From: (Brian Thornton)
Subject: birth of GOATBOY 1/2
In the spring of 1990 I left Indiana to join a
gay & lesbian commune deep in the hills of
Tennessee. The commune had a small goat herd with
one large white buck named Booger. I was staying in
a small cabin which was situated between the barn
and a patch of pasture. Each morning the goats
would go by on their way to graze. Booger would
always hang out in front for a while. He was much
more friendly than the nannies, almost humanlike.
I asked one of the older members about him. He
told me Booger's mother had died at birth and was
raised by a wiccan known as Kat, a Serbian woman
who occasionally stayed at the commune. There were
rumors that she had a kind of "special"
relationship with Booger but I was never told the
I met Kat once, talked with her. She was
almost always dressed in some sort of medieval
attire. I found her mysterious and entrancing.
Well, the nannies did not have much to do with
this billy and the residents weren't having much to
do with me. The focus of the commune at that time
was mainly on feminine energies, Radical faeries,
Goddess and so on. I was of a muscular build, not
butch in the gay sense, but very masculine. I
rapidly found myself not fitting in. I was
criticized for having too much male energy and my
reluctance to do drag. I have to admit, I was
fascinated by Radical Faerie magik and
spirituality. That's what brought me down here. I
knew I had a purpose. Some where in the back of my
head was the idea of a magik and spirit that would
express itself in a celebration of the male form.
Booger and I had struck up a playful
friendship, banging heads and wrestling around the
barnyard. I began to find these encounters quite
erotic and so did he, because he always sucked
himself off after and I would jokingly say, "I'd
like to fuck that sweet little goat ass of yours,
yes I would!"
On the morning of the 4th o' July,practically
everyone was at a Rainbow Gathering. I had the
whole place to myself. Booger had let himself into
my cabin and climbed on top of a chest at the foot
of my bed. As I awoke and stared into his eyes,
he seemed to be studying me in a very human
fashion. When I was fully awake my first concern
was for the carpet. Knowing that Mr. Booger had a
passion for leaving reminders at his places of
visitation, I jumped out of bed, yanked him down
off the box and tried to push him out the door
without success. Finally, I jumped on his back,
buck naked (no pun intended), and rode him into the
yard, where he tripped and fell. I laid there on
the grass beside him. He made no effort to get up.
I stroked his belly and gently fondled his enormous
balls. My body began to burn red hot. The erotic
energy was so strong. I knew I had come to a gate
which few have passed. I was slightly afraid and
trembling, but this served to increase the
"Oh Booger you beautiful beast, please let me
fuck you, I want to fuck you" I whispered into his
He let out moanful Baaa! and dug his horns
into the ground as I penetrated, but did not pull
away. Strange sensations erupted throughout my
whole being, sensations I had never experienced
with humans, and did not quite understand. Could
it just be the fact that in one fell swoop I had
committed every sin in THE BOOK and that old fart
Jehovah did nothing more severe than give me a
touch of poison ivy on my tummy and thighs?!
When I climaxed I pulled out and got up.
Booger stayed totally motionless for while I
thought I had possibly hurt him, then I became of
HOLY SHIT! He's in a state of ecstasy!
After a while he got up and staggered toward
the barn. That evening I was out in the driveway
seeing some visitors off. I was giving one of the
men a long hug. Booger trotted out of the barn,
forced his way between us, then peed on the
gentleman. Two mornings later he was back inside
the cabin wanting to play. And this continued for
a few days until everyone came back from Rainbow
and I was caught. You should have been here for
the "trial". A couple of the faeries accused me of
rape and tried to get me kicked out. I was able to
disprove this quite easily, but I still gagged on a
dose of Radical Faerie hypocrisy:
"Why don't you get your self a nice
"Interspecies relationships just don't work."
"Too gross, man, What was it like?"
"Just don't talk about it, OK!"
"What will people think?"
and finally:
We hope you can fuck 'em and leave 'em cause
we're gettin' rid of him REAL SOON!
Does this sound familiar? These are the same
people that go to parades and invade shopping
malls, genderbending and flying banners demanding
respect and acceptance from a straight society that
would just as soon they go away.
They gave him to a redneck farmer who had a
small pasture about two miles away. This guy had a
habit of showing up at the commune on Sundays drunk
off his ass. Again, Nobody wanted much to do with
him, being local and married. So being determined
to be united with my goat, I saw my chance and
grabbed it. I dragged him from the corner where he
was sitting in the main kitchen to my cabin and
seduced him. Piece of cake!
