Archive-name: lawyers-in-love


Subject: Story: Lawyers In Love (f/f)

The following story contains descriptions of adult, consensual, lesbian sex. If you are under the age of twenty-one or if such a story would violate the standards of acceptability in your community, please do not read any further. The following is a work of fiction. The characters are fictional and any resemblance to actual persons is coincidental.

The author grants permission to duplicate and distribute this story so long as the distributor charges no fees, does not alter the story in any way, and includes this notice with all copies. Permission is also granted to include this story in any archives, so long as the above conditions are met.

Lawyers in Love (1/3) by A. Van Peebles

Copyright 1995 by the Author

Becky looked up from her work as Mr. Barringer and the woman walked into her office. Becky was surprised. Mr. Barringer rarely came into her office; she usually reported to the senior partner's office not the other way around. The woman was someone new to her. She was older than Becky, probably about twenty-nine, but younger than any of the other women in the office. She was small, about 5'2", with a good figure and good taste in clothing.

"Becky, this is Katherine Martin, our new associate," said Mr. Barringer. Turning to the new woman he continued, "Becky here is our law clerk. If you need her to look anything up for you, just ask her, but clear major research projects with Ms. Riegger."

The two women shook hands. The new woman smiled and said to call her Kate, followed by a pleasantry about getting together for lunch, then Mr. Barringer took Kate off to introduce her to the rest of the staff.

Another woman in the office, and someone closer to her own age, Becky was glad. The legal secretaries were all over forty and they had little in common with Becky. With the exception of Kate, there were no female lawyers in the firm. The partners were all much older and, while nice, did not socialize with her. The two other associates were in their twenties, but once she made clear that she was not interested in going to bed with them they stopped talking to her about things other than business. There was no one to chat with, and the office was kind of dull.

After Mr. Barringer had finished taking her around to meet the staff, Kate settled into her office. While she was organizing her things, she assessed her new job. It looked like a good office. It was a small, conservative firm. She wanted a small firm, and this one made lots of money. The four partners all had excellent reputations and they seemed like nice people, albeit in a solid, WASPish, Republican kind of way. The other two associates were typical young, ambitious lawyers. They were probably jerks, like most young men, and would undoubtedly hit up on her, but given the reputation of the firm, they were probably excellent lawyers.

The support staff seemed pretty typical, but older and with little in common with a young, ambitious female associate. That Becky was a luscious number though. About twenty-three, svelte, creamy skin, long black hair, small breasts, she was absolutely stunning. Kate caught herself. It was not good to be thinking like that. This was a small, conservative firm. Sexual relationships in the office were not good for the career. Besides, Becky was probably straight. Kate's breakup with her ex-, Jeannie, had been rough, and she did not want to do anything stupid that would sacrifice her career for a fling on the rebound from a long relationship. She would have to make friends with Becky though. Her sanity would depend on having at least one confidant in the office.

The next day at about noon Becky's intercom buzzed.

"Becky, this is Kate. I was wondering if you were up for having lunch today, my treat. In return for picking up the check, I expect you to give me the lowdown on the office, a perspective on what it's like for a young woman to work here."

"Sure. When would you like to go?"

"Why don't you meet me at the reception desk in about fifteen."

Becky enjoyed the lunch. There was not much she could tell Kate about the office. It was a good place to work; the worst thing about it was that there was no one to talk to on breaks, or to have lunch with. She warned Kate about the other two associates, too late. One had hit up on Kate already.

Becky told Kate about herself, how she worked at the firm during the summer and a few hours a week when law school was in session, how she got the job through her dad who was a tennis partner of Mr. Barringer. Becky found herself opening up to Kate, saying things about her personal life that she never thought she would tell a stranger. She never talked to anyone about her sex life, but she did it with Kate. This was more evidence that she really needed someone with which to talk.

