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X-ASSTR-Original-Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 16:58:15 EDT
Subject: {ASSM} Heaven Misses An Angle (MF, FF, oral, fantasy) 1 of 2
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 22:10:05 -0400
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<1st attachment, "Heaven Misses An Angle[1].txt" begin>
Author: Darq
Title: Heaven Misses An Angle. (part 1 of 2)
Summary: Susan goes on a business trip with her enigmatic boss
Keywords: MF, FF, oral, fantasy
Revision: 1.00
The story contains words and events of an adult sexual nature.
This means you have to be an adult to read it. Stop now if you
are not an adult.
If you are offended by sexually explicit content or language,
please DO NOT read any further.
All characters in this story are not real; any similarity to
anyone you know of is purely coincidental, though rather neat.
Most of the words here are in the dictionary, some are not.
Copyright waived: This story may be freely distributed.
If anyone wishes to steal, develop or expand the concept of this
story, feel free - have a ball.
Heaven Misses An Angle. (part 1 of 2)
The annoying 'meep-meep-meep' of the alarm clock shattered Susan's
dream and a myriad of ethereal images evaporated in an instant. She
sighed at their passing and absently swung her arm out of bed to
silence the alarm's insistent noise. Forcing herself to wake, she sat up
in bed and looked at 'the slob' lying beside her, still sleeping. Once
again he had come home drunk and tried to force himself on her, and
once again she brought him off quickly with her hand and he had fallen
asleep covered in his own cum. Susan shuddered at the thought of him
entering her, and was at the same time relieved that he had cum so
quickly, without the need for her to go down on him.
She got up and padded barefoot to the bathroom, peed, showered and
stood in front of the mirror, brushing her teeth. She looked at her face
as she brushed. She was still young, still moderately attractive but now
trapped in a misery of her own design. Stuck in a marriage that had
soured within so few months; once he had discovered She could
support them both, he just stopped working and turned to drink and
daytime TV. Still, her mother liked him, which in retrospect she should
have realised was not a good sign and should have rang alarm bells
long before she heard church bells: she ended up with a husband who
was no better than her errant father. Susan spat out the toothpaste and
rinsed, swishing the minty water around in her mouth. She looked up at
her reflection again and felt like crying, hanging her head in sorrow she
let the toothpaste suds dribble from her mouth as she fought to contain
her tears.
She splashed cold water in her face to compose herself, and then
gently patted herself dry with a fresh towel. Forgoing the daily ritual of
applying make-up, she quickly dressed and rushed out of the house,
leaving 'the slob' still asleep in bed.
She arrived at Host Associates early and made her routine stop at the
small kitchen to pour herself a rich black coffee from the pot that
seemed to be continuously brewing its life giving essence. As she headed
to her desk she passed Gabe's office, the door was closed but she could
distinctly hear the raised voices of Gabe and Uri through the thin wall.
She could not hear what they were saying, but from their tone it was
easy to tell that they were in the middle of an uncharacteristically
heated exchange. For fear of being caught eavesdropping, she hurried
past and quickly sat down at her desk. Susan placed her coffee mug
on an old floppy disc that had been reincarnated as a drinks mat,
draped her jacket over the back of the chair and sat down, pressing
the on button of the PC as she did. It whirred and moaned and the
screen flashed and went it's customary blue. "Windows was not closed
down properly", it announced in sickly yellow text, "If you do not want
to see this message again, buy an Mac." She chuckled at the IT
Department's humour, then frowned: if they are clever enough to
hack Microsoft's error messages, then they should be smart enough to
stop the damn thing crashing in the first place.
'Susan, we're going out' Uri's voice interrupted her thoughts. She
looked up, he was stood in front of her desk and he did not look happy.
Uri was tall and thin, with a hawk-like face, dominated by an
overpowering chiselled nose and two fathomless eyes that pierced
from his slightly hooded brow. You could not call him attractive in the
conventional sense, there was a hint of feminity about his features that
Susan found a little too unsettling, but for some reason she had been
unable to put her finger on, he was uniquely mesmerising and she had
(occasionally) thought, quite beautiful.
'We?' She said, a little confused. Uri never went out, he always
preferred to shut himself away in his office and seldom met clients face
to face.
'Gabe's insisted I sort this mess out myself,' He said waiving a file in
front of her, 'and I would like you to come with me,' he added curtly,
raising an eyebrow. "Ah", Susan thought, knowing that Uri could not
drive and usually travelled by taxi, "You need a driver".
