Newsgroups:, Followup-To: Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam Approved: X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded X-Story-Submission: From: MD James Subject: NEW STORY! Supergirl and X - by MD James (Part 3 of 7) Part 3. "Hello Supergirl," Lex Luthor said nonchalantly. "Welcome to my little abode. I’m glad you decided to stop by instead of sneaking around like some ghost. Would you care for some tea? I’ve got your favorite.." "I’d rather see you behind bars!" Supergirl spat out, and then charged at super-speed at him. But instead of reaching Luthor, she instead impacted heavily on an invisible barrier. Instantly she heard the doorway behind her slam shut with a second metallic door replacing the wooden one she shattered to get into the room. "You must be kidding Luthor!" she said. "I can break through this barrier and have you in custody before you can say ‘I want my lawyers!’" Luthor stood up from behind the antique desk. "Really?" he said. "Then perhaps I should make it somewhat more of a challenge.." He pointed his left hand at Supergirl, which contained an odd remote control device that looked like a simple ink pen. He clicked on the end. Instantly a beam of blue energy hit Supergirl from behind. She expected to feel pain, but instead she felt pleasure where the beam hit her. "L-L-Luthor," she said in almost a murmur, "I d-don’t know w-w-what this is, b-but it’ll m-m-make your c-c-capture all the m-m-more pleasurable.." Luthor smiled. "Well then I guess it’s not that much of a challenge.. Hmm.. how about this?" With another click of the pen-like remote two more beams hit her on both sides. She could feel absolute pleasure coming from her body.. almost orgasmic pleasure.. which focused especially on her breasts. She could feel her nipples get rock hard and swell underneath her outfit, and she could detect that her panties were starting to get wet underneath her short skirt. "W-w-w-w-w-w-what a-a-a-are y-y-y-you d-d-d-d-doing t-t-t-to m-m-m-me?" she demanded as the waves of pleasure hit her hard. "I managed to acquire a little toy a while ago from a guy named Lord Easystreet. He called it an ‘Orgasmatron.’ He even said it managed to bring down someone as powerful as Wonder Woman, but I wasn’t too sure about his idle boasting until I could try it out myself on someone I knew.. I’ll be sure to thank him the next time I see him!" Supergirl could only pant as the blue waves of energy pummeled her body with absolute pleasure. She knew her panties were absolutely drenched in cum as she began to feel her first orgasm. She tried to keep it silent, but her panting made it all the most evident. Her body shook and she could feel herself start to swoon. "Oh don’t drop yet Supergirl," Luthor said as he moved closer to the barrier that separated them. "This little experiment isn’t over yet." With another click of the remote another beam came from the floor of the room, targeted straight at Supergirl’s cum-soaked crotch. She screamed in absolute pleasure as the beams hit her. Never before did she experience such pure pleasure in her life! She desperately needed to get out of the room, or at least out of the way of the full force of the beams.. then maybe she could survive long enough for Clark to come to her aid. Drenched in sweat, she slowly started to work her way to the locked door. She was too weak to use her telekinetic powers, but she hoped she would possess enough strength to open the metal door that barred her. "Oh no you don’t," Luthor said with a devilish grin. "If you have THAT much of a fight in you then you should be able to handle the FULL force of this device!" Supergirl’s eyes went wide as she heard that. She turned around and was just about to mouth the words "NO!" he clicked the remote again. This time the rays from the Orgasmatron came from ALL corners of the room at an intensity she never could even imagine. "A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she experienced multiple orgasms one after the other. "N-N-N-O-O-O-O-O!!!! P-P-P-P-P-P-PLLLLLEASSSSSEEEEEE L-L-LEXXXXX S-S-S-S-S-S-S-STOPPPPPPP TH-TH-THISSSSSSSS!" She could feel her body start to lose cohesion as she shook violently amidst the pleasure and the intensity of the beams. Her skin turned to gray, and she could feel her uniform return to it’s protoplasmic state. Then blackness consumed her… * * * * * When Supergirl awoke she noticed something was wrong… No, not the slight trembling in her limbs from the multiple orgasms she endured. Nor the buzzing in her head that she couldn’t determine if it was from being rendered unconscious or an after-effect of the Orgasmatron. Nor the restraints that pinned her spread-eagled on a cold metallic table. Those realizations came afterwards. Rather it was her CLOTHES.. Those who