Kate did not learn much about the office, but she did learn a lot about Becky. Her gaydar was pinging throughout the meal. Becky was an athlete, a softball player. Her body showed it. She was thin but had broad shoulders and well muscled, but still very feminine, arms and a knockout ass and pair of legs. She had been brought up in all-girl, Catholic schools and attended an all-woman college. Becky talked about her boyfriend, but somewhat shamefacedly admitted that they did not have sex. Becky was waiting for marriage, a self-described "old-fashioned girl."

Kate came away from lunch fairly certain that Becky was approachable. She would not act on this belief, however. If she was wrong it could be disastrous. What Kate took to be lesbian traits might just be Becky's strict Catholic upbringing repressing a heterosexuality. She reminded herself that not all softball players were lesbians.

That night, Becky was feeling lonely. Her lunch with Kate had made her itchy for companionship. She called Peter, but his roommate said he was at the library and would not be back until late. She thought about leaving a message telling him to come over, but decided against it. If he came over late, he would stay the night, and every time he stayed the night there was pressure for them to have sex.

Peter was very good; he never pushed. He clearly wanted to fuck her (a chill went through Becky's spine when she thought the word "fuck," it made her feel dirty), but he respected her wishes. They usually just necked and when Peter slept over they played spoons, but little else. Occasionally, when she got him especially excited, she would give him a handjob (and rush to Confession the next day). She would let him play with her breasts, little as they were, but never let him touch her "down there."

Becky often wondered if this were unnatural. Peter was a really nice guy, and she liked spooning, feeling the warmth and closeness of his body, but she just did not want anything more from him.

She was embarrassed that she had confided so much in Kate, a complete stranger. She had not told her about details like the spooning or the handjobs, but she did admit to not having sex with Peter. There was something about Kate that inspired trust. Maybe it was her openness, her smile. That laugh she had, it was infectious.

She was a beautiful woman that was for sure. She was an athlete, like Becky, but not into sports. Kate said she worked out in a gym, lifting weights mostly. Becky thought about her own body and wished she were curvy like Kate. Kate had real hips, an hourglass figure, and breasts. Becky was embarrassed about her breasts. She was very flat-chested. Kate's breasts were not particularly large, but they were nicely proportioned to her smaller frame.

Becky realized that as she had been thinking about Kate, her hand had slipped down between her legs and she was absent-mindedly rubbing herself. She stopped. Masturbation was bad enough, but thinking about a woman while doing it, that was sick.

This was not the only time she had had thoughts about other women, though. Those thoughts and he apparent lack of sexual desire had worried her. She had read some psychology books on the subject, and once even asked a priest about it. Both the books and the priest assured her that occasional thoughts about members of the same sex were normal, and not to be worried. It did not mean anything. Becky was worried though, the thoughts came a little too often to be considered occasional. Still, she had a boyfriend, and although they did not have sex, that was because she was saving herself for marriage, not because she did not like men.

She had never acted on any of these thoughts, and that reassured her some. A woman had even hit up on her once, and she had done nothing. It had been freshman year in college. After softball practice, Lori, the first baseman, had asked her to pitch some extra batting practice. They practiced about forty-five minutes later than the rest of the team and the locker room was empty when they entered it. Even the coach, who usually stayed late, had left.

In the shower room, Becky could not but help look at Lori. She had large breasts, and Becky wished that she had breasts like that. Lori noticed Becky's glances and came over to borrow some shampoo. As Becky handed her the bottle of shampoo their hands touched. It was as if an electric shock ran through Becky. Lori stepped closer, touched Becky's shoulder and ran her hand lightly down her arm. Lori stepped even closer and leaned forward letting her lips brush against Becky's.

Becky closed her eyes and started to return the kiss, then suddenly, overwhelmed with fear, stopped and pushed Lori away. Becky apologized, telling Lori that she was not "like that." Lori said that it was her fault and that she should not have made a pass at her. That was the end of it. They quickly finished showering and never spoke of it again.

