Alt.Sex.Stories Text Repository
...because the best things in life truly are free.
ASSTR Donation Center

ASSTR is home to over 700 authors of erotic literature, host of the newsgroup, and host of several popular erotic literature archives.

If you're here looking for information about how to make a donation to ASSTR, if you're wondering how donations are being spent and why you should donate, or if you'd like to confirm that your donation has been received, you've come to the right place. Here you can get the address to send donations, view a list of donations recently received (useful for those wishing to confirm receipt of their donations), and view an expense log to see where and how donations are being spent.

First and foremost, the administration would like to say thank you to all the donors who've helped make our dreams for this site a reality.

ASSTR is a project of Internet Free Literature Corporation, a 501(c)(3) United State non-profit organization. As such, all donations to ASSTR are tax deductable to the maximum extent allowed by law.

The bottom line is that ASSTR must receive a steady source of donations in order to continue providing its services. The ISP bill alone is $800/month. In addition to the Internet service expense, there are legal expenses, monthly credit card processing fees, and periodic hardware maintanance and upgrades to handle the ever increasing services provided and number of people using the site.

Donation Methods

US Mail (cash, check, money order)
To make a donation, send cash, check, or money order (made payable to ASSTR) to:

PO Box 1151
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054-7151

If you wish to mail in a donation, please make sure you copy this address exactly, as any mistake made could result in the donation not being delivered to us.

Visa or Mastercard
ASSTR's contract with its credit card processor recently expired, and for a variety of reasons the administration decided to not renew the contract. ASSTR is currently negotiating a contract with a new credit card processing organization. In the mean time, you may still donate via PayPal, cash, check, or money order.

ASSTR now accepts donations via the popular PayPal system. If you already are familiar with PayPal, just enter the amount you'd like to donate and click the PayPal Donate button.

Enter amount to donate via PayPal in US dollars (and optionally cents). For example, specify "25" or "25.00" to make a $25USD donation.
To learn more about PayPal, click here.

Please note that whatever your method of donating, we will keep all your personal information strictly confidential unless you specifically request recognition on the Donations List web page.

If you wish to make a donation in honor of a person or organization, e-mail us with the details.

Please be aware that for your convenience, your donation will be noted on the donations list page. This page will list the postmark on the envelope for mailed in donations and the donor's zip code for donations made via credit card.

To find out more about our donations program, please visit the following:

Thank you very much in advance for your support.

Concerned about anonymity? Try this procedure suggested by one of our donors:

  1. Obtain a money order, make it out to the name and address above, and initial it (not sign it, thus revealing your name)
  2. Use gloves to put the money order in an envelope and address the envelope to the name and address above
  3. Use a sponge to moisten the envelope and seal it
  4. Use the sponge to moisten the stamp, applying it to the envelope while wearing the gloves
  5. Drop it in any mail box.

    The only information we'll know is the city from which you mailed the envelope.

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