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From: Leviticus
Subject: Return to the Valley Part 11 (bondage)
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Return to the Valley Part 11
"Escape!" Tonya exclaimed. Rhianna nodded and began to work on the other
manacle. "We can't!" "Sure we can." said the agent. "Once I get out of these
cuffs we can slip around the back and make our way back to the dock." "We
can't. I can't!" Tonya pressed. "Why not?" Rhianna asked. "There's still
someone here. A friend. I need to see her first. I have to know if she
really knows what she is doing here." "Is she a part of this...this
lifestyle?" For a moment, Tonya was a little put out by this question, but
upon analysis she saw that Rhianna wasn't asking like someone who was putting
her lifestyle down, as she had every right too. Instead it was a straight
forward question from someone who really needed to know. Despite her beaten
physical condition, Rhianna Summer seemed to have a great mental strength.
Tonya thought that Atamo had been mistaken in believing that Rhianna had been
broken. "Yes...but being here with Hiro Atamo is not like her. It doesn't
seem like a likely thing she would do." "We can't take the time to go look
for her. She should be fine until we get help and have the authorities raid
this place. She can be rescued then." "Then I can be rescued too. I can't
leave her alone." Rhianna stopped fiddling with the cuff and looked Tonya
square in the eye. "I can't do this without you, Tonya. The walk down here
all but did me in. If it wasn't for the fact that Atamo gave us this golden
opportunity to escape, I would hang around myself and try to get some of my
strength back before trying. But we may not get another chance, we have to
take this one, and I need your help, your strength to get us out of here."
Tonya shook her head. She was very tempted to give in, but a sense of
responsibility over Maria, instilled in her since Maria's first stay at the
Kennel, wouldn't let her abandon her now. "Shit." was all Rhianna had to
say. Reluctantly, Rhianna took the open cuff, and snapped it back over her
sore wrist. "The next chance we get, whether we have found your friend or
not, we go. Okay?" Tonya nodded, and the only reason she wasn't smiling was
because she was wondering if she hadn't just made a very big mistake.
As the sun was kissing the horizon, the fat man returned and began issuing
orders for the gathering of all the slave girls. In the midst of all the
excited chatter, Tonya and Rhianna allowed themselves to be herded with the
others as manacles and chastity belts were replaced. Connected together once
more, the entire troop of girls were walked back to the 'Leta' with the men
walking with them, talking easily with the now bound women. Rhianna walked
with her head down, the picture of the beaten woman. Tonya was having a
conversation in broken English with a young man who had evidently taken a
shine to her, she watched the agent plod slowly through the sand. Every so
often she would reach down and adjust her crotch plate, trying to find a more
comfortable position for it. It was worse than before for the makeshift key
that Rhianna had made now resided inside it. It had slipped down farther than
Tonya had planned and now pushed between her lips and pressed hard against
her clit. As she walked it would pinch, making her very aware of what was
being covered up down there. It was a long way to the boat. Once they were
finally aboard the women were set free of the chain in their bunk room,
although the rest of the bondage stayed, it looked like things were going to
be back to normal. The vacation was over. As the others decended on the meal
that had been left in there for them, Tonya noticed that one of the bunks was
already taken. Who ever it was had been severely whipped, and lay on her
front with her head tucked into her arms. Again Tonya found herself
horrified. This was no love whipping, but a severe punishment. She went over
to see if she could help the poor girl, and got a tremendous shock. "Maria?"
Tonya whispered. Tear stained eyes looked up at her. "Tonya?" The two women
embraced, at least as well as they could since they were both chained. Maria
began crying again, the horror of the whipping still fresh in her mind. It
brought with it echoes of memories of her time with Palmer, and also of her
friend Melissa's time with her boyfriend, Eric. But she cried more for the
losses in her life. First Alan, and now Joseph. Despite what the expensive
psychiatrist that Joseph had sent her too had told her, she felt like she was
cursed. The men in her life kept on dying, and it had to be her fault. Tonya
was unaware of any of this, she just saw a badly injured woman, a friend who
needed to be taken care of. By now a couple of the other women in the room
had come over, and Tonya asked them to fetch something to clean Maria's cuts.