Going to an all-women's college, Becky knew lots of lesbians, some were even good friends of hers, but none ever came on to her after that incident in the shower; Lori had spread the word that Becky was straight.

As she was thinking of the incident with Lori, Becky's hand had wandered down between her legs again. She was quite wet. She sighed and gave up, too horny to resist. She pulled off her pants and underwear and started masturbating in earnest.

She rubbed her fingers in small circles around her clitoris with her right hand and stroked her labia with her left. With eyes closed, she forced herself to think of Peter. She would give in to masturbating, but not to thinking of other women.

She wondered what it would be like to take his penis in her mouth. In her thoughts the penis changed into Lori's breast. She was sucking on the nipple, licking around the areola and flicking the tip of the nipple with her tongue. Again, she forced her thoughts away from Lori and back to Peter. What would it taste like if he came in her mouth? She brought her left hand up to her mouth and tasted her juices. Would it taste like that, she wondered? Would it taste like a woman?

Peter had nice, broad shoulders, like Kate, but his body was hard and straight, not curved like Kate's. She wondered if spooning with Kate would feel any different. She tried to imagine it. Kate kissing the back of her neck, rubbing her breasts, then slipping her hands down between her legs. It was something she never let Peter do, but in her fantasy she let Kate do it. She imagined turning to face Kate, kissing her on the lips and letting her hands run down the other woman's body.

Becky could no longer control her thoughts. Peter vanished entirely, his place taken by images of Lori and Kate. As both hands furiously rubbed her clitoris, a strange, but very pleasurable, sensation began to well up from within her. It grew in intensity, uncontrolled. As the contractions of her orgasm began, Becky imagined her legs intertwining with Kate's and the two of them grinding together to a simultaneous orgasm.

As the waves of her orgasm crashed over her, Becky almost blacked out. She had to stop touching herself; she was suddenly too sensitive. She was sopping wet, and a puddle of liquid had formed on the couch. Becky lay panting. Gently, she brought her right hand back between her legs. The sensitivity was fading; she could touch herself again. She slowly stroked herself, amazed at the wetness. She did not masturbate often, and it had never been like this before.

Was that an orgasm? She had thought she had had orgasms before, but evidently not. It was incredible. Maybe she was really missing out on something, saving herself for marriage. She thought that it would be wonderful to do that for real.

Suddenly, she went chill. "For real" would be with another woman. It all fell into place. Her choice of an all-woman's college, the incident with Lori, her longings for Kate, the lack of interest in sex with Peter, her first orgasm happening to thoughts of another woman, it all pointed to one conclusion.

No. She refused to believe that she was "like that." She was not a ... lesbian. She hesitated before thinking that word. She had used it before without embarrassment; everyone who went to a woman's college had, but she had never dared apply it to herself.

Lawyers in Love (2/3) by A. Van Peebles

Copyright 1995 by the Author

Becky avoided Kate as much as she could for the rest of the week. She could not bring herself to face the woman of her fantasy. Kate, busy as she was, did not notice the avoidance, but she did notice that Becky was disturbed about something.

At lunch with the other two associates, one of the men mentioned that Becky was upset about something and asked what it was.

"Boyfriend troubles," answered the other man.

"We can only hope," said the first. It was an article of faith between the two that Becky would sleep with at least one of them if not for her boyfriend. The remark made Kate angry. She did not enjoy male-bashing and had nothing against men; she just did not want to sleep with any of them. Remarks like this, however, just fulfilled the stereotype of the man with a one-track mind.

It was not until later that she realized the true reason for her anger was that she had had the same thought.

That Friday, Becky invited Peter over. She intended to sleep with him. She had to prove to herself that she was not a lesbian, and expressing her desire for Peter would be a good way to prove it.

Peter arrived. She kissed him hello, but he seemed nervous, agitated. He refused to sit down at first. Finally, they sat on the couch together, he took her hand in his and said the fateful words:

"We have to talk."

