Archive-name: horse-diary-2

From: Anonymous

Subject: Horse

Horse Diary 2 This is the second installment of Mr. New Stallion-owner's journal.

Saturday, September 1, 1990-
This afternoon I managed to spend time with Did again. He was real nice and quiet, doing his lazy saturday afternoon droopy sleepy thing. I started to brush him and he stood nice and still. I spent some time doing my usual fondling and he started to get nice and hard for me. Not rock hard yet, but real long. I think I know why he gets shitty in the evenings as of the past few days. I don't think he is getting enough to eat. He gets BITCHY after he's done eating. But the afternoons it's REAL easy to get all his attention, cuz he's spending his time in doze mode.

Hell, I managed to get a nice mouthfull of horse cock today! I started to pump and suck and he got thick, but not hard. I also started a new ploy to getting him excited. I put my hand on his prepuce when it's extended, if he gets drawn and shows his glans I reward him with a chunk of carrot! It seems to work! He started getting drawn more quickly as this excersise went on. Should be good! All I have to do is keep it up. (he he)

Sunday, September 2, 1990-
Sigh! Sho nuff! The lazy afternoon syndrome is what gets did quiet enough to be handled wiht ease. Kinda funny. We got a pump from the river working so that we could spray the paddock down with water to keep the dust down. I decided to use this opportunity to start scrubbing did's sheath, prepuce and penis down to get rid of the excess of smegma. DAMN good fun! And I get called a "good owner" when I do so! But I am getting ahead of myself.

Did has been used as a farm animal for 10 years. He knows about step around g, step around hah, come around g, come around hah, back up, step up and has even learned to trot on command when he gets used as a cart horse. So today I wanted to see what he knows. We used a single ear bridle and a split bit. Then we put together a surcingle of sorts to keep the reins from flopping around his legs. He did done good! Backed up and g'd and hah'd with out any problems whatsoever. Then Pam thought it would be a good idea to get on his back to give him some weght and get used to doing this with a rider.

Things went well for a while, until.... Shit! What a rodeo! He got too close to the electric fence. I started to make him come around g to get away from the fence but he backed up instead. In my momentary indexcretion ;-) I pulled back on the reins and said "Whoa". Wrong move batman. He was already backing up when I started puling on the reins. He kept right on going, listening to the reins instead of my voice. Shit, right into the electric fence. He panicked, but not enough to take off at a run. He stopped because I kept saying "whoa" and left the pressure off the reins. As soon as he stopped, we got pam off his back and I started right up again. This time I made sure he was in the center of the paddock before I tried the "come around" and "step around" commands. This time he listened! No problems. Good horse!

Well, we got the hose working and started spraying down the paddock. THen the thought occured to give him a bath. He liked it! I decided to use the opportunity to clean out his sheath and prepuce. He didn't get hard and I wasn't about to grab his glans and hang from it to pull that sucker out. Hell, the penile retractor muscle is sooo strong he could probably pull his penis in when it's fully erect! So I just fingered around his sheath and pulled out major chunks of smegma. "This stuff aint water soluble" says I! So Pam digs up a jar of "Bag balm!" I LOVE it! That is so fucking funny I almost die laughing! She goes off to do her chores and I take did to the walk in shed to aply liberal doses of "Bag balm" to help break up the smegma. Boy did I ever balm those bags! Took about 8 minutes, but a handfull of grease and some persistance can get most stallions that are used to having thier penis handled hard. ANd he DID get hard. Kinda fully drawn. You know, semi erect, fully th! ick but not rock hard. When I read
the instructions, they said "Throughly massage the bag balm into the skin of your cow/goat/sheep whatever". he he.... Did got pretty hard while I did that! I went away and about ten minutes later came back. I had since wiped off my hands. I began to scratch Did's underline, his signal to get drawn, (Well, evetually it's to get drawn, for now it's just to drop) and he did! I grabbed a handful of prepuce and massaged and sooner than I would have thought he got REAL hard. His glans flared up and he started to slap his penis against his belly. I put a hand just behind his glans and it flared up even more and he shot out a big wad of pre-come fluid. His scrotum was suckedup real tight. He was REALLY enjoying this! Makes me feel damn good!

It's kind of weird, I have had did for about two weeks now. I am starting to get used to the idea that yes, I honest to god have a horse now. A stallion, with great big balls and a nice throbbing penis to match. But more important than that, I have these strange feelings running through my mind now. I am starting to feel, well, more stable. I am begining to look forward to my daily visits with more enthusiasm. I am starting to get complacent about my employment. (Hell! I used to wander from job to job every few months or at least every year to year and a half!) Now I am more interested in staying put in one place so that I can seriously start thinking about buying my land and barn. I need a place to keep did that is more private than where I am now. sigh.....

