Subject: LOST IN LONDON info
LOST IN LONDON is set in 1815. It relates the hardships and
discoveries of a young boy orphan. It is NOT a Charles Dickens classic.
As the story unfolds things get very raw and explicit. It has many
scenes of sex between young boys and between boys and adults and
also features bestiality, violence, cruelty and rape.
Any comment can be sent to but remember to keep all public remarks concerning this and other stories in
This is a work of fiction for ADULTS only. Do NOT read it if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your state or country. Do NOT read it if you are easily offended or if you are not interested in fantasies involving young boys.
Feel free to distribute this story without altering its content. The author is not responsible for the integrity of this file beyond its first distribution.
I apologize for the mistakes and historical distortions. I didn't even attempt to use the british accent, you'll have to do that in your head.
Each part will be posted as a weekly instalment. There will be NO reposts until the very end, since it is not polite to monopolize the a.s.s thread. So be vigilant.
However, I understand my stuff often doesn't make it to everyone's corner of the world. (Hell it isin't even distributed on my server!). Thus, if you e-mail me at and beg properly, I will probably send you the parts you have missed.
Happy reading.
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." - Tom Waits
PART 1. 'Birthday Bash'
They say lightning can only hit you once. Shows how little they know.
The sound of birds chirping outside the window, like every morning,
greeted Wesley when he awoke and rubbed his little eyes. The sun was
beaming on Newcastle Estate and it was going to be a glorious day for
his twelfth birthday. He quickly jumped on his feet, only wearing his red
cotton pajamas that clung to his small body.
Being an innocent child of aristocracy, he certainly wasn't aware that
the piece of garment was enhancing his firm pert buttocks to the point of
making men salivate. Destiny would soon tell him so.
He looked outside at the marble fountains and followed with his eyes
the paths that coverered the grounds like a maze around the big mansion.
The reflection of his young face in the glass stared back at him: his blond
hair, still straight even after a night's sleep, his clear blue eyes, shining
like gems over a little button nose. He was adorable, and that's what
his mother told him before she'd tucked him in every evening.
His eyes locked on some bushes moving in the distance. 'Was there a dark
figure hiding there?' his mind wondered. The image startled him. A bad
omen. But after a moment, he easily shook it away from his head, anxious to
open all the gifts he was to get, from all the friends of his father, the
Count of Darlington. The presents to his son, him, were to be luxurious and
He opened the door and ran in the corridor that seperated the twenty
bedrooms of the huge house, smiling and singing. An eerie ambiance
was floating in the mansion though, a palpable tension that stole the
spring in his steps.
When he reached the stairs, the first faint screams of a woman echoed
in his ears. They were like the screeches of an animal getting skinned
alive. He descended on the staircase slowly, and headed in another corridor
that seemed to be leading to the source of the noise.
What he saw on the floor there, told him immediatly something was terribly
wrong. His little heart started to pound. A bloody hand was laying on the
carpet at his barefeet. The teeth marks he had put on it the day before were
still visible. It clearly belonged to a servant.
He tiptoed closer and closer to the shrieks not knowing that it was his
mother getting raped in the kitchen. Waves of laughter filled the
spacious room. Trembling all over, he peered inside, hiding his body
behind the door frame. His mom was on the floor, crushed under a man, more
a boy. The monster thrust his 'thing' inside her, making her scream.
Another villain grabbed the freshly decapitated head of the cook by
the hair. He wagged it in front of the audience and dropped it in a cauldron
of boiling soup on the stove.
Totally terrified, Wesley looked all around him like a frightened animal.
To his twelve-year-old eyes, there were hundreds of these bandits. There was
always a different one crossing the hallway. The group of tugs stole and
destroyed everything they encountered.
His first idea was to curl into a ball in a corner of the house. But
that wouldn't have shielded him from the terrorizing ruckus all around.
It was loud and violent. He diverted slowly, half-paralyzed.
A big hand landed on his shoulder suddenly, scaring the living daylights
out of his skinny frame. He yelped and turned around swiftly to find a boy
of about fourteen with long jet black hair.
"What have we got here!?" the stranger exclaimed, grinning and looking up down his boyish stature.
Uncontrollably, his knees got weak. He stared at the earring of the
teenage thief mesmerized by it's gleaming quality. The rest of his face was
rugged, with scars on his chin and numerous adults lines. The big guy smelled
more like a man than like the pampered boy he was. He could see he had been
in many fights by the movements his jaw made when he spoke.
Too scared, he didn't even respond to the touch of the dirty hands sliding
inside his pajama top and caressing his ribs.
"You're real cute lad...I haven't had fresh meat like you in a while." the teen grinned slyly. "What's your name boy?"
"Wes.sss...Wesley" he stammered.
"Guess you and him will have a little fun. eh eh"
Wes' mind shut down. The screams of people dying or being hurt not far
away had intensified and he was at the mercy of a young man with a look
he'd never seen before in the eyes of someone. It was too much for this
little boy.
The captor grabbed his arm and he noticed instinctively the drawing
of a rat embedded in the skin of his strong forearm. He dragged him
forcefully to the nearest room, almost pulling his delicate arm out of its
"Leave me alone!" he cried. "I have royal blood in his vein! I will have you killed!" he yelled, hoping to scare him. But the bigger boy just laughed and threw him on the floor of the billiard room.
"Well. The royal brat is gonna get a royal fuck then!"
The teenager put one hand on his shoulder pinning him down, and with the
other started the explore the front of his pajama bottom. Wesley could feel
the rough fingers cupping his hairless little balls, then fondling
the short length of his circumcised boydick. Strange new feelings travelled
all over his body.
"All smooth like I like..." the black-haired thief whispered, unbuckling his dirty pants. If there was one thing he loved, it was deflowering little brats, especially pretentious ones. The one in front of him was perfect.
Shouts echoing from outside the doorway broke the tension.
"Jet! Jet! come here!"
"Bloodydamn!" the teen growled, shaking his head. "Stay here or I'll kill you!"
He hurried out the door, leaving his prey confused on the floor.
Wesley's heart was ready to jump out of his chest now.
A voice inside told him to run away, not really explaining why he had
to or what he was escaping from. He tried the hall entrance but there was
three young men there, laughing at the bodies of his mother and father
dangling above the floor, a noose around their throats. Tears quietly rolled
in his eyes. He vanished through a backdoor sobbing and panting, feeling
like a grade A coward.
The thick forest was to be his shelter. He managed to sleep a little,
only to awake screaming, his head filled with the nightmares of the
vandals touching him all over.
The next morning, Wesley pondered about the precarious state fate had
chosen for him. He was now an orphan, all alone in the world. As he laid
there whimpering, a boy of eleven, clad with torn brown shorts came up
twenty feet from his location. Not noticing his presence, he dropped
his shorts and began to pee against a tree.
Wesley's body ached as he got up. He approached the child and giggled
looking at his small white butt. The way he handled his little penis was
hilarious. His hand twisted it, aimed the stream higher then lower. The
little male stopped whistling suddenly and jumped back, almost splashing him
with urine.
"Hey! don't scare me like that!" he barked.
The boy pulled back on his old shorts frantically and glanced at the
blond voyeur. It was his turn to giggle now, seeing him in his sleepware, the
kind of clothes that were unusual for kids of his social class.
"I'm hungry." Wesley pleaded.
"Maybe Mister Griffith has something for you." the boy replied pointing away.
Wes followed him and they reached a dirt road where there was a grey
wagon attached to a huge black horse. The man sitting upfront raised his
"I'm hungry sir." Wes pleaded again.
"Well get on up, there's bread back there and water." the man smiled.
His new friend pushed him in the wagon and it was on its way to lord knows
"What's your name?" the brown-haired imp inquired.
"Mine is Christopher."
The first thing Wes noticed was the boy's two prominent front teeth that
made him look like a rabbit. He had healthy short brown hair and brown
eyes. Patches of dirt covered his skin. His shorts were so thin, he
could see through them. "Where are we going Christopher?" he asked nervously.
"To London. I'm gonna be sold as a, I don't know...probably."
"Slave!" he shouted. "I can't be a slave, I'm the son of a Count!"
"Yeah, well, what does that make you? a cunt!?" Chris laughed out loud.
Wesley didn't find the remark amusing and gave him the cold shoulder.
His stomach was gurgling. The rocking of the wooden wagon made it
difficult to search for food in the bags, but he finally found some
and ate everything, thinking this might be his only meal for a while.
Soon it was dark and Mr. Griffith built them makeshift tents with
branches and old rugs. The big man frightened Wes a little now that he knew he
sold little boys for a living. He kept his distance from the adult and was
happy to sleep alone with Christopher in their own tent.
Even though it was cold, Christopher took off his dirty clothes and got
under the thick blanket totally nude. Since there had never be anybody
in Wesley's life he could consider a 'friend', the pale buttocks exposed in
front of his eyes was his first sight of a set of globes his own age.
"Come on." Chris said tugging at the fabric of his pajama bottom. "Don't be silly. No one is looking." he said trying to reassure him.
Quickly, he undressed in front of the unbashful child, covering his boyhood
with both hands, embarassed.
Under the blanket, the warmth of their bodies huddled together made him
forget about the weather outside. Chris rambled on for half an hour,
trying to scare him, about the ghouls and goblins prowling in the forest
surrounding the shelter. But somehow, he felt secure for he knew Mr. Griffith
wouldn't let anybody damage his precious cargo.
He listened to the man snoring in the tent next to them and suddenly
felt Christopher's fingers touching his private parts under the blanket.
"You're cut too?" the boy whispered.
"uh uh" Wes shuddered, remembering the similar situation of the day before.
"Can you make it hard?" he asked boldly.
Wes nodded silently. The eleven-year-old shoved the side of his blanket
away revealing his hard little boycock. He glanced back with a wicked
smile. His dirty fingers left Wesley's genitals eager to play with his own
small prick.
"c'mon...wank it too!"
Chris was a year younger yet he was initating the other boy to this.
Wesley felt jealous of him, of his maturity. By the look on his face, this
was very pleasurable and he longed to know all the mysteries about it. His
little penis got hard on him and the head rubbed against the blanket.
He stared at the young boy wiggling next to him, curious and amazed.
The light of the moon shone in between the rugs that made their
cover for the night. He could clearly see Chris' thumb and forefinger
gently massaging the shaft of his penis. Farther down, he could discern
his little toes curling up as he began to moan in delight.
Sometimes he took his testicles and let them slip from his stubby fingers.
He didn't have a hair on his body. It comforted him. They were the same,
cut and hairless.
He paid special attention to his pink knob. His fingers moved faster
when he caressed that part of him. Muffled grunts spewed from his throat.
Christopher knew he had a spectator and he made sure the blond boy saw every
tug, every touch on his throbbing little cock.
Then he made a fist with his hand and masturbated as fast as he could, the
ultimate pleasure about to wash over his young body. His smooth balls were
jiggling, his chest swelling up and down. He cried loudly "Uhhhhh" in
the night. His body jerked with orgasm once, twice and a third time.
After a few seconds of afterglow, he leaned on his side, his sex softening
between his white thighs.
"Want me to jack you off?"
Wesley didn't answer but something in his face must have did because
the boy took the blanket away from him and caressed his skinny leg all
the way up to his nutsack. His penis was like a tower of granite between
his legs.
Christopher started to feel it again, at the same time licking his
hard nipples. He teased his virgin body with his lively tongue
and skinny fingers. It was getting hot in the tent and Wes thought he was
going to explode. Every noise outside reminded him of Mr. Griffith.
How he would be ashamed if he caught them doing this.
His body was stiff with mounting pleasure and innocence. A real wooden
plank. Chris tried to relax him but in vain.
"Loosen up Wes, I'll make you come real hard for your first time!" he whispered.
Wes didn't know what he meant and looked between his legs. The tips of
Christopher's fingers were dancing all around his hard crown. The child took
his scrotum in one hand and with the other held his three inches of boymeat.
His hand slid up and down, squeezing his dick, always harder, always faster.
"That's it Wes." Chris grinned, looking at his mouth wide-opened.
"Uhhh Uhhh Uhhhhhh. Don't stop." Wesley moaned.
The remark made Chris smile and milk his new mate's penis even faster.
Wesley let out a high-pitched scream. A jolt of pure pleasure electrified
his young cock. The orgasm came again, floading his body this time with more
intensity. It left him as quick as it came, shaking all over.
They slept soundly in each other's arms, sharing their little secret.
They reached London the next day and stopped the wagon at a town
square. Wesley wasn't used to all the animosity. He glanced everywhere almost
frightened. There were young children enjoying a puppet show. Merchants
selling chickens, jewellery and spices. Women shopping and carrying babies.
A lot of them seemed to be in deep poverty for their clothes were dirty
and torn, especially the kids. Mr. Griffith called his merchandise out to
stand next to the wooden wagon.
"Who wants little servants? Manpower here!" he yelled.
People gathered around the two kids and giggled. Without saying a word,
some would touch them, check their teeth and muscles, look down the front of
their pants. Wesley blushed every time someone came near him. He squirmed,
one foot on the other. Souvenirs of his old comfy life resurfaced and he
experienced for the first time what it meant to be homesick.
A fat bearded man appeared from the crowd limping. He surveyed the
blond and brown-haired boy a second. With a smirk on his lips, he put the
end of his cane on Wesley's forehead and blurted: "I WANT this one!"
Mr. Griffith bargained with the austere adult and soon Wes was off with
the strange man with a black cape. His heavy arm was on his shoulders. He
chatted constantly about 'a new family' as they trotted slowly deeper in the
eastern part of town. Wes couldn't help but stare at the ogre's rotten teeth.
One was golden and sparkled in the sun.
After an hour, they arrived at what he called the 'hideout'. An
abandoned victorian house ravaged by a fire long ago. Noises emanated from
the second floor but they kept going all the way to the attic. There, in a
huge room, he was introduced to ten filthy boys. The youngest was about six,
the oldest looked fourteen.
"This is your new family Wesley!" cheered the man.
The kids giggled and peeked at him while continuing what they were doing.
"Where did you get this one Leroy? He looks...different." someone said.
"None of your business! I want you all to show him the tricks of the trade and make him worth every pound I spent!"
Leroy limped to the fireplace to see if the soup was ready. The
boys surrounded the new recruit and stared at his body making him blush. The
oldest one came closer. He had short blond hair like Wes and a muscular
"Get him ready!" he shouted.
Tiny hands pushed Wesley on a mattress and soon he was pinned down unable
to move. One of the boys took hold of his left leg and rolled up his pajama
pant all the way to the knee. He begged them to let him go but they just
chuckled more and pinched him. "Leroy! Leroy! Mister! please!" he yelled.
The big man didn't even turn his face to show concern.
The blond teenager left and came back with a red poker. Before Wes even
had a chance to struggle, he pressed it against the tender flesh of
his ankle. The scream he let out could have awaken the dead. It rose
in the night and made all of London shiver.
They finally released him and he cried staring at the bloody 'S' burned
in his flesh. He was marked for life.
"You're a snake now!" said the blond leader. "Oh by the way, my name is Rocko and I'm the boss around here..."
Wes barely ate the meal he was offered, the pain in his ankle still
throbbing madly. The boys talked and made jokes all night around the
large table. Some were friendly and included him in the conversation.
One boy in particular, a thirteen-year-old named Harvey, gave him a lot
of attention. He was tall, with black hair. A thin strip of fuzzy hair
accentuated his upper lip. Wesley immediatly felt accepted within the group.
When the moon was high in the night's sky. Leroy coaxed everyone to
bed. Some of the kids slept alone in hammocks but most huddled two by
two or three at a time on a mattress. Harvey offered the new boy his bed
and Wes crawled with him under the yellowed sheets.
Before he turned off the gas lamps, Leroy stood up in the middle
of the room.
"I don't want anybody to play with Wesley tonight! A boy like that is worth a fortune for my clients." he said. Then staring directly at Harvey, he added: "If I find out he's been used. The culprit will have the most severe punishment of his young life!"
Harvey had heard the old man but he couldn't resist holding Wesley,
undulating his hips against his. In no time, his emaciated fingers were
caressing the blond boy's chest and nipples, dipping into his bellybutton.
Wesley's heart beat with the same rhythm of his new partner. With every
breath he took, strange desires lifted his soul to blissful planes he
had never ventured to before. He wanted the black-haired kid to rip his
clothes and jack him off like Chris had done.
A luscious hand invaded his pajama bottom and began fondling his
hairless package. He giggled. The big boy pressed his groin to his backside,
pushing his hard-on against his butt.
Their clothes seemed awkwardly in the way of things. He slid his pajama
bottom along his short legs, giving freedom to his pulsating cock and
showing his horny bedmate he wanted it to happen.
Behing him, he felt Harvey move under the sheets, lowering his briefs
frantically. They were ready to play with their penises now like he hoped
they would.
Nothing was said the whole time, only moans, the language of intimacy.
The young teenager was an expert at this. He caressed and kissed the
little boy's white flesh. His wet tongue was in Wesley's ear, his hand was
masturbating him slowly and his stiff moist sex was in the crack of his butt.
Wes wanted to participate and he sought his playmate's penis between
his asscheeks. From what he could figure, it was at least five inches and
eager to explode. He tightened his little buttocks around the big knob,
feeling the heat it gave off and ultimately squeezing pre-cum juice out
of its tip. The transparent ooze slicked up his smooth pink valley,
allowing him to rub easily the swollen head in there.
Harvey appreciated the boy's initiative and wrapped his fingers around
his hard little boydick with more passion. Wes could feel his temperature
rising. He purred like a kitten under Harvey's ministrations. The big
dick in his crack, brushed his sensitive anus, and for a second
he feared it would burst inside him.
But instead, Harvey gripped his big boner and guided it between his
silky thighs. He started to hump him and at the same time pumped his
little dick. The rhythm of the humping was identical to the hand job. Slow,
loving strokes that were making him crazy.
They didn't notice the boy leaning next to them and jumped when he
muttered in a hushed voice.
"Come on! Billy will suck us off!"
Billy was one of the younger children. Only ten, but he already knew
pretty much everything about boy-sex compared to the neophyte Wesley was. He
was a redhead child and the kids in the gang had nicknamed him Carrot
Head since his head was shaved weekly, leaving him with tiny orange hair
sticking up on his scalp like pins.
By the time Wes and Harvey were on their feet. The young plaything was
already nude on his knees, in a corner of the attic. Rocko was in front
of him with his undies around his ankles. Wesley had never seen a big
cock, he gasped as Rocko's hardened. The large organ lenghten slowly as
if someone was blowing air in it. He thought it would never stop
growing but eventually the foreskin cleared the big red bulb and it
He was staring at the main reason why Rocko was the leader. Eight
inches of meat sticking out between his muscular thighs. The tall blond
leader rubbed his dickhead on Carrot Head's face and Billy cupped his heavy
balls in return. His small lips parted, swallowing Rocko's erection.
Only half of it could fit in and he sucked on it as best as he could.
"Oh yeah, that's it... suck it real nice..." cooed Rocko
Wesley became nervous, wondering if they would wake Leroy, but Harvey
assured him nothing could disturb the old man when he was snoring like that.
After his first apprehension had faded away, he looked at the two boys
next to him. They discarded the little clothes they had on to stand
stark naked with steely hard-ons.
Harvey began masturbating and Weirdo, the boy who had informed them of the
little orgy, imitated him. But he had always been a timid boy. Something
felt terribly wrong about watching two boys play with their thingy and
another one sucking on a boy's tube where the piss came out.
He looked away from the scene, trying to find an excuse to go back to
bed. The slurping sound tickled his curiosity too much and he quickly
reasoned it was only a silly game boys played in the outside world.
Carrot Head was giving a great blow job to the oldest boy. Rocko held
his head, looking down at his little mouth eating his hard prick. He
moaned sensuously, tossing his head back as the slippery lips pleasured
his engorged pole.
Wesley glanced between Billy's skinny thighs at his tiny erection. It
didn't have any attention and wobbled in the air, aiming its sole eye at
the audience. What he thought would have been a deed seemed in fact
enjoyable to the kid. Even though the large cock was lodged in his
mouth, he could tell he was smiling.
"My turn!" Weirdo whispered. Wes surveyed the brown-haired twelve-
year-old, trying to find out how he had acquire the odd name. The curly-
-haired boy rubbed his woody on Carrot Head's nose, teasing him, urging the
pasty white child to take him in his mouth.
Finally, the ten-year-old let the biggest cock out of his mouth and
moved to the next boy's penis. It was only four inches and he adopted a new
technique. This time, he started by nibbling on the hairless testicles,
taking each one in his mouth. He stuck out his tongue and licked the
underside of the shaft all the way to the tip. There, he flickered his
tongue at the knob making Weirdo moan in ecstasy. He opened wide and the
boy pushed his boycock inside his warm cavity.
Weirdo's mug was very expressive. He grimaced from pleasure and
delight as if his penis was the only source of happiness. Carrot Head
alternated from one oral trick to the other. He sucked as though he wanted
to get the boy's nuts through his canal. His moist lips were sliding on
the shaft and with his fingers, he stroked the base of the organ.
"Suck Wes now." Harvey suggested.
"No. that's okay." Wesley stammered, taking a step away bashfully.
Harvey moved behind his stiff boyish body and massaged his shoulders.
"Go on boy, he won't bite." he murmured in his ear. Carrot Head
grinned from ear to ear, crawling on the floor to get in front of him.
Harvey pulled down his pajama bottom gently and his peter emerged bouncing
like a spring board. "Oh, I think you wanna be sucked! There's no point
in denying now!"
Wesley shivered. His whole body was exposed, vulnerable, at the mercy of
the kids' horny minds.
Billy fondled his erection and he almost came right away. The boy's little
fingers were like the caress of an angel on his hot piece of flesh. He
watched him opened his mouth and take all of his penis in his warm cavern.
