Archive-name: julie


Subject: Julie


Julie by

Yesterday I had a nasty fight with boyfriend, so I decided to go out and have a few beers to cool off. After driving around a while, and hating the though of going to one of the usual place and perhaps seeing someone I knew. Why was that? It could have gotten back to my boyfriend, and not make anything any easier. I ended up driving by one of the strip joints in town, and thought, "What the heck! It will be the last place anyone I know would go to." So what if the beer is expensive, a strip joint is one of the few places left that a guy can go to and not get hassled.

As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed that there certainly were not many people there. Upon enter the establishment of questionable character, I knew I was correct. There was nobody sitting at the stage, and only a couple of lonely souls at the bar (besides the bouncer who was reading the Weekly World News, the dancer on the stage who was stretching and yawning, and the waitress and bartender who were chatting about something that was on the TV). The bouncer didn't even charge me the cover charge. So I ambled up to the bar and ordered a beer and a shot of Wild Turkey (double please, here is a ten. Keep the change). After slugging down the Whiskey, and chasing with the beer, I knew that it would be up to me to find some distraction. The staff looked to bored to be of any interest. The other barflies looked like they were about to fall of their stools. All that was left was the dancer. So I proceeded to head up towards the stage. I sat on the side, at the corner of the stage and back wall.

The dancer, I guess thinking that she might as well make some money, headed over towards me. She sure wasn't the finest example of womanhood, but she wasn't ugly. She stood about 5'6'', wearing nothing but a pair of soft brown leather boots that came up to the top of her calves. She had dirty blonde, curly hair, hang down just past the tops of her shoulders. She was thin, with smallish but pert breasts. A slightly above average face, but a bit travel worn. She had two tattoos, one on either arm, from about one inch back from her wrist bones, to the mid part of her fore arms. The tattoos were somewhat faded and blue. One her right wrist, she wore a thin sliver, chain bracelet. As she came closer, I noticed that her pubic hair was very closely cropped, at least we had something in common. I tagged her as either a biker babe or an ex-biker babe.

In a somewhat scratchy, throaty voice, like from a few packs too many, she said "Hey, what brought you out tonight?" Christ, what was I going to tell her? That I had a fight with my boyfriend, and I was looking for some distraction? Hell no! So I told her part of the truth. "It's a boring Monday, and I was just looking for some distraction." "You know, to forget the troubles of the world." She replied."You came to a helluva a place to do that." As she squatted down on her haunches, she said,"You want a dance." I guess I should describe the stage and all. The stage was a raised platform, about 3' higher, that is about like a work bench. The chairs for the stage wrapped around it, and had a sort of a self for the drinks and ash trays and such. So when she squatted her nearly bare cunt was just below eye level. Knowing that she was interested in money I laid out another ten, and said,"I'm not much into the dancing thing, but I'd like to chat." She smiled and sat down with her feet on my side of the counter/bar top, saying,"If you don't want me to dance, that's fine by me, but you might as well have a view for your money." Smiling slightly, I replied,"Right, fine." The song that was playing ended, and the next song, interestingly enough was "Rapture" by Blondie. I said "Jezz, I remember this from my Junior High dances. I guess I just dated myself." She replied, "Yeah, that's about when I first heard it. Hey, my name is Julie." I, in turn, introduced myself. We chatted a bit about how dead it was in the place. A the end of the chat, she had a devious smile, saying "It doesn't have to be dead for us, even if it is for every one else." "Shit", I thought,"She's trying to hustle me." "Figure the odds", I said. She said,"No, seriously, you look like a nice guy. I just as soon talk to you then one of the other dancing cunts. I tell you what, you don't have to tip me, as long as you use the money to by us a drink or two." Feeling like I might have insulted her, I said "OK. I'm sorry. It is just that this hasn't been a good day for me." Handing me back my ten, she said,"I like Molsen Ice. This is my last song of the set. I'll be out in a minute." Pointing behind and to the left of me, to where the booths along the wall are, she said "I'll meet you over there, and I promise not to screw you over." Sticking my hand up, I said "It's a deal, let's shake on it." Laughing, and shaking my hand,"Yeah."

