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Subject: Lauren Gisal Book 2 Chapter 37-39 of 59 (ff/mf/Ff/Mf/inc,cons,nc)
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Lauren Gisal Volume Two 
The following fiction portrays events that will be considered 
offensive to some people. Graphic scenes are described of sexual 
intercourse by teenagers, adults, with and without their consent. 
Later chapters deal with punishment. If you are offended by such 
material, or if you are considered a minor in your country, then 
delete this file. 
The author hereby permits the redistribution of the attached 
material on the understanding that it is not for financial gain and it 
is credited to the author, Francis Dashwood.  
Please do not request reposts of this material. Constructive 
criticism is welcomed. 

Chapter 37  
The following morning was busy for Lauren in comparison to   
others. She got up just before 8 o'clock, slipped naked from her bed   
and showered. She moved the growing pile of clothes from the   
doorway of the bathroom and added them to the two pairs of   
knickers she had discovered that previous night. Lauren ran her   
hand over the sofa, brining it to her nose to check whether any   
evidence remained of their activities. To her disappointment, there   
was none. A quick rummage through her clothes produced a clean   
T-Shirt and a pair of knickers. Bras were too warm anyway and   
socks were unnecessary.  
She waltzed down to the kitchen, humming to herself as she made   
coffee. Lauren recalled the news reports of the night before and   
was dismayed. She felt sure they would have to leave the house and   
trudge south to safety. Emma had mentioned that the servants, who   
seemed to hear the news at least 24 hours before it was broadcast,   
had said they had already started packing essential items, ready for   
an emergency. Lauren knew such a move was wise, but found it   
difficult to summon the energy. She knew that being a foreign   
national might cause complications initially, but a three Swiss   
passports would protect them once they became known to people   
in authority.  
Elizabeth telephoned just as the coffee had percolated, saying that   
she and Gustav were in Geneva, in discussions. She wouldn't say   
any more, but asked twice whether the children were well. Lauren   
relayed what she felt Elizabeth wanted to hear, sipping her coffee in   
between sentences. Slumped in the chair, she put her feet on   
another and lazily reached behind for a pack of biscuits.  
"Yes, I think we're OK for money. I've used your credit card - the   
blue and white one - for shopping and petrol. Oh yes, the car   
needed fixing - air conditioning." She munched again, her attention   
drifting from the conversation to the sound of footsteps in the   
hallway. "No sign of Quintero - I call him at least once a day.   
Emma thinks he's working for the Nationalists some days then the   
Government on others." Jamie drifted into view, barefoot. In fact,   
as far as Lauren could tell, naked except for a T-Shirt that stopped   
about mid- thigh. Her gaze fixed between his legs, following his   
buttocks as he took a cup, poured coffee and added cream from the   
"Not much news other than that" said Lauren, her legs dropping to   
the floor as Jamie sat at the table, facing at right-angles to her.   
"Jamie's here now, I'll hand you over. Yeah, bye now"  
She watched his face as he talked to his mother. He smiled, clearly   
pleased to speak to her. Lauren unknowingly stared, lost in her own   
thoughts as she watched his features and expressions as the   
conversation wandered. She thought of her own mother and the   
rubbish they normally spoke about when she called. Unconsciously,   
she pulled her right leg up onto her left. She was unaware that   
Jamie stole a glance between her legs at that moment, and again   
when she reached back over her head and stretched noisily.  
She did notice however when he turned slightly towards her,   
parting his legs while still speaking on the phone. Her stomach   
lurched as she watched, her eyes opening wide in expectation of his   
cock. She got up and tipped the remainder of her coffee into the   
sink, returning to the table with a cloth and wiping the surface. She   
confirmed the situation, his cock heavy, hanging between his legs   
but not erect.   
He eventually rang off, displaying his swollen state as he walked   
out of the kitchen back to his bedroom. No sooner had he left than   
then phone rang again. A Spanish- sounding voice had Lauren   
baffled, and she called Jamie back to translate.  
"One of the cleaners, kid's ill. She won't be in today."  
"Oh dear. That's a shame, what's wrong?"  
"I'm not sure, something ached I think" he shrugging. Lauren was   
suprised by his dismissal of the subject.  
"Well, shouldn't we help?"  
"I don't know, they're our neighbours, right?" argued Lauren.  
"In a way, but they're servants, cleaners. They can go to the doctors   
if they want."  
"Who's going to the doctor?" asked Emma, wandering in a bikini,   
ready for the pool. Lauren watched Jamie's eyes as they toured his   
sister's body, resting on the thin patch of material between her legs.  
"The cleaner, the tall, young one. Her child's ill. She ought to take   
her to the doctor."  
"No way. These people don't go to the doctor. They can't afford it   
and the chances of the Welfare State refunding their money is zero.   
That's what Quintero said." said Emma, slouching down on a chair.  
"Well, we should help. Poor woman must be out of her mind with   
"We don't do that sort of thing here!" protested Jamie.  
"Well, we do now. Good God, we can spare a few dollars for a   
consultation. In fact, I'll pay for it! Emma, please call her and tell   
her we'll take him to the doctor this morning if she wants."  
Emma looked at Lauren in astonishment, raising her eyebrows in   
resignation once she realised that Lauren was serious. She dialed   
the number and spoke quickly, nodding as she stared out the   
window towards the town. Lauren realised that she was repeatedly   
telling the woman that it wasn't necessary to keep thanking her as   
she tried to ring off.  
"Whew! She says the girl is almost limp and crying continually.   
Let's go then!" squealed Emma, caught up in the excitement of their   
deed. Jamie frowned as the two girls slammed the front door and   
sped off down the driveway.  
Lauren drove carefully, making sure the air conditioning in the car   
was working at full, cooling the interior to make it as comfortable   
as possible for their passengers. Emma pointed the way around the   
back of their own house, down smaller roads that became white,   
dusty tracks, pot-holed and uneven where the surface had been   
washed away.   
