Newsgroups: Followup-To: Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam Approved: X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded X-Story-Submission: From: (Steven S. Davis) Subject: "Diane", 2/8 (NC, torture, extreme) Keywords: story repost nonconsent torture s&m This story may be freely distributed, so long as the following warning remains attached. WARNING: This story is not to some tastes. Actually, it's not to most tastes. It involves bondage, golden showers, humiliation, kidnapping, murder, rape, scat, slavery, terror, and torture, all of them nonconsensual. There's also doubtless some grammatical errors; for those, my apologies. This is not by any means a normal bondage story, it does not represent the practices of the BDSM community, where consent is required and the safety of all players a key concern. People into B&D will find bondage here, but not the safe and loving sort they crave; people into D&S will find no power exchanges, nor any loving submission or concern; people into S&M are the ones most likely to enjoy this story, but it is not an S&M story, in which people with complementary needs, to give and to receive pain, come together to consensually satisfy their needs. This is a story about sadism w/o masochism, and as such is an evil story, as much a horror story as it is an erotic story. Please do not read it unless the most extreme examples of human evil interest you. SD DIANE, Part 2 by SD 3. Slave Training: Day One Diane was awakened by a pounding on the bars of her cage. It scarcely seemed she had slept at all. When her visitors had finished with her they'd forced her to her knees and made her crawl into a small cage and place her face on the floor. Steel rods were then inserted through the small holes in the cage and locked into place just above her neck and ankles, behind her knees, and below her waist, pinning her into a most uncomfortable position. As tired as she was, the combination of her distress and her discomfort prevented her from sleeping. The intermittent periods of weeping didn't help. It had taken many hours - which had seemed an eternity to Diane - before she succumbed to exhaustion. Now the pounding of a metal club against the cage, which in addition to being very loud sent shock waves reverberating through the rods pinning her in place, dragged her back to consciousness. The rods were removed by two new thugs and the door opened. "Out, slave" commanded a statuesque blond woman in her forties. Diane tried, but was too stiff to move. "Move it, bitch" came the command, emphasized by the sting of a riding crop on Diane's ass. Diane still could not move, and the mistress told her attendants to pull the slave out, "but DO NOT drag her". The cage was reoriented so the opening was on the top rather than the side and Diane was seized and extracted by the legs. The attendants stood her before the mistress but Diane's legs buckled and they had to hold her by the arms. The mistress grasped Diane below the chin, raising her head, and shouted. "YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE CUNT, IS THIS WHAT YOU CALL OBEDIENCE ? IF YOU'D RESPONDED THIS WAY TO A COMMAND FROM ONE OF THE MASTER'S GUESTS THEY'D HAVE DROPPED ONE OF YOUR CHILDREN ALIVE INTO A TANK OF HUNGRY MAGGOTS BY NOW. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ANYONE WOULD WANT A SCRAWNY BAG OF BONES LIKE YOU TO DO, BUT WHEN THEY TELL YOU, YOU MOVE AND MOVE FAST ! I'VE GOT THE UNLIKELY TASK OF TRAINING YOU TO DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD TO WHEN YOU'RE TOLD TO, AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO HUMILIATE ME WITH BEHAVIOR LIKE THIS". The mistress turned sharply and walked towards an adjacent room, ordering the men "to bring sleeping ugly". When they got to the room, Diane was strapped to one end of a seesaw like apparatus and dunked in a tank of very cold water. The shock of the cold water and the terror of not being able to breath brought Diane fully awake. She wasn't under very far, but her desperate efforts to raise her head above the water were unsuccessful and she watched in growing panic as the mistress stood impassively observing her futile struggles. With a wave of her hand, the board was elevated so that Diane's head cleared the water. As Diane gasped for breath, the mistress observed, "You seem a bit more spry now", then