop 'em and Squat." A snarl reminded the Wolf to continue onward. He grunted, then dropped all pretense of not staring... The man picked up the ladle and lifting it to his lips, swallowed the water, taking the last with a toss of his head. The canine had to be prodded forward by his partner, who was more jaded. Not so much he could not comment on what He would like to do to the male..

Another animal shuffled up to the human. "Newcomer?" The man nodded, leaning against his pick. A paw slid up the wide leg, and caressed the strong butt-muscles. A snicker came from Churp, who waited his turn at the bucket.. The male looked into his eyes, making the mammal blink, and shudder softly, as a hand stroked his jaw. The muzzle had a scar running across it, dull white against the gray fur. The Wolf drank his mouthful, then passed the bucket on. "I am Delkyn." A hand was lifted for his inspection. When he did the same his paw was grasped firmly. "Shadow.." The canine wondered at the strength behind the arm that so gently pulped his hand and almost ripped his shoulder from it's socket. Or was this greeting custom supposed to be rough? "Done Jackin? Hit it.." Again the guards came by.. To make sure everybody got to work, of course. Still, it was nice to watch so many male bodies sweat, and butts writhe.. A couple had half-hardons. From the exertion, they would say if asked.

The sun was going down, and torches were brought as the weary prisoners were escorted out of the derilium mines, the night shift taking over. "Dress.. Don't want anybody gettin Horny.." A chorus of laughs. They were marched the few miles back at an easy pace. A good miner was worth a few broken regulations.. Besides, nobody was going to run into the jungle.. And live long. They got to the compound, and a whistle blew. "Break.. Care to eat with me? This isn't an invite to my bunk, mind.." The man smiled softly, and nodded. Food was tossed onto a grimy plate and shoved into numb hands. The guard grinned to himself, watching the male sit with the wolf. 'Good.. Got a Teach. Might last a time then..' He slid the baton through his paws. 'That one would be fun to pop a load in.. Be a bit of a match to see who got on top.. Unless he ate dirt.. Nah. Too strong.. Perhaps a Dipper. Hmm.. Be the right type. Yeah.. Bet he charges fer it. And with the muscle to back him up..' He nodded to a Squeaker and jerked his head. The creature finished eating with a quick motion and dropped the plate in it's holder. Got a drink of water, then made his way over to the dark corner.

"Yeah?" Formalities went the first day, and got looser with each week. "See the new one? Find out about him.. He looks about Breaker's weight.. And I don't want nobody bein dumped down a well like last time. Maxie don't like cracking heads. He prefer's asses.." The baton slid through the slick claws again. He kissed the metal club.. "It's gonna cost ya." The guard grunted.. "This one's unknown. Might be Prime Cherry.. Not even a finger up there.. There's those that would Kill fer a piece of that.. But I'll bet a good feel-up that mouth knows it's way around a groin. Then there's those who would Love to sacrifice him to Aakjib.. 'Specially if he's big. A few drops of WildWater and he be beggin fer it.. Course, they don't leave much.." A male minced by, dropping to his knees before the guard. "Please, Sir.. Use me!" Snuer shoved 'Maxie' into the thin face. Wain paws slid over it as the creature diligently sucked on the metal wand. "You eat?" Claws skittered as the baton was withdrawn. "Please.." He whispered. The guard growled.. "You don't eat, You get thin.. Get too thin, Nobody gives this!" He jerked his crotch at what was once a rat. Eyes went wide in horror..

"You're almost too thin now! Now go and Eat!!" The creature stumbled off, sobbing. But he went to the chow-line and ate every last bit of food on his plate. "Nah.. Nothin deserves That.. Not even a Squeaker! You tell the Line.. I want no trouble. He starts somethin, He ends it.." He grinned and shifted his loin-cloth so a paw could slide in and grip his doggy-cock. The bruin did just that.. And shoved his muzzle in to give it a lick. "That's enough.. Don't want to drop my load too soon..." He tousled the fur. "You'll get it later.. I'm on LockDown. And I want that muzzle free. Do a good job and I'll give you a chit.. And maybe a good humping as well. If yer bunk-love don't get jealous." The bear laughed. "Let him get his own chits.. He can have me anytime. You.." The muzzle slid down a sweaty fur-covered thigh. ".. I only get on special times. It's good to have variety.." The guard caressed a round ear, and felt where teeth had taken a chunk out of one. "Damn Mud-Eaters.." A chuckle.. "He was a Big 'un.. Could hardly put my mouth on it! He stretched me real good. WildWater high, and locked in a room.. Shit. Probably humped the wall down.." Snuer grinned himself as lips tugged at his cock-tip.

"That's enough.. Next you'll be wantin ta shack with me.. And I ain't about ta knock Boweser in the head just because I stole his dick-squeeze." The bear wheezed laughter again, and made his way to the lock-line going inside the building. A lanky frame stood behind him. "What did Maxie's Toy want?" A grin from the bruin. "My ass, what else?" A paw, wide as a shovel head latched onto a furred cheek. "Can't have it.." Sugnoh sighed. "He gets a mouthin at lock.. And if he's up, a humping. I gets a chit fer it. Now.." He turned and bent down to nip at a hard nipple. "That leaves me open both before and after.. And you know how I likes yer after I lick on Guard dick, Bowe.." A grin as the orang felt up his bunk-love. The new one was given a cell number and a paw latched onto his hand. Green eyes gave him the once-over.. A leaf-shaped tail thrust out of green pants, which was ruffled by a couple of others as they passed by. "I'm Spedal. Inner, and yer Bunker fer a time.." The way was crowded and many a body-part was pressed against the male as he followed his guide. If it wasn't for that paw, he would have been lost. Finally, both the mammals vanished into a cubicle. As cells go it was pretty roomy.

A closet held clean sheets and towels. A shower was built in one side and a toilet in the other. The animal watched his new cell-mate take out a towel.. "No! Not while the doors are open.. You want to start a riot?" The male grinned. "Can I wash my arms and face?" A nod as he went over to the sink. Rinsed the dust off, dried. "Upper or Lower?" The male grinned. "Whichever you prefer.." 'Definitely a Dipper..' The rabbit thought, fluffing his pillow. "I'll take upper, then." Small talk cut down the noise as they inventoried the closet. "What yer in fer?" The man unrolled his blanket, and made up the bed like he had done it a thousand times before. "Hey Longen.. Got an extra?" A folded square of warm material was tossed to the mole. "Owe ya.." He smacked his wide palm on his hip. Spedal made kissing sounds. "Good deed.." Hmm? Oh. "What kind.." "Killed a Power." A whistle.. "How high?" The man grinned.. "High enough.. He was in the process of murdering a servant with a whip. A cloak girl who probably told him no. She was a mass of blood. I asked him to stop. He laughed.. Told me if I didn't butt out he would his sonic whip on me. So.. I broke his neck. For that, I got this."

His eyes went white, as the animal listened to the tale. Too wild not to be true.. He wasn't marked, so no slave. And talked too well to be Poor.. Spacer? Worse trouble. But this one was too friendly for Spacer. They were a stuck-up bunch, Spacers were.. A smile. "I can hear the wheels grinding.. If smoke comes out your ears, should I stick my tongue down them or just pour in water?" The rabbit chuckled. "Alright, Mystery, What are ye?" The man sighed. "Know Galactic?" Longen nodded.. There was a hush from the corridor as something came on the wind. "I am an Outbound Scout. I haven't seen my home planet in over 200 years." Spedal wished he could have bitten his tongue. Some information was more dangerous than it was worth.. This one was taught to survive. Alone. No matter where he was or what he found. And his only contact was once a year at a radio site.. If he made that. "Bastards.." A grin. "I volunteered. I hated what I saw and wanted to leave. Besides, I have just about tripled my life-span.." A siren sounded and the corridors cleared. "First warning.." A quarter of a mark later another sounded. "LockDown.. Anyone out there better have a reason, or be tossed to the Guards as fodder. They will only abuse ya.. The Jungle will Kill Ya. And not so nicely, either."

The doors slammed shut. Longen shucked his clothes off and put them in a chute. "Too small and who wants to drown in a washer?" The man dropped his shorts, and split his shirt down the seams.. "I told them it was too small." He watched his new friend walk over to the inset ring in the floor. "They don't call you 'Longen' for your ears, do they.." The rabbit reached for the knobs and grinned. "Nope.." He gave his new bunk-love the soap. "Here.. You need this more than I do." "Well.. I need somebody to scrub my back and if you are willing, I can trade a hand at combing.. or do you comb your fur?" The animal grinned. "Every friggin sun-crack.." He ran his paws over the muscular back, giggling to himself. There were many a male who would pay good for the privilege of doing this.. And lift their tails as well. 'Wouldn't mind being under him, myself..' He did his job well, feeling the muscles move under his claws.. "May I go farther?" "Sure.. Go as far as you like.. But I warn you..." Here it comes.. "If you start kissing my toes or telling me how pretty my ankles are.." This time he did laugh out loud. "No such luck.. However I do like your ass." A shrug.

"I can't see it so I usually ignore it.. Unless it becomes a pain." Witty too.. Damn! Perhaps he could pull a few hairs and keep the male.. Nah. His was ta get 'em up ta speed, then toss 'em out fer Sop. This one was gonna be a mouthful.. He'd bet matings on it. But time for goodbye's later.. Right now he intended to maul that wonderful butt.. And did so. With vigor.. "The soap.." What? "I am sure by now you have removed all the dirt and a few layers of skin.. However I still have a front and entire Masdgh to get clean." The being in question growled.. Soaped himself up with rapidity, and stood in front of the male, hogging the water. Fingers dug into his back, pulling kinks and snarls out with gentleness. "Mmmm.. I think I shall stay here all night." A mouth nibbled on an ear-tip, making it's owner grunt. "Well, I intend to get this soap off and sleep. Swinging a pick is hard work.." A strong chest rubbed itself against his back as the male rinsed off. "Don't you dare Touch That Towel! That's my - Shit." A blast of air told him the male found the dispenser. "It detaches.. This could get fun.. Especially if you had a Romua Slider..." Longen groaned and shook his head. Both at the male and to get the water out of his ears.

The guard who watched from the corridor thought it might be fun too.. As a new-one he was Paws-Off.. But that status only lasted for a month. Or until the new one showed promise.. And he was showing Much Promise. Lots were being drawn to see who would take him on for humping rights. Favors changed hands daily as the odds got better that he would 'graduate' early. 'I'll bet my dick he's a Dipper..' And a Bucket. Look at that throat.. Those muscles.. His cock was small.. But it probably grew when played with. Most did.. And some hide in a sheath. His own ached for release.. The panther silently continued on his rounds, stopping to watch a mating or a mouthing. Down the line he saw a paw sticking out of the bars. Perhaps the owner fell out of bed.. Perhaps not. He called in a med-report on the cell. No, neither of the males had a medical problem.. The guard softly crept closer to the paw. A snore came from the cell.. "Please.." The creature held out it's paws beggingly. "What is it.. Damn!" The creature lifted himself up, the fell back heavily. "My back is broken.. Give me dick." The panther shook his head. Breaker broke another one.. And there was nothing they could do about it.. He was the Captain's hole.. Or was there...

He also understood Galactic. A DeepSpacer, Eh? That meant he could play mean with the best of 'em.. "Please.. Dick! I want Dick!" The pupils were dilated. The nostrils quivered, tongue sliding in and out like a crazed pink snake.. WildWater. "Please.. I beg. Ahhh.." Black furred hips came closer so the being could stroke them. Nuzzle them.. A tongue darted under his loin-cloth and harvested sweat from the dark globes. Then the claws yanked it aside so a ribbon of muscle could slide deep into the sheath and draw out what lived inside. The penis jackknifed out.. To be swallowed to where it meet the dark groin. The cat gritted his teeth to keep from groaning. This one was Hungry! It had only been a time-mark since LockDown.. And the creature nursed like one who had been tossed into solitary for a month! He reached forward and stroked the head, being careful not to stick his paw in the cell. It might Still be an act. His head swam with need.. Then release. Balls contracting as they were pawed at by the bat. Muzzle glued to the black crotch, throat muscles milking the throbbing penis for every spurt they could get. Breathing was unimportant. Movement, except for sucking and swallowing was unnecessary..

