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     This story continues the adventures of Joseph Watson. The
wealthy man has been is kidnapped and by various frauds declared
dead, but in reality he is alive and working on an island,
somewhere within twenty degrees north or south of the Equator,
owned by the notorious Dr. Justine van Damme. The Doctor and Joe's
ex-wife, Gloria, wanted to punish him and get their hands on his
money. Toward this end, they applied state of the art
pharmaceutical treatments and surgical procedures on Joe. The end
result of all that attention was that Joe has been transformed into
an exaggeratedly sexy woman in all respects. His subconscious has
been programmed with depraved sexual urges to match his sensual new
body, but otherwise his consciousness is intact. He knows that he
is a man, no matter how he may be forced to appear or act, and
resolves never to forget that fact, thus making his punishment much
more effective. Joe now makes his way through life as a waitress on
van Damme's private island.

     Due to Joe's lack of legal acumen and foresight, his ex-wife
Gloria was appointed executrix of his extensive estate, but only
until his illegitimate son, Robert Watson, turns twenty one and
inherits it all. Gloria likes being wealthy and powerful and has no
intention of relinquishing the fortune to Robert, who has vowed to
ruin her financially when he gains control over his inheritance.
Justine van Damme has contracted with Gloria to effect a plan which
will result in Gloria's getting the money, and Robert being
maneuvered out of her way. Permanently.    


     "Gloria, may I have twenty dollars?" Bob Watson asked his

     "What ever for Robert dear?"

     Bob was really angry. He would shortly be inheriting his late
fathers millions, but for now he was reduced to begging this bitch
for money. "Someday she'll get hers," Bob thought to himself.

     "I'm going out with some of the guys tonight for pizza and a

     "O.K. dear, I'll get it for you."

     Bob really resented Gloria Watson, his father's ex-wife, who
was administering his estate. She went out of her way to make life
hell for Bob. Bob had grown up with his natural mother and the only
contacts they'd ever had with Joe Watson were support checks and
the occasional birthday card. Despite this, or maybe out of guilt
over it, Joe Watson had left the bulk of his estate to Bob.

     Bob had left home at eighteen, but shortly thereafter came
under the control of Gloria. Until he turned twenty one, she was in
charge of his life. He knew that there was a clause in the will
that allowed her to retain control of the estate if she could prove
that he was incapable of managing his own affairs, and he suspected
that she'd like nothing better than to do so. What really got to
him was the fact that she wasn't hardly any older than he was, yet
she treated him like a child.

     Gloria had moved Bob in with her so that she could exercise
ever increasing control over him. As Bob Weinstein had told her:
"Don't let him think for himself. Get him used to taking orders
from you and being obedient to you." 

     Gloria returned with the twenty."Here you go Robert. Oh, by
the way, I have a new girl coming tomorrow to be my secretary and
social assistant. Her name is Monica and she'll be living with us.
I'm sure that you'll want to be here to meet her."

     "I'm sorry Joe, it's not that you are not a good waitress,
it's just that we are over manned, our budget has been reduced, and
you've been here the shortest amount of time. You must understand.
I'm sure that Denice in personnel can fix you up with another job."

     Back on the island Joe was worried; he had just been fired
from his job as a waitress. Thoughts of being sent home to the U.S.
and having to prostitute himself ran through his pretty head. He
practically ran to the personnel office.

     "I'm sorry Joe, there's just no positions open that you're
qualified for."

     "Please. Can't you check again. I'll do anything."

     "Well, let me check the files. Hmmm...  It seems that Rhonda
is leaving us, but no. You wouldn't want to do that."

     "What's that?" Joe said, ready to grab at anything.

     "It seems that Dr. van Damme's personal housekeeper is
retiring, leaving a vacancy."

     "I can certainly keep house." Said Joe.

     "There's a lot more to this job than just changing sheets."

     "I don't care, just try me out at it."

     "Let me call Dr. van Damme and see if she's agreeable."

     After a conversation on the telephone Denice told Joe, "she
sounded skeptical that you could handle it, but she's willing to
give you a chance. You need to go see Mrs. Johnson and Donna for
the necessary training.