Chickens occasionally pecked at the roadside and thin cattle   
meandered on the open ground beside the road. Habitation sprang   
up gradually, the small, poorly roofed houses nestling together as if   
cowering from the car. Paint peeled and Lauren felt increasingly   
uncomfortable, embarrassed and guilty with her own lifestyle and   
the sudden chasm that existed between themselves and the villagers   
only yards from their house.  
"Here, take a right here!" said Emma.  
"Have you been here before?"  
"Once, Daddy took her home once when it was really late" Lauren   
stopped the car and got out, feeling the blistering heat of the late   
morning beating down on her shoulders. Emma raised her hand to   
knock but the old grey door opened, revealing the cleaning lady, an   
expression of gratitude and humility on her old face. She welcomed   
them inside the house, motioning towards her daughter lying on a   
blanket on the floor. The house was stiflingly hot, airless, almost   
devoid of any decoration or ornaments - bare walls, a cross hanging   
on the far side, glass broken in the windows, a dog curled up beside   
the little girl while two other younger children teased it. Lauren was   
shocked, unprepared and if she could have spoken Spanish she   
would have spent the day apologising for the world. A snort   
brought her from her thoughts and she realised she had failed to see   
a man asleep on the tatty sofa. He had his back to them and was   
dressed in black shorts and a white T- Shirt. His hair was unkempt,   
matted. His shoes lay on the floor, beside a collection of wine   
"She says she's been like that for a day now." said Emma, ignoring   
the noise from the man. "Won't eat, just drinks water occasionally."  
"Tell her we'll take them both to the doctor. Tell her we will pay."   
said Lauren, kneeling beside the girl. Emma did as requested, giving   
the woman further cause to offer her thanks continually. Lauren   
became slightly irritated by the woman's gratitude and motioned to   
them both that they should get into the car. The woman gently   
scooped up her daughter. The tiny arms hung down, her head   
lolling back, rolling around without strength. Lauren injected some   
urgency into proceedings.  
"OK, let's go. Get her in the back and then you in the front." Lauren   
watched as the woman fumbled with the door handle, clambered up   
into the car and laid her baby along the seat. She then turned back   
to the house, shooing her other children inside with a simple   
command and wave of her hand. Carefully, she clambered in next to   
the little girl. She seemed mesmerized by the plush interior, the dials   
and equipment, almost oblivious to the moans of her child. Doors   
slammed and Lauren drove off as quickly as she could, embarrassed   
by her surroundings. The short journey took less than ten minutes,   
and Lauren noticed again as they entered the doctor's office that the   
woman was ill at ease, stuttering over her name and address as the   
smiling receptionist took her details before showing her though to   
the waiting doctor.  
Lauren and Emma sat in silence on the wooden seats, gazing at the   
small posters of healthy food, bright white teeth and a diagram of   
the body's blood supply. The receptionist returned to her desk and   
started thumbing through her documents.  
"Can I pay you now, do you think?" asked Lauren.  
The receptionist looked up. "Well, doctor hasn't finished his   
consultation yet"  
Lauren stood and walked over to her. "Look, we'd like to pay for   
this visit. Perhaps if we could pay for, say, a standard visit and then   
pay any more after that. I don't want to embarrass her."  
"Well, I suppose so. It's fifteen dollars. So why don't you pay   
twenty and that should include medicine. Ear ache, was it?"  
"I don't know. I don't know much about children I'm afraid."  
"It looked like it, poor little thing. Twenty should be fine"  
Lauren handed over the money quickly, accepted her receipt and   
sat down again, pleased with herself and the ease with which she   
had been able to assist the woman. She smiled at Emma, squeezing   
her leg.  
"Lori, can they stay at ours tonight? asked Emma. They haven't got   
air conditioning and she's never going to get any rest in that old   
"It's up to the woman. Anyway, what is her name?"  
"Anna, I think" replied Emma  
"OK, if Anna agrees then fine, they can stay in the spare room. But   
she might not like the thought of it."  
Anna emerged five minutes later. Her daughter clung round her   
neck sleepily. Lauren learned through the translation efforts of the   
receptionist and Emma that the girl certainly did have an ear   
infection. Anna refused point blank to stay overnight at their house,   
and needed some persuasion before she accepted the medicine from   
the pharmacy in the square. But Lauren saw the look of thanks in   
her eyes and that was sufficient. As they lay the little girl back down   
on the blanket in the sweltering front room of the house, she once   
again asked Emma to offer a bed for the little girl for the night, and   
once again, Anna refused. Both the sleeping man and the dog   
remained motionless, the latter observing the activity out of one   
eye, no doubt cursing the disturbance and interruption of his siesta.  
"Buenos noches!" said Lauren, hoping that was the right language,   
let alone the right salutation. Anna smiled and closed the door   
slowly behind them. The girls drove back down the dusty track   
towards home in silence, speaking only once inside to explain to   
Jamie what had happened. He seemed genuinely pleased that they   
had decided to help her and smiled into Lauren's eyes in between   
lecherous stares at her figure. He waved happily as he went out   
onto the patio and opened the door to the tool shed. He wheeled   
out his bicycle, mounted and rode off down the gravel drive,   
wobbling slightly until he hit firmer ground.  
Despite Jamie's joy, Lauren spent the next hour in a pensive mood,   
shocked at the state of the woman's house, clearly moved by her   
poverty and her inexperience with some of the luxuries that Lauren   
had taken for granted for all nineteen years of her life. The thought   
of the little girl's father lying asleep, drunk on the sofa appalled her,

and she loudly cursed him as her anger boiled inside. She scanned   
the lounge, considering the value of some of the works of art that   
hung on the walls and the pots above the fireplace. Even the small   
carriage clock, silver and brass with a oscillating mechanism inside,   
must be worth almost a years wages to the woman.  
