Message-ID: <20362eli$>
From: "Too much caffeine man!"
Subject: The Depravity of David Sharpe (m/f, nc, oral, anal, weird, sci/fi, watersports)
Path: qz!not-for-mail
Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam
X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded
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--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
This is a text file containing graphic sexual imagery.
if you are under 18 or if it is illegal to view pornography
in your state or country, please delete this file now.
This is not a real story. Any similarity to any person or persons,
living or dead, is strictly unintended. The author does not condone
any of the actions taken in this story by the main character.
This is simply a work of fiction.
If you have a tendency to make the average pervert seem like an
angel next to you, read on and enjoy.
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This is a story about a man named David Sharpe. David was a
biomedical doctor and nanotechnologist, a genius in his field. He had
designed enzymes and nanites that could heal, harm, or "edit" a human
body right down to the DNA level.
Some would describe him as depraved. Some would call him perverse.
Perhaps he was just a scientist who took his beloved work too far.
In any case, we should at least talk about his first victim, Molly Mays.
Molly Mays was a quiet woman, almost a hermit. She graduated from
college early, at the age of 20, with a degree in Computer Science.
She went on to work for a short time at a company that designed small
business programs. With the advent of telecommuting, Molly rarely left her
home after those few years, however, she stayed in her small apartment in
Molly was about 5 foot, 8 inches tall, with red hair and green eyes. Molly
never had the best body, her love for pizza and french fries saw to
that, but her face was flawless. Her curves were overexaggerated, and her
fitness left something to be desired, since she hadn't had a boyfriend
since high school. Molly had no family, and her only friends were people
she had met online.
David was looking for someone like Molly, a 24-year old woman who had no
family or friends to miss her when she disappeared. He seduced her online
in a chatroom over a period of 3 months, and had finally convinced her to
meet him in real life. Today was that day, when he drove the 5 hours from
his private laboratory to the coffee shop near her home where he had
agreed to meet her.
His drive was uneventful, for the most part. He never really had gotten
used to driving on the left side of the road, but that was not really a
big deal. His only company was the handkerchief and the bottle of
chloroform sitting on the passenger seat, and the worn out tape of
Beethoven's 9th in the cassette player. David nervously tapped his foot
on the floorboard as he followed the printed out email that contained the
directions. He saw the sign for the coffee shop "Tea Thyme" as he rounded
the corner of Billings Avenue and Rilmard Lane, and pulled into the open
parking spot behind the red compact that he knew was Molly's.
Molly sat at the corner table in the quiet cafe, sipping idly at a mocha
cappuccino and reading a copy of the daily newspaper she had bought from a
paperboy across the street. She glanced at her gold wristwatch, ticking
away softly on her pale wrist. He was due to be here any moment. She
calmly suppressed the shiver that was about to run down her spine. This
one wasn't going to be like any of the others, she thought to herself. She
had fooled him into thinking she had fallen for him, but it was only so
that she could meet him in real life, so that she could see how many
smooth words he could spit out in real life.
Once David had pushed open the heavy oak door of the cafe, he saw her.
She didn't even see him as he stepped in the door, which is exactly what
he wanted. The girl behind the counter was bent over, putting straws into
each of the strawholders, and she didn't bother to even peek over the
countertop to see if he wanted anything. Molly was sitting at the corner
table, with her back to him. He sat down in front of her and cleared his
throat. Molly lifted her head and took off her small round reading
glasses. "Hello", he said, conversationally.
"Hello. I assume that you're David.", she replied without much emotion in
her voice.
"Yes.", he replied.
"As I thought.. ", she muttered to herself. She picked up her paper and
her mug and headed for the door. He assumed as much would happen.
Luckily, after snipping the leads to her battery, her car would be going
nowhere. He slowly rose from the table and followed her out of the coffee
shop. He watched her unlock her door and get into her car. He pretended
to ignore her, and climbed into his own car, and started it. David could
hear her cursing at her "infernal car" from inside his own and chuckled to
It was only a few more moments before she got out of her car in a huff and
stormed his way. He pressed the "down" button on the inside of his car
door and waited for the window to slide all the way down before poking his
head out of the car. "Car trouble?", he asked.