'Okay,' She replied with a nonchalant shrug, 'when?' He looked
puzzled, as if he was not expecting the question.
'Now.' He said sharply, turning away from her and heading towards his
office. Susan knew his attitude was out of character and she realised his
curtness was not directed specifically at her, but it managed pissed her
off just the same. Struggling to contain her anger, she snatched her
jacket and followed him, leaving the PC running Scandisk and her
coffee reluctantly untouched.
Rather than take her own car, he insisted she drove him to the meeting
in the non-descript and frequently miss-treated pool car. In spite of her
unfamiliarity with the car, the ancient cathedral city of Canterbury was
soon left behind them as they travelled the featureless motorway
towards London. As they approached the congestion and noise of the
City a gloom seemed to descend upon them. The entire journey had
been spent in silence; but now she could feel the tension bristling in
the confined space of the car as Uri sat staring through the
windscreen, his long elegant fingers drumming silently on his knees.
Once, Susan glanced at his face and saw his jaw muscles twitching as
he glared at the outside world, and decided to keep quiet and
concentrate on manoeuvring around the dense traffic of taxi's, busses,
motorcycles, vans, limos and cars that packed the busy roads into the
financial heart of the City.
On arrival at the clients offices, they where briskly ushered into a
large conference room while they assembled an entourage of men in dark
suits to meet them. Slowly 'the suits' filed into the room and sat
themselves down around a bleached white ash table. Uri sat stiffly,
almost perched on his chair with his elbows resting on the table and his
fingers steepled before him, his predatory eyes studying 'the suits' as
they entered. Finally, the company's Managing Director arrived,
accompanied by his PA, an attractive woman dressed in a similar light
grey skirt and jacket to Susan's. They formally introduced themselves
and handshakes were offered. Uri appeared hesitant at first, then firmly
shook the offered hand. All of the other men followed their boss's lead
and Uri grasped each of them by the hand with a smile. However,
when the PA stood to hold out her hand, he just courteously bowed,
smiled and sat down before she had chance to move her arm towards
him. The girl smiled politely and returned to her seat.
From then on, the mood lightened considerably and the room sat
intently listening to Uri and he outlined the project to them. He rose
from his chair and paced the room, talking continuously, gesticulating
dramatically and occasionally he touching one of the men on the
shoulder as he spoke. Curiously, Susan noticed that as he circled the
table he laid a hand on everyone. As he walked behind the PA, Susan
saw the young girl breath deeply in anticipation, practically thrusting
her well developed tits through the fabric of her blouse, then slouch
down slightly unable to cover her disappointment as he passed by
without touching her. No one spoke, no one asked questions - they just
listened attentively with disturbingly inane looks on their faces. Before
she realised what was happening, they were all shaking hands and
filing out of the room, until there was only the attractive PA remaining.
'Can I offer you a drink or something' she said nervously. Uri shook his
head and made an excuse about another meeting. Once again, she
started to hold out her hand, and once again, Uri, politely bowed and
then turned to leave the room. Susan quickly stepped up and grasped the
bewildered girl by the hand, thanked her profusely and left too.
Bemused and mystified both by Uri's behaviour and the meeting in
general, Susan followed Uri back to the car. As she buckled up the
seat belt, he turned to her, and for a second she was sure she saw a
mischievous smile flit across his face. He seemed to relax a little, but
she still sensed a degree of unease about his manner.
'I need a drink' he announced with his more customary warmth, adding,
'there's a pub I know.' Susan nodded and started the car and set
course out of the City. Uri instructed her to leave the motorway once
they were clear of the outskirts of the City. He then directed her along
the narrow country lanes that meandered their way through the Garden
of England, casually commenting on the countryside as they drove. He
seemed in awe of the beauty around him, and animatedly pointed out
features in the landscape that, she must admit, she had never noticed
Finally they arrived at a small Public House decked in "olde-
worlde" charm situated by a small river. As they entered the pub,
Susan quickly realised that its old-worldly-ness was genuine and not a
corporate façade, the smell of Real Ale and home cooking wafted
through the door and drew her in. They ordered food and drink at the
bar and carried their glasses out into the garden to sit on a rough
wooden picnic table by the gently flowing river. Susan hesitated as
they approached the table; it was one of those ubiquitous combined
bench-seat and table arrangements so popular in Pub gardens. She
watched as he sat down, his long legs seemed to elegantly fold and
twist to manoeuvre themselves between the table and bench. Susan
attempted to sit down as gracefully as she could, but the narrow pencil
skirt of her work suit hampered her efforts. She found herself straddling
the bench, her shirt ridding up her legs to reveal the tops of her
stockings. Irritated by the ungainly predicament she had gotten
herself into, Susan sat down heavily and swung her leg over the
bench, knowing full well that Uri would have an uninterrupted view up
her skirt as she did. Her face reddened. Uri rested his arms on the
table and visibly relaxed, seemingly unaware, or politely ignoring,
Susan's inelegant and immodest display. He looked at her and smiled.