Pleasure was all, the drug in the mammals blood mixed with the semen, creating a mind-blasting wave. The panther let him have the dregs of his lust.. Then called in a Medic. "Don't blame ya.." He stroked the thin ears. Had to pry the jaws apart to get his penis free. And even then the ribbon-like tongue was as stubborn as a leech. "You get all the dick you want.. You go to Menders." The eyes lit up.. The medics arrived along with a Security Guard. The Captain's ButtLicker asked nothing, said nothing. Just unlocked the cell. Waited until the creature was put on a Medivac. And shrugged.. Then re-closed the cell. Not even Security could help that bastard if he was free in LockDown. Just in case, he tested the door. No such luck.. But sometimes luck came from outside..

Snuer heard, doing duty a few tiers lower, and growled to himself.. The canine was standing in front of a bear who was rolling his cock around in a paw. His bunk-mate wasn't jealous.. Not at all. For Boweser was on the other side of the bruin, humping his brains out, and getting off watching his dick-squeeze mouth another male. Sugnoh stuck his snout between the wide bars and lapped at the hairless balls. "Mmmm. What you dig up?" The animal grunted as the orang hosed his ass down with spunk, then went off to the shower. The bear searched the tan thighs.. "Got ears down here?" He lapped on the cock jutting out of it's sheath. "Or is this a Pickup.. Oops! Gotta run.. Keep it warm, will ya?" The canine growled, stroking his meat. He watched the animal go to the pot then stop for a minute at the dryer. A groan from the orange mammal who stood before it and a gulping sound only inflamed Snuer more. Sugnoh returned to sit and slide paws around the bony haunches. "He sleep now.. Leave us be." Boweser did just that. Snores That loud couldn't be faked.. The animal nuzzled the seeping cock-tip, nibbling on it. The guard growled, burying his dick full into the warm mouth, filling it full of semen.

Furry cheeks hollowed as suction was applied to the pulsating piece of male-meat. 'Damn, But he's good!' A groan escaped from the compressed lips. Claws rolled the contracting testicles, making sure they were drained well. Perhaps too well.. The canine fell against the bars, knees bending as his toes were sucked out through the piss-hole and into the hungry maw. Saliva dripped on the round ears.. Still the mouth held him, hoping to coax life back into the flaccid thing. Nope.. With one last lick, the bruin let it slide out of his muzzle.. So he could attack the shrunken nuts! The guard hopped from one foot to the other as teeth and tongue went to work on his balls. He finally got the animal away from his crotch long enough to give him a kiss. "What you found.." A tongue slid into his mouth. "Hump me first.." Snuer grinned. What a horny dick-squeezer.. "Unless you want Maxie, I gotta wait till next trip. Now.. What you know?" The bear growled. "Nothin.. he's a friggin blank wall. No papers. No Tests.. No friggen Nothin. He was dropped here with the Mail.. Hell, he coulda come in a box, for all we know. Sure you can't Do me once before I sleep?" The canine shook his head.

Then gave the animal another kiss. "You suck too well.. See ya in the Day." Sugnoh sighed.. Then crawled into the lower bunk. "He gone? Good.. Stick that ass out. I ain't through with it.." A sigh and a grunt as Bowe slid off the bunk and slammed his hips into the furred rump, impaling the bear. He buggered the animal well, holding onto the upper tier and gyrating in the tight hole. The animal growled, cumming hard. And all the while, the bear was pretending the male panting over him was another.. But instead of tan thighs, it was smooth ones. This time the new one was humping his ass wantonly. He remembered to growl convincingly, and twist as though he really was enjoying himself. Well.. He Was. But, Bowe's dick was on the thin side. Long but thin.. he preferred Thick ones. Ones that made you bite your lip and groan as the fat head split you open. Or made you gag slightly as it rubbed against your tonsils. And lasted more than a few thrusts.. The orang finished with his bunk-love and hoisted himself up to continue snoring a few minutes later. The bear followed, dreaming of clear streams and horse-cocks..

The Mystery was sitting on his bed, watching a certain mammal dry himself of well. Then toss a comb at the human. "A promise is a promise.." He brought over a stool and sat in front of the male. His entire back was thoroughly gone over. He grunted as fingers dug into his butt, following the comb's teeth. "Stand up, if you want you legs done.." He didn't have to say it twice. "You can do my front too, if you like." Hands worked his thigh fur, moving across and down. He moaned when certain places that were specially sensitive were played with.. Finally the comb was placed in his paw. "Think you can do your chest and face?" A yawn came from the bunk.. "Sleepy?" A negative didn't make it out whole.. He turned and gave the man a kiss. Fingers curled around his cock like they had done so a million times. The rabbit grunted. 'Bastard..' "What time do we get up? And do you sleep on your side.." What strange questions. "A time-mark before you leave for the mines an alarm sounds. Then we have a half-mark before the doors open.. Why?" The hand caressed his erection. "I won't be so tired in the morning.." Oh Ho! Longen kissed the male again and climbed into his bed. 'On my side.. Well.' Morning brought teeth. Nipping at his mid-section..

"Up lazy butt. First shift has gone and second wants the beds." He jerked awake to see a familiar muzzle continue grazing on his nipples. Then lift to grin at him. "He must be Somethin to make you sleep half the day away.. Is he up or down?" A grunt. "Don't know.. He was tired, so I let him sleep.. Said he was going to wake me. Well.. Suggested it." A grin from the square muzzle. The bullish male snorted. "What? Spedal didn't pop a New One at first crack? Gettin Old.." The rabbit growled and smacked his friend. "Not so old I can't toss You into the Lower Bunk, Dribble.." A chuckle. "Ain't got time.. Now dip yer nose in some cold water and beg Cook for porridge. Then meet me back here for Laundry duty." The animal groaned, his nuts aching for release.. But did as he was told. A uniform was tossed at him, and one of the helpers dropped a bowl of warm mush in his lap. "How was it.." He growled, finishing off the food. "What? Didn't hear that.." The rabbit glowered at the bat. "Bastard said he was tired and dropped off, leaving me hard and horny.. Then runs off without so much as a kiss! Wait until Tonight.. You'll be able to hear him Yell clear down here." The mammal squeaked laughter and took the clean bowl.

Longen returned to the cell block and ripped sheets with a vengeance. Second shift sank gratefully down on soft, clean beds and snores could be heard throughout the compound. But whispers and theories still abounded..

Word got around The Captain's Hole broke another one. Word also got around that a Mystery had landed in their midst. Some said perhaps an Eye.. But Eyes asked questions. Poked their noses in the works. Mystery didn't do any of these things. Except for small talk, he stayed clammed up. Mystery also stopped a runaway ore train. Someone upside yelled the magic words - "Grab Ass and Run!" A murmur rose.. "Train lost it's brakes again.." Before anybody could say otherwise, Shadow jumped on the track. Nobody was going to jump on it and pull him off either.. They did watch, however. The male slammed his pick into the rail with such force the handle cracked.. Did it again and the wood broke. Then shoved boots against the spot and arching against the wall, bent it further. Some of the miners murmured about how much they would like to jump on the male and ride him.. Then the cart-train came down the track and they forgot about everything but getting out of the way. "Jump!" Insane yelled to the brakeman. The squirrel didn't have to be told twice.. He leaped, tumbling. And missed the show.. The crazy male stood to one side and when the lead cart hurled by, jumped on it like he wanted to mate with it! The impetus, along with the bent rail, was enough to derail the first cart. It jerked, bent, and plowed into the wall..

This fouled the rest of the train up and ore went everywhere. But it Did stop the carts.. "What a Mess!" When the dust had settled a bit, the miners ran to see what they could salvage of the insane one. But Instead of finding a sack of broken bones, or even a greasy splotch, they saw him walking up the tunnel, dusting himself off! Following was a handful of others, grinning and whispering about the cannonball who had been tossed in their midst. "Nah, We caught him on the second bounce.. Gave us a good fondling, he did.." A guard came down and surveyed the mess. "Nasty." The squirrel who was the working the brake, shook his head. "Crazy creature.. Mad as a Blowen, And as hard on the equipment!" And so the male was named. "Anybody got a spare pick? Mine got broken.." The guard shook his head. "No, But you can grab a shovel.. Nobody Leaves until this mess is Cleaned up!" A groan. "But Dinner will be waiting, That much I guarantee!" A ragged cheer. And both crews got busy digging the debris out of the way, so the ore could be salvaged. A mountain of feline maleness came over to help the man work a chunk of rock free.

"Thanks.." A grin. "Been watchin ya male. Like what I saw. Name's Rocker. I like tossing rocks around." He growled, pulling another big piece of wall away. "You are Blowen.. A Blowen is an Explosion. When we hit a gas-pocket, usually. Cleans a tunnel out faster than the shift-end whistle.." A ferret-looking being brought water. Watched as the man swallowed the dipperful. "Show-off.." The cat growled as the mammal gasped.. "You didn't swallow.." A grin made his cheeks turn red. "There isn't enough in that dipper or in your nuts to make me swallow.." Rocker shook his head in disgust. "Keep staring at my crotch like at and I might get to liking it.." The ferret slapped his butt. "Good!" Then made his way down the tunnel. "Get back to it.." A guard growled, wanting to slap his paw to a few well-rounded butts as well.. Somebody ordered a new set of cars to take the loose-stuff upstairs. They also found a couple mangled, but serviceable.

These were horsed back onto the tracks, then filled. "Damn, We'll be here until Next year.. These shovels are too small." Rocker growled agreement. The man grinned at him. "Want to try something?" The leonine looked at the man. "Here?" Another grin. "Help me tip this cart over.." They shoved a cart over so the lip was on the floor. Blowen worked a section of metal that was once the front of an ore cart free and started using it like a huge plow-blade. "You ain't stealin chits from me That easily.." The cat grinned to himself and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the human, made short work of the clean-up. Then came the harder task of pulling the twisted metal and wreckage off the tracks. "Rocker, a Favor.." The cat growled, working on a stubborn ore-cart. "Need a drink.." Rocker shook sweat from his eyes. "Don't give me that.. You are just gettin hot watchin my butt wiggle, And want time to cool off..." They both laughed. The big feline moved off to find the Bucket Holder. When he was out- of-sight, the male hunkered down, and with seeming ease, moved the twisted metal away from the wall, and let it fall over with a crash.. Did the same to another piece of wreckage. Those few beings watching this figured he was probably using a spar for leverage, and thought little of it.

Only one being watched keenly.. And knew what he saw. Hy-Oin, GuardMajor shuddered. Watched the impossible happen again as a half-ton of bent-up ore- cart was lifted up, and tipped over again. He made his way over to the circle of guards who stiffened at seeing him. "Blowen is Off-limits as of Now.." One of the burlier monsters growled and smacked his 3-foot baton into his hand. "A Snoop? We can take care of him.." Hy-Oin looked the creature over. "And you could wind up taking a walk over a railing too.. Nobody Touches him. Watch him well.. But no one moves. If there is trouble, you wait until it dies Natural.. Understand?" They grumbled, but weren't about to get demoted. But they had to wonder why a seemingly harmless male could make the GuardMajor's antenna knot..

Later that night when all the workers had filed out and were milling around, putting their shirts on and waiting for the chain, Rocker came over and grabbed the man's hand. "Good work, down there.." Shadow smiled, and clasped the feline paw firmly. Who growled and playfully pushed.. When nothing happened, he gave another, harder shove. Still nothing.. "Rocker lays under Nobody!" He hissed, no longer playing.. The male put his other hand on the back of Rocker's head, Pressed his boot into the cat's crotch, "Hey!" And tossed the startled animal over his shoulder. Rocker came to rest hard-up against the man's back, hands still clasped. "I don't want you under me, Rocker.. I want you beside me.." He turned and gave the cat a kiss. The feline growled but returned the lip-press. "You two done Dancin?" A guard huffed. Rocker stuck his tongue at the badger. "Jealous.." Then laughed and got in chain. But he remembered the feeling of the human's skin against his..

When they got back, The Rabbit found he had to be elsewhere.. Growling, he asked a guard to watch the male, as quite a few other wouldn't mind a crack at the being, off-limits or not. A big, furry form imposed itself in the door.. "We take care of our own, Insider.." The rabbit looked at Rocker then shaking his head went down to the Monthly meeting. Which turned into an orgy.. The mammal had just finished jerking off a canine, and had an eye on another.. When he remembered he left his Bunk-mate in the care of a Miner! Longen returned to find a crowd assembled. "Now he's bendin over and doin his ankles.." "What? It's pinkish. Bout the size of my thumb wide.." "Nah. Would like a crack at them fat nuts, though.." and more such comments made the rounds as the man showered.. "Wait! He's coming to the door.." Rocker growled as a wet form plastered itself to his back. Hands ran along his chest and sides. "Damn.. You got more tits than I do. One more thing to be jealous of.." The cat grinned nastily. The man draped a towel over his waist.. Amid groans and mutters. "What's the matter? You seen one naked ass, you seen them all!" Sniggers.. "I think the Miners of Tunnel 7 had better think less of my butt and see to their own. Do you thing the Lazy Crew in there now is gonna be able to clean-up that mess?"