He allowed me to see Booger on Thursday nights
when his wife and kids were away. Hell, he even
turned me on to cock-sucking calves.
Without the distractions of the commune our
relationship began to intensify.
For a long time, I just would fuck him, pet
him a little, then leave. Pretty much what you'd
expect in animalistic situations. One night when I
was done, I arose to leave. He barred my way, and
pushed me back. Then I felt a kind of telepathy,
not linguistic, a series of images, passing through
my consciousness, learning each others truths and
common blood, the most honest and pure form of
communication I've ever experienced with another
He wanted me to stay with him, hold him, love
him, teach him and learn from him-- what every
human wishes from their lover.
Each moment with him awakened things deep
within my spirit: the Satyrs and Centaurs that
haunted my childhood, fantasies which began to
surface again. Booger became more and more human
like as I began to feel my self growing horns and
Newsgroups: From: (Brian Thornton) Subject: bIRTH OF GOATBOY 2/2 X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Nntp-Posting-Host: Date: Tue, 4 Jul 1995 05:33:27 GMT
On the night of the Half Moon in September, I
felt the pull to go to him even though it wasn't
Thursday. There was an intense lightning storm,
but oddly, no rain. I entered the field. He was
at the opposite end. As I took my clothes off, he
stood on his hind legs and did some sort of dance.
I in turn went down on all fours, stepping around
the pasture, dancing goat dances, spiraling inward
'til our foreheads met, paused, moved side to side
in a 69 fashion and continued a circular movement,
counter clockwise. The lightning was silent, the
farmer's family was gone, never once did a car go
by, and except for us the world seemed frozen, as
if to allow this event to proceed without
We both stood up and embraced. Our erections
touched. He shot on my chest and anointed me. I
then looked up at his face. The lightning had
distorted it into a grotesque Satyr-Pan visage
momentarily. He said, "NOW! It is time for you to
be born, it is time for you to die. Surrender your
fear and all you have learned to be, all that has
been, all the pain men and women have inflicted on
He sat me down Indian style, turned around and
lowered himself right down on my cock and began a
gentle rocking motion, I knew I had come to
another gate. The lightning quit, the clouds broke
up, revealing the moon. He brought his head back,
pointed his snout straight skyward. I then felt a
mist swirl around us, starting from the ground and
slowly spiraling upward, again in counter clockwise
direction. I was terrified. I felt death very
near. I've passed through the gate now I can't go
back, that would be certain death. Through this
mist of swirling energy I began to see a great
monolith out in the field. I heard the
bourdonement of pipes and flute, then drumming. I
saw men dancing about the stone naked, then some
came in animal skins and feathers, real animals
began to join, goats, deer, wild boar, bear, wolf,
and a raven was perched at the top of the monolith.
They began a bizarre dance their forms merged into
half-man and half-beast, none was discernible. At
that moment I shot. I felt our spirits ripped out
of our bodies and flung far out into the cosmos to
mingle together, after that I lost consciousness.
When I came to, I was lying curled up beside him.
I hugged him, but he seemed oblivious to my
presence. I walked back to where I'd parked the
truck. Dizzy and somewhat disoriented, I managed
to make it back to the Commune. Two days later, I
went to see him and he had completely vanished. My
ecstasy turned to despair. Friction was growing
between myself and the faeries. I finally bought my
own land and left in Sept. of 91.
After that experience, I had changed deep
within and it showed. Whenever I would go to any
kind of social function, I was always greeted with
fear and discomfort. Once at a bar, I was even
asked if I had slept with Satan. (Well, I guess in
a christian sense, I have!) I tried doing Pan
rituals during Radical Faerie gatherings. They
were very powerful, but they were always disrupted.
My despair and anger was growing. At one point I
wanted to leave the area all together. That night
I saw Booger in a vision, the first of many, each a
major story in themselves. He claimed to be PAN
himself and that he had made me one of his goat
children, and that I was marked for this at birth.
He also said that there was going to be a major
upheaval in gay culture and that I have a role in
this somehow. "Tis better to be a Goat In my
Pasture than a Sheep amongst the Christians!", he
said to me. I don't fully understand what this
means or what I'm to do other than awaken satyr
spirits. But it seems that I must stay here for a
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