Emma joined her on the sofa quietly. She translated some of the   
lunchtime news for Lauren but it was largely unnecessary. Rioting   
had broken out in a town on the northernmost peninsula of San   
Falino. The reporter gave details of the lack of tortillas in the shops   
and the hoarding by some local distributors hoping to push the price   
up. Some townspeople had broken down the gates to one of the   
factories and the police had decided to remain on the sidelines. The   
graphic pictures told the whole story.  
"The rioting would have been relatively minor" shouted the reporter   
above the din of the local traffic "had it not been for the death of a   
small boy under the wheels of a police car in the backstreets of the   
town. The boy was the son of a local activist and tempers spilled   
over into the streets this morning".  
"Local branches of SF Inc. and Aziram Banking have closed   
indefinitely so that many people who are eligible for government   
assistance will not be able to cash their welfare cheques. Tempers   
are running high here and we may see Government troops out   
tonight to ensure that the town remains calm. Now back to the   
The anchorman in the studio reported unrest further west as a result   
of the death of the little boy. Trade Union activists had concluded   
that it was just another ploy to enable to Government to deploy   
troops on the streets and had called a wildcat strike for the   
remainder of the day. "As predicted last night, Nationalist leaders   
have begun talks with the Unions aimed at forming a coalition to   
fight the government oppression."  
"That's scary, eh?" said Emma, shuffling along the sofa closer.  
Lauren nodded distantly, still translating and assimilating the facts   
from the television news. She absently lifted her arm and let Emma   
slide underneath to rest her head on her shoulder and the back of   
the sofa.  
"Anna said that she thought most of the Police had stayed in doors   
today. They were scared in case people thought they were on the   
side of the Government." said Emma.  
"Hmm" said Lauren, still watching the pictures. As Emma's words   
sank in she realised that the rule of law had all but disappeared. If   
that was the case, she wondered if it was even safe to venture out in   
the car. It had seemed calm when they visited the doctor's but   
Lauren wondered how attuned she was to the mood of the local   
people. Perhaps that was why the woman had thanked her so   
profusely. She wondered about trying to contact Elizabeth and   
Gustav, but decided that they probably knew more than she did and   
would have called anyway if there had been grave trouble. She felt   
Emma nuzzle closer, squeezing her waist. Lauren thought hard for   
a few minutes but only concluded that if the Nationalists did band   
together and attack the south then she was almost sure to loose her   
lifestyle, air conditioning and job as they were forced to flee.   
Lauren's very own brand of logic and priority prevailed.  
"Come on, you! Swim time!"  
Emma looked at her aghast as Lauren stood and pulled her T-Shirt   
over her head, letting it fall to the floor of the lounge as she left the

room. Emma followed obediently, smiling as she rounded the   
corner of the patio to see Lauren hopping out of her bikini bottom   
and steeping slowly into the pool, naked.  
"Come on!" shouted Lauren, "Get you clothes off. There's no rules   
anymore!" The early afternoon sun beat down on her bronzed body,   
amplifying the effect of the white tan line where her bikini normally   
would be. Lauren was suprised to see Emma's nervousness as she   
shed her own bikini and eventually dived in. She watched the young   
girl fly though the air above her, legs together, eyes closed, her   
young breasts taut and proud followed by a hint of blonde pubic   
hair and a flash of pink nail polish from her toes. Lauren decided   
that if they only had a couple of days of peace left then it would be   
spent packing and sunbathing, ridding herself of the remaining   
vestiges of the white, innocent purity that her tan line represented.  
She swam in her own fashion across the width of the pool, feeling   
the novelty of the cool rush of the water over her pussy. The girls   
edged closer to one another, splashing and fooling around, their   
hair dripping wet, cooling their exposed shoulders. Lauren felt lust,   
pure and simple, an afternoon arousal that would be satisfied,   
somehow. It built deep inside her, emanating from between her   
legs, encouraged as she cupped her pussy and ran her fingers   
through her pubic hair. Emma noticed her activity and pushed off   
from the side of the pool on her back, her nipples above the water   
and her legs parted as she glided towards Lauren, sculling with her   
hands. Lauren reached out and supported her back, pulling her   
close, noticing a couple of freckles around her nose. Her left hand   
ran down towards her bottom, kneading the taught cheeks. Emma   
stretched backwards.  
"Oh God, what a great day. So clear!" said Emma.  
"Mmm, I'm going to finish off my sunbathing, war or no war." said   
Lauren as her thumb found the tight valley of her bottom.  

Chapter 38  
Emma squirmed. Lauren let go as she disappeared beneath the   
surface. Lauren watched her gracefully stroking under water,   
heading for the shallow end. They stepped out of the pool, Lauren   
following Emma across to the loungers by the patio door. The little   
girl's buttocks twitched as she tip-toed on the hot flagstones, and   
Lauren had a hard job restraining her hands as Emma bent forward   
to move the seat into the sun, her pussy hairless, perfect, clean and   
inviting. Lauren lay down, feeling the warm drips squeezing   
through the plastic of the seat, her bottom criss-crossed and   
supported by the slippery strips. As the sun baked her, she reached   
back, stretching and purring, drip drying alongside her young   
"If there's a war, are you going to stay?"  
Lauren could hear her heart beating in her chest, pounding the   
blood around her body, fortifying her. She screwed her eyes up   
against the sun, feeling the powerful rays against her shoulders and   
the tops of her thighs. Black and red shapes danced behind her   
eyelids, changing slowly, out of her control. Her pussy glowed, but   
without pain, perhaps, she thought, because there were still some   
drips of water hiding. Certainly she could feel the small, warm   
puddle that had collected between the plastic and her buttocks.  
"Of course, sweety"  
"Just for me?"  
"You. And Jamie. Both of you." Lauren wondered if that was true.   