"Yeah, I suppose you could call it that. Listen, do you have a car phone
or something?" she said.
"Nope.. but I'll give you a ride home if you want."
Molly scratched her head for a second before walking in front of his car
and climbing in the passenger side. "Drive", she commanded.
David pulled away from the curb, and drove up the street. At the first
light, he pulled out the chloroform-soaked handkerchief and held it tightly
over her mouth and nose. She struggled for a few moments, and then went
limp. David then opened his glove compartment and pulled out a syringe
full of sedative, since the chloroform would wear off long before the trip
was over. He then pulled the cap off of the syringe and plunged the needle
into her arm, releasing its contents into her bloodstream. She would be
out for at least 12 hours with this drug in her body. He tucked a travel
pillow under her head and then began his drive back to the laboratory.
David pulled up the long driveway towards his private scientific
laboratory and homestead. He parked the car in his garage, and stopped
the engine. He opened the passenger door and Molly slumped to the garage
floor. David picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder before
passing into the main laboratory.
David had been planning this for the better part of 10 years. This
laboratory contained a special table, a powerful computer, and a hard foam
floor which was porous to allow liquids to pass through it. As simple as
it looked, it wasn't the laboratory itself that had taken him so long to
develop. In fact, it was the design of the nanites so that they could
self-replicate and "edit" the human body. Before this, he had only toyed
with the bodies of small animals and such. He was impossibly excited
about this test, not only because of the ramifications of his tests, but
also because of what he planned to do if the initial test worked.
David lay Molly down on his table and strapped each of her ankles, across
her hips, and over her shoulders. The table was completely articulated,
which meant that he could move her body into any position he wanted
whether she was conscious or not. He began to remove her clothing, simply
because she would never need it again. He unbuttoned her white blouse and
pulled it off over her and dropped it the three feet to the floor. Her
emerald green silk bra enclosed her pillowy breasts, and he left it on her
for the moment. David then reached into her pocket and pulled out her
wallet and tossed it on the top of the quickly forming pile of items to be
burned in his furnace. He then unzipped her loose jeans and pulled them off
over her chubby thighs and tossed them on the floor. Her panties were azure
colored lacey little numbers. He wondered for a few moments if she actually
had worn them for his benefit, but then laughed at his own joke. David dug
in his pocket for his knife and once he had found it, he used it to cut the
straps of her silk bra. With one quick yank, he broke the clasps in the
back and he had full view of her breasts. Both of them were large and they
matched her creamy white complexion, with large pink areola topping each
one. David passed his tongue over her lips before using the knife to cut
off her panties as well.
Now came his minor, manual operations. David pulled a cart filled with
operating-room style equipment over next to the table, and touched a button
on the table. The table silently spread Molly's legs as far apart as her
hips could stand without cracking. David selected a laser scalpel and began
paring away just above her mons to get at her bladder. Luckily, he didn't
need an assistant since the laser scalpel cauterized the cuts as he made
them, he thought. Once he had peeled back the layers of flesh and revealed
her bladder, he pulled on a pair of latex gloves and reached down into the
gash that he had just made and grasped her urethra. He gently tugged at it
before reaching down with the laser scalpel and slicing the end of it
clearly from the inner folds of her vagina. David then cut a line along her
hip and burned a hole in the side of her right hip before feeding her
urethra down the new tract and sewing a small rubber nipple to the end of it
to hold it above her skin. "Aha!" he exclaimed as he finished his
redirection of her urethra. Now he didn't ever have to worry about her
catheter getting in the way of his plans for the use of her pussy. He just
had one other manual operation to be done before the introduction of the
nanites into her bloodstream. He picked up a permanent IV plug from his
cart and used his laser scalpel to install it in her right forearm. He
didn't bother to seal up her intentionally inflicted wounds, his nanites
should easily be able to take care of that.