He wanted to remain friends, but their relationship was stagnant. He apologized. ClichŠ stumbled over clichŠ. He did not want to pressure her into sex, but he had needs. It was better if they just called it quits.

Becky was stunned. She could not come on to him now; it would seem like an obvious attempt to keep him, and Peter would turn her down. He was really a nice guy, she knew that throwing herself at him would be futile. What really disturbed her though, was that she was not upset about losing Peter. She was upset about losing something that protected her from the world, or herself.

Peter left. She picked up the bottle of wine she had bought for the evening and threw it into the fireplace, where it shattered against the bricks. She tried to call some friends, but they had gone out for the evening. She toyed with the idea of calling Kate, even going so far as to fetch the home phone list the firm published, but fear stopped her. She was afraid that she would be unable to control herself, and that Kate would be disgusted with the knowledge that her coworker was a dyke. The only thing left was to get drunk.

Unfortunately, she had no liquor in the apartment. She had just smashed the only bottle. With no alternative, she headed out the door and down the street, toward the liquor store.

The bell above the door rang as she opened the door to the liqour store. She managed a smile at the owner behind the counter who was ringing up another customer. It took her a moment to realize that the other customer was Kate.

Kate smiled and said "Hi," but then she realized that something was wrong with Becky. She had been crying and was visibly quite upset about something.

Kate pulled the younger woman away from the cash register and the owner and asked her what was wrong.

"Peter and I just broke up."

"Oh, poor thing." Kate hugged her. "If you need someone to talk about it with, I'm here."

"Thanks, but I just plan to get drunk."

"That's not good. You shouldn't get drunk alone. The best thing would be to go out and get drunk in a public place. I know some good clubs, you would be with people, but no one would notice that you were upset."

"No, thanks. I just could not face people tonight."

"What about just one person? A shoulder to cry on? We could go to my place, or yours, and get quietly drunk."

A warning bell went off in Becky's brain. This was what she feared and desired above all else, being alone with Kate. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to control herself. She should refuse the offer.

"I'd like that, but I wouldn't want to ruin your Friday night," Becky found herself saying.

"Oh, it's no bother. I was just going to spend the evening watching TV."

Kate had no ulterior motives in offering her shoulder for Becky to cry on; she was just trying to be a friend. The fact that Becky was a highly desirable woman did not even cross her conscious mind. In accepting Kate's offer, Becky was aware of the desires she had for the older woman, but wanted her company not because of them, but because she truly did not want to be alone.

Becky bought another bottle of wine and the two women left the store, heading for Becky's apartment which was closer.

Once at her apartment, Becky offered Kate dinner. She had planned an intimate dinner for two with Peter, and if it was not eaten it would only go to waste. While Becky finished preparing the meal, Kate cleaned up the glass and spilled wine in the fireplace. They ate in the kitchen, Becky had set the table with candles for her dinner with Peter and Kate asked Becky for matches to light them. The younger woman tensed at the thought of a candlelight dinner with Kate, but the older woman obviously had no ulterior motives in lighting the candles.

Over the flickering glow of the candles, Becky unloaded on Kate. She told how she was finally ready to have sex with Peter, when he broke up with her. She was confused sexually. She avoided any mention of her fears of being a lesbian or her desires for Kate. All the while she was slugging back the wine; it made it easier to talk. After dinner, they left the dishes on the table and went into the living room and continued the conversation on the couch.

For her part, Kate mostly listened, making understanding comments where appropriate. She was aware that Becky was holding something back, but it did not matter. It was not her place to pry into Becky's private life. She was careful with the wine, though. With Becky drinking so much, it would be unwise to get drunk, too.

The alcohol finally got the better of Becky and she started sobbing. Kate opened her arms and Becky leaned on the other woman, crying into her breasts.

Becky's crying eventually gave way to gentle snuffling and that to gentle breathing. She felt safe and warm in Kate's arms. The older woman was gently rubbing her back, and Becky could feel the softness of Kate's breast against her hard shoulder. This felt right and good. She turned her head and looked into Kate's eyes. They were soft and warm and a small smile played across Kate's face. Becky raised her head and slowly brought her mouth towards Kate's.