     "Wow, what a looker," thought Bob, staring at Monica.
     It was obvious to the tall blonde that the young man was
smitten with her. She would certainly turn that to her advantage.
In her most seductive voice, Monica told Bob, "I'm so pleased to
meet you. If there is ever anything I can do for you,just let me

     "That little pig." Thought Monica. 
     Bob had grabbed her ass as he walked passed. He continually
made a nuisance of himself around her, never missing an opportunity
to touch or rub up against her. Monica just smiled sweetly at him,
thinking to herself "he'll get his." 

     Monica played the boy like a fish and, before long, had him in
bed and believing that he had seduced her. Bob wasn't a very good
lover. Monica was just getting into the swing of things when he
came, rolled off of her, and went to sleep; thanks to the drug she
had slipped him. Looking at Bob's wilted cock, Monica remembered
how it had felt when she still had one. She recalled how she had
introduced Bob's father, Joe, to being on the receiving end of a
stiff cock, after his transformation into a sexy babe. Feeling
horny, Monica got dressed, thinking, "I sure as hell won't be
getting any satisfaction here tonight. Might as well go out and
pick up a real stud."

     After donning a provocative outfit, Monica put a tape in a
player and turned it on. It would play softly all night into the
pillow under Bob's head, filing it with radical notions. Looking at
the sleeping boy, she was curious, thinking "I wonder if he'll turn
out as pretty as his dad?"

     On her way out, Monica ran into Gloria.

     "Hi Monica, would you care to join me in a drink?"

     "I'm sorry Mrs. Watson, but I was just going out. Can I take
a rain check?"

     "Gee ... I really hoped you'd stay home with me tonight. I
have some tapes that make very interesting viewing and you're in
some of them."

     Monica could see that Gloria was more than a little drunk, and
more than a little horny. "O.K. Why not?"

     The tapes turned out to include one of Monica screwing Joe.
Gloria was very disappointed to discover that Monica's magnificent
cock was gone forever. However, the evening wasn't a total loss 
as they wound up introducing themselves to girl on girl love
making. Both of them discovered lesbian sex to be as exciting and
as satisfying as anything else they had ever done, if not more so.

     When Bob awoke the next morning, Monica was there sleeping
beside him. The young man was certain that he had found true love. 

     Joe was washing the breakfast dishes, when Dr. van Damme
called out to him, on her way out the door, "Joe I'll be home at
six with two guests. The cook has the menu, we'll eat in the blue

     "Yes, ma'am." Said Joe.

     Donna had trained Joe well in his new duties. It hadn't taken
him long to discover that he wasn't going to be a housekeeper,
instead, he was being trained as Dr. van Damme's maid. Joe had to
be up, washed, and dressed by seven a.m., in uniform of course. The
new uniform wasn't that bad; it was a lot more comfortable than his
waitress getup since Dr. van Damme didn't make him wear the hated
minimizer bra and a girdle. 

     Every morning Joe would don an underwire bra, which cradled
his abundant breasts in comfort, nylon panties, black panty hose,
black pumps, and a white satin blouse which was tucked into a black
taffeta skirt that fell to his knees. It was neither tight nor
revealing and Joe was totally at ease in it. He'd half expected to
be dressed in some skimpy little maids dress. Oh he was alright,
but only for special occasions.

     At seven o'clock, Joe would enter Dr. van Damme's room with
her breakfast and awaken her. While she ate, Joe would draw her
bath. Then while she bathed, Joe would make her bed, lay out her
clothing, and take the dirty breakfast dishes to the kitchen and
wash them. It wasn't a particularly arduous job and he had plenty
of free time. 

     Joe lived with the Doctor and stayed at her house most of the
time, preferring to avoid other people, especially men. Ever since
his changes, Joe had discovered that he couldn't trust himself
around men, somehow he'd developed an insatiable appetite for sex
with them. Joe had no clue that his newfound promiscuity was a
permanent part of his psychological make-up, only that he got
extremely aroused sexually around men. So he avoided the intense
embarrassment that his ensuing sexual antics caused, by keeping to
himself in Dr. van Damme's compound.   

     Joe had a busy day ahead of him today. In addition to his
normal duties, he would have to polish the silver and get dressed
up for tonight.  


     "Oui Madame." Said Joe. 

     If there were any strangers in the house, Joe was addressed as
Yvonne. Dressed as a French maid, he had to act the part. Mrs.
Johnson had taught him to pronounce French words with his
artificial voice box and his French vocabulary was at least the
equal of his English, which had been purposefully limited.  

