Message-ID: <8410eli$> X-Archived-At: From: A Pulp Fan Subject: "Ladies In Heat" 1/2 (FF, MF) Newsgroups:, Followup-To: Path: qz!not-for-mail Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam Approved: X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded X-Story-Submission: X-Original-Message-Id: <> NELLIE GRAY AND ROSABEL NEWTON IN: "LADIES IN HEAT" by A Pulp Fan Contains: FF, MF. NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: Although the characters used herein originally appeared in "The Avenger" pulp magazine, knowledge of The Avenger series really isn't necessary to enjoy (hopefully!) this story. As one sentence background material, The Avenger and his organization fought crime in the 1940's. There, that's all you need to know before diving in! The author makes no claim on any of the characters contained herein who originally appeared in "The Avenger" magazine. This story may be freely copied and posted via newsgroups or on free webpages without further permission, but please do not modify it (and please don't post it on alt.pulp, where underage folks might read it). I would love to hear your comments on this story; you can e-mail me at Oh yeah, this story contains explicit matter of a sexual nature and if you are under legal age in your jurisdiction, stop reading this and go off and read "Justice, Inc." * * * * * PART ONE: There's an old saying--if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. What it should have advised is if you can't take the heat, get out of Manhattan. The dog days of summer had arrived with a vengeance, turning that mighty metropolis into a sweltering oven. People unfortunate to have to venture out to work were drenched in their own sweat within minutes of leaving their flats, wilting in the oppressive air. Those fortunate enough to be able to stay inside sat near open windows, whirling fans playing on them, trying to remain still while listening to the soaps on the radio, wondering what the next plot twist in "As The World Turns" would bring, or reading the paper about the latest developments in the war over in Europe and wondering when the Axis powers would go down to final defeat--in short, doing anything other than moving out of the artificial breeze which at least brought a temporary respite from the worst of the heat. Those who were really, really fortunate, however, were located in a warehouse in lower Manhattan. An unimpressive building on the outside, located at the end of a seemingly rundown street, a casual observer would have never guessed that inside, the building belied the dilapidated appearance of its outer shell and was, instead, the modern headquarters of one of the most elite crimefighting forces in the world. As the home base of Justice, Inc., the structure was one of the few in the city equipped with a new means of artificial cooling, called air conditioning, and those who ventured into its cavernous interior to escape the heat swiftly became reluctant to leave. And so it was that the present two occupants of the building, both young women, were congratulating themselves at having avoided being caught up in the current plans of their co-workers--plans which had taken those same co-workers out of the cool interior of the building and into the blast furnace outside. An hour or so earlier, three of their comrades had also been inside their HQ, together with their leader, Richard Henry Benson, better known to the world at large as The Avenger. One of the wealthiest men in the world, a terrible tragedy in which he had lost both his wife and his daughter had a profound effect on Benson, with the result that he had turned his considerable skills to fighting crime. To that end, he had gathered around him a core group of trusted allies, five of whom were lounging around with him in the building early that afternoon--Fergus MacMurdie, the dour Scot better known as Mac; Smitty, the gentle giant who could become a lethal weapon; Nellie Gray, diminutive blonde bombshell and the subject of Smitty's affections; and the husband and wife team of Josh and Rosabel Newton, the two African-American members of Justice, Inc. The crimefighting business had been slow the last couple of weeks, as no sinister masterminds intent on conquering the world--or even merely the United States--had arisen to test their mettle. With the result that the action-loving group was a little bored as they sat about the cavernous second story of the warehouse, listening to the radio and making small talk. Mac and Josh had been the first to leave. Tired of doing nothing, the Scot had announced that he was going to pop in at his drugstore and make sure things were running smoothly there. Josh's eyes had lit up at the thought of sitting at Mac's fountain counter, eating maple-nut sundae after