He could feel his little tongue working all around his hard head, sending
him in a deep transe where pleasure was king.
Harvey rubbed his rod between his buns again. Chills shot up and
down his spine, while in front, his dick flexed and throbbed in the boy's
vaccum mouth. Carrot Head's lips went far down on his boycock, touching the
hairless mound. Then sucked back off. Faster and faster. Better and
"Uhhh Uhhh uhhhhh ohhhhhhhh." he moaned.
"He's commmmming." said Harvey feeling the asscheeks tense up on his dick. Wesley yelped then cried, his body convulsed, taken over by orgasm. All the boys smiled looking at him climaxing.
Harvey kissed the back of his neck then pushed him aside unexpectedly.
He forced his five inch meat inside Billy's mouth.
"Real action now Carrot head. I'll show Wes how to fuck your little mouth real good!"
He grabbed the boy's ears and pulled his head on his straining cock.
The small lips streched around his hard-on as he shoved it further and
further in the boy's throat. Carrot Head choked on the penis but the horny
teenager ignored the fact and began slamming his dick inside the narrow
tunnel. He knew the kid could deep throat him.
There was little sensuality in Harvey's assault. Wesley shuddered,
his eyes glued to the scene. Harvey's balls were bouncing off the kid's
chin and the little pubic fuzz he had tickled his nose. Watching the
grotesque show immediatly gave him another boner though and he played with
it. After a while, he liked staring at Harvey's cock come out of the mouth
and with a quick thrust disappear again back home. Carrot Head was turning
blue but he didn't complain and kept taking the hard sausage down his throat.
For the next thirty minutes, Billy gave head to the three teenagers.
They encircled him and he leaped from one boy to the other until their
cocks were all glistening from his saliva. Always smiling, always doing
a terrific job of sucking and licking, never losing his little erection
between his white skinny thighs, he let the boys fuck his mouth.
He gave special attention to Rocko's huge penis since he was
the leader. The other two meanwhile beat their peter, waiting for their turn.
Weirdo couldn't hold on longer and he came with spasmic jerks of his limbs.
Wesley's eyes locked on his sex. Something he had never seen before came
out from the member and hit Carrot Head on the chest. White gooey cream!
He was twelve like Weirdo but nothing came out of his dick? Confused and
baffled, he stared at the pulsing cock as it squirted again and a third
time on the ten-year-old.
"Come here, I've got sperm for you little slut!" Harvey muttered.
He rammed his prick a few times inside Billy's mouth and shot his load.
The ten-year-old complained. Still, Harvey shoved his penis down his throat
and ejaculated there again. From where Wesley was standing, it looked like
the teen's cock was spurting the white stuff directly inside Carrot Head's
Rocko let out a loud groan and his penis started to shoot its sauce like
a cannon on Billy's face. The first thick wad splashed his right
cheek. Then he received it on his nose, in his hair and in his ear.
Ten times, Rocko's cock unloaded the hot liquid on the kid's face.
Carrot Head's nostrils flared as if he was drowning in all that
liquid. The boys were squeezing their balls making sure he was
getting every drop. When it was over, he was covered with it. The
sticky substance was dripping from his chin. He looked back at
everybody with a wet smile of satisfaction on his face. Finally, he
had the chance to work on his own dick.
Wesley shamelessly fiddled his boner in unison with the young boytoy. It
made him hard like a rock just watching him slide his fingers on his slimy
two incher plastered with the white stuff.
They climaxed at the same time and went to bed.
The next morning, Wesley woke up with the musky smell of boys still
in his nose. The other kids were already eating their breakfast around
the large table in the middle of the attic. He joined them and
devoured the bowl of oatmeal he was given.
Harvey chose that time to explain sperm to him, in front of all the
others. He went on about its power to make babies and the taste it had.
The smaller children giggled and nudged themselves in the ribs
watching the color of Wesley's cheeks turn red.
After that, Leroy asked Rocko to find him some appropriate clothes.
The big leader and Harvey browsed in a wooden chest, fishing out of the pile,
a pair of short pants, a shirt and torn white briefs that would be his
He had never undressed before in public. Only his mommy and nanny had
seen him in all his naked beauty. Shyly, he took off his pajama top and
pulled down his pants. He stepped out of them in a flash. Under the
scrutiny of the group, his circumcised boydick bounced left and right.
Twenty-two eyes were staring at his bare body. He quickly jumped in the
underwear to cover his nakedness and pulled the brown shorts over them.
They were a little tight and snugged his firm buttocks. With a sigh of
relief, he put on the beige shirt over his skinny chest, and was ready to
hit the streets.
There was only six pairs of shoes for eleven boys and that day he
didn't have the privilege of wearing one.
With Harvey, he headed to the town square. It was his duty to initiate
him to the 'art of stealing' as Leroy called it. The first trick he showed
the new rookie was the 'hit and run', then the 'bump' and finally the 'lost
lad' technique.
Wes wasn't very good at it and the rich noble men or tradesmen often
caught him. He always managed to flee though, but unfortunatly not before
getting a few whacks of a cane on his little behind.
Just before noon, he stole a nice goldwatch along with the chain it
was attached to. Harvey smiled and patted his blond head.
"You're gonna make a good little pickpocket lad!"
Leroy was even more impressed. He laughed and limped around with the
piece of jewellery in his fist.
"Ain't life grand!" he gloated. "I bought him for his little ass and he rewards him with his little hands!"
Wes had the afternoon off, courtesy of the old man. He strolled
aimlessly in the streets, lonely. He longed for the old days at the big
mansion but at the same time was exhilarated with his new adventures.
A boy of his age attracted his attention. He had on leather shoes that
were glittering and green socks, covering his ankles. It was very odd for
a street boy, Wes thought. Then, he noticed the bench he was sitting on
and realized he was one of those kids who shined the shoes of the noble men.
He smiled at him and he smiled back. The shirt on him was open in the
middle. A certain sexuality was emanating from his smooth slightly
muscular torso. He'd been blessed by mother nature for sure, the bulge in his
gray shorts was huge for a boy he estimated at twelve.
What startled him the most was his unusual haircut, he had never seen
anything like it. The hair all around his head was shaved except for a
patch of wavy golden hair over his forehead.
"Hi. My name is Wesley" he said, stretching his arm.
"Pleased to meet you Wesley, I'm Shawn" the boy answered shaking his hand. "You don't seem to have anything I can shine?"
"No.. well... I was just..." he squirmed, seeking in his mind for the right words. He was only trying to kill time but strangely felt like the kid could be more than a face in the crowd, perhaps a new friend.
Shawn understood right away. He glanced at the confused blond boy's red
cheeks and helped him out.
"Wanna play marbles tonight?"
Wes nodded, totally overwhelmed by the calm easy going boy.
"Great! Meet me at eight o'clock in the alley next to Selwyn's pub."
He didn't have the opportunity to answer back this time. Rocko came out
of nowhere. Hejerked Shawn's shirt to reveal the tattoo of the
despized rodent on his shoulder.
"He's a Rat Wes! You are a Snake!"
Rocko dragged him back to the hideout, explaining that everything between
Larson street and Rosewell Road was Snake territory.
"It has all the richest bussinessmen." he said. "The well-dressed women will even give you pences if you beg the right way."
"We have to FIGHT to keep it." he shouted.
"But, but, I was only talking to him?" Wes replied like he was on trial.
The leader ignored his remark and continued. "The Rats have the rest of
the Eastern district. They always encroach on our turf. We can't let them
do that or we'll starve."
"Stay away from the Rats. They are the sleaziest of London. You may think they are nice boys but when they know they have earned your trust. They will stab you in the back!"
The city halted. Big Ben was announcing teatime.
They opened the door of the attic to discover all the gang
together and agitated. Wesley moved forward and looked over the shoulder of
Carrot Head.
In the middle of the circle, on the wooden planks, was the naked
body of a nine-year-old asian boy. Quite an unexpected sight in London.
He was very small with slit eyes, black hair and yellowish skin.
Weirdo was on the floor beside him, masturbating a large black dog.
Wes recognized Nightmare, who was kind of a mascot for the gang. The
beast's prick was already hard from the stimulation. He was disgusted
yet curious and kept looking between the dog's hairy leg. The size of
the penis was similar to one of a human adult, but it had veins all
over and didn't have a helmet at the end.
His eyes drifted to Weirdo's face. He hadn't really looked at his mug
the night before, obviously being more interested in what was happening
lower. It occured to him he was very handsome, with curly brown hair
and a babyface. He didn't act like a twelve-year-old and the rest of the
afternoon would prove him right.
Silence fell on the crowd. It was like a solemn moment before a
ritual. The little chinese boy was begging:
"Let me go! I didn't do anything. Please don't hurt me."
"I don't give a Rat's ass!" laughed Weirdo. The gang howlered and kicked the child in the flanks. Rocko approved and winked at Weirdo, signaling the start of the show.
Wes looked around seeking Leroy. The old man sure wouldn't let them
do anything to this kid?
Again, Harvey informed him he was out, probably selling the goldwatch he
had stolen. He didn't know what was gonna happen to the asian little boy
but he sensed that his fear was legitimate.
Weirdo poured some lotion on his hand and smeared it on the dog's cock,
making it glisten. Nightmare didn't need any coaxing and mounted the
chinese boy like it was a female. The nine-year-old couldn't move,
overpowered by the weight of the large animal. His forepaws gripped his
smooth back and his stiff dog pole stabbed his buns.
Weirdo guided the oiled large piece of meat to the child's
butthole and inserted the tip in it. With several sharp jabs that made
the chinese boy yelp, the dog inserted the full length of his prick
inside his rectum.
He started to hump and howl, burying his claws in the tender flesh of
the boy's sides. Wesley couldn't believe his eyes. The gigantic cock was
ramming in and out, stretching the kid's asshole. It must have hurt
fiercely because he screamed: "Argggg agggggg please get it out aowwooww."
Some of the boys were smiling, others leaning to get a better view
of the penetration. The contorted face of the boy was wet with tears.
Nightmare was fucking him vigorously and his strokes were growing faster
and harder it seemed.
Weirdo spread the boy's ass cheeks to display clearly to everyone the
massive cock moving in and out of his butt. He gripped the chinese boy's
dickie between his leg and it stiffened like it always does on little
"Look! he loves it!" he said. "You like that uh Ratboy? You like to be fucked by our dog?" he asked. But the poor victim only responded with a few wails of pain.
Wesley thought it would never stop. The dog was pushing his big prick in
the kid's ass just like a piston. It was so swollen, he wondered how it
would come out.
But suddenly he stopped and began tossing off in the child's virgin
passage. Weirdo held the dog's penis in there as it pumped its hot
jism. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the kid cried feeling his bowels getting filled.
Finally, Weirdo pulled out the softening cock out of the sore asshole.
The asian boy collapsed on the floor and the beast's spunk poured out of
his unplugged hole, streaming out just like a waterfall, much to the
amusement of the crowd.
Rocko made the captive boy eat a puddle of the dog's semen and gave
him back his clothes before sending him away still crying from the
humilation and the pain in his ass.
Harvey had a lot of explaining to do this time.
LOST IN LONDON III by DEBONAIR PART 3. 'Pop Goes the Cherry'
Wesley left the hideout to take a breath of fresh air. Soft rain was
pouring outside and soon his barefeet were dirtied from the mud, even
though the streets were made of cobblestones. The voice of Shawn was
echoing in his head. What was he to do? Go at the rendez-vous with the
Ratboy? That's insane, he's the enemy. But he was so friendly?
He didn't join the gang for the evening meal. That way he wouldn't
be seen sneaking out and he would avoid the inquisitive questions.
Darkness and drizzle emprisoned the Eastern district. The streets
emptied gradually leaving him alone with the drunken sailors and peasants
spewing out from the merry watering holes.
Selwyn's pub, he was told, was west of Larson street. Walking in the
rain, in that direction, made him feel like he was tresspassing on private
property. He reached the pub at eight o'clock sharp. The alley next to it
was extremely dark, reeking of vomit.
He moved forward but all he could see was the black cloak of the night.
No boy was waiting for him there. 'Maybe it was a trap?' he said to myself.
After all, the shoeshiner knew he was a snake. 'Perhaps, he invited me just
to beat me up? or kidnap me?' he freaked.
His heart was pumping blood at a rapid pace now, warming up his little
body. With all the courage he could gather, he stepped forward again.
"Shawn? Are you there buddy?" he asked.
"Back here!"
There was another alley behind the rowdy place. The twelve-year-old
stood there, soaking wet in the rain, his beautiful face flooded by
the light of the pub's back window.
They agreed that playing marbles in that rain was impossible. Upon
the suggestion of Shawn, he followed him to a stable not far away where
they could wait for the showers to stop. Three big horses neighed to welcome
them. Shawn climbed the ladder leading to the upper level and Wes had his
face right on the boy's round ass, tagging along behind him.
The light of the moon was shining on the bales of hay. They jumped
gleefully on them and made pirouettes all around. Tentatively, their bodies
connected. As the awkwardness of the first moments faded away, they
began shoving themselves in the prickly natural cushions, tickling
each other madly until they were all out wrestling in their damp clothes,
giggling hysterically.
A curious blend of fear and attraction swirled in Wesley's guts as he
grabbed the boy. His hands kept caressing the feathery short hair on his
scalp, loving the sweet feel of it. Then he would pulled on the longer
blond tuft over his forehead eliciting a yelp of pain from his partner.
Shawn didn't let up and squeezed his balls to retaliate.
Tangled and clothed, they rolled left and right. Chaste coupling of
boys without the sin.
"Let's take our clothes off, or else we'll catch a cold!" Shawn bawled.
Wesley squirmed. His dick was already stiff. He surely didn't want to
show it to Shawn, not knowing how he would react. Slowly, he took off his
shirt, hoping his pecker would be limp when he got to his shorts. Shawn
sat on a big stack of hay and pulled down his shorts and underwear first.
Wes postponed the rest of his undressing to look at his friend's crotch.
The boy stood up but the long shirt covered his genitals. God, how he wish
he wouldn't keep it. And he didn't. Lightning struck just as he peeled off
the thin rag, giving him a perfect view of his smooth white underfed body
and his uncircumcised penis pointing straight away.
It stood at four inches and he was only half-erect! Seeing that Shawn
didn't have an ounce of timidity, he proceeded to take off his shorts and
underpants too, meanwhile the other boy leaped in the hay wearing only his
shiny shoes and green socks.
Wesley crawled naked next to him and gasped at his beautiful tool. A boy
with a big weapon like that usually has pubs but he didn't.
"Yours has a hat on it?" he peeped, pretending to be ignorant about dicks.
Shawn glimpsed at his cut undeveloped little boydick and smiled.
"I can make the hat go away if you want!?" he grinned, trying not to laugh at his poor attempt to engage sex play.
He spread his legs as far as they could go and gripped his rod. His
free hand idly massaged his ballbag. Wes watched him jacked himself tenderly.
The big knob of his prick expanded, pushing the folds of skin back.
"See, now it's like yours!" Shawn cheered, raising his butt from the hay to show him his six inch cock resting against his belly. Wes stared at his huge balls and slim phallus in awe. He didn't understand how a boy of twelve like him could be so hung.
Shawn played with his penis, wrapping his fingers around it,
spreading natural lubricant on its head. After a few seconds, he began
pumping his massive pre-pubescent tool.
Wesley stretched next to him and they masturbated playfully, looking at
each other's pulsating cock. He watched, mesmerized, as the foreskin of
Shawn's peter brushed his glans with each firm stroke, wondering how
amazing it must be to have that extra stimulation on your dickhead. Just
staring at the way he handled his boyhood, his heavy balls jiggling,
made him horny like never before. Quickly, their grunts filled the
stable and only the thunder outside was louder.
Without hesitation, Wesley stopped whacking off and moved his head
between Shawn's legs to get a closer look of the hand sliding on the
engorged shaft. His eyes bulged as he contemplated the tower and sniffed
its strong aroma.
"C'mon...Suck it Wesley..." Shawn begged, guiding his penis to the kid's lips.
Ever since Carrot Head's ordeal, he had wanted to know how it felt
to have one in his mouth, how it would taste. The rigid member was
calling him. He swallowed the organ and made his tongue dance all around
the rubbery helmet.
"Ohhh yeahh" groaned Shawn, pushing the back of his partner's blond head on his young pole.
Wesley started to suck him, taking as much as he could of his cock in
his warm mouth. After the initial salty film had gone, all he could
taste was sweet pre-cum. His cheeks swelled each time he bobbed his head
on the dong. He sucked and sucked eager to give Shawn relief. The big bulb
bumped the entrance of his throat but he didn't mind. He just wanted to
satisfy his new friend, to feel the pleasure growing in his hard-on.
Saliva and natural juice mixed together in his mouth, a delicious
cocktail he tasted greedily.
"Uhhh Bring your ass uhhh over here...uhhh" Shawn grunted.
Wesley's lips didn't leave the cock he was attending as he swung his hips
over the boy's chest. Shawn nibbled his hairless scrotum and teased his three
incher with his pink tongue. He engulfed the short dink in his wet cavern,
suctionning the tiny morsel. Within seconds, a coat of saliva glistened
on Wesley's boydick. Shawn milked the small hard-on with his slimy lips,
feeling it flex on his tastebuds.
Wesley savoured every second of their sixty-nine. Shawn was sucking his
dick like a lollipop and he did the same to his. On top of him like that,
all he could see was his plump balls churning sperm.
He felt hands roaming on his asscheeks and spreading them obscenely.
Shawn stuck out his tongue and licked his smooth flesh. The tip of his
probe found his litte boyhole and tickled it with loving swipes.
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm " he moaned, taking more meat in his throat.
Shawn moistened his butthole really well and started to snake his tongue
in there. He loved it. It was as good as getting sucked. He pushed back
his bottom to meet the hot slippery invader, until he had all of it inside of
him. It wiggled in his rectal opening, exploring his most intimate
The tongue-fuck lasted a few exquisite minutes then Shawn replaced his
oral instrument with an unbashful finger. Wes sucked more passionately,
relishing the sweet digit toying with his hole, and the burning lips
eating his throbbing pecker again.
"Are you ready?" Shawn mumbled, his mouth full.
"Ready for what?"
"To buttfuck dummy! Can't wait to put my dick in your hot little arse!"
The images of the dog humping the chinese boy raced in Wesley's mind.
"I I I don't know." he stammered nervously.
"You're a virgin uh?"
He nodded, wondering how the big thing in his hand could go inside
his tiny opening without giving him tremendous pain.
"I'll do it slow. I promise it won't hurt." Shawn offered with a soothing smile.
Wes couldn't resist him. The boy was so sexy and so gentle. He also
knew he would allow him a few stabs at his sexy butt and that tought
helped to convince him. "Okay" he blurted hesitantly.
Shawn slipped from underneath his skinny frame and knelt behind him.
Wesley concentrated on his backside, feeling the humid knob kissing his
virgin anus.
"Relax your muscle Wes, it will be easier that way." Shawn advised. He pushed his hard cock in the tiny hole, stretching the anal ring of the tightly guarded cavity.
"Aoowww it hurts. Ouch!" Wesley winced in pain.
"It's gonna feel reaaaaal nice in a moment."
Wesley relaxed his sphincters and the head popped in. Shawn groaned and
slowly penetrated his long wet cock. One inch at time until it was
all inside to the hilt.
"Ohhh your arse is sooooo tight." he whispered.
Wesley wiped the tears on his face. The six inches of hard meat felt
like a metal bar in his rectum. Shawn started to rock his hips, sodomizing
him gently, making sure he liked it. Soon the pain was gone, replaced by
pleasurable rushes of the pelvic thrusts. Shawn alternated between long
languorous strokes and quick jabs that made him squeal.
Then, the lanky bugger grabbed Wesley's three inch erection between his
legs and masturbated him at the same time he was fucking his ass. His small
penis in the hand of the more experienced boy felt so big, ready to explode
from all the action. Wes looked behind, wanting to catch a glimpse of the big
piece of flesh slamming in and out between his white buttocks. Supporting
himself on one hand, he groped for Shawn's nutsack, bumping against his
rump, to confirm he had all of him inside.
He did have all of the boy.
Shawn pushed his shoulders down in the hay and raised his cute behind a
little higher. The hissing boy half-stood up and buried his cock deep
inside his virgin tunnel. Wes could almost feel the mounting pleasure of
his mate through the organ lodged in his anus. In that position, Shawn
fucked him harder and faster. This was going to be his last efforts towards
the release he wanted.
He bucked his hips and constant high-pitched moans escaped from his
mouth. "Ohh fuck ohhh fuck." he cried shaking Wesley's body with his powerful
thrusts. He in returned complained from the sudden savage assaults with
plaintive 'Ohhh's as the big cock pistonned him.
The first hot load Shawn released electrified Wesley's immature body.
Holding the little boy's hips, he then fired his squirts of semen in his
Wesley was proud of the pleasure he had given his new friend. The grin
on his illuminated face was the ultimate reward. Shawn pulled out his
penis from his bottom and the pulsing cock spit the remaining boyjuice
into his sore asshole.
His anus was on fire but already Shawn was wiggling his ass,
inviting him to take the plunge. He had a gorgeous white little butt. The
entrance to his rectum was pink and puckered. His pink round balls
were squeezed between his white thighs probably already at work making
more of that precious sticky cum.
Wesley rubbed his dickhead on his asshole and firmly inserted it in.
The natural lubricant on his knob eased the process, he was inside in
a snap. 'must have been fucked many times before' he thought. Shawn
didn't grunt one time when he shoved all of his three inches in him.
"Ohh yeah...that's it... fuck me now!" Shawn pleaded.