When Becky started crying, Kate did not know what to do except hug the younger woman. Kate, never one comfortable with emotional scenes, was just glad that words were unnecessary. She just rubbed the younger woman's back and literally took on the role of a shoulder to cry on. Gradually, Becky's crying ceased, replaced by steady breathing. Kate thought she had fallen asleep when the younger woman turned her head and looked at her. Becky's blue eyes were soft and bleary from the crying and the wine. Kate smiled.

Becky's kiss took her by surprise. Not knowing what to do, she returned it. She felt Becky's hand on the back of her neck pulling the two of them closer. The kissing grew more insistent. When Kate felt Becky's tongue try and find its way between her lips, she knew it had gone far enough. The younger woman was far too drunk for this. Kate broke the embrace. When Becky tried to reinitiate it, Kate took the younger woman's head between her hands and gently kissed her on the forehead.

Kate looked at her friend. Becky was clearly confused, but also on the verge of passing out. Kate somehow managed to get Becky to stand and led her into the bedroom. Becky collapsed on the bed. Kate took off the other woman's shoes and drew the bedclothes over her.

When Becky woke it was still dark outside. She needed to pee. She stumbled to the bathroom. Halfway there, the headache kicked in. By the time she reached the toilet she was nauseous as well. Her stomach made a few feeble attempts to expel its contents, but nothing came up. Becky swallowed a few aspirin, swearing that she would never get drunk again. She sat down on the toilet, relieved her bladder, and tried to remember what had happened the night before.

Clearly, she had embarrassed herself in front of Kate; she remembered the crying. She was still wearing her clothes from the night before, so she had passed out without undressing. She had also had this disturbing dream, at least she hoped it was a dream, of her and Kate kissing. Getting drunk had not changed anything, she still desired the other woman.

Becky headed back to the bedroom, intending to go back to bed and sleep off the hangover. She stopped short when she saw that Kate was lying on the other side of the bed. She was facing away from Becky, and the covers over her were rising and falling slowly and steadily. She was asleep. Becky nearly panicked, then realized that she was being silly. She had passed out, and Kate, who had probably drank a lot too-although Becky could not really remember-had simply crashed in her bed as well.

Becky undressed down to her underwear and slipped under the covers, trying not to disturb her friend, but as she did so Kate turned, and still asleep snuggled up to Becky. The younger woman, gave in to her own desire and tentatively returned the embrace. Kate sighed in her sleep and murmured the name "Jeannie."

Becky stiffened. While she had not accepted her desires for Kate, she had grown accustomed to them, but she had never imagined that Kate might be capable of returning the affection of another woman. It was a dangerous idea. If Kate was a lesbian, that would make it more likely that a physical relationship would develop. That was something Becky was not sure she was ready for. It was comforting though, the chance that the desire might be mutual. It made her feel less alone.

Becky snuggled closer and closed her eyes. She heard Kate sigh contentedly in her sleep as Becky drifted off.

Lawyers in Love (3/3) by A. Van Peebles

Copyright 1995 by the Author

Kate awoke somewhat disoriented. She was in a strange bed and there was a warm body intertwined with hers. It was Becky; she was asleep. Kate flashed back to the night before. Nothing had happened. A drunken Becky had kissed her then passed out. She had put Becky to bed and then, it being late, climbed into the other side of the bed to get some sleep herself. Maybe she should have gone home.

Sometime during the night, Becky had snuggled up to her. She enjoyed the moment, lying in the other woman's arms, but knew she had to get up. Becky was not ready for this; she was probably not even a lesbian, just confused.

Kate gently tried to untangle herself from Becky's limbs without waking her up. The attempt was unsuccessful. Becky stirred, opened her eyes, and seeing Kate smiled.

"You stayed the night."