maple-nut sundae. Mac had muttered that it was impossible to make any money with Josh eating his entire ice cream supply, but he finally consented to Josh's coming along. Clearing it with Rosabel, Josh had eagerly accompanied the chemist when he left, telling his wife he'd be back in a few hours. A few moments later, the phone connecting The Avenger directly with the New York police department had rung. As its jangling tones cut the air, the remaining members of Justice, Inc., stared at it intently, willing it to be something exciting to shake them out of their doldrums. Alas, it wasn't to be. Answering the phone, The Avenger exchanged a few words with a police lieutenant before hanging up. To the disappointment of his crew, he announced, "Nothing exciting I'm afraid. There's a small matter they'd like to get my input on--and your's too, Smitty, if you feel like coming along. There's some angle to this which involves electricity." In Smitty's case, appearances were deceiving. Though he didn't look it, his massive exterior concealed the brain of one of the country's top electrical experts. "Sure boss," he replied. "It'll be good to stretch my legs, and who knows, this might turn out to be more interesting than you think." The Avenger had asked Nellie and Rosabel if they wanted to accompany them. The two women looked at each other, then shrugged. Sitting around HQ bored was one thing, but at least they were cool. If The Avenger didn't think this trip was likely to be interesting, they'd probably just be trading in bored but cool for bored but hot. Not an appealing proposition. Rosabel spoke for both of them. "Thanks, but I think we'll take a flyer on this one, chief. Getting all hot without a payoff doesn't sound too enticing. Just promise to call us if something juicy develops!" Promising to do just that, The Avenger and Smitty departed, leaving the two young women alone in the building. Sitting on divans across from each other, legs tucked under themselves, the two female members of Justice, Inc., stared at each other, contemplating the long afternoon ahead of them, ennui etched into their faces. The two friends were a study in contrast. To call Nellie petite would have been an understatement. Barely five feet in height, weighing just over 100 pounds, she resembled nothing so much as an exquisite porcelain doll, with milky white skin and dainty features. Long blonde tresses framed her pretty face, in which her china-blue eyes sparkled. Barefoot, her tiny feet and slim calves showed beneath her skirt, while her silken blouse was stretched taut enough to reveal the shape of her petite breasts, creating a gentle swell in the material. While Rosabel was not large, she was more solidly built than her crimefighting companion. Just over 5"6", her ebony skin was toned and fairly shone. Not an ounce of fat was on her firm frame. An onlooker could have gotten lost in her liquid, dark eyes, shining as with an inner light, giving mere hints of her mysterious depths, depths which only her husband Josh had explored. Completing the contrast to Nellie, her face was ringed with black curls, while her blouse made it abundantly clear that her firm, young breasts would be an ample pillow on which any man would love to rest his head and lips. Nellie broke the silence first. "So, what do you want to do?" she asked, half-heartedly, flicking an imaginary speck of dust from the hem of her skirt. "Oh, I don't know," came the equally dispirited response. Quiet reigned supreme once more for a few moments, until Nellie spoke again. "We could bake some cookies," she suggested without a great deal of enthusiasm. Rosabel shook her head. "No, we did that last week," she pointed out. "I don't feel like it--and no need to spoil them, we don't want them expecting us to bake stuff every time they leave us alone!" The petite blonde nodded her agreement. "I suppose you're right," she said, lapsing into silence again. Idly she resumed toying with the material of her skirt. Rosabel's face lit up a few moments later. "We could go shopping..." Nellie interrupted. "Go out in this heat? You're crazy. It's taken me an hour to get cool after passing through that furnace on my way over here...I'm not going out again!" Rosabel's face dropped. "Yeah, I guess you've got a point," she conceded. She thought for a moment. "What about playing a game?" Nellie shrugged, less than enthused. "I don't know. What kind of game?" "Well, you're a lot of help," laughed Rosabel. "How about backgammon?" she suggested with a grin. Nellie snorted derisively and stuck her tongue out playfully at the other woman. "Play the backgammon queen? I remember the last time you thumped me at that game! Forget it--I'm not masochistic! What about Monopoly?" "No," responded Rosabel. "In order to get