Encouraged by the boy's words, he moved his hips back and forth and began
fucking his great ass. It was amazing. The tight ring of skin adjusted to
the diameter of his little prick automatically as he slid it in and out.
"Ohhh ohhhhhh hhmmmm ohhhhhh" he moaned overtaken by pleasure.
Soon, he was humping Shawn like a young dog. His cock slipped out but
he didn't care. Reinserting it in the slimy butthole was elating. He
stared curious, as his boycock expanded the little hole to disappear in
the depths of the boy. Shawn strangled his dick with his anus and that way
it couldn't come out so easily.
Wes grabbed the boy's hips for balance and gave it his best, staring
between their bodies at his hairless penis plowing the warm pucker. He was
so horny and rammed his cock so hard inside of him, he thought his balls
would enter also.
Shawn pushed his butt back in harmony with the fucking rhythm and the
sound of Wesley's young hips banging his firm ass reverberated in the stable.
It must have been quite a sight for the horses to witness their
lovemaking. Two hairless twelve-year-old fucking each other wildly.
"Oh god! that's feels so good Wes. Yessss." cried Shawn
Wesley couldn't take it anymore, holding back was impossible. He let
himself come. His little cries of pleasure resonated as he tasted his
boyish orgasm. Shawn was still sucking his penis with his asshole,
intensifying each jolt of his climax. Muscle spasms made his body jerk
They collapsed together, Wesley's softening penis still up Shawn's fanny.
The evening was still young though and Shawn sodomised his new
partner again. This time, he put the boy's slender legs on his shoulders and
shoved his big cock as deep as it could go. They were face to face and
Wes enjoyed seeing in the other boy's eyes the pleasure rising. Shawn came
on his stomach, mooing like a donkey, spilling his timid load on his
perfect skin.
Afterwards he sat on Wesley's boner, which he lubricated with his own
juice, and rode him to a thundering orgasm. They hugged each other,
completely exhausted.
Wesley knew Harvey and Leroy were worrying about him. It was midnight and
he was out there in the big city. Sadly, he put back on his rags and
trudged back to the hideout.
He tried to stay on the streets with candlelights shining in the
old lamp-posts but eventually he decided to take a short cut and hobbled
in the dark alleyways.
It turned out to be a mistake. He didn't hear the footsteps behind
him. A forceful arm lifted him up the ground and a large hand clamped
his mouth preventing him from yelling.
"Ain't it a little late for you my lad?" whispered a deep voice.
The man removed his hand from his mouth after he promised not to
yell. Two other silhouettes limped around in the darkness. One of the
big men moved closer to him. He was a peasant, like the other two.
"Aren't you cute boy!"
Wesley smelled the alcohol on his breath and figured he must have drank
five pints of ale. The man pulled down his trousers, he shuddered. The
bully holding him tightened his grip and pushed his arms against his back.
'These guys want blow jobs' he said to himself as the man in front
lowered his large underpants. He opened his mouth instinctively, awaiting
the flaccid meat, swinging from a bush of dark hair.
He had no intention of struggling, he was so tired, but still the man
twisted his arms painfully. Every bone in his body ached. He was resigned
to let them do anything they required just to be in bed as soon as possible.
"Please...stop hurting me...I'll do it." he pleaded.
The man's penis stared at him, its one eye right in front of his face.
Suddenly, a geiser of yellow liquid exploded from the orifice. 'The
bastard is pissing in my mouth!' He sealed his lips and closed his eyes.
The sound of laughter filled his ears as he felt the hot urine
splashing his tender skin. For five minutes, the stranger peed on him,
guiding the stream of yellow liquid up and down his small body.
When he was finished, the next one took over. The second tormentor
concentrated on his hair, shampooing it with his beer piss. Soon his blond
bangs were all wet and drippy.
"Drink up!" laughed the third one. He forced his large prick in his
mouth and peed down his throat. He swallowed some of it. The rest
overflowed from the corners of his lips.
What only took fifteen minutes seemed like hours to Wesley. They finally
strolled away and he heard their coarse laughter fade in the wind.
His skin was red and burning like he'd been splashed with acid. He
regained his composure and ran to the hideout this time.
But to top it all off, Leroy greeted him with a whack of his cane on
his behind.
"Where have you been boy? You tried to escape?" he demanded.
"I I I was lost." he stammered.
The fat man threw him on a chair and tied his hands to the back of it
with the agility of a scout. This was definitly a lousy ending to a
glorious evening.
"Don't try to fool me!" Leroy screamed, slapping his face. "And and what's that smell? You stink!" He slapped his face again.
Wesley's cheeks were stinging. He thought he'd never get some sleep.
"Now think about what you've put me through!"
The big man went to bed as he cried silently, squirming on the throne of
Harvey delivered him in the middle of the night. He tucked him in next
to him and kissed his cheek.
LOST IN LONDON IV by DEBONAIR PART 4. 'Between a rock and a hard place.'
The tension between the new boy and Leroy grew with each passing day.
Wesley hadn't stolen anything valuable and the old man was talking more
and more about selling his ass. How he wouldn't have any trouble
finding a customer interested in a cute little blond lad like him.
Thankfully, Wesley's relationship with Harvey was totally the opposite.
They were getting closer. The black-haired teenager always did something
to make him laugh and he found himself utterly infatuated with him.
One of the things Harvey mastered was pranks, especially the
'hat' prank.
He would steal a nice hat from somebody and go in a back alley.
There, he would lower his dirty pants and masturbate until he shot his
creamy load in the bottom of the hat.
He'd then lay it on the ground and they'd hide. It wasn't long before
an unsuspecting man would pick up the hat and place it on his head. The
viscous sperm would ooze on the sides of his face.
The look on the mugs of the men they'd catch was worth one million
pound! They'd run away, howling like a couple of escaped loons as the
poor victim threw his fist at the sky.
The attic was the home of the 'Snakes' in the old abandoned victorian
house, but nobody really wanted to play there. The three other floors,
actually two, since the second floor was some kind of bordello and there
was always strange people there, were their haven. In between
stealing and sleeping, they'd gather there. Boys of all age, with their
street friends, carefully hiding from adults to play cards, talk and
do other things...
Harvey showed Wesley the special room on the third floor at northwest
corner. It was the place where all the new recruits were initiated
he said with the same mix of bashfulness and strength Wesley had come
to love from him.
Wesley walked around and looked out the window into the alley below
then back at his lover's body. The only thing garnishing the room was a
dirty bed. He sat on it and sneezed as the smell of dust and strong body
odors rose from the sheets.
"Eh. Many boys have been in these sheets..." Harvey grinned.
"Aren't you gonna initiate me?" he snapped boldly.
Harvey closed the door and smiled down at him, drinking his boyish
beauty. Wesley quivered all over as the bigger boy moved one of his hand
gracefully to softly caress his cheek.
"I really like you." he whispered while kissing his blond hair.
Wesley froze, mesmerized by the thirteen-year-old's gentleness.
The boy unbuttoned his shirt and pinched his hard little nipples.
His carpenter hands rubbed his belly and undid the buttons of his shorts.
With a few slight tugs, he pulled them down and did the same to his
skimpy panties exposing his hairless little genitals.
Wesley stared down at his limp little penis resting on his pink scrotum
and watched as Harvey began to fondle it, his long fingers massaging his warm
flesh. In no time, his boydick grew at full attention, rising to the
occasion from the luscious stimulation.
He usually felt vulnerable when he was the only one naked but it was
different this time. He was in love. Harvey's tender hand stroking his penis
sent streaks of pleasure in his skinny body, making him whimper.
"Play with yourself Wes... I love to see you come." Harvey whispered.
He wrapped his fingers around his young rod and caressed the swollen
head before jacking off madly for his friend. His little balls bounced with
each pump of his wrist. What a grotesque show he was putting on, he
thought. Harvey's bulge down the front of his pants increased,
threatening to make every button of his fly explode like popcorn.
He watched envious as Harvey finally lowered his trousers and white
briefs to his ankles. His big hardened pole emerged from the fabric,
glistening from natural lubricant. Wesley's eyes locked on his groin,
on the thick cock fully erect and the big awesome ballbag just below.
Harvey moved closer, towering over him.
"Don't stop now!" he complained. In all his adoration, he had stopped
jerking his little prick. He gripped it again and stared at his hand
squeezing his dick then at his friend's hand doing the same on his teen
They gazed at each other's penis, watching their fingers work on the hot
"That's it, beat your peter!" Harvey panted.
Wesley's heart skip a beat. He had never seen Harvey so excited. His
cock was red, his face was red and he was nearly out of breath. The
thirteen-year-old straddled his lap, slowly guiding his dick closer to
his little member. The penises kissed head to head as they masturbated
and giggled. Harvey's cock was hard as steel and Wes couldn't believe
he was having such an effect of the object of his affection.
Pleasure raced madly into his little penis. His muscles cramped up and
his moans turned to grunts as he climaxed on the bed. Harvey seeing his
blond friend's body twitching, perked up and jerked his dick off faster
and faster until his sperm shot out onto his flat belly, splashing his
little hairless tower at the same time.
Wesley grinned, smearing the slimy goo on his tummy. He brought his
fingers to his lips, tasting for the first time exquisite boyjuice.
"It tastes good!" he peeped, stuffing his mouth with more semen.
"That's because I made it just for you..."
Over the weeks, they'd go there often, everytime Wesley needed to be
satisfied. They had made an oath to always tell each other when it was
'time'. Harvey obeyed the young kid's hormones without complaining,
pleasuring his little hard-on with his mouth and always bringing him to
a bumpy but dry climax. Wesley would suck his magnificent tool too and
swallow his load greedilly for he believed it would make him grow
strong and tall.
Wesley loved saturdays, because it was the day Leroy supposedly would take
them to the country for a swim. It always rained of course and they stayed
in London time and time again.
But finally, a sunny saturday came around. He glanced at the beautiful
orange ball in the sky gleefully, looking forward to his first bath in weeks.
Leroy rented a horse-drawn carriage and they hit the road for two
hours. The boys exchanged obscene jokes, jammed one against the other.
Weirdo made his famous faces, sticking fingers up his nose, rolling his
eyeballs until there was only white, doing all kind of tricks with his
The spot Leroy took them was idyllic. A small clear river was engulfed
in a forest of tall trees. Everywhere Wesley looked there was green. Kids
and their parents picnicked dressed in fancy clothes. As you can imagine,
the eleven of them scared them away in no time.
The kids in the gang quickly peeled their rags off.
"Don't forget to wash your clothes!" screamed Leroy.
The younger ones stripped to the buff but Wesley noticed the older ones
kept their underwear. A symbol of their status probably. So he didn't
remove his torn briefs and jumped in the water with all of them.
They passed the three soaps around from hand to hand. He loved to watch
the boys scrubbed their little bodies, wash away the dirt of weeks
cooped up in the attic. Everywhere they cleaned, the skin would come out
white like snow. He never thought they could be so shiny and white. The
young tykes were pushing themselves, their penises dangling between their
legs or half-erect.
His turn came and he cleaned his filthy body and blond hair. He reached
between his legs and soaped up his hard little boydick and hairless balls.
Amongst all that yelling and squealing, he didn't care to hide his
excited organ. It protruded out of his undies for all to see.
When the kids had finished their washing, they splashed each other
and climbed in the trees, naked like cheeky monkeys. Carrot Head yelled
like a gorilla, puffing out his chest and hitting it with his fists, before
diving in the river from a tall branch. All the gang was happy for once.
Even Leroy was smiling, sitting on the bank.
Staring at all those bare asses and flailing genitals made Wesley
horny like a devil. He stole a bar of soap and invited Harvey to follow him.
"Come on! I wanna show you something!"
They plunged into the forest until he couldn't hear the giggles from
the youngsters.
A nice clearing appeared before his eyes and he coaxed Harvey over
there. Standing face to face with the confused teen, he looked down at his
wet white briefs. The thin damp fabric couldn't conceal his big balls and
the shriveled teenage cock slowly waking from its stupor.
Wesley wrapped his arms around the boy nervously and hugged him
tight. He kissed him awkwardly on the lips as if putting in practice
lessons of love. The older boy returned the passionate embrace and soon
their tongues were swirling in each other's mouth. They ground their
crotch together feeling the hardness of young erections growing. Harvey
definitly liked the blond boy's plan for the afternoon.
The soft fuzz over Harvey's lips fascinated Wes. He touched it and it
felt like the feathers of a chick. Busily, he explored his black hair,
handsome face and hairless armpits. Harvey cupped his firm buttocks
and squeezed them hard, kneading them like dough. They french kissed
madly again, letting their hands roam all over their smooth bodies.
Harvey briefs were heavy from the water and the little bush on his
pubic mound was exposed. Wesley knelt and eased both thumbs under his
waistband to lower his underwear. The beautiful tool exploded in his
face, hard and proud. He wrapped my fingers around it and pulled the
foreskin back to uncover the mushroom shaped head.
The five inch prick was shorter than Shawn's but it was much thicker.
He turned the cake of soap in his hands a few times and lathered up the
pulsating boner until it was coated with the slimy substance.
"What are you doing?" Harvey demanded.
Wesley smiled wickedly and pulled down his underwear, giving him a
glimpse of his hard boydick before he crawled on all fours in the grass.
"Stick it up my butt!" he begged, pushing the tips of his fingers in the cleft of his small ass.
"I can't! I've wanted for weeks to break your little bum...but Leroy will kill me if he finds out you've had it in there."
"It's too late. I already did it!"
"With whom? Rocko?" Harvey replied with a puzzled look on his face.
"I won't tell ya. Now SHOVE it in me! We don't have much time."
The thirteen-year-old didn't hesite this time and knelt behind him
stroking his lubed cock. A drop of nectar appeared from his pisshole and
mixed with the bubbles of the soap. Wesley twisted his head around wanting
to see as much as possible of the big meat invading his hungry backside.
Harvey placed his pole straight in front of his little anus and applied
forward pressure. The big knob burst in his ass. All of a sudden, pain
shot from his tiny hole. He yelled like a siren.
"AHHHHHHHHHH OOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
"Shut up! Someone will hear." Harvey freaked. Before attempting any further penetration, he gagged the twelve-year-old with his little wet underpants. Then, he stared at his large cock and the task at hand. He had to make his organ slither like a snake to push it inside the little bottom.
"Ohhhh you're so tight... are you sure you did it?" he asked.
But Wesley couldn't answer with the underwear in his mouth and he
couldn't tell him how good it felt to have his hard cock inside him.
He just moaned.
Harvey pushed all of his hunk of flesh in his rectum and began fucking
him roughly. Wesley imagined the boy would be gentle but then again he
didn't mind the aggressive lovemaking. His anal sphincters were as loose
as he could let them to greet the hot wand of flesh.
Soon the five inch rod was plowing his little butt to the hilt.
Thrusting deep in his guts then pulling back, emprisoned by the stretched
contours of his anus. Faster and faster, he felt it slamming home, taking
possession of his insides.
He looked back and found Harvey bitting his lips and staring at his
hard penis sliding in and out of his butthole. They weren't alone. Between
the bushes, he could see two other kids doing a sixty-nine in the scrubs.
That vision aroused him even more. He wanted Harvey to fuck him hard, fuck
him so hard that he would come anally.
The black-haired boy must have heard his thoughts because he held his
hips and started to sodomise him steady and powerfully. He closed his eyes
and savoured every gigantic thrusts of the hot cock deep inside him.
Harvey pulled on the blond hair on the back of Wesley's head and rammed
furiously his large prick between his little buttocks, sending his big
balls bouncing against his.
"Oh yeah Wes...uh uh that's so good...uh uh uh I could fuck you all day!"
The two other boys Wesley was watching changed position and the younger
one was getting fucked up the ass just like him. He buried his finger in
the moist earth, trying to keep from collapsing forward as Harvey fucked
him with an incredibly frantic pace. Beads of sweat from the teenager's
forehead dropped on his smooth back like droplets of boiling wax.
"Ohhh ohhh it hurtsss soooo good ohhhhh"
Harvey's moans of pleasure rose in the clearing like an incessant
chant to the god of sex. Wesley lowered his head and looked between his
legs at his own boyish wiener sticking up, anticipating orgasm.
Harvey's rock hard organ was rubbing his little prostate, the thick
shaft tickling his vibrant asshole. It was so intense, he thought he would
eat his underwear! The fabric was disintegrating from the grinding of
his teeth.
All that action in his butt and the sight of the two other boys
fucking triggered the greatest electric shock in his young dick. He felt
his balls tightening, climbing up in his groin. "UHH!" he yelped and
began to spurt for the first time. The jet of semen shot three feet
from him! It was a glorious event. He was a man. His little cock
shot again in the grass and the hot spunk dripped from the tip of his
purple knob.
He wanted to hug Harvey, to tell him how much in love with him he was but
the boy was obviously too busy fucking his behind. From the animalistic
groans coming from his throat, he knew he was about to come and prepared
himself to be filled.
Harvey was fucking his ass brutally now and breathing hard. A gush of
warm sperm exploded in his bowels. Harvey didn't stop pumping his ass,
feeding his little red hole all the hot jism he could produce. The big
penis finally pulled out of his body leaving him with a feeling
of emptiness.
They didn't have time to appreciate the afterglow. Twenty minutes had
gone. They put on their briefs, grinning at each other. Harvey kissed him
softly and he led him to the other couple. They crept closer trying
not to make a sound, until they could discern who these shadows were.
It was Weirdo. He was porking a nine-year-old brown-haired boy. His
face, as usual, was contorted with pleasure. He humped steadilly, taking
all of his young dick out of the little boy's ass only to thrust back
inside him a second later.
"That's his little brother Skeeter..." Harvey informed Wesley.
As he watched them go at it, Wesley pondered how it would have been
to have a big brother like Weirdo. Someone who would have taugh him
everything early on.
The child was used to buttbanging. He was smiling like an angel and
fondling his tiny penis as the his elder pounded his small butt. Weirdo
pulled out and leaped quickly to shoot his load in the giggling boy's
face. The lad opened his mouth and swallowed most of his big brother's
During the walk back to the river, Wesley talked about how tight he was.
Harvey told him he was one great fuck and his bosom swelled with
pride. But then he went on about the seven-year-old he had raped when he
was eleven. He confided it was the tightest hole in the universe.
Harvey's sperm was oozing from his gaping butthole, forming a wet spot
in his underwear right between his little buns. The hot substance escaping
from his bum and the conversation about tight holes gave him immediately
another boner. From that day on, he was horny all the time.
In the room on the third floor they brought Simon. The little six-
year-old blond kid yelled as the ten big boisterous boys dragged him
there, hungry for some fun on this rainy day. Scaring the youngster was
the number one pastime.
When they released him, Simon backed away until he hit a wall. With
nowhere to run, he stared at the gang, a concerned look on his cute mug.
He squirmed bashfully, wearing only a pair of oversized shorts made of
grey tweed.
Wesley struggled to keep a straight face as he watched the small
creature, his bare chest heaving. His short legs were quaking, easing the
only garment on his loins even further down his hips, exposing more of
the beginning of the cleft of his tiny butt in the back and the 'V' of
his groin in front. 'If the shorts fall to the floor, I'm gonna howl!'
Wes thought to himself.
"We hear you've been playing with the RATS little runt..." Rocko lied.
"NO! That's not true! Don't hurt me!" Simon pleaded. "See!" he peeped, pointing the red 'S' below his right pec with a stubby finger. The tremor in his soprano voice revealed his utmost fright. "I'm with you, I swear!"
"Well, we don't believe you... I think it's time we have some meat..." Rocko said, looking at the result of his words in the little kid's eyes.
"Yeah... I'm so tired of bread and soup...I want meat!" Harvey seconded, drool oozing from the corner of his lips.
"Those thighs will make great roasts!" Weirdo bawled.
"..and I want the arms!" a nine-year-old nicknamed Dandy cheered.
"I want the eggs!" Skeeter shouted, sending a wave of laughter in the crowd.
"NO. Don't eat me! please!" Simon cried, covering his boyhood with protective hands, heartbeat pounding.
They attacked him almost with a vengeance. Strong hands pulled on his
limbs, lifting him off the ground as he spewed his litany. "No! Let go of
me!" "Please!" "I didn't do nothing!" "Don't eat me guys!"
They stole his shorts and soon he found himself naked at the
mercy of the pack of wolves. He trashed and wriggled. The rambunctious
kids cheered and yelled, grasping what they could on his little body.
They swung him over on the bed, already prepared with cords tied
to the four corners. Amidst the ruckus, Skeeter bit the young child's
adorable buns eliciting a scream of terror. Another confirmation in
Simon's mind that he was gonna be devoured alive.
The four eldest boys flipped him over on his back and grabbed the
closest wrist or ankle in reach. Within seconds, he struggled against
his bonds, testing them in vain. Spread-eagled, he stared at the ten
tormentors, tears blurring his vision. His little white form lay
helpless on the altar of sacrifice.
"I'm gonna start with the tastiest!" Weirdo muttered, licking his lips in an exaggerated manner that only he could produce with his elastic tongue.
"ARRRGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!" Simon yelled, feeling the twelve-year-old's mouth engulfing his small dink. He whimpered and wiggled his hips, attempting to escape the rows of pointy teeth. After a few seconds of no pain, his cries turned to giggles. The wet lips were suctionning his tiny cocklet.
A blissful smile lit up his angelic face. The other boys joined the
party, running their sticky hands on his smooth flesh. Wesley watched
the kids massaging the young child and bent over to take the pink
miniature balls left unattended. His cheek brushed against Weirdo's as
they pleasured the small hairless genitals.
Two young members of the gang each selected a nipple and suckled them
like babies. Harvey and Rocko washed his wiggly toes with lively
tongues while Skeeter and Dandy put theirs in his ears, darting to get
inside his brain.