Well, I left Did alone for about 15 minutes and did other things, like shovel out horse shit. DAMN! He shits alot! TONS! I dont fucking know where he gets the raw materials to make all that shit with! 1.5 whellbarrow fulls a day! I don't give him that much hay and grain all day! (Okay okay, so maybe I do, plus some. But JEEzus. what quantities of shit! The hay must be pretty compact I guess. I dunno. Maybe he has a built in "turd fllufer" or something....) Well, when I got done with that, I went back to his shed, he was nice and quiet and standing still. I started scratching his underline again, he dropped again (of course;-), and this time I got the ole tongue working. He actually got hard and humping! YOWZA! And so fucking soon. But then again, he HAS been exposed to this kind of treatment in the past. I'll have to give it some time before it gets to be like it has been.

Oh yes! I picked out his feet again and used the hose to scrub them out. He lets me pick them up, but he has been starting to put his weight on me when I have his feet in hand. He did that once and I let go, then he tried it again and I just stepped out to the side and pulled his foot WAY up! The silly shit damn near fell over! "That's right did, fall over! See if I even TRY and help you out! I just might jump on yer fucking neck and hold you down while I scrub out yer feet you stooooopid horse!" He didn't try anything dumb like that again, today at least. ;-)

MOnday, Sept 3, 1990-

Labor day! Spent a good 3 hours with the Did monster today. Nothing amazing. Just a few grabs and licks and such not.

Tuesday, Sept 4, 1990-
Well, I got there and Did was-a-waiting! RIght up by the fence. Today was a bit chilly for this time of year. It was about 75f. According to Pam, did had been running around in his paddock all day long. He was feeling good. REAL good! I took him into the walk in shed and started my usual brushing routine. Hell, he kept looking outside with his ears all pricked up and kept swaying back and forth. "Oh my gawwwd! He's weaving! That's supposed to be a bad habbit! Holy shit! What do I do now?" I decided to try smacking him a few times when he did that, but he just looked so intensely pissed off, no, that's not right, not pissed. Upset. Like, "Hey! I didn't do nothing bad! Leave me alone". I decided to just let it pass. Maybe a bad move, but I don't know yet, I don't know Did well enough to know wha mood he's in. At any rate, he was doing pretty good day. I gave him his hay and then his grain. A while later I noticed that he had his monster 19 erection going full tilt again! st his belly while he ate his hay.
I pointed him out to pam and told her "hey! Did really likes the hay!" She looked over and laughed. She told me about some kids that came over to see the big horse. They walked up to the fence and as soon as they noticed that he had the monster erection from hell they turned around and walked away while mumbling something like "sure is a big horse." Pam said that she interjected "Well, he's big *NOW*." What a riot. Can't wait till the picnic, I am curious to see what kind of reactions did gets out of the folks who'll be there.

I feel good every time I go to see did. It's a strange thing. I don't even ....yeah I do, I'm watching the news as I type this and I just saw the Avery family portriat. The folks that were sacrificially murdered by the lundgrens. It's that lil thing of trust, or at least knowing just about where you stand with something. I know where I stand with Did. I kow he's a stallion and I know that if he thinks he can, he'll try to dominate me. If he thinks *I'm* a stallion, then, if he thinks he can, He'll go so far as to try and kill me. But I KNOW that. The Avery's didn't know that. The avery's trusted the folks they prayed with. (NOT that I am religious). Their reward was to get murdered, one at a time by some stupid fucking two legged peice of trash. People just seem to work so fucking hard at being dishonest. It's truly amazing some of the things that people will do to try and screw you over. It's just truly amazing.

It's funny how many of my freinds have gotten married and then divorced in just a few short years. Pam even said that she wouldn't do it again. I watch my sister and brother in law go some pretty sever amounts of shit. All because they wanna be married. I wanna be married, but not to someone human. I don't wanna get taken for everything I own. Hell, people work too hard at hurting you when they wanna hurt you. It just aint worth it. Don't get me wrong, I have met some VERY nice people in my life, Hell. I've loved some very nice people, very much, and I still do. But I don't want to relegate decisions and responsibility to others. And the worst of it, I don't want to share my love of animals with those that can use it against me and hurt me with it. It's all too strange upstairs. At any rate, I commited myself to love only animals over 3 years ago. Till then I was trying to push it all in the background. I was trying to hide from myself that I might realy only be intersted ! in animals. Didn't work (thank go d!). Now that I own did, I am real happy that I made the decision that I did. And it just keeps getting better.