A chorus of "No!" echoed off the floors. "Damn Right! They don't have our Buckets or Rocker to toss the pebbles out of the way.. Or Delkyn gasping about the view!" The guards who came down to keep order laughed along with the rest. "Now if you are waiting fer a kiss.. Ferget it! I don't know ya That well. Besides, Nobody That butt-ugly is gonna get any anyway!" The howls, roars and stomping made the floor shake.. And Longen got his tail back in the cell. The big cat turned, grabbing the male's hand. "Friends.." The man made a growling sound, followed by a purr, and a cough.. "Sorry.." A grin. "Most do not know the Greeting, and few try to say in Native.. Brother." The man straightened, looking at the cat strangely. "You mean that?" 'Now what?' the lepine thought. The male held his arm out. "Cut me.." Rocker stared at him for a moment. Then lifted a hand and ripped a furrow across the forearm. Did the same to his own. With a hiss, he pressed his bloody arm against the humans. "Brothers, Above ground and Below." The man clasped hands with the feline. "No grave that will not hold you shall hold me."

With their free hands they dipped fingers into the pooled blood on the floor and drew stripes on each other's faces. "When you are Quite done.." The rabbit huffed.. Rocker, Prince of The Walking Trees Tribe laughed. "Next time do not leave your bunk-mate alone.. Somebody might Steal him!" Spedal stuck his tongue out at the creature. "Out, Out.. I have to clean up this mess, get nit in the showers, and Still make time for sleep." Rocker pressed hands with the male one last time, then departed. "And what the hell was all that about?" The man sighed. "I beat him.. To save face he would have to challenge me again.. To something more nasty than just a contest of strength. And I have enough Gravestones with my name inscribed on them.." The rabbit looked skyward, mouthing 'Why Me?' Well.. There had been that incident at Feri's Port. But if they didn't want the natives to be mated with, they should tell those lizards to wear Clothes.. Besides, The males were More than willing enough to enjoy the caresses of a horny bunny. He shrugged and got busy Washing the floor. Then looked at the wound which was no more than scratch.. 'Could have sworn it was deeper than that.

He shrugged and washed his partner down, then cleaned off. Snarled at the invite to be combed.. "Oh, No.. Last time You fell asleep. Than I did.. And I am not about to face that snooty cook's helper with both ass and mouth empty. So you just lay there and wait until I'm.. Eeep!" Fingers messed up his tail-fur. "Hey I just got that straightened.. Fuck it..." He tossed the comb when teeth bit at his haunches. Now the fingers were seeking out his nipples and tweaking them. "Wanton Bastard.. Kiss me." His nut-sack got lips pressed to them. "I meant up here.. But that will do." He wriggled in the grasp, until his nose was buried in a clean-smelling thatch of hair. The penis was shaped strangely, but a mouthful. And Spedal sucked on it with hunger.. A tongue mashed his cock against a rough palate. He groaned.. A finger twirled his tail-fur. 'Smooth-assed Bastard..' Then it was hold on and hunch as his nuts blew the top of his head off. He jerked his hips from the clutching fingers so he could put them over the pole. Bit his lip as it slowly sank into his tail hole. He shuddered, coming to rest on the muscular thighs. "Mmmm.. Stroke me.." His sides were caressed.

"Not That way.. This way!" He bent over the male, sliding around the cock. "A bit cramped.." The rabbit squeezed the maleness in him. "A little, but I can manage." He grinned. Got kissed. Then banged his head on the bunk above as he reared up, feeling cum spurt deep into his ass. "Ouch! Yess.. Pump Me Full!" Fingers made his own dick give up their sticky sap. The animal fell onto his side and moaned. Hugged the big body to his. Fell asleep with a hand on his butt and another rubbing his shoulders. And woke alone again.. With feeling that somebody had worked his groin over.. He moaned, grabbing at it.. "Problem?" Dripper grinned at his partner. Who grunted and carefully removed the minotaur's big hand from his crotch. "If you got anything left, I get dibs.." The creature who had made his nuts ache so stood in the doorway, smiling. "I have heard a good cure for Blue Balls is soaking them in a warm mouth.. Good morning, Dripper." He extended his hand.. And slipped the other into the bovine's pants! Fingers got him hard in seconds. "Brought you some mud.." Longen shook his head.. "Needs cream. Got any, Dripper?" The animal grinned.. And the rabbit growled in such a way as to tell the bull if he Wanted to Stay a bull, he had better keep his mouth shut.

The minotaur wiped the smile off his muzzle and sadly shook his head, grunting as the hand removed itself from his erection. Which hung out his pants-leg.. "Well.. I gotta go. Roll-call in 5.. You two enjoy yerselves." Dripper turned, legs crossed.. "Get!" Longen sighed. "You won't be any use until you get That taken care of and I Still gotta get breakfast.."

"Well. Finally getting around to food, eh?" Cook's Helper nudged the guard, who looked very much like a Dall Sheep, in the ribs. Put a bowl in front of the rabbit. "And wasn't that yer partner in sheet-pulling who ran past like his tail had been bit? And was that a sausage he had stuffed down his leg?" Longen growled.. "Bastard wanted some Cream to wash down his mud.." The bat winked at the guard, who winked back.. "And.." The mammal wanted to shove Cooks-Helper into the compactor.. "And I was Fresh out!" The bat hugged himself, dancing around. "Knew one wouldn't be enough fer him.. And You sent him out without so much as a taste? Shame!" Longen broke his spoon. "He's My Bunk-Mate! Besides - He's off-limits.." Finished his meal and got up. And didn't quite make it out before EmptyBucket was on the table squeaking as the Ram was thrusting into his ass, white balls rocking like a mad pendulum. He grinned to himself.. It might cost him... What the hell! He reached under the thrusting hips and stilled the swaying testicles. Then nibbled on the rounded ends, stroking the tan thighs. That's all it took to make them explode.. With a bleat, the bat got a butt-full of sheep semen. And the Rabbit left, whistling..

Half-Day.. Longen stared at the roster a Long time. Oh, Shit! That meant the horny bastard would be in early.. He stopped in at Supply to get some goodies, as well as a few stimulants. The raccoon grinned, as he gave the animal the requisition sheet. "Wouldn't mind a tousle with Him.." The rabbit just shook his head. "Marker.. He would wear the stripes off yer tail in an hour." And had to wait! Shadow came in and shrugged. "Got to go to a Meeting. See you later. Nice Toys.. All yours?" And the rabbit got called down to attend the Bi-Monthly orgy. He barely made it back when footsteps came ringing down the corridor. "Please.." he gasped. Blowen closed the cell-door, undressed, and lifted the animal up. Cradled against a strong chest, Longen sighed as water was applied to his aching back. "Massage will do you wonders.." Everything from his ears to his toe-claws were worked over.. "Mmm.. Nice." The dryer never felt better, either. Then he was placed on his bunk. "You Bastard! Get up here.. I ain't about to let you rub me up, then not get a mouthful.." A chuckle. "Go to sleep.. You'll feel better in the morning." 'Where have I heard That before..' "Alright. But you promise Me a Mouthful before you go?" A muffled answer.

"No 'Buts'.. Either I come down there now or you wake me up, Hear?" A hand grabbed his nuts. "Promise on your furry balls.." He patted the hand. Sank into slumber. And got woke up alright.. A dildo vibrated wildly in his ass. His groin was being sucked on and rubbed on and fondled by a machine called a Teaser. All six nipples had snap-clamps on them. And his mouth was full of cock.. Bull-cock. Dripper moaned, hunching his friends mouth. "I woke ya up.. With a mouthful. See ya tonight." Spedal tried to jerk free, but Somebody tied his hands to the rail. And so all he could do was go crazy.. 'You Bastard! I'll get you for This.. Damn! What a Turn-On!!'

And Sugnoh got a crack at the male as well.. A miner came up and whispered to Blowen, "There is an opening in the Laundry Room in Two Days. Go After Shift. Say you need new shirts.." And with a quick fondle of his strap, the mammal moved on down the line. Delkyn grinned to himself.. It wouldn't be long until he had a chance to feel that strap himself.. And perhaps what was under it as well. Last night, he had attended the weekly meeting and found a weak shade of an animal at his side. "Bastard.." Longen shook his head. "Blowen?" the canine asked, stroking his back in sympathy.. "I tell ya.. I sleep on my back and I wake with an aching crotch. Lay on my stomach and my butt is covered with nips.. And when I try sideways, he is either at my tits, or my tail.." The canine smiled.. "Well, you only have another few days, then his Probation is over, and Somebody can take your place.. I might even take him off your hands... Oops!" The rabbit grinned weakly. "You Mean That? Oh, Thank You!!" Delkyn growled.. "Thank my loose lips. You weren't supposed to know until later.." Yes, indeed, perhaps he might.

And it wasn't too long after that Longen waylaid his bunk-mate. "Umm.. Blowen. You have been here long enough to choose your own bunk-mates.. But you will need somebody as a Permanent Partner." The man looked at him, stroking his paw. "Have anybody in mind?" Teeth gritted, The rabbit nodded. "His name is Delkyn.. And he likes playing the same games you do, and has been around a while, and.." A kiss stopped the flood of words. "Alright.. Seems my choice has been made for me." Longen grinned. "Yes, but You are Still mine for tonight..."

The next morning found a huddled mass of flesh lying in a bunk. 'What in the name of Frpah made me bet that sex-maniac I could outlast him..' His entire body ached. Cum, both his and his lovers, literally dripped from every orifice, and plastered much of his fur. "Good Morning.. Care for a quickie before I go?" A hand stroked his butt, which had been chewed on, roughed-up, squeezed and ejaculated in/on most of the night. The rabbit rolled one eye at the creature, 'yeeped' and passed out.. "Guess not." Dripper stood in the doorway, with his jaw hanging to his chest, "Sorry, not enough time, Dripper.." Got a kiss that knotted his tail, And watched the male walk down the corridor with something akin to awe. Then called in the medics, who wanted to know what army had been molesting the animal. "Looks like he was the main-course at an all-niter.."

EasyLay grinned and rubbed his hands together when the news came down. He had lusted after the male ever since they first met. But didn't even get to so much as kiss him the first night. After evening chow, a rat came for the male. "Follow.." A guard at the gate growled, but took a look at the plastic cards, and let them pass with a wink and a smirk at their backs. The line had bets running hot on who ate rug first. Laundry Room Number 2 was busy with all kinds of beings tossing bundles, folding clothes, and even tailoring uniforms. A green tiger with red stripes looked him over. "So.. Squeak here says you need bigger shirts. This way please.." He walked to a fairly quiet spot. "Welcome, Captain.." He gripped the hand as only those in the Rraulgh Brigade did. "Finally got in over your head? Or still recruiting.." The man grinned. "What Flat-Butts don't know won't hurt us.. Right?" A growl and a nasty grin answered that silly question. "But you didn't come down here after-shift to discuss old times, now did ya.. I can hear that fat ball of fur sweat from here.. Well, he has been a good cub. Deserves a good breakin in.. I won't send anybody after ya until I hear a scream." Shadow shook his head. "If they scream, I'm doing it wrong.. Now If they howl..." The cat laughed and slapped his old enemy on the back. "Still the same old Bastard.. FatAss. No, not that one. The one who keeps Bowe happy.." Sugnoh put down his needle and sat, not daring to look.

"This Miner want a Bigger shirt, and you aren't doing anything so special I can't yank ya.. Sometime This Time-Mark would be nice." He got up, and shuffled over to the pair. "Going deaf, I swear.. Shadow this is Sugnoh. FatAss, this is Blowen." A hand was lifted and placed before the bear. Dare he grab it? Dare he not! A moan escaped unbidden at the sheer power he felt in the grasp. "You break his paw, You take his place.. Straighten up. Somebody'd think you were being bought." He did so, looking into the male's eyes. They were blue. Blue as space and too damn warm.. The kind of eyes one could get lost in easily. "Lost his tongue as well.. I told him lickin those dirty Guard cocks would rot it off.. Listen to me? Hah! Look, This card is good fer two time-marks only, then he's gotta be back in his cell.. Think you could put your dick back in yer pants and get his measurements so we can fit him proper.. And if you use anything except a tape to get the inseam, you are goin swimmin.. Now get!" The bruin got.. With the one who made his heart pound in tow. They went into a measuring booth. Which was a set of cubicles with sound-deadening foam. It also kept the noises inside hushed as well.