Reluctantly, they went. They knew that Maria had been one of Atamo's special
girls. That she was now down here meant that she was in very bad disgrace
indeed. Rhianna came over and sat on the opposite bunk. She remained silent
as Tonya tended to Maria, only speaking once she was done, having moved away
to give the girl some peace. "I take it that's your friend?" Rhianna asked
Tonya. Tonya nodded. She wasn't as worried as she had been before. She had
tended whip injuries before, some of them her own. Maria would have some
scars, but there was no real damage. Whoever whipped her had been careful
not to let the very end of the whip touch her. Often traveling faster than
the speed of sound, the tip of a bull whip doesn't need to break the skin to
cause major damage to internal organs. But there was no bruising to show that
this was the case. "Yes. She told me that she had been kidnapped. That
her...owner, had been killed." "I'm sorry." Rhianna said with feeling. The
door opened, and the fat man began calling the women to bed. Tonya and
Rhianna took bunks next to Maria and waited while they were chained in. Soon
the fat man left, the light went out, and another night settled on the
"Pssst!" Rhianna opened her eyes. This had been the first decent sleep she
had gotten since she had been thrown to the crew. Now it was ruined. "Pssst.
Rhianna?" someone whispered. Rhianna rolled over as best as she could. Tonya
was up on one elbow, while Maria in the next bunk seemed to be sleeping
soundly. "What?" "What was your plan? To escape, I mean." Tonya whispered
to her. Rhianna sighed. "I wanted to steal one of the boats. Why?" Tonya
hadn't been able to sleep, light coming in through the rooms single port hole
seemed to illuminate Maria's back as she slept. The whip marks held Tonya's
attention, as did the small scars on Rhianna's belly. She kept wondering how
long it would be before she was given scars of her own by Atamo. "Wouldn't it
be easier, to try to escape in the dark?" Tonya asked, and held up the
eyeglass stem, it had taken her fifteen minutes to fish it out of her crotch.
Rhianna smiled.
Because they had no clock, they didn't know that it had taken Rhianna over an
hour to free herself, Tonya and Maria. While she worked, Tonya woke Maria up
and filled her in on Atamo and what had been going on. Maria listened
silently, asking no questions. She didn't object when Tonya said that they
were getting out of there. Rhianna was getting increasingly frustrated. The
thin metal of the eyeglass stem was quickly becoming too mangled to work
with. After freeing herself of both wrist and ankle manacles, she
concentrated on freeing only the feet of the other women. This would allow
them all to move about freely, although Tonya and Maria would still have to
have their hands chained in front of them. When they were ready, they tried
the door. It opened easily. With all the girls chained to their bunks, there
had been no thought for further security. The three women, wearing nothing
but their chastity belts and bondage, tip toed down the passageway and up a
couple of ladders. The boat was silent, except for the hum of the air
conditioning. Rhianna was counting on there being no guards posted. Nude as
they were, they had no weapons to use in a fight. Rhianna missed her 9mm
automatic. It would have felt comfortable in her hands. They made it to the
deck, before encountering their first problem. The deck lights were out, but
there was light up on the bridge. In the window they could see the back of a
man smoking a cigarette. Rhianna judged that the run to the gang plank would
be about thirty feet, all of it in the open. "Okay." she said quietly.
"We'll have to run for it. We're going to head for the gangplank and run
down it at full speed. If we make the bottom it's just a few feet across to
one of the boats. Just follow me and let's all get in the same boat.
Hopefully I can get it started and we will be on our way before we are
discovered." The other two girls nodded, then Tonya asked the question
Rhianna didn't want to hear. "What chance do we have of making it?" Rhianna
paused. It was the only answer Tonya needed. She felt weak, but ready to go.