Simon shivered. Every part of his body was coming alive. His small boner
throbbed in Weirdo's warm cavern, impossibly excited from all the
attention. He giggled hysterically, tingly all over. Erotic sensations
travelled throughout his skinny frame, begging for him to surrender his will.
Carrot Head rubbed between his silky thighs, getting closer and
closer to his small butt. His fingertips danced on the perfect skin,
covered with goosebumps. He thrust his fingers between the kid's
buttocks and teased the quivering hole. Simon moaned, shaking his blond
head left and right, feeling the gentle digit draw circle around his
tight ring.
For what seemed like forever, they worked on the young child, building
an earthshaking climax. Every move, every peep from Simon was
scrutinized for they all wanted to watch when he would writhe with
the tides of orgasm.
A sheath of little boy sweat erupted from his pores like a second
skin. His cries resounded in the room anouncing to the world his
impending relief. The boys kissed him more feverishly, stroking him with
unbridled passion.
In a dramatic turn of event, they all changed their actions, as if
driven by a new force. The boys licking his nipples instead pinched the
little mounds hard. Simon yelled, seized by the dull pain exploding in
his chest. Harvey and Rocko tickled the sole of his feet, an atrocious
torture under the circumstances. Other kids stabbed their finger at his
hairless armpits.
Weirdo let go of the two inch wobbler, glistening with saliva and
swallowed one ball. As Wesley took over the tiny hard-on, sucking like
an experienced whore, Skeeter gulped the other ball and pulled on it,
stretching the pink sac along with Weirdo next to him.
Simon's wails of pleasure mixed with cries of fear and pain.
Strangely, the excessive stimulation intensified his sexual crescendo.
He yelped from time to time, twitching as if on an electric bed. From
everywhere on his body, jolts of pain surged. He didn't know what to do,
scream from the torture, giggle from the tickling or moan from the lips
slidding at one hundred miles on his pulsing shaft.
Carrot Head fingered roughly his tight bumhole, trying his best to
keep his finger there as the young kid arched his back and dug his heels in
the beaten-up mattress.
"UHhhhh uhhh Ohhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh" Simon trashed wildly, the cord biting his tender flesh. His limbs tensed-up and he released a high-pitched scream. Wesley felt the little cock flex in his mouth, shaking with immature orgasm. Coming down from the most intense peak of his six year old life, the little blond imp exhaled. He surveyed the circle of grinning boys and smiled shyly, asking with his twinkly eyes to be delivered.
"One last thing..." Rocko whispered.
The gang in a transe, after a half-hour of pent-up sexual tension,
frantically went to their flies. All around, sturdy boydicks sprang out.
They playfully fondled their hard-ons looking at each other with a
devilish grin. Simon's eyes scanned the boys, going from one turgid cock
to the other.
Their moans echoed as they began to pump fiercely their young pricks.
It only took twenty seconds for Harvey to jerk in orgasm and splash
his teenage cum on Simon's tummy. Weirdo aimed his penis at the blond
lad's face, giving him four powerful jets of his warm seed up his nose.
In short intervals, the boys who could unload sprayed the young tyke
with creamy boycum. Wesley masturbated with much pride, knowing he could
contribute to the white shower. His timid wad tickled his urethra as it
spurted on the cute blond's torso.
Rocko beat his massive pole with two hands. All the kids watched in
awe as his geyser erupted with an abundant flow of manly sperm.
In the end, Simon whined, squirming on the bed, covered with boyjuice
forming gooey puddles. It was decided that if he was to be released he
had to make most of it disappear. At first, he turned his head like a
pouting baby but soon sucked happilly the fingers presented to him,
eating with appetite all the fresh boy sperm.
One night, two men showed up at the hideout. They walked around and
examined the gang closely, one by one. Leroy followed their every step
with a wide smile.
The bigger one was like a giant. Almost six and half feet tall and
large like a horse. They could tell the other one was wealthy, definitly
a lawyer.
Wesley shyed away from the visitors recalling Leroy's words about
selling his ass.
"Look at all that tender meat!" said the big man.
"A fine display." replied the lawman. "I've seldom seen such a healthy group of lads Sir Lewis... quite a place you've brought me...."
The giant gripped Carrot Head under the armpits and lifted him off
the ground. The ten-year-old giggled and Sir Lewis smiled. "I'll take
this one." he said confidently.
Meanwhile, the other man was looking down the underpants of all the
kids. Wesley's turn came and the man stared at his boydick. He blushed,
praying in my head he wouldn't be chosen. The big fingers released
his waistband and he let out a muted sigh of relief.
The lawyer crossed the room and caressed the cheek of the smallest
boy, Simon. "This little angel is perfect..."
Simon grinned, not knowing what was happening, elated to have been
selected out of the competition. Wesley shook his head at the naive
child. He kinda reminded him of a younger him with his blond hair and
boyish grin. He surely didn't want him to go with the strange men
dressed in black.
Both visitors paid Leroy and strolled out the door with the two
underfed boys.
"It's always nice doing business with you Sir Lewis... and you too
Master Bennett." smiled the bearded geezer.
As soon as they left the attic, Harvey grabbed Wesley's hand, pulling
him out the door after the 'customers'.
"Come see what's gonna happen to you if you don't steal something." he whispered.
Wes looked down the stairs at the figures. The happy couple was rubbing
the shoulders of the two boys. They reached the second floor and opened
the rotten door.
Slowly, Harvey and Wes tiptoed behind them to the entrance of the bordello.
Harvey ran swiftly to hide behind a large velvet couch and Wesley followed
him. Their little scheme had gone unnoticed, the two men were lost in a
discussion with the lady upfront.
Harvey pushed a wooden plank showing his friend the way to a secret
passage. He crawled into the opening and signaled for him to do the same
quietly. When Wesley unfolded his body, he found himself in a narrow
corridor, barely wide enough for him to move. It was spooky and filled
with cobwebs, causing him to wonder why his partner had brought him here.
He soon discovered the reason as they walked in the dark.
Harvey pointed towards two little holes in the wall. Wesley peeked shyly.
In the room on the other side, he could see a young woman on her knees
sucking a man's hard penis. He giggled. Harvey clamped his hand on his
mouth, frowning like a madman.
"Shut up! you'll get us caught." he whispered. "Let's go see the others."
They breezed to the next room which was empty. In the third one, a man
was whipping a teenage girl tied by her wrist and suspended in mid-air.
Wesley squirmed. Her mouth was gagged but still her muffled screams
were audible as the atrocious torture played out before his young eyes.
Harvey tugged at his shirt to shake him from the spell of horror. He
peered in the next hole. This was the one. Carrot Head and Simon were
already naked, washing up in a basin. They seemed oblivious to their
fate and splashed each other merrilly, making beards out of the soap suds
and tickling their slippery bodies. Their boyish giggles echoed in the room,
much to the enjoyment of Sir Lewis and Master Bennett.
The two men gripped them by the waist and hauled them over on the
bed. Sir Lewis sucked on Carrot Head's toes, taking them one by one
between his lips while they wiggled frantically. He parted his jaws and
swallowed half of the small foot, satisfying his fetish fully, before
doing the same to the boy's other foot.
Meanwhile, the lawyer had been more direct. He was sucking Simon's
tiny cocklet, which was as big as a jujube. It grew rapidly to its full
two inches in the man's mouth. Holding the kid's ankles in the air, Master
Bennett made his tongue dance all around the six-year-old's groin, on
his dick, his miniature balls, his inner thighs all the way down to his
tiny pink pucker.
Wesley and Harvey grinned at each other. A weak smile that didn't
hide their fear of what they knew the boys were gonna have to submit to. Sir
Lewis took out a leather harness from his bag and put it on Carrot
Head's shoulders.
"I'm gonna ride you little colt!" he smiled, pulling on the reins of the ten-year-old.
Both the adults removed their expensive trousers freeing their
pulsating erections. Carrot Head gasped at the twelve inches standing
proudly in his client's lap. Simon, more naive, fondled the lawyer's
penis, barely wrapping his short fingers around the large shaft. Like the
cheeky monkey he was, he pretended to hang from the hard prong.
Master Bennett opened a jar of grease and smeared it on Simon's
forearm. His little inquisitive eyes stared as the slippery substance
covered his smooth skin. Sir Lewis dipped his fingers in the jar
and greased copiously his throbbing dong.
The scene progressed on the bed and Wesley looked away, hearing the
plaintive yells of Carrot Head. The next time he peeked, he avoided
the sight of the screaming boy, instead aiming his eyes at the six-year-
old. Little Simon had his arm buried in the lawyer's pale ass. "Move it
in and out, yesss, that's it my lad!" the man hissed.
He inhaled and forced himself to look at the other couple.
Accross the mat, Sir Lewis, had his enormous dick lodged deeply in
the other child's bowels. All he could see was the large tube of flesh
protruding from the soft buttocks. Carrot Head, his mouth agape, was
trying to release a scream of pain, which was obviously held back in his
throat from the energy his body required to keep him from fainting.
Sir Lewis forced the last inches of his cock into the boy and Wesley
feared the knob would come out of Carrot Head's lips. His guts churned
sympathizing with Billy's ordeal. The giant man grasped the leather reins
and held the boy steady as he began to plow his tight hole with his huge
"Yeah lad! Here it comes... uhh uhhh.. ohhh you feel good... uh"
One feet of hard flesh slid back and forth from Carrot Head's
backside right in front of his eyes. Harvey was as shocked as him. He could
hear him sigh while he viewed the same grotesque spectacle.
Simon crinkled his cute nose, discouraged by the work at hand. He
thrust his small forearm in the old lawyer's rectum, until it was buried
there right to the elbow.
"Ohhhhh leave it there....uhhhhh" moaned Master Bennett.
Simon executed the order, pausing momentarily, then fisted the man
violently as requested seconds later. The bed pitched and tossed with
the furious sodomy of Carrot Head. Sir Lewis held him in place with the
leather straps and shoved himself fiercely inside his little boyhole.
Carrot Head's wails echoed in the room barely covering the hard slapping
of the man's hips against his tender buns.
The big man hissed with one ravaging last thrust and began spilling
his voluminous load. He pulled out of the red gaping hole, shooting
white blasts of cream all over the ten-year-old smooth body, Carrot Head
lay flat on the bed, finally delivered, breathing heavilly, and twitching
as the ropes of burning cum landed on his back and buttocks.
Next to him, Simon punched the lawyer's tail, his face covered with
sweat. The man cried, awaiting the intrusion of his bowels that would
push him over the edge. It caught him by surprise and he screamed,
ejaculating profusely on the bed sheets.
Wesley felt dizzy. Harvey noticed the pale ghostly face of his friend
and pushed him away, back out of the secret corridor for some fresh air.
"You see Wes, we've got some serious stealing to do..."
"Shhhh" said Dandy.
Wesley quieted down and gave a quizzical look to Harvey.
The familiar sound of giggles mixed with moans escaped from the
cracks of the wooden door. Wesley watched Dandy press his cheek to
it and mimicked his action. A wide smile illuminated the face of the
brown-haired nine-year-old boy. Sure the kid was all pristine but he
promptly forgot his elegant ways when the opportunity of sex came around.
Wesley chuckled. Not from the erotic noises but from the absolute
expression of delight on Dandy's cute neatly washed mug.
"Let's go in!"
The three boys stepped into the attic quietly. Wesley scanned the
room and blushed bashfully. On the mattresses, naked figures were
fornicating. An explosion of white flesh flashed in his face. And it was
the middle of the afternoon for chrissakes!
Weirdo's erection was jutting, poking his belly, as he licked the
hairless genitals of his brother Skeeter and a young tyke, barely seven,
called Dax. His pink tongue went from one ballbag to the other. He
teased the little boys, kissing their tiny pricks but not taking them in
his mouth. Skeeter and Dax squirmed on the mattress, squealing in
delight, awaiting patiently the next visit of the oral instrument on
their childish dinks. They spread their legs wide, exposing their proud
boyhood obscenely.
"Suck mine!" Dax bawled.
"NO! Suck mine first!" retorted Skeeter, not at all concerned of the arrival of the visitors.
Next to the trio, Rocko was buttfucking Carrot Head slowly. The
redhead's poor asshole, still loose after the ordeal with Sir Lewis,
swallowed easilly the eight inches of teenage meat. Rocko grunted with
every langorous thrust, his long blond hair swaying in front of his
eyes. He shoved himself more and more rapidly in the ten-year-old
and Carrot Head wrinkled his button nose as the pain intensified. He
gave a luring look to Wesley, inviting him to the celebration.
Harvey and Dandy were naked in a snap and joining the two horny
brothers before Wesley even realized he was sporting an iron boner. Dax,
left all alone, called the older boy with an impish grin.
"Come heeeeere Wesley!"
The blond twelve-year-old couldn't believe his eyes. He was being
asked to join an orgy by a seven-year-old! The kid jumped on him and
feverishly tugged at his torn short pants, giggling and smiling. For a
second, Wesley revelled in the boyish beauty of the little blond male
and his hot biscuity smell. His naked underfed body glistened with sweat
as his tiny fingers removed the little clothes he was wearing.
This was crazy. Wesley looked all around, trying to capture all of
the boys sexual madness. He prayed to god for more eyes to see all that
was happening.
Harvey selected the best cocksucker of the gang. He pulled on
Skeeter's head and his teenage cock slid in the little boy's mouth
naturally. A tide of pleasure washed over his face. He pumped the nine-
year-old's face, forcing his boner down his throat.
Dandy placed his head under the young fellator and tongued the tiny
nutsack all over. The squeals of Skeeter exhilarated him. He licked the
smooth shaft of the boy up and down, flickering his slimy tongue at the
wet prickhead. He shoved a finger up his tight bunghole and a visible
flow of electricity raced in the child. Skeeter shivered over him, crying
out a muffled peep as he sucked the big meat stick of Harvey.
Dandy replaced his fingers with his pink tongue, eating out the most
sensitive part of the lad. He snaked his way into him, rubbing his silky
skin all the time. The gate of flesh yielded immediately, welcoming his
little tongue inside.
All the while, Nightmare, the mascot of the gang, paraded amongst the
group, his doggy boner fully erect, wagging his tail happilly. The odor
of the young males had a tonic effect on his veiny sex and Weirdo merrilly
crawled to him. He engulfed the large organ in his mouth, sucking away
like a madboy.
Harvey ran his hand in his black hair. Skeeter was swirling his
tongue all around his turgid dickhead, sucking in his cheek tight around
it, driving him crazy with erotic sensations.
The attic came alive with the slurping sound of tongues and lips doing
their wonder. Dax had finished undressing Wesley and was eating up his
little hairless tool with abandon now. The twelve-year-old twisted his body
to return the favor and the two blond boys stimulated their boydicks in
a passionate sixty-nine.
The yells of Carrot Head echoed louder as he got plowed more
violently by Rocko. The older teen rammed his cock to the nuts between
his smooth cheeks. He flipped the kid over and penetrated him with a
gentle descent. Using the legs of the redhead for support, he let his
long prick slide in and out of the hot asshole.
Carrot Head held on to the muscular boy with his tiny hands, feeling
the entire member deep inside his guts, sinking deep within him. It
continued pounding him with a squishing noise and he surrendered his
body completely.
After the dog had spilled his warm load all over his face, Weirdo
turned his attention to Dandy. The young boy's dick had not been touched
once and was covered with pre-cum. The musky emission was succulent on
his tongue has he went down on the child's hard-on.
Wesley comitted himself to driving his seven-year-old partner crazy,
still looking at the rest of gang from the corner of his eyes. As he sucked
his tiny cock, he slid two wet fingers in the cleft of his buttocks. When
he found was he looking for, he teased the puckered little butthole much
to the amusement of the vibrant kid who moaned sensuously. Up went a first
finger, then a second in the warmth of his tight orifice.
Utterly excited, Dax rolled over quickly, panting like an animal.
"Put it in my bum Wes!!" the little tyke cheered. He lowered his torso to the bed, like a cat about to jump on a prey and sighed when the body of the twelve-year-old wrapped all around his little frame.
Wesley rubbed the young kid's back, letting his hands travel to his
belly, his tiny erect nipples. He gently kissed the nape of his neck,
sucking on his earlobes once in a while. Dax pushed his white buns back
against Wesley's dick, reaching back with his little hand to fondle
his balls. His touch was determined and experienced. He maneuvered the
throbbing boner in the direction of his tiny butt, aiming it as his pink
"Fuck me please!!"
Wesley didn't need to be convinced. He held his penis straight ahead
toward his goal. In one long thrust, he filled the tight boyhole with
his young meat. Dax tilted his head back, moaning in pain. Wes grabbed
the seven-year-old's shoulder and slammed his dick into the incredible
ass. "Uhhhh yesss" Dax whispered. He slammed harder and Dax squealed
with pleasure. "Uhhhh yessss fuck me HARD!"
Wesley braced himself a second. He didn't wanna hurt the pussy boy.
His asshole was so moist and welcoming. It nibbled at his cockhead,
urging him to get inside. The kind of ass that could make even the most
restrained boy lose his mind.
He sank into him slowly, wiggling his sex deep in his little boy
butt, trying not to break the precious rear. But in a matter of second, he
was ramming his three inches of hard flesh. There was no stopping him this
time. He was gonna fuck the kid to paradise.
Weirdo had imitated him and was slowly fucking Dandy. The same for
Harvey who had laid on top of little Skeeter, his teenage prong probing
the kid's tunnel mightilly.
All the smaller holes had big cocks to take care of. Muscles danced
with spasms of pleasure.
Skeeter purred like a kitten, his face bearing a smile of ultimate
ecstasy. There was no doubt he like the feeling of getting buttfucked.
Harvey held his asscheeks opened to watch his five inches move deep in
his little well-used hole. He withdrew unexpectedly and called to Wesley
to come over.
The blond twelve-year-old pouted as he pulled his dick out of Dax,
then waited for his best friend brilliant idea. Harvey stole Rocko's
partner and whispered in his ear, eliciting a sly grin from the redhead
"Get over here!" Harvey ordered.
Wesley laid down on his back and Carrot Head jumped on top of him,
breathing heavilly on his nose. Harvey fiddled with the blond boy's
prick and pushed it easily in the loose hole. This was definitly not as
fun as Dax's opening, Wes thought. He heard a ruffle behind the ten-year-old
and suddenly the underside of another cock slide along his. They were
gonna fuck Carrot Head at the same time!!
The dilated hole stretched even further and Wesley saw Billy's
grimaces of pain just above his face. At the same time, he and Harvey
pushed their hard-ons up the young child. One inch at a time, their two
cocks disappeared up his little chute. The warmth of Harvey's bigger
penis was amazing next to his dick. They were together again, climbing in
the enlarged hole.
Carrot Head growled and hissed, sweat covering his freckled face.
"Ready Wes?" Harvey muttered.
"Yeah." he peeped, holding back his need to shoot a gigantic load of cream in Billy's butt.
"Let's fuck him!"
In unison, they pulled back and thrust inside the kid with awkward
jerks. The ring of flesh squeezed their dicks together as if it was one
large tube of flesh. Carrot Head's cries resonated in the room as he
took the two cocks in his rectum.
Wesley suffocated under the weight of the groaning boy. He looked all
around at the other boys, getting turned on like never before. Dax and
Skeeter where servicing Rocko's huge erection. It surely needed two boys
to take care of it. The fourteen-year-old patted the heads of the young
lads as they sucked on his prick, taking turns at the bulbous knob.
Drool leaked from their red lips as they blew the big hunk of meat,
giggling everytime they could make the blond leader moan with exquisite
On the other side, Wesley gasped at the sight of Weirdo banging
furiously Dandy's little butt. The couple was so close, he could clearly
see the boydick lodged in the nine-year-old's anus, getting strangled.
Their two sets of hairless balls bounced playfully with the coitus.
"Uhhh I'm cummmmmmmmmming" Weirdo bawled, burying his dick inside the exhausted boy. Dandy, usually poised and snubby, cried like a girl, obviously feeling the rush of boyjuice in his bowels... and more.
Wesley waited for the hole to be unplugged, for the smile of the
satisfied kids. But what he noticed instead was a stream of clear yellow
liquid run down Dandy's legs. The poor boy had been filled with pee
after Weirdo had shot his wad! Dandy complained for being used as a
toilet but Weirdo just laughed and sucked his erect little cock to
comfort him.
The arogant nine-year-old's words turned to moans as Weirdo pleasured
his balls and dick. The older boy pinched his nipples, bobbing his head
faster and faster on the child's shaft. "Ohhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhh" Dandy
cried constantly. His muscles tensed up and he peaked, twitching frantically
with the surge of boyish orgasm.
Wesley slammed his penis with Harvey at the same tempo, hitting
Carrot Head's prostate with rhythmic pump of his hips. The ten-year-
old's body was stiff with cramps as he endured the double sodomy,
clutching Wes tightly and whimpering from time to time.
In the symphony of moans, a high-pitched whine of relief rose in the
attic. Rocko held his pulsating meat, shooting torrents of jism on the
two pre-pubescent boys between his legs. Both little satyrs drank his
juice as it erupted from the slit of his red glans, licking their lips
and cleaning the sticky mess on the teenager's thighs along with
Now all the boys attention was focused on the trio. Wesley felt his
mate's cock flex against his. With one last deep push, it unloaded its
potent substance. The flow of sperm tickled Wesley's dick and he couldn't
control the tingles anymore. His balls tightened suddenly for a
thundering blast of semen. Together with Harvey, he ejaculated up Carrot
Head's passage.
Overtaken by orgasm, he trashed madly under the sweaty boy. His
little penis shook again and again, spewing fresh semen, mixing his
offering with the one from his lover.
Carrot Head had had his little boy climax along with the older boys
and glowed silently in the heap of white flesh. The softening pricks
shriveled slowly inside him until they popped out on their on out of his
sore anus.
