That evening, I walked Ace home with me, and tied him up in the barn; later, I went out to see how he was; he seemed quite happy in his new home, so after filling his water-bowl I decided to turn in for the night. Next morning, I was woken early by his barking, so I went out to see what the trouble was. His water-bowl was empty, so I grabbed a hose-pipe and refilled it for him. He drank about a pint. I untied the rope from his collar, and he responded by immediately trying to jump up me! I decided that I had to show him who was boss, and indulge in a bit of dog-wrestling. We landed with me on my back and him astride me, but with my arm locked firmly round his neck. I stared him straight in the eyes, he struggled and wriggled, but I kept hanging on. His eyes started to roll and I felt him start to relax; I had won my first battle with him. I let go of his neck, and as he pulled away, I noticed that the pink tip of his cock was peeping out from his sheath; also what huge balls he had. Then it occurred to me that maybe his jumping up people was a sign of sexual frustration; after all, he was an adolescent dog, and so was likely to be subject to all the same urges and desires as us humans. Perhaps the jumping up was a mis-directed attempt at the normal male dog's urge to mount, and that he just wanted to come? I ran my hand under his belly to his sheath, and gave it a good squeeze. He did not mind me doing this, and responded by extending more of the pink end of his cock, but when I did the same to his balls, he yelped, reared up and tried to bite me; I guess they were a bit sensitive, so i tried feeling them again more carefully. I was amazed that his balls were each about twice the size of mine. I realised that in order to give him a really good jerking off without hurting him, I was going to need some sort of lubricant. I went back to the house and got a bottle of corn oil from the shelf next the stove, then walked back to the barn. I began to massage the length of Ace's sheath slowly and rhythmically, feeling his cock inside. After about ten seconds, the pointed pink tip of his cock appeared again; I stroked this, pulling gently on it to make it extend even further. It was rigid, but not fully erect; then I remembered that some guy at school said that dogs cocks have a bone in them. We had all thought he was joking, but now I knew it was true.
His cock was now sticking out about five inches, then suddenly the 'bulb' part slipped out of his sheath. I dont know if you have ever seen a dog with a full hard-on, but theres a swollen bit some distance back from the tip. Anyway, this bulb part now came out of his sheath, and started to swell up, all pink and covered with purple veins. I realised that if i was to continue rubbing it, i could make him very sore, so I popped the top from the corn-oil bottle and greased up my hands, then pouring some more oil into the palm of my hand, rubbed it all over his throbbing, engorged organ. Then i began to massage the bulb part, pulling it gently, trying to ease out the full length of his tool. He suddenly started humping, so I decided to keep my hands still and let him do the work. I was kneeling down so I braced my forearms against my thighs and let him thrust away as much as he liked. His bulb swelled up enormously so I could hardly contain it in my hands, and he had about a six inch length of cock between the bulb and where it went back into his sheath; he was really massive! He carried on humping for about five minutes, all the time making slight whimpering noises, seeming to be a combination of pleasure and anxiety. Then he started to come, at first with a couple of shots of clear juice, then a surge of creamy white followed. His breathing was heavy and labored, as he arched his back in a final spasm of sexual ecstasy. Then he stopped humping, turned his head, looked at me and gave my face a massive lick, as if to say 'thanks!'. His erection did not subside immediately he had finished humping; the bulb part was still purplish red and massively swollen. Could he need more I wondered? So I carried on stroking and squeezing at the bulb. He managed a number of extra minor orgasms, each time giving only a few drops of clear fluid, before the bulb started to shrink. When I felt that he had finished, I let go, and he sat back on his hind legs, his cock, with the bulb still partially swollen, flopping to one side. Then he began to lick the tip, this made the bulb part shrink and retract back into the sheath within a couple of minutes, but the tip of his tool was still showing. Then he stood up, walked over to the door of the barn, and lifted his leg; his first few drops of urine were thick with some of the remaining come in his tool, then the flow became clear and strong. After this, he lay down in a pile of straw and slept for about an hour.
It was a few weeks later when Steve returned from a trip to Hawaii that he saw Ace again, and was amazed at the change in him, so much so that he said he wanted to have him back at the lumber-yard. I knew that the only reason he was so calm and manageable was his daily sexual exercise and that was the problem; how was I to explain to Steve what was needed to keep Ace happy was to drain his balls twice a day? I suggested that Steve could have Ace during the day, but that he should not be tied up at night and so he could come round my place if he wanted to. Steve said that since he wanted Ace as a guard-dog, he wanted him at the yard during the night, but that Ace could go where he wanted during the day. We agreed that this was a good idea, and so I was able to keep giving Ace his twice-daily pleasure for the next three years.
Then came the time I had to go away for a month. On my return, I was told tha poor old Ace was back up to his old jumping behavior. But Steve was amazed when the day after my return, Ace went back to his previous normal self. I could not tell Steve that I had given Ace five ejaculations in a row that morning. But there was clearly a problem that had to be sorted, as I was due to leave town the following week. I decided that I had to explain. So that afternoon, I went round to see Steve.
I was half expecting Steve to be really angry, or to treat me as some kind of pervert, but when I explained to him what the secret of my success with Ace had been, he fell about laughing! It turned out that while I had been away, an intruder had gotten into the yard one night, and Ace had cornered him. The police had found this poor guy the next morning, cowering in a shed, drenched in dog-cum, and with Ace standing guard over him, having spent most of the night astride the terrified intruder, happily humping away!
Steve then said 'well, I guess Ace is a real OK dog to have round the place, I can see my way to giving him what he needs'. I explained to Steve that the secret was to rub Ace's balls to get him started, and offered to demonstrate. Steve was apprehensive about rubbing a dog's balls for the first time, so took it real gentle; Ace was cooperative, and got a hard-on in seconds, but it took some time to get Steve to use the right technique of squeezing Ace's bulb. But after about twenty minutes, he was rewarded by a massive shot of dog-cum, and a wet doggie lick across the face. For the next week, Ace was clearly in the canine equivalent of heaven, because he spent the days with me, getting plenty of what he wanted, and the nights with Steve, who was also doing it to him. At the end of the week, I had to leave, so I went round that evening to Steves. I gave Ace a final goodbye jerking off, then much to my surprise Steve presented me with a hundred dollars. 'Just like I said I would if you tamed that animal' he said. Even now, when I go back to visit my parents farm, Ace usually arrives to greet me within a few minutes of my arrival, and full of expectation of getting his balls drained; he generally gets what he expects!
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