"Yes, I was a bit worried about you," replied Kate. "You were pretty drunk. How do you feel?"

"Like shit. I will never drink again."

"That will teach you. Will you be all right if I leave?"

"Yeah. I just have to lay here until the hangover goes away. Thank you for staying."

"No problem. It was too late to go home anyway."

Kate rose out of the bed. Becky lay there watching her friend dress. Kate was aware of the younger woman's eyes upon her. As she finished dressing Becky spoke again.

"Do you want to do something together this evening?"

Kate looked at Becky. The younger woman was nervous, almost shaking, a pleading look in her eyes. Kate sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Are you sure you feel well enough?

"Not now, but by this evening the hangover will be gone."

"Okay. Why don't you come be my place about seven. I'll have dinner for you."

"That would be great."

Kate decided that it was time to cross the line the two of them had been skirting. It was risky. Becky's drunken lunge the night before and her cuddling up during the night might only mean that the younger woman was confused and in need of companionship. She leaned in to kiss Becky to find, to her relief, that the other woman had risen up to meet her halfway. Kate grasped Becky by the shoulder and pulled her in tighter. Lightly, her tongue probed past Becky's lips, finding no resistance. Kate felt Becky's hands tug at her back, moving up and down without conscious control. After a few moments she broke the kiss and looked down into Becky's face. Her eyes were still closed. Then they slowly opened revealing satisfaction and long suppressed yearning.

"I'll see you at seven," said Kate. Then she got up and let herself out.

Becky had trouble going back to sleep, her excitement overcoming her need for recuperation. She lay in bed thinking about the kiss, thinking about what it would mean to sleep with Kate.

She was a bit frightened, but not like before. She was not frightened at the discovery that she desired another woman. She had accepted that, now. This was a nervousness akin to her first date in high school, only different in that she had not felt sexual desire for the boys that had taken her out. In high school she had been nervous because she wanted the boys to like her. She wanted to date, to be a normal teenager. Not knowing better, she confused this with sexual desire.

Briefly, she considered what her parents would think of this. They would be shocked and hurt, blaming themselves for not bringing their daughter up right. She did not want to hurt them, but this was so right she would not give up the pursuit. She no longer had any doubts. She still did not know if she was a lesbian or not, but she did know that she wanted Kate, wanted her more than she had ever wanted anyone.

The doorbell rang. Kate took a quick look in the mirror; she looked fine. She had considered meeting Becky wearing only a robe, but that would be moving too fast. Becky had had all day to change her mind.

Kate opened the door and Becky, holding a bottle of wine, stepped inside. Kate closed the door and the two women kissed. It was almost chaste, lingering only a moment too long to be just a friendly greeting.

Dinner slipped by. Kate and Becky spent time in the kitchen, preparing the meal and chatting about work. They moved into the dining alcove with the finished meal and ate and continued talking. Talking about anything, but what had happened last night and that morning.

Kate had deliberately "forgot" the wine. She did not want Becky to get drunk again. After dessert, they left the dishes on the table and went into the living room. Kate put some music on the stereo and "remembered" the wine. It was late enough to give Becky the chance to back out sober, but the alcohol would help remove any lingering doubts. Kate replayed this logic in her head as she opened the bottle. The cold calculation of the seduction excited her.

The two sat on the couch, drank the wine, listened to the CD, and continued the talk about work and the people in the firm. As they talked Kate leaned toward Becky. The conversation ended in a moment of awkward silence. Becky looked silently at Kate. Kate reached over and took the glass of wine from Becky and set it on the table. She set her glass next to Becky's.

Kate then leaned in toward Becky, cocking her head and bringing her lips to those of the younger woman's. Becky returned Kate's kiss, slipping her tongue between the older woman's lips. For a while, Becky became the aggressor, placing her hands on Kate's shoulders and pushing her onto her back. The two kissed wildly, nibbling at each other's ears and necks. Kate's hands roamed around Becky's body, but Becky, for her part, could not bring herself to bring her hands to any parts of Kate's body except her shoulders and arms, at least not yet.