Mr. K talked with Mr. Mouse today and talked Mouse into distributing the journal. Pretty funny. "Are you sure?" "Are you sure you're sure?" "Okay, I'm gonna post it. You wanna change you're mind?" "Okay! It's out there!" No wait! I didn't mean it! Take it back! he he...

Let's see, what else. Vet will be by on thursday to get a catheter into Did to see if he can find any bacteria. The farrier will be stopping by on the 15'th to trim did's excessively long toenails back. Did should be pretty well behaved as far as the feet thing goes.

Wednesday September 5, 1990-
CRIBBING! ARGH!!!! That IDIOT horse! Just aint no two ifs about it, when it's dnear dinner time, that horse is intractable. Fact, pure and simple. Kinda funny though. he cribbed once, and I yelled no. He cribbed again and I yelled no louder. He cribbed a thrid time and I hauled off and kicked him square in the gut. PANIC! PANIC PANIC PANIC. He threw his head up and I had my hand on the lead line. The chain tightened around his chin and he looked at me like "HOW the FUCK does that funny looking two legged horse keep me from moving my head like that?" I told him to whoa and the Panic started to subside (a little, enough to listen to me). So he whoad and the pressure let up on the lead a bit. Then I pulled on the halter and told him to step up, he did and the pressure disappeared. I gotta admit, Did THINKS I am stronger than he is. For a smart horse he can be exasperatingly stupid. And this cribbing thing. Hell, I don't know WHAT to do. I have no idea whatsoever. I gotta do ! some reading on this particular su bject.

I did a bit of the gropy feely stuff, but whenever it's before eating time, that is just out, plain and simple. That means I have to meet with him during the early afternoon, or late evening. And late evening is out until I get my own place. Sigh.... ANd afternoons are only possible during the weekends, and THIS weekend is a huge picnic at Marc and Pam's. Sigh..... In the meantime, I just have to figure out this cribbing stuff. Well, a fe observations are in order. He only does it when he is tied up. He has full view of teh entire paddock and its suroudnings when he is tied. So far, I have only noticed this behavior during the evenings before mealtime when I have him tied while I brush him. He must be bored while I groom him. (!) Worse come to worse and I get the biggest fucking cribbing strap I can get and keep him in it all the time. But I hate to have to resort to such a thing. I'd rather fix the cause of the problem than simply stop the symptom.

Thursday September 6,1990

Well, a couple things happened today. First, I got to see did in the afternoon because I had to meet Dr. S. He palpated did's testicles and considered them kinda soft. Meaning that there is not much in the way of sperm being produced. Temperature was normal, respiration and heartbeat was normal. So, it was time to try and get a urine sample to culture back at the lab. This meant DIURETICS! Did would need an intravenous injection. So, I figured I would just slip the chain of the lead over his gums. Hmmmmmm, an interesting training note comes from this one simple action.....

When I put the chain over Did's gums, he KNOWS something that requires force or stern countermeasures is about to take place. He might not know what, but he knows it is going to happen. He raised holy stinking hell about that one little injection. I had moved the chain from his gums to under his chin, but by then, it was too late, he knew something was up. We finally managed to get the injection into him, but in the future, I will WAIT till Did gives me a hard time instead of aniticipationg such a thing and taking measures prior to the hard time being given. If I take the measures before it's time, He'll know and give me a hard time, hell. FOr all I know, Did might have just simply stood there. But instead, *MY* actions caused him to go into Panicicus-extremus mode.

After the Diuretic was administered, Dr. S went to another nearby farm to palpate a mare for pregnancy. He gave me a little tube and said "fill it". Leaving me to the task of making sure Did's urine went into the tube. Well, it took about 5 minutes, he dropped, then became drawn but not erect and "assumed the position". I grabbed his penis and got that sample and avoidedthe urge to aim the jet of urine at the flowers and the dog that was staring at me and the chickens nearby and ... well, you gt the idea.

Dr. S gives his testicles very little chance of ever working again, but we are simply going to take things one step at a time. I wont geld him since his testicles do *ONE* thing real well still. Produce Testosterone! I should know the results of the test in about 1 week.