She really thought she would stay, considered that she may even be   
too late to leave. She had made no arrangements about getting a   
ticket home, and didn't even know where the local travel agents   
were in town. She thought of her parents, realising that they were   
probably beside themselves with concern. She sympathised, but she   
also knew that their suffering was partially self-inflicted, her mother   
putting two and two together to arrive at a negative number. Like   
the subject of Nikki. "I promise, I want to stay."  
"Good!" shouted Emma, clapping her hands together. Jamie will be   
really pleased. Stay there!"  
"Where are you going?"  
"Stay there!" she repeated, entering the kitchen. Lauren relaxed,   
listening to the cicadas chirping incessantly. She parted her legs   
slightly, determined while she was alone to allow the sun as much   
time as possible to eradicate her tan line. She strained her head off   
the seat and looked down. There was a vivid line where her bikini   
had been, giving a brown, red, white transition down from her   
stomach to her pussy. She ran her fingers through her pubic hair,   
across her vagina and down to her anus. Warmth spread luxuriously   
around her fingers, the dampness of the seat cooling her flesh as she   
touched her thighs. A pop from inside the house solved the mystery   
of Emma's disappearance. Emma returned with a tray containing a   
bottle of white wine and two fluted crystal glasses.  
"Hey, you're having only half a glass!" said Lauren, propping herself   
up on her elbow. She watched as Emma's looked along her body,   
dancing from her mouth to her breasts until finally mesmerized by   
her pussy. Lauren obligingly swung a leg off the lounger, parting   
her legs momentarily. The little waitress stood in front of her.   
Lauren wondered if Emma had intentionally held the tray at mid-  
thigh. She stared at her pussy between the bottle and the glasses,   
reaching slowly, entranced by the puffy lips and the youngest of   
hairs growing once again. She drank. They lay in silence broken   
only by Emma slurping her wine and the chink of glass as they   
"Aren't you going to get burned?" asked Emma.  
"Maybe, who cares? I've been all right so far."  
"Yeah, but you should put some stuff on. Want me to do it?"  
Lauren sat up and drained her glass in one swift movement. She   
smiled at Emma and rolled onto her stomach, facing the young girl,   
closing her eyes, expectantly. Emma slipped onto the flagstones and   
tipped a little lotion onto her fingers.  
"Hey, you don't have any brastrap marks, you know." she observed   
as she rubbed her fingers over Lauren's shoulders. The lotion felt   
slippery, soothing and Lauren allowed herself a little peek at Emma,   
her nipples tantalisingly close. She reached out with her right hand   
and found her bottom, caressing it as Emma poured another dollop   
and massaged it over the small of her back and down along her   
legs. Lauren took hold of Emma's buttocks, squeezing in   
appreciation, feeling down to her thighs as the little girl parted her   
legs slightly.   
Lauren raised her bottom slightly, concerned that her signals to   
Emma may have been missed. But her worries drifted off with the   
feint breeze as she felt the young fingers returning to the valley   
between her buttocks, tracing a slippery line down, pushing   
between the tight skin, over her anus. The fingers parted, taking a   
course either side of her vagina, tracing her labia and back around   
her clitoris. Again, the fingers disappeared to get more lotion,   
returning with their young delicacy, teasing Lauren to the point that   
she involuntarily squealed.  
"Turn over" said Emma.  
"Uh uh, I'm fine here" said Lauren, a little concerned about being   
naked outdoors and engaged in heavy petting with the thirteen-  
year-old beauty.  
Emma continued her actions, circling her anus with a single finger   
while Lauren squirmed and groaned with increasing passion.   
Without thinking, Lauren succumbed to her ministrations and rolled   
over, her legs parting either side of the lounger so her feet rested on   
the ground. Emma slid down, resting her arm on Lauren's left thigh.   
More dribbles of lotion tickled her stomach, and deft fingers traced   
lines of pleasure southwards, through her pubic hair, around her   
clitoris and along her aroused labia. Lauren looked down, seeing   
the sun shining through Emma's angelic hair. She touched her   
lovingly, slipping a finger inside her warm mouth. Emma oiled her,   
taking her labia between thumb and forefinger, running along the   
length. She opened her legs wider, delighting in the feeling of the   
teenager's fingers as they neared her vagina.  
"Oh, Emma! Oh my dear little girl!" said Lauren, lifting her bottom   
off the seat. "Stop, we must stop!"  
"But, I want to do it for you!" Lauren exercised all her willpower   
and sat up, closing her legs. A look of astonishment shot across   
Emma's face. "Don't you like it?"  
"Oh, Emma. Of course I do. But it's a bit, you know, public."  
"Nobody's here"  
"Yeah, but just in case. Later. I would love that." But the   
explanation didn't seem to convince Emma, who sat and watched   
Lauren as she lay back on the lounger. Lauren exhaled quietly,   
feeling the slipperiness of the suntan lotion on her pussy and   
between her buttocks. She thought of Nikki and her warnings, and   
decided that she had, after all, the inner strength to control her   
desires. Her thoughts continued with Switzerland, school, and her   
classmates that she might not see for many months. The train   
continued, and she slept.  
Laughter woke her. She was unsure how long she had been asleep,   
but the warmth of the sun was just as strong, and she had a slight   
headache from the wine.   
"Hey, you need more lotion, you'll burn." A man's voice. Lauren sat   
up, gazing into the sun, still half asleep.   
"Jamie!" She moved to cover herself but realised that she had   
nothing to put on, and anyway, he must have seen everything   
already. She turned onto her side, draping her arm over her breasts.   
"Where have you been?"  
"His new girlfriend!" said Emma. Lauren guessed they had both   
been in the pool together, naked. Their wet young bodies shone in   
the brilliant sun, a wet trail visible from the shower by the deep end   
over to the loungers.   
"I didn't know you had one" said Lauren, blocking the sun with her   
hand. His cock was half erect, bobbing occasionally. "Where does   
she live?"  
"The other side of Boquette. I've only seen her twice." he replied,   
trying to cover his penis with his hand.  