After several minutes of furious necking, Kate realized that she would have to make the move to bring their lovemaking to the next level. She placed her hands on Becky's shoulders and pushed the other woman back up to a sitting position. Becky just sat there, looking at Kate, her shoulders heaving and nostrils flaring.

Becky was wearing a pullover blouse. Kate placed her hands on Becky's waist and tugged at the blouse until it came out of her pants. She then slid the blouse up, and with Becky cooperating, removed it and tossed it aside. She then reached around Becky and undid the fastener holding the bra on. The bra followed the blouse to the floor. The older woman then paused and admired Becky's upper body. She was nearly flat chested, her breasts making only the slightest bulge. Becky was not very curvy, but with her long, dark hair falling about her shoulders, she was very, very feminine. Kate then leaned in and bit Becky lightly on the neck, sliding her teeth down the younger woman's breast until the right nipple was in her mouth.

Kate flicked her tongue around Becky's nipple, feeling it stiffen. She lightly nipped it with her teeth, drawing a gasp from the younger woman, and then moved across and did the same to the left.

Kate then sat up and took Becky's hands in hers. She drew the younger woman's hand up to the top button of her blouse. Slowly, Kate thought too slowly, Becky fumbled and unbuttoned each button working her way down to Kate's waist. Kate had to take Becky's hands in hers again and bring them back up to her shoulders. Becky finally got the idea and removed Kate's blouse. Without further prompting, Kate's bra followed.

Becky hesitated. Kate wanted the younger woman to lean down and suckle her, but she did not cooperate. So, Kate stood up and held out her hands. Becky hesitated again for an instance, instinctively realizing this was the moment of no return. Up to now they had just been necking, what would follow would be sex. Slowly, hesitantly, Becky placed her hands in Kate's and allowed herself to be raised up until she was standing. Kate then led her into the bedroom.

The two women, naked from the waist up, stopped at the foot of the bed. They kissed again for a moment, and then Kate slowly dropped to her knees, running her lips down Becky's chest and navel.

Kate unfastened the button on Becky's jeans and then lowered the zipper. She reached up and tugged at the waistline and slipped the jeans over Becky's hips and onto the floor. Only the thin, moist fabric of the panties separated her from Becky's sex.

Kate looked up at Becky's face. The younger woman was looking down expectantly. Kate tugged the panties down over Becky's hips and they followed the jeans to the floor. The tart, tangy aroma of Becky's sex assaulted her nose. Kate breathed it in; it was delicious. Becky's pubic hair grew wildly about her crotch. Kate parted the hair with her fingers, and finding the clitoris, she planted on it a quick kiss, and then stood up.

"Now, you take off my pants," Kate told Becky.

Becky hesitated, then she kneeled and removed the Kate's jeans.

"Now the panties," directed Kate.

Kate's panties were soaked through. Becky could see the matted pubic hairs and the lips of Kate's pussy beneath. She tugged at the panties and pulled them down the older woman's legs. Like Kate before her, Becky breathed in the aroma. It was pungent, but pleasant. Like her own, but slightly different. Kate's pubic hair was shorter than her own, and was neatly trimmed. The idea of Kate trimming own pubic hair, preparing for a lover, excited her.

She wanted to reach out and touch Kate's pussy. She wondered if she should kiss it, like Kate had done to her, but she could bring herself to do neither, not yet. She stood up.

As the two women kissed again, Kate maneuvered Becky so that her back was to the bed and her calves were pressing against the mattress. Kate pushed her lover gently back, so that she was lying on the bed. She then knelt on the floor, between her lover's legs and started kissing Becky's inner thighs and legs.

Becky closed her eyes. This was almost unbearable. She was so excited, but Kate would do nothing to release her. She was just being teased by Kate's lips and tongue.