Unless one went up and put an ear to the door. A few leaned that way.. "The first one who snoops goes inside.. And me right after to make sure you get the numbers straight." Then he grinned, listening to the collective sigh. "Alright.. If, and I do Mean If, they are still in there when First Break Comes, I will turn on the speaker.. In the Meetin Room Only!" It would be a bit of a pinch to fit the entire crew in the area, but he was sure they would find a way to get in.. On the other side of the frame, a male was fumbling with his tape, while another undid his shirt and flexed, working kinks out. "Sit, Please.." The man went to the only piece of furniture in the space, A stool. Squatted and waited for the animal who was having a hard time walking for some strange reason.. Maybe it was that Bulge in his crotch. Which got tighter as the bear got busy measuring the man's body. Everything went into a pad, and was double-checked. Sugnoh damned near jumped out of his skin when the male patted his leg Way too close to the throbbing pole that was starting to stain the cloth. "Easy, Easy. I ain't gonna bite ya.." The bear got a grip on himself. He was just Another Male.

That didn't stop his heart from pounding when he put his paws around the being's waist, nose close to the well-scented crotch. It was all he could do not to lap on it.. "Stand please.." He gulped. Then said the words he wanted to say since he first saw the male. "And take your pants off." He turned so he could chew on a paw. Then lost it as he picked up another tape, and found the man naked. No, he didn't have a dick that hung to his knees. Nor was it in a sheath.. The bear giggled to himself. Outside, the whistle blew signifying the utter chaos could now commence as a mass of horny males packed the breakroom. Nobody cared whose crotch was pressed into whose butt.. Well, almost anyway. They shared water and fondling.. Of course, it didn't help matters any when out of the speaker came - *Squeak* "It was hot, so I didn't wear a strap.. Hope you don't mind" Oh, Did Sugnoh not mind! Nor did any of the others. "Alright, Time's up.." The growl that greeted That news would have made a Rowler proud. "None of that.. Get yer butts out here, where ya can hear the going's on via Plug.. Or did you forget about the Address System?" The exodus raised enough dust to form a cloud.

"Damn.. I want 10 volunteers to sweep this place out. And any paw that isn't on a handle, gets it glued in place, hear?" The ten nodded, getting the equipment. When they were assembled, he looked them over. "Remember, keep yer paws to yerselves.. What yer do with yer mouths is none of my business. As long as this place is ready for Lunch. Ya got One Time-Mark.. Go!" Bodies got busy cleaning and sweeping, always keeping an ear to the speaker. The TRaaz shook his head, watching the rest of his crew get back to work, putting plugs in ears and giving the nudge each other.. Walked over and collected a couple of pieces of clothing, as well as the toolbox. Then dropped a vial of oil in and knocked. "You decent?" A chuckle "Never stopped you before.." He opened the door. The bear was on the stool, one paw at mid-thigh, the other down by an ankle. "Just getting his length, Treo.." A nod. "Good. You fergot yer toolkit. I brought yer a sample shirt and pants. If he sticks ya, Bite him.." The big cat growled and re-closed the door, setting a switch on the wall to 'Internal Broadcast.'

This was used for training tapes, or speeches that needed to be heard but not important enough to stop work for. And sometimes so the crew could listen in on a bumble-clawed horny FatAss get overheated. Damn! The dick-squeezer had better blow soon. His time in the pool to see how long FatAss lasted with the male was getting close. And wasn't too far off the mark.. Sugnoh was close to losing it. His dick was dripping insemenal fluid down his leg. His balls felt like they were in a vise, and being squeezed.. Putting the shirt on the male was torture. Checking the fit was worse.. He pressed his body against the man's, biting his lip as he felt the hard nipples through the cloth. Gathered the excess and made marks where to trim. Where to add material.. Hands rubbed his shoulders, making him groan. "You feel alright? I can come back for the pants later."

The bear squeaked. "No.. No.." Then gulped and shook his head again. "I can do it.. Um... Would you mind rubbing my back a bit?" Paws gave a high sign to others, and they all grinned. So did guards who were listening on Security Channels. They would owe Trio another Chit, but who cared.. This was first-class entertainment. Especially when the moans came through loud and clear.. "Mmm.. A little higher, Please.. Oooh! Dig those fingers in harder.. Ah! Ah!" It Sounded like an orgasm.. "*Pant* *Pant* Thanks.. I needed that. Now.. Let me see if I can finish up..." The corker was the pants. Bad enough he had to endure having his nose shoved into the male's groin as he tried to pin the edges of the shirt - The stool kept sliding when he didn't want it to! But now, with his senses reeling from the scent of crotch, he had to help the man put on the Shorts. In fact, These were Worse than regular long pants.. Since a paw could easily slide in the leg hole.. And the Fantasies That fact conjured up made an already tight crotch threaten to split seams! One leg was lifted, giving him an excellent view of beautifully smooth butt-cheeks. The kind one could put one's snout into and just nuzzle on for days.

The room blurred and he dropped the cloth. "Are you Sure you feel alright? Maybe you had better lie down.." One of the otters almost dived in a washer when his hip got bumped by an overzealous Water Buffalo. He simply grinned and grabbed the big crotch. "Sorry.." They continued stirring the clothes. A hand cradled the brown head as Sugnoh was lifted back, another helping his butt slide off the stool and onto the floor. The male went down on one knee, still holding the gasping bear's head, lowering it down to rest on the cool wood. His dick was inches from the open mouth, but he made no move to take advantage of the animal. Half-dressed, he knelt, straddling the muzzle. Paws dug into the strong legs, as hands stroked his jaw and neck. "Perhaps some water.." Sugnoh opened his eyes to stare up at the expanse of flesh. And exploded! The bruin growled, jerking his head up and snapping his teeth shut on the balls that swayed above him, like a sprung bear-trap. The male grunted as claws raked his hips, then dug firmly into his butt. "Tease Us, Will Ya!" The bear snarled between clenched teeth.. "I'll Shows ya why I'm called Dick-Squeezer!" A cheer ran the length of the Laundry, and even the guards danced.

It didn't matter if the cock was the size of one of the pins sticking him.. It was going first in his mouth, then up his ass! "This is what I'm gonna do ta yer puny dick!" His tongue got busy coating the swelling globes with saliva, then rolling them around against the roof of his mouth.. "What the Hell?" Others were wondering the same thing, while some knowingly smiled.. He spat the nuts out, Carefully, Into a paw, And watched the thing jerk. Stroked the male-meat with the other, feeling it throb, as it both widened and lengthened, blooming to a nice-sized sausage. "Well, More like it.." Hands lifted him up so the male could stroke the furry sides and give the animal a very audible kiss. Sugnoh melted into the strong arms.. Moved his shorts down and kicked them off. "Take me.." He whispered to the creature. Instead of dropping him, and sliding his legs up, or even telling him to bend over, the man bent down.. And bit a nipple! "Hey! Wait.. Aaaugh!" The other was attacked with fervor. "Stop.. My tits.. Eep!" 'Dipper' was mouthed across the compound as imaginations greedily latched onto the scene of Blowen's tongue sliding across the bear's chest. He tried to move the monster away and only succeeded on making the head move lower, grazing along his stomach.

"Wait.. I'm supposed to do.. Ohhhh! I never had... Take it! Take it all!!" He arched as the mouth slid along his cock. "Suck it, You Bastard!" Fingers tweaked his nipples, ruffled butt-fur. He roared, spewing cum into the clutching throat which greedily inhaled his scum as fast as his testicles could produce it and his penis could spit it out. He lay slumped over the male's head, twitching when the tongue slid over a too-sensitive head, or fingers squeezed his butt. When the leech was certain nothing more was forthcoming, He was laid out to gasp and moan. Nothing moved as the sound of a wet kiss ended with a loud *POP!* "You Were in need.." Blowen rubbed the furry ears. "You need some water.. But I don't think I will fit in my pants the way I am now.." "No, No, I will get it.." The bear pulled himself together and finding his shorts, crawled to the doorway. Lifted himself up via the wall, and jerking the cloth up so he was at least dressed, stepped out.. To a standing ovation. He blushed, panting. "I would like some water.." A dipper was handed to him and he drank it rapidly. "Anything else?" The bear shook his head and grinned weakly. "Hard work.. Yes. A size 43 belt."

The cat nodded. "Think you will get Done this year?" Then stroked the sweaty brow. "Make sure he is satisfied.. With the fit." Sugnoh nodded, noticing the oil. "If it takes the rest of shift, Trio.." Some hoped it would. Many a Bunk-Love was in for a surprise when their mates returned this eve! The bear disappeared back behind the door, feeling perhaps he had been wrong. One way to find out.. He lifted the vial and tossed it to the male. "Here.. Rub yer ass up fer me.. I wanna fuck my first Hole." Whispers ran around the wall. Had the Bear lost his mind? "I decide when and who takes me, as I decide when and who I take.." The animal snarled. "Big words.. TinyDick. Now, either oil up, or I'm gonna frig ya Dry!" A hush waited for heated words or perhaps a body going through a wall. Instead a sigh came in their ear-pieces. "When you are older, Youth, You will learn the difference between Arrogance and Confidence.. If you live to learn." The vial dropped on the stool with a tinny rattle. "I shall return later for the pants." Then he simply put on his shorts, and started towards the door. Sugnoh growled, doing a foolish thing.. He reached out and grabbed the male. "You're either Male or Female in this game, Bastard! Since you don't want to be my Male, You Will be My Fema.. *Urk*"

The room went silent. "Yur chokig me.." His paws tried to jerk on the arm that held him aloft. Trio shook his head as some of the crew moved towards the door.. "That I am, my little bruin. And Now I am going to walk out of here. Not for good, because you do turn me on.. But I decide when. And with who. And if Anybody doesn't like that, I will re-arrange their body parts.. I kicks der Ass up twixt der ears!" He pulled the animal to him, gave the gasping muzzle a sizzling french-kiss, then dropped him. Right onto a large boot. Which smacked his furry butt, hard! "*Mmmpf* Ouch!" This time the cat held onto his muzzle and chuckled.. "Still the same.." The male lifted his other foot, and stepped over the dazed animal. And got as far as the door.. "Wait." He waited. "I am not used to talking to Dippers.." The bear got up and slid a paw across his hand. "I'm sorry.. Please. Allow me to make it up to you.. Blowen." The man smiled.. "All you have to do is ask.." Shadow put his hands on either side of the muzzle and pressed his mouth to it. It's owner groaned, stroking the cloth-covered sides. "What about the pants?" Sugnoh growled, grabbing the buttocks with both paws. "Fuck the pants!" The male shook his head. "I have never seen anybody horny enough to screw cloth before.. What's it like?" He got his ass squeezed, and a snout shoving his shirt out of the way to get at the warm flesh.

"Maybe I had better take it off.." *RIP!* "I got yer measurements written down.. Fuck the shirt!" Another shake of the male's head. "First it was the pants, Now it's the shirt.. What kind of sex-maniac are you?" Sugnoh moved a paw inside the cloth to fondle the fat nuts. "One who is going to suck these dry, then expects you to make him moan as you bugger his ass!" He nibbled on the small nipples, softly growling. "Better hurry. I haven't got All shift to hump ya.. Hey!"

The animal dropped to sit on the floor and took the man's shorts with him, tossing them to one side, so he could stroke the muscular legs. "Like ya said.. We haven't got All shift. Just most of it.. If'n ya don't mind missin some sleep fer the pleasure of pumpin my butt full of cum.." He nuzzled the penis, which had again shrunk. Lapped at the nuts in his paw, then returned to lift the cock with his teeth. Let it sit on his tongue for a moment, then closed his mouth and hollowed his cheeks, pulling every bit of skin to the groin through his lips. Fingers fondled his ears, tracing the bite in one of them, while the dick swelled in the moist warmth. He growled, pumping his snout over the hard maleness. The man grunted softly, letting the animal do whatever he wanted. Which was to dig claws into the butt-cheeks, and squeeze.. "Cum Fer Me, Male.." And he did. The taste was like nothing the bruin had ever encountered before.. He held the spurting tip between fangs and let the thick stuff pool on his tongue. Swallowed and collected another mouthful. Then he couldn't take the teasing and shoved the spurting thing deep into his muzzle, wallowing in sweet ejaculate. When it no longer even dripped, he nuzzled the wet thatch of hair, inhaling the scent. "Mmmm.." Then let the cock slide over his tongue one last time, Kissing the tip.