With that she stood up, and said loudly,"Thank You." This seemed to rouse the bouncer out of his reading. He reached beside him to changed the tape that was playing. Julie (the dancer, remember) then exited the stage. The next song started playing, something from STP, I think. So I stood up and walked over to the bar. The next girl came out on the stage, and looked none too happy to see the place so empty. She was good enough looking to draw some money, if there had been anyone there who cared. After getting the beers I headed back over towards the booth that Julie had pointed out. The dancer frowned when she saw that I wasn't going to sit at the stage. She made a slight attempt at dancing, but gave up in a few seconds. She walked over towards the edge of the stage where the booth was, and said "Are you just going to look or you going to tip?" Just then Julie came out of the stage door and said,"Cathy, he's just buying me a drink." Cathy said "Great! Another shitty night." Walking over to the booth, Julie said,"Don't mind her, she's always a bitch." Julie sat next to me, and was wearing one of those tight fitting, slinky dresses made of all artificial fibers, blue in color, almost neon blue. She then took one of the bottles of beer and took a long drag. "Thirsty?", I asked. "Yeah", she replied,"what a fucked up day." "I'll drink to that",I said. "You don't look like the pussy watching type of guy. Why did you really come here?",she asked. "I don't know. I guess it was a whim",I replied. "Don't you get all horny and shit, when you go to one of these places? I mean I don't know if I could stand it, if I were a guy. Seeing all this pussy flashing in your face, knowing that you will not get any relief. Unless you beat off in the bathroom or something." I chuckled at this, thinking "If you only knew." Lying, I said,"No, I usually wait until I get home." At this she laughed, and squirmed a bit in her seat. "What's wrong?", I asked. "These fucking drawers are chaffing me in all the wrong places. I guess that will teach me to cut my cunt hair so short." Without thinking, I said,"You should of shaved it all off. That's what I always do." She looked at me in a strange, quizzical way, saying "Yer telling me that you shave your balls?" "Oh fuck", I though, "The shit's going to fly."Yeah, my balls too", I said. I figured that I might as well have some fun, since she will not be sticking around long now. "But for temporary relief you can go underwareless. That's what I do when my hair starts bothering me." Looking me in the face, she said,"You are serious! I guess I should listen to the pro." She looked around to see if anyone was watching, then shimmied up her dress, and pulled down her panties. She then slipped them down her legs and off. She tossed them on to the other side of me, and said "Yeah, that does feel better." Then she reached over to my lap and unbuttoned my levis. With a devilish grin, she said "Now I'm going to call your bluff", slid her hand into my pants, under the waist band of my briefs, and felt my hairless crotch. "Now do you believe me?", I asked, feeling my cock hardening. "I believe I need some of your hairless dick", she replied, giving my nut sack a slight tug. As my heart sped up a few beats per second, I said "I haven't had any pussy in a while. I'm not sure I can handle you." This of course was true, and I neglected to tell her that I've had more then my fair share of cock recently. Still holding onto my balls, and giving them more than a gentle squeeze, she said with a fierceness,"You WILL give me some of that hairless dick." That was enough to make me swallow and my cock go from half mast to raging hard. "If you're not careful, I going to lay you out right hear, and fuck your brains out",I said. "Christ, wouldn't I love that, but I think that might be enough to rouse even our bouncer." she said, while giving my cock a couple of good swift strokes. "Maybe I should play this out" I thought. So I said,"If you don't want to do it here, why don't we leave and find some place else to fuck?" "You know I can get fired for that? Don't you?",she replied, and added "I tell you what, I can leave early. Bu t then I'll lose my 40 dollar dancing pay. I don't want you to think I'm a whore, but if you give me the 40 bucks, then I cut out of here and we can meet up and fuck." Whether I wanted to admit it or not, I'd be paying $40 to fuck her. I said,"Okay, where do you want to meet? I saw a 24hr store about a block away." "Yeah, that's fine" she said, pulling her hand out of my pants. So I reached in my pocket and gave her a couple of twenties, saying "At what time?" "Give me 'bout a half hour to get out of here. But you need to leave before me, so it doesn't look too suspicious. And don't you dare beat off before I get there, or I'll hunt you down and cut more than your hair with a razor" she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Just so you remember" she said, as she spread her legs and curled her right hand up into her cunt. She then wiped her hand under my noise, giving me a good whiff of pussy. The she stood up, and said rather loudly "Thanks for the beer. I'll see you when you come back to the club", winked and headed back towards the dressing room.

"Well, I better get out of here", I thought. So I buttoned up my levis, grabbed the panties that she left behind, stuffed them into my pocket, and sucked down my neglected beer. I looked around to see if anyone cared, which they didn't. Only the dancer, Cathy, seemed to even be alive. So I stood up, and headed towards the door. As I was passing the stage, Cathy said, "Hey! Don't I even get a tip?" She maybe a bitch, but I didn't want to be an asshole, so I took a fiver out of my pocket and tipped her. She said, "That's better. Maybe I can interest you in a drink." I smiled and said, "No thanks. I've got to cruise, but maybe some other time." "Yeah, right. It's always some other time." All I could do was turn around and leave.

(To be continued)

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Last modified (12/24/96 14:23:57) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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