     In preparation for tonight's little soiree, Joe had donned a
black satin and lace lingerie set consisting of; panty, garter belt
and push-up bra. He attached sheer white stockings to his garters
and slipped on a pair of pink satin pumps with five inch heels.
Over this he pulled on layers of stiff white petticoats, followed
by a low-cut, pink velvet French maid's uniform. Joe's hair was in
a ponytail and he tied a pink satin ribbon in a big bow to hold it
back. A little white lace apron and a choker and wristlets, of
white satin bordered with lace, completed his Yvonne costume.

     Joe curtseyed carefully, knowing that his stocking tops would
be revealed if he did not, and he didn't want to reveal any more of
himself than was absolutely necessary.

     "These are my guests, Hector and Miguel Gonzales."

     Joe curtseyed gracefully to them, "Bon soir, Messieurs. May I
get you drinks?"

     The two brothers were tall, dark, and handsome. Joe felt the
inevitable reaction of his body and averted his eyes from the men,
trying to concentrate on the task at hand.

     Other than to take note of Joe's exceptional beauty, the
Gonzales brothers paid him no more mind than they would any
servant. Joe overheard their conversation as he served the meal and
was able to piece together that the Gonzales brothers were frequent
visitors to Dr. van Damme's island, came from somewhere in South
America, were fantastically wealthy, and performed many services
for the Doctor including acting as her bankers. After the table had
been cleared, Joe was dismissed. He ran up to his room, where he
masturbated urgently, grateful that he escaped performing like a
wanton slut with the two brothers.

     Over cigars and brandy the Gonzales chatted idly with the
doctor. Finally Miguel spoke up. "This little thing Yvonne; she is
perfection itself. Is she by any chance available?"

     "Certainly. I shall have her report to your cottage, where
she'll be waiting for you. I must inform you though that she is, or
to be more precise, was a man."

     "Madre de Dios! You are kidding me."

     "Not at all. I have some very interesting tapes of her, I
really should say his, progress. You see, we have punished Joe by
ensuring that he can never forget that he was once a complete man.
Would you care to view them?" 

    "Oh no Doctor, I trust your word implicitly, but this makes the
prospect of a dalliance even more interesting. Let me ask this, is
your maid available for permanent acquisition?"

     "I'm afraid not, you see Joe, as he is called, doesn't know
it, but he's still being trained. Eventually he will be returned to
his ex-wife, who is responsible for what has happened to him." 

     Hector could no longer remain silent. "I too was considering
toying with this one. Perhaps brother we should settle for lesser

     "Ah, but of course." replied Miguel.

     To Dr. van Damme's questioning look Miguel answered. "The two
of us never share or have anything to do with a woman or any other
thing, such as your little Joe in this case, that the other
desires. We avoid the pitfalls of jealousies that way. Now if Joe
had a sister we could purchase them both and return to our homeland
with them."

     At this last Dr. van Damme looked up smiling, "Funny you
should bring that up. My personal motto is 'anything is possible',
and in this situation anything may indeed happen. I shall remember
your interest in Joe, if circumstances should happen to change."


     "So how are you guys going to handle Bob?" Gloria asked Monica
one evening, after a session of torrid love making.

     "Well we are going to use a variation of the technique we used
to get Joe to wear dresses without rebellion. Every night as he
sleeps, his mind under the influence of certain drugs that Dr. van
Damme's associates have developed, a speaker in Bob's pillow is
reprogramming his subconscious. When we are done, Bob will have the
mind set of a transsexual."

     "So how does that help me?"

     "One of two possible ways. After his programming is made
effective and has taken over, Bob will do anything to get what he
needs, including even signing away his inheritance if we handle it
right. If not, when he starts trying to get what he needs on his
own, his actions will allow you to have him declared incompetent.
Either way you will get his money."

     "And just what is it he'll be needing?" asked Gloria.

     "Why a sex change of course."

     "Do you mean to tell me that you can make Bob want to be a

     "We certainly can and not only that, but I heard rumors Bob
Weinstein has developed a way to make the body change itself, and
that one of his corresponding associates, a Dr. Mason, has had
great success experimenting with his concepts.

     "But I don't want to hurt him."

     "Oh we won't punish Bob like we did Joe. Bob will want and
truly enjoy what is going to happen to him. Trust me, this really