a really good Monopoly game going, you need more than two people." "True," Nellie admitted. "We could always play cards," Rosabel suggested. Nellie toyed with the idea, then nodded. "Yeah, that's not a bad idea. What do you feel like--maybe gin rummy?" "No, never was any good at it," came Rosabel's reply. "What about poker?" "Poker?" "That's right, missy. You heard me, poker." "Well, I haven't played it in ages, but I used to be pretty good at it. Good enough, I'm sure, to beat you!" Nellie finished with a smile. "Oooh, you're scaring me!" laughed Rosabel. "Let's round us up some cards and get this game going!" "I'll go find 'em," said Nellie, getting up. While the petite blonde was searching for cards, the dusky negress got up and went into the kitchen. When she returned, carrying a tray, Nellie was already sitting at a table, cards in hand. "What'd you get?" asked Nellie. "Some wine and cheese," she responded. "Let's not sit at the table though. Let's sit on the carpet--it'll be more comfortable, I can stretch my legs out, and we can have kind of a mini-picnic!" "That sounds swell!" agreed Nellie, getting up and plopping herself on the floor. "I'll deal the first hand while you pour!" The name of the game was five-card draw. The wine flowed freely as the two young women played cards, laughing with glee as they would win a hand, and Rosabel soon had to get up to get a second bottle. During the course of the game, Rosabel's skirt had ridden up on her legs, sliding past her knees and revealing glimpses of her muscular thighs. Meanwhile, every time Nellie leaned forward to pick up her cards, wisps of blonde hair would fall across her face and past her shoulders, seemingly caressing her small breasts through the fabric of her blouse. Red lips wet from the wine, Nellie was a vision as she idly pushed the hair from her face. "A straight!" cried Nellie triumphantly a short time later, laying down a five through a nine. "I win again--that's the fifth hand in a row!" She clapped her hands with glee. "Yeah, laugh it up," admonished Rosabel goodnaturedly. "I'm only beginning to get going. What I think we need to make this more interesting are some stakes!" "Stakes?" asked Nellie. "You mean like money?" "Uh huh." "Well, I'd be happy to take your money, but I didn't bring my purse," Nellie admitted sorrowfully. "Well then, lucky for you," chimed Rosabel. "Because there wouldn't be anything left in it after I finished with you!" "Oh yeah," Nellie retorted. "Then how come I'm the one who's winning all the hands, hmm?" "You're just lucky," Rosabel responded. "Plus we're not really playing for anything. Where's the challenge in that? If we were playing for something, it'd be a different story, my friend! I would trounce you!" "Big talk, when you know I have no money." A gleam came into Rosabel's eye. "Well...that's okay. I just got me an idea..." Nellie stiffened. Something in Rosabel's attitude had changed, and she was alert for getting suckered into something. Though with the amount of the wine she'd drunk, her powers of resistance were not at their peak. "And that idea would be..." she asked cautiously. "Well," said Rosabel coyly. "It's just a little stakes game that Josh and I play sometimes when we're alone. We play each hand like we've been doing--but the loser of each hand has to take off a piece of clothing!" Nellie gasped in shock. "Rosabel!" she exclaimed, bringing one tiny hand to her mouth in shock, blushing furiously. Her white skin turned a pretty shade of pink. "How can you even suggest such a thing?" "Oh, calm down," Rosabel lectured. "It's nothing to get upset over. We're just a couple of girls, there's none of the men here. Besides, it's not like we've never seen each other undressed before--we've changed clothes lots of times in front of each other before!" "Yeah, but that was different," Nellie hurriedly explained, nervously gulping down some more wine. "Then we had to change into other outfits for a job we were doing. This is...this is...well, different!" "Oh, it's no different," Rosabel retorted. "C'mon, a moment ago you were crowing about how good you were, and now you're too scared to play for some stakes? What about putting your money--or rather your clothing--where your mouth is?" "I am _not_ too scared!" Nellie protested. "It's just that, well, it's just such a crazy idea! And besides, we don't have that many clothes on. What do we do when we finish the game, put our clothes back on and play again? The whole thing is crazy!" "Well, I could tell you what Josh and I do when we finish the game!" As soon as the words had passed her lips, Rosabel burst out laughing, scarce believing that she had said it. If the buzz in her head wasn't sufficient proof, that statement was--she was well on her way to having too