He fondled it, hoping it would grow again. To his delight it did.. So he munched on the balls, then shoved his muzzle up, goosing the man. "Damn, But your nose is cold!" He chuckled, as the other's wondered.. Then a paw retrieved the oil-can. "Hate to use this on such a fine piece of meat.." He sucked the cock back in and mouthed it a bit longer. Then let go to pour oil on his palms. Rubbed the stick well.. Did it again. "If you are tying to screw it off, You can't have it." The bear chuckled.. "Nope, Just want it slick so you can pound my butt well.." Scraps of paper flew as the second time was fished out of the pool. "How do you want it.." The bear stood and growled. "Rough!" Took a swipe at the male.. "Make me whimper.. Show me you deserve my ass.. *Yeowlp!*" The bruin was tossed against a wall. One arm locked on his neck, creating a bar that Just allowed him to breathe. The other hand went down his front to latch onto his nuts like a vise. Both were squeezing.. "Down.." Sugnoh tried to refuse.. The arm jerked his chin up, and he choked. The hand between his legs pulled. "Down.." And he followed.. "You wanted it rough.. I prefer slow 'n' easy myself." His back stroked the man's chest as he squatted.. Grunted as a cock was pressed to his tail. Toyed with it.. And made the bruin's blood-pressure jump through the roof.. "Stick it in me.." "Nope." 'Nope?'

He sagged.. And gasped as the fat tip split him open. "I thought you said you didn't want to.." "I said, 'Nope'.. I ain't gonna stick it in ya. And I ain't gonna jump yer bones, screw like a runaway burrower, and jump off either. Now, Grab some wall and let me show ya how this is done.." The animal bent and had his hips lifted back. "Spread your legs.. Good. Give us a kiss.." FatAss lifted his muzzle up and got a tongue stuck in it. He moaned, sucking on the organ. More of the maleness slid in him. He grunted, trying to push back.. "Wait for it.." At last it was fully sheathed. "Now we have fun.." The groin rubbed his butt-cheeks, making the bear grunt. The pole was circled, turning in him, but not moving.. Up and down, Side to side, Yes. But no In-and-out.. "Damnit! Screw me!" His ears got nibbled on. "I am.." Another growl.. "You know What I mean." A chuckle and his nose got smacked. "Complain about my dick not being up yer ass. Complain about my dick being up yer ass.. Yer can't have it both ways. Not unless you invited somebody else in here.." The Tiger growled as half the shift volunteered to help the animal with his work.

The bear held onto the wall, moaning as his dick was squeezed. He reached down to stroke the arm.. "Keep both paws on that wall." And jerked it back into place again. "You got an itch, I'll scratch it.." Fingers worked a hard nipple over.. Then went after it's twin. Sugnoh shook, his butt being compressed into the hard groin. Every last inch of the wide cock was in him, and it stayed. The male rocked his hips, twisting in the opposite direction of his legs. "Alright.. I think your ass has been worked long enough.. Let's get down to some serious buggering!" The bruin looked over his shoulder at the male.. They had been going at it for the better part of fifteen minutes, and this was just the warm-up? "Oooo.. Shit!" The man slid out of him.. "Need the pail?" "Put That Back!!" Sugnoh roared, shoving his rump backwards.. To have it shoved forwards again.. "Alright." Fingers dug into his butt.. He screeched, twisting as the hand worked the gyrating digits up into him.. "Aaaugh! No! I meant yer dick.. Not yer claws. Please..." He managed to pant out at last. The mid-day break almost didn't come.. "OK.." Everybody breathed... There was a mass exodus to the break-room. "I'd better oil you again.."

The bear grinned. "Get me any more slippery, and yer fist will slide in.. No! I Didn't Mean it!!" Sandwiches were bitten in half. "You sure you don't want my arm? It's bigger.." What a Wanton bastard! Some wiggled their own paws.. And shook their heads. "Alright then. Stand up.. Good. That makes ya tighter.. If it's too tight, bend a little. Not that you will ever have to worry about that.." Sniggers as the bear grunted. "Like that better? Not so hard on the back, and I still get yer whole front ta play with.. Like these hard tits.." A moan followed many others.. "Ya got a time-mark to clean this place up.. I'm going up and file some papers.. If, when I return, I have ta use a hose ta get ya apart, I'm ripping the speaker out, understand? Now, show some pride.. Take yer pants off and fold them neatly. Then get yer naked asses out here where ya got room.." He shook his head and walked up the stairs.. Turning the external speakers on before leaving. A confetti of cloth went out the door, followed by dozens of horny bodies.

The guards who were lucky enough to be on camera duty got more than an eye full as a bat and an otter climbed up onto the shelf and stared going at each other.. Right in front of one of the spy-boxes! It rapidly made the rounds Channels A and B had sex-shows on them.. Now, nobody would vouch that it was Live.. Since it Was rumored that illegal tapes had been played on the machines before by bored guards.. Others could only listen to the pandemonium coming from Laundry 2.. Unless one had a mini-viewer. Which some did.. Many a nipple got bitten and a dick got squeezed that eve. The pair that had lit this bonfire of lust were still going at it in the sound-proof cubicle.. "Or I can reach down and stroke yer belly.. Like that?" A paw on his ass, squeezing it harder and a ragged moan told him the answer. Shadow chuckled, slowly and easily sliding his penis into the animal. "Your paws are free to do what they will.. Sometimes it's fun to just rub nuts.. Like this." He pressed their scrotums together and rubbed the testicles inside against each other.. "I'm gonna.. Gonna Cum!" Teeth bit his shoulder gently.

"That's what this is all about.. Giving pleasure while getting pleasure. Anything else is rut." The bear wailed.. His paws were forced around his cock and with a see-sawing motion, brought to ejaculation. He thrust his hips down, sheathing the male to the hilt, spunk splattering against the wall. "Do it.. Blow yer wad fer me!" Hind paws danced on the floorboards, the boots and all over. Sugnoh was in heat.. His claws dug deep into the male's butt, holding it still. His back scoured the chest, mashed the nipples with furry shoulderblades. A second orgasm made the bruin chew on his tongue and work his rump well over piece of male-meat. "Ohh.. Ahhh.. Unngh!" He felt strong arms holding him still, rocking his shuddering body as the last of the fires died down enough for him to see again. "Th.. Thanks.." The male rubbed the top of his head with a whiskery chin. "Any time.." The sweaty bear rubbed himself against the man. Then leaned back and moved the hands. Shook his head.. "Cum!" he growled, "Spill yer seed in me Ass.." He worked his butt around the pole, trying to get it to blow. Shadow grunted, pounding the furry haunches with a will. Claws gripped his balls, feeling them for when they would release..

"Ahh! Fuck Me... Yes!" The nuts lurched in his grasp, and the snake deep in his guts spat it's creamy load. The bruin growled, using his anal muscles to drain the male well. The man worked the last of his need off, then stood still, waiting. He lifted the bear up and licked on an ear. "When you get tired of my dick up yer ass, say so, and I will get off ye.." "Ha! Yer can stay there till we both root.. But You have ta get back to yer own bunk-mate." He turned and gave the human a kiss. "Thanks.. I learned something. Yeep!" A hand grabbed his abused ass and rubbed their dripping cocks together.. "Naw.. Or you would have grabbed My butt and rubbed bellies.. What a mess... Want some help in cleaning up?" Sugnoh threw the semi-clean shorts at the man. "Blowen.. Get out of here, Before ya lose the Entire night!"

The man chuckled and opened the door.. To see a mass of sodden males and a tiger standing at the top of the stairs glaring down.. "I go off to file papers and everything goes to Hell! Damn, Commander, you are dangerous... Oops!" The male grinned.. "If anybody is alive enough to hear that, I will eat them!" From above them a voice called. "I heard that.. Oooh!" The furball that was an otter and a bat fell off their perch to be caught. The man ticked the cum-matted bellies and got moans, but little else in response. "Told ya.." The tiger grinned and led his friend and partner in war up to the gate. "How the hell am I gonna explain about the uniforms.. For that matter how the hell am I gonna get my crew unstuck!" The man grinned. Walked over to an access panel and ripped a handful of wires out. "Taken care of.." Then pressed paws with the cat. "Come back again. Say in about a millennium.." They embraced. The feline growled as a hand squeezed is butt.. "Keep it hard, Sarge." Then the male was gone. "Damn.." Trio returned to find the sprinklers going full-tilt and the entire room dancing under the water. Shaking his head, the warrior dropped his pants, grinned at a puzzled bear who was just emerging from the fitting room and followed suit..

All the way up the guards were slapping his butt, stroking his crotch, or giving him a kiss. Sometimes all three! "Well.. Spend half the night, And return with less on that when you left!" A few more guards came by, grinning. "You got time to shower.. Barely." The male stripped and jumped into the shower.. Making Delkyn growl with lust. A guard growled also as the man turned, showing his erection.. "He's unavailable.. How about mine?" The creature made a rude noise and moved on. "Guess not.. Mmmm. Your ass or mine?" The man rinsed well. "How about we show them what a double-pumper is.." The canine turned the water off, and worked the air-hose, drying them both. "Up to it?" A hand gripped his sheath. "Try me.." The male lay down on his bunk, and the wolf neatly flipped himself on top of the naked body. They went at each other like lovers who had a lot to catch up on, and not much time.. EasyLay moaned around the big dick, orgasm turning him into a rutting savage. Then got his own mouthful to savor. Somebody whistled.. "Never seen the like.." Another guard growled, wishing He was the one who was slurping up Blowen's spunk. They finished and with one last lap, fell into sleep.

For some reason, the long chamber that housed the bathroom became the canine's favorite resting place the next day.. Because every break somebody would come over and whisper something to Delkyn. Who would then gasp, look over at his bunk-mate, growl and make a bee-line for the door. Of course a somebody or three usually went with him. The only question was, why was it every time he returned, Delkyn was licking his muzzle or holding his crotch, and moaning softly.. He was also worthless, begging off even so much as a massage from his puzzled bunk-mate, who shrugged, and lay down. Winking at one of the passing guards, who winked back.. And let the block know EasyLay was all in for the first time since the last Big Orgy..

Things were pretty quiet for almost a month. Then one evening EmptyBucket waylaid the wolf. "How much.." Delkyn scratched an ear. "How much fer what?" Thumb claws latched onto his pants and drug the animal down. "How much fer ya ta vanish a few minutes.." The canine grinned and stared into the bloodshot eyes. "First, you have to ask him.. Not that He will say No... Bastard'd probably screw a knothole." The male in question smiled at his bunkmate, as he came around the corner. "And what is wrong with three-ways?" Hands lifted the bat up so it's long ear-tips could be nibbled on. Leathery wings wrapped themselves around the canine's muzzle, as the bat squeaked and arched. "Got any tits in there?" Strong hands rubbed his back. And EasyLay had a hell of a time getting free.. "Shit! Leggo! I gotta Breathe.." The man's eyebrows arched. "It's That Long?" The bat squeaked again, and reluctantly allowed himself to be pried off the furry snout. "You Are Dangerous!" The male chuckled and stroked the dark belly. EmptyBucket shook all over. "Oops.. Looks like he's gonna need a shower." The creature shuddered again.

"And a good scrubbing.. Hmm.. It will take Both of us Hours to get him clean again, You know that.." Delkyn was trying his best not to explode.. "Oh, Yes.. *Giggle* Hours.. *Snort*" They helped the mammal to their cell, while others chorused cat-calls and the Cleaning Crew drew straws to see who got to wipe-up the puddle. Another Lottery determined who got Laundry Duty. The Rabbit who won stood before the chute door with a basket.. And yelled when they cloth came down. "Wow! He Soaked 'em! Mmmm.. Blowen's Strap is fragrant tonight! So is the Wolf's! Ho, Ho.. Somebody got their dickie played with today." The crew gathered round, Nuzzling the cloth. And just about Everybody got a lick in.. Upstairs, the pair of miners were easing a trembling Cook's Helper into the warm water. "Maybe he doesn't like showers.. Reminds him of Cook's Soup." The creature shook his head. "Oh? You mean he doesn't take a dip in the kettle, and calls it flavored? I could swear he sticks his paws in the 'Beef'.. I don't even want to know what goes inta the 'Pork'.."

