My various posts archive indexed by archive name
Any keywords included with the stories appear after the archive
name. I don't have the time to read all of these to add appropriate
keywords, but I am looking into software solutions to the problem.
- 19yrold-virgin ==
- 3friends ==
- A.Brazilian.Welcome ==
- a.bunch.of.stories ==
- a.fantasy == Fantasy, sex...
- ==
- A.Taste ==
- acctng ==
- acid-rain ==
- actress ==
- adventure-babysitting ==
- Adventures.In.Memory.Adjustment == short story
- Alas,Eschiatos == NEW STORY: Alas, Eschiatos Part I
- aleson ==
- alien-foursome ==
- all-shall-be-well ==
- Amelias-Role ==
- an-encounter ==
- An.Incredible.Affair ==
- Ani.Chan ==
- animal-fun ==
- animal.lover ==
- anita ==
- ann ==
- Annual.Review == anonymous vignette
- answer-phone ==
- Aphasian.Nights.3 ==
- archive ==
- ariel ==
- arla ==
- at-the-beach ==
- aurelius-glenda ==
- aussie ==
- awakening ==
- Babysitting.Can.Enhance.Your.Sex.Life ==
- backrub ==
- Bandit ==
- bartenders ==
- bath-time ==
- Be.My.Baby ==
- Behind.Brown.Eyes ==
- Big.Bazoobies ==
- birthday-present ==
- birthdaypresent == Enjoy!!!!!
- black-sunday ==
- blackmail ==
- Blonde.From.A.Bottle ==
- bluebox-3 ==
- bluebox.1-42 ==
- bluebox1 ==
- bodysurfing ==
- brady.bunch.sequel ==
- Brandi ==
- Brown.Cherry ==
- bus-ride ==
- business-first ==
- business-first ==
- Camping == Archive
- Camping.Trip == anonymous vignette
- campus.dream ==
- Caroline ==
- Cars,Motorbikes,Sex ==
- catalog ==
- Cathedrals.of.Lase.revised == corsets, transgender, sory
- champagne == Once again, it's ==> Story Time!
- ==
- cheerleader ==
- Cheerleading ==
- Cherrine ==
- churche.1 ==
- Cindys.Torment ==
- clares-knee-2 ==
- complady ==
- control-1 ==
- cougar ==
- couple ==
- cousin.jennifer == One more story to soothe the savage readers...
- cruising ==
- Crystal.Night ==
- curiosity ==
- Cyndis.Lust ==
- dainne-tracy ==
- ==
- DarkNites-Study.Break ==
- DarkRoom ==
- Dawn ==
- days-end ==
- Debbie.Gibson ==
- diane ==
- diane2 ==
- dianne ==
- Dinner.Party ==
- diptych ==
- Dixie_Vibe ==
- dolphin == Enjoy!!!!!!!!
- donkey == Enjoy!!!!!!!!!
- Donnys.Lessons.from.Mom ==
- dormshower ==
- dream.fantasy ==
- Dreamtime ==
- dykes-thoughts ==
- dykes-thoughts ==
- Educating.Maria ==
- ember1 == Erotica Story
- ember2 == TALE TAIL PENDOR
- eros9v2 ==
- erotica.index ==
- Fallen.Angel.1-11 ==
- Fallen.Angel.12-16 ==
- ==
- Fantasy.Foursome ==
- Fantasy ==
- far-away ==
- farmersstep == Enjoy!!!!!!!
- female.story ==
- ficta ==
- first-orgasm ==
- first ==
- first.time ==
- five_martians ==
- florida-trip-1 ==
- For.Love.of.Nightmares == consensual rape fantasy, retrospective
- forest.01 ==
- forest ==
- forgers-retreat ==
- G-spot.Manual ==
- ==
- Gary,.Mike,.and.ME ==
- Gayle's.Punishment ==
- Gayle-s.Punishment ==
- gentle.intro.ken+raven ==
- gentle.introductions ==
- Ghost ==
- girl-scouts ==
- Girls.Get.Together.At.Last ==
- ==
- Girls.School.Disciplinarian ==
- Gladiator ==
- Gloria ==
- gloria ==
- ==
- Good.Morning ==
- Gorilla ==
- Grace == anonymous story grace
- Green.Eyes ==
- grocery-store ==
- Grounding ==
- Guido ==
- Gym.(also.Shower.Fuck) ==
- hand.job ==
- Handy.Andy == story, motss
- Hanky.COde ==
- Headmistress ==
- Heat ==
- heat ==
- Heidi's.Adventures.(part.2) ==
- Heidi's.Adventures.(Part.3) ==
- Heidi-s.Adventures.(part.2) ==
- Heidi-s.Adventures.(Part.3) ==
- Helen.Discovers.Boredom ==
- Herman-revenge ==
- hermans-revenge ==
- Hideaway ==
- High.Meadows ==
- Hilasko ==
- ==
- History.of.a.Vampire ==
- Hitchhiker ==
- home.again ==
- Home.Alone ==
- Homework ==
- Honeymoon ==
- Horny.Peeping.Sister ==
- Horse.and.the.Hitchhiker ==
- Horse.Wash ==
- Horsey.Set ==
- hosepipe.2 ==
- Hot.and.the.Restless ==
- Hot.Auntie ==
- Hot.Bedtime.Fantasy ==
- Hot.Pursuit ==
- hot.shower ==
- ==
- Iguanas.Rule ==
- in-the-barn ==
- In.The.House ==
- Indiana ==
- Initiate ==
- Innocent.Love ==
- Inspired.Story ==
- Intercourse.With.a.Vampire ==
- intern ==
- Interrupted.Sleep ==
- Into.the.Woods ==
- iranian ==
- Jack.Betty.+.Al ==
- Jane ==
- jane ==
- Jennifer ==
- ==
- Jenny.and.Shelly ==
- Jenny ==
- jenny ==
- Jessica ==
- Jessicas.Revenge ==
- johnsons == Enjoy!!!!!!!