much to drink. She held a hand to her mouth and stifled some giggles. "Though usually we don't wait to finish the game!" Nellie gasped in shock again, blushing even more furiously, her pretty blue eyes making a nice contrast to her pink cheeks. "Rosabel! How could you say that!" Rosabel emptied her wine glass. Pouring herself another, she shrugged, still giggling. "Oh, I don't know...but what's the harm? He's my husband, it's not like it's any great secret we do stuff together. I'll tell you what--if someone loses all their clothes and then loses another hand, they have to answer any question the other person asks them. Sort of like the 'I dare you' games people played in high school. And also, if you lose a hand, you don't just lose a piece of clothing, you have to down a decent slug of wine." Still pink, Nellie protested once more. "Oh, Rosabel, I don't know. What if the men come back?" "Honey," Rosabel replied. "The men won't be back for the rest of the afternoon. Josh will eat sundaes until the cows come home, and with nothing going on here, Mac'll just do some of his chemical stuff at his store. And you know that every time the chief goes to police headquarters, whether it's important or not, they all want to talk to him forever. Besides, we'll know on the surveillance cameras when they return, and we'll have plenty of time to get dressed. I just think you're chicken." "I am _not_ chicken," Nellie stated emphatically, wringing her hands together nervously. "It's just that...oh...I don't know." "You are _to_ chicken!" exclaimed Rosabel. "Why think, just a few moments ago you were up on your high horse gloating whenever you won a hand, but now that the time comes to put up or shut up, you're running scared. Chicken!" Trembling a little, Nellie gulped down some more wine for courage. "Oh, all right then, you win. I must be crazy! I'll play your stupid game--and I'll beat you just as bad as I was beating you before!" "That's the spirit!" cried Rosabel. "Just to make it fair though, we should start with the same number of clothes. I'm wearing five things. You?" Nellie nodded as she filled her and Rosabel's glasses. "Five also. It's your deal," she finished, handing her the cards. Rosabel shuffled and dealt the cards. Nellie looked at her hand. A pair of eights, including an eight of spades, a nine and a jack of spades, and a four of diamonds. She stared at the cards, then across the floor at Rosabel, sitting there looking intently at her own hand. Rosabel was right, playing for stakes definitely heightened the tension when it came to decision time. "I'll take three," she announced, holding on to the pair. Rosabel dealt Nellie her cards, then announced that she would also take three and dealt them to herself. The two woman picked up their new cards, rearranged their hands. "Well?" asked Rosabel, licking her lips a bit nervously. "Three eights," replied Nellie, laying her hand down. "Damn," muttered Rosabel. "Beats me. I've got a pair of queens." She tossed her hand down. Though she had resisted the idea of playing the game, Nellie clapped with glee, flushed with her early success. "Told you I'd beat you if we played for stakes!" she crowed. "C'mon, c'mon, let's lose something here! And don't forget to drink your wine!" "Hold your horses, hold your horses, I'm going." Rosabel drained her wine glass, then stood up and unfastened her skirt. Stepping out of it, she tossed it on a divan, standing clad before Nellie in her blouse and a knee-length slip. "Happy now?" she asked, sitting back down again. The slip rode up on her as she settled in, revealing her brown thighs. "Um hmm," replied Nellie, smiling as she shuffled. "Just remember whose idea this was!" The cards were dealt. Rosabel looked at hers in dismay--no pairs and no good flush or straight opportunities. Holding onto an ace of hearts, she called for four cards. Nellie dealt them to her and took one card for herself. Looking at her hand, Rosabel was relieved to see that she'd drawn another ace. "Pair of aces," she announced, laying them down, hopeful that Nellie had been going for a straight or a flush and hadn't hit it. Nellie smiled at her. "Too bad, my friend. My sevens and tens trounce your aces," she said, revealing two pairs. "Here, let me fill your glass for you again," she said happily, sipping some wine herself. Rosabel unbuttoned her blouse, shrugged it off her shoulders and threw it onto the divan next to her skirt. Her large breasts were encased in a lacy black bra, thrusting them up and emphasizing her cleavage. Though it had been her idea to play for these stakes, she felt a little uncomfortable exposed this way in front of Nellie and quickly took her drink of wine, nervously cleaning some traces of it off her lips with her tongue. "Gee, Rosabel," Nellie