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                 K R I S T E N' S    C O L L E C T I O N

		This text file contains sexually explicit
		material. If you do not wish to read this
		type of literature,  or you are under age

			Scroll down to view text

Archive name: (Game.txt
Authors name: Storysman
Story Title : Bachelorette Party - The Stripper's Game
This story contains sexual situations and should be read
by consenting adults only. Thank you
----------------  Kristen's collection  ----------------

The wedding day is fast approaching. The blushing bride tries
to preserve her purity, but falls into the stripper's game. 
			* * *

     Stacey covered her mouth as the crowd of females
emerged from their various hiding places with a shout of
"Surprise!" She had heard of surprise birthday parties, but
not surprise bachelorette parties.

     The girls came up to her one-by-one and offered
congratulations on her upcoming wedding. She glowered at
Megan, her best friend, who wore a smile indicating she was
the mastermind of the affair. Stacey strictly instructed to
her friends and co-workers that she didn't want a big to-do
party. She liked the sentiment, but knew her friends too
well. They would get her drunk, and embarrass her beyond
belief. She wasn't sure exactly what they would do, but she
suspected some of the gifts awaiting her in a nice little
pile would be a little "too mature" for her innocent
nature. With the wedding this upcoming weekend, she thought
her wishes had been honored.

     Megan guided her into the family room. She had indeed
planned the entire affair, despite her Stacey's wishes.
Surely no harm could come from it! All they need was a
couple of hours to spend their fun. Then, Stacey would be
off to dinner with her fiancee, John, and they would all
laugh about it at the wedding. Only three days until the
major event. Megan knew she could never let her
conservative, shy friend tie the knot without a shocking
send off. Of course, all the other girls agreed. They
looked forward to this day more so than the actual wedding

     Stacey sat next to the pile of presents. She would co-
operate, though hesitantly. She began to open her presents
and sip from a drink. The first item was a pair of red silk
panties. She felt her face must have matched the color as
she tore the tissue paper away from them.

     "How do you like them?" Megan asked with a smirk.

     "They're very nice..." Stacey closed the box and set
it beside her. She would wear them, in fact, she already
wore similar pairs for John. But she was uncomfortable with
her sexuality on display for her friends. Her embarrassment
grew as she continued to open packages. As she opened bras,
panties, and nighties, she grew more and more mortified as
shouts of "That will get him hard." and "He's going to fuck
you so good." cascaded from her peers mouths.

     But she knew they were right. John loved her in
lingerie,  and she had to admit she could be quite striking
in a skimpy, silky outfit. She was a petite woman,
extraordinarily thin and delicate. Her breasts were shapely
and firm, and seemed large in comparison to her small
frame. John had insisted in her wearing lingerie shortly
after they began having sex, and she was content to
titillate his desires in privacy. But showing off her body
or the garments she barely covered it with was never her
style. She spoke little of her and John's sex life, and
never inquired about others'.

     Stacey took and deep breath and brushed back her
shoulder-length black hair as she forced herself to
continue. She opened the next box with the same
trepidation, but was relieved to see a red dress beneath
the tissue.

     "That's for your dinner tonight." Megan informed her.

     Uh-oh. Stacey lifted the dress out of the box. First
she noticed the slimness of the outline. This would fit
very tightly on even her. Then she noticed the hemline.
This dress was short. VERY short. She had never worn
anything this daring before. She figured it would barely
cover the essentials, and getting out of a car would be

     "Come on, put it on!" The cries gained a chorus
amongst the spectators. "Put it on! Put it on!"

     "Yes, put it on." Megan told her. "Let's see how
beautiful you'll look for John tonight.

     What was worse? Putting on the skimpy dress or
continuing with the presents? She really didn't want to go
out in public in such an outfit, but she knew her friends
wouldn't let her leave until she had at least tried it on.

     "Fine." she stood up with the dress and almost lost
her balance. The alcohol was stronger than she realized!
She started to head for the bathroom when a nearby friend
held up one of the boxes.