The bat squeaked and shook with laughter. Then moaned as fingers got busy caressing his hide. "Better hurry. Only got a time-mark before Lockdown.. And Ya don't wanna be locked in with a pair of horny monsters like us.." He looked up at the canine. "Wanna Bet?" The man growled 'Sandwich Meat' in his ear, making him shudder.. Then he grinned. "I seen Longen come down looking like he had been caught by a pack of horny thnids.. I seen Skinny here come down moanin about his ass. Don't deny it! You come in gasping about how the two of you were pounding poles all night.. And if he chewed on yer buns one more time, yer tail was gonna fall off.." The man shook his head, rinsing off. "The things I miss.." Delkyn growled and turned off the water. "Come On Big Mouth.. Let's get dry.." The male leaned down. "If he asks you to nibble on his carrot.. watch out!" The wolf smacked his partner's butt. "Oh Yeah? Who likes to Play 'Hide The Bone?' so much he can't wait for his partner to wake-up?"

"What? Wake you up just so I can bugger yer ass? How Rude! I Knew it was a mistake lettin ya have the Top Bunk. Next thing, You'll be wantin me to wake ya up when I give you head.." Both the Bat And the Wolf stared at him. "Well.. I was horny.. And You were hard. So I let you sleep.." The wolf shook his head, dropping the air-hose. "And How often does this go on?" EmptyBucket took hold of the wand and made sure He was Dry.. Then started on the long legs beside him. "Well.. Only a few times. *Smack!* Alright! Alright.. Once a week. At least.." Warm air got the furry thighs dried. And a sticky tongue got them wet again.. "You mean to tell me That the last few times I have been waking up with a pair of painful balls, it was because You couldn't wait? You bastard!" The Wolf grabbed the male and hugged him tight. Much to the delight of the bat, who got his muzzle squashed between the fragrant crotches. He shoved a finger up the pair of ass-holes, and fingered them well. Damn! Blowen's was tuggin on him.. 'Deeper? How about two.. Don't have three, you bastard! Shit!' He jerked free and shoved the males apart. "Look! You want anything longer and you're gonna have'ta Squat!" The man did just that. "Delkyn, Up to a little?"

The canine shook his head and dropped to lay on the floor. A guard came by and tested the door. Growled as he watched the bat climb onto the male's back, then hold on as the man bent down to engulf the doggy-cock. "Damn.." He hit the emergency-override and locked the cell. "Don't want No Orgies on This Floor! Not Unless I'm in it!" Then the Rraffin grinned and went down the doors to see a certain male about easing some of the pressure in his shorts. Meanwhile the bat was squeaking as his dick was being yanked on by an anus that seemed to have fingers. Delkyn held the mammal still so he could engulf both sets of balls. Nibbling on them, the canine grinned when the bat shuddered like crazy and squeaked, filling the male's butt with spunk. Then his own orgasm made him grunt and moan, his balls being drained by expert hands. After a few moments, the man shifted.. And The wolf growled, biting on his mouthful. "Not until I get mine.." The man went after his nipples, tweaking and caressing them. "It's not polite to talk with your muzzle full.." And Delkyn groaned. "Now, unless you plan on lying on the cold floor all night may I suggest we get up. Or at least spread a sheet out. My knees are getting stiff."

The canine growled again, letting go of the nut-sacks.. But not without sliding his tongue over them well.. Laid a blanket down then reclined on the cloth, waggling his tongue. Shadow knelt, waiting as the bat went over and washed. Then returned to slide in between the horny lovers. Delkyn shifted, so he could rub his hard cock over EmptyBucket's butt. "It's your own fault, You know.. You whine." The wolf lifted his head. "What?" Got a kiss. The bat was busy trying to decide which nipple to play with next.. Blowen had two big ones. EasyLay had six smaller ones, and he had four of his own... Damn! But he kept an ear on the conversation.. "You Whine.. I could understand snoring. Hell, I snore.. Don't say it!" The canine chuckled. "I get up to take a whiz and you are whimpering like somebody kicked ya out into a cold rain.. So it's either climb up with ya or bring ya down to my bunk.. And Then you start nuzzling my chest, feeling me up.. And have the nerve to go back to sleep! I mean.. I have patience, But not That much!" Delkyn snorted. "Lies.. All lies! How many times have I had to sit on your face to muffle the snores.. Wake me out of a sound sleep, you do.." EmptyBucket stroked both sets of buns, nuzzling the erections. "No wonder I have been spitting tail hair lately.. Not to mention what the inside of my mouth tastes like.." The bat couldn't resist.. "What?" Delkyn put a hand on his muzzle. "Never you mind.. Now, either lick my dick or get out of the way.. I am getting horny! Wha?"

The male searched his head. "I don't see any horns.." The wolf grunted. "How about the one between my legs?" "Too small.. Doesn't count." Delkyn growled. "Since when has it been too small.. Who You been sneakin around with?" The man chuckled.. "You.." Another growl. "You ain't gettin off That easy.." The man kissed him. "Delkyn.. Have I Ever been easy to get off?" The bat stopped nuzzling dicks and perked up both ears. "You keep lappin.." The animal giggled and nibbled on the pointed dick. Stroked the longer one with a membraned wing.. "No... You Bastard!" He smacked a shoulder. "Why can't I stay mad at ya.." A grin. "Ya can't screw mad.. Angry, Yes. But not mad.." Then leaned over and whispered "Sandwich" in the animal's twitching ear.. Gave it a lick as well. The canine grinned nastily. "Hey Bat.. Get that muzzle up here..I wanna kiss." EmptyBucket reluctantly let go of the cock and moved up. Got his muzzle pressed wantonly.. This time the man's erection tapped at the fleshy door under the stubby tail. The canine flipped, showing his back to the bat. "Come on.. I want it up me.." And Cook's Helper obliged. Then he groaned, holding onto the furry shoulders as a thick pole split him open.

"Too big?" The bat squeaked and shuddered.. "I can get some oil.." The mammal shook his head. "No Way! You just keep on shoving.. I'll take it." And so he did.. Delkyn snorted. "Why is it I always get the Short end?" And got smacked.. "Be glad he's not a snake.. Then he could bugger you and suck you off at the same time.." EmptyBucket groaned, as the males squeezed him between them, one working a wonderfully huge prick into his neither end, and the other doing almost as good a job as Blowen at milking his dick.. Between the pair, he didn't last long.. Spurting deep into the canine's tight ass, then grunting as his own was filled with hot spunk. They stayed like that for a while, then Shadow pulled out and flipping Delkyn, went after the cum-splattered tits. "Oh.. Ah! Stop.. Don't Bite.. Do Bite!" The canine howled as Cooks-Helper lapped on his still dripping doggy-cock. Then all three went into the shower. After a quick turn under the dryer, They sat, fondling each other and talking.

"I think we may have to move farther from the bars.." The crowd of guards that had appeared, growled.. "There are three of us and five of you.. That means unless you want to open the door, two of you are gonna have ta wait." A Black Panther came up. "And What does That mean.." Blowen got up, slapped a hand on the furry butt, and stroked the strong neck with the other. He pulled the crotch to his, rubbing them together and gave the purring cat a kiss that made the dark tail jerk straight out.. "What ever you wish it to. EasyLay.. Feel like eating in?" The canine was at the bars, wagging his long tongue.. A badger had his pants down and his hips pressed to the metal in a heartbeat. The panther dropped to sink claws into the smooth buttocks and chew on the dripping penis. "Hey! Ouch! Watch it.." The feline gnawed on the dick. "Shut up.. Before I Bite it off!" A bear lifted Shadow's chin to slide a tongue into his mouth. The other paw pulled the bat's hips closer so he could shove his cock deep into the gasping mammal. Delkyn did double-duty, sucking first on the Badger's reddish dick, then nibbling on the bat's longish penis.. The panther grunted as

a boar-like being worked a corkscrews cock under his tail.

The other guard got in line, and Delkyn found himself playing 3 piccolo's.. The bruin relieved him of one, sliding the long male-meat between his claws, while humping it's owner with abandon. The Panther snarled, then gulped as his tonsils got sprayed with spunk. He swallowed it all , using his sandpaper tongue to get still more.. Then yowled as his porcine lover came in his back- door. The bear groaned, filing Cook's helpers' ass up and then some.. EasyLay had both cocks in his muzzle and was doing a fine job of imitating a vacuum. Too good! With a moan, both guards tried to drown him in cum.. And didn't succeed. He drained them both, squeezing their nut-sacks. Then yelped as Shadow did the same to him.. Teeth chewed on his doggy-cock to the knobs, as two fingers slid into his butt. Delkyn jumped and squealed and finally howled, his own testicles being squashed to get the dregs out. "Please.. " He gasped feeling the tongue catch any stray drop of semen. Then the male let go of Him and Went after the others! EmptyBucket creamed all over the big paw and now watched as the man cleaned both it and him.. "Leave some for me.." The bear pulled out and jerked his paw free.

Neither the badger not the other canine could do more than plead as their shrinking malenesses were lapped on. The Panther, who was watching all this go on, made sure He was well away from the bars. "Sorry.. Perhaps later." The other guards got untangled and wearily made their rounds while a Bucket just shook his head at the creature's prowess.. There was only one question remaining. "Would you prefer to sleep with me or fur-ball?" The bat yeeped and passed out. So they placed on the lower bunk. "So. Where are you gonna.. Oh, no! I lived through one orgy already.. I ain't Gonna have your horny self crawling all over me while I'm asleep.." The male shrugged.. "Alright. I guess I shall have to lay with EmptyBucket. Who will tell the entire Day-Shift how you were too cranky to let yer Bunk-Mate sleep next to ya.." The canine growled and pointed to the upper bunk. "Belly to the wall.. And keep those fingers off My tail!" Blowen laughed and put his stomach to the wall. A warm fur-coat draped itself over him.. "Sleep.. We have a busy day ahead."

Delkyn awoke to find himself being cradled in a furry lap. "What?" The bat kissed him. "You do Whimper.. I thought Crazy was kidding." "And where is 'Crazy' now?" The bat chuckled and nuzzled the animal. "Getting breakfast. We got so many chits last night, It will take a month to use them all.." A guard came in with a tray. Followed by Blowen.. "I only got two hands. And my mouth doesn't stretch That wide.." He placed the trays on the upper bunk. Gave the guard a kiss. "Thanks.." Got a growl, and a slap on the ass in return. "No more chits.. You've disabled a whole Level of guards Already.." The male looked shocked. "Did I say a word? No mention of how much I would like to play with your big dick. Nothing about how wonderful your balls would feel soaking in my mouth.. Not a peep about grazing on that furry rump.." The Ferim shoved the tray into the man's hands and made a hasty retreat.. "You are something else.."

He turned and looked at the pair. "Well. If you two think you can stop playing with each other long enough to eat.. Breakfast is ready." The bat unwrapped the canine and took the proffered tray. Delkyn took another and sitting on the floor, ate rapidly. Cook's helper nudged the miner. "Somebody was hungry.." The male shrugged. "That was not what he said last night.." The bat looked up at the man. "Oh?" A warning growl was ignored.. "Yep. Made me sleep with my stomach to the wall. Told me I couldn't even so much as play with his tail. Then draped himself All over me.." The growl got louder.. "I tell ya, I Never met someone so stingy.. Throw that coffee and I will have to take Another bath. And You Yourself said you didn't want be at another orgy for a while.." The canine threw up his hands. "What am I going to do with ya?" The man got up. "Help me dress.. We have to get to roll. EmptyBucket.. Think you can get these trays back by yourself?" The bat nodded, Grinning. Plenty of hands would be eager to get these trays back.. Especially with the tales He had to tell!