said slyly with false concern, feeling a little cocky from winning two hands in a row, assisted by the buzz she had from the wine. "I hope you won't get too cold in a few hands when you won't have your clothes on anymore!" "Ha, ha," replied the black woman as she dealt the next hand. "Just remember--it's not how you start the race, it's how you finish it." Nellie looked at her cards, saw that she had two pairs again, this time threes and fives. She drew one card, while across from her Rosabel smiled. "I don't want any cards," Rosabel said. "What do you have?" There was a sinking feeling in Nellie's stomach as she looked at the card she'd drawn, a king. "Two pair." "Well, then," Rosabel said, laying a straight down with a flourish. "You know the rules--loser strips! And don't _you_ forget to take a drink this time!" "I'm still up two to one on you!" Nellie retorted as she stood and removed her skirt, revealing the slip underneath it. She tucked her dainty feet underneath her, sitting on her haunches, as she shuffled and dealt the cards. The two young women split the next two hands. Rosabel took off her slip, revealing a pair of black panties matching the lace pattern on her bra, while Nellie removed her blouse. Beneath it she wore a white bra, cupping her small, firm breasts. When she saw the color of Nellie's bra, Rosabel laughed, exclaiming that their choices of underwear that day were colorized just like they were. Nellie failed to see the humor in that, particularly when she lost the next hand and had to remove her slip, exposing the white panties she had on underneath it. The petite blonde sat back down, hands on her thighs, the loser of two hands in a row. As Rosabel dealt the next hand, both players were intent on the cards. Both clad in panties and a bra, this hand would result in one of them going either topless or bottomless. Picking up their cards, they both smiled slightly. "I'll take two," announced Nellie. "I'll stand," came Rosabel's reply. "What do you have?" "Full house!" Nellie exulted, writhing a little on the floor in delight. "Queens over fours! Read 'em and weep!" "I don't believe it!" cried Rosabel. "Here I am with a flush, and you draw a pair in two cards! That isn't fair!" "It may not be fair, but it's cards," replied Nellie. "I believe it's your turn to drink and strip!" Rosabel reached behind herself and undid the clasp on her bra. The article of clothing fell away from her lush breasts, exposing them to the air--and the sight of Nellie Gray. Tossing the bra onto the furniture, her breasts jiggled slightly from the motion. Nellie's breath caught in her throat as she viewed her friend's charms. Rosabel's breasts were large but firm, with not even a hint of sagging. The slightly darker aureoles were larger than silver dollars, nipples jutting erect in the cool air. The thought came unbidden into Nellie's mind, wondering how much of those mounds Josh could take into his mouth when they made love. The thought had no sooner crossed her mind than she blushed furiously, her entire exposed body turning pink from head to toe. God, what was she thinking! If Rosabel noticed her friend's color change, she didn't say anything except, "Your deal." Hands trembling for a moment, Nellie quickly shuffled the cards and dealt the next hand, a hand which found their fortunes reversed. This time it was Nellie who had to unclasp her bra, Nellie who tossed it onto the divan. Where Rosabel's dusky globes had jiggled slightly from doing so, Nellie's petite, firm breasts didn't move at all. The two mounds were each just slightly larger than Nellie's closed fist, topped with bright cherry red nipples that stood perkily erect. This time it was Rosabel's turn to blush unnoticed, as her friend's saucy breasts came into view, wondering if she liked Smitty to caress them, to tweak them and play with them. With a start, she realized she had been staring at Nellie's tits. She quickly shuffled, but her stare had not gone unnoticed by the petite blonde, who had been casting surreptitious glances at Rosabel's hardened peaks as well, not quite sure why she was doing it, but helpless to resist. As Rosabel dealt the cards, Nellie blurted out, "You've got great breasts." No sooner had she uttered the words than she wished she could take them back. Her hands went to her face, china blue eyes widening in shock over what she had just said. Upon hearing those words, Rosabel froze, holding the next card to be dealt. She looked up, startled, at her friend. "Thanks," she responded hesitantly. "No," Nellie stammered. "No...I mean...I mean that I've always wished I had large breasts and yours are perfect," she finished in a rush. She quickly downed more wine to cover her embarrassment. Rosabel laughed and resumed dealing the cards. "Well why