Finally, Becky felt Kate's tongue part her lips and lap up some of the juices that were oozing out of her. A minute or two of this and she would come to orgasm. Then, suddenly, Kate's lips locked around Becky's clitoris. The pleasure was unbearable. Becky sat up and screamed, grabbing Kate's head and mashing it hard into her crotch. She dropped back onto the bed as the orgasm continued to crash over her.

After the contractions were over, Becky let go of Kate's head. The older woman continued to suck and lick Becky's clitoris, occasionally darting her tongue down between her pussy lips to lap up her juices.

Becky opened her eyes and looked down at her lover. Their eyes met. Becky could see that Kate was smiling as she licked and nibbled. Becky leaned back, closed her eyes again, and allowed Kate to bring her to a second orgasm. It was not as intense as the first, but it lasted longer.

Sometime after her second set of contractions ended, Becky felt Kate nibbling at her ear. The older woman was now lying beside her. She opened her eyes and looked at her lover. Kate's nose and mouth glistened with Becky's secretions.

Becky moved towards Kate and kissed her, tasting her own juices on her lover's mouth. After a moment, Becky broke the kiss.

"That was wonderful. I never knew it could be like that. Thank you."

"Don't thank me," said Kate. "I loved doing it." And then she said rather pointedly, "I'll bet you would love doing it too."

Becky took the hint and smiled. Where there had been hesitation before, there was none now. She wanted to bring Kate to orgasm like nothing she had ever desired before. She kissed Kate again, a long, lingering kiss. Then, when the kiss broke, she kissed Kate's left shoulder, and then her upper chest, a series of kisses that ended at Kate's left nipple.

Becky halted her downward movement at Kate's breasts for a while. She suckled at Kate's left breast, and then moved to the right, running her tongue in circles around the nipple. After a few minutes of this, Becky started her downward movement until she was between her lover's legs.

Kate was sopping, and the aroma was strong down here, but Becky reveled in it. She leaned into her lover and quickly licked Kate's clitoris, just once. Kate shuddered and grabbed Becky's head with both hands. Becky leaned in again and ran her tongue along Kate's lower lips, from bottom to top, scooping up her lover's juices. Then Becky began her attack in earnest, alternating between the lips and the clitoris.

It was a bit frustrating for Kate. Becky was clearly inexperienced. Becky would suck at her and just as the as the pleasure would begin to mount, Becky would shift down to her vagina. Then as Kate started to build toward a vaginal orgasm, the younger woman would move back to Kate's clitoris. Becky was lapping wildly, undisciplined.

Kate sighed and leaned back. She thought about saying something, about directing her inexperienced lover, but then thought better of it. There would be plenty of time for instruction later. Don't spoil her first time. It might take longer, but she would come. Kate just closed her eyes and let Becky work.

Becky saw Kate lean back and doubled her efforts, moving back and forth between clitoris and vagina faster and faster.

For Kate, the orgasm slowly built. She didn't notice the first signs, faint and deep as they were. It was taking longer than usual, but it was happening. She began to clench Becky's head in her hands, forcing the woman's mouth deeper into her vagina. The orgasm crept up on her. Before she knew it, she was in the throes of the most violent contractions since Jeannie had left her.

When it was over, she looked down, between her legs. Becky was looking up, inquiringly, her face glistening with smeared vaginal juices.

Kate pulled her new lover up, and they kissed again. Becky embraced her, burying her face in Kate's breasts. Kate absent-mindedly ran her fingers back and forth along Becky's arm. They both drifted off to sleep.

They both awoke a little after midnight. They talked for a bit, Becky admitting that she had been scared at first, but was now certain that there was nothing wrong in what they had done. Kate told Becky of her loneliness since she had left Jeannie to take this job. They made love again, this time Kate giving Becky the gentlest instructions. Becky was a quick study.

In the morning, they awoke in each other's arms and they made love again in the light of the morning sun that was streaming through the window.


Last modified (12/24/96 14:24:03) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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