"Three times! And she won't let him do it!" said Emma.   
"Emma!" shouted Lauren and Jamie simultaneously. The little girl   
plumped down on the lounger opposite Lauren, her legs together,   
hair damp and matted against her face and shoulders. Jamie stood   
between them. Lauren couldn't determine in the blinding light   
whether he was embarrassed or not about exposing himself to her.   
One thing was certain. He had always covered himself up in her   
presence after showering, and this seemed to be the first time he   
had failed to pull a towel around him.  
"Is she nice?" asked Lauren, pumping him for information.  
"She works down at the Post Office." he replied.  
"Yeah, she's quite pretty" offered Emma. "Guess it's magazine time,   
eh?" she said, giggling at her brother.  
"Don't be stupid. I can wait!" he said.  
"You've got magazines? Do your parents know?" asked Lauren,   
mildly surprised.  
"Want to see them?" he asked.  
Lauren was startled, knowing where this was suddenly leading.   
Emma ran off into the house before Lauren could reply and   
emerged less than a minute later with three or four glossy   
magazines. She dumped them between the seats and grinned   
wickedly at her brother. Nobody moved, staring intently at the   
cover of the top magazine. Two women, girls really, were on a bed   
with a young man, slightly older than Jamie. The man and one of   
the girls were kissing while the other had his cock in her mouth.   
Lauren felt herself stirring deep in her stomach. She thought about   
confiscating the magazines and taking them back to her room, but   
knew that Jamie would soon rummage around and find them. She   
looked up at him, hoping he would make the next move. His cock   
had pushed through his fingers and he made no attempt to conceal   
his hardness. The bulbous head was exposed, the skin rolled back   
down his length. His balls hung loosely beneath him.  
Emma leaned down and picked up the magazine underneath. From   
her expression Lauren knew she had not seen them before and only   
seemed to know where Jamie hid them. She leaned back, her hair   
drying in the sun, the blondeness returning. She brought her left leg   
up while her right lay flat on the lounger, giving Lauren a view of   
the slightest pubic hair over her sweet mound.   
"Where did you get these?" asked Lauren, studying a picture of an   
underage girl and boy. The strength of her need for orgasm was   
growing, almost reaching the point where she would have to go to   
her room and find her trusty brush.  
"In Boquette. It's not obvious that they sell this stuff from the   
outside, it looks like a tool shop. But they've got them out the back.   
And a few videos but mainly magazines."  
"Take this stuff inside. I don't want the neighbours to see us like   
this. Your parents would go wild!" To her relief, Jamie and Emma   
did as she said. Lauren followed them into the kitchen where she   
dumped her magazine before making coffee. The children sat   
together, still giggling. Lauren looked on, measuring her authority,   
feeling it ebb away as they moved closer. Emma touched his leg,   
smoothing the young hairs with her hand as she looked at the   
pictures. Lauren noticed her nipples, strong, pert, delightful,   
crowning her young breasts. She suddenly realised that they were   
all naked, and while it had seemed almost acceptable by the pool, it   
was not in the house. Her two charges didn't bat an eyelid as she   
found the sugar, reaching up to get the cups down from the   
cupboard. Lauren slyly felt between her legs. Very damp, slippery.   
She glanced at Emma who looked up, grinned and returned to the   
They stared at a full page photo of an erect cum-covered cock, just   
positioned at the entrance to a girl's vagina. The inner lips were   
flared, glistening between her swollen labia. She had no hair at all,   
and cum dribbled from her. "Good God!" shrieked Lauren as she   
looked over Jamie's shoulder. Jamie turned to her, his eyes finding   
her pussy. Lauren felt her stomach churn in anticipation as she   
belatedly covered herself.  
"It's just....I don't know, so, er, explicit." she said as her nipples   
announced their willingness to come out and play.  
"Is that what you wanted to do to your girlfriend?" asked Emma,   
her hand perilously close to his cock.  
"Of course!"  
"What else?" asked Emma. Lauren watched them, conspirators,   
acting out a centuries old sequence that was hereditary rather than   
the result of an education.  
"What?" replied Jamie, pretending a lack of understanding.  
"That's enough of that!" said Lauren sternly. "If you want to play   
with yourself then please go to your bedroom." She stood to the   
side of him, glaring. Jamie reached out and touched her thigh.   
Lauren panicked, her heart pounding as she weighed up her course   
of action.  
"What are you doing?" she asked, convincing herself that she was   
stalling for time.  
"You're so much prettier than the girls in the mags."  
"Don't be stupid! This is absolutely wrong!" she said, moving away   
from his touch.  
"Oh Lori, you are!" said Emma, smiling so warmly that Lauren felt   
a glow over her body. "Your breasts are wonderful, better than her,   
look!" she said, pointing to a young girl having sex with a man in   
the shower. "And your pussy, I love the way your hair doesn't   
cover up the lips."  
"Emma! Jamie! This has gone far enough. Off to your bedroom,   
you, if you want to play with yourself! Now!"  
Jamie stood, his cock hard, heavy, erect and very much alive.   
Lauren opened her mouth as though measuring, preparing. But he   
shuffled out of the room, taking his magazines with him. The two   
girls sat in silence, speaking only when the sound of his door   
shutting echoed down the marble hallway.  
"Emma, this is getting out of hand. This is very much against the   
"But it's like Jamie said, and Felix. There's no law anymore. The   
police have gone. Mum and Dad are away. And you're, well...."  
"I'm supposed to look after you both!"  
"But..." Emma struggled. "But, look! We're sitting here, in the   
kitchen, with nothing on! We can do anything we like. We could   
run away and you wouldn't know what to do. But we don't,   
because we like you. You're the best au pair we've ever had."   
Emma brought her legs up, resting her head on her knees. Lauren   
sat, deliberately positioning the chair so she could see the young   
girl's labia. The familiar surge pumped through her pussy as she   
held out her arms to Emma. The little girl shot across to her, sitting   
on her lap and snuggling into her shoulder.  