The last thing on the cart that he needed at the moment was a syringe filled
with a gray soup, a gel filled with thousands of nanites. The needle was
rather large, but she was unconscious, so he just jabbed it into the large,
throbbing vein in her neck and pushed down the plunger. Now she was his to
do anything with, to change as he wanted, to bend to his will.
He opened the stainless steel refrigerator and pulled out a bag of clear
goo, Molly's new sustenance. David hung it on the pole attached to the
table and connected it to her IV. The protein and carbohydrate soup began
to drip into her blood, along with a few choice drugs and enzymes that would
help the nanites breed in her blood. Finally, he pulled up a flexible tube
from the floor and attached it to her hip to drain her urine.
David turned on his computer, which would control the nanites in Molly to
perform any task he desired. First of all, he had them knit her skin back
together where he had cut it, and make the IV and the catheter nipple
permanently part of her body. He stood up from the keyboard and went over to
watch the nanites, his babies, work. Her skin bubbled up at the edge of the
gash across her abdomen before fusing together. He ran his finger across
right behind where the nanites were doing their work, and noted that there
was no scar tissue or blood. They also knitted the skin around the rubber
implants on her hip and arm, making them almost unnoticeable.
Once they had finished the tasks assigned to them, David ordered them to
breed, shut off the overhead lights in the lab, and shut the door for the
Molly awoke with her head in a fog. She could only remember getting into
David's car, and then now she was here. She was cold, and she couldn't
move. She started to panic, and attempted to struggle, but her legs stayed
spread far apart. Molly was so frightened that she pissed herself, but she
didn't feel her hot urine spraying all over herself. Puzzled, she tried to
figure out what exactly was going on. She could feel her bladder emptying,
the taut organ collapsing on itself.. but she couldn't see why she didn't
feel like she was pissing. She raised her head and looked down through the
pitch blackness but she couldn't make out a damn thing. She soon gave up
her struggling and peering around as her neck got tired, and fell asleep
David's next day began brighter than the last. After 8 hours of sleep, and
after having given his nanites a full 8 hours to breed in Molly's blood, she
should have enough of them in her to change her physical appearance. He
rose from his bed, and strode quickly through his house in his heavy robe
and slippers to his hot spa. He soaked thoroughly as he thought about what
fun he was going to have with her when he was done toying with her genetics
and physiology.
After dressing and eating a hearty breakfast, David headed back to the
laboratory. As he walked into the laboratory, the overhead lights went on.
Molly was obviously still lying in the same position as she was the night
before. "My hips hurt!" she hollered at him from her prostrate position.
David adjusted the table to hold her legs a mere 3 feet apart before moving
to his computer. He queried the nanites on their population and they sent
their response almost instantly -- 3.8 million.
David grinned, and entered commands into the computer to do microscopic
modifications all over Molly's body. The first of his alterations would be
the removal of ALL of her sweat glands. If she couldn't sweat, she wouldn't
get dirty very quickly in a sterile environment like this. Molly screamed in
agony as the nanites ripped out each one of her sweat glands and consumed
them before moving on. The process took about 2 minutes, during which
Molly's screaming didn't stop except for her ragged gasps for breath. The
second alteration was the removal of all body hair except for the flaming
red hair on her head, and her perfect eyebrows. Molly writhed as her pubic
hair was pulled back into her body and the miniscule pores through which the
hairs grew were sealed. David had to pause and admire his work at this
point. Molly lay flushed and panting on the table, glaring at him harshly.
Her pussy lips lay bare to the world, and the "5 o'clock shadow" in her
armpits had disappeared as well. Even those wispy thin hairs on her upper
lip were gone, he thought to himself. David ran his palm across her tummy
and marveled at the unparalleled smoothness of skin without any pores at
all. He thought to himself, "Her skin will dry out like this.." and went
back to the terminal and had his nanites modify her epidermis to secrete a
thin film of oil to keep her skin moist and soft.