had her dunked again, so quickly that Diane sucked in water instead of air, and when she was brought up again Diane had to cough up water before she could breath again. "It'll take more than cold water to clean the crud off you", the mistress said, and the board was rotated so that Diane was over a tank of very hot soapy water. This tank was much deeper, so that she was covered up to her ankles and her head was three feet under. The soapy water was too opaque to see through, so the mistress had to judge by the frantic squirming of Diane's bare feet when her distress required that she be brought up. Again Diane was coughing and gasping, when the mistress said "we can't have all that soap in your hair" and positioned a large hose over her head which poured clear water over it. By the time the soap was out of her hair Diane was almost unconscious again for lack of oxygen. "Sleeping again bitch ?", asked the mistress as she dumped a bucket of salt water on Diane's feet then drove her cattle prod into the soft flesh in the arch of Diane's left foot, bringing her screaming to full consciousness. Diane was then suspended in a shoulder harness while a high pressure hose cleared the soap from the rest of her body. "Now you're clean on the outside" the Mistress said, "so let's attend to your insides" as Diane was put on a table, her feet strapped into stirrups and a belt with side cuffs for her wrists fastened across her waist, and nozzles were inserted into her vagina and rectum. Soon warm water flooded those cavities. The vaginal hose was soon removed, the mistress standing on a chair to press the sole of her boot against Diane's lower gut to help expel the fluid, but the fluid kept running into Diane's rectum, painfully distending it. At last the mistress clamped off the nozzle, the detached the hose, leaving the nozzle in the slave's anus. As the attendants were unstrapping Diane, the mistress told her, "this is a cleansing room, so we can't have your rectum emptying out in here. We'll take you to an appropriate place for that. You be very certain not to let anything slip out of your ass before we get there, or you'll have to lick up whatever comes out - after I finish punishing you. Follow me". With that the mistress began leisurely to exit the room, Diane waddling painfully behind her. The mistress followed a circuitous route through the dungeon, stopping to check the lubrication of the rack and the temperature of the oven that held the hot coals, studiously selecting a number of pincers, pokers, and branding irons and conspicuously placing them to be heated. Diane followed, straining desperately to hold her anus shut. She knew that at best the mistress understood how much she hurt and wanted it to continue and that any pleas to hurry would only result in punishment, and that at worst the mistress wanted Diane to burst so as to provide a pretext for punishment, so there was nothing to do but endure as long as possible. At last they reached the lavatory. The mistress made Diane wait while the mistress checked herself in the mirror, carefully adjusting her hair and brushing her leather outfit. "Black picks up every spec of dust, doesn't it ? But what am I asking you for ? The opinion of a slave is worthless. I suppose we can empty you now. You squat over this toilet and spread your cheeks and I'll pull your plug - oh what's this we still have soap in your hair ? We can't have that. You'll just have to hold it a bit longer. Kneel down in front of the toilet. Now put your head in the toilet. DO IT ! Face in the water, slave. OBEY! What's your youngest's name again; Michael isn't it ?" Diane submerged her head in the bowl, which was unusually wide and deep. "That's better", the mistress said and flushed the toilet, sending a flood of high pressure water swirling around Diane's head which went on and on until Diane thought her lungs would burst and involuntarily began to pull up only to have the mistress' boot land on her neck and push her under. Soon Diane panicked and lost control of her anal muscles and evacuated her rectum before the world went to black. Diane awoke and gagged from the foul taste and odor, but couldn't do more than lift her head out the muck because she was hogtied. Wide padded leather cuffs had been placed snugly on her wrists and ankles and then the ropes tightly applied. She was