knew her knew that Supergirl’s clothes actually were an extension of her protoplasmic body. They were as much a part of herself as her blond hair. This was why she was able to change clothes with just a thought. But the clothes on her body now weren’t part of her body.. they were REAL CLOTHES placed on her body. And a fairly close likeness of her Supergirl outfit as well! Just then Lex Luthor entered the room. He no longer wore the expensive business attire, but instead wore a simple gray jumpsuit. "Hello my dear," he said nonchalantly. "I hope you slept well." "Fuck you Luthor!" she spat out with obvious venom. "What the hell is this? What’s with the restraints? What’s with putting this bogus costume on me?" Luthor picked up a computer notepad and made some calculations on it. "To answer your first question," he said without looking at her, "this is my little workshop. You will be calling it home." "Like hell I will!" He continued. "To answer your second question, they are for my safety, because obviously you will not cooperate with me for the things I have in store for you. But in time I won’t be needing them." "In your dreams baldy," she said defiantly. "The minute I’m free you will WISH you killed me!" Again, Luthor continued. "To answer your third question, you will find that I have negated your powers, by a process I will explain shortly. I’m sure for modesty’s sake you are thankful I thought about giving you ANY kind of clothing. And as for your little statement before those questions…" He looked up at her with a devilish grin and said "All in good time, my dear!" Supergirl’s eyes went wide when she realized the implications of that statement. "You WOULDN’T DARE! I am a member of the Titans now! Part of a federal agency! The very act of capturing me is a violation of federal laws! You’ll get the death penalty!" Luthor smiled as he turned his attention back to the electronic notepad. "Do you REALLY think that would stop me? Lex Luthor has done much worse than even you yourself could comprehend, and done with complete impunity I might add… Now, are you feeling any dizziness? Any kind of nausea or fever?" "No.. all I feel is the burning desire to see you behind bars!" He reached over with a free hand and started feeling Supergirl’s face. "Hmm.. well as I was saying, you have been given a special implant while you were briefly in your protoplasmic form. You probably could felt a slight headache when you awoke, but the sensation will slowly fade as your body adapts to the new device.." He then caressed her hair, almost lovingly. "The device monitors works much like your own mind in controlling your body and all it’s wonderful powers. Once installed it begins to learn every aspect of your body and all it can do. The first thing I have done was to use it to negate all your super-powers. You are no more powerful than any human female." He then drew his hand down to her breasts. "Hmm.. very nice work indeed.. my counterpart in the dead planet really did his job, didn’t he?" "Shut up!" she said with venom. "You are NOTHING like the Lex Luthor I knew and loved! NOTHING! He didn’t treat me like some kind of lab rat!" "Of course THAT Lex Luthor wasn’t interested in you as I am," he said as he tugged on the end of her top that was neatly tucked underneath her red skirt. He pulled the end lose, exposing her soft belly as he slipped his hand underneath to her naked breasts. "He wouldn’t be wondering if your nipples were getting hard by the touch, like a human woman’s would. He wouldn’t be wondering if your breasts would swell with anticipation as yours are now under my touch.." Sure enough, Supergirl’s breasts WERE swelling and she could feel her nipples getting harder with the almost gentle caress of Luthor’s hand. She grimaced, trying desperately hard to change herself or to even gain some semblance of control over her body again. She tried thinking about all the things Luthor did in the past.. the way he hurt the Kents, hurt Lois, hurt her.. but her body continued to betray her mind. She felt this ever more as Luthor moved his hand down past her belly, and down underneath her skirt and the waistband of her panties. "N-no," she said, almost pleading. "You’re wet down there. See? The body DOES betray the mind after all," Luthor said with a smile as he withdrew his roving hand and put the electronic notepad down on the nearby table. "You will be mine, Supergirl. Body and soul. You will be mine!" "I’d rather die!" she said as she began to feel she was reliving her worst nightmare. Luthor smiled. "We shall see.." Then he began to remove his jumpsuit. "What are you DOING?" she demanded. Luthor smiled as he pulled the jumpsuit down to past his hips. "I’m going to take you, Supergirl. Just like I said I would." Supergirl’s eyes went wide as she saw Luthor’s chiseled, hairless physique, and then she saw his HUGE cock as it started to grow and harden. It was clearly nine inches flaccid, but once it started growing it looked like it would be over a foot long! ‘My god!’ she said to herself. ‘My nightmare is coming true!’ Luthor grabbed hold of his huge member. "My friend here has been painfully lonely," he said with a chuckle. "He misses your sweet cunt!" "Don’t you DARE!" she screamed. "Don’t you DARE do this! Every hero in the world will come screaming for your blood, I promise you!" "They’ll just have to take a number!" Luthor said as he leaped onto the table and stood in front of her. His now hard monstrous cock stood right in her face as he peered down to her chest. "I have been waiting a LONG time to do this." With both hands he ripped her tunic open right across the S-shield, exposing her B-cup breasts that were already hard. "Oh god please Lex.." she said as she began to sob. "For what we had I beg you.. PLEASE do-.." She couldn’t finish those words as Luthor shoved his hard cock into her open mouth. "That’s more like it!" he said with satisfaction. "Just suck on that for a while. And no biting! Remember, you’re human now. I can hurt you in more ways than you know." Supergirl started to gag as the huge cock was forced into her mouth. Tears streamed down the sides of her face and she felt Luthor’s hands on her breasts. Then she felt Luthor’s hand reach down and rip her panties off, then she felt a chill as his fingers thrust themselves into her wet pussy. She screamed as she was forced to suck on his cock. The vibrations from her mouth added to Luthor’s pleasure. Luthor looked down at her with a sinister smile. "Excellent! You DO know how to suck cock after all!" Supergirl barely caught Luthor’s statement. She was more interested in trying to free herself while still sucking on his monstrous member. In all the time she was intimate with him he had NEVER been so big in his life! She wondered if his deal with the devil Neron had something to do with that. But that statement he made caught her attention.. she’s gone down on Luthor before (when his cock was more normally proportioned, that is) and he’d often commented that nobody could suck his cock like she could. So WHY was he acting as though it was his first time? She was brought out of her concentration by a huge rush of sperm. Luthor came inside her mouth, making her gag with his semen, and spraying some of it out of her mouth. Luthor pulled his cock out from her mouth. "Aw… you didn’t swallow. Well you certainly are a mess, aren’t you?" He pulled her cape off from underneath her body and used it as a rag to clean off her face and the table. "There, that’s much better.." Supergirl could only cough and fight to keep the bile that was building up inside her. She had never retched before, and she certainly wasn’t going to start now! "Now," Luthor said as he hoped back on the table, his cock already hard again, "it’s time for the Coup-De-Gras!" Supergirl coughed as she began to realize what was going to happen. "No Lex.. please.. not there.. not there!" The tip of his cock touched her wet vagina. Pre-cum started to already ooze from it. Just like in her nightmare.. "No Lex.." she begged. "Please.. no.." Then it slid into her. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! OH GOD IT’S SPLITTING ME OPEN!!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Luthor said with satisfaction as he began to inch his massive cock into her cunt. "YES! That feels SOOOOO good! This will be SOOO wonderful!" She tried to shut everything out. Tried to shut out the world. Tried to shut out everything going on. But it wasn’t possible. His cock was too big. The waves of pleasure and pain swept her too fast. "UUUUNNNGGGHHH… Lex… n-n-no… p-p-p-p-please! OHGOD!! It’s UUUNNNNNGGGGHHHH!!! It’s too big… I can’t … I can’t… UUUUUNNNNNGGGGGHHHH!!!!" The huge phallus was deep inside her. Deep inside her all-too-human-looking vagina and womb. Luthor said nothing, but the huge smile on his face was very uncharacteristic of the millionaire businessman who always fucked with a straight poker face. He began to pump his cock in and out of her, building a rhythm. "NOOOO!!" Supergirl screamed. "NO! DON’T DO THIS!!! UUUNNNNGGGHHHHH!!! OHGOD NO LEX!!!! UUUNNNNGGGHHH!!! DON’T!!!" She could feel him start to climax. "LEX NOOOOO!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!! DON’T CUM IN MEEEEE! OHGOD!! IIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" But it was too late. Luthor winced. Then he shivered. Then convulsed as his cock sprayed his sperm deep inside her. Deep inside her body. It almost felt like a fire hose of sperm spraying into her. END OF PART 3 -- Story Submission: Newsgroup FAQ: Archive site: (Not pretty yet)