     "Put these on, too."

     Stacey took the box, knowing it contained a rather
racy and rather lacy set of bra and panties. Were they
going to make her pull up her skirt to prove she had put
them on? She didn't put it past them. She headed for the

     The girls giggled and laughed at Stacey's stunned
expressions as she dressed quietly down the hall.

     "Did you see her hands when she opened the teddy?"

     "That was priceless!" Megan answered. "The girl really
needs to open up. She doesn't know what she's got when it
comes to her looks and we wouldn't want her to disappoint
John, now would we."

     "Do you think she'll wear any of this for him?"

     "She will. And I bet she'll be surprised to find out
how much she enjoys it."

     "It's funny seeing her squirm."

     "Just waited." Megan said with a gleaming eye. "It
gets better..."

     Stacey returned to the party in absolute radiance. The
dress hugged her body to perfection, and left no doubt as
to the exact shape of her curves.  Her breasts seemed
molded into the rounded top, and her legs announced
themselves with a sheer sexuality. The dress cut off about
two inches below her crotch, and tightly squeezed her hips.

     The girls proclaimed their admiration and approval.
"John is going to be very happy tonight." said one. "I'm
not sure they'll make it to the restaurant!" said the

     Stacey felt flush with the comments. Some of it was
from embarrassment, but most of it was excitement. "We're
not having sex before the wedding." she informed the group.
Indeed, it had been two weeks since their last lovemaking.
Stacey knew the wedding night would be fantastic, but knew
her body was pushing it's limits by waiting so long.

     She sat on her knees as she reached for the remaining
two presents. She tore of the wrapping and just about
fainted at its contents. She held in her hand a twelve inch

     The girls erupted in laughter. Stacey quickly dropped
the gift and reached for the last one. The girls watched
her, still laughing, as she opened the last gift. Once
again her conscious almost fled her as she opened a

     "You might need some company when John goes on
business trips!" Megan barely made out the words through
her laughs.

     Stacey felt stunned with embarrassment. She had never
used such devices, and hated the thought of the girls
thinking she would use these. She rose to her feet. Megan
picked up the vibrator.

     "See, the batteries go right in here." she turned on
the instrument, and the girls laughed as it buzzed.

     "Keep that away from me!" Stacey turned her head.

     "What's the matter? Afraid?" Megan held the vibrator
in one hand, the dildo in the other. She moved towards

     Stacey shrieked and stepped away. She retreated into
the sun room, which connected to the family room by a
sliding glass door.

     "Quit it!" she laughed as she stepped back. She was
embarrassed, but did appreciate the humor involved. Megan
stood a few feet from her in the sun room. She placed the
two intimidating objects on a  small glass table.

     "Ok. Stay right there. We have one more present."
Megan walked back to the family room.

     Stacey stood as the girls separated from the window.
"Come on. It's time." Megan yelled.

     Stacey's mouth dropped as a large muscular man made
his way into the sun room. She knew immediately what he was
here for. She heard a `click' from the glass door.

     "Hey!" she yelled.

     "Sorry!" Megan yelled through the glass. "We knew you
would try to run, so we have to lock you in!"

     "But don't worry! We still have a perfect view!" one
of Megan's cohorts added.

     The man walked to a small boombox and turned on some
cheesy music.

     "Hi, I'm Dan" he said as he started to move his body.

     Stacey was frozen as she looked at him. He was dressed
in a white, rugged-looking shirt that was already half
unbuttoned. His pecs flinched with his movements. The jeans
he wore were about two sizes too small.

     Stacey looked for another way out. There was one more
door, off to the side. But it was conveniently blocked by a

     "Hey, don't you like me?" Dan brushed his hand across
her arm as he gyrated his hips. Stacey smiled and looked
away. Dan undid the rest of his shirt and cast it away. The
hooting of the girls on the other side of the glass was
quite audible as Dan flexed his pecs and biceps.