laying in her own waste, her face on a particularly large pile - Diane hadn't emptied her bowels in a long time. If not for the soap diluting the odor she'd have gagged, and she was having trouble with the gag reflex as it was. "So you've returned to us. You filthy, worthless, little cunt. Is that what you call discipline ? You've failed to obey an order and gone and messed up our nice clean lavatory that I was kind enough to let you use. I emphasize OUR lavatory. This is for staff, slaves just shit in their cages and clean it up whenever we get around to releasing them - assuming we do before the maggots get in the waste and work their way to the meat - but this place is for your betters and now you've gone and made a mess of it. I should gut you like the filthy pig you are right now, but since you're new and the master sees some potential in you - I don't, but he's the master - I'm going to permit you to continue to waste the air you breath in to maintain your useless existence". At this the mistress seized Diane's hair and forced her face into the shit, pulling it from side to side and up and down, smearing both sides of her face and getting crap in her mouth and nose. Now Diane was gagging, and the mistress screamed "DON'T YOU THROW UP YOU WASTE OF WOMANFLESH OR YOU'RE DEAD NOW AND I'LL GUT YOUR MOTHER TONIGHT AND BUTCHER YOUR CHILDREN TOMORROW !". With considerable effort Diane restrained the urge to vomit and spit out enough shit to breath, but the waves of nausea were flowing over her and she wasn't sure she could hold them at bay for very long. But she had no choice, as the mistress was cleaning her leather again and ignoring Diane. As sick as Diane felt, holding her head up out of the shit was too great an effort to be maintained, so she tried to move her shoulders and hips enough to advance her enough that she could rest her head without laying it in the foul muck. The effort barely had any effect on her position, but soon the mistress was standing over Diane. "Slave," she asked quietly, "did I order you to move ?". Diane apprehensively shook her head for no. "Do you think I went to the trouble of hogtying you and placing you there if I wanted you someplace other than where I put you ?" The blonde head shook again. "So this was a violation of your orders, wasn't it ?". Diane stared in wide eyed terror. "Well it was. Willfully acting to thwart the plans of your superiors - and everybody is superior to you - is an act of resistance" - Diane violently shook her head - "oh, yes, it most certainly is, and you have been told the penalty for resistance". The tears were flowing from Diane's blue eyes now, and as she looked up she repeated mouthed the word "please". The mistress smiled slightly. "You don't deserve any leniency, but since you've displayed your first sign of self-discipline by remaining silent now, I'm going to show you mercy and not sanction a child". Diane's head dropped to the floor and she softly wept with relief. "This rarely happens, and you must NEVER count on it happening. I've already been sickeningly generous with you, so DON'T make this mistake again - or any others. Of course you must be punished for your act of petty treason. If you do not obey completely during your punishment it will be a second act of treason against your master. Ummm, you do have very pretty feet". She pulled from the belt of her bodysuit a crop consisting of a dark wooden handle attache to a thin 18 inch length of tempered steel sheathed in black leather, knelt beside Diane and pulled Diane's head up by the hair and held the crop in front of her face. "For the first dozen strokes, I want no noise out of you". The mistress rose and slowly stepped in front of Diane, then slowly stepped to Diane's raised feet, her spiked heels ominously loud on the tile floor. Diane turned her head to watch in apprehension. The mistress checked Diane's ankle ropes and ran her fingers over the slave's bare feet. "We're going to 'try a woman's soles now'. Face forward, slave, and keep it there". She slowly ran the crop across the bound feet a few times. "OK, slave, understand that you are now at zero tolerance for error. This is a second chance, more than we usually give and far more than you deserve. There will be no more mercy, no more second chances. You do, or someone you love dies. You are to keep face front and remain