Another thing happened on the way to add to the growing legend. They were in chain, marching along, when a shriek came from above them. "Chains Down." The steel links that kept them together in such emergencies were dropped, along with some of the smaller creatures. "A Bilkh.." The winged carnivore wheeled, knowing somebody would get careless. Then it would take one of the smaller ones and be gone before they could use their clubs as no one had guns. "Rocker.." The cat came over. Shadow whispered something in his ear.. The animal growled, but dipped his paw in the tan shorts. The guards watched, curious, as Blowen searched the ground for.. A stone? He returned to take the groin-strap from the his friend. "Stand back.." He tied a knot in one end, then put the rock in the cup he had made. The creature still watched, circling.. Then the male lifted the strap and started it turning.. Slowly the cloth revolved in a circle, rapidly gaining speed. Rocker yelled, startling the bird into stillness.. With an over-under motion the rock was flung out of the strap. *Crack* Went both mineral and bone. One was harder.. The Bilkh shuddered...

Then dropped out of the sky. It didn't quite make it to the jungle floor. As the body descended, it hit a small pod.. And the tree it was attached to opened up, engulfed the bird, and closed with a *Snap*. "Thanks.." He returned the cloth to the big cat, who dusted it off, then tried to put it back in place.. With a chuckle, a dozen of the miners formed a circle, only occasionally looking over their shoulder at the naked body. When both strap and pants were back in place, the line was re-formed and they continued onward. To tell the ones coming out about Blowen's newest escapade. That night, nobody slept until a full mark after LockDown.

And Sugnoh got another chance at the male who made his heart pound.. "Back for your clothes? FatAss.. Get over here and make sure your measurements were correct.." A brand-new speaker was installed in the Break-Room. It seems the old one was ripped out by Trio. The pair disappeared and ear-plugs were eagerly inserted in all sizes and shapes of sound-catchers.. Again the male stripped. But this time the bruin had him lay on the floor, and stroked the naked body with his snout. "Mmm.. You washed. I like that. No, No. Stay there for a moment.. Oh, Yes!" The bruin lifted the hips and slid his muzzle in between the muscular butt-cheeks. Rubbed his chin against the puckered anus, then licked it.. "Do you like my nose up your ass, or prefer my tongue?" The same otter jumped to one side, allowing the same Buffalo to fall into the Washer. "Your tongue of course. Your nose is too damn cold.." It took a half-dozen males to get him out.. And All got Soaking wet. The Tiger looked like somebody had shoved Him in the vat instead. "I suppose you will want out of those wet clothes.." A half-dozen volunteers chimed in to help the big male. "Screw it.. Heat Rules in Effect as of Now!" Cloth flew again as everybody got naked.. "I've never screwed anybody before. Mind if I.." A chuckle. "Not at all.. Every should try it from both ends. Might change their mind about Bi-sexuals.." The gasp of that boot dropping was followed by a howl so loud, Guards from an entire Block came down..

The ensuing orgy lasted till Way past Lunch. Anybody hungry enough to want a sandwich Wasn't within a hundred feet of the Laundry Area. Of course it didn't help when out of the speakers came - "Oiled? Good. On my knees? Or do you prefer Face-to-face.." Sugnoh growled, pulling the ass up to his crotch. "Ohhh. You are So tight!" A chuckle. "Thanks.." The bear felt the anus open and let his tulip-shaped head slide in.. Just. "Quit teasing.. Hey!" The orifice opened up and the animal found himself engulfed to the sheath. "Ok.." It was a wonder the Foundations weren't rocking.. The entire Lower floor resembled a furry centipede with a cramp.. Or a bunch of erotic oil rigs. Pumpa, Pumpa, Pumpa.. Hands, Paws, Feet, Anything that could hold a body part was tugging, stroking, and pouring coals to already overheated male bodies. "What a tight ass! I could hump on it all friggin shift!" The collective groan That statement raised made another tier of Guards come to rescue their mates.. They didn't get very far. "Fresh Meat!" The twenty or so males vanished under naked, squirming, Very horny creatures. Uniforms got shredded, and tossed to the winds. Anything from the neck down was fair game.. Especially the crotch area.

One poor creature whose only crime was being well-built, got so many bites on his dick, he passed out. Not that That stopped anybody. "Now you just lay there and take it.. And you ain't gettin uncorked until yer cum! Mmm.. Nice tits. Here, Let me.. Ahh." The sound of a tongue on flesh made the floor move again. "Yeah.. Sweat fer me. I like rubbin my hard nipples on yer sweaty back.. Quit Grabbin Me Like That! Damn.. You got fingers in there or What?" Those trying their best to hold out literally blew it.. "You Bastard! I'm gonna.. Gonna Cream Yer Ass Big-Time!" The lusty growls that turned to howls didn't help the wet bodies cool down either.. Nor did the *Thump* of two rutting males hitting floor. "Aaaahhhh! Oh Yessss.. Ungh! Mmmm.. No.. Please! Just lay next to me for a moment." A chuckle.. "If you're as drenched as I am.. I bet we could slide down the corridor. How? Easy.. Grab yer toes. Put yer back to the Floor, and have somebody giver yer butt a shove.. Ever been in a Poly Uniform? Real slick stuff. I could slide down a stair-rail, jump across to a wall and be halfway across ship in a few minutes. When you are done.. I think we could Both use a drink." Somebody dragged their carcass out from under a pile and managed to get a bucket, toss a dipper in it, and open the door. "Here.." Sugnoh lay beside the man, one furry leg draped over the male's. "Thanks.. You're naked." The ferret nodded. "Heat rules.."

The male looked up at his lover.. And got kissed. "Sometimes the fans don't work so well.. So we work without clothes." Shadow rubbed the sweaty butt beside him. "How?" The ferret gulped and stared.. A pair of tongues waggled at him. "Two's company, But three is an orgy.. Care to help with the fit?" *Slam!* "Guess not.." They untangled themselves and went for the water. "Hey! No fair.." 'Wha?' The bruin watched the dipperful slide down the throat without so much as a twitch. "How do you do that?" The man grinned and poured another over his head.. "Sand-Centaurs. Two-legged equines with cocks long as yer arm.. Lay with one of them for a while and you can peel fruit with yer tongue.." Sugnoh shook his head. Drank and splashed the cool water on his muzzle. "How does this feel?" Another chorus of groans.. "Much better. At least I won't be ripping shirts. Shall we try for the pants? Or does yer want to snap those fangs on me nuts now.." The bear chuckled. "I think I can wait.." Many a sigh wafted up.. To turn into yeeps. "You can 'Brown-nose' me all you want. Yer still ain't gettin a raise.. And Damn yer nose is cold.. My nuts shrivel every time you nuzzle 'em." The bear growled. "Than we shall just have to warm them up.." *Lap* *Lap* *Lap* *Chomp!* "Not so Damned hard! I only got onna those.. Now look what you did.. It's leaking." A muffled growl answered the male. "How many times have I told you not to talk with your mouth full? Now I'm gonna have to spank you.."

*POP* "You Mean That?" "Sugnoh, You grin any wider and that bucket will fit.." "Don't change the subject.. You would actually smack my ass?" *Slap* "Depends on how hard you get my paddle..." The bear shook his head. "You Are One Kinky Male.. I Love It!" So did the audience.. He rubbed the maleness well. "Feels hard to me.." "Good. Now grab Wall, Male!" The bruin scrambled to comply. "One.." *Tap* "Two.." *Tap* "Three.." *SMACK* "Ouch! Hey!! That wasn't your dick!" *Smack* "That's right, My horny little bear.. I didn't eat yet, and I want some Hot Buns to chew on.." He sank his teeth into the reddened cheeks. "Ouch! Stop.. Aaah! Chew on My Ass! Bite my Dick.. My Balls! Eat'em!!" A second wave of orgasms hit as the crowd did just that. "You Bastard! Get that cock up here.. EasyLay ain't the only one who can be a Dipper!" He grabbed a double-pawful of sweaty butt, and started grazing all over the well-scented crotch. Of course it was hard to keep ones mind on work when somebody is nibbling on ones nuts.. Or fingering your ass. Nothing for it but to do the same..

They had just got started sucking each other, when a snake spat sweet cum into hungry muzzle.. Then it's bearish counterpart exploded. *Gulp* *Snort* The entire floor shuddered as a wave of pleasure hit.. And Nobody stopped until the dregs were bit, slurped, frigged or pumped out. The pair inside the room fell over and FatAss let go of his lover. Big Mistake! The male started chewing a path upwards.. "Hey! You are supposed to lay there and be too tired as well.. Eeep.. Chew on my Tits! Bite me! Aaaugh!" All the bruin could do was hold onto the floor and shudder.. "Stop.. Please." The male did so. Opened his mouth and pressed his teeth against the animals. Tongues got busy sliding across each other and fingers squeezed butts. "Blowen.." The bear lay and stroked the man's side, "Anytime you want me.. I am available. Anytime.." The man kissed him. "A question.. If Heat Rules are in effect.. Do we go out naked? And where do I put my clothes on at?" A hundred mouths rolled the news around. Along with whatever was in them at the time.. "Why don't we ask Trio?" The pants fit well, held up with a belt.

This time when they opened the door, the noise shook everything for a dozen floors up! And if it wasn't for the Riot Doors being closed, would have shook more.. Whistles and cheers and stomps. Howls and growls and snarls. And more than a few gulps, and moans as somebody popped their cookies. The bear stared for a moment.. "Shall we join them?" It sounded like an explosion at a champagne factory.. *Poppity, Poppity, Poppity, Pop!* Hungry mouths growled. Thirsty tongues licked shiny lips.. "Umm.. I guess a lengthy discussion on the pleasures of abstinence is out of the question.." The carpet of bodies moved closer. "It looks grim.. If I don't make it back, Tell the Kids I Love them.. Farewell, My Lovely. " And he grabbed the startled bear, sweeping him into a prolonged kiss. Whistles and cheers broke out.. "Longer.. Harder.. More tongue." He dropped the bruin. "More tongue.. What do you think I am? A pervert? Don't Answer That!" He put his shorts on to many a howl of protest.

"What's the matter with you.. Ya see one sweaty ass-crack, ya seen 'em all! Just because Mine doesn't have any hair.. And Don't tell me you haven't been peeking in the shower either.. Delkyn told me he's been selling tickets to the show!" They howled and beat the floor again. "Now I have to be toddling back to my cell. So I can get up and eat.. You do know it's Dawn.." Many of them shook their heads, but the clock hadn't stopped because some inmates and Guards got together for a little dick-tasting. "Day shift's gonna shit when they see this mess.." The Tiger grinned, sitting on a step with four or five worn-out males beside him. "Shadow, You Are T.R.O.U.B.L.E! Now Get, while Yer ass is still intact.. 'Cause if none of these other horny bucks want to bite a piece off, I sure as hell do!" The lights shook so hard half a dozen reports of an earthquake came in to Central. Which was in no condition to reply.. The male shook his head, took his shorts off and draped them over one arm. "This way nobody can rip them off me.. I am not About to go into the Dining hall with just a strap on!" He grinned.. "Somebody might get the wrong impression of me.." Then turned to the bear. "Thank you for the most fun I have had since a Frovina Tailor fit me for a suit.. What? Ask Trio.." The Traaz shook his head. "Don't go Draggin me into this.." and grinned knowingly.

The man walked out onto clear concrete, only getting his butt slapped a few hundred times.. The Rest fondled it and bit it and licked it. The tiger followed him to the last gate. "Try to stay away for a while.. I Still don't know what I am going to say to Day-Shift.." The man smiled. "Simple.." Went over to a panel and opening it, tapped a code into it.. "Mechanical problems.." The Green tiger growled, and pressed his body full against the nude one. "Cap.. You are a Blowen and a half. Don't Ever Change!" Then he pounded on the door. "One going out." The robotics read his voice, scanned the area and unlocked the gate. The man put his pants back on, snapping the pass to them. "How long for those shirts?" The warrior, who had served with the man in many a war, held onto the wall. "You be glad we don't bronze yer ass and stick it on the wall! Mmm.. Probably a week.." The shook hands and slapped butts. Then Trio left to see what the Insane One had wrought.. A fine mist covered everything in Red. "What? Oh.." He shook a fist. "Bastard! Insane Bastard!" The grinned crazily himself and joined the others in dancing under the paint sprayers. Once a month, the walls get a fresh coat of paint. By then most of the old stuff was either mildewed or scraped off or just plain gone. Somebody found an easy way to do this was clear an area. Turn on hoses and mist the place down. Let dry for a time-mark and replace the furniture. It seems Somebody had re-set the clock and the automatics kicked in. So Everybody was red.. And needed a shower.

