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Subject: {ASSM} {NEW} Charmed: Night and Day (FF, inc) [2/2]
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 17:10:04 -0400
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Charmed - Night & Day - JT Langdon - part two
"I thought vampires could only come in if you invited them!" Piper
Prue grunted. "Oh, like demons ever follow rules. Look out!"
The vampire came charging at them. Prue summoned her power
with a wave of her hand and the vampire went sailing through the
air, landing against the wall with a thud. But the undead recovered
much faster than the living and in a flash he was upright again,
pissed off and coming toward them.
"Piper!" Prue cried.
Piper tossed her hands in the air and the vampire exploded in cloud
of dust. The three sisters stood there in the middle of the living
room, breathing hard.
"You go girl," Prue said.
"Piper the vampire slayer," Phoebe said.
"Um, let's not celebrate too soon," Piper said. "Vampires have been
known to travel in packs."
No sooner had Piper reminded them of that little fact when four
more vampires came barging through the window. Oh shit! Prue
took the lead vampire head-on, punching her in the jaw then
following up with a roundhouse kick. That sent the vampire
stumbling back a few steps but she got her bearings and tried again.
Prue readied herself for the oncoming attack, assuming a fighting
stance. The vampire lunged at her but she stepped aside at the last
second, letting the vampire's momentum defeat her. Taking
advantage of the moment, Prue kicked the vampire in the back . . .
sending the vampire to her knees. Once again the vampire tried
coming at her again. This time Prue used her power to move
objects and sent the vampire crashing through the window.
Prue turned. Both her sisters were fending off vampires. She
jumped into the melee, taking one of the vampires down to the
floor with a grunt. The vampire snarled and tried to sink its fangs
into her neck. She stiff-armed him, holding him back, but he was
stronger and Prue could feel her arms buckling under the strain.
Then the vampire howled in what sounded like pain, tossing his
head back with a cry before disappearing in a cloud of dust. And
standing there, a makeshift wooden stake in hand, was Phoebe.
"Thanks," Prue said.
Phoebe smiled. "No problem."
Prue took the hand offered her and let Phoebe pull her to her feet,
turning and looking for the next fight. Instead she saw the
remaining two vampires dragging Piper out of the house.
"No!" Prue cried. She charged after them but stopped when she
reached the door. Surrounding the front of the house were at least a
dozen more vampires, all of them with their fangs bared. But none
of them made a move for her. She knew they would, though, if she
took one more step.
The vampires dragged Piper into the night but all Prue could do
was stand there and watch her sister being taken from her. There
was nothing else she could do for now. Prue fought back tears.
How could she have been so stupid? It had been a diversion! The
other vampires kept her and Phoebe occupied while their
companions snatched Piper right out from under them. And she just
let it happen!
The sound of Phoebe's loving voice shook Prue from her reverie.
"Piper's gone," Prue said.
"I saw," Phoebe said. "Now let's figure out how to get her back."
Prue nodded. She followed Phoebe back into the living room and
sat down on the sofa, anger creeping into her voice. "Clisthert has
to be behind all this."
"Does the book say how to vanquish him?" Phoebe asked. She
reached for The Book of Shadows but when her hands touched the
paper she gasped and her expression changed to one of horror. It
was the telltale sign of a premonition and passed quickly, leaving
Phoebe panting for breath and shaking with fear.
Prue wanted to hold her sister and never let go whenever she saw
Phoebe experience one of her visions. It looked painful. She put her
hand on Phoebe's knee and asked, "What did you see?"
"Oh Prue," Phoebe whispered.
"It's okay, honey," Prue said. "Take your time."
Phoebe swallowed hard. "I saw . . . Piper. She was strapped to
some kind of altar, and this . . . thing was standing over her. It was
Phoebe nodded. "He . . . he had an athame in his hand, and he was
plunging it into her chest . . . oh god. Prue! He's going to kill her!"
"Shhh, it's okay," Prue said. She pulled Phoebe into her arms and
kissed her. "We're not going to let that happen."
* * * * *
The air at the waterfront was thick with the salty-sweet marine
smell Prue associated with San Francisco. She was standing with
Phoebe behind a dumpster in the parking lot of an abandoned
warehouse overlooking the Bay and freezing her ass off. It was a
little after noon according to her watch but the skies above were
dark and stars twinkled in the heavens like shards of ice. Time was
running out.
On the ride over, she and Phoebe listened to reports on the radio.
The level of panic in San Francisco had reached a fevered pitch.
Things were out of control. Prue tried calling Darryl again but
couldn't reach him. She was sure he had his hands full, too.
