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Subject: FUCK DECENCY 373  Passions Playpen  NND g2
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        PROBLEMS?  Please try viewing this with Netscape Navigator.

                                       DREAMGIRLS ON TAPE !

         Tired of one-handed reading?  A solution is at hand!  I have
now recorded an entire Dreamgirls story on tape.  (By ‘Dreamgirls’, of
course, I mean ‘Naughty Naked Dreamgirls.’  If you’re a publisher
unfortunate enough to have “borrowed” the name ‘Dreamgirls’ from me, I
hope nobody mistakes your product for mine!)
         As you know, gentle reader, I have frequently been afflicted
with constipation.  It didn’t use to be a problem.  But, I guess, now
that I’m confined in a senior home, it was to be expected.  I thought,
with a preschool across the street, I’d still feel a certain excitement
when I looked out my bathroom window.  Alas, age has taken its toll. 
Not only on my dick, but on my bowels as well.
         Hence, sitting for long hours on the commode, I wondered what
to do with myself?  I mean, I can’t even visit the Hustler web site
while I’m stuck in the bathroom.  (Let alone David Hamilton’s web site!)
         Then I got an idea.  Why not put a favorite Dreamgirls story on
tape?  And so I did, as I sat taking a crap.  It’s the story, “Bottoms
in Bondage.”  (Fitting, don’t you think?)
         Now I must warn you, that here at Dreamgirls we don’t have
state-of-the-art recording equipment.  Heck, we don’t even have state of
the art toilets!  So, in addition to hearing my melodious (smoker’s)
voice, you will also hear the sound of my toilet, continuously running
in the background.  Also, since my friend Fred has a bathroom next to
mine, and often leaves the door between our two bathrooms open (so he
can look out my window!) you will also hear his toilet too.  I’m pleased
to report that Fred has a normal bowel, unlike me, so you will, in
addition to hearing our mutual plumbing, hear him excreting turds into
the pot.
         Now in my case although my poops are infrequent, I do make a
lot of pee.  This is because I like to drink beer while I’m sitting
waiting for my shit to come out.  So you will hear me not only reading
into the tape, but also pausing, to refresh myself, and pissing out what
refreshed me earlier.
         I should also mention that the food here at the old folk’s home
isn’t the best.  Sometimes I’ll be entertaining some guys when one of
them throws up.  To keep him from making a mess on my floor, I open my
legs and let him pitch his load between them, into my potty.  I realize
that sounds sort of gay, and you’re probably wondering, also, what a
bunch of old men are doing in my bathroom?  It’s simple.  To while away
the time, in addition to reading aloud from my story, I invited some
guys into my bathroom to play poker with me.  That’s why, if one of them
gets sick, he throws up between my legs.  (And the sucking sound you
occasionally hear on the tape is this guy drinking, from a beer bottle,
not what you might think it is, despite having the occasional man
between my legs!)
         Also on this tape you will be hearing the sounds of young
females screaming.  This is not to be interpreted by any law enforcement
officers as me somehow having the opportunity to bring pleasure into a
young girl’s life.  It is, I assure you, the sounds of the little girls
playing outdoors at the preschool.  
         Now about the barking dog.  (On the tape.)  Don’t worry.  There
were no indecent acts performed on the dog.  It was a stray dog.  It
wandered into my toilet and wanted a drink.  I was right in the middle
of FINALLY getting some shit to come out.  So, to accommodate the dog
and not interrupt my poop, I let him stick his snout between my legs.  I
admit it was rather weird, having that dog lap away, just inches from my
cock, at the toilet water.  And yes, all that lapping did make me a
little hard too.  (First time in the 90’s!)  How was I supposed to know
a damn dog would cause me to harden?  So when my dick hit the dog’s
nose, he barked at me.  (Dumb dog.  Did he really think, with all those
pointy teeth, that I was actually going to stick myself into him?  With
a two-incher, I don’t have a lot to spare.  Geeez!)
         Well, that is all the sounds you’ll hear on my tape that might
get you to wondering what is going on.  Pooping, urinating, flushing
(when I’m lucky enough to make something!), running water, little girls
squealing, dogs lapping, an occasional fart, and that guy who needed to
         I know some of you will want the unabridged version of my tape,
so that you can enjoy every word of “Bottoms in Bondage.”  Others of you
will be happy to just have the shorter version.  That’s why there are
two price levels:  $89.95 unabridged.  $14.95 abridged.
         Now, you may ask, “Where do I send the money?”  Well, don’t
send any money just yet.  My tape machine broke yesterday (an old guy
sat on it), so, while I do have a master tape of “Bottoms in Bondage,” I
have yet to make any ‘for sale’ copies.  Hopefully this will happen
soon.  In the meantime, save your pennies, and re-read “Bottoms in
Bondage”, so if any of the text that I spoke into my recorder gets
blotted out by farts or flushing, you will easily be able to follow
what’s going on, because you will (hopefully!) already know “Bottoms in
Bondage” by heart.
         In fact, since I still have constipation, I’m planning to
record all my stories in the coming months.  So, my recommendation is: 
commit all my stories to memory.  Then, when you buy the tapes, no
matter how much I’ve fucked them up, you’ll still be able to understand
and enjoy my stories!
         A final note:  I’m not sure how many more issues of Fuck
Decency I’m going to be able to publish.  My old folks home is run by
Catholic Relief, and I’m here as poverty case.  The nuns would not be
pleased if they found me making my zine.  So I’ve got to keep it ‘under
wraps,’ if you know what I mean.  Especially since I like yanking on my
wiener when I’m writing it.  You can imagine the distress the nuns would
feel if they walked in on me doing that.
         Oh, well, it’s almost 8:30, time for lights out!  Hopefully
I’ll write to you again.  By the way, I see I’m all out of toilet
paper.  If you send me some money, send along some Charmin too, would
you?  I don’t get out much and the stuff they use here for toilet paper
isn’t fit to wipe the ass of a mule.