These were the minor modifications, he thought. Still.. if it worked this
well.. he bent and picked up another syringe of nanites and injected
himself with it. He thought he could feel the tiny robots spreading
throughout his body, and he smiled to himself. He had them trim off that
layer of fat that being a bachelor for so long had given him, and then he
had them work on his genitalia, which he had always thought was too small.
d He shuddered as he felt his puny 4" penis harden and lengthen into a 14"
monster, almost 3" in diameter. This was bigger than most horses, he
thought.. just perfect for what I want to do to this pathetic bitch. He
also felt his marble-sized testicles swell to the size of racquetballs, his
nutsack tightening across the firm flesh before being appropriately enlarged
as well. This was much better, he thought to himself.. and he told the
nanites to give him a higher blood-level of testosterone before going
dormant. His huge schlong hung down almost to his knee in its current
semi-flaccid state. He couldn't wait to try it out, but he had to finish
his experiments on Molly before he could have his fun. David stepped out of
the lab to remove his boxer shorts and pants in exchange for a baggy pair of
OR pants, he couldn't stand his new prick being so tightly confined in his
old clothing.
When he returned to his terminal, he noticed Molly staring at him. She
didn't know really what he had just done to himself, and she really had no
idea what he was doing to her. She asked him "Why are you doing this to
He replied simply, "Science, my dear. Well, that and maybe a touch of my
own curiosity.."
Then he keyed in the next set of instructions to the nanites. Molly felt a
heat in her thighs, arms, ass, and belly. The nanites were literally
burning off her fat as excess body heat, and her skin was heating up far
more than it should have.. probably around 105 degrees. David knew that his
part was going to take a while, so he adjourned for the night, shutting off
the lights as he left the laboratory.
Molly writhed on the table, as the 30 pounds of excess weight she had
carried around for a few years on her frame were boiled away, she was far
from cold tonight. She also felt her breasts firm up, and perk up.. it must
have been something else he wanted, she thought. Her breasts went from a DD
to a C cup in a matter of minutes, and instead of sagging sideways towards
her arms, her breasts now pointed up, her nipples arching for the sky. She
moaned as she felt her pussy bloat, the nanites moving some of what little
fat was left on her body to her labia and clitoris, making them puffy and
red. Her clit grew from a rather normal size to a slippery two and a half
inch long rubbery bulb at the top of her fat pussy lips. The table, as it
was programmed to do, spread her legs far apart again, as Molly squirmed to
rub her pussy lips together, attempting to pleasure herself. Molly sighed
in frustration, and then gave up as the nanites ceased their duties. She
drifted slowly off to sleep...
Molly awoke the next morning in agony. David had a handful of minor last
adjustments to her body to make before he deemed her "complete". His
nanites were rearranging her internal organs for her new life, consuming her
uterus and using the soft moist tissue to lengthen her vagina far up into
her abdomen. They also lined the walls of her new "super pussy" with super
strong muscles, the kind that no woman, no matter how she practiced, could
ever have. She would never menstruate again, her ovaries and fallopian
tubes were consumed by the ravaging nanites. Her throat burned as the
nanites removed her tonsils, and her vocal cords. She tried to scream, but
only air came out. Her teeth dissolved into a thick goo which soon
evaporated before the nanites closed over the holes with soft gum tissue.
Then, it all ceased and a dull ache set into her body.
David cackled with glee as he picked up two tubes, a small, 1/4" tube which
he stuck down her nose and into her lungs, and a large, 1" thick tube which
he placed the end of in her mouth for the moment. He then pulled a scope
over and positioned it over her chest, adjusting a small knob on the side.
He could now see her esophagus and her stomach, so he began to feed the big
tube down her throat alongside the small tube. She gagged a little, but he
ignored it. The end of the tube entered her stomach, and he could hear the
air whistling in and out of the small tube as she hyperventilated out of
sheer terror at what was being done to her. Finally, with a shove, he
lodged the tube in her stomach, and inflated the ring around the end of the
tube so that it could not be accidentally pulled out. Then, she felt her
ass raise up as the table adjusted itself. She could feel the cold air of
the lab on her bare anus. David inserted a large, lubricated tube into her
ass, and inflated the ring at the end to gigantic proportions so that she
could not force it out. Molly was confused and frightened, he didn't know
what he was going to do with her next. David touched some controls on the
table, and she felt the tube in her ass begin suctioning away at her shit.