"I'm not very good at this au pair stuff, am I?"  
"You're wonderful. You teach me so many things!"  
"But not the right things"  
"I'll need them one day!" replied Emma, pecking her lips over   
Lauren's neck. Lauren shuddered, moving her legs slightly to get   
more comfortable before touching the girl's breast and returning her   
kiss, lovingly, moving slowly towards her lips. They kissed   
longingly, Lauren realising how important the little girl was to her,   
how young her body felt and how responsive she was to touch and   
suggestion. Her hand found her pussy, the lips wet, inviting,   
opening as she parted her legs, pushing her thighs apart before   
running her hand under her bottom and cupping her pussy.  
Emma's tongue found Lauren's, swirling in her mouth, flicking as   
she also touched Lauren's breasts. Lauren leaned back, her neck   
muscles stretching as she encouraged her. They kissed, lost in the   
wonderful world of their sensuous touch.  
"Shh!" commanded Emma, breaking away from the embrace.   
Lauren pulled her hand from underneath Emma.  
Jamie entered. Lauren froze, petrified at what he might think.   
"Jeeze!" was all he could say.  
"We're talking!" blurted Lauren. She noted that he still had an   
enormous erection, bobbing from side to side as he walked. He   
stopped in front of them as though examining then for any tell-tales   
signs of wrong-doing. Emma looked at Lauren and giggled.   
"Jamie, go and get some clothes on. Emma, you behave!" She   
shook, anger boiling inside her.  
Slowly, with the movements of an old man, he shuffled out of the   
kitchen. Emma lay her head once again on Lauren's shoulder,   
dismayed, peeved at the outcome, unmoved by Lauren's rage.   
Slowly, she touched her breast, toying with her darkened nipple,   
feeling the heavy shape with her young fingers. Emma looked up   
into Lauren's eyes, then down to her lips. She strained forward, her   
tongue leading the way.  
"Sweety, not now" said Lauren with all her remaining willpower.   
She could feel tears welling up, clouding her vision.  
"I want to love you"  
"We can't let your brother know everything. Just in case" she said,   
wiping her eyes. Tears trickled down her cheeks. She wiped again,   
raising a smile at her emotions.  
"Can I come and see you tonight?"  
"We'll see." At the sound of Jamie returning, they separated, Emma   
pouting as she left the room. Snapping out of her daze, Lauren   
covered her pussy with her hands and slipped along the hallway to   
her room, shutting the door silently as her mind replayed the   
afternoon's events. As she returned to the point where Emma had   
shamelessly encouraged her brother's cock into full erection, she   
cried, tears soaking into the pillow. Once again, her morals and   
ability to restrain her urges had failed. She knew that she had found   
the whole event moving, charming, seeing a brother and sister   
together in an act of love. She desperately tried to feel revulsion,   
tried to turn her anger at them into a force she could use in the   
future, but it had no effect. As her sobbing continued, she seriously   
thought that there must be something wrong with her, some   
sickness that needed constant feeding.  

Chapter 39  
The world was quiet as Lauren woke, surveying the darkened   
room before slipping quietly out of bed. Naked, she sat on the toilet   
in her bathroom and wondered what she would do that day. Too   
many of her days took the same form: Breakfast, swim, shower, get   
dressed. Take Emma, maybe Jamie down to Boquette, buy   
something they don't really need. Maybe visit the supermarket.   
Maybe have lunch in the square. Back home for a snooze, swim,   
tea, watch the news.  
Lauren found her bikini bottoms, pulled them on along with a short   
T-Shirt and wandered into the kitchen. She had a feeling, after   
glances between the cleaning staff the day before, that they   
wouldn't be coming that day. Or any day in the near future. She   
scratched, annoyed with the stickiness of her T-Shirt, the heat that   
had already built up in the kitchen, and the need to swim. It was   
seven-thirty. Even if the cleaners did arrive, there were not due for   
at least an hour. She tidied up quickly, finding two letters that had   
been neatly placed on the worktop beside the oven, both addressed   
to her. One was obviously from her mother - no knickers or   
cardigans this time - and the other appeared to be from the bank.   
Lauren took her coffee and letters out onto the patio and sat on the   
lounger, watching the still water, the birds pecking around the small   
rock borders and the bright flowers in the garden that led to the   
Her mother's letter talked again about the problem of her   
schoolfriends, and Lauren knew, reading between the lines, that her   
mother was unhappy. Still defending her and her decisions but   
clearly bearing some of the brunt of local gossip. Contained, in   
'Gisal family code' were her concerns about Lauren and her ability   
to look after the children properly. Lauren stopped reading, a lump   
in her throat. She wondered if Nikki had said something when she   
had returned, whether she let slip about the screams of delight that   
she had heard that night. Lauren thought it was very unlikely,   
continuing to read, imagining her mother, crouched over the dining   
room table at home, writing, shaking her head, tut-tutting as she   
related the news.  
Lauren brushed a tear from her eyes, sniffing loudly as she dropped   
the letter to the ground. Part of her wanted to call her mother right   
away, shout and scream about the unfairness of it all. The other part   
wondered why she had to do anything. She was over eighteen, an   
adult, making her own choices in life. The incidents with Emma   
were not her fault, she had been pressured into them. Her reasoning   
continued as she re-read the letter, her mind finding myriad excuses   
for her excesses, her pleasures. She had been teaching them,   
dammit! They had fun. It was Emma that came into her room that   
night, anyway, who slipped into her bed. What was she supposed to   
do? Her anger boiled inside her. She threw the letter into the air and   
grabbed the other, ripping it open so that she had to piece the   
contents back together. It is debatable which letter stunned her the   
The bank statement showed the account that had been set up for   
the house management by Elizabeth. There was a balance on the   
account of the equivalent of two hundred thousand Swiss francs -   
about a hundred and forty thousand US dollars. The previous   
balance had been only three hundred dollars. She saw that the   
account had been credited only three or four days ago by post. She   
carefully put the statement back in the envelope and lay back on the   
lounger, wondering what she was meant to do with all the money,   
and how much trouble was brewing that needed that sort of some   
to help them survive.  
