From: (Steven Gordon)
Subject: Mary's Stranger (f/f)
This story contains SEX! If you don't like it, don't read it!
Mary's Stranger
You have been to a dark, smokey pub. You met a woman there who fascinated you beyond belief. She has your interest in history, art, and music. The club is quite dark. You sit there listening to her melodic voice. You realize that you don't quite know what she looks like. You know the shape of her head, but the combination of darkness and no light gives you the feeling of talking on the phone. She spends most of the evening talking to you. It is near closing when she invites you to her apartment.
You are quite aroused, but having just met her, you prefer to keep a bit more distance. You refuse. She walks you out to the street where your cars are parked. When you round the corner of the main street, she turns you and kisses you. You are only a bit surprized. You respond warmly. Her hands run up and down your back. You are finding yourself responding much more than you had intended. She again invites you to her apartment. Again you refuse. She continues embracing and kissing you, her tongue on your lips and teeth, dancing with your own drives you wild. She runs her hands down to your bottom. You push your bottom to her hands as she kneads your cheeks. You know that she must eventually stop. You are on a streetcorner. She will eventually give up. You are terribly aroused, but you refuse to go to her apartment, to the apartment of a woman who you just met. She talked to you for three or four hours in the smokey club. She was never a very clear image, and you can hardly see her at all in the dim distant streetlights. Her image is nearly all voice. You know much of her attitudes, but you are not sure that you could pick her out of a crowd in daylight.
On the other hand, you can not remember being this attracted to a woman so shortly after meeting her. She rubs your breasts through the material of your blouse. You find yourself pushing them to her hands. You are sure she will stop soon, but you are enjoying it while it lasts. You have decided that you will not go with her to her apartment, no matter what. That should make you safe. Your refusal is on your lips as she again asks you to go to her apartment. She runs her hands under your skirt. Her hand first rubs you through the thin material of your panties and then slides her finger under the leg of your panties, tickling your mound. Her other hand pulls your blouse out from your skirt. With great difficulty, kissing you all the while, she pulls your blouse free and then reaches behind your back to unclasp your bra. Pushing the cups of your bra up, she runs her hands over your breasts. Her hand rubs your exposed mound. Her mouth is on your breasts, moving from one nipple to another. She tugs down your panties, sucking your breasts all the while. You step out of them as they hit your ankles. She brings both hands to your breasts, moving her mouth to yours. You are terribly aroused. She again asks you to go to her apartment, and without doing anything to stop her exploration of your body, you again refuse. You know that she will stop in a moment. She is just as nervous as you are about being on a dark city street this late at night. She leans you against the car. You feel a bulge pressing into your thighs. She continues to play with your breasts, her tongue possessing your mouth. She sets go of one breast and reaching down, unzips her fly. She takes your hand and places it on the moulded plastic.. You do not resist but neither do you let go when her hand leaves yours and reaches for your so very wet slit. Her fingers run up and down your slit, from your clit (where they stop momentarily) to your wet hole. You find your hips moving to her fingers, and after a moment realize that without thinking about it, you are stroking the dildo.
Her fingers are busy on your breasts and slowly running up and down your slit. She has you at a peak of erotic excitement that you have not reached in some time, and that you have never reached IN PUBLIC. You have seen the odd set of headlights on the cross street, and now for the first time a car turns down your street. For a second the two of you are full in its lights and then you are in near total darkness again. You were struck with fear of discovery, but then the fear and the excitement blended together, helped by her constant stroking of your clit. The whole time the car was turning and going by she continued to use her fingers on your sex. Your hips are rocking back and forth to the command of her fingers. You can't ever remember wanting it this bad before, and knowing its not possible to do it. You can now see another couple getting into their car not 60 feet away. They seem to take only the mildest interest in you.
She slides a finger into your wet hole, making you moan, attracting their attention. They turn toward you, trying to make out your image in the darkness. Her back is to them, so you are the only one to see. Both of them stare at you, but it is so dark they are not quite sure what they are seeing, but you know that your breasts are exposed, you know that if they come closer, you would be unable to stop her in time to cover your pubic mound. The couple stays next to their car as if uncertain as to what to do. She turns you so that you can't see them. You now face the car. Your breasts flatten against the cold car's metal. She pulls your panties all the way down.
Your legs spread with no conscious thought. Your body responds on its own. She reaches around and again grasps your sex. Her fingers tickle your clit. You feel her hard organ press against your ass. You hear a small sound from the couple. Before you can say anything to her, she enters you. You are on a public street. Leaning against a car, in full view of another couple. Making love .. ... and loving it. She had finally stopped asking you to go to her apartment. She had also bent you over the hood of the car, pressing your sensitive breasts against the cold metal, hiking up your skirt, spreading your legs. She had entered you as her hand had grasped your clit. Between the sensation of fullness, the sensation of her hand on your clit, rubbing away expertly, and the sensation of having your exposed nipples and stomach pressed against the cold car, you was nearly out of control. You stopped caring that there was a couple that could probably see you. You have stopped telling herself that they couldn't see. You have stopped thinking about them. you are only thinking about your body and it's sensations. Your back was to the couple. You can't tell if they were watching you or entering their car. Your back is to her. You can't even see the outline of her face anymore. It was like being made love to by a ghost... all sensation, no reality. You were bucking back to her when the car's lights caught you. You are bent over the hood of the car. She is in you as deeply as you can remember ever being loved. Your shirt is open, your skirt hiked up over your hips. You had stopped caring about being seen by the couple at the other car, when the headlights caught the two of you in their beam. Your milky white breasts show clearly (you are sure) as the car slows in its turn. Her hand has never relinquished possession of your clit, and continues to stimulate you the entire time. You can only react to what is happening; the danger of being seen by the passers-by; the spotlight from the car; the cold metal on your tender breasts and stomach; The cock buried in your pussy; the hand rubbing your clit in time to the shafts plunges... You are overwhelmed by the sum of it; simultaneously you have one of the strongest orgasms you can remember... In the car lights On a public street As people watch; Taking it from behind bent over a car by a woman who is a voice who's face you can barely remember--
And you love it.
The car continues on its way. It seemed to slow for a moment, but you can't be sure they noticed you. You look back at the couple. They seem bothered by your stare and quickly get into their car and leave. She continues to make love to you. As she reaches orgasm, you join her; calmer now, but somehow sweeter.
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