'That went better than I hoped.' He said with a grin. She thought for a
moment, unsure of what to say, then realised he was referring to the
meeting and not to her flashing her knickers.
'You don't like meeting people much.' Susan blurted and he laughed,
causing her to blush like a schoolgirl.
'I don't like meeting people at all.' He said, his tone not exactly
condescending, but he managed to make her feel like a small child as
he spoke, 'I don't like people,' he added, 'public relations is Gabe's
thing, not mine.' He smiled warmly at her and turned his head towards
the barmaid who was carrying a large tray of food towards them. She
placed the plates on the table and carefully arranged the knives and
forks before setting a wire basket of condiments between them. Uri
thanked her kindly and then, much to Susan's amusement; she
bobbed a small curtsy to him and returned to the Pub.
'Tuck in.' He said picking up his fork to spear a chip and fixing her with
his dark eyes, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. Without
really looking what she was doing, she reached for the salt and
accidentally brushed her fingertips over his fingers that were already
around the small glass shaker. An electric jolt seemed to shoot up her
arm as they touched, her entire body felt like it was shuddering and a
warm glow infused her that started in the centre of her chest and radiated
outwards over her whole body. Startled, Susan gripped his hand tightly
as vibrations coursed through her body and converged on the centre of
her being. In shock, she dropped her knife onto the plate with a noisy
clatter as her breasts itched and her nipples grew hard, pushing
painfully against her bra. Her eyes widened in wonder as she felt a
warm tingle between her legs that played over her vagina causing her
clitoris to swell and throb. Susan could feel wetness soaking into her
panties. Her chest began to tighten and her breathing stopped as a tiny
orgasm pulsed through her. Uri wrenched his hand sharply away,
knocking over the other condiments as he did.
'What did you do that for?' He snapped with a touch of anger in his
voice. She forced herself to breathe and then tried to control her
panting, her heart was racing, beating loudly in her chest.
'I, I-' She muttered incoherently, 'I came.' She said with incredulity. His
demeanour changed, anger left his face and it softened. At once, she
found herself enthralled by the beauty in his face.
'I know.' He said in a soothing voice.
'How?' Susan voiced quietly. He did not offer an answer, but just
smiled enigmatically.
'Later, I'll explain later' he said eventually, 'but first, let's eat.' Uri
proceeded to devour his food as if the incident had not happened, but
Susan could not concentrate on eating, her body still tingled from the
orgasm. She gulped down a mouthful of drink and sighed deeply as
the cool liquid failed to dampen the heat within her. Her pussy was still
squirming and her damp panties clung to the folds of her labia. She
desperately wanted to push her hand between her legs and touch
herself. The hunger she felt was not for food, she needed something
long and hard inside her - she wanted to be fucked and she wanted it
'I need you' she whispered, shocked by her own admission. He looked
up and frowned uncomfortably.
'We'd better leave now.' He said coldly. Susan was confused by his
reaction, he did not feel how she felt, and he did not seem to care.
"Fuck men, fuck them all!" She thought bitterly as he swung his legs
over the bench and stood up. She reached out her hand so he could
help her up, but he just looked at her and shook his head. Angered by
his rebuff, this time Susan made no attempt to cover her modesty as
she rose from the bench and she was sure she saw him steal a glance
between her legs as she deliberately splayed them wider than
necessary to extricate herself from between the bench and table. Uri
turned and headed for the car park with Susan following a few steps
behind him, hoping that there was not a visible damp patch in the back
of her skirt.
As Susan started the car she looked over to him, he was looking
straight ahead, ignoring her and drumming his fingers on his knees
again. She pulled out of the car park in silence and turned onto the
main road. She found herself occasionally weaving over the white line
as she struggled to concentrate on driving. After a few miles, he
ordered her to pull over and they changed places. He sat behind the
steering wheel and looked bemused at the controls. He tried each one
in turn, as if it were the first time he had ever been in the driving seat.