perfectly still. You are to remain silent for the first dozen strokes. You are at no time to say anything that can be interpreted as a request for the mercy that you have no right to receive". For several minutes the mistress neither moved nor spoke and an oppressive silence was heavy in the room, crushing down on Diane, as she fought to restrain the unrelenting impulses to look back, to test her restraints, just to squirm a little and release some of the terrible tension that was building inside her as she waited for the punishment. She heard the swish, and felt the burning pain in the soft arches of her feet before she was able to interpret the sound. Despite her determination to obey, the only reason she didn't move was because the hogtie was so tight. She was somehow able to resist the urge to scream. Seconds passed, running into minutes, without another blow or any sound behind her. Now that she know's what's coming, the Mistress thought, let her wait for it. Sweat was dripping down Diane's forehead and stinging her eyes, but she dare not move. She closed her eyes and tried not to cry, fearful that she might make a sound if she did so. Her lips were trembling and she was glad she was face front so the mistress couldn't see that motion. The fear and tension and the dread certainty that she couldn't possibly endure eleven more of those strokes without screaming, the mounting urge to scream before another blow was struck, were causing every muscle in Diane's body to tense and making it hard to breath. She prayed that the hammering of her heart which seemed so loud to her wouldn't be counted as her making a sound. Every fiber of her being was ready to snap. Swish - OHH, I MUST BE STILL PLEASE GOD LET ME BE STILL Swish - OHH IT HURTS Swish - THE BURNING ! SHE MUST BE CUTTING MY FEET APART - MUST BE QUIET Swish - I CAN'T DO THIS, I CAN'T HOLD OUT IF SHE HITS ME AGAIN, I'M GOING TO MOVE In fact Diane was already moving, as the mistress knew she must, but very little, much less than one usually would in response to such pain, and less than the mistress had expected from a trainee. Swish - AHHHH - I'M GOING TO SCREAM, I MUST NOT SCREAM Swish - JESUS HELP ME JESUS Then nothing. The mistress viewed with satisfaction the ugly welts across Diane's feet. She gently stroked one with a long fingernail ( fake, of course; she broke a lot of nails breaking the hearts and wills - and sometimes the minds - of the men and women in bondage here ), making it twitch. This slave would have to be trained not to react when the stimuli changed, but that could wait. It remained to be seen if she could pass this test. The mistress stepped to Diane's other side so the angle of attack would vary, and waited. IS IT OVER ? THAT CAN'T HAVE BEEN TWELVE. HOW MANY WAS THAT ? DAMN I CAN'T REMEMBER HOW MANY THERE'VE BEEN. IT CAN'T BE OVER, I MUST BE STILL. I MUST BE STILL. I MUST BE STILL. Swish - OOH ! OH, IT HURTS SO BAD. MY BABIES, I MUST SAVE MY BABIES Swish - THE PAIN! MAGGOTS, THEY SAID THEY'D FEED THEM TO MAGGOTS Swish - PAIN! PAIN! I LOVE YOU MICHAEL OH, MY FEET ! Swish - I CAN'T TAKE IT - I CAN'T TAKE IT - I CAN'T TAKE IT Swish - PAIN ! MICHAEL/ROSS/JOHN IT HURTS! MICHAEL/ROSS/JOHN Swish - JESUS, MARY HELP ME BE STRONG, I MUST BE STRONG Swish - GOD PLEASE LET ME PASS OUT - WILL SHE KNOW IF I PRETEND TO PASS OUT - IS IT A VIOLATION TO PRETEND TO PASS OUT I MUST NOT COMMIT A VIOLATION Swish - AAAEEE ! IT HURTS SO BAD ! HOW CAN ANYTHING HURT SO BAD ! HAVE THERE BEEN TWELVE ? THERE MUST HAVE BEEN TWELVE Swish - OH DAMN, IT HURTS SO MUCH WHEN CAN I SCREAM, WILL SHE TELL ME WHEN I CAN SCREAM ? Swish - FUCK! JESUS! GOD! CAN I SCREAM YET - I MUST SCREAM - I CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER Swish - I'M GOING TO SCREAM - I'M GOING TO SCREAM ! IT MUST HAVE BEEN MORE THAN TWELVE ! PLEASE TELL ME I CAN SCREAM Swish - PAIN PAIN PAIN IT BURNS THE PAIN I CAN'T BEAR ANOTHER I'M GOING TO SCREAM WHAT IF IT HASN'T BEEN TWELVE IT MUST HAVE BEEN TWELVE Swish - BURNING PAIN PAIN TWELVE MAGGOTS MICHAEL PAIN Swish - PAINPAINPAINITBURNSPAINBURNINGPAINMAGGOTSPAINMIKEROSSJOHNPAIN Swish - "OWWWAAAGHHOHHH !" OH SWEET JESUS PLEASE LET THERE HAVE BEEN TWELVE - I BEG YOU GOD LET THERE HAVE BEEN TWELVE The mistress squatted before Diane, grabbed Diane under the chin and lifted up her red, contorted face. She looked into Diane's teary