"What's this?" Leroy screamed.
The gang of clothed boys stared back at him seriously. Dax pressed his cute mug in a pillow to silence his giggles.
"You haven't swept the floor like I told you to!" the old man frowned, eyeing all of them with anger.
"We've been busy..." Rocko smiled.
"Come here!" Harvey whispered, grasping Wesley's shirt sleeve as the boy climbed the stairway. "They've come back for you... Sir Lewis and the lawyer... Leroy sold you..." he explained, staring in the young boy's eyes to see if he had registered what he had said.
"They want me?" Wesley peeped, tears rolling in his blue eyes. "But t t I I I don't want to.." he stammered nervously.
"Let's go. I know someone who'll take care of you for a few days.."
The night seemed heavy as they trotted barefeet on the cold
cobblestones. Wesley walked close to his teenage lover, brushing
against his bare arm from time to time, wondering who was this
mysterious friend.
"You'll see, he's real nice." Harvey said. "He'll give you shelter and some food... he did for me!"
For what seem like forever, they trudged on the less frequented
avenues, shivering in the evening air, their breath making clouds of
smoke. Next to Hampton's old bookstore, a darkened alley lead toward a
single grayish door. Wesley held on to the thirteen-year-old's hand as
they advanced to it.
"I think it's here." Harvey murmured. "Knock three times than kick."
'What a strange ritual to meet a friend' Wesley thought. He nodded
silently, his stare glued to one of the older boy. His big black eyes were
shining in the moonlight with a comforting aura.
After a pause, the grumbling sounds of a man opening the door,
slipped through the slit between the heavy door and the frame.
"By Jove. This is NOT for street runts like you!" the large man bellowed, towering over the two boys in the doorway.
Wes glanced inside through the man's legs. A luxurious feast throned
in the middle of the large room and people waltzed around it gracefully,
disguised in costumes and uniforms. It reminded him of the many
celebrations the count organized, sometimes even in his honor, except
that at those parties, they were women too. A young man with blue round
glasses tilted his head and winked at him.
"Is Daniel there?" Harvey asked. "I want to speak to Daniel."
"Daniel is not in London son... but he'll be back in seven moons... do not worry boy... now go away..."
The door closed slowly, killing the light. The two paralyzed lads were
drowned in darkness again, a sinking feeling invading their little hearts.
"What will I do Harvey... I I I don't wanna go back there... Leroy will kill me." Wesley sobbed.
The teenager wrapped his arms around him, shrugging his shoulders
then smiling to indicate he wasn't gonna let him down. They held on to
each other, oblivious to the swift little silhouettes moving in the
Wesley cocked his head. There had been a squeak in the
still of the night. A squeak that could only have been made by a rat.
"Alas, we meet again!!" a grotesque face smiled, suddenly illuminated by the eerie glow of a gas lamp. Two more lamps were lit up, revealing the infamous pack of ratboys. Wesley recognized the ugly teenager from the traumatic evening of his parents' death. And a little further behind, beutiful Shawn, squirming, obviously embarassed to be there.
"What do we do Jet?" demanded a little tyke.
"We take'em!"
The gang leaped on the two helpless boys with a roar. Harvey had his
hands full, throwing punches in every direction, kicking the rats who
had not learned to parry. Wesley on the other hand, barely knew how to
defend himself. His skinny arms weren't threatening to the attackers and
they immobilized him in a snap.
"Harvey! Harvey!" he screamed, feeling the bones of his arms getting crushed behind his back.
A rough blow to the knees sent him to the ground, chin first. Blood
spewed from the scaped skin as he holered for delivrance. Three kids
were on him, pinning him down mercilessly, turning the onslaught into a
real massacre. All his body ached, bruises throbbing on his legs and chest.
Jet finished with a knee to Harvey's groin and left the older boy who
had finally been made prisoners after an energetic battle. He walked
towards Wesley, bent in two on the ground, and kicked him in the guts.
"There. Remember that night?? I told you NOT TO LEAVE!"
"Let's go!" he yelled at the unruly crowd. "Leave the bigger one here."
Two filthy boys picked Wesley from the cold ground and dragged him in
the darkness.
"Harvey! Harvey!" he yelled.
"I'll find you Wes!" Harvey growled, struggling to get away from the four animals holding him.
"To the Witch's lair!" Jet commanded.
Wesley surveyed the group as they breezed from street to street. Most
were like regular street kids. A blond one here, an older one there.
Propped up on the two stronger kids, his feet didn't touch the
ground. They reached some sort of barn and he was thrown on the floor
in a carpet of hay.
All around, big marble statues of naked muscular men looked at him,
almost saying: 'you're in deep little boy'. It seem the witch had plenty
of free time.
The rest of the pack joined the six boys already there in the moldy
abandoned shed. Now, all twelve boys of the rat crew were there, grinning
wickedly as he lay, shaking from fear.
"Take your clothes off." Jet ordered.
In front, of everybody, he slowly removed his dirty shirt off his
shoulders, then his torn short pants along his slender legs. As soon as
he pulled down his underpants, the audience laughed pointing at him to
further humiliate him.
"On your knees little brat!" the leader ordered again.
Wesley executed silently, eyeing the tall rugged boy defiantly. As he
reached the proper prisoner posture, the little tykes around him
whispered, talking about his exposed hairless genitals. A boy knelt
behind him to tie his wrists with a cord. Pain shot along his arms and
he squirmed, resisting the urge to scream and prove that he wasn't
strong enough.
"What do we do with him?" a kid asked.
"Let me see... hmmmm"
Wesley surveyed the teenager's face. His scars, his earing, seeing
the undeniable lust in the back of his dark eyes.
"Maybe we could let the dog screw him!"
"Oh how original... " he snapped back, eliciting a grunt of anger from the brutal dictator.
Jet unbuckled his trousers frantically and released his pulsating
nine inch tool. "Suck on this then little bastard." he snarled. This was
a better fate that the painful buggering by a dog, but still Wesley
parted his lips bitterly. The hot piece of flesh filled his mouth,
stretching his lips.
With no hands to stop the intrusion, the large dickhead brushed
against his tonsils, down his throat. "You like this uh?" Jet bawled.
"Yeah take my cock."
He didn't even consider it 'sucking'. The big boy was shoving his
teen tool passed his uvula, holding the back of his head to steady it.
Encircling him, the crowd watched, smiling and cooing as the slurping
noise intensified gradually.
Jet fucked his face violently in the end, thrusting his slippery meat
and cussing profanities. He pulled out his prick, convulsing with
pleasure. From his pisshole, a geyser of sperm erupted, painting
Wesley's litte mug white.
"C'mon open up! Eat it all!" Jet gloated.
The last powerful ropes of boycream landed directly in the twelve-
year-old's opened cavity. The gang seemed agitated all of a sudden.
Wesley gulped down the viscous goo and another boy sprang in front of
him, his little cock waiting to be serviced.
The arogant kid had a broad smile of superiority. So of course, he
bit his balls, but that only in turn brought him a flurry of hard slaps
on his face. When the boy's dick was presented again, he took it in his
mouth and bobbed his blond head like a civilized slave.
One by one, the twelve boys invaded his warm mouth. All kinds of
boy penises. Small cocks, big cocks, circumcised, not, hairless or
sporting a wiry bush. For the little seven and eight years old, he
suctionned their tiny cocklets between his cheeks, as if to extirpate
all the juice out of a baby carrot.
The bigger boys preferred taking things into their own hands and they
fucked his mouth furiously. The large wieners gagged him. No matter how
much he complained with muffled moans, they ignored his pleas, some
finding it arousing.
"Suck it! YEAH. SUCK my dick Snake boy!"
The older boys required more extenuating efforts and they could also
ejaculate buckets. The first two filled his mouth rather profusely,
commanding him to swallow it all. What he didn't eat, he received on his
When Shawn's turn came around, the slimy substance was oozing all
over his naked body, from his chin down to his nutsack. He glanced at
him bashfully. The boy was still as beautiful Wesley thought.
Memories of the night they had loved in the hay resurfaced. He surely didn't
want to put his friend in trouble and offered his mouth seductively.
The taste of the stiff prick was sweet. As he sucked on the boy's
penis, he relived the intimate encounter with Shawn, how he had
deflowered him almost tenderly. The rigid organ was throbbing on his
tongue. He licked all around the shaft, nibbling the heavy balls before
going back to stimulate the bloated knob hungrily, making all the other
Rats jealous.
With a low groan, Shawn's body shuddered. A soothing feeling of deja-
vu floated in Wesley's mind as the boy's juice exploded in the back of
his mouth. The voluminous load trickled from the corner of his lips and
he slurped it up, determined to have all of his friend's nectar.
After the rest of the gang used his mouth, he fell to the ground,
totally exhausted and drenched in cum.
"Look at that! He's already dead we haven't fucked him yet!" Jet howled at the group of satisfied boys. "Pete and Stu! Grab him, he's gonna sit on Arthur!"
"Nooo, lemme go." Wesley pleaded, discouraged from the announce of another undeserved punishment. He didn't know who Arthur was, but he definitly didn't feel like sitting on him.
The two boys called gripped his arms and raised his nude body from the
dirt. They were the more muscular kids of the gang. His light frame was
like a pillow it seemed for them. He trembled slightly between the two
older lads. They both slipped a hand under his knees and carried him
like a package towards one of the white statues.
His feet in the air, his hands tied, there was no way of escaping the
powerful teenagers. As they approached the marble adonis, Wesley
realized the full extent of his next ordeal. Arthur was the statue
towering over him and between his legs was a huge phallus pointing at
the ceiling, glorious tribute to fertility.
"It's too big!" Wesley yelled at the group of sneering kids. A young tyke lubed the statue's appendage, confirming what he had figured already. Then the little boy, applied the grease to his tender hole, poking stubby fingers inside him, giggling hysterically.
"Noooo." he begged again.
The two bullies hefted his body higher, spreading his legs, adjusting
their aim so that the long immobile prick was right in front of his
little bony butt. Slowly, they lowered him and Wesley felt the cold
sculpted knob against his tight little boyhole.
"Noooo. Get me down!" he screamed in terror.
"Down you say?" Jet grinned.
At once, the two boys eased their grip, letting gravity take over.
"ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Wes shrieked, feeling the massive
cock penetrate his tiny opening.
The lubricant smeared on his anal ring worked its magic as they
impaled him, one inch at a time, filling his guts with the stone organ.
All the while, he cried, his toes cramping up from the pain. He never
imagined such a huge thing could enter his backdoor. The large dick hit
bottom and there was no space left in his rectum for anything else.
They raised him off the pillar and he sighed with relief momentarily,
perhaps one second, because as soon as the crown teased his enlarged anus,
he was slammed down on the big piece of rock. "ARRGGGGGGGGGGGHHH"
"Yeah! FUCK him!"
"Make him scream!"
"I bet he loves it!" the gang cheered.
Faster and faster they repeated the same torture, raising and
slamming him on the huge dong. The cold stone brushed his prostate
roughly. He yelped every time a tingle of pleasure surged from deep
inside him. His little erect pecker wobbled left and right with the
brutal fucking.
A symphony of pain and delight travelled from his mid-section to his
brain. The rough cord was bitting his delicate skin as he attempted to
release his hands. Along with his own wails, the cacophony of the crowd
echoed in his ears, nauseating him. The two tormentors spread his buttcheeks
painfully, opening him up to take more of the cock inside his little
white ass.
He pictured himself, split in two with the long phallus coming out of
his mouth. "STOP! AOWWW AOWWW" he complained incessantly.
"Oh. Don't say ya don't enjoy it!" Jet blurted out. "Your dickie is hard as...rock!"
"Uhhh uhhhh uhhhhhhh" Wes moaned, losing control of his mind. One more savage intrusion of the hard prong and he climaxed, whining throughout his powerful ejaculation. Blast after blast of his boycream splashed against the statue's belly.
As they hauled him off the large penis, the crowd cooed, seeing his
red pucker, dilated and quivering in after shock. He managed to stay on
his feet ten seconds then toppled over on the ground, aching from
The Rats left Wesley in the shed naked and alone. And he slept to get
away from the pain, hour after hour, waking only to blink a few seconds.
He didn't even move one finger for he knew the only solution to heal his
sufferings was time.
A cold fall wind whistled through the planks the next night. Wesley woke
up in darkness again, shaking from the cold. His little body was still
aching all over. Everytime he shifted his limbs, a sharp jolt of pain
shot from his expanded butthole. In front of him, the huge statue was
smiling, almost nagging him.
Flakes of dried blood and sperm covered his smooth skin. He gathered his
clothes nonchalantly and hit the streets with his dirty rags, on a mission
to find warmth.
For an hour, he walked in the cold. To add to his misery, a light
blanket of snow covered the streets and soon his little toes were numb.
He headed West, not knowing why, probably unconsciously running away from
the harsh life of the Eastern district. This was no time to be
philosophical but his head was freezing slowly.
At the end of Denison street, a small replica of Newcastle Estate
captured his attention. It had the same bricks, the nice big windows and
the chimneys pumping smoke in the sky. The luxurious lawns were
perfectly white from the virgin snow and icicles cried from the rusty
He climbed over the fence and ran to the back of the large house where
he knew would be a basement door. He was right. But it was locked. He
reached in his shirt pocket and took out a small metal wire, a gift from
Harvey. "I have to kiss him if I see him again." he murmured to
He slipped the little instrument in the keyhole, attempting numerous
combinations of twist and turns. The damn lock just wouldn't open. Lock
picking was definitly not his best talent he concluded. The clicks and
creaking sounded different after a while and he succeeded.
Inside, he rubbed his barefeet and helped the circulation reach
his frozen toes. Like a thief, he tiptoed through the house. The
voices of the occupants echoed in the distance. Normally he would
have spied on them but he was too tired and trotted for the bedrooms
right away.
In the north wing, he found what he was looking for. The last one, as
expected, was empty. There were no clothes in the closets indicating it
was a guest room.
Completely exhausted, he crawled underneath the covers.
Just as he drifted into sleep, the click of the door rang in his ears.
He pretended to sleep and felt the presence of somebody looking over him,
studying his face. His body trembled and his teeth were chattering,
but the figure left the room silently. As he dozed off, the sweet music
of a piano filled the house.
The next morning, voices dragged him out his sleep.
"He's a brigand!" the low voice of a man said.
"He's only a little boy...surely an orphan." responded a young girl.
He turned around and found himself in front of a group of well-dressed
people. A big man was standing in front of everybody. Next to him was a
teenage girl. Behind them, servants and an old woman.
"Hi! My name is Lara" said the girl. "And this is my father Mister Mitchell...and this is my grandmother."
Wesley blushed, feeling like a four-year-old.
"He's an intruder!" barked the tall stern man.
"OH. He just needed a place to sleep." snapped the old woman.
"He's so cute." added the young girl. "What's your name? How old are you?" she whispered in a soft voice.
"Wesley." he smiled. "I'm twelve.... I'm sorry sir... I'll leave now.." he peeped making his best sad puppy face.
"We can't let him go like that!" bawled the daughter. "He'll die out there! Can't he stay daddy? Can't he?"
Mr. Mitchell obviously annoyed by his daughter's persistence frowned
silently. With a heavy smirk of defeat, he turned around and stormed out
of the room all the while yelling in the hallway: "Give him some food and
clean him up for God's sake. He stinks!"
Lara ordered two servants to bathe Wesley and they lead him by the arms to
a large bathroom. There, the two women removed his shirt and pulled down
his filthy shorts, giggling like adolescents. The feminine hands undressing
him made Wesley feel like he was going back to infancy.
He covered his bare genitals with his hands and jumped in the porcelain
tub, his face red from embarassment.
"We've seen plenty of naked little boys! Don't worry about shocking us lad." they laughed.
It turned out to be enjoyable after all. The soapy hands scrubbed every
inch of his body, exploring every smooth crevasses. He relaxed and let
himself be pampered. Boy, this was great! The gentle massage of the twenty
fingers was like a calming symphony for his nerves. Especially when the
digits insisted on his stiff little prick.
"My, we have a very happy boy here!" laughed the maid doing his front.
He refused to let it end but eventually they pulled him out of the
warm water. Hiding his boyhood again, he blushed as the women dried him
up, working around his reluctance. Like an octopus working on him, they
dressed him in plaid socks, green short pants, a white shirt with the
estate's logo, a green blazer and cap.
Looking like a perfect little gentleman, he stepped out of the
bathroom. Lara briskly grabbed his hand and iniated the grand tour of the
Together they visited every room, touched all the precious family
heirlooms and met all the hired hands, servants and family members. Of
course, it wasn't as elegant as Newcastle Estate but it had an
undeniable charm.
He tagged along for an hour, concealing his yawns with the back of
his hand. Right then, he decided this was a nice place to stay but he
didn't wanna live there. Outside the windows, winter was already showing
its nose. Much to his dismay, he had no choice but to remain there until
spring. Yup. he was going to be Lara's human doll for the whole angry
That thought depressed him. He desperatly scanned the house, searching
for something appealing that would lift his spirit. And he sure found
it. Two beautiful little boys bumped into him in the hallway.
"Urg. Don't pay attention to them. They're my noisy twin brothers Gordon and Glenn." whispered the teenaged girl in his ear.
Oh but he wanted to pay attention to them...
"How old are they?" he asked.
"Eight." she responded trying to show as little interest as possible.
The boys were truly identical. Their short black hair was cut the
same style, their eyes were the same green and their slim frame in every
way alike. But their greastest feature was their skin which was a nice
golden brown color. No doubt about it, their smooth little arms were
tanned to perfection and so was their happy cute faces. They had surely
spent all summer playing outside.
Lara pushed him roughly, eager to show him more 'neat stuff' like she
called it. So in order to stay with the kids a while longer, he had to be
cunning as a fox.
"How do you tell them apart?" he asked her.
"Well. Gordon always wear red socks and undershorts while Glenn wears green."
"I have a scar over here." said Gordon pointing over his left eyebrow. "And a birthmark on my butt!"
Swiftly, he turned around and dropped his short pants to moon Wesley.
By jove! He was tanned even there!
Glenn giggled at his brother's impetuousness.
"That's not funny!" yelled Lara. "You don't show your behind to the guests of the house."
"That's okay." Wesley smiled still staring at the boy pulling up his red undies.
"Pretend like it didn't happen Wesley. Come on let's finish up."
"I'm kinda tired. Can't we finish tomorrow?" Wesley lied.
"No. There's lotsa neat stuff upstairs!"
She pushed him violently and they resuemd the tour.
At the dinner table, Wesley already felt like he belonged, just another
family member. The meal was sumptuous compared to the food he was served at
the hideout. He ate ravenously the evening feast and stared at the twins.
Before Lara even had the opportunity to take control of his evening,
the twins tugged at the hem of his blazer and asked him to play with them.
"Well, won't Master Gordon and Master Glenn be eating their pudding?" the butler intervene.
"Can we be excused dad?" the tykes whined in unison.
The man nodded and Wesley left the dining room with the two adorable
sibblings. It infuriated his sweet guide of the afternoon which made him
smile wholeheartedly.
The two boys introduced him to all the toys in the playroom. The rocking
horse, shiny marbles and wooden figurines. His little dick was throbbing
madly in his shorts. To get close to them, he inquired about their
necklaces and gazed at the pendants they put in his hand. He could see
their cute mugs up close that way and even feel their warm breathing on
his fingers.
They asked him what he wanted to play and he suggested right away
wrestling. The boys seemed to know that game very well. They shucked their
blazers and shirts like him on the ground. He tackled Glenn first and pinned
him down on the floor to tickle his rippling ribs. The small boy giggled as
he got on top of him, grinding his hips against him.
His naked chest rubbed the one of the youngster, an unbelievable
sensation he never wanted to stop.
Gordon joined in the fun and Wesley's hands were full with the two pre-
pubescent boys. He slipped from under their weight and grabbed
Gordon by the waist to do another session of tickling, this time on the
tummy. The kid laughed and trashed around on the floor while his twin
brother straddled Wesley's back, baby soft fingers gripping his shoulders.
The gigglings and high-pitched cries excited Wesley. He deliberatly
fondled their tiny pecs and let his fingers brush against their crotch. These
boys were hot like him! He could feel their stiff little boner beneath
their shorts, poking him in the legs or the flanks.
They climbed on top of him and he loved it! All the time, he made sure
he always had a boyish leg in his hand or a small tanned arm. The damn maids
had drowned them in perfume and he couldn't enjoy their lovely boy smell,
something he deplored. But the skinny boys were so much fun to play with,
he soon forgot about it. He could easily twirl them around as he
pleased, caressing their silky brown skin with sensous gestures.
As their shyness melted, the battle got more aggressive. Gordon and
Glenn were like puppies who couldn't control their instincts. They bit
him on the arms and pulled his blond hair. In retaliation, he pinched
their buns to teach them pain.
The grunts turned to yelps. They all collapsed from exertion and
laid together on the floor panting.
At bedtime, Wesley was aroused from the evening's entertainment. The
pictures of the twins' small bodies kept popping in his head. He undressed
in his room and climbed naked in the large bed. Weirdo had shown him
something back at the ole hideout which he promised myself to try one
His boydick sure tought it was the right time. It stood straight
between his thighs, the circumcised head glistening from pre-cum juice.
He put his feet high on the wall and pushed, conjuring his legs to fall
over on the sides on his head. All curled up in a ball like that, his
little penis was directly over his face. He could see his pink anus for the
first time between his opened buttocks, such an inviting sight.
He lubed his fingers with spit and shoved one in his ass to caress
his anal ring. Then another accompanied the other. He moved them in
and out, imagining Gordon or Glenn's tiny erection in there.