Everyone left and I was left alone with did. Hell! That diuretic is amazing. His kidneys must have been going at about 9000 Rpm! He urinated and urinated and urinated like mad! I got him alone in his box stall. He followed me in! ANd stood still while I handled his penis for a while. He was drawn but not erect due to the fact that he had to urinate again. I sucked on his penis for a while and tried to get him hard, but it just wasn't happening. After a bit I stopped and just watched him. He assumed the position and started to urinate. I grabbed his penis, hell, HOSE, and started to water things that were nearby. Like the fence posts, the wall of his walk in shelter and the ground. Mr. K LOVES a mare's urine! It is just sooo much a major aspect of a mare's sexuality, the urinating and winking that goes with it, but in a stallion, it is just a teritorial symbolism. He uses it to mark dung and Mare's urine and other things. But at that moment, I damn near wanted to do nothing!
more than just take a mouthfull o f urine. It wasn't anywhere near as strong as urine straight from the pipes would be, it was heavily watered down due to the diuretic's action of hyperactivating the kidneys. But I didn't want to try that just then. I saw him again that night, I didn't spend any time with him other than to feed him.
The paddock was a major mud bath due to the rains that fell today. Plus, it was too close to feeding time for me to get any time with him alone. Got another pam's mom story though! Pam's mother stopped by the farm today. Apparently did was walking around, well, being an aroused stallion. ANd let me tell yah, when did gets a hard on, it looks like it's five hundred feet long. It's only 19 to 20 inches long when fully -belly slapping erect- (hah! "only" he sez...) but it *LOOKS* huge! Especially if you're one of those kind of guys who looks down while standing at the urinal. At any rate, Pam's mom sez to Pam "My! He's such a *BIG* horse! He's such a...... *VULGAR* horse!" Oh y! eah. I damn near died laughing whe n Pam told me that! I've been starting to call him "Did, the vulgar". Kinda sounds like one of those Viking names. Did the vulgar. Did the terrible. Nah, Did the Vulgar rings so much truer. ;-)

I guess the training lesson of the day is to *NOT* anticipate bad behavior and take measures to control it before it ever happens. Instead, wait until the bad behavior happens and THEN do something about it. Bad behavior in this case means thigs like Nipping, or Cribbing or Totally-radical-bitchin-panicy-behavior dude.

Hell, it's only the 6'th and I'm already up to 293 lines. Sigh......

Friday September 7,1990-
Took the port-a-potty to Marc and Pams for the party tommorow. Should b interesting. Did's walk in shelter is under about 5 miles of water. So I can't have any fun and games in there today. Damnit. And I can't stay until dark either. Damnit.

Saturday September 8,1990-
Hells bells and donkey smells. WHAT a party. Lots of ignorant fools. Doing stupid shit left and right. Pam absolutely REFUSES to ever host such a thing for Marc's co-workers again. They wouldn't comport their rugrats at all. I had to threaten one child in order to keep him away from my horse. "You try and feed my horse a handfull of sugar cubes again and I'll reach down your fucking throat and pull your stomach out of your mouth. You understand me?" He kinda looked up and got this ashen look to his face and slinked away. Now, I don't mind people doing stupid things. I expect it of people. But I get damn near physically violent when I have to repeat myself 5 fucking times to the same goddamn moron in a space of 10 minutes. It's like they don't beleive that I don't want sugar fed to my horse. Sigh. Idiots....

GOOD NEWS! Did was accosted by about 7 children with handfulls of grass. He was so intensely nice to them that I just could not beleive it. He just went from hand to hand and face to face. He ate the grass out of the hands and snuffled about 5 of the faces that were presented to him. He let the kids handle his muzzle wihtout a single complaint or twitching of his ear. The were straight up all the time. Not once did they flop over or tilt back. DAMN nice horse. One lady even comented to me "My! He's so gentle and laid back, for a stud." Well gee gawrsh, golly. Uh, Yeah. Of course, there were those who kept saying "My! She's such a nice animal!" Yeah right. Those two round things down their are tits and that big long thing that sticks out of her stomach is a feeding tube to colts and fillies that don't feel like standing up. Guess they're lucky to have children. I wonder how they managed it. I suppose that I really shouldn't be so harsh though. SOme people honestly do not kno! w how to sex the animal. They have
absolutely no concept of how to tell the genders apart. Oh well, their loss.