Rhianna held up three fingers, and counted down with them. Then she was up
and running. Maria followed quickly with Tonya hard on her heels. Their bare
feet made hardly a sound as they crossed the open deck, but Maria felt more
than naked being out in he open like that. At any time someone could see them
and raise the alarm. They would be caught and Mako would whip her again. She
doubled her effort, she did not want to be whipped again. Rhianna made it to
the head of the gangplank and started down. It had been her greatest fear
that some one would be stationed on the dock, but Atamo had to have been
really confident about his security, for the dock was clear. She raced across
and leapt into the boat that was moored directly opposite the 'Leta's'
gangplank. It was one of the cabin cruisers without the radar mast. Maria
and Tonya jumped in after her and she directed them both to untie the lines
and cast them off. Then she climbed up on the flying bridge and studied the
control panel. This was the point of no return. Right now, if they were
lucky, they could all sneak back and lock themselves onto their bunks again.
But the moment she started the motor someone would notice and respond. There
was no way to go back then. The engines were diesels, and starting them
wasn't just a matter of turning a key. She hit the preheat for the plugs and
flicked a switch that started blowers in the engine spaces. The sound of the
blowers seemed loud in the still night. She hoped the sound wouldn't carry
far. "What's up?" Tonya said as she climbed up with difficulty to stand
along side Rhianna. "Just a few more seconds." Rhianna said softly. "Do you
know what you're doing?" Tonya asked her. "I was in the Coast Guard before
joining the FBI." was Rhianna's only reply, before pushing the buttons to
crank the motors over. The big diesel motors caught right away, and their
throaty roar was loud and powerful. Rhianna pushed the one of the throttles
up slowly and the drifting boat began to pivot away from the dock. She pushed
up the other throttle and worked the wheel. The boat pulled away from the
dock and began to pick up speed. Maria, crouched down in the stern, was the
only one who saw the running figure come out of the bridge to watch open
mouthed as they pulled away. Whoever it was they acted fast. A moment later
a spotlight lit up, it's beam sweeping the water until it found the fleeing
boat. It held them for a few seconds, but soon they pulled beyond it's
range. All during this time Rhianna pushed the throttles up slowly, building
the boat's speed up in increments. She wanted the engines to warm up properly
before she really taxed them. She had a feeling they had a long way to go
yet. "Look for a chart!" she yelled to Tonya, who obediently began
searching. The wind was beginning to get to Maria. Not wanted by the girls on
the bridge she tried to go below to see if she could find something to wear,
but encountered the first locked door of their escape. So she curled up in
the corner, out of the direct breeze created by the speed of the boat. Up on
the bridge, Tonya had been successful and held a map of the area in her
cuffed hands. Rhianna locked the wheel in place, and took a few moments to
look at the chart, then she stared punching numbers into an electronic device
mounted under the control panel. "GPS." she shouted over the sound of the
engines. "We're about a hundred and seventy five miles from the U.S. coast.
My old Coast Guard station is in that area. I punch in the GPS coordinates of
the station, and this device will give us the proper steer to get there!"
Tonya was impressed. She figured they would just head west and hope for the
best. "Do you think they'll come after us?" Tonya yelled. Rhianna nodded.
She knew they would. "But they won't be able to find us right?" pressed
Tonya. Rhianna said nothing. Instead she unlocked the wheel and turned the
boat slightly. Tonya, feeling the cold, decided to go below. Rhianna was
silent because she knew that there was a boat back there with a radar that
could pick them up. If Atamo was quick, he could have that boat running and
in pursuit in just minutes. Then it would come down to who had the faster
boat. She shivered, and it wasn't all from the cold.