- Journal.Entries ==
- June == Archive, June
- june == Just another story...
- justin+janet == incest, minors
- Kareb ==
- Karen.Elliot == @
- Karen ==
- karen ==
- kathy+ellen ==
- Kathy.and.Ellen ==
- Kathy.Dorm ==
- Kathy ==
- kathy ==
- Kathys.Saga ==
- Katie ==
- kerja.rabbit ==
- kidcest.all ==
- Kidnap ==
- Kidnapped.I ==
- Kidnapping.of.Princess.Brianna ==
- Kimberley ==
- Kinky.Korner ==
- Kinky.Story ==
- kissing_practice ==
- Kitten ==
- Knock.Knock ==
- Koncubine.Kevin.1 ==
- larry.f ==
- late.encounter ==
- learn-to-fly ==
- lets-hump-2 ==
- lets-hump-3 ==
- letter-to-laura ==
- letter.two ==
- Licking.Cousin.Jennifer ==
- like-old-times ==
- limo ==
- limo ==
- limo ==
- limosine ==
- linda ==
- Lipstick.Spanking ==
- lisa.1-3 ==
- lisa ==
- little-pussy ==
- Lonely.Girl ==
- Lonely ==
- Loris.London.Vacation ==
- ==
- Lunge ==
- ==
- Lust ==
- Lynn.1 ==
- == Magic, dancing, Paradise
- ==
- Maiden.Aunt ==
- Maids.week ==
- maidsweek == Enjoy!!!!!!!
- Makeup.counter ==
- ==
- mangos.and.grapes ==
- marble-mount ==
- marie.1 ==
- marie.10 ==
- marie.11 ==
- marie.12 ==
- marie.2 ==
- marie.3 ==
- marie.4 ==
- marie.5 ==
- marie.6 ==
- marie.7 ==
- marie.8 ==
- marie.9 ==
- Mary.learns.her.lesson ==
- Master.Chris.3-Chateau ==
- Mate ==
- ==
- Meadow.fantasy ==
- Meeting ==
- Megan ==
- Melanie.v1 ==
- Melanie.v2 ==
- ==
- Memories ==
- Memory ==
- mental-mists ==
- Merry.Christmas ==
- metro ==
- Michaels.Awakening == anonymous
- Micro.and.Millie ==
- mid-winter-dream ==
- Midsummer.nights.dream ==
- midsummer.nights.dream ==
- milady-and-milord ==
- Milady.and.Milord ==
- Military.Madness ==
- mindscapes-2 ==
- Misty ==
- Moms.Birthday ==
- monica.2 ==
- monica ==
- mortimer.1-5 ==
- mortimer.6 ==
- motel-manager-(qz)-1+2 == f,exh,mast
- motel-manager-(qz)-3 == ff,exh,then different
- motel-manager-(qz)-4 == f/teen,bondage
- motorcyclist ==
- mrwade57 == master wade
- mrwade58 == master wade
- mrwade59 == master wade
- mrwade60 ==
- mrwade61 ==
- mrwade62 ==
- mrwade75 ==
- mrwade76 ==
- music-camp ==
- My.Adventure.In.Babysitting ==
- mytreat ==
- Naming.of.Cats == Raymond Chandler, T. S. Eliot
- Naughty.Mother ==
- neighbors-wife ==
- nextdoor-omni ==
- night-music == anonymous story victoria
- night-thoughts ==
- night-thoughts ==
- night.i.never.forget ==
- night.on.thundara == Thundercats, Ho!