Then he sat back and smiled contently. The car lurched forward and
stalled. He frowned and restarted the engine before driving off at an
incredibly low speed. Gradually their speed increased as he became
more confident. Once or twice he braked too sharply as a corner
approached and he seemed unsure of what to do at a small
roundabout. She carefully explained what to do and he thanked her
with a small nod of his head as he steered the car to the left. After half
an hours drive, he stopped the car by a small church.
'Home.' He said without any sign of emotion. Susan looked at him
accusingly, he never said anything about this and she felt
apprehensive. 'You cannot go back to work, and you cannot go home,'
he said by way of explanation. Uri got out of the car, walked around to
her side and politely opened the door for her. He held out his hand.
She looked at the offered hand, and then up to his face. He smiled and
nodded his head. 'It's okay, I can control it, you caught me by surprise
before that's all.' Gingerly Susan reached up and touched his fingertips
with hers. She could feel a mild charge tingle between them, but there
was none of the intensity of before, she gripped his hand firmly and
pulled herself out of her seat. They walked up to the ancient front door
hand in hand and she felt an unexpected feeling of contentment wash
over her as they trod the wide stone path. He reached out and pushed
on the weathered dark grey wood, the door swung effortlessly open
and they stepped into the cool stone building.
Inside, the conversion from disused church to home was breathtaking.
Large oak beams straddled the width of a room that had been painted
crisp white in contrast to their deep dark brown colour. Above them,
the roof arched dramatically skyward and small clusters of lights hung
down from it like stars. Antique tapestries hung from the walls and
multicoloured sunlight streamed in through stained glass windows,
dappling the grey stone floor in a rainbow of light. Susan gazed in awe
as he led her to a large friendly couch and sat her down.
'Wow.' She said, unable to contain her wonder.
'Company policy' Uri stated perfunctorily, 'All the Associates live in
places like this.' He gestured around the room with a broad sweeping
arch of his arm, 'Waste not want not, hey?' He let out a small laugh,
'also, I think it amuses the Boss'. Reluctantly, Susan let go of his hand
as he stood before her, unbuttoning his jacket.
'Uri?' She said, starting to protest. He put his finger to his lips and
made a faint "ssh-ing" sound, then bent down to remove his shoes. He
loosened his tie and sat next to her, relaxing into the deep cushions.
'Give me your hand,' he said quietly. Susan hesitantly reached out and
he grasped her hand, gripping it firmly. Instantly, her pussy tingled and
another small orgasm blossomed and then intensified. She
involuntarily kick out her legs, sending her shoes scattering across the
floor and arched her back as the sensation ripped through her and
once again she held her breath. Then he relaxed his grip and the
sensations instantly stopped. Susan sank back into the couch and
drew a large lung full of air.
'Fuck me,' She exclaimed quietly, still gasping for air. He squeezed her
hand again and another orgasm hit her, her pussy contracted and the
muscles pulsed sending jarring motions through her loins. It felt like a
million tiny fingers where fondling and caressing her pussy; rubbing
and stroking her clitoris and labia; frotting and frigging her through her
panties; and probing and poking at the entrance to her womb. Susan
thought she was going to explode as the pain and ache of pure
pleasure coursed through her. Through closed eyes she saw red
flashes of light against her eyelids as her head span. Susan knew she
was moaning, grunting and screaming, but she could not stop herself -
all control was lost to the pleasure attacking her body. She arched her
back again, lifting her bottom off the couch as she did. The sensations
in her cunt increased, electric shocks ran up her spine and she could
feel her legs shaking uncontrollably. Susan reached up with her free
hand and grasped her breast, manically squeezing and pulling, trying
to rip her blouse off to get to her aching tits. She wrenched her hand
from his and thrust it between her legs, frantically pulling her at her
skirt and gripping her pussy tightly through her soaking panties. Her
orgasm would not stop: She came violently, love juice forcing its way
through the shear fabric of her knickers in pulsing jets and flowing over
her fingers. A dark shadow passed over her eyelids; she opened them
to see Uri's face inches from hers, his dark eyes boring into her,
touching the essence of her and caressing her soul. There was a sharp
jolt of energy as their mouths touched and his tongue parted her
burning lips. She felt his fingers sliding up her inner thigh and gasped
as they touched her wet panties. He lightly rubbed along the groove of
her cunt and then pressed down on her clitoris. Suddenly, her entire
body vibrated as if an emotional charge had hit her; the entire room
was washed with light so bright that it hurt her eyes and the most
powerful orgasm she could imagine ripped into her. Involuntarily, she
clamped her legs together and drew her knees up to her chest as the
spasms tore through her.
Everything went black.
...To Be Continued.
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