Subject: [repost] Eli: "Enigma in the Mirror" {mf sf oral} Organization: Some absurd concept X-Files: Used for sharpening claws and teeth on your hawk and hacksaw From: Eli the Bearded X-US-Congress: Moronic Fucks. X-Attribution: EtB X-Archived-At: X-Testing: x-archived-at header detection Archive-name: eli-enigma Subject: Enigma in the Mirror Keywords: mf sf oral Michael Handler's Review: 9: an odd and wonderful sort of fairy tale Ava Petit-Mountain's Review: 9: Eli ventures into Tanith Lee territory [I have done a little mixing of tense with this that I believe is proper, but I am not very happy with the feel. The story is in the past tense, but details which are constant through the time frame of the story are in the present tense. Eg: Every weekend, when Bill was around, Jean used to lick his underwear clean. Bill wore briefs, not boxers. Jean loves the taste of briefs.] Enigma in the Mirror by Eli the Bearded "She is mirour of alle curteisye." -- _The Canterbury Tales_, The Man of Law's Tale, by Geoffrey Chaucer "The summer hath his joys, And the winter his delights; Though love and all his pleasures are but toys, The shorten tedious nights." -- "Winter Nights," stanza 2, by Robert Campion "I love to see, when leaves depart, The clear anatomy arrive, Winter, the paragon of art, That kills all forms of life and feeling Save what is pure and will survive." -- "Autumn," stanza 1, by Roy Campbell _________________________________________________________________ Green was a small child when he first noticed her in the mirror. Had he been older he surely would have wondered how she came to be there, but young as he was, mirrors were weird and mysterious things with unknown powers. She existed only as an image in the glass living in a backwards house otherwise identical to the one Green lived in. Being so young, Green was undistraught that the mirror with the girl did not reflect him. Again if he had been older he might have given her a name of depth and significance such as Enigma or something fancier. But as it happened, he first saw her on the day of the season's first snow, and in season's spirit called her Winter. Green was decidedly fascinated with her and would watch her often. There were times that Winter would notice and wave to him. She was very quiet living behind the glass. Nothing she ever did made any sound and she never tried to talk. Occasionally Green had seen her laugh but with it came no noise. Winter was obviously older than him by a few years. Her hair quite blonde, skin very fair, eyes a deep blue. As a girls she always wore simple shifts of solid hues, sometimes she would have matching slippers but mostly she went barefoot. Gradually the two of them worked out a pantomime language of sorts. The vocabulary was small and the grammar had little detail to it, but it sufficed for games and pleasantries. There was not much need for an elaborate language between them, as the physics of the mirror allowed them to touch and move the same objects even if they could not touch each other. Green never told his family about the mirror or the girl within the glass. He was jealous of his older siblings and wanted to keep this treasure for himself. They never noticed her, but then their reflections came up in this mirror. _________________________________________________________________ Winter, as girls older than boys are wont to do, reached puberty long before Green. She was confused and shameful of the changes she experienced and often hid from him. In her absence Green grew lonely and longed for her. In hopes of charming her back he drew and painted scenic winterscapes with spectacular sunsets. These he mounted to the walls around the mirror so that the reflected counter parts would illustrate the room on her side. On those days when he did see her, he marveled at the way she was changing. She tried to hide it by wearing bulky clothes, but it was obvious that her body was growing into a thing of great beauty. _________________________________________________________________ Then Green started noticing the changes in his body. It was his turn to hide from her and her turn to woo him with art. Winter painted pictures of lush greenery to hang upon the walls. In a few she included herself surrounded by leafy shrubs and entangled in strong vines. She dressed to look gorgeous as she worked on these. Wearing form fitting sheaths of rich color she hoped to lure him with her elegant waspish waist and bold bust. Green would hide outside the room and watch her through a crack as she painted. He felt a stirring in his heart and a longing in his loins, but for embarrassment remained hid. At night after she had left, he would often go in to admire the art. One picture he treasured especially was of Winter, one arm akimbo, the other holding an ornate ivy leaf in front of her chin. In this picture her hair had the luster of white flax, her skin the tone of pearls, her lips red like a pomegranate. He noticed and was pleased by those details, but there were others that especially awed him. Beneath the saffron chiffon robe firms breasts with small, sharp pink nipples; faint soft hair at the lowest part of her visible torso, which marked the top of her delta -- these were sights that made him yearn for a path through the glass portal that at once joined and separated the two worlds. _________________________________________________________________ Eventually Green became comfortable with his new body. He kept his beard trimmed, but wore a small mustache; he lifted weights to shape his taller body, he wore boxers instead of briefs to keep his now much larger anatomy comfortable. He would go shirtless in front of the mirror to show Winter the body he now had pride in. She was obviously happy and impressed. The wall of glass frustrated him no end, however. He had found that he could feel her warmth radiate through the glass, but found no way to pass matter through it. Green had made a friend of one of his teachers, Mr. Jacobs. It was to him that Green first told anyone else about Winter. Mr. Jacobs is a man of odd beliefs. He had no trouble believing the story this young student had presented to him and was very interested in it. The mirror intrigued Mr Jacobs and the sweet romance touched his heart. They say familiarity kills curiosity without increasing knowledge. Mr Jacobs, lacking familiarity, retained strong curiosity about the mirror. One day he enquired, "Since you reflect in all mirrors except this one, what would happen if you used another mirror to reflect yourself into this one?" Green left school early that day and didn't come in at all on the morrow. Winter, Green discovered, is not human. She looks very much homo sapiens, but she has definite quirks. Sound is foreign to her. She can neither hear nor make sound, even her chest holds no heartbeat. Her body is too hot. Her chest heaves with a breathing reflex, but