He kept getting fully erect during the party. In one case, some guys walked by and pointed and started to giggle. I mean, actually giggle. One looks a me and looks at the horse and says "can you imagine having a pecker that big?" "Oh sure I can" sez I without so much as cracking a smile "every time it gets hard I just have to pass out from blood loss." Try and say *THAT* with a straight face to a total stranger! ;-)

I was also hit up upon by a nice enough girl. Drunk as hell she was too! But I felt REALLY uncomfortable. It's hard to pin down the uncomfortable feeling I was having. It was kind of like I was afraid of getting involved with someone.
Like I didn't want to have to try and think up ways of telling her I wasn't interested in seeing her. And when she mentioned that she was married, hell, it was amazing. ALl of a sudden I wasn't at all nervous to talk with her. Suddenly there was no more risk. No fear of hurting or getting hurt or having to try and think up ways of seeing Did without including her so that I can get under his belly. SIgh.... It's weird, it really is. Not that I am uncomfortable with the person that I am, or with my sexuality, it just honest to god is really strange to me that I choose and like animals over people when there is just sooooo much stimuli in my life that should have pushed me in the direction of people. I really should jot down some of my childhoo! d experiences some day. Maybe when
I have some spare time. (Seeing as it's 1:30 am right now....)

Sunday, September 9,1990-
Well well well well well well well well well well well well. I got to see Did for a few hours during the afternoon. Then I had to take the portapotty back to the contrsuction site. Then I went out and bought em a brand spanking new VCR! Now I can make some dupes of some rather special tapes that I have. (The NATURE specials that I always tape. I have been wanting to do some selective ... ahem... editing of them. put together a nice little anthology! THis should be fun!

Monday, September 10, 1990-
I got in to see Did tonight. It was dark, he had been fed at 6. I saw him at 8:30. Pam and I talked for about 5 minutes and then she went in for dinner. That left me alone with DID! YEAH! I walked into his pasture and slipped a lead on him. The walk in is still under water. DAMNIT! SO I walked to the most shadowed part of the padock and tethered him to the fence. He was standing reall quietly. I started to rub his underline and he started to drop. I mean like RIGHT NOW! Good horsie! I rubbed his shoulders and neck and face and chest. he remained dropped, but not drawn. I rubbed his underline again and he stepped away. Okay. I can deal with rejection. But then he stepped back towards me again and I started to rub his underline again. He stayed put and dropped again. I squated down and looked up at his crotch in the shadows. He was just about ready to become drawn. Did was standing with his ears forward and his neck dropped a bit. So I put my fingers around his shaf! t. he still stood there. He didn' t move around at all! SO I put my lips over the end of his prepuce and then I started to suck. He started to draw! Oh my my my my!My lips were wrapped around the very end of the prepuce and as he started to draw, the prepuce snapped back (inside of my mouth) and his glans burst forth upon my tongue. I suddenly had a very huge amount of penis in my mouth. I made swallowing motions iwht my mouth and tongue. Did got even more drawn. Not hard, but VERY VERY full and thick! I grabbed a doble handfull of shft and began to move my hands over his penis while continuing with the sucking and swallowing motions.
I pushed my head forward, against his penis and he started to get hard. THen I thought I heard some noises and got up to investigate. When I got back to did, he didn't. DAMNIT! I messed with him a bit more, but he started to refuse my advances by side stepping and throwing his head at me like he wanted to bite me. SO I decided that that was enough for this evening. I led him!
to the gate and then let him go.

I left for the evening. But one day, that stud is gonna come in my mouth. I can just feel it. Every time I get together with him, he gets just that little bit more excited to be naked with me. Like tonight, he got drawn real quickly with little effort on my part. If I had not been interrupted by noises I am sure that Did would have gotten very hard and even humpy with me. Mabye tommorrow night. I'll be talking with Pam and Marc to see if it's okay if I show up later than I have been on the weekdays. I'll use work and programing at home as an excuse.

Tuesday, September 11, 1990-
Sigh..... What a day, what a day. The vet came by and took a blood sample to aid him in determining where the excess actinobactors came from. Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned this yet. We have discovered that there is an excess of bacteria called actinobactors. It is one of several strains of actinobactors, we don't konw which one. One of the strains has been known to cause epidydimitis in swine. Such a thing in Did would most certainly cause sterility. So we MIGHT have a reason for his having gone sterile. Now, actinobactor can be considered fauna, like e.coli in the human gut. But in huge quantities it is considered pathogenic, which is the case with Did. Soooooooo, $500 in sulfa based antibiotics should clear him up. SHIT! 3 weeks, twice a day, 3/4 of a tube of paste based sulfa's. Man oh man oh man. LOTS of money is about to get tied up in this horse, but, if some kind of miracle should occur and if he should again become fecund (thank you for that k00l word Mr. ! K!) At any rate, the blood sample will help Dr. S decide whther or not the bacteria is in the kidneys. If not, then it means that they may have concentrated in the reproductive tract. If *THAT'S* the case, then this will be the first step in clearing him up. So it might just be possible to get his peckersnot capable of doing what nature intended it to do in the first place. Get mare's pregnant. ANd if *THAT* happens, then I am going to have one major, big time, fornicating stallion this spring! Let's see what happens!