"Are you sure this is the place you saw in your vision?" Prue asked.
"Positive," Phoebe said.
Prue nodded. "This is a trap, you know. With Piper as bait."
"I know," Phoebe said. "So . . . do you have plan to get in there and
find Piper?"
"Yep," Prue said, nodding. "I thought we would let ourselves get
Phoebe stared at her. "Tell me you're kidding."
"Got a better idea?"
"Better than that just walking in there and getting killed? Hmm. Let
me think. Yes!"
Prue smiled. "Let's be logical here, okay? If Clisthert just wanted us
dead, he would have told his gang of vampires to kill Piper if they
had the chance. It would have weakened the power of three and
made it that much easier to get rid of us, right? But he wanted her
"To lure us here," Phoebe said.
"For whatever ritual he has planned, yes," Prue said. "He needs all
of us alive to perform that ritual. So, the most important thing is for
us to find Piper. Without her . . . without the power of three . . . we
don't stand a chance against Clisthert. Once the three of us are
together we can deal with him."
"And his merry band of vampires?"
"One crisis at a time," Prue said. "Are you with me on this?"
"Yeah. Sure. But if we die in there I am going to nag you until the
end of time."
"Fair enough," Prue laughed. "Let's go."
Holding Phoebe's hand, Prue walked them to the door of the
warehouse. She was sure this would work, though when four
vampires swooped down on them from nowhere she did have a
moment of doubt. Phoebe squeezed her hand. Prue squeezed back,
giving Phoebe the reassurance both of them needed.
"Nice night, huh?" Phoebe asked cheerily.
One of the vampires bared her fangs with a hiss.
"Or not," Prue said.
Breaking into pairs, the four vampires ushered them into the
warehouse. Prue crinkled her nose in disdain. The place smelled
awful, rancid, like garbage left out in the sun to ripen. Ick! She
risked a glance at Phoebe and noticed her sister looked just as
sickened by the stench as she was . . . but like her, Phoebe was
hanging in there for now. But she wondered how much more either
of them could take of that putrid smell. Yuck! And their poor sister
had been stuck there all this time!
But Prue and Phoebe had more important concerns than the stench.
The vast warehouse was filled with vampires standing shoulder to
shoulder like sardines in a can. Prue shuddered. Maybe this wasn't
such a good plan after all! But it was a little too late now. She and
Phoebe were committed to this course of action!
Their vampire chaperones led them through the crowd of undead to
a dais in the center of the room where the foul-looking demon she
had seen in The Book of Shadows stood waiting for them.
Clisthert. He must have been seven feet tall, with scaly
reddish-brown skin and a pockmarked face. Prue and Phoebe
exchanged glanced.
"Can we say ewww?" Phoebe whispered.
Prue nodded.
The four vampires forced them to their knees in front of Clisthert.
He looked down and gave them a toothy grin.
"So these are the Charmed Ones," Clisthert said. His voice was a
deep, rich baritone that seemed to fill the entire warehouse. "I
expected more of a challenge."
"Where is our sister?" Phoebe demanded.
Clisthert laughed. "So impudent. It will be a pleasure watching you
die." He turned to his vampire minions. "Put them with the other
then prepare the altar for the sacrifice. Soon the Charmed Ones will
be no more!"
The vampires assembled in the warehouse cheered as Prue and
Phoebe were led out of the room. Prue remained calm while the
four vampire guards led them to what must have been an office at
one time, though it was a shadow of its former self. There were a
couple of black filing cabinets turned on their sided in one corner,
and what was left of a desk was pushed up against one wall. The
same wall where Piper was hanging.
Prue sucked in a sharp breath of foul air and released it. Their sister
had thick rope around her wrists and ankles. Her arms were up over
her head, the rope around her wrists hooked around a spike in the
wall. She seemed none the worse for wear, though her face looked
bruised and sweat poured from her in sheets.
Hearing them come in, Piper looked up and managed a weak smile.
"It's about time," Piper said.
Prue smiled. "The calvary is here."
"Silence," one of the vampires growled.
The vampire guards secured Prue and Phoebe like had been done
with Piper, binding their wrists and ankles with rope then hanging
them from spikes on the wall. Once the guards left them alone, Prue
released the breath she'd been holding.
"Are you okay, Piper?"
"Oh, sure," Piper said. "I feel like a side of beef, but otherwise I'm
just fine. You?"
"Super," Prue said. "Thanks for asking."
Phoebe made an impatient noise. "They didn't bite you, did they,
"No," Piper said. "Um, any idea how we're getting out of this one?