                                      Andrew Roller Presents
                                              FUCK DECENCY

                                         Hamilton?  Sturges?

                                              Issue No. 373

                                   Naughty Naked Dreamgirls in 
                                            Passion’s Playpen

                                              Chapter Three

         “There.  You are quite captive now, my dear,” Bess said.  She
drew Kate’s hands apart so that the short chain between them became
taut.  Bess yanked on Kate’s hands to ensure they were properly locked. 
The chain did not give, the cuffs did not spring apart or even hint that
they wished to.
         Kate already wore earrings, new ones Bess had pinned on her at
the vanity table.  Bess tugged on Kate’s earrings.  They dangled down
almost to Kate’s shoulders and they felt heavy.  Kate hoped her lover
treated her well.  The earrings made her feel delicate, as if she might
lose her earlobes if they were pulled on too hard.  Bess batted at them,
watching as they brushed across the tops of Kate’s shoulders.  They were
ruby, matching the color of her nipples, with silver to match her
         “Wait.  Let me get you something for good luck,” Bess said. 
She rose and she bustled from the room.  Kate stood, hardly able to
move, she felt so weighed down by the chains, though they were light. 
She looked at herself in the bathroom mirror and saw a girl with radiant
blonde hair and red lips and big, wide blue eyes staring back at her...

                                             BOOK REVIEWS
                                                by holy joe

A Guy’s Guide to Dating, by Brendan Baber and Eric Spitznagel, $10.95. 
Paperback, 216 pages.  Published by Doubleday.  ISBN:  0-385-48553-0.