Now then, I spent a good deal of time cleaning did's penis today! Boy! WHAT fun! (I use enough exclamation points to be a writer for one of those nasty "my mother got raped by alieans" tabloids.) Pam held did and talked to him while I reached up with a palm full of vaseline and liberally applied it to the tip of his prepuce which was poking out of his sheath. Within 2 minutes I had 19 inches of throbbing, rock hard horse cock in my hand. ANd I was being told what a good horse owner I am while doing it! GOD! I LOVE IT! ANyways, it took a good 10 minutes to get out MAJOR quantities of smegma out of his sheath. Did was fully erect during the whole process. I finally told pam that I would simply put a huge handfull of vaseline on his prepuce and penis and come back tomorrow to get out what the vaseline had loosened up.

After that was done, I took Did out for a "walk". I led him out to the hay field and let him munch away. After we crested a small hill, I tethered him to a fence post and tried to do some groping. He sidestepped my efforts, so I tried again. This time he decided to try and cow-kick me! I nailed that guy on his underline right up by his chest. Hard. He didn't look to pleased with that. I then started to walk him up by the side of the hay field. Every 20 feet or so I would stop him with a "whoa". Then I would walk towards his rear-end and rub my hands down over his anus and between his buttocks over his stiffle and then under his belly and onto his balls and sheath. If he didn't side step I'd let him munch hay, if he did I just started walking him again. Didn't take him long at all to figure out what I was doing. He started to stand real nice and still when I touched him. Makes it easy to handle him by myself too. Especially if I try and remain consistent with my rewa! rd system.

So, what did he learn? I hope that he learned that he is not allowed to kick at me when I touch his privates.

What did I learn? I learned that if there is food involved, I should respect his desire to not be touched. No mater how bad I wanna suck him off.

Made a video tape with some of my favorite Music and some of my favorite "nature scenes" videos that I have. It came out .... okay. Not great, but sure as hell no where near as bad as many that I have seen. A little Enya and Egberto Gismonti never hurt anyone. Especially while there are elephant seals, Californicatia Sea Lions and Elephants fornicating their little nubins off.

Wednesday, September 12, 1990-
Didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with DId today. But I *DID* get to continue my "clean did out" cleaning. Pam had to hold him again while I reached into his sheath and pulled and wiped out a major quanitity of smegma again. The vaseline treatment seems to do a pretty good job of breaking that stuff up. I left another handfull of vaseleeny on his weenie and told pam that I would stop by on friday. WHich means that I wont have an entry for Thursday. I have too much other stuff to do that has been suffereing due to my attentions that I have been giving my horse. I have a program to write and I have to get to bed EARLY for once! SHit, nost of these entries are typed in at 1 in the morning and I have to be in the shop by 8 every morning. I don't get enough sleep and work has been suffering because of it.

THursday, September 13, 1990-
Didn't see did today, but I did get to talk to Mr. K again. I spent a while on the phone with him. Our talks run the gamut of topics, but of course, we always center on horses and horse lovers at some point. It's a weird feeling I get when I talk with him. It's kinda hard to put a finger on it, but I think it's a feeling of belonging that I get. That is a pretty nice feeling. It's also a bit of a feeling of constant amazement that there would indeed be another person like myself that is into horses. (or vice versa ;-) I am pretty sure that the amazement has left me, but I still think of all the happenstance situations in my life that caused our life journeys to cross. *IF* I had not "found" that account at State U and *IF* I had not been unemployed at the time and *IF* I had not been "grep horse *" in /user/spool/news/alt/sex, then I would never have noticed his article rebuffing someone's note about a girl having to have her stomach pumped. THis, of course, caused m! e to write in response to such a k nowledgable response in regards to quantities of horse semen that a stud can produce in one ejaculation. If none of that had transpired, I would *STILL* be traveling my present path, but I would not know, for fact, that there are others like myself who are into animals. I am really glad that we found each other. It makes me feel tons better about myself.