His cock, hard from the stimulation of his prostate, stared him in
the face. He opened his mouth and swallowed the head entirely, thanks
to the extra inch he'd been given over the past summer. Delicious
tingles emerged from his groin, floading his body. He swirled his tongue
around the sensitive knob and moved the fingers in his bum faster.
It wasn't like a blow job from the twins but it was no less
enjoyable. He moaned and sucked his own prick greedilly. His souple body
was getting numb in that position. A minor side effect considering the
pleasure he was giving himself.
He sensed the door opening behind him, suddenly feeling a cold breeze
attack his bare skin. Can't a boy have any privacy? he shivered. The person
who was there didn't leave. Some kind of pervert surely? Secretely, he wished
it was the twins.
Perhaps it would have been better to face the onlooker but his lips
were too preoccupied with sucking the head of his little rod. He was
gonna give a good show to that voyeur. From the hard breathing he could
tell it was a man. Maybe he was jacking off? He probably liked looking
at a boy with his fingers in his ass, blowing his own penis.
He exaggerated his moans and stuck out his tongue far to show him how
he licked his hairless boycock. His hips jerked and he shot a hot jet
of sperm on his forehead. Quickly, he buried his penis in his mouth
with his left hand and tasted the globs of semen spurting on his
Four times, blasts of sperm exploded from his young member, filling
his cavity. He swallowed the delicious seed, smiling like an angel. The
stranger chose that time to shut the door before he even had a chance
to get a glimpse of his face.
LOST IN LONDON IX by DEBONAIR PART 9. 'Wolf amongst the lambs'
For the next three days, Wesley sprawled in the big house, avoiding
Lara. The boys had went away to see their uncle and he counted every
second they were gone, yearning to hear their little voices again. In
his mind, the pictures of the last days they had spent together were
dancing, a cruel spectacle played out on the back of his eyelids.
That Saturday, he walked in the corridors. He hadn't sex in a while
and his dick was begging him for action. Gordon rushed by him, kicking
a ball.
"Come here Gordon!" he shouted.
The eight-year-old approached him with an inquisitive look on his face.
Wesley put his arm around his small chest and whispered to his ear:
"Remember when I told you I would show you what to do with a girl?"
"Uh uh"
"Well, I'm ready to teach you now."
"Okay." answered the tyke with a devilish grin. He followed Wesley to one of the guest's rooms where the twelve-year-old knew they wouldn't be bothered. Wesley drank in the beautiful boy a few moments. Sitting on the bed, Gordon let his little legs dangle above the carpet, awaiting the next events.
"First you have to get naked." Wesley said.
The naive boy didn't mind. He removed his fancy shoes and puffy shirt.
Then he stood up to continue his strip-tease, pulling down his trousers,
removing his socks until he was only clad with tiny red underwear.
Wesley decided to have the honor of taking them off. Slowly, he slid
them along the child's skinny legs and contemplated his small tanned body.
Even his crotch and firm little buns were tanned. Only the sole of his feet
was white. He wanted to hug the kid and caress his smooth brown skin but that
would have probably scared him.
Instead he looked down at his hairless sack and noticed something.
"You have only one ball?!" he asked.
"Of course not, I have both!" answered Gordon looking at his crotch. With two fingers he pressed a bulge in his groin, near his soft little prick. The testicle popped out and dropped next to his twin in the scrotum.
"Do that again!" Wesley grinned.
The little boy, proud of his achievement, pinched his nuts like cherry
pits and they disappeared in his pubic mound. He pressed the two little
bulges and they popped out again. It was so funny, Wesley couldn't help
but giggle. He attempted the same trick but it hurt too much.
"Have you been with a girl?" Gordon asked bluntly.
"Sure." Wesley lied. This project had been on his mind for days and he didn't want to spoil it. "Let's pretend your the girl and I'll show you what to do."
He kissed him on the lips and sucked his hard nipples. Much to his
surprise, he found that Gordon was enjoying it too. His little penis
suddenly rose between his thigh like a miniature wax candle. The guileless
little sap was gonna let him do anything he wanted! Wes thought. He
undressed quickly, comparing the whiteness of his skin to the sweet
dark color of Gordon.
"And then? and then?" asked the curious child.
"Then the girl sucks the boy's dick." Wes retorted.
Gordon knelt in front of him and grabbed his erection in his tiny hand.
Wesley felt the boy's lips wrap around his penis. This was gonna be great.
Gordon took half of his cock in his warm mouth and began sucking on it.
Days of pent-up sexual tension were released. He interlaced his fingers
in the kid's black hair to show him he was doing good, encouraging him
to suction his boymeat better.
The hardness of his pointy teeth against his knob sent jolts of
pleasure in his cock. He pulled it out from his hungry mouth and asked him
to lick only the head with his hot little tongue. Gordon obliged merrilly,
darting his tiny tongue at his pisshole. He had to tell him to stop just
as he was about to come.
"Then you stick it inside the girl." he said.
"Where? Where?" asked the boy.
"There!" he answered pointing at his little bare behind.
Innocently, Gordon bent over the edge of the bed while he searched for
lotion in the drawers. There was lotion in all the rooms and he tought it
was damn convenient. With his cock all slicked up, he came back to his
little partner.
He made him spread his legs wide and hold his asscheeks open. The tiny
pink anus winked seductively. He couldn't believe it. Deflowering that boy
was so easy! He already looked forward to doing his twin brother the next day.
"You're so lucky to have done this with a girl." Gordon peeped.
"I'll stick it in and you'll tell me how it feels afterwards." Wesley grinned.
"Yes. I'll tell you." promised the child.
He forced his knob in his asshole and Gordon yelped.
"Oooooo it's so big"
He grabbed the kid's buns harder and penetrated more of his organ
into him, slowly gliding his cock in and out enjoying the view of the cute
little butt with his pipe protruding from the tight hole.
Just as Gordon was getting used to his cock inside him, he picked up
the pace to really show him what anal coitus was like. The bed began to
shake and Gordon's necklace swung back and forth everytime he shoved his
penis inside his narrow rectum.
"UHhh Uhhh Uhhh uhhhh uhhhh how long does it last?" Gordon demanded.
"Ohhh a little while longer.." Wesley moaned.
He tried inserting all of his four inches inside the boy's tiny ass,
but the lad was too small and his tiny hole couldn't take his last inch.
Dumbfounded, he started to sodomise him as hard as he could.
Gordon let go of his buns and gripped the bed covers.
"Ouchhh aowooww slower! go slower!" he screamed.
Much too overcome with lust, Wesley continued pumping his little ass.
He sensed that the boy had changed his mind, he wanted to get up.
"Oh yeah... oh yeah it's gonna be over soon Gordon. ohhhh" he hissed, pushing back the kid on the bed. He fucked him faster and harder getting the rhythm to go his way. But there was nothing he could do or say to convince Gordon how enjoyable this could be. The boy kept struggling to get away and he had to push him down again and again.
"Argggg stop! I don't wanna do it anymore. Arggg" Gordon yelled.
Wesley became nervous and pushed the boy's head in the mattress to
muffle his screams. What if Sir Mitchell heard him and discovered he was
fucking his son? He would probably kill him.
For a second, he pondered about what the three months on the streets had
done to his mind, turned him into a monster.
He considered climaxing right away but since the child didn't behave,
he decided to buttslam him another ten minutes. Letting him really feel his
hard cock brush against his intestines.
After a while, Gordon stopped squirming. He wiggled his little behind
indicating he might start to enjoy it.
Wesley orgasmed with a few savage thrusts and shot torrents of hot spunk
in his young ass. Gordon sighed, finally delivered from the pain as the
turgid penis soften inside his rectum. It popped out on its own.
Wesley leaned to kiss and comfort the sweaty boy. He parted his
asscheeks to examine his work and grinned at the gaping butthole.
The next morning, Wesley smeared some lotion on his thobbing
little dick and started looking for Glenn. It was early and he knew only
him and the twin boys would be awake. His lubed prick was hurting in his
shorts, but he wanted to be ready. Hard and oiled for the kid.
All night, his dreams had been filled with the images of Glenn's
little bum and his hard cock slamming between his tanned buttocks.
Several times, he had to control himself and not jack off.
He found Gordon playing in the hallway and the thought of doing him
again flashed through his mind. But he wasn't innocent anymore and all
along his plan was to deflower his twin brother. At least, now he knew
Glenn was alone somewhere in the house and the thought aroused him almost
to the brink of orgasm.
His heart was beating fast. The thrill of the chase was as exciting as
the sex. Maybe his twin had told him to watch out for him?
No. Gordon wasn't in his room. Nor in the playroom. Nor outside. Where
the hell was he hiding? The lad's absence was starting to exasperate
Wesley. Damn he was gonna get it.
In a desperate attempt, he tried the kitchen. Glenn was playing on the
floor next to a group of servants preparing the morning's breakfast.
The eight-year-old was still in his white nightgown. The piece of cloth
was clinging to every curb of his little body.
'There you are little fuck' he said to myself. Glenn kept wiggling on the
floor, moving his wooden toys, showing him every angle of his small body,
almost teasing him. He wanted to jump on him and fuck him right there in
front of everybody, drool all over him.
In his mind he was assraping Glenn and the servants were cheering him on.
"Finally someone is teaching Master Glenn a good lesson!" they yelled.
"That's it make him squeal!"
The boy stood up abruptly and Wesley hid behind the doorway. Glenn grabbed
his ass and ran away. From a distance, Wes followed him. Stalking his
every move. Like a deer, Glenn ran in the hallways, almost flying, until he
reached the water closet and slammed the door behind him.
He needed to take a crap! Perfect, the twelve-year-old thought. This time
he would be able to shove all of his four inches inside, unlike the day
before with his twin brother. He waited until Glenn was finished, hoping he
would wipe his little rear end properly.
"Hi Glenn." he said as the imp opened the door. "Come with me, I have a new game to show you!"
The boy smiled and followed him innocently to his room, the farthest of
all of them. Wesley closed the door behind and sat the kid on the bed.
"We're gonna play 'prisoner'."
He turned him around and tied his hands with a piece of cloth. Glenn
giggled hysterically, ready to play the new game. My god, he was as naive
as his twin brother! Wes shook his head.
"Now close your eyes! I have a surprise!" he grinned.
Glenn chuckled and shut his little eyes. Wesley undressed quickly,
almost ripping the shirt from his back. In a matter of seconds he was naked
except for his plaid socks.
He walked slowly over to the bed, his hard boydick wagging between my
legs. "Don't open your eyes yet!". He clenched the child's ankle and
pushed them back to his head, rolling him into a ball. Glenn's nightgown
slipped to his stomach revealing his tanned lower body. He hoisted his
body over the boy's and pinned his knees to the bed. His small buttocks were
parted in that position, the tiny coveted pink hole right in between.
"What are you doing?" Glenn squirmed as he opened his eyes. He looked at the older boy's glistening hairless hard cock and realized immediatly where it was headed.
Wesley lowered his hips slightly until his penis was in the crack of
his butt then looked at the face of the frightened boy. "I'm gonna stick
it in you! You're gonna like it!" he muttered.
"Nooo. Please Wes... I don't wanna play anymore."
Wesley smiled. The boy could not move an inch. He was gonna deflower
his second virgin in two days!
Even though Glenn was sobbing and anguished, he didn't react. It was
like he had been taken over by a lustful beast. He wanted to comfort
Glenn, tell him how great it was when he was fucked in the ass but at the
same time, he wanted him to feel how much stronger and powerful than him
he was.
With his hands full from holding the boy's legs, all he could do was
take aim and try to penetrate his stiff rod in the boy's bottom without
his hands. Glenn's breathings got heavier as his young penis touched his
anus and slipped off his tanned little behind.
He could see this was torture for the kid. He locked his eyes on his
face and finally managed to push his swollen glans in the tight hole.
"OWWWWWWWWW it hurts! OWWWWW" Glenn screamed.
"Shhhh" snapped Wesley. His cock was enlarging the kid's anal ring now. He felt like he was entering the neck of a bottle. His head popped in the empty rectum and he forced all his four inches inside until his hips were resting on Glenn's little brown ass.
"UHhh OWWWWWWW" the child screamed again.
"Shut up! or I'll beat you up too!"
Glenn raised his head all teary eyed and couldn't believe that the entire
prick was inside him just below his small testicles.
"You see!" Wesley said with a wicked smile. "It fits right in!"
He raised his hips until his knob was almost out of his asshole and
shoved it inside again. The kid was much more fun to fuck than his brother
and he decided to start slowly, to savour his tight little asshole.
"Uhhhh uhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhh" cried Glenn. He closed his eyes and opened
them repeatedly, probably praying this was only a bad dream.
For the first time in his life, Wesley had complete control. He raised
his hips again and gave a few quick jabs in the boy's ass. The kid's wails
were flattering to his raging hormones and he began to sodomise him with all
his might.
His entire prick was invading the boy's backside, moving in and out
steadily. Glenn's little face was inches from his and he could see all
the new feelings he was putting him through. A mix of pain, pleasure and
fear. "Uhhh fuck uhhhh it's so good uhhh uhhhh your ass is great! uhh"
he moaned.
He literally bounced on the boy's body, driving his cock deep inside
his empty passage. Glenn shook his head from side to side with
each vigorous thrust of his young penis.
The kid's virgin ass was too tight and Wesley had to stop many times,
his pecker anchored in the warm cavern. When the tingly jolts of pre-
orgasm had faded away, he could work on the eight-year-old's behind
with the same lust.
His balls were heavy now. He kissed the boy's sweaty forehead and began
ramming his hard dick like it was his last buttfuck. The bed creaked and
Glenn cried. The skin of his asshole was stretched all around his rod as
it sped up.
Suddenly, the level of stimulation peaked. He groaned and shot a creamy
load inside the boy's butt just as he was pulling out his dick. The second
gush of semen flew from his red knob and splashed Glenn's boyish face.
His young body twitched and he came again hitting his brownish nipples with
his burning sperm.
LOST IN LONDON X by DEBONAIR PART 10. 'Double the sin'
"Join me in my office Wesley." Mr. Mitchell said as he passed the blond twelve-year-old boy in the corridor.
Wesley entered the study and sat on the chair in front of the man's desk.
Thoughts raced in his mind. Had the twins spilled their guts? How
painfully would Mr. Mitchell handle his appalling behavior? He wanted to
plead: 'I couldn't control myself... I'm just a boy... my hormones are
stronger than me! and let's not forget the twins have adorable little
The big man stood in front of him, enjoying the sight of his young self
squirming in the oversized chair.
"Well Wesley... I have made arrangements for you to go to Borden private school. I'm sure you will enjoy it there. The twins are already quite a handful for the private tutor and you would be an unwelcomed burden for her. You can understand?"
"Yes sir." Wesley responded bowing his head.
"You will leave tomorrow." the man added raising his chin. "I think it's better for you to leave this house as soon as possible. You are a bad influence for Gordon and Glenn."
Tears rolled in Wesley's eyes when the names of his two playthings were
mentionned. He would probably never see them again.
"I will pay for your education and everything regarding your stay at the boarding school." Mr. Mitchell continued. "However I'm not one to give things for free as you would have found out if you'd had the time to get accustomed to my ways. Can you think of a way to repay me?"
Wesley was confused. How could a poor orphan boy like him pay for such
a huge debt? Mr. Mitchell rubbed the nape of neck with his big hand.
"Looking at you, I am reminded of some nights ago... of that little mouth of yours doing wonders..." the man smiled.
So he was the voyeur, I'm not the only naughty boy in this house!
Wesley thought silently.
The big man pulled his blond head closer to his crotch without saying a
word. Wesley looked up in his eyes and his nimble fingers began
unbutonning the man's gray trousers, making sure this was really what he
wanted, hearing Mr. Mitchell's breathing suddenly getting heavier. He
lowered his underpants and gazed at the first adult penis he'd seen so
The large piece of uncut meat hung low and he couldn't believe he
was about to eat the thing that had made the two beautiful boys he had
fucked the day before. The man pulled his nose in his pubic hair and the
limp piece of flesh began to rise under his chin. He kissed the
uncircumcised head and went to work on the large testicles, licking and
bitting the heavy sack.
Mr. Mitchell moaned under the boy's ministrations, looking down at
his little pink tongue extended and tickling his swollen cockhead. His
hard prick stood straight up in front of the child's soft face. He longed to
thrust it in his mouth, cum down his throat. But he let the kid explore
his warm flesh with his little hands on his own term, slowly swallowing
more of his manmeat.
Wesley moved his head forward, barely able to wrap his lips around the
large pole. He could feel the heat as it entered his mouth. The strong
male aroma of the adult filled his nose, invading his lungs. When most
of the man's penis was in his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the
sensitive knob, sending the large adult into an ocean of pleasure.
With much difficulty, he bobbed his head on the huge shaft, tasting
the incredible hardness of the phallus. His right hand played with the
man's hairy balls, squeezing them, tugging them.
"Oh yeahhh... you suck so good kid..." Mr. Mitchell hissed, patting Wesley's blond hair.
Encouraged by the man's word, Wesley tried to open his mouth even
wider, to take more of the large tool. And the man fed him his cock,
swaying his hips to thrust his monster prick inside his little mouth.
Wesley lips turned to leeches, suctionning the iron-like flesh. Higher
and higher, he lifted the man's spirit to another plane of bliss.
He sucked harder and harder, seeing the sweat cascade on the man's
face from the corner of his eyes. The room reeled with adult groans of
pleasure. He could feel the orgasm coming stronger and stronger in the
vibrant organ.
Mr. Mitchell bucked his hips suddenly and grabbed his head in his
powerful grip. Like the blast from a canon, a burning jet of cream shot
in the back of his throat. Wesley gagged on the abundant sauce. The
torrential flow of sperm filled his mouth almost instantly. As he gulped
down the poweful squirts of jism, the man pulled out his penis from his
hungry lips.
Five more white ropes of manjuice spurted in his face. He could see
the piss hole expanding to blow the viscous load on him. His gaping oral
cavity provided a perfect receptacle, but still the random jets missed
the mark time and time again, and splashed his cute mug.
Like every night, Wesley scooted to the twins' bedroom in the middle
of the night. They had seperate rooms but inevitably he found them
together, huddled in one bed. How he loved to watch them sleep, their
golden limbs tangled up. As if they were going back to the womb,
becoming one again.
This was to be the last time he would witness the precious spectacle
of the little angels. He tiptoed to the door, anxious to wash his eyes
with the two eight-year-olds in their white gowns, lost in the oversized
satin bed, entwined, almost frozen in an everlasting kiss.
But he didn't find them asleep. That's for sure. Their night gowns
were thrown carelessly on the carpet and they rolled naked on the big
bed, rough housing like bear cubs. The symphony of giggles stopped
suddenly as the boys acknowledged his presence. They paused a moment
and stood up, their tiny erections jutting in front of their pint-sized
identical bodies.
Wesley gazed at their incomparable beauty. He stared paralyzed until
they jumped hysterically in a pre-pubescent frenzy, continuing their
little celebration. Gordon sprawled on the mattress, pulling on his
twin's body. He ground his crotch against him, rubbing his baby hard-on
on the smooth skin of his sibbling.
They twirled in front of Wesley's eyes. The poor boy, over-excited,
sought refuge from sexual dizziness in a comfortable leather-couch. And
he watched. He watched as Gordon held his brother's penis, running his
tiny fingers all over the tanned genitals. He watched as the boy with a
wicked look in his direction, opened his mouth and swallowed the turgid
At both ends, the two boys sucked their hairless little dinks, awkwardly
covering them with a layer of saliva. Wesley couldn't believe his eyes.
His cock threatened to explode in his underpants. He released his
throbbing member and caressed it idly while he watched the two kids in
the throes of a sixty-nine. Once in a while, a smile meant for him
flashed on their cute faces.
The high-pitched moans of the kids exhilarated him. They suctionned
their penises with the passion of a courtesan. The whole scene changed
when Glenn thrust his little butt in his brother's face. The other boy
spread the firm cheeks, almost teasing Wesley with them and took a long
swipe at the hairless crack. He darted his tongue at the tiny deflowered
hole, relishing the familiar flavor of his brother.
Glenn giggled, masturbating his immature dick and thoroughly enjoying
the slippery probe. That was it! Wesley crawled to the bed and added his
tongue to the party. He snaked his bigger oral instrument in the tight little
asshole, making Glenn crazy with pleasure. Gordon, who had been denied
access to his brother's boyhole grabbed Wesley's cock, determined to
erase all of the transparent pre-cum oozing on the four inch rod.
For the next minutes, Wesley lost track of the events. His body
undulated amidst the two golden boys. He sucked tiny pricks and a
soothing mouth he didn't know to whom it belonged did the same to his
pulsing penis. His hands roamed on their smooth skin, his tongue danced
on their boycocks and assholes, his fingers tweaked their erect
All the while, visions of toes cramping up with pleasure and grimaces
of ecstasy paraded in front of his eyes like in his dreams. Giggles and
moans were the soundtrack to the forbidden orgy.
He found himself on all fours, eating anything he could find in
between Gordon's spread legs. The incredible expressions of delight in
the little boy's face was the ultimate reward as he held the little
penis between his fingers, holding back the imp's foreskin to lavishly
savour the delectable wet little pink dickhead.
Behind him, Glenn's miniature tongue tickled his sensitive pucker. He
could feel later the lad's sticky digits poking inside him, then the warm
intrusion of his young penis deep in his rectum. Caught in the sandwich
of horny boys, Wesley was radiant. He wanted the moment to last forever.
Gordon pulled on his blond hair, urging him to suck harder. He
obliged happilly, pumping the little pecker with his lips as Glenn
pistonned his ass with more and more vigor. Both boys came inside him.
Gordon's little dick flexing on his tongue, while Glenn's orgasm
thundered on the ring of his anus.