- night.with.kathy ==
- night.with.kathy ==
- nightandevening ==
- no-tan-lines ==
- no-tan-lines ==
- no.tan.lines == story repost
- noname.story.2 == telepathy
- Not.Again ==
- notebook ==
- Nukes.and.Masterbation ==
- nurse-for-monica ==
- nurse-for-monica ==
- o-week.sluts ==
- office-fantasy ==
- office-visit ==
- old.but.good.story ==
- on-the-job ==
- pamelas-hose ==
- park-bench ==
- peep6-9 ==
- peeping_sister ==
- peterpan.and.tinkerbell ==
- Phased.1 ==
- photographer == sex, love, and happiness
- pizza-boy ==
- PlainDangerous ==
- poker ==
- pony.lover ==
- pool-of-love ==
- qlaran ==
- read ==
- remembrance ==
- renee ==
- reorientation ==
- reunion ==
- Rick.1-2 == anonymous story rick gay
- riding-little-red-head ==
- rings ==
- rings2 == Sequel Heterosexual Outdoor Romance Piercing
- Road.Skill ==
- Road.Trip == road trip
- Road.Trip.III == road trip anonymous
- robocop ==
- robyn ==
- Room.Service ==
- ruthie.4 == incest,
- Santas.Lap ==
- sarah-summer ==
- Sartre:Too.Late ==
- Satin.doll == repost anonymous story satin doll
- Scanners.Can.Be.Dangerous ==
- Seduction.of.a.Dream ==
- Sekas_Story ==
- Senses ==
- sensual-grope ==
- Sensual.Groping ==
- Sexual.Adventures.of.Jill ==
- Sexy.Scenarios.1-6 ==
- sexy.scenerios.1-5 ==
- shauna-1 ==
- Sheryl.4 ==
- Shopping.Trip == shopping trip anonymous
- shower-surprise ==
- sidewalk ==
- sidewalkcafe ==
- Singapore.Girl ==
- sis-sue ==
- ==
- small-woman == Heterosexual Romance
- Smurfs == smurfs, sex
- Sorority.Pledge ==
- Southern.Peach ==
- stardiver ==
- stimulant_potion ==
- sting ==
- suede-gloves ==
- summer-intern ==
- summer-intern ==
- Sunnyvale.Slave ==
- susan ==
- ==
- suzie+five ==
- suzieqspartygame ==
- sweet-mouthings ==
- Swimmers ==
- swing ==
- tad ==
- tall ==
- tammy-troy-1 ==
- teach ==
- teacher ==
- Teachers.Lesson ==
- Teasing.101 ==
- teddy.takes.a.shower ==
- teddy.the.watchdog ==
- Teenage ==
- teenlust ==
- telepathy ==
- temptress-1 ==
- teri ==
- term-paper ==
- terri ==
- the-dance ==
- the-funeral == Heterosexual Romance
- the-pool ==
- the-reaper-1 ==
- the-twins ==
- the-twins ==
- the-unicorn == bestiality
- the-unicorn == bestiality
- the.bath ==
- The.Beachhouse ==
- the.couple ==
- the.couple ==
- The.Darkness == archive
- The.Gift ==
- The.Killer ==
- The.Longest.Time ==
- The.Manor ==
- The.Mark ==
- the.metro ==
- the.metro ==
- The.Reward == More leather than you can shake a stick at....
- The.Sorrority ==
- The.Stimulant.Potion ==
- the.subway == story repost etc
- The.Things.One.Does ==
- The.Tiger ==
- the.touch ==
- the.touch ==
- thepool ==
- therapy ==
- thinking-of-you ==
- Thomas.1-37 ==
- thoughts ==
- three.bears ==
- threefriends ==
- threeway ==
- thursday-laura ==
- timnlisa ==
- timnlisa ==
- toby ==
- toilet-zone == urination
- tom+tiffany-3 ==
- touch ==
- toys-2+3 ==
- toys4 ==
- toys5 ==
- Trick.of.the.Moonlight ==
- trish ==
- tropical.delights ==
- tryst_poem == older women tantric
- turnabout ==
- twins ==
- ==
- unicorn ==
- unicornsanddragons ==
- untitled.interview ==
- Ursula ==
- victoria == story repost
- vignettes ==
- violist-2 ==
- violist-dream ==
- Vitamin.Supplement ==
- vsr-tape ==
- vulcan_honeymoon ==
- wade ==
- walz.archive.list ==
- Warning.Against.Smoking ==
- wet-dreams ==
- Wet ==
- white-grape-juice ==
- why-a-spa ==
- wintergarden ==
- Wolf ==
- woodwork.class.II ==
- work ==
- wrestlepartner ==
- yahweh.2 ==
- Zero.Gravity ==
Back to the main index.
Last modified (10/21/96 17:16:07) by Benjamin Elijah Griffin.
Comments on this archive?