Of course, there are plenty of folks out there who look at this and will say "Man! You're sick. How can you not like a woman over a horse?" Well, that's a pretty good question actually. After all, all of society pushes me in the direction of loving women. And of course, my family pushes very hard for me to do so. So, in the past, I have loved women and made love to women. Most were not a good match, but one was. A very good match, but in the end, it didn't work out. I *KNEW* that I would continue to be attracted to animals and I *KNEW* that I would get my stallion some day and I *KNEW* that I would make love to that horse and I *KNEW* that she would sue me for divorce over such an episode if she caught me and take away everything that I have worked so hard for. It's paranoia on my part, but it is a self serving paranoia that I do not wish to get rid of. But the question remains, why do I love stallions so much? Hmmmmm. I feel an essay coming on.

by Me!

Stallions are powerfull animals, big, beautiful and inteligent in their own special ways. They smell...... so strong. They act...... so self assured. And they are formidable lovers. What could possibly induce a human to become sexually attracted to a stallion?

There are many varied reasons. Lots of little points and a whole lifetime of psychological pushes that put me in the state that I am in today. The three big reasons are as follows.

1) I have a very strong case of Penis envy. This is a bit strange since I am a man with the age old average penis size of 6 inches fully erect. NOt a single woman I have ever gone to bed with has complained that my penis was too small. Not one. Yet, I want so badly to have a huge penis, like the one that Did has. Mind you, I'd probably pass out due to blood presuure drop if I had an erection with such a huge penis, but that's okay. I'd still want one. And I look at stallions and note that they have vascular penises. A penis that flops out and slowly becomes engorged with blood. ie, their penis is very much like a humans penis in regards to how it takes a while to become erect. When they start to get excited, you KNOW that they are getting excited. You can watch the progress of their state of excitement and you can quanitatively measure that state of excitement by how long and hard their penis becomes. And the best part is that the stallion enjoys it when a human helps them!
acheive that state of excitement.

2)I like knowing that the creature that is so huge and powerful can be excited and sexually satisfied by a creature such as myself. It is the single greatest pleasure that I derive from Did. Knowing that I can make him feel good. This is the same pleasure I got from making lvoe to women, the fact that I would just go on for hours until I was sure that my partner had acheived an orgasm. (If getting your pelvis crushed by her legs counts, then I guess I would give her several orgasms a night, but I was never sure, so I kept going until I could go no longer.)

3) The stallion is a simple lover and an intensely erotic one with his single mindedness with which he mates with the mares. The stallion is also a selfish lover. He takes the mare while she is in a state of desperate need. A state in which she will not refuse his advances. The stallion takes advantage of this state and mounts the mare and fornicates so vigorously that he sometimes damages the mare. For some reason, I find this ... intensity.... very very very erotic. The way that the stallion thrusts with the totally single minded goal of acheiving orgasm and to hell with anyone else strikes me as the epitomy strength. I like strong things.

It's kind of hard to define love and lust in such a way that everyone likes the definition and in such a way that the definition aplies to everyone. But for me, love and lust are tightly wound together when I see a stallion trotting through a field. A stallion *IS* lust. A stallion *IS* love. There is just no other way to put it. They are one and the same.

Friday, September 14, 1990-
Well, got out of work eraly today. We finished up tearing down a small outbuilding and moving about 15 billion left over cinder blocks. That was kinda interesting. At any rate, the VERY first place that I headed out to was (of course) to see did. I got there at around 2:30. He was in wander around the paddock mode. I looked into the box stall and noticed that it still had ten inches of the nastiest smelliest gloppiest mud that I have ever been allowed to play in. I got a whellbarrow and a shovel and I shoveled the fuking thing out. I'm TIRED of waiting for nature to dry the damn thing up. And it's good I didn't wait either. The base is clay with 7 years of mud and horse shit on top of it. SO I shoveled it out and brought in new dirt to fill it back up. I tamped it all down and 30 minutes after I started, I had a walk in shed for bestial fornication! Of course, I led did in there and we had a little "talk". He's a fine and beautiful creature.

I grabbed the vaseline and the kleenex. To "clean him up some more" of course;-) And so I started on a little fondling. About an hour later I realized that I wasn't going to get very far and told Pam that he simply wasn't cooperating for the venture. A side note. When I have him tied up with his head out the window where he can see what is going on, he cribs. He did this several times. I said stop it each time and then he did it in rapid succesion. I kicked him in the gut and yelled "NO". He stopped. After a while he did it once again. I kicked him in the gut and yelled "no". He stopped. A longer interval later he cribbed again. I kicked him in the gut and yelled "no". During this whole time, I was brushing him with my brush waiting for him to drop. (Of course, there was the occasional reach under his belly to help things along a bit.;-) He didn't wanna cooperate. NO problem. I left him tied up to the corner facing away from the window so that he could not see what was g! oing on and I went and got him a b ale of hay. I put it in the shed right under his nose and he went at it. Not 2 minutes later, he dropped.