eyes, her own eyes diamond hard and laser bright, her face rigid, and in a cold voice said, "I told you to take twelve in silence. You knew what the penalty was. I warned you there would be no tolerance for another mistake." The mistress smiled slightly. "You got past twelve before you screamed. Not bad for a novice." Tears of joy and relief now mingled with the tears of pain. The mistress lowered Diane's face and watched her cry. After a long moment she stroked Diane's hair a few times, and left the room. On the way out she grasped Diane's legs and moved her enough that her face lay on clean tile. A few minutes later the mistress returned. She prodded Diane in the ribs with the pointed toe of her boot. "Wake up, slave. You must be the laziest slave in the world, you're always asleep. C'mon, show me your face". Diane raised her face, and the mistress stuck her toe under Diane's chin to raise it higher. "Ahh, that's what I like to see, bright-eyed and scared shitless. Though that's not quite true in your case, is it ? You weren't too scared to shit all over my nice clean lavatory, were you ? The punishment you got was for trying to move without orders, we haven't addressed the issue of this mess yet. Well, a) you're going to be punished for making the mess, and b) you're going to clean it up. Punishment first". Diane's ankles were untied. "What nice bruises on your soles. They must hurt terribly. They'll hurt a lot more tomorrow. I think tomorrow we'll train you to walk in high heels. Not those 3" inch fakes you strutted around in when you were still a person, some REAL high heels". The mistress spread Diane's legs, then took an adjustable spreader bar and locked it about her ankles. "Stand up". Diane tried to stand. She got to her knees easily enough, but the rigid spreader and her battered feet made rising any further a problem and Diane fell on her ass. The mistress stung the thong of a riding crop against her thigh and said "UP !". Diane tried again and failed again and this time the thong made a rapid circuit between Diane's large sensitive nipples, stinging each repeatedly. "ON YOUR FEET !". She managed, by rolling on her hip then pushing hard with her bruised feet, to get some momentum and staggered to her feet, grimacing from the pain. She swayed unsteadily. "If you fall you won't fall alone". This remark diminished her attention to the pain in her feet markedly and she stabilized. "Now walk over to the bidet. We're going to clean you up before we proceed". By raising one foot and throwing her hip as far forward as possible, then repeating the action with the other foot, Diane managed to walk, urged along by the stinging of her back with the crop, each hard footfall sending pain shooting through her legs. "Squat, and don't move until I tell you to". Diane squatted over the bidet, and the mistress adjusted several knobs, then stepped on the pedal and sent a stream of water against Diane's buttocks, which the mistress adjusted to hit her anus. The cleansing stream, though hard, felt good initially, but soon the rising temperature was apparent. "Keep your ass perfectly still and don't make any noise. Just act like you always did when you fucked your husband". The stream was now very hot and Diane's ass was steaming. She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth and endured and hoped it would end soon. "That's right slave, just like you fucked". After a few moments the stream was cut off. "Now turn around. I DIDN'T SAY TO STAND UP !". Diane rotated herself with a crablike motion. "Line up that filthy face with the nozzle". The stream was restarted and Diane suppressed a cry as the nearly scalding water struck her face. "Move your head so we can clean all that crud off. In other words, now we DON'T want you to act like you did with your husband". Diane quickly got her face and hair clean and the stream was cut off before it became scalding. "First, let's be sure you don't have another accident. This butt plug should do the job. Lean forwards. Now guess what, slave ? This is going to hurt" she said as she roughly forced the plug into Diane's anus. It did. "Now that we've cleaned you up, you can clean up your mess. Drop to you knees." When Diane fell forward, landing on her knees on the hard floor, the mistress removed the bar, then shoved her in the direction of her accident, stinging her