     Stacey looked at the man's definition. She was
definitely in good shape, but she felt too embarrassed to
be impressed. Besides, the alcohol was making her woozy.
She sat down in a  nearby wicker chair.

     "That's it, baby." Dan moved towards her, humping the
air in front of her face. Stacey looked right through him,
wishing the event was over.

     "Hey." Dan lifted her chin. "Pay attention." She
didn't respond. He leaned down, resting his hands on the
arms of the chair. Stacey's hands were in her lap, but her
upper arms still made contact with his biceps. She smelled
musky cologne on him, and noticed his muscles had been
slightly oiled. They did look good.

     "You're hurting my feelings, you know. Don't you think
I'm cute?"

     Stacey looked at his face. It was rugged and quite
handsome. His hair was as black as hers, and contained a
small amount of gel.

     "I'm sorry. I'm just not in to this kind of thing."

     "Oh. I see." Dan stood up. "Well, let's try something
then." He went to the mini-fridge and pulled out some
champagne. They had obviously planned for difficulties. He
quickly poured her a drink, which she took and began
sipping. She needed something to get her through this!

     "Ok. Here it goes. We are going to play a game. And I
am going to get you very, I mean VERY, horny."

     Stacey was shocked by his statement. Did strippers
normally say these kinds of things?

     "I want you to wear this." he handed her a blindfold.
"Now, I'm going to touch you. You have to guess what I
touched you with. OK?" She looked confused. "If you get
five right, I'll let you walk out of here. No stripping.
But--" his eyes locked on hers. "For everyone you get
wrong, I'm going to take something off. And at five, I
win." He was already shirtless. How much more could he have

     Stacey was feeling to drunk to argue. She let him slip
the blindfold over her. She took another drink, shook her
head at the ridiculous music, and waited.

     She felt something pushing against her right arm. It
was rounded, small, and a bit warm.

     "Your finger." she said.

     "Very good. One down."

     Another object pressed itself against her cheek. This
was fabric of some kind.

     "Your shirt."

     "Good. Very good."

     She smiled. This wasn't so bad! She would be out of
this in no time! She felt something touch her knee. She
jerked it slightly, aware of its bare state. The object was
warm and soft. What was it? The pressure felt interesting
as it sat motionless on her flesh. Her nerves started to
tingle in the area.

     "Your elbow."

     "Nope. The palm of my hand." She lifted her blindfold
to see he wasn't lying. His palm rested on her knee, the
fingers outstretched above her thigh.

     "That's one for me."

     She dropped the blindfold as his hand left her. Funny,
the area seemed a bit vacant. She stared at the darkness,
wondering what part of his sculpted body was becoming more
exposed. He did have shoes on, she noticed that. Maybe they
came off first. She heard the girls laugh and hoot. They
were certainly enjoying this moment, in more ways than one!

     A new feeling touched her. She squirmed as it made
contact about midway up her thigh. This was getting a bit
close! What was it? It was smooth, sleek, and neither warm
or cold. She shifted her legs slightly, uncomfortable at
the touch. Her squeezed them together, making sure he
didn't get any ideas about where to touch her next.

     What was it? She thought about the objects in the
room. What did he bring? What was already here?

     "A cassette case."

     "Wrong." she lifted the blindfold and saw an unused
wine glass indenting her thigh. His had hovered an inch
above her crotch.

     Wait! What was this other feeling? He hadn't touched
her again, but a warm sensation spread between her legs.
Her conscious mind blocked out her next thought. She hoped
he touched her legs again.

     A cold, moist sensation came next. Directly on her
lower lip. The chill spread down her body, causing a slight
quake. The sensation was also smooth, and it moved across
her lip. What was that cold? She hurriedly tried to think
of an answer as she noticed something she didn't want to:
Her nipples slightly hardened.

     She moved her tongue to the lip. Aha!