The tube in her stomach began to spew cold gel that contained lubricants and
disinfectants, David wanted her entire gastrointestinal tract rendered for
the most part inoperable, seeing as she wouldn't need it ever again. Molly
could feel the gel working its way through her small intestines, her
abdominal muscles cramping at the frigid fluid's touch. When the gel
finally entered her large intestine, clods of her shit began to loosen and
be slurped down the tube. David realized that he was hungry, and left Molly
lying flat on the table to be pumped completely clean.
Molly watched him leave the room and looked around with panicked eyes. What
could she do? She ran her tongue over where her teeth used to be.. no more
pizza for me, she thought.. The cold gel coursing through her intestines
made her shiver, she could see the tube sucking away her partially digested
food from 2 days before. Soon, the gel ran clean. She felt empty, empty as
she had never or could never have felt before this moment. David came back,
brushing some crumbs off of his face. He saw that she was clean and shut
off the flow of gel, and tapped his foot impatiently as the remainder of the
gel was slurped out of her body. He had the nanites fuse the tube in her
nose just outside of her esophagus all the way down into her lungs. Even
with her throat completely blocked, she could still breath. One last thing
he saw to before he told the nanites to go semi-permanently dormant was
proper lubrication of her orifices. She would permanently secrete
lubricating juices in her large intestine and anus, as well as her mouth,
her palms, between her breasts, as well as her large clit and pussy.
Now, she was ready.
Molly awoke the next morning to the sloshing of David pouring more nutrient
goop into her IV bag. She didn't think she'd ever get used to her new body,
but she didn't think that she had much of a choice, either.
She was, of course, correct.
Molly felt her bladder drain again, through her hip. It definitely was an
odd feeling, she thought to herself. David then picked up a pressure hose
and pulled the trigger. The strength of Molly's new skin is the only thing
that saved her from being skinned alive.. the 150 degree water was moving
across her body at enormous pressure. David avoided her face, but made sure
she was squeaky clean everywhere else. He then stuffed the nozzle into her
pussy. Molly's face contorted in pain and pleasure as her belly bloated
with the hot water, scalding her vaginal walls. David shut off the water
then, and yanked the nozzle out of her angry red gash. He then adjusted the
table to tilt her at an angle, and giggled as he watched the water pour out
of her nether regions.
Molly winced at the cold air on her scalded labia. She supposed that it was
better that she was clean, even though she couldn't even sweat anymore.
David took this opportunity to adjust the table again, laying her out flat
on her back with her head dangling over the edge. A wicked grin slowly
spread across his face and he pulled his pants off. He let his enormous
prick harden in his fists before pulling Molly's mouth open and shoving
fully half of it down her throat. Molly squirmed and gagged on his penis,
and David truly enjoyed the sensation. She tried to bite him, forgetting
about her lack of teeth, but it just increased the friction of his dick in
her mouth, and he pumped faster. David moaned and shoved the full length
of his prick down her throat. Molly's breath whistled through her nose as
she tried to get enough oxygen into her lungs, and he continued to thrust
his monstrous member into her before spewing his 2 cups of hot sperm
directly into her stomach. "Lick me clean" he ordered her. Molly realized
that her life could get worse with the power over her body this man held, so
she licked up and down his 14 inch shaft. She realized at this point that
his penis was larger than her forearm and gagged involuntarily at the
thought. "Relish that full feeling in your stomach, Molly. My sperm is the
only thing even remotely solid that you'll be eating ever again."
He then pried her mouth open and stuffed the first 3 inches of his prick in
her mouth before emptying his bladder. Molly hadn't had anything to drink
in the past four days, so she thirstily gulped down the salty yellow fluid.
"That's what I like to see," David chortled.. After Molly had slurped the
last of his urine from his prick, he began to go soft. David pulled his
pants back on and picked up a gallon of spring water. Molly watched in
horror as he gulped down the entire gallon. It looked as though she would
be getting more to drink, and soon.