buttocks as she walked on her knees to the pile. "Now clean up your mess". Diane looked up, confused. "CLEAN IT UP ! WHICH OF THOSE WORDS CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND ?". Diane raised her hands, still bound behind her, as far towards the mistress as she could. "I'm not going to untie you; you don't need your hands". Diane remained motionless, obviously confused. The mistress grabbed Diane's hair and pulled her face near the pile and shouted "EAT SHIT, YOU STUPID BITCH !". Diane stared at her in horror. "It came out of you, so where else would we put it ? NOW EAT SHIT OR SOMEONE DIES !". Diane lowered her trembling lips to the pile, stopping just above it, and her whole body began to shake. "ZERO TOLERANCE! REMEMBER SLAVE, ZERO TOLERANCE ". Diane took a small bite and started to gag. "We don't have all day, slave, speed it up". She forced herself to swallow, and took another bite, and forced it down. She gagged again, and convulsed, and her swallowed shit promptly came back up. "Keep it in your mouth. Scurry over to the john - why'd you name a child after a shithole, what kind of rotten mother were you anyway - and spit it out". Diane cleaned up the rest of the mess in this fashion, taking bites, later licks, of the mess until she was sick, then rushing on her knees to the toilet to throw up. Finally it was done. "You're going to have to develop more tolerance for the taste of shit. Some of the quests will want you for a toilet slave". Diane gave her a look of obvious incomprehension. "You certainly did have a dull life, didn't you ? Maybe that's why the master decided to take your freedom away, you weren't using it, were you ? A toilet slave is someone who serves as their master's toilet, eating his or her shit and drinking their piss. If one of the guests has a nice long turd halfway in your mouth and you run off for the porcelain toilet and make him or her drop a load on the ground, they will be humiliated. That must not happen. Being humiliated is your job. If you don't do it, you know what will happen". "Since you need training in this area, and it's been a long time since my morning coffee, I'll let you serve me", the mistress said as she removed her belt, then her boots, and her leather pants. "You're already on your knees, so just lean back a little. Be glad I'm tall, if you get some little Oriental woman with constipation you'll think you're back is going to break from the strain. Open you mouth - wider - WIDER - you don't dare let any reach the floor. Now keep your mouth open as I piss". Soon a stream of warm golden fluid was flowing into Diane's mouth. She began shaking. "Hold your position, slave". When Diane's mouth was full the mistress stopped pissing and ordered her to swallow, which she did - then went scurrying for the toilet to throw up again. " 'What we have here'", the mistress said, " 'is a failure to communicate'. Didn't I just tell you that is NOT acceptable behavior for a human toilet ? I hope none of the master's friends who go for that sort of thing will be coming soon, or there'll be hell to pay. Worse, there'll be the master to pay. Well, since you obviously aren't up to this yet, let's go by stages. Bend backwards over the toilet. That's good. Now HOLD YOUR POSITION. This is called a golden shower". The golden flow resumed over Diane's golden hair and face. "At least you can do that". Diane spent the rest of the day and all that night on her knees, her hands and feet bound and her butt plugged, inside a sealed box three feet high and two feet long and wide. Her face and hair were not washed, and several men urinated and defecated on her so the odors of human waste would suffuse the hot, still air in the box and acclimate her to the smells. She became nauseous repeatedly, but with her stomach long emptied could do nothing but drive heave. By the time she came out her tolerance was improved, and she managed to swallow several a few small feces and several mouthfuls of urine before she threw up. Still, much work remained to be done, so they put her back in the box and dumped a few more buckets of human waste on her. END Part 2 of 8 (as of 2/7/97) ************************************************************************ Steven S. Davis * * Homepage, vanilla: Homepage, pistachio: -- Story Submission: Submission criteria: Archive site: (Not active yet)