Already over their young climax, the twins wrestled Wesley for more
of the good feelings. He responded by caressing them sensuously,
using his mouth all over their bodies.
"Make the white stuff again!" Gordon peeped.
"He can only make it if he puts it in your bum dummy!" Glenn snapped.
"Yes.. he gotta rub it in your bum! Don't you remember? He did it with ya too? Go first then I'll do it!"
Wesley stared mesmerized as Gordon squatted over his erection. The
bloated knob slid between the bony buttocks, almost naturally searching
for the entrance to the boy's ass.
"That's it, sit on it!" Glenn bawled.
The young lad squirmed, trying to keep his balance over the small
tower of flesh. He lowered his body slowly, impaling himself gently on
the twelve-year-old's cock. Cry was all Wesley could do not to lose the
load of sperm churning in his nutsack. He and Glenn watched his prick
disappear up the lad's chute, until he was sitting completely on the
swollen balls with a smile of satisfaction on his face.
Gordon began bouncing on the hard prong, plunging the warm meat in
his bowels. His identical twin sucked on his boner to alienate the pain
he knew was associated with the delicious activity. A second time,
Gordon orgasmed with the big penis lodged deeply in his stretched little
hole. In between his cries of pleasure he inquired innocently: "Is it
coming Wes! Are you gonna make the white stuff!"
"Uhhhh sooonn!" Wesley cried.
He stabbed a few more times the boy's butt and pulled him to his
chest in a feverish embrace. His exploding tool popped out of the kid's
boyhole, spurting its juice in the air. Quick squirts of hot cream
plastered Gordon's gaping opening and splashed his brown buns. Glenn
eyed the phenomenon, counting the numbers of times the white globs of
seed erupted from the purple crown.
"...4-5. Wow! The white stuff is everywhere!" he cheered, spreading the fresh cream on his brother's tender butt. "Do it to me Wes!"
"Not yet.." the blond boy panted, catching his breath. For the next moments, he sprawled on the bed, watching the two insatiable boys play with each other. Glenn laid on his back and his brother licked him all over, leaving a glistening trail of spit on his smooth skin. Tiny lips worked on his tiny erection, suckling the precious morsel.
Wesley encouraged Gordon to stick his fingers up his twin's butthole,
enlarging him for the stiff prick he massaged between his fingers. The
full four inches reached, he crawled to the young child, who was eagerly
awaiting his touch and lust.
His hands danced on the little boy. He nuzzled the nape of his neck,
hearing the rhytmic beat of his little heart. Rolling behind the child, he
wrapped his limbs over him, feeling his warm flesh in his embrace.
Almost naturally, Glenn bent his knees, offering himself to the hardness
poking his buttocks.
"Put it in me now!" he whispered as the rigid member explored the cleft of his butt.
Time stood still for an instant. Wesley grasped his erection and
guided it to the tight opening, driving it between the firm buns. A low
moan espaces Glenn's mouth as he penetrated the head of his penis. The
clenching anus dilated and he had his hand back to manipulate the kid's
engorged cocklet while he entered his guts slowly, on inch at a time.
The boy tensed-up as he slipped into him, as he took possession of his
insides. When his ballbag hit the rounded globes, the sheer pleasure was
so intense, he feared he would explode inside his rectum right away.
Glenn pushed his hips back, groaning from the pain, but inviting the
older boy to fuck him.
Wesley held onto the kid tightly, watching from the corner of his
eyes Gordon masturbating tenderly. Slowly, he began moving his cock
in and out of the stretched boyhole. The clasping skin strangled his
dick and he had to shove it inside the warm tunnel.
More and more, he grinded against the kid's ass, driving his cock in
the child's depths. Glenn moaned, his small pecker impossibly hard in
Wesley's hand. The room came alive with their intense coupling.
"ohhh ohhhhh ohhhhhhhh" Glenn whined, clutching the bed sheets.
Faster and faster, Welsey pounded the full length of his cock inside
his perfect little ass. Enthraled by the sound of their bodies
colliding, he fucked harder, plowing the tiny red hole, source of
ecstasy. His fingernails dug in the delicate tanned skin of the child's
leg as he gripped it forcefully to ram his erection into his backside.
Together they came. Glenn crying, his body jerking from his pre-
pubescent orgasm. Wesley breathing heavy in his ear as he filled him with
his milky fluid.
"Don't do it in him!" Gordon reminded him.
In the middle of his electric climax, Wesley frowned at the idea of
pulling out, but executed frantically, spurting the last globs of his load
on his young partner's little ass.
Not satisfied with the little puddles Wesley was delivering. Gordon
and Glenn continued attacking his tired young prick, determined to suck
out all the boyjuice he could produce. Well into the night, their moans
echoed until finally all of them passed out from exhaustion.
The horse-carriage stopped to a halt in front of the austere
building. Wesley surveyed the castle of gray stones and a cold chill ran
up his spine. His eyes wandered in the vicinity, realizing the fact
that the old school was fiercely protected from the outside world by the
natural environment all around it. This wasn't a school, it was a
A tall man and a fat woman welcomed Mr. Mitchell in front of the
main entrance. The man, obviously the headmaster, was dressed in black,
handling a thin cane Wesley somehow knew he would meet intimately. The
fat woman reeked of disinfectant and her eyes were dead like the sky of
London before a rainstorm. So he listened to the chatter of the adults,
feeling like a toddler.
His perfumed uniform was stinging his tender skin. God, he looked
ridiculous with his long blue socks, gray short pants, impeccable white
shirt and blue blazer. The perfect little schoolboy.
Mr. Mitchell bent to kiss his cheek with cold lips and he was off
with the two strangers in the grandiose establishment. A flock of boys
walked like robots around him, barely looking at him but obviously
curious of his presence.
That's when Wesley saw him, standing in a corner.
"Chris?" he shouted in the direction of the boy.
The child turned around shyly and a smile illuminated his cute mug.
"Is it you!" Wesley cheered. He still looked the same as when he had met him the first time on the road to London to be sold. His brown hair was cut neatly, and his warm brown eyes sparkled. The two proeminant incisors seperating the top row of shiny teeth had grown bigger making him look even more like a rabbit.
"Come along now!" the headmaster growled.
PART 11. 'Educated'
In only a couple of days, Wesley learned to walk with his back
straight and his mouth shut. The smell of discipline lingered in the
corridors of the old school. Every day the same hard routine.
At six o'clock, bathing in the cold morning water. The nearby pond
awakened with dozens of naked boys, splashing frantically to send a
little warmth to their limbs. Barely a peep could be heard from the
sleepy bare crowd. Mr. Llyod, the headmaster, wouldn't have let it happen
At seven o'clock. The oatmeal breakfast and one hour later, the
beginning of the classes. Supper was at six at night and the evening
belonged to the boys who most of the times, fell asleep in between the
pages of a heavy book.
On the weekends, all the boys were picked up by their families.
Wesley knew Mr. Mitchell wouldn't show up and dreaded the Saturdays.
He was a bad boy after all, an orphan who did unmentionable things
with his sons.
On the other hand, he had his friend Chris to play with in the empty
school. His adoptive parents didn't show up either. Two nine-year-olds
got the same treatment. So it was the four of them against the Headmaster
and Miss Hampton.
They were allowed to dress more leisurely and Wesley wore sexy small
shorts with a thin sweater while Chris put on blue pants and a sweater
of the same colour.
After dinner, Christopher had in mind of losing the two younger annoying
kids even though Wesley had more interesting thoughts concerning the two
imps. They eventually managed to escape the small boys' attention and
went exploring the pupil's private possessions.
Together, they browsed through the schoolboys' garments, taking out
underwear, pictures of their mothers or sibblings, all in all, enjoyed a
jolly good time imitating everybody's boyish behavior. Their laughters
echoed in the big empty dormitory, swirled in the rows of neatly made
iron beds.
Chris suddenly made a face and Wesley recognized it as his own.
"Hey don't do that!" he yelled at the playful boy.
But Chris continued making the grimace. "Duh I'm a poor orphan.." he
retorded defiantly.
Wesley sprung towards him and they began running around in circle like
young pups in the large room. As he ran, Wesley gazed at his friend's firm
little rear, contemplating each buttock rise and lower.
He gained ground on him and pushed him down on the bed, pounding his
face in the mattress. The cheeky boy laughed hysterically while he was
being beaten up and Wesley joined him. How could he resist that pretty
smile and the dimples in his cheeks?
He laid next to him on the bed catching his breath. Christopher put his
arm around his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek, giggling like a
romantic fool. "Remember that night in the tent?" the brown-haired boy said,
grinning wickedly. "Do you want me to show you more?"
Wesley nodded, still dizzy by the boy's peck.
Christopher moved closer to him and their hands began to rove around each
others' bodies. Wesley rubbed the boy's asscheeks which he had admired
earlier. His tiny hands slipped with difficulty in the tight trousers.
The pert little globes were smooth, round and warm.
Meanwhile, Christopher massaged his tiny pecs and pinched his nipples
under his sweater. Waves of goosebumps erupted on his slim torso. It wasn't
the same atmosphere as their first encounter. He had lost all his boyish
innocence and so did the other boy.
Slowly Chris slid his hands up the front of his bare thighs, beginning
with his knee caps. When he approached the small shorts, his bulge was
already immense, his boydick dick poking out in the front. Wesley moaned
slightly as Chris slowly traced the outline of his penis through the fabric.
The boy gripped the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down his
hips along with his underwear in one sensuous move. His fully erect penis
leapt up in the air, tender little joystick for Chris to play with.
He leaned to unbutton Christopher's pants and free his straining cock
from its shell too. The hard circumcised organ was still the same size as his
own. The nice round hairless balls hanging between his white legs.
Chris lowered his mouth until it was right above Wesley's short rod and
began to slowly tease his pisshole with the tip of his tongue, driving him
"Don't just do that! Suck it!" he snapped.
Chris grinned at him and licked the shaft of his cock. His wet
tongue slid on the underside, in no hurry. He reached his testicles which
he nibbled amorously.
Wesley shook his head left and right in ecstasy. Christopher's
slippery probe sank in his bellybutton and then slicked up the bald
pubic area above his throbbing prick. "uhhhhhhhhhhh" he cried on the
verge of madness.
Finally, the young boy gripped his cock and lowered his opened
cavity to engulf his dickhead. His sighs of pleasure resonated as Chris
rubbed his knob on the inside of each of his slimy cheeks.
His cock swelled to the maximum from the warmness of the little mouth.
Chris began to slowly work his lips down his shaft, taking the entire
length. As he worked it in and out of his wet mouth, his right hand
grabbed his ballsack and fondled it generously.
Wesley purred softly and caressed the child's silky hair. One second, his
lips were sliding fast on his dick and the other they were sucking heavily on
the tip.
He wanted to reward the boy for his good work. He streched his hand and
grabbed his erect prick sticking out of his pants. The lovely boy organ
was warm and rock hard. His fingers wrapped around it in a tight grip to jack
off his great little partner.
"Let's get more comfortable." Chris suggested.
They seperated and soon clothes were flying in the air. A little
sock here, a sweater there, a pair of underwear twenty feet away.
Wesley climbed on the bed and this time it was his turn to blow the
twelve-year-old. Chris spread his legs wide. He licked his lips and
kissed the swollen cockhead, tasting the sweet transparent pre-cum.
"Don't just do that! SUCK IT!" Chris laughed.
Following orders, Wesley swallowed the tip of the cock and licked all
around the rim. Chris moaned and gasped, his eyes glued to the most
sensitive part of his dick. Amazed by how good a fellator Wesley had
become. The blond boy smiled, suctionning the stiff little staff between
his teeth.
He lowered his mouth and let the knob past the entrance of his throat
until his nose was against the hairless mound. Just by clearing his
throat, he could make the boy moan loudly. All the while, he sniffed the
sweaty crotch, taking in all that great boy smell.
Chris grabbed his head and took control. He pulled his dick almost out
of his mouth and plunged it inside until he was once again taking the
whole thing.
His hips rose again and again. Wesley could feel him thrust his meat
into his mouth, grunting with pleasure. His dick banged against the back of
his cavity but soon found its way down his throat.
Wesley could sense the little devil was about to come and stopped the
action. Chris sulked a little not knowing what he had in store. Wesley put
his right leg on his shoulder and began sucking his cock again. Christopher's
boyish face lit up again.
His hips were slightly above the mattress, just enough for his
fingers to explore his little anus. He rubbed all around the entrance of
the boy's rectum and without warning shoved his middle finger inside him.
Chris gasped but soon let himself enjoy the digit moving in and out of
his pink hole.
Wesley sucked his penis and pushed his finger all the way in between his
tensed buttocks. This was propably a brand new sensation for the boy.
He moaned loudly and at that point, Wesley knew he had given away his body
to him, to play with and enjoy.
After ten minutes, Chris pushed his head off his erection.
"Wait! I better work on you or I'm gonna explode!" he exclaimed.
Wesley streched on the bed, his cock standing upright and Chris
started to suck it again with even more passion. They were gonna have oral
sex all afternoon! he thought.
Miss Hampton burst in the dormitory. As her heavy footsteps got
closer and closer, Wesley shuddered. "Stop sucking my cock!" he whispered
"She's here! She's here!" But Chris held on to his shaft and kept running
his lips on it.
"Oh my lord! What are you two doing!" she screamed, looking away from the kids' naked embrace, shocked and bewildered.
"You're the Devil's spawn Christopher Matthews!" she yelled. "Boys don't that!"
Wesley attempted to hide his engorged boyhood and froze as he watched
the large woman lowering her wide ass on the bed. She grabbed Chris by the
waist and hauled him down over her knees with her powerful arms.
Everything happened so fast. Swiftly her hand reached for the right
slipper. Then:
She spanked the boy's bare bottom furiously right in front of his
The slaps were concentrated on the right cheek and soon the fleshy
part of the buttock was all red from the mighty contacts. Chris wriggled
about in her lap.
"Again! That's so nice Miss Hampton!" he smiled.
The woman was really angry now. She grasped the slipper tighter and
assaulted his left cheek.
Wesley knew this was awfully painful. Chris was bitting his lips and
grunting with every stinging blow. His little bottom was turning all red and
large bruises surfaced on his perfect white skin.
Wesley thought his friend had gone nuts. He kept wiggling his little
behind almost inviting the slipper to beat his rump. "Oooo I like that!" he
continued blurting. Miss Hampton smacked him as hard as she could until
she eventually gave up on the boy. Seeing that her punishement wasn't
effective, she ran out the dormitory.
"We'll see what the schoolmaster thinks of your behavior!" she screamed accross the room before departing.
Wesley stared astonished, really impressed with the boy's ability to
take a whipping like a man. "Am I bleeding?" the imp inquired, turning his
backside for an estimation of the damages.
"Nuh uh..." Wesley stammered. Christopher's bum was glowing and he couldn't help but rub his cock of the hot buns.
The next second, Chris pushed him on the mattress and began rubbing his
nipples with his right hand and caressing his balls with his left.
Wesley made a mental note to make his friend come like never before! Chris
had taken the punishment for him and he wasn't gonna deceive him.
The beating had not altered his vigor. His mouth engulfed his four inches
and sucked the hard flesh merrilly. Wesley could feel his orgasm building
up. Christopher's head was bobbing up and down on his young penis at
a incredible speed.
All that boy sex and spanking had aroused him fiercely. He was gonna
climax in no time for sure. His balls drew closer to his body and he gasped.
Quick spurts of boyseed shot in Christopher's mouth. Much to his
surprise, the boy drank it down as quickly as it came out of the tip.
Under him, the bed creaked as his body jerked from the intense pleasure.
Chris grinned at him and licked the jism on his lips. He lapped up the
milky substance still oozing from his pisshole, making sure the pink
crown was dry. Wesley smiled back at the pretty boy thinking of a way to
outdo his glorious work.
"This is new!" Christopher smiled, gulping down the last glob of semen.
"Hope you can do it too!" Wesley grinned back.
Chris had gotten back his erection now. So he lowered his head between his
skinny thighs and sucked the boy's beautiful four inch tool. Mostly
using his tongue to give it a nice sheath of slimy saliva.
He stretched on the bed and told Chris to mount his face.
The boy smiled at his new imaginative way of playing. Wesley watched
as he slid his knees on each side of his face. That way he had
complete access to his crotch. He could see his swollen balls hanging
down and his erect cock right in front his mouth.
The horny twelve-year-old rubbed his glans on his lips. Wesley
wrapped his fingers around the slimy shaft and fondled it.
"Fuck my hand Chris!" he said. "Do it until you come all over my face!" he screamed, blushing from his unsual vulgarity.
Chris bucked his hips and began sliding his prick in his vise grip.
Wesley tickled the head with his tongue when it popped out between his
The hard organ began moving back and forth at a faster rate in his
hand. He looked at Christopher's face, seeing him grimacing from pleasure.
The boy's penis slid all the way until he could feel his hand against
the kid's hairless groin. Then it would pull back to the bloated knob.
He imagined the hard cock slamming in his ass. In and out, slidding
He squeezed harder and harder and Chris moaned louder.
"Ohhhh I'm coming." Chris groaned.
He shot the first thick load directly into his opened mouth. The second
one exploded on his nose in hot droplets. Wesley revelled in the shower of
white boyjuice.
He cleaned up Christopher's penis like he had done to him. The sweat-
covered boy licked his face in return where he couldn't reach, taking
back his own self.
Minutes later, they were knocking on Miss Hampton's door.
"Leave me alone!" she shouted as she opened the door. "You are evil! Demons!" she continued, pointing an accusing finger at their button noses.
"Please Madam." Christopher pleaded. "Don't tell the headmaster. He's gonna beat us."
"Yes Madam. We'll do whatever you want for the rest of our lives." Wesley added.
Her mood changed instantly and she smiled, displaying her rotten
"Don't be silly boy. Only an afternoon will be enough. That's a brilliant idea lad. I could use a few hours to relax. You're all gonna drive me insane someday."
"Thank you Miss Hampton!" the boys cheered in unison.
She shut the door behind them. Her quarters consisted of a large room
with a small bathroom attached to it. The delicate lace collar around
her victorian bed contrasted awkwardly with her massive stature and
vulgar appearance. For a woman in a position of authority, her bedroom
ressembled more one of a young boy. Clothes were scattered everywhere
along with food and various objects of leisure.
"Your first chore will be to clean this mess up!" she grinned. "Take your clothes off. I don't want you to get dirt on these that I will have to wash later in the school's laundry."
Wesley glanced at Chris and blushed. Even though she'd already seen
them naked, he felt a slight discomfort. Orders were not for him he
He shucked his sweater and shorts on her desk and removed his socks and
underpants, shivering as he remembered the brutal spanking she had given on
Christopher's bare butt.
"Ah Ah! These aren't ready to please a lady for a while!" she laughed tugging at their hairless cocklets. "Now get on all fours like the slave- brats you are!"
Wesley and Chris crawled in front of her, glancing at each other for an
explanation to her odd behavior. She tied a scarf around each of their
necks, letting a long strip to rest on their smooth backs. Dog collars and
leashes! That's what she called them. "Just to make sure you won't
She pulled the leash bound to Wesley neck and kicked his little ass. "Sit
He did, considering for a moment her fat body towering over him.
Chris was submitted to the same treatment, ordered sternly to lay his
butt on the cold floor.
LOST IN LONDON XII by DEBONAIR PART 12. 'Teacher's pet, teacher's wet'
As the two naked twelve-year-olds lay at her feet, she spewed her
litany of chores to do: "Make the bed", "Dust the tables!", "Clean the
pile of clothes in the basin there!"
While they scooted around the room, she sprawled her large mass on a
chair, eyeing every move of their graceful young bodies and screaming
"I need to pee Miss Hampton? Can I go?" Wesley peeped walking towards the door.
"Not so fast child!" the heavy matron blurted.
The boy shivered as she placed her paws on his shoulders to guide him
to Christopher who was kneeling on the cold floor, scrubbing it with
"We'll see how your little friend likes it now... Come on Christopher, open your mouth. You seemed to enjoy having his birdy in your mouth an hour ago?"
The black-haired imp smiled wickedly, hiding his disgust in front of
the tormentor. He wrapped his lips around Wesley's deflated organ,
swallowing the smooth penis until he connected with the hairless pubes.
"YOU! Pee!" the woman laughed, tugging roughly the scarf tied to Wesley's neck.
His body trembled. Fright held back the liquid in his bladder.
Another forceful tug strangled him and he began to urinate in his
friend's mouth. The yellow burst exploded in the warm cavity. Chris
"Don't spill a drop!" Miss Hampton yelled.
Wesley watched as Chris drank him up. Inevitably, the urine
overflowed from the kid's mouth, forming a small lake on the ground. The
fat woman pushed his face in it, commanding him to lap it all up.
Totally ashamed of the amount of humiliation Chris had to endure,
Wesley crawled to the floor and stuck his tongue in the puddle to help
him out.
"Little bastards." the matron grinned.
Much to Wesley's surprise, the rest of the afternoon was uneventful.
He squirmed everytime an erection popped in his lap, fearing the outcome
of such a vile act. But the woman snoozed quietly, amused to boredom, as
they finished the cleaning-up.
The class was silent. Sure, they were terrified awaiting the results of
the test but mostly because Mr. Lloyd was quick to impose corporal
punishement on any boy who let out a peep.
Wesley had to admit he was scared. Back at Newcaste Estate, a private
tutor was hired to teach him all the wonders of education. The penalty
for a failing grade was only a sermon from the Count and sometimes a
meal skipped. The same rules sure didn't apply at this private school.
"I warn you, the boys who fail will be punished!" had said Mr. Lloyd.
The truth is he was rusty. He knew he hadn't done well on his test.