act is not vital to her and seems vestigial. She is lighter than a human her size would be, it is probably on account of her bones. Most, if not all of them, are like hard rubber: strong but not brittle. With some effort and a fair amount of pain she can bend any of the major bones in her limbs into a right angle. The discoveries were not immediate and many of the details were long in hiding; but it was his first act of sex with her that was the giveaway. Winter was very surprised when she found Green wandering the house on her side of the mirror. She was also very joyous. Green near ran to Winter to hug her. They held each other tight for a long moment, then Green loosened his grip and Winter followed his lead. He leaned back to look at her and smile then came back in to give her a deep kiss. That her mouth tasted like orange sherbert did not alert him to her true nature. Instead, orange sherbert, a flavor Green had never taken much notice of before, became a favorite of his immediately. This time she pulled away from him. She stared into his eyes, a smile on her face, a tear forming in one eye. She then began pecking little kisses around his face and especially around his eyes. She rubbed her fingers through his hair and he returned the favor. He had not expected it but found himself oddly delighted when she kissed and licked his eyes. Then she returned her mouth to his. Green put his arms around her waist and lifted her into this kiss. After Winter pulled away, they stared into each other's eyes a moment, then Green put her down and they began undressing each other. Being as familiar as each was to the sight of the other's body, and being as unfamiliar as each was with the feel of the other's body, the disrobing was a hasty necessity so that they could go on exploring each other. After the cumbersome clothes had been cast off, Green started to kiss and suck the firm nipples atop her small breasts. At first he alternated between the two with Winter guiding his hands to hold and massage them all the while. Then he began spending more and more time on the slightly larger of the two nipples. He licked the nubs around her areola, placed as much of the small breast as he could in his mouth to suck on it, pinched the flesh between his teeth and tongue. Winter rubbed his shoulders and ran her fingers through his soft dark chest hair. She pinched his nipples and guided his hands to her free breast. Green would have continued, perhaps for hours, sucking, feeling, and taunting her breasts, had not Winter gently pushed his head lower. His kissed a dotted line down the center of her trunk and stopped at her navel for a few wags of his tongue. The licks tickled and Winter giggled her mute laugh. He kissed until he reached her soft blonde hair. He closed his eyes and rubbed his nose through the patch savoring Winter's scent. After a few moments of this he turned to her knee and kissed it gently and slowly. A few quick pecks along her leg put him at her inner thigh. Green then kissed and nibbled his way back into her crotch. He paused, his face so close to her he could just barely focus on her slit. She was wet, her lips were large, her clit was visibly protruding. Green stared, tearful with glee, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, stretched out his tongue and moved in. She was warm against his face and hot in his mouth. The taste was unmatched in Green's experience. At first he licked deep in a long top to bottom motion that lingered lightly on her button. Then he brought in his hands. One carefully inserted a finger and the other traced along the labia and pinched her clitoris. He lapped up her lubricating liquid fast and slow, softly with passion and deeply with vigor. With a long slurping kiss he sucked her inner labia into his mouth. He felt her body get warmer and opened his eyes a squint. She was faintly glowing. He was startled for a moment and paused. Winter did not notice his alarm but did not like the hesitancy. She pushed his face into to her bush. He resumed his lingual exploration of her salacious wet folds. It did not take Green long to notice the glowing matched her excitement, nor did it take her long to brighten. He began a pattern of deep licks that were careful to hit her bud on the rise. Whilst eating so, he also massaged the area in a slow firm circular pattern. Winter's glow began radiating in ripples out from delta which stayed steady bright. Each time the ring ran further out. Her legs were tensing and she arched her back slightly. The rings moved faster and grew wider as Green speeded the pace. She pushed herself into his mouth, she gripped his hair and pulled him in. Then as a ripple wide as a handspan shot out, she relaxed. Green knew it was over but continued to slurp up her fine fluid for a few minutes more. Winter tousled his hair as he licked. When he stopped and lifted his face to look into her eyes, Green saw the most intensely loving look he had ever seen. He put his cheek to her belly button and hugged hard. Silent as always Winter nudged him onto his back. The erection he had been ignoring now stood proudly up from his prone position. She poked a pinky into his meatus moist with precum. She withdrew her probe and tasted the tip. She smiled then leaned over to kiss one of his nipples. It hardened instantly upon her touch. Winter positioned herself over his xiphoid appendage, her hands clutching his chest, his guiding her with a firm rear grip, she lowered her box over him. Her ridged enclosure was quite inhuman, but Green did not know that and given the wild sensations it created he certainly did not mind. She began raising and lowering her hot wet grip over his erection. Green was rubbing and squeezing her rump when she started but, as she became comfortable with the motion and speeded, the bounce of her breasts became an absorbing sight so he reached up and grabbed and fondled the white mountains. Again as she grew excited she glowed. But this time with Green's grabbing added to the situation, there were three centers of light. Her nethers lit up as before and her pink nipples had a cherry red light. With sharp pinches rings raced down her breasts fading to white at her chest. Winter's dripping lube seemed cool running over his relaxed scrotum. Her inner ridges where were pushing Green fast towards his peak. He stared into her blue eyes. She understood his plea for haste and began fingering her clit. The nether ripples again spread out. It was only a few moments before the ring glow from her breasts met with the rings >from her sex. Where they touched there were halos of glowing sparks. Green reached his height and cum began flowing. Two bobs later the handspan ring shot out. Winter did a few more up-down cycles after that then lay down on Green's chest. "I love you," he whispered into her ear. She made no response. Elijah ------ pet peeve: people misusing akimbo (