After a quick cat nap on his futon, David awoke, his penis pointing straight
at the sky, and his bladder full. He smiled, and rose without dressing. He
wouldn't bother with any preliminaries this time. David keyed the access
code to the lab and walked in. Molly dozed, with a spot of his sperm dried
on her upper lip. David smiled to himself, and had the table lift her knees
and spread her legs out as far as they could possibly go. Her bare mound
gleamed with her own copious lubrication, and her clit stood half erect,
pointing away from her flat stomach. He guessed that her "tuned" metabolism
had already digested his last donation, since he had programmed her body to
absorb any of his bodily fluids instantly. The only way that her program
could be screwed up is if someone gave her solid food, but that, of course,
was a finite impossibility. Molly awoke with a groan, and realized her
rather embarrassing position. An adorable blush spread from her cheeks all
the way to the tips of her breasts before she remembered that she really
couldn't do anything about it. David bent and took her huge clit into his
mouth, and sucked on it. The inch long super-sensitive part of her anatomy
lengthened into it's full blown, three inch long glory. Molly groaned with
intense pleasure as he nibbled and sucked on her female "penis". Her labia
had bloated themselves with blood and grown in size until it looked like her
deep vagina had swollen shut. David took this opportunity to wedge the
helmet-head of his dick into her pussy. She moaned wantonly and squirmed in
a vain attempt to get more of his steel hard meat into her body.
David speared her in one swift movement, impaling her fully upon the length
of his penis. Molly's eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out.
David grinned and reached up to pinch her hard nipples as he began to batter
her vagina with long, slow thrusts. He reveled at the sensations her
specially redesigned twat held for him, as he felt her muscles involuntarily
clutch at his meat, and he watched her fat pussy lips gripping his shaft as
it plunged into her body. A perverse shiver went down his spine as he
fucked her slowly, his excitement rising. Molly began to come to just as
David quickened his thrusts. Molly squirmed and writhed under the battery
of his huge dick, but just as she was about to black out again, she
orgasmed. Her entire body tensed from head to toe, and her strengthened
pussy muscles actually were strong enough to grab his penis and hold him
still. David could feel her muscles rippling down his penis coaxing him,
closer, and closer. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, god, Molly!!!" he shouted as the
first spurt of his hot cum began to make its way down his shaft. Molly
screamed with ecstasy and orgasmed again as his cream filled her to
overflowing. She could feel his cum leaking out from around his prick and
dripping down her bare ass crack before plopping to the floor. David panted
out her name over and over again before he finally finished and he began to
work his penis out of her spasming cunt.
Not wanting to end his afternoon of delights just yet, David programmed the
table to tilt her backwards, but to keep her legs spread. He stopped it
when her creamy white ass cheeks were right in front of his still-hard
penis. David pulled her ass open with his hands and took one good look at
her pink rosebud asshole, glistening with her own lubrication and his cum.
Molly protested, but he ignored it and plunged his member into her back
tunnel. Deliciously wet and warm, he thought to himself. David pumped his
dick into her ass over and over, he even grabbed her breasts and used them
for leverage as he porked her wet asshole. Wet, squishy noises filled the
room, before Molly started moaning again. David grinned wickedly when he
heard her moan, and fucked her harder. He came again when she screamed out
his name, his sperm flooding her empty bowels. David pulled his penis out
with one hand and pointed it at her crotch before letting loose a powerful
spray of urine. Molly came again when she felt his hot piss on her body,
before passing out.
2 years later
David lay next to Molly in his bed. He still hadn't changed her body back,
nor did he plan to. He built a hookup for her bladder and her IV into his
bed when he brought her there, after cleaning her off, of course. He
learned that Molly's greatest fantasy was to be someone's sex slave, and
thus he was just helping her fulfill that fantasy. Molly was the perfect
sex slave, he thought. She willingly gave her body, perfectly built for sex
now, to him many times a day, and he loved her for it.
(or is it?)
Send all comments / suggestions / complaints / compliments to
Too-Much Caffeine Man!!
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