Including one tired male. "All that for one fitting? And didn't even remember to bring the shirt.. What am I going to do with you. Waggle that tongue again and I will wash your mouth out.. Amongst other places." EasyLay helped his Bunk-mate into the water, and dress. Then steered him down into the Dining Hall. Another black bat who got an earful from his cousin about this male, put a bowl of mush on his tray with a smile.. "Up all night?" He nodded.. "Want another?" The blue eyes stared at him with a merry twinkle.. "Don't say it.." The wolf growled and pushed his mate on down the line. "Well, I can always use some more cream.." The canine smacked his butt. "Just you wait until we get back.." And things were pretty quiet once again. The miners whispered about how Few guards showed up at Roll. And how many got Inners got yanked to do Laundry duty.. EasyLay listened to all the gossip and shook his head, watching the male work up a sweat.. And grinned at the others also watching.

It Had to happen. And when it did.. Nobody saw a thing. But those who did watched a Human destroy a SawDugger. Armor plating didn't help when your opponent could crack it. Chits had flowed like water on who would be the victor in the final battle.. And everybody Knew there would be one. Somebody told Blowen that Breaker had killed more than a few of the small ones. There was anger in the eyes at these tales as the wall and Fillers could attest to.. But not enough to kill. Blowen, like his namesake, needed a spark. That spark was Wunra. Wunra was a small creature who carried water. Accidents and age robbed him of being able to do anything else. His life was the mines.. And the occasional kind word he got from thirsty miners. Well, this time it was his turn to carry for the Lower Miners.. And Breaker happened to be there. Well, he tripped over something, spilling a bit of the liquid on the Sawdugger. For this he paid with his life. Breaker paid even more dearly, for he chose to hit Wunra in front of Blowen. Who watched as a big paw lifted the creature up, to slam him into the wall. Then lift him again. "Friend, I believe once is enough.." Breaker sneered and slammed the creature down, stepping on it, and twisting so bones could be heard to snap. Whispers ran up and down the tunnel as work ground to a halt.

"I ask again. Stop and let the old one live.." Snuer put Maxie into his sheath and crossed his arms.. He would not interfere.. No matter the outcome. Actually it was a no-lose situation.. If Breaker somehow killed Shadow, Rocker, Slide and probably the entire Wreck Crew would come down on him like a ton of ceiling.. And not even the Captain could save his armored ass down here. And if Blowen lived up to his name... No skin off the Guard's nuts. Especially since he had orders not to touch the male.. At least with cuffs. Wunra gave one final squeak, as Breaker crushed his skull. The shaft grew quiet.. So quiet you could hear the splot as Breaker spat on the mangled body. Then came another sound.. That of a pick-axe handle being snapped in half. The miners stopped and watched as the human dropped his broken tool, breathing softly. Delkyn remembered the eyes grow cold.. Then as Breaker grinned at him they went Black. Like the inside of a coffin Black. "Blowen.." The one who was called that spoke softly. And EasyLay remembered the words.. Words that when later repeated made a Weapons Officer shudder and turn white. "Target Locked. Command is Destroy. Annihilate Sequence activated. Remove target.."

He took all of three strides towards the creature who snarled and shoved those wicked claws towards the male. They were slapped aside. Hands hard as steel slammed full into Breaker's breastplate. There was a cracking sound and the creature was momentarily lifted off the ground. He hissed like a steam boiler.. Shadow jerked his hands back, and blood ran from 10 holes. This time Breaker slid his claws along the male's sides, gouging furrows, which were ignored. A gasp went through the mine as whispers told those up and down the Tunnel what was going on. Snuer always wondered how anybody could hit someone hard enough to break their neck, which was what supposedly got the male put here.. He watched, astounded, as the palm of one hand slammed full into the chin, shattering the jaw. The other hit the plated nose, shortening it considerably. Breaker was broken.. A soft cheer went up as the animal swayed. But Blowen wasn't through.. True to his namesake he had one more devastating thing to do. The left hand slammed into the chest one last time, breaking it in half, and blood poured out of the broken mouth.. Then the right one slammed downward, and the head burst like a ripe melon.

That Still wasn't enough for the one whose name meant one of the worst disasters that could befall a mine. "What.. What the hell's he doing now?" Lifting both bloodied hands the male slammed them into an overhead runner. "Oh - My - Deity.." Arms strained to pull the ceiling down.. The board was a full meter thick and reinforced with steel cables. And it was bending... The miners were too shocked to do much but stare in gape-jawed amazement at what they were witnessing.. All except one... "Shadow.."Delkyn carefully made his way over to the man. "Shadow, He's dead.." The eyes looked through him. "So should I be." With a growl that was both cold as the icy pit itself, and so full of hatred some stepped back in fear, the being slammed a boot into the support timber. It snapped like a twig and part of the tunnel bend collapsed. But only a part.. The rest stayed put, as the timber dug itself into the floor. And the being who had tried his best to be under the rocks and dirt was lying on the floor. The canine grabbed a hand.. "Bastard! You ain't getting away That easily.." And a half-dozen bodies latched onto the male, tugging him to one side. He was leaned against a wall and when found to be still breathing, a ragged cheer came from the assembled miners.

Feet came from everywhere at once. Somebody got a bucket of water and washed the male to see what wounds he had taken. Hah! Except for the lines running down each side, Not even a bruise. Others cleaned the mess up and dug what was left of Breaker out.. The Guard lifted Maxie from his sheath and walked over to the male. "Maxie.. You are never to touch this male.. I love you too much to lose you to Blowen.. What is his True name?" Again Delkyn remembered. "He said his name was Shadow.." The eyes opened and the canine shuddered again. For they were not the eyes of anything alive.. "FarScout Commander DeathShadow. At your service, Sir. Target has been removed." Rocker came over.. "How is he?" The empty voice came again. "Bio has sustained damage and has gone off-line." Two, known to be of a Death-worshipping cult, fell to their knees and babbled.. Someone walked over and spoke gibberish. The head turned as if on bearings and scanned the newcomer. Repeated the gibberish. "Clear the area.." Snuer growled at being told what to do by a robed being.. Then ran like somebody kicked him between his legs when he saw Who had given the order. The big cat snarled and dozen claws came out. "I stay.." The dark robe looked him over.

"As you wish, Prince." Delkyn was no longer sure of anything, But he had heard those phrases before. He reached.. "Verien Hiver Pilot Delkyn reporting Commander.." The neck rotated so he was in sight. "You are out of uniform.. How goes the fight with the Vomerans?" He grinned despite himself. "We kicked their roots clear back to The Third sun!" A smile. The canine noticed it had gotten Very Quiet.. And nobody but guards were around... "Commander." The head swiveled again. "Stand-down. Start Sequence 2. On order.. Go." The blank eyes closed. "Bio needs medical attention. Comp going off-line for diagnosis, as requested." Then the entire frame stiffened. A clawed hand patted Delkyn on his shoulder. He looked up at GuardMajor Serrs. "None of you may say a word of this.." The robed one who spoke lifted his hood, showing a heart-shaped face. A Spiren? What the hell was someone as high up as a Spiren doing here? "How long have you known.." Rocker sighed and touched the body with his foot. "Since he arm-wrestled me.. Plasti-steel bodies are not stock replacement parts. And Not even Cyborgs have Ship-grade neurocircuits. Unless they manufacture them.. You were a guess. Nobody gets tossed in here without reason and I doubt it was to get rid of a speck like.." He pointed to the twisted thing that lay to one side.

"He was supposed to meet me.. Not save a female, who later died. But the Commander always did have a soft spot for children.. No matter what race. Did he tell you she was a Rarn?" Delkyn gasped softly. Rarn were the ruling race of an entire system.. If she was a servant, it meant she had been taken. And somebody had been sent out to find her. Somebody who was as hard as a ships hull. Who could take care of himself.. "Why here?" The Spiren whistled laughter. "What better place to hide a StarDragon than inside a hole in the ground?" The eyes snapped open with a suddenness that startled them. "Talking about me again, Iilkeb?" The insect put a pair of legs together in a pattern. "Quit cussing in Ur. I know That language too.." He whistled a strange tune. The Spiren shook and held it's hands up. "No More.. No More. You butcherer of verbs.." The man lifted himself up. GuardMajor Hy-Oin walked over. "Not even scratched.. Cyborg." The man grinned. "Not quite.. Delkyn, Have I been porking you with a plastic device?" The canine snorted indignantly. "Hell no!" The insect shook. "That is the Commander I remember.. When do you leave." The man looked up at the other insect, who was clacking his mandibles. Then made a high-pitched whirr.. Hy-Oin chirped, startled.

"3 years, 7 months, 21 days - Standard." He stood up and dusted himself off. Made a complicated hand gesture with the InterGalactic Intelligence Agent.. "I shall wait." Grasped Rocker's paw. "Brother's still?" The cat dug his claws into the hand. "How did you bleed?" Red dripped from the wounds.. And was as suddenly stopped. "Shunts. And yes, it's mine.. I do have to pass certain tests to travel. Like Romer's Blight." A snarl and the cat hugged the male tightly. "Man or Machine, I welcome you to my tribe. Warrior-Brother until you rust.." Delkyn now knew Why Longen was glad to be rid of the human. "I guess I had better lay down and at least pretend to be hurt.. For the medivac." A nod. "Fare Thee well, LordCommander of the OutWorld Federation." The Spiren watched the creature fall as if deboned. He pressed his multi-digited hand to a pair of furry shoulders. "Watch him well.." EasyLay shook his head. "Why? He sounds ok to me." The Agent took him to one side. "Drugs. The computer side is programmed to watch over the biological side and take whatever action is appropriate to keep it going. Only Command Overrides can change that.. That is so he can't commit suicide. Or go on a rampage.. However, he Can fool the machine side and die anyway. If he starts acting strange, Contact Trio. He will know what to do. One last thing.. Were you really a Hiver Pilot?" A nod.

"And yes, I can keep secrets. To the grave if necessary.." He gave the furry rump a squeeze. "Good.." Then returned to the puzzled guards. "I am IGI Agent Iilkeb. Questions.. This is a BioAndroid. Yes, they still exist. I have deactivated him. He stays here.. Until we can get proper transportation arranged. We can't just throw him in a box and ship him. Postage would break us.." He laughed with the rest. "Remember, keep your yap shut and nobody knows nothin. Treat him as you would any other prisoner, with one exception. He messes up, You call Me First. This one is capable of taking a Battalion out by himself.." He grinned in his way, as the eyes grew wide. 'More than that.. Eh, Commander?' The whine of a lifter came to their ears. "Official word - Gas pocket. Breaker hit it. A few more got caught in the backwash.." Delkyn went down with a grunt, when a baton caressed his skull. Rocker grinned.. "Head too hard." Then fell. "Nerve pinch.. Now, load them and a few others who need a weeks rest up and ship 'em."

So some with a Lot of Chits got to stay for a week in Menders. Blowen, of course, didn't get a scratch.. "Crazy Blowen. Got more lives than a Lyin' Squeaker.." But word was whispered around the line that a Dipper had fallen like a meteor onto Breaker. The male was at work again the next week, along with the others, as if nothing had happened. And nothing did.. Security came snooping around the cells, but didn't Touch anything. Or anyone. They had orders too.. And so for a while, nothing spectacular happened. Then a half dozen High Powers descended on the Camp. Everyone was taken unawares.. Guards were spitting and polishing like crazy. Everybody not sleeping or mining was moving rags.. The cook was so flustered he nearly fell into his own soup.. More than once... Word traveled down the line like a fast fire. It hit the mine harder than a sudden rain storm.. Chatter was the order of the day for an entire break.. Words like 'Triad', and 'CloudThumpers'(So high up they screw clouds), and 'Warrants Of Deportation' (You get pulled from here and stuck on a rock).

It seems that the Guards were lax on making sure the Travel Chain was locked that day. After all, why bother when the only reward for escaping into the jungle was a painful death? Unless an ung stepped on you. Ung's had feet the size of small cars, and there were 8 of them hitting the ground at any given time.. At least they were punctual. Every day, at the same time the crew waited while twenty or so of these behemoths sedately trampled a path wide enough to be called a road in the underbrush. And it was at one of these times Blowen vanished. Even money said he was a squashed speck under one of those feet, or at the bottom of some huge belly, giving something indigestion.. But hidden deep inside a service corridor, which was so unused, the dust had dust, was a small box. On it was written 'If I am needed, I Shall return'. Inside the box was a Starwave Transmitter.. This wasn't so unusual, as many places had such calling-boxes. What Was unusual, was the unit was the size of a book. And was tuned to no known frequency..

The End

Last modified (12/24/96 14:24:16) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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