Romantic notions faded after several minutes, and she concluded   
she would wait for Elizabeth to talk to her. Standing up, she pulled   
off the T-Shirt and dropped it on the lounger. She walked across to   
the pool and dipped a toe in the water, judging it to be perfect. She   
glanced around, saw nobody, and slipped her bikini off before   
carefully descending the steps into the shallow end of the pool. The   
water lapped at her legs, then up around her thighs, finally finding   
her pussy as she pushed off from the last step and swam cautiously   
to the edge.   
Slowly, the household stirred, ambling into life. No school, no   
private tutor. No duties, no responsibilities except the children.   
Perhaps they needed a war, just a small one, to unite them in   
purpose. Lunch and pool followed breakfast and pool. A siesta in   
the lounge followed lunch and their daily dose of national news.  
The phone startled Lauren and she was delighted to learn that Felix   
had decided to leave work early and would be with her in less than   
ten minutes. She thought briefly about running to her bedroom to   
change from her bikini but thought better of it and wandered out to   
make sure there were enough chairs by the patio. Emma made no   
attempt to cover herself and continued to lay on her stomach   
reading. Lauren knew that a few weeks earlier she would have   
insisted that Emma wear her bikini top, but now Lauren had no   
energy to insist on petty rules and regulations, and, she thought, it   
was debatable whether Emma would take much notice anyway.  
Lauren looked at her, the slender form of the young girl stretched   
out at the mercy of the sun. She was engrossed in her book,   
unaware that Lauren followed the tanned line of her neck, down   
over her shoulders and round her small breasts. A tremor ran   
through her as she recalled their firmness and the delight she had   
experienced as she took the nipples in her mouth. Lauren pressed   
herself harder against the lounger, rubbing the thin cloth of her   
bikini against her pussy.  
True to his word, Felix arrived moments later, smiling at both girls   
before kneeling between them. He kissed Lauren, pulling her   
towards him as his hands ran over her buttocks. She turned onto   
her side, pleased that he took the opportunity to press the tanned   
mound of her breast with his hand as he again kissed her. Emma   
watched intently, missing nothing as they held each other close.  
"Let's grab a cold drink, eh?" suggested Lauren as she swung off   
the seat. They walked together into the kitchen and Felix pulled   
two lemonades from the fridge while Lauren dried glasses at the   
sink. He shuffled up behind her and pulled her back against him.   
Lauren shrieked loudly as she felt something rock hard digging into   
her back.  
"Jeeze, what's down there?" she said, smiling into his eyes at her   
"You'll have to find out!"  
Lauren ran her hand over the front of his trousers and felt the   
rigidity of whatever was down there. "Is that you?" she asked,   
Felix shook his head. "Nope, but it is for you. Take a look!"  
Lauren looked quickly towards the kitchen door, and satisfied that   
Emma was still on the patio, unzipped him. Whatever was there   
was inside his underpants. She flicked the button to his trousers and   
reached inside. She knew instantly what it was.  
"What do you need one of those for?" she asked.  
"For you!"  
"Why me?"  
"Remember what was so painful?" Lauren did indeed recall. "This'll   
help" he said. He pulled it from his underpants and pushed it gently   
down her bikini bottoms, laughing as he pinged the elastic waist   
back in place.  
"What's all the laughter?" said Emma. Lauren shot a glance over   
Felix's shoulder. Emma stood framed in the doorway, a cream   
coloured silk sarong tied around her waist, a towel hung round her   
neck, just hiding her breasts. The afternoon light showed the shape   
of her parted legs and mound. Lauren knew if she had been alone   
she would have had the towel off before you could say 'bedtime,   
young lady'. Felix turned to soak up the view as well, affording   
Emma a view of his unbuttoned trousers.  
"Felix!" she hissed, looking back at her open-mouthed boyfriend.   
"Come on, my room!" Lauren maneuvered him so that her bikini   
and his trousers gave away as little as possible, then sidled out of   
the kitchen.   
As she walked towards her room she realised that he was absolutely   
right. She did want to try it again, to find out if she was somehow   
physically incapable of having anal sex, or if she could, whether she   
enjoyed it. Slowly, the thought dawned on her that he had possibly   
taken time off work just so that they could experiment. She closed   
the door behind them and tugged his shirt with her free hand,   
pulling him back towards her. She kissed him lightly on the mouth   
as she felt him swaying closer, his groin hard against her bikini.  
His hands found her breasts and even though they shuffled   
awkwardly towards her bed, her bikini top was on the floor before   
she felt the cool sheets against her thighs. She giggled as she fell   
back, watching him drop his shirt on the floor. Discretely, he   
removed the vibrator from her bikini, laid it on the bed for later use   
and proceeded to kiss her, leisurely. Although Lauren was pleased   
to see him in the afternoon, she still had concerns about his   
intentions. She remembered talking about trying again, but hadn't   
really expected him to do anything about it. It was more like one of   
those things that are said during the height of passion, not chapter   
two in anal sex. She returned his kisses with passion, feeling his   
arms around her back as her breasts pushed against his chest.  
"Wait!" she commanded, coming up for air after some minutes.   
"Stand over by the bed."  
"Do what?" he said, pausing briefly from kissing the inside of her   
"Stand over there! Take down your trousers!" If she was going to   
be naked with something stuffed inside her then he was also going   
to get his share.  
"Yes ma'am!" he replied, half saluting as his trousers dropped to the   
"Your underpants are wet. Why?"  
"Er, not sure."  