     "The champagne bottle!"

     "You are correct, beautiful lady." She smiled at her
realization of her taste of the champagne. And at his
compliment. She began to wonder where the next touch would
come. It seemed longer it arriving than the previous ones.
She felt her body tingling with anticipation. Where would
it come? Would he dare touch somewhere private? And why was
she getting hot?

     The touches were definitely farther apart. He must be
running out of ideas... a soft, moist, warm touch came
against the back of her leg.

     Stacey gasped and felt her chest heave slightly. She
didn't know what it was, but she liked it. She didn't
answer, she didn't have an answer. The touch was well down
her leg, but upset her anyway. Then she knew what it was.
His tongue. He gotten down on the floor. She wasn't mad
that he used his tongue. She was mad because she wished he
had used it higher...

     She started to speak, but realized her voice would
crack. She composed herself.

     "Your tongue?"

     She heard his voice from the floor. "Correct."

     Four down. Only one more.

     She heard him circling. The scent of his cologne
spread over her, making her feel dreamy. She imagined him
in the darkness in various states of undress. She had
gotten two wrong. What had he taken off with those

     The next touch was something long. It's length began
at her navel, and continued up her stomach. He was bending
it against her. The feeling crept upwards. Now it was
between her breasts. "Oh God," she thought to herself as
she drew in a breath. She felt her heart beating hard in
her chest, and half expected Dan to throw her to the floor
at any moment. She shouldn't have changed into this outfit!
She was all too aware of how tightly the dress covered her
body. Dan must have noticed the creamy flesh of her
cleavage, and the enticing shape the curves took underneath
the red fabric. And he must of have noticed her legs. She
wondered if he was trying to look up her skirt as she sat
there with her eyes closed. She had squeezed her legs
together, but couldn't feel the dress on her legs anymore.
Her body seemed so hot and tingly. The alcohol must be
altering her sensation. She moved her hand down to her
legs. Sure enough, the skirt portion of the dress had slid
up. Dan could see her panties, she was sure of it.

     The object had made contact with her sternum, and
finally stopped near her collarbone. Where was his grasp?
The item was placed perfectly in her cleavage. But his hand
couldn't be there without touching her breasts. But she
felt no fingers indenting the soft flesh. No warmth
perceptible above the cut of the dress. She felt she could
see Dan in the darkness. His eyes were focused on her
squeezed legs and the small amount of panty fabric wedged
in between. He was going to touch her there. She knew it.
His hands were close, so close...

     Why was she thinking about his fingers and hands? They
weren't important to the game. She had to guess this
object. And ignore her erect nipples. Damn! Why were they
like that? She wondered how well the dress hid them. Could
he see protrusions through the fabric tightly on her? He
would think she was aroused, which she wasn't! No! She
couldn't be aroused. But as she thought about her body, and
the visibility of her panties and nipples, she began to
wonder if Dan could control himself.

     She forced her mind to the objects in the room. What
could be long and solid. His penis. No! It couldn't be
that! No, he wouldn't use THAT! It was the dildo! It was
this long, it was this hard. If it was his penis, it would
be warm. This wasn't. Besides, he couldn't push his penis
against her without his legs touching. And what about his
testicles? Surely she would feel the hanging sack against
her body. And what were the chances his penis was twelve
inches? What were the chances this hot, built, man was
naked in front of her right now?

     She prepared to answer. It was the dildo, the fifth
and final answer she needed for freedom. She opened her
lips to speak.

     "A corkscrew."


     She lifted the blindfold. Dan was standing in front of
her wearing a silk pair of red bikini briefs. The color
matched her dress. And her panties. A tight triangle of
silk was clearly visible between her legs. She went to
cover them, then stopped. She had given a wrong answer!
What was going on! Dan removed the dildo from her chest and
smiled at her. She looked down at his waist, expecting his
hands to slide off the underwear. Her conscious mind
ignored the bulge as she dropped the blindfold.