ever would you want that?" she asked. "There's nothing wrong with your breasts--I think they're very pretty. I don't know why you'd want them any larger--unless Smitty prefers them larger, that is?" she said, half joking, half serious. "," replied Nellie softly. "Smitty...uh, Smitty...Smitty thinks they're just fine. It's just that, well, I've always wanted to have large breasts, but--pardon me for saying it--it just wasn't in the cards." "Well, don't complain, honey," Rosabel said as they picked up their hands. "Large breasts aren't always what they're cracked up to be. They can kind of get in the way at times, particularly in our business! Truth be told, I've often kind of wished mine were a little smaller--although Josh sure doesn't!" Nellie giggled and smiled, relaxing again. "Well, I'd trade you these little things for yours any day of the week! And I'll take three--cards that is!" Rosabel chuckled. "Nellie, so long as you have fun with what you've got, that's the important thing. Size don't matter--at least not the size of anything on a woman!" Nellie's eyes opened wide for a moment, staring at Rosabel, liquid dark eyes staring back at her. At the same instant, the two young woman burst out roaring with laughter. "Well in that department," Nellie confessed a moment later, wiping some tears from her china blues, "I've got absolutely no complaints. Smitty's a...a giant of a man. In all ways!" "I figured as much," Rosabel shot back, still laughing. "And as you can probably guess from his shoe size, my Josh don't play second fiddle to no one when it comes to that!" "Yeah, I had kind of noticed," Nellie said shyly. Suddenly she started. "Hey, how many cards are you taking anyway?" "Oh yeah," Rosabel looked at her hand. "I'm gonna go with two this time." Taking the cards, she looked at the young blond. "Three eights," Nellie announced, laying her hand down. "Too bad for you," said Rosabel, tossing her cards down face-up. "My three jacks appear to have you beat. Time to lose the rest of your clothing, sister!" By now feeling pretty relaxed from the wine and the conversation they'd been sharing, as she rose to peel off her panties, Nellie remarked, "I feel like there should be some music playing, like something or other from an Arab harem--you know, with flutes and cymbals and bells and all that." "A little less talk and a little more clothing removal," admonished Rosabel, enjoying her first lead of the game. "I bet you don't stall this much when Smitty's waiting!" Nellie stuck her small pink tongue out at the black woman. "Don't worry, I always pay up," she announced. "And anyway, Smitty likes to remove them himself, so there!" Hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her panties, Nellie slid them over the swell of her hips and down her thighs. They fell to the floor and she stepped out of them, grabbing them by one foot with her pretty pink toes and flicking them up off the floor onto the divan with the rest of their former attire. "There, see?" she said, striking a pose for Rosabel. One foot placed just forward of the other, legs slightly parted, she stood nude before the black woman, an exquisite porcelain doll of a figure. Wisps of her long blonde tresses hung down over the front of her shoulders, tickling her crimson peaked breasts, blonde tresses which were matched in color by the trimmed blonde triangle of hair adorning the juncture of her thighs. Staring at her lithe form, Rosabel swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry. Though she had known Nellie for years, even seen her mostly disrobed on occasion, she'd never seen her like this. Her beauty took Rosabel's breath away. "I don't know what you were complaining about earlier," she heard herself say. "Smitty's one lucky guy to have you, honey--you're dropdead gorgeous!" Nellie plopped back down onto the carpet. "That's sweet of you--but sweet talk won't get you anywhere! Now that you've beaten the panties off me, I'm going to return the favor!" Swiftly she dealt the next hand. Though Nellie's thighs were pressed fairly close together, as Rosabel bent over to pick up her cards, she could see, laying just beneath Nellie's blonde thatch, her love petals nestled delectably. Was it her imagination or was there a hint of moisture on those lower lips? Rosabel was finding it harder to breath and drank some more wine. The conversation and the sight of seeing Nellie's toothsome form naked was having some unanticipated effects on her own body, as she could feel herself growing moist. She silently prayed that when the time came for her to stand up and remove her own panties, her arousal wouldn't be betrayed by a wet spot on the front of them. The embarrassment of having Nellie know she was getting turned on by the sight of her petite nude figure