"Take your underpants down, just a bit." said Lauren, shifting onto   
her side. She brought her leg up so that he could see the shape of   
her pussy beneath her bikini bottom. His eyes fixed between her   
legs. She looked him over, up and down, noting the strong legs, the   
bulge between, and the little-boy look on his face; part of him   
wasn't really enjoying this and she could see that he hadn't really   
pulled his pants down very far. "Good. On your knees, play with   
yourself". She thought, for no good reason, about her parents,   
wondering if they ever progressed beyond simple intercourse.   
Felix's cock peeked out as his hand moved up and down within his   
pants. She smiled, touching her nipples. She waited almost a minute   
before issuing her next command. "Come here."  
Felix moved quickly, no doubt keen to reduce the distance between   
them and return to the previous intimacy. Lauren stopped him at   
the foot of the bed and felt his form. She pulled at his pants,   
allowing the head of his cock to spring into the open. A sheen of   
fluid had already found freedom. She cupped his balls, feeling their   
swollen yet mobile shape. As she gripped harder, he exhaled just as   
the foreskin peeled back and revealed the purple knob. Lauren   
leaned forward and licked the very tip of him, delighted as his   
weapon pinged up into the air in response. He tasted of nothing, so   
she ventured further, forming an 'O' with her mouth and taking in   
almost an inch. She swirled her tongue round the end of him, just as   
she had seen in films, totally unsure if she was having any effect   
whatsoever. She took him deeper, making him squeal only once.   
Lauren thought it could have been in pleasure but almost certainly   
was a result of her teeth biting into him. Deciding partly that she   
really didn't want him to come in her mouth but mainly that she   
needed a lot of practice, she slid onto her back, pulling him with   
Felix lay down, his cock rigid against her leg, and felt the firm   
roundness of her buttocks. They kissed longingly, Lauren   
reciprocating with unusual fervor, so pleased that she had tried   
something and delighted that she hadn't bitten off any part of him.  
She felt his fingers tracing round from the back of her bikini to her   
hip and down towards her pussy. She knew she was wet and could   
imagine how she would feel when he reached her little pleasure   
spot. She moved her left leg across the bed, allowing him room to   
cup her pussy beneath her bikini. Lauren wondered if the way she   
touched him had the same effect as he did as his fingers lay along   
the rich valley between her labia.   
His kissing rose in its passion, his tongue deep inside her mouth.   
Lauren reached down and took hold of his cock, gripping it tightly   
in her right hand, pushing and pulling the skin back and forth until   
she felt it pulse. Felix slipped lower, kissing her breasts as he   
worked his way down over her stomach and sought the treasures   
under her bikini with his tongue. His hand slipped under her, pulling   
so her back arched, breasts high in the air. She closed her eyes,   
savouring the man's attention. Her legs were now wide, her pussy   
throbbing in expectation of the attention from his tongue that now   
flicked along her labia.  
He pulled her bikini down to her knees and dived onto her pubic   
hair, taking as much of her mound as he could into his mouth. She   
grabbed his head and pushed him hard down between her legs,   
raising her bottom slightly as his tongue circled her vagina, darting   
occasionally to her anus as though to remind her of the afternoon's   
business. To her dismay, though, just as she knew that orgasm was   
almost guaranteed, he slowed his pace, giving greater attention to   
her anus, pushing the little opening with a finger, spreading the   
juices from her vagina down to meet him. Lauren gripped the back   
of her legs and pulled, slowly raising herself as his finger   
disappeared inside. That was the feeling, she thought, that she   
needed, the obscenity of it making her insides tremble.   
His tongue returned to her labia while his finger remained deep   
inside. He teased her pussy, bringing back the thoughts of orgasm   
that had been missing for several minutes, but once again he was   
not going to permit it, removing his finger from her anus slowly,   
tormenting her as he circled her hole with his slippery fingers. She   
groaned, shifting slightly under the bed as though spurring him on   
to the next activity, the next step towards satisfaction. He push his   
thumb against her tight hole, continuing as the ring gave way and   
allowed him to slip deep inside.  
"Oh God!" moaned Lauren, pulling back harder on her legs. She   
could feel her anus pulsing around him, the joy bubbling inside her   
pussy that was going to explode if he would only let it. He   
continued to lick her pussy, now moving up to her clitoris, flicking   
the small hood away to reveal the little almond center of her sex.   
Once again he withdrew, slipping off the bed and hurrying towards   
the bathroom.   
"Oil time!" he said quietly, disappearing round the corner.  
Lauren relaxed her legs slightly, amused but excited that her bikini   
bottoms still remained at her knees. Conscious of her exposed state,   
she pulled them higher, covering the delicate folds of her wet pussy   
but allowing the sight of her dark pubic hair and the soft cleft of the   
top of her labia to remain uncovered. She slipped a finger down   
through her bikini, around her anus and brought it quickly back her   
to nostrils. She smelled nothing, but wiped it on the sheets   
"Hey, gorgeous!" he whispered as he entered the room. She turned   
to see his stiff cock bobbing proudly in front of him, the white   
vibrator in his right hand. She reached out and took the device,   
feeling its weight as he sank beside her on the bed. The rounded   
end was shaped like a cock, a bulbous head with a deep slit that   
then tapered slightly. Mock veins corrugated its length. Lauren   
concluded it was thick enough to inflict pain if she didn't take it   
slowly. She tried without success to judge whether she could   
accommodate it, or whether she would have to give up once again   
in disappointment.   
It was five, six, maybe seven inches in length; the other end had a   
bulge which looked like it could have represented balls if a bit more   
work had been done. Nevertheless, Lauren realised that it was   
probably there to stop the whole thing disappearing inside. 'Explain   
that one to the doctor', she thought. She lay back down, handing it   
back to him as he flicked the lid of the oil. Her gaze was torn   
between him dripping oil along the length of the device and the   
arrogant throbbing of his cock. Eventually, she sighed and waited,   
praying for either. 

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