     Something soft against her lips. Soft and moist and
warm. He was kissing her.     His lips pressed against
hers, without moving. Heat cascaded down her chest and
concentrated between her legs.

     "A towel."


     She didn't lift the blindfold to verify.

     His hand cupped her breast.

     She felt his hand grope her, his fingers moving into
her flesh. She felt her nipple get squeezed between and
then released. She realized the hoots of the women had
subsided. The music had subsided the room was completely
quiet as his fingers slipped under the dress and blatantly
caressed the nipple.

     "A cushion." her voice cracked above her breath. His
hand left her. She remained frozen in the chair. She heard
him move away, and the doorwall open.

     "What are you doing? You can't touch her like that!"
It was Megan.

     She heard sounds, but could not realize exactly that
Dan didn't answer and reached inside the door. She didn't
see him grab the pole that wedged the doorwall shut. She
didn't know he then shut the door and used the pole to lock
it from the outside. But the shouts and pounding on the
glass let her know they were isolated in the sun room.

     She felt another touch.

     Against her cunt.

     She thought she had closed her legs. But now they were
open. Wide open. She knew her panties were visible. She
knew the flesh of her thighs was visible right up to the
point that it disappeared under the lace. She felt herself
push against the object slightly and begin to moisten. The
game was over. She had gotten five wrong. But she still
wanted to play.

     Her breath was coming hard. She struggled to make an
intelligible sound.  Any word would do. Any wrong word. "A

     She heard a buzzing and felt a vibrating against her

     "Ohh!" she screamed above the pounding on the glass.

     "That's it. You lose." Dan tore of the blindfold as he
wedged the vibrator past her panties and into her cunt.

     "Uhh! Uhh!" The sensations swirled between her legs
and caused hips to pulse onto the instrument. Dan was above
her, standing there with his muscles rippling. He was still
in his briefs, but the tip of his cock extended out into
plain view.

     "Ill give you one more chance..." he closed his hand
over her eyes. The vibrator shut off and a few seconds
passed before a long, hard object inserted into her mouth.
She closed her lips as it touched the back of her throat.
Her hand moved to pull it out, and realized it was quite
long, perhaps even twelve inches. She pulled it out, and
with eyes still covered, gave her answer.

     "The dildo."

     The object moved into her mouth again and her eyes
were freed. She noticed Dan's penis stretching from his
loins to her mouth. She started sucking his cock.

     "Stacey! Stop! Don't do this!" It was Megan. Too bad.

     Stacey sucked, covering the tip with her saliva. She
had lost, and knew she had to pay. Her head bobbed on the
shaft, sucking and licking the length. She had lost, and
knew she had to let him touch her with whatever he wanted
wherever he wanted.

     Dan pulled out of her mouth, and grabbed the new dress
where it draped across her lovely cleavage. His biceps
bulges as he tore the fabric apart, exposing her breasts in
the new bra.

     "Uh!" Stacey's voice uttered with the action. "Touch
me. Oh, touch me!"

     Dan unclasped the bra and began massaging her bobbing
breasts. Her hard nipples ached when his hands left them,
and shot fire through her when he squeezed them.

     "What should I touch you with now? Tell me what you
want, honey. Tell me so I can fuck you." he asked.

     "Your mouth... use your mouth!"

     Dan obliged as bit her left nipple. Stacey shrieked
and groaned as she grasped his head. Yes, she was going to
fuck him. They were going to touch, then fuck.

     "Ohh! Ohh! Yes!" His tongue licked across the soft,
round flesh, leaving a  trail of glistening saliva between
her cleavage.

     "Your penis! Use your penis!"

     Dan wedged his cock between her breasts. It was hard,
and hot. She felt his fingers indent her skin as he rubbed
it up and down. She squeezed them together, tightening the

     "Oh yeah, oh baby!" She felt touched by his voice as
it drowned out Megan's cries of "Oh God, please stop!"