would kill her! Unbeknownst to Rosabel, her petite friend was having similar thoughts as she watched the dusky breasts swaying before her. She could be wrong, but Nellie felt sure that Rosabel's chocolate nipples were puffier than before--as indeed were her own. She kept finding herself hoping that Rosabel would lose the next hand, not just because she wanted to win, but because she secretly wanted to see her friend's bush. Head buzzing from the wine, Nellie found the thought of viewing her friend's naked body oddly stimulating, and she could feel herself getting wet at the thought. God, she thought, I just hope Rosabel doesn't realize it! I think I'd die! Nellie's hopes at seeing Rosabel naked were not to be immediately fulfilled, however, as the black woman won the next hand. "What now?" asked Nellie, a little nervously. "Well," replied Rosabel, "As I recall, we agreed that the winner got to ask the loser a question, and the loser has to answer it. Let me think." She paused for a moment, debating whether she should ask the question she wanted to ask, finally deciding to do it. "Okay, I Smitty the first guy you've been with, and if not, who were the others?" "Rosabel!" exclaimed Nellie, blushing again. "What kind of question is that?" "It's my question, and under the rules of the game, you have to answer it! Well?" Nellie swiftly drank some more wine, thoughts racing. "All right...but we have to make a pact that neither of us will _ever_ repeat to anyone else the things we hear today. Ever!" "Agreed." "Well, Smitty wasn't the first," Nellie admitted, smiling shyly and flushed a pretty pink. As she watched that pink shade suffuse Nellie's breasts, the thought came unbidden into Rosabel's head that the young woman's elongated nipples looked delicious, like cherries resting in cream. Rosabel had to look away for a moment in embarrassment as Nellie began to answer the question. "Smitty wasn't the first," she repeated. "But I've only been with two other men. The first was a guy I dated during college named Howard. We were college sweethearts, but broke up right before I graduated. The second was an archaeology student of my father's named John. He and my father got into a serious disagreement and I called it off." Rosabel licked her dry lips nervously, drank more wine. "Okay, let's talk about Howard. Where did you and he first do it?" she asked. "Oh, no," Nellie shot back. "That's another question." "It's a continuation of the same question," argued Rosabel. "Under the rules of the game, you get to ask a reasonable number of follow-up type questions. I'll let you do it to me--if you ever get that far!" "Well, I don't plan on losing again!" retorted Nellie. "So okay, those are the rules then. Just look out for when it's your turn though!" Nellie leaned forward slightly and poured more wine. It might have just been her imagination, but Rosabel thought she could smell the scent of the young woman, a heady fragrance. As Nellie settled back down to answer the question, she shifted a little, her legs falling slightly apart. Though Rosabel tried hard not to stare--or at least not to be obvious about staring--in Nellie's new position, her pussy lips were clearly displayed to the avid gaze of Rosabel. The fleshy petals seemed to be staring back at her--and she still wasn't sure, but it certainly looked like Nellie's pussy was getting wet. Though Rosabel didn't know it, that was an understatement. Going back over her sexual experiences with Howard in her mind, looking at Rosabel's nearly nude form, was causing Nellie's inner juices to flow more and more freely. "My first time with Howard was in the back of his car. We had gone on a picnic, at a remote place in a park, and it started to rain. We decided to try and wait it out in the back of his car and, well, then we started making out and he...uhh, took me." "Details, details!" pressed Rosabel. She was aware that by now, her own cunt juices were leaking from her pussy and beginning to wet the fabric of her panties, but she didn't care. "God, you want details?" whispered Nellie, half hoping the answer would be no, half hoping the answer would be yes. Rosabel nodded her head "yes," her dark, liquid eyes sparkling with excitement. She gulped down more wine to wet her dry throat. "How detailed?" "Very," she heard herself say, as if she was no longer in control of what she said or did. "Very detailed--and I'll do the same with you when it's my turn." "Well, okay," Nellie agreed, her gaze directed down towards the floor. "I don't know that I can look at you when I tell you this...but...well, first we were just kissing, French-like, you know? And then his hand came up and started playing with my breasts." She glanced up at Rosabel, to see the black woman looking at her eagerly, hanging on