Atamo was spitting fire. Mako had woken him himself, wishing that he could
have sent someone else to endure his boss's wrath. "What three slaves? Tell
me!" Atamo yelled from his bed. "The Americans, all three." Mako replied,
his eyes averted from Atamo's nudity. Atamo swore, scareing poor Misa who
crouched on the floor next to the bed. "We have them on radar." Mako
continued. "They are about ten miles out and heading out to sea at close to
twenty knots. We are preparing the 'Tia' to go after them. With it's radar
we shouldn't lose them." Atamo calmed somewhat at this news. "I want you
aboard that boat to personally take charge of the hunt. Then when you return
I want to know how the Americans got free. Understood!" "Yes, Atamo-San."
Mako bowed. "And Mako. When you get back my boat and capture those slaves,
don't bother to bring the American agent back." Mako bowed once more, and
backed out of the room, happy for the moment to escape with his own life.
Atamo waited until he was gone before turning his eyes upon the naked girl at
the foot of his bed. "Now little Misa, what can you do to calm me?" With a
pale face, Misa stood up and moved toward her Master.
Several hours later, Rhianna was getting worried. The sun was now up, and
with it came some warmth to counteract the coolness of the air. The boat
handled well, despite the heavy sea, and keeping her course had not been
difficult. What worried her was the speck on the horizon behind them. In
this open water, it could only have been another boat, and it was slowly
drawing closer. Rhianna was tired and in pain from her various injuries.
Every so often she would look back at the boat as it drew slowly up on them.
She wondered how long it would be before they were caught. She looked down
into the stern to check on Tonya and Maria, who huddled together in one
corner, before reaching for the microphone of the two way radio. "MAYDAY.
MAYDAY." she said again for the hundredth time since they had come aboard.
"This is Special Agent Rhianna Summer calling from the private yacht 'Siku'.
I am being pursued by a hostile boat approximately two miles to our rear,
and need assistance. We are at..." Rhianna glanced down and read the GPS
fix on display into the mike. "Please respond." She listened for a moment.
Still nothing. She had no idea as to what the range of the radio was, she was
hoping to contact a Coast Guard cruiser. Nervously she looked back once more.
Mako stood at the prow of his boat, field glasses in his hand. He raised them
to get a good look at the 'Siku' and its occupants. He could not see two of
the girls, but the third stood naked in full view up on the bridge. He looked
back at one of his men, who held a high powered rifle in his hands. Very soon
they would be within range.
Rhianna kept glancing at the control panel. She had been running the engines
flat out for several hours now and it was beginning to tell. The oil
pressure was slowly dropping and the engine revolutions were comming down,
they were slowing down and there was nothing they could do about it. She was
about to try the radio again when it came to life. "Attention the 'Siku'.
This is the United States Coast Guard Cutter 'Surpass'." a voice said.
"Please restate your emergency!" "This is Special Agent Rhianna Summer of the
FBI. I am being pursued by Kidnappers in a second craft about..." she looked
behind her and swore. "about one mile behind us. I have a strong reason to
believe that our lives may be in danger." "'Surpass' to 'Siku'. I have been
instructed to advise you that we are on an intercept course, and will be able
to meet you in eight minutes." Rhianna wondered if they had eight minutes.
She heard a scrambling behind her, it was Tonya, climbing the ladder. "Did
you reach someone?" she asked. Rhianna nodded, and the panel to her left
suddenly exploded. "What?" she asked. She heard another thump, but saw
nothing. she turned around in time to see a flash on the other boat
accompanied by another thump and a scream. "Tonya!" she heard Maria yell.
Tonya had fallen off the ladder, gripping her leg. Something had punched a
hole right through it and the pain almost knocked her out. Scrambling, Maria
pulled her to one side and clamped her hands over the bloody hole. She heard
another thump and saw a hole appear in the wood work over her head. Rhianna
was on the radio, reporting that they were now being shot at. Maria began
screaming, there was so much blood. She looked back and saw another flash.
"Oh God!" she yelled.
End of Part 11
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