     "Touch my vagina! Touch my vagina!" her choice of
words still seemed innocent.

     "It's your cunt."

     "Touch my cunt! Touch my cunt!"

     "Please! Remember John! He's going to be your
husband!" Megan was pleading.

     Stacey looked at her, then back at Dan.

     "Touch my cunt... Fuck my cunt."

     Dan ripped the dress all the way down, leaving her
atop it in nothing but her panties. She lifted her hips as
he slid them off.

     "Your tongue! Use your tongue!"

     Dan pressed her passage open, and licked her dripping

     "Ohh yeah! Oh God!"

     Dan flicked his tongue over her clit. Her body started
pumping in the chair. She let herself cum into his face.
Her head writhed with each flick, each motion of his tongue
across, around, and into her pussy. She gripped her hair in
her hands, then squeezed her breasts, then Dan's hair as
her body illuminated with sensation. She was aware of the
girls watching, and she finally didn't care! She wanted
them to see. She wanted everyone to see.

     They almost fell over as she leaned back in the chair
to receive his probes. Dan moved back, reached down, and
picked up her naked body. She felt light in his arms. She
put her arms around his neck, allowing his left hand to
finger her pussy as he walked her to the glass door. She
was in reverie, but noticed she was just a few feet from
her friends. Dan set her down, an inch from the glass.

     "Oohh, ohh!" she looked at their eyes as Dan fingered
her. She stepped slightly in place as he pushed his fingers
into her wetness.

     "Do you want to see him fuck me? Do you?" she
screamed. "Fuck me, Dan! Fuck me!"

     Dan pushed her against the glass. Her breasts
shmooshed against the door, and Stacey watched her friends
faces as Dan's cock thrust into her from behind. Some of
them were crying.

     Megan was one of them. Her eyes locked on Stacey's
face. Stacey returned the gaze, which moved up and down in
her vision with Dan's thrusting cock.

     "Ohh, it's so fucking good! It's so fucking good!" she
yelled as her breasts left imprints on the glass. Some of
the girls turned away, unable to watch their gift penetrate
sweet Stacey's pussy... unable to watch as her nipples
pushed into her breasts as they mashed the glass... unable
to watch as Stacey fucked away her wedding. Some watched in
stunned silence, their guilt building with each hump like
the strength of Stacey's building orgasm.

     "Uhh! Ohh! Uhh! God! Yes!" Stacey squirmed and managed
to bring her hands to her breasts between humps. She
squeezed her tits as an orgasm cascaded over her. Megan
covered her ears as Stacey screamed her ecstasy.

     "Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Pound my cunt! Ooh! Ohh, thank you,
Megan. THANK YOU!!!"

     "Ohh! Fuck yeah!" Dan screamed as his cock ejaculated
its hot sperm into Stacey. He pulled out of her, allowing
some to squirt onto the window. The cum ran down the glass
in thin trickles. Stacey moved to the spot, wiping it away
with her breasts. Dan pumped her some more with his
remaining hardness. His tall, muscular body seemed to
engulf Stacey's delicate frame. His penis threatened to
shoot right through her. He humped her slowly as he smiled
at Megan through the glass. Somehow, he knew he wasn't
going to get paid.

     Stacey had grown limp after another minute fucking.
Dan carried her to the chair, and rested her body in it.
She sat with her eyes closed, rubbing herself in quiet

     Dan easily pushed the sofa aside from the outer door.
He picked up Stacey once again, her nude body clutching
him. Megan watched as her best friend was hoisted in the
air. She noticed how beautiful she was as breasts bobbed
with the motion and her cunt remained visible underneath
her bent legs. She watched as Dan carried her out the door,
just as nude as Stacey, and headed for Dan's car in the
driveway. They were going to fuck again, but who knew
where. Then she turned to her friends in the family room.
They had to find new plans for the weekend...

               K r i s t e n    B e c k e r (is the home of my collection)

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