I tried calling for Leo but he didn't answer. Just like man. You give
him a blowjob then you never hear from him again."
"Don't worry," Phoebe said. "Prue has a plan. Doncha, big sister?"
Prue ignored both her sisters and concentrated on her power to
astral project. In the beginning she used her power for creating
diversions, but after what happened on Piper's wedding day the
scope of her latest power became much more clear. She took a
deep breath and released it slowly, focusing her mind . . . imagining
that she was standing on the other side of the room, free from the
ropes that bound them . . . she could see it so clearly in her head . .
. and then her body went limp and she really was standing on the
other side of the room, or at least a mental projection of her was,
looking at herself, Phoebe, and Piper hanging on the wall. Phoebe
saw her and smiled.
"That's a neat trick," Phoebe said.
"I like it," Prue said. She took the dagger hidden in her real self's
boot and used it to cut Phoebe and Piper down. Once her sisters
were free from their restraints Prue returned to her body while
Phoebe cut the rope from her wrist and ankles. As soon as she
could Prue gave both her sisters a big hug.
"Is everyone all right?" Phoebe asked.
"Yeah," Prue said.
Piper nodded. "Same here."
"Good," Prue said. "Now, let's open up a can of demon whup-ass
and get the fuck out of here."
That was easier said than done. The Charmed Ones would have to
get through the four vampire guards that suddenly burst into the
room. Prue batted her arm in their direction and the four vampires
went flying back into the hall. But one of them was quicker to his
feet than the others, coming at them again with fangs bared and
murder in his eyes.
"Freeze him, Piper!" Phoebe yelled.
And Piper did just that. With a wave of her hands, the vampire and
his three cronies were frozen in place like fanged statues.
"Let's go," Prue said.
Taking the lead, Prue took her sisters back into the main room
where Clisthert and his vampire followers were assembled. The
crowd turned to look at them, surprised to see the Charmed Ones
appearing ahead of schedule. In the center of the room, half a dozen
vampires were busy preparing a stone altar while Clisthert looked
on. But the moment the Charmed Ones showed up, they became
the center of attention.
"Uh, Prue?" Phoebe prompted.
"I know," Prue said. "We're a little outnumbered."
"A little?"
"Yeah, well," Prue said, shrugging.
"Let me even up the odds," Piper said, throwing her hands in the air
and freezing the vampires and Clisthert in place.
"Nice work, sis," Phoebe said.
Piper smiled. "Thanks."
"Come on," Prue said. She led her sisters through the sea of frozen
vampires, climbing up onto the dais where Clisthert stood
immobile. "Do you have the vanquishing potion, Phebes?"
"Mmhmm," Phoebe murmured. She pulled a small vial out of her
pocket. "But he needs to be unstuck for this to work."
Piper nodded. "Got it."
"Yeah," Phoebe said.
"Do it," Prue told them. "Now!"
Piper waved her hands in the air and Clisthert sprang to life. He saw
them standing there on the dais and howled in rage, but that was all
he could do . . . all he had time to do. Phoebe hurled the vial at him
and Clisthert screamed, writhing in pain as the vanquishing potion
consumed his flesh like acid would mortal flesh. He cursed at them
through clenched teeth while he still had them then disappeared in a
flash of bright orange light.
Prue sighed in relief. "Good riddance. Let's go home."
"Uh, Prue?" Piper intoned, tugging on her sleeve. "Sweetie? We
still have a problem."
Prue looked up. She and her sisters were still in the middle of a
room full of vampires, something that should have worried her. But
it didn't. The vampires were starting to close in around them. That
didn't concern her, either.
"Oh, forget about them," Prue said. "They're toast."
"And just how is that gonna happen?" asked Phoebe.
"Simple," Prue said, glancing at her watch. "Now that Clisthert is
gone things should have returned to normal outside. And you know
what that means? Sunlight."
Prue waved her hand and all the doors in the warehouse blew open,
letting in ribbons of golden sunshine. Vampires left and right
screeched in pain before turning to dust. Some tried running for
their unlives, but there was just nowhere to go without running into
sunlight, and when all was said and done nothing remained of the
vampires but scorch marks on the floor and the stench of undeath.
"Gross," Piper said.
Phoebe nodded. "And I thought it smelled bad in here before."
"Yeah," Prue said. "Let's go home."
"And do what?" Phoebe asked mischieviously.
"Me," Piper said.
The three sisters laughed and walked arm in arm out of the
warehouse, into the light of a new -though belated- day in San
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