every word. God, she couldn't believe she was telling Rosabel this! "Yes, keep going!" "Well, until then I'd always made him stop when he tried to unbutton my blouse, but...but this time I didn't stop him. Everything was like in slow motion. I could see everything so vividly, hear everything so clearly, the sound of our breathing, the patter of the rain on the roof. He unbuttoned my blouse and pushed it back off of my shoulders, reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I almost stopped him when the bra fell away from me. I had never let a man see my naked breasts before, and I felt a little shameful, displaying myself to him like that. All I could think of was that my father would kill me if he knew! I was also a little embarrassed at the size of my breasts, but then Howard exclaimed to me, 'Gosh, Nellie...they're the most beautiful things in the world' and suddenly it was all right. He leaned forward and kissed me again, his hands fondling my breasts and nipples..." Nellie paused to take another drink, feeling the heat suffusing her core. Her crimson peaks were so hard they ached; she could tell without looking down that her puffy pussy lips were betraying her excitement to her friend. With her growing excitement, however, she no longer cared if Rosabel was offended--although any thoughts she had that Rosabel might be offended were dispelled when the black woman eagerly motioned her to go on with her tale. "I had never felt a man's hands on my bare breasts before," she continued. "It was like little tingles of electricity shooting up through me. That was when I knew that we were going to do it...that I was going to let him...let him put it inside me. His mouth moved down to my breasts and started kissing them. Oh, God, I had never known anything could feel as good as it did when he started sucking on my nipples. I thought surely I'd died and gone to heaven--I had no inclination that the delights to come were much greater still. "As he was sucking at my breasts, his hand went between my legs and slid up towards womanhood. Howard had never been bold enough to even try to do _that_ before, but I spread my legs apart and let him stroke me through my panties. God, I was so wet! When he moved the fabric aside and started running his finger up and down...Oh, Rosabel, I can't say it!" Nellie squealed, dropping her gaze to the floor, unable to muster the courage to continue. "Sure you can, you can say it! C'mon, you can't leave me hanging!" Rosabel pleaded. "Promise you won't think worse of me if I get a little vulgar?" Nellie asked hopefully, looking back up at her friend. "I promise, I promise! Come on, what happened next? Tell me!" Rosabel begged eagerly. "Well, all right, if you promise," Nellie said. "Well, he started moving his finger up and down...up and down slit...there, I've said it! When he brushed up against my clit, I thought I'd hit the roof! It was incredible! He told me to lift my ass up for a minute, that he wanted to take my panties off. You might think me a brazen hussy, but I lifted my ass up so fast I'm surprised I didn't injure him! He peeled them off me. I was breathless in anticipation, thinking that he'd go back to sucking on my tits and rubbing my...well, my pussy. Instead, I watched in disbelief as Howard rearranged himself and brought his mouth down to...down on me. No one had ever told me that people did that sort of thing! I'm surprised my screams of pleasure didn't bring the park rangers down on us! "It didn't take long. I...uhh, I'd had some orgasms before, of course, doing...well, you know, from my fingers, playing with myself," Nellie blushed again, scarce believing that she'd told Rosabel--that she'd told anyone, for that matter!--that she masturbated. "But this was so different, so intense, it was like comparing the flow from a faucet with Niagara Falls! I don't know how long I came for, it just went on and on! Poor Howard, I'm surprised I didn't crush him to death between my thighs. I just lay there, panting, feeling so alive, so vibrant. I didn't even notice when he took his pants off. The next thing I knew, he was laying against me, on top of me, hip to hip, looking down into my eyes. 'I want you, Nellie Gray,' he said and I nodded. God, if only he knew how much I wanted him too! He pushed himself in gently and...uhh, when he reached my cherry, kissed me and thrust forward. I was still so high from my orgasms that I hardly felt any pain at all, and that disappeared real quick. It was so exquisite feeling him moving inside me, but he was so excited, he hardly lasted any time at all. I didn't care though, it was wonderful! And he more than made up for it a short while later the second and third times in the back of that car!" 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