         Review:  This is a helpful book.  It explains that strange
species known as “the female.”  It begins, appropriately enough, with
explaining girls in kindergarten.  The authors point out that if a
kindergarten girl teases you, it isn’t because she doesn’t like you. 
For instance, if she says to you, “Bart the Fart, He likes to Fart,”
(and your name is Bart), what she’s actually saying is:  “I find you
extremely attractive and I’d like to get to know you better.”  (page
         This book ends with Marriage.  In between there are lots of fun
illustrations and there are many insights drawn from psychology that
explain both yourself, females, and even your mother.  I was pleased
that this book wasn’t hostile to males who might like girls who are
younger than themselves.  They don’t just take a ‘cookie-cutter’
approach to male/female relationships, assuming, say, that all
30-year-old guys could only ever be interested in mature, grown women
who are approximately 30-years-old.  Some guys who are 30 might get
along better with girls who are 14.  Some guys who are 30 might still be
trying to figure out what a kindergarten girl is doing when she points
out that his first name rhymes with “fart.”
         The authors of this book also delve into all aspects of
sexuality.  They report that lesbianism is common among college-age
females, almost a ‘rite of passage.’  They say that bondage is quite
common, writing:  “If you can find us a co-ed who doesn’t own a pair of
handcuffs, we’ll give you a shiny new nickel.”  (page 117)
         The authors’ writing is superb.  There are lots of great lines
in this book.  For instance, the authors summarize the Story of O as
follows:  “Girl finds purpose in life through being submissive at an
exclusive S/M club.”  (page 137)
         In their descriptions of various females that a male might
want, the authors write of a sought-after girl who “knows how to take a
good spanking.”  (page 10)
         On Catholic School Girls, the authors write:  “The combination
of their forbidden status and those sexy plaid-skirt uniforms is enough
to give any man with a pulse an erection from forty yards.”  (page 32)
         On various types of males, the authors write of the man who has
“a harem of female companions who need either Daddy or Brother.”  But,
the authors warn, “Don’t play Daddy unless you’re ready to give a good
spanking.”  (page 107)
         Finally, interviewing men about marriage, the authors come upon
an old man with this insight:  “I’ve never been married, and I’ll tell
you why.  I don’t like old women.  Their boobs sag, their butts get
bigger, their entire body goes straight to hell.  I say no thank you to
that.  Who needs it?  ...It makes me sick just thinking about it.” 
(page 209)
         Of course, according to the conventional media, which you can
wallow in every day of the week on your T.V., “grown” men are only
interested in powerful, career-oriented women, who are at least as old
as themselves.  This book helps shatter that myth.  In the section
describing various sought-after female types, there is only ONE who fits
the type advocated by the media.  Others include:  “A slacker girl who
sleeps till noon and quits her job at Starbucks.”  “A... homemaker.” 
“[A] multiply-pierced, part-time exotic dancer who steals money from
[your] wallet.” and “A wide-eyed girl who’s looking for Daddy.”  Also,
in addition to the girl who’s looking for daddy, there’s a different
girl who is “obedient... cowers in [your] presence, and knows how to
take a good spanking.”  (pages 9 and 10)
         As a result of this book, I have learned many new things about
girls that I didn’t know.  (Even girls in kindergarten!)  I have also
realized that the media is selling me ONE type of female, even though
there are actually many types of females in this world.  I am told by
the media that I MUST have a powerful, career-oriented woman, who is the
same age as me.  At the same time the media tries to turn all the
females in this world into career-oriented feminists.  Worse, various
laws have been passed, further restricting my choices in life.
         This book has helped to open my eyes.  I now see what a
fucked-up society I am living in.  I am surrounded every day by laws,
rules, regulations, and media propaganda.  All of it is designed to make
me desire to have sex and relationships with powerful, career-oriented
feminists.  It’s funny, though: the more I am told what I MUST like, the
less I like it.  I’d rather have a slacker girl any day, who sleeps till
noon and works at Starbucks.  And I’d love to know she’s looking for
Daddy.  And if she can take a good spanking, all the better!
         Even if you’ve never gone on a date, you’ll find “A Guy’s Guide
to Dating” to be a good resource.  It will help you understand what you
want in life, and why you want it.  Hopefully, armed with the knowledge
in this book, you’ll never find yourself in bed with a powerful,
career-oriented woman who’s the same age as you are.  (Unless, that is,
you truly want a woman like that in your life, which probably means you
had a “Show Mom” mommy type and are “Boy X”.

Return to the Chateau, by Pauline Reage, $10.00.  Paperback, 187 pages. 
Published by Ballantine.  ISBN:  0-345-39465-8.

         Review:  This book is subtitled, “Story of O, Part II.”  It is
by the same author who wrote the highly-acclaimed novel “Story of O,”
which was also made into a movie in the 1970’s, then re-made into
another movie again later on (the latter film receiving much less
widespread distribution).
         O is obviously a combination of the female types listed above,
in the book “A Guy’s Guide to Dating.”  She often, as a slave girl,
sleeps till noon, like the “slacker” type of girl.  Also, she’s
definitely looking for Daddy.  And she can take a good spanking.
         Unfortunately, having already progressed from girlhood to
womanhood in Story of O, this book lacks the fundamental quality of
naivete which made O so appealing in the original book.  The author
herself seems not to know quite what to do with O.  What more can be
done with a girl who’s already been fucked fore and aft, whipped,
pierced, and branded?  (I mean, a man can only do so much for a girl
before his services are needed elsewhere!)  Like the husband struggling
to find his pregnant wife sexually interesting, Pauline Reage struggles
to find new ways to make O appealing.  Ultimately, she fails, and this
book resorts to double-spaced type and frequent chapter-breaks (leaving
lots of blank pages inbetween) to make this book hefty enough to appear
to warrant a $10.00 investment.  
         Nonetheless, Reage’s ability to ‘turn a phrase’ is still
present, and her best lines are some of the finest in erotic fiction.
         Return to the Chateau begins with O and a young girl, named
Natalie.  The girl is described unflinchingly by Reage as “the child”. 
She is going to be taken to Roissy, along with O, where both girls will
be slaves.  Of Natalie the author writes:  “[Her] happiness was equalled
only by her impatience, and there was, in that happiness, a fair measure
of the naivete and confidence that children display when they have been
promised something by adults.”  (page 30)
         Unfortunately, Natalie’s mother cuts short her visit with O,
and little Natalie never gets to go to Roissy.  In compensation, O
deflowers Natalie, and then Natalie is fucked by O’s master, Sir
         Why does Natalie disappear from the book?  My hunch is that
Reage wanted to focus on O, alone, being taken back to Roissy.  The
journey of O, travelling all by herself, except for the male escorting
her, was too juicy a topic to be spoiled by the presence of Natalie. 
However, once O arrives at Roissy, Reage quickly finds she needs little
Natalie in the picture for the story to continue.  (After all, O has
already suffered in every way possible in the original Story of O.) 
Natalie is recreated in the guise of a character named Noelle.  The new
girl is described by Reage as follows:
         “O watched Noelle, who was seated opposite her, laughing.  She
was laughing because the black horse-hair of the chair on which she was
sitting tickled her.”  (page 94)  (O and Noelle are wearing dresses that
open in back, leaving their bottoms bare.)
         If I had been writing this book, I would have found a way to
get Natalie back into the story, after O had travelled by herself to
Roissy.  It is not uncommon, though, for a sex story author to invent a
character, only to discard it along the way and then forget to bring the
character back into the story when it is needed again.  Instead, a new
character appears, even though it’s really the same old character. 
(I’ve even found Shakespeare reinventing a character, after the
character had been killed off earlier.  Hence, of his play Hamlet, I
once wrote a term paper titled:  “Polonius lives!”)
         The first half of Return to the Chateau is excellent.  Then it
gets less and less interesting, as O is subjected, without much erotic
effect, to a series of sexual acts.  Reage is at her best as she is
writing of O’s anticipation, of her travelling to Roissy, and of her
first days there.  Once the “action” starts, the book descends into
poorly-crafted, hack pornography.
         Perhaps someday Reage will write a new story, featuring an
all-new character:  the Story of P.

                                             AND IN THE END...

                                           WHAT IS A CRIME?

         “She was convicted of the crime of being a common scold. 
...We’d all be in deep trouble if that were a crime today.”

- Reporter Cokie Roberts, (Charlie Rose, May 18, 1998.)

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