I took a handfull of vaseline and rubbed my palms together to warm it up. I then grabbed his penis and began to rub the length of his penis with vaseline.
At first he didn't like the feeling of it, it's a bit cool to start, and then he decided that it felt allright. I got underneath him and put my mouth over his glans and started to stroke his penis from the head to the base in long firm strokes. He was not erect yett, so his entire shaft kinda moved around like a big snake. But he soon got firmer and harder and longer and before I knew it he was fully erect with my mouth working on his glans the whole time. I used firm, even strokes over the entire length of his shaft. He stayed erect while I did this, but as soon as I stopped he began to loose his erection. THe entire time that I was doing this, he was busy eating his hay. Then a thunderstorm rolled in and I decided to untie him since he started to get the "wild eyed" look in his face that indicated a bit of apprehe! nsion about storms.

I had a wonderfull time with did doing something a bit new. I have put myself right in front of him on several occasions and wrapped my arms around his neck. Today, I put myself agains his chest and he put his head over my left shoulder. He kind of sighed and put a lot of weight on me. I reached up and grabbed his neck and began to stroke his crest and mane. I rubbed his cheeks and nose and his throat and neck. He sighed. It was reall nice feeling. I grabbed his crest with both hands and pressed my hips into chest, feeling his muscles under the surface of his skin. He feels so strong and powerful. I like to imagine that I am a mare about to be taken by his hugeness. I look up into his eyes while imagining this and I start to rub against his chest with my pelvis. It takes less then 2 minutes for me to come while doing this! DAMN! All the times I have spent with Heidi, I NEVER came that fast. Not once. It always took an hour or more, and the strangest thing about it was, th! at to make it last longer, I simpl y thought about fucking women. But when I finally wanted to come, i imagined that I was a stallion and this was my mare and within 10 strokes, I'd acheive orgasm.

Tommorrow is the farrier. THis should be interesting.

Saturday, September 15, 1990-
Did stood so weel for Mr. Farrier the farrier that it was just amazing. Even Mr. Farrier was commenting on how well he stood for the trimming. Now Did's feet look just fine! A few more trims and his feet should be looking real well. As it is, they look much much better than they did just a few short hours ago. I also stopped by the veterinarian's today. I *FINALLY* finished the friggin sort routine for him. I am so embarrased that it took so long. Oh well, maybe next time I'll draw it up like I always have in the past and it'll go much better than. That way I don't loose so much time with our battering. I picked up 32 tubes of Tribessin for the "Acetinectobaceter" which is, as Dr. S claims, the proper spelling of the bug in Did's bladder.

The blod test for his kidney function came back. Everything is working just fine! This means that if the bacteria is cleared up, he might, maybe, just maybe start producing sperm again. Now *THAT* would be a bonus of owning this wonderful animal. It's a bit strange, but I have noticed that hardly anyone wons stallions around where Did is being kept. I think, if I manage to get a place, that I might just go into business breeding mares. I'd own nothing but stallions (and of course, at least *ONE* mare ;-) and just get involved in provided mare owners with the service of "instant sperm!". Should turn a few heads in the community I'm Sure.

And today, a mircale of man and nature occured. My appartment got hit by a white tornado. Pam (for a proper fee of course) stopped by my appartment and helped me clean the downstairs portion of the appartment. It is amazing. It took about 10 hours to do, but it is imaculate now. It is so nice that I'm thinking of not living there anymore so that it doesn't get messed up. "Well sir, is your apartemnt still clean?" "Don't know Pam, I haven't been there in 3 months."

Well, when it was all done and over with I knew a whole lot more about Pam and Pam knows a whole lot more about me. It's funny, but if she were to do it over again, she would not get married, and if I were to start to get married, she's to shoot me so that I don't make that mistake. It's funny. (In it's own way I guess.) But when I got pam back home that evening, I tried my fun with Did, he side stepped three times, so I decided to leave him alone. More later.

Cribbing: chewing on the wood in the stall. Often includes wind-sucking,
where the horse hooks his teeth over some ledge, pulls back hard
stretching out his head and neck, and gulps air.

Crest: the top of a horse's neck, where the mane grows from.

Farrier: fancy name for a horseshoer.

* RM 1.3 01089

Last modified (12/24/96 14:23:54) by Eli-the-Bearded.

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