He hadn't dip a white feather in ink for months and his thoughts were
confused in his little head trying to magically come up with the precious
Alvin was squirming on his chair next to him too. The thirteen-year-old
wasn't very bright and had every reason to sweat like a pig. Wesley pitied
the poor boy. His head was completely shaved leaving him with black
stubbles on his scalp. One of the many consequences of his low
intelligence level. His lips were moving but not a word came out of
them. Wesley figured he was praying and wondered if he should too.
The headmaster walked in the rows seperating the little desks with a
sadistic smile on his lips. As usual, he yelled the best grades first:
"Walter, A+...Everett, A...Willy, B...."
God he was nervous, his name just wouldn't pop out and he was already
in the 'C's. The boys around him let out signs of relief on the announce
of their names.
"Damon, D...William, D... and finally...Wesley, F and Alvin, F!"
Wesley was devasteted but not as much as Alvin who was crying face down
on his desk. "You two, be in his office at noon!" said the frowning man.
The kids were smiling and staring at them, happy to have avoided the
ill-treatment they were to be submitted to.
Meal time came faster that a speeding bullet from a musket. Wesley hooked
up with Alvin and they strolled towards the headmaster's office.
"What's the punition?" Wesley inquired.
"I don't know, it's different all the time." replied the dumb boy with a trembling voice.
They entered the office with their tails between their legs. Mr. Lloyd
closed the door behind them and ordered to stand on the chairs in front
of his big oak desk.
He waltzed around the boys and patted their little behinds with his cane.
"I will not accept ignorants in my class." he muttered sternly. "You hear THAT?"
"Yes sir." the children responded in unison.
"Strip down to you underwear NOW." he yelled.
Wesley took of his shoes and socks and glanced at Alvin doing the same.
He threw his blazer on the floor and soon his shirt was headed the same
way. Alvin wasn't quick enough and the man hit him on the hand. Wesley
wriggled out of his trousers and stood up straight like the situation
The fierce man contemplated their white skinny bodies clad in only undies
and strolled around them again, fondling his moustache.
"Didn't you listen to what I've said for the last month in class? If you are not using those ears, maybe we should cut them off..." he grinned.
"Since this is your first time Wesley, you will get ten smacks on your underpants with my hand and ten on your bare bottom with my belt. Agreed?"
"Yes sir." the boy answered.
"As for you Alvin. Alas, I've seen you butt too many times in this office. I have a special surprise for you!"
He guided them to the next room which was his sleeping quarters. A
large bed was surrounded by fancy furniture. There were books everywhere
but Wesley focused his attention on the wall. In a large cabinet were hung
dozens of tawses, whips and other instruments of discipline.
Mr. Lloyd sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him to him. He tugged
his drawers, wedging the cotton fabric in the crack of his round little
butt and ordered him to climb on his lap. Wesley obeyed, stretching his
body over the man's knees, his little feet dangling in the air.
The onslaught started. Mr. Lloyd spanked his rump ten times and he
yelped with every stroke.
*SMACK* "Ouch!" *SMACK* "Ouch!" *SMACK* "Ouch!" *SMACK* "Ouch!"
The man stood him up. Wesley rubbed his bottom frantically already deep
"Take off your underpants now and bend over the bed."
Wesley pulled down his briefs and looked at Alvin who was staring at
his flaccid boydick. Meanwhile, Mr. Lloyd selected a large leather
belt. He approached the vulnerable child, naked and bent over properly.
"Feet together boy! and stick your bottom out at all time." he yelled. "Count each strike and thank me."
Wesley held his buttocks tight. The swish of the belt resonated in the
room before hitting him.
*THWACK* "Aowww! One, thank you sir." Tears filled his little eyes.
*THWACK* "Argg. Two, thank you sir."
The man was taking his time obviously enjoying this. The belt landed
on his bare skin a third and fourth time and his bottom was numb and
throbbing. Seems he was always hitting the same spot. His butt was so
small, Wesley guessed there wasn't much flesh to torture.
*SWWWOOOOOSH* *THWACK* "Aooow. Five sir."
"You forgot to thank me! For that. One more!" said Mr. Lloyd.
His knees were wobbly and he started to cry out loud. This punishment
was going to last forever. The next four strokes bit hard into his
tender skin and drew blood. His little bottom was stinging like crazy.
The final two lashes left large red marks on his bare ass. He soothed
his buns tenderly. They were hot and glowing.
"A nice whipping sure can make a boy think uh? Now get on your knees next to the bed while I chastise this idiot."
Wesley knelt and sniffed up his tears. If that was the punishement for a
first offense. What will he do to Alvin? he wondered silently.
"Take your underpants off and get on all fours on the bed like the animal you are!" barked Mr. Lloyd.
Alvin pulled down his briefs and exposed a long uncut dick sitting on
two round hairy balls. He was one of the taller boys at school and more
developed than anybody else. But aside from his crotch, he still didn't
have a hair on his muscular body.
The man pushed him on the bed where he assumed the position. Alvin
looked between his legs wondering why Mr. Lloyd was laying a towel
there. The man didn't explain and took out a thin stick of hard wood
from the cabinet.
Right away, he began whipping the boy's tender feet.
The white undersides of his feet soon were covered with welts and Alvin
was crying and wiggling his toes from pain.
Brutally, the man continued the punishment and whipped the boy's legs
all the way to the back of his thighs.
"OWWW ARGG OWWW OOWW stop sir!" begged Alvin.
But Mr. Lloyd gripped his tawse tighter and whipped his bare ass until
it was a nice crimson color.
Wesley had counted forty strokes and he could tell from the grimaces Alvin
was making that from waist down, his body was on fire. The boys outside
in the corridor were giggling.
The headmaster patted his rump and picked up a larger stick. Actually
more like a cane.
"Your ass should be used to this by now." the man said. "It shouldn't hurt that much..."
"How many do I get?" asked the thirteen-year-old.
"You'll see..." smiled the man.
He teased the boy's penis with the tip of cane.
"I want you to get it hard for me. Go on, fondle it NOW!"
Alvin was confused and started to stimulate his cock. The flesh tube
grew under the boy's belly until all his foreskin was tucked under the
crown of his pink knob.
Mr. Lloyd delivered three strokes of his cane on the boy's behind and
Alvin masturbated harder trying to alienate the pain. The man
turned around and screamed in Wesley direction:
"You too, get a hard-on or you get ten more lashes!"
His little dick didn't need much fondling. Just looking at Alvin
wincing in pain and beating his meat with one hand on the bed, while he
was getting caned, gave him a boner in no time.
"Get your hand off your dick Alvin." ordered the headmaster.
"I want you to cum for me little bastard... but don't touch that prick.. ...and I want you to SCREAM as loud as you can so your little friends outside can hear you."
There was no discussing the instructions. Mr. Lloyd immediately began
caning the young boy's behind. *THWACK* *THWACK* *THWACK*
"ARGRGGR ARGGRGRG OWOOWW ARRRGRGGR" yelled the kid gasping for air and trying to maintain his erection.
They were chilling screams and Wesley could see why. Every time the cane
landed on the smooth skin, a blotch of red would appear. Sometimes the
cane would find its way in the crease of Alvin's butt. But mostly, it
made each globe of flesh quiver equally.
"CUM you bloody little fuck! shoot your boy-juice all over... My arm is dead!" screamed Mr. Lloyd.
Alvin closed his eyes, probably concentrating on his penis, trying
to figure out how to climax and satisfy his torturer. Mr. Lloyd was
steadily beating his ass, inflicting more pain.
"I know you're horny... CUM... CUM! look at Wesley, he's hot for you!!"
Alvin glanced at the little cock nagging him.
"That's a good boy Wes." said Mr. Lloyd. "You like it when I beat that naughty lad!"
Alvin had received at least two hundred strokes and was panting. His
ass was red all over and Wesley found the color was making his
hairless balls tingle.
"Yup Alvin, Wes here is hot for you... he wants you to FUCK him good up his little asshole! You'd love that uh? Think about it and CUM for me!"
Finally, in between the wails of pain, Alvin let out a sustained moan
and his penis shot a jet of young semen on the towel. It was the end of
his sufferings. Mr. Lloyd stopped caning him and observed the boy
climaxing and ejaculating time and time again.
Alvin collapsed on his stomach exhausted, his body jerking
"There's nothing like a good caning to get me started." said the
headmaster. With a swift gesture, he took out his half-erect prick from
his trousers and rubbed it on Wesley's lips.
"Suck me boy! Suck my big cock!"
Wesley didn't wanna go through the same ordeal as Alvin and parted
his lips quickly. The man pushed his huge penis in his mouth and he felt
it getting bigger and bigger in his cavity.
The man grabbed his blond hair and forced his swollen member down his
throat. He choked on the ten inches of manmeat but Mr. Lloyd continued
shoving it farther and farther. The heavy scent of his organ filled his
lungs. The man bucked his hips and began fucking his little mouth.
He thought he would throw up, but the large cock was clogging his tube.
The big glans was rubbing against the walls of his throat, enlarging it.
"You like that! Oh suck it ...yeah..." said the man with a crazed look on his face. "Maybe next time I will let Alvin put his dick in your ass if you fail!"
After only a few thrusts, the hot semen exploded down his throat.
"Swallow my load! and don't lose a drop..or else."
Wesley swallowed. Seven times in all. The big cock was more like a
faucet, continually shooting the hot liquid in his mouth. When the penis
softened, he stuck out his tongue and licked the red knob to clean it of
the sticky substance.
"Come to the steeple.." the hushed voice of Christopher echoed in Wesley's ears.
As he washed the sleep from his eyes, the image of the boy with
rabbit teeth formed cleary. The sparkling eyes, the magic smile.
"Come, I'll show you something!"
"Now? I don't wanna be in trouble again..." Wesley muttered.
"Nuh uh." he whispered, shooting his slender legs off the bed. The cold night air floated under his white gown, the only garment protecting his naked form. All around, snores of the schoolboys rose in the dark dormitory. This was crazy. All Wesley could think about was the punishment for taking a stroll in the sleeping school.
His heart pounded furiously. Every step was an adventure. The thrill
of the escape, the mysterious purpose.
He tagged along close to Chris, feeding on the boy's courage. His
small sex climbed into his body from fear. Together, they tiptoed silently
out the door and into the gloomy corridors, taking one after the other,
getting further and further away from the warmth of their iron cots.
Finally, the stairway leading to the highest point of the old castle
appeared in front of their eyes. Wesley smiled wickedly. 'Almost there!'
The light of the moon shimmered above, guiding his steps on the cold
gray stairs. Every now and then, Wesley rubbed his barefeet, quietly
listening to the eerie noises coming from up there.
"What's this?" he peeped, pointing to a small room halfway to their goal.
"That's the 'enlarging' place" Chris whispered.
Wesley walked slowly closer, examining the row of chair alongside a
wall. But these chairs weren't usual. Each one sported a wood post in
their middle, some small and some bigger, all greased-up.
"Who would wanna sit in those?" Wesley asked his best friend. "The piece of wood would stick in your butt?"
"That's the whole point dummy!" Christopher snapped back. "Mr. Lloyd makes you sit on this to enlarge your hole!"
"Oh" Wesley squeaked absentmindly, imagining a boy pulling down his shorts and lowering his rear on the hard prong.
After a few moments, the spooky ambiance of the small room crept up
his spine. He scooted closer to Chris again to resume their way up the
high tower. Closer and closer, they climbed to the bronze steeple bells.
And stronger and stronger the voices sang: "That's a pretty one..."
"Uhhh. He sure does a wonderful job!"
Wesley caught his breath and surveyed the moonwashed room atop the
steeple that his friend wanted him so much to see.
"There's only bells here! and it's cold!" he barked. But Christopher didn't react. He moved next to the boy, readying himself to scream the same reprimand in his ear. Chris was bent over the granite ledge of a window with no glass and he realized why. Just below, the light from the headmaster's office glowed in the night.
"You can see everything!" Wesley exclaimed. His eyes focused directly into the room and a streak of dizziness shook his body. Vertigo or what was happening in Mr. Lloyd's office?
In the room, were three boys and along with Mr. Lloyd, two men. Wesley
recognized the kids as Walter, Andrew and Dudley. All were stark naked
and kneeling on the floor, taking the adults' huge erections in their
mouth. From where he was, Wesley was surprised he could see their little
tongues dancing on the men's prickheads.
One of the man gripped Andrew's blond hair and furiously fucked his
little mouth. His groans of pleasure broke the silence in the night's sky.
A few minutes later the three boys went over in the middle of the room
and laid down on the velvet carpet. The men encircled them, fondling
their oozing organs.
The ten-year-olds attacked each other like lion cubs and began kissing.
For the next minutes, Wesley watched through the window as the
boys did the entertainment. They sucked each other's penises, and licked
each other's assholes. Wesley blushed from embarassment as his young
cock hardened under his night gown.
He nudged Chris as the erotic hairless trio took turns sticking their
hard-ons into each other's butts. The men encouraged the lads all the
while they were having sex with each other. High-pitched yelps of
ecstasy escaped their gaping mouths. They orgasmed one after the
other, jerking on the ground.
Once the boys were done, the three men went back to their pupils,
caressing their smooth skin glistening with boy sweat. Wesley could see
the closest adult, shoving his hard cock in Walter's mouth, making his
cheeks bulge grotesquely.
On the desk, the tangled bodies of Mr. Lloyd and Andrew played out a
strange spectacle. The man fondled the young child's inflating dink and
licked his asshole. All the while at the other end, the boy's small
mouth engulfed his large erection.
The scene evolved and the boys were rolled over onto their belly.
Wails of pain reached Wesley's ears as they were getting penetrated. He
could see their small bodies tensing-up. Their asscheeks parted open to
make way for long poles.
The three buggerers buried their cocks in their little asses and
simultanously started the fucking, holding on to the kid's slender hips
in order to slam their tools home.
For several minutes, the men sodomized the young boys and Wesley
stared curious and happy that it wasn't him. The vigorous rhythm
increased rapidly. The boys' complaints getting more intense. Wesley
watched in awe as one after the other, the men began ejaculating on the
youngsters and the symphony of wails faded away.
"Let's go back now before they catch us!" Christopher suggested.
Together they trotted back where they came from, giggling softly as
they stared at their little erections jutting in front of their night
Walking to the feet of the stairs, Wesley noticed the dance of black
shadows on the stone walls. A morbid introduction of things to come.
"Run!" whispered Christopher, scooting eastbound. As if in a transe, Wesley turned his head to follow with his stare his young friend disappearing in the night. Alone and confused, the sound of his steps echoed in his frozen mind.
"My my, we've finally found the new boy!" a young teenager exclaimed suddenly jumping in front of the dazed boy.
The twelve-year-old watched the muscular boy smile and soon others
arrived at his sides. One, two, four, until he was surrounded by the group
of night creepers.
"It's time for your initiation." the fourteen-year-old leader of the gang said. "All new kids have to be initiated."
The whispers of the crowd resonated in Wesley ears. His body began to
shiver as two of the big boys sneaked behind him closer. He yelped loudly
and within seconds the tormentors were grabbing his arms. Like a
powerful wind, the group robbed his nightgown leaving him naked and
The gang surveyed the naked child. One playing with his limp little
pecker and fondling his smooth balls.
"Ah! He doesn't have any hair yet!" they laughed.
"Leave me alone!" Wesley screamed. He struggled to get away, but two big boys held him steady in their colossal grips. In front of him, the dark-haired leader was pulling down his long underpants. He stared mesmerized as he approached, wagging a huge hard-on.
The older boy grabbed his childish hand and wrapped his fingers on
his eight-inch penis, coaxing Wesley to masturbate him.
"SUCK IT!" he commanded amidst the gang. While the boys began chanting 'Suck-it suck-it suck-it', the two captors pushed Wesley to his knees. They watched intently as he kissed the bloated knob of their's leader's dick. The teenager groaned and rubbed his blond hair. He looked at the pale mug of the little boy and pushed his member in his small mouth, forcing him to swallow more of his hard cock.
All the young males in heat giggled at the scene, examining closer
their young prey thrusting his mouth on the big pole. With a wink from
their leader, the two bullies holding him flattened our poor hero on his
back. He grunted loudly as they twisted his body, pushing his ankles
near his head and exposing him obscenely.
"Nooo I don't want to pleaassee" Wesley pleaded, kicking in vain.
"Shut the hell up!" the teenager barked. "You'll wake up the others and we'll have to fuck their little arses too!" he smiled, proud of his humorous effort.
The group of boys grew silent as he approached the little boy with
his slick cock. All the eyes on him aroused him even more. He pressed
the tip of his penis on the tight boyhole and with a forceful thrust
shoved the bulk of his meat inside the lad's rectum.
"Aoww aoow aooww aoow" Wesley whined from the brutal invasion.
"That's a nice little bum you have new boy!" the bigger male bawled, licking his victim's face. Comfortably settled on the featherlight body, he thrust his large meat deep in the boy's guts, watching the result on his cute mug. His groans echoed in the corridor.
The gang cooed softly, their eyes locked on the savage coupling
taking place on the cold floor, realizing how crucial it was to be on
the side of their leader. The big boy bounced on the small frame of the
barely pubescent lad with animalistic hunger. The contorted face of the
child, a testimony of the pain he was enduring.
"Come look at my cock!!" the teenager exclaimed at his audience.
All around, the young boys nudged each other to sneak a peek at the
action, giggling as the eight inches of hard flesh slamming in the
child's dilated anus.
The little boy's white soles flashed in the dark like the flames of dim
candles. His face covered with sweat and his breath sucked out of him with
each powerful assault.
"Oh yesss.. oh fuck fuck! uhhhhh uhhhhh" the teen grunted, plowing at a steady tempo and watching the boy's genitals bounce all around.
The lust spread to all the voyeurs like an epidemic. Their knees
shook with the anticipation of their turns to come. The dark-haired teen
fucked like a machine, on his last mile, and suddenly pulled out his
massive member.
From his penis gushed torrents of spunk, spilling on the white skin
of the twelve-year-old. Spasms raced in his strong body as he groaned
with each intense peak of his orgasm.
The boys next in line lowered their pants to release their
rigid boycocks, anxious to continue the assraping. In spite of Wesley's
plaintive moans they crawled to him. A gangly thirteen year-old and an
exhuberant twelve-year-old.
"Nahhhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooo" whimpered Wesley as they turned him on all four. Before he even had a chance to complain, the older boy's cock penetrated his gaping asshole while another prick filled his mouth.
"Fuck the little brat!!" the leader yelled at his disciples.
The two boys easily glidded their young organs, fucking the boy at
both ends, much to the amusement of the crowd. Their wails of pleasure
rising with the slap of their balls on their victim's chin and round
Wesley's body sagged with sleep, his eyelids getting heavier and
heavier. The bruises on his skin aching like loud noise. It seemed the
more time passed, the harder the sodomy grew, until finally he fainted.
The dream ended abruptly in Wesley's head. The noise reverberating on
the walls of his skull grew louder and clearer, gradually transforming
into words.
"Get up! NOW! Get up lad!" the voice of the headmaster rang.
Wesley twisted his sore bones on the cold floor under the sinister
stare of the big man. The obscene vulgarity of his half-naked body,
caked with flakes of dried sperm, hit him suddenly. He pulled his night
gown down to hide as much of his bare white flesh as he could.
"It's noon young man! You were hiding from us?" Mr. Lloyd barked sternly.
Wesley surveyed the little storage room he was in and assessed the
situation. 'I must have fallen asleep during the gang bang' he thought
silently. All he could recall was the onslaught of older boys grabbing
him everywhere and using his body any way they desired. But nothing was
His butthole hurt on the stony ground as he shifted his limbs
slightly, painful result of all the cocks that had visited his rectum,
sometimes two at a time. The violent images of young teenagers pulling
on his hair to stuff his mouth with their large meat flashed in his
foggy mind.
"In my office NOW!" the headmaster yelled. "..and you won't need this." he added, tearing the dirty night gown off his skinny frame.
The stroll towards the man's office was hell for Wesley. All the kids
in the corridors stared and giggled as he trudged naked as a jaybird,
protecting his dignity with his little hands. With his head bowed, he
entered the headmaster's office and kneeled in the corner as instructed.
He was to stay there the rest of the day.
His whole body ached after only a short moment. The gray wall was so
close yet so far away. He yearned to lean on it, but refrained, fully
aware that he would get a red bottom for it.
The door opened behind him with a heavy breeze of cold air on his
"Oh, Mr Graham! It's always an honor to be blessed with a visit from you." Mr. Lloyd exclaimed with a twinkle in his voice.
Wesley turned his head to catch a glimpse of the mysterious man. From
the corner of his right eye he succeeded in seeing the bearded noble man
dressed in fancy elaborate clothing. The man stared right back at him,
his eyes focused on his firm little rear end. So embarassing!
"Who is this?" the visitor inquired.
"Oh, only an ungrateful lad who has been misbehaving.. a poor oprhan we take care of."
The rich man approached Wesley and ran his fingers in his blond
curls, sending waves of goosebumps on his smooth pasty skin.
"Aren't you the son of the Count of Darlington?"
"Y-y-y ess" Wesley stammered, unprepared for the mention of a past title.
"I've been looking for you ever since.... -I'm the Marquis of Queensbury. Your father was a friend of mine." the man spoke softly, pausing to look at the mortified child. "Do you want to come with me boy?"
Wesley stammered his answer again, utterly surprised and relieved by
the unexpected offer.
"Well, come boy!" the Marquis insisted, eyeing the boy paralyzed by the weight of the establishment's regime of authority.
"Fetch your clothes and go get acquainted with my son in the carriage outside. He's about your age. I'm sure you and him will become good friends."
"I'm sure we will Sir!" Wesley peeped. "I KNOW we will..."
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