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From: losgud <>
Subject: <*>NEW STORY--Let's All Nap Now, Please
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The following is total fiction.  Any resemblance etc. is a product of your 
imagination.  This work is meant as ADULT entertainment.  If the laws 
where you sit say you're too young to read this, go away and turn 
yourself in to the thought police.  Even thinking about sex is dirty and 
nasty and will warp your mind forever.  Go watch a movie or play a 
game that ends with a body count in the high four figures.  Death and 
destruction are good clean fun.

©1997 losgud.  Personal use just fine.  Archiving okay.  Absolutely NO 
for-profit use permitted.  Reposting without notice is frowned upon.  
Tampering with the text (rewriting) is illegal.  Copyright violations will 
fall under the jurisdiction of my principality, 
where the punishment is to discourage repeat offenders.  We cut your 
fucking hands off!
M/F  con  hum  rom
NOTE:  What's this?  A short losgud story?  Indeed!  Sound familiar?  
No doubt!  Shades of the autobiographical?  Not saying!


Oh but aren't these the busy fizzy days.  No time for nothing!  Rush, 
rush, rush, do this, do that.  Lord it makes me dizzy just in the telling.
So here it is, Saturday afternoon, the wife's in the bedroom reading the 
little guy a story.  I have a bit of religion on my brain.  I'm praying 
like a crazy man _let's all nap now, please!_  Oh, but I fully expect to 
break with the faith yet again within the hour.  I'm a pragmatic guy.  
If miracles don't happen, forget it!
If nothing else, I say to myself, here's that chance for the shower 
you've been pining for since yesterday morning.  I know, I know, it's a 
scary sort of life.  I'm not thinking of a quick wash with soap and 
cloth, I'm dreaming of water so scalding it takes that dirty layer of 
outer skin right off.  Strips me clean like a solvent.  Turn my hair into 
an exotic flower.  Scrape that scratchy rash of beard from my cheeks.
Under the pounding water I am luxuriating.  And what is this? I 
wonder.  Sheer sensual pleasure?  What a rarity in my life.  And what 
other pleasures of the flesh might be forthcoming?
Please take a nap, please take a nap, please take a nap.  I've got that 
mantra thing going just in case the Judeo-Christian dude falls through.
What, you may be asking, are you talking about?
Let me tell you.
There's the problem of moving to the city.  Urban areas as the suns in 
our country's galaxy.  What a lot of rot!  They're fucking black holes, 
I tell you!  They suck things in, including suckers such as us.  Matter 
compacts.  Apartments grow tiny.  Sure, eventually you adjust, because 
you too start to shrink.  But the first couple years are a pain, 
literally so.  You're forever banging your elbows against the walls.  
Barking your head on the tops of the doorways.
Add to that a cash flow like a sluggish stream, choked with sludge and 
silt, going in no discernible direction except perhaps directly downward.  
Home where the heart resides and all that.  But it's damn near an 
homage to the former Soviet style of living.  Almost but not quite.  Not 
quite but close enough!  At least there's no granny parked in a cot in 
the kitchen.  Keeps me from charging down the streets in open revolt.
So you wonder now, good lord, you live in a one bedroom dump, with 
just the one room that has a door that closes.  Why does the kid sleep 
in there?  Why do you and the lovely have the bed set up in the dining 
Isn't it obvious?  Mornings too rushed, evenings too exhausted, if you 
catch my drift.  Sex is like payday:  comes once a week if you're lucky, 
every other if you've got the wrong boss.  Sure, there's that flush 
hour of exchange, greedy with delight, even better than a leisurely 
lunch.  You cash that check, but by midweek it really wouldn't quite 
make up for all the tippy-toeing around if the wee one wasn't safely 
stashed away down the hall behind the door.
So here's the raw rub.  We're at the age where the nap isn't so critical.  
The kid takes after the old man--_savors_ his sleep.  But there's a bit 
of the mother in him--gets too excited to fall asleep.  During the week, 
Dad says time to hop in bed, it's habit.  Dad's such a boring old putz 
anyway, might as well have a snooze.  Besides, if Dad doesn't get his 
little laydown, what a cranky bastard he becomes!  But come the 
weekend--_Mommy's home!_  Here's a kid who turns backflips at the 
mention of Hump Day.  No, not that one!  I mean a.k.a. Wednesday.
I'm all dried off, cheeks soft as cunt.  Ahh sweet Jesus! please! don't 
even think the word!  I feel like I'm trying to dock at Lakehurst, New 
Jersey.  My pecker's picked up the rallying cry, _Remember the 
Hindenburg!_  Oh quiet down, will you.
I sneak into the livingroom the all-natural man.  Dresser's in there.  
Clean tee, pulling on my underwear when my wife pokes her head 
around from the hall.  "What do you think you're doing!" she hisses, 
"Don't get dressed, get in bed!"
Yes ma'am!  Never one to refuse such an order.  Now, sounds like the 
very happy ending, doesn't it.  Don't bet on it!  We can just be 
snuggling in when he pops his head around to corner to announce he's 
not sleepy.  Then don't go to sleep, just stay the fuck in bed!  _Your 
She comes out of the bathroom shedding clothes like a duck does rain.  
Oh my goodness!  Just look at all that!  Is all of that for me?  I'm 
already lurching before she gets under the sheets.
We're like that little electric cartoon guy.  Little bolts of lightning 
are shooting from our fingertips.  Ooh, where have you been hiding those 
lips?  Mr. Tongue, meet Ms. Tongue.  How about a nice warm greeting?  
Mmm, yes indeed.
Of course the whole while the precocious little one is in his room 
singing arias and reciting Proust.  Hey, we're taking precautions in 
here!  You needn't waste your talents.  Sibling rivalry is about the 
last of your worries.
Okay, so there's some music, a little chatter going on.  Pretend it's 
some radio going on in the background.  Not exactly the stuff of great 
mood-setting proportions, but fuck that!  Well, not exactly.  Fuck 
something else.  No mood needs to be set.
Oh my goodness but isn't she the hot one today.  Skipping straight to 
the main course.  Fine with me!  The crudités can keep in the fridge.  
She doesn't even give me the chance to feel how wet she is.  Not with 
my fingers anyway!  She's ripe as brie, but thrice as runny.  Just rolls 
me right over on top of her, settling me nicely between those widened 
thighs.  Doing a bit of gardening, are we?  Plunging the old trowel 
right down in the furrow.  Nice warm moist fertile mother earth!  No 
need to knock, the door's wide open.  The door's been yanked from the 
hinges and tossed out on the front lawn.  
We settle on in.  It's the same old in-and-out, but gone fucking 
exponential!  Her legs wave all around like she's running a race.  
Which, I suppose, she is.  Trying to gather up all the angles of good 
feelings all at once.  Greedy for it, aren't we?  And why not?  I'm 
flipping through my book of tricks and in the end, my god! there's a 
whole section of addenda I'd never noticed before.
Her hands grab my ass, answering all the questions--what? when? 
where? how?  The who and why, well, any moron can guess those.  I 
may be the driver but she's doing all the steering, guiding us through 
the forest to a most delicious clearing she knows about.
She's a tropical island in this ocean of bed, helpless when the  
hurricane blows through.  Her groves of palms are swaying and 
snapping, sucked from the ground by their roots.  It is, as is often 
said, an incredible sight to witness such primitive forces.  Damn well 
leaves us guys longing for such an experience ourselves!
Having a child changes a woman in many ways.  My poor wife suffers in 
the worst ways anymore from the pollen and mold counts when before 
there was no bother at all.  But there is a bit of the old quid pro quo.  
Give her about half a minute, then go on like mad and she goes off like 
mad again!  Must be nice!
Not that that's near the stop of things yet.  Hear that clang?  The big 
bell?  Time for round two.  Then bang bang clang, bang bang clang, 
our ears grow deaf to the count.  Hello sweetheart, we're playing our 
song.  We're off in our own world--and what a wonderful world it is!--
but we're not so distant the little rustling doesn't catch our ears.  We 
both glance up over my shoulder, our bodies slammed into neutral.  
Draw up the bedding a little better.  Nothing.  Nothing, nothing.  Oh 
sure, it was something.  I give my head the tiniest little shake.  Like 
it was the cats or the neighbors or the rats or the cockroaches.  Surely!
Just as surely the machine starts cranking up again, though I'm afraid 
we've lost a little momentum.  Just as I know when her hands go to my 
ass she's ready to come like crazy, when her hands drop down to my 
stuff I know she's ready for me to come like crazy.  She reaches 
around my thigh, stroking me quickly and nearly roughly up and down 
my perineum, grabbing the whole of my scrotum like it's a sack of 
oranges and she wants to squeeze out a golden quart of Florida's finest 
nectar.  I can't begin to describe how I can possibly resist her wish.  I 
just don't want to quite yet.  Not that that's ever helped me hold back 
before.  She adds a hand to the base of my cock, grabbing it right at 
the gates of her glory, jacking it with a big grin.
Please, please, please, I'm thinking, I want more before the end.  It's 
like winning the cover-all.  You get to jump up like a jerk and shout 
BINGO! and collect the big fat prize, but isn't the bulk of the pleasure 
really in the build-up?  I shift slightly, then dive in deep, forcing the 
ring of her hand off my prick.  And suddenly do her eyes go big and 
round.  One guess where her hands wind up next!
Once we descend from that mountain range, have some good huffs of 
richly oxygenated air, she moves on to her next major trick.  Lamaze 
class was years back, but she's retained the value of the kegels.  It's 
the foolproof insurance a woman can have that the cock she calls her 
own will have no desire to go visiting any other cunts.  It sounds like 
a cross between a wooden barrel and a German pastry, and by god 
that's exactly what it is.  Imagine a keg filled with kugel--sink your 
dick into that!  Then the metal bands around the staves contract, again 
and again, tighter and tighter.  You think a talented mouth feels good!  
I surrender.  My army of sperm are white flags waving.  The only thing 
holding me off is that I'm trying to get the troops lined up nice and 
proper.  Exactly then we hear the words, low and uninflected.
"Toilet paper, please."
We nearly perish.  Full to bursting with laughter.
Poor guy.  Fully capable of doing the bottom up proper, but the 
dispenser's a full grown-up reach away.  Oh sure, we tried the trick of 
keeping a spare roll on the top of the tank, but nearly every one 
wound up in the bowl.  It's not as if the stores aren't flush with the 
stuff--but at the prices, if you're losing every other roll to drowning, 
you might as well start wiping your ass with dollar bills and spare 
yourself the outing.
"Toilet paper, please."
"Just a minute, honey, Mommy's coming."
The hell she is!  She's too busy clamping down, with enough trace of a 
tremor to split the Grand Coulee Dam.  That'll be Daddy, coming by the 
buckets.  It feels like my body's converting tissue to sperm as fast as 
it can!
I'm a termite-ridden wooden bridge.  I give some warning groans, then 
collapse into the creek.  She's gazing up at me with dreamy big eyes.  
Then she wings my cheek with her teeth.  She smiles and whispers proudly, 
defiantly, luxuriously, "_I lost count!_"  I roll off and onto my 
side, immediately struck by the sight of a big pearly blob of the stuff 
plopping down on my thigh--that should have been blown out about 
twenty spurts back!  She clambers up and starts pulling on some 
clothes.  Then she adds with a grin, "At least we'll know what to do 
when you're seventy and can't get it up."
That's the uncanny joke.  He never takes a dump this time of day.  
Except the three or four previous times under the exact same 
circumstances.  The sky's full of fireworks and we're but minutes from 
the grand finale.  _Toilet paper, please._  I mean, this kind of 
conditioning is documented!  I'll be a dead man, all boxed up and but 
minutes from the grave.  Bend down and whisper the incantation, and 
she'll be able to hop down for one last ride!
Ah then and here they come, the both of them.  Into the big bed he 
comes.  Oh there's the rules and regulations.  Mommy and Daddy are 
resting.  Only snoozers allowed in the big bed.  If he's just going to 
muck about, then it's back to his own bed.  As if!  I'm the only sleepy 
one in this crowd.  No doubt, nap's over.  But hardly at a total loss, 
don't you think?

Like? Yes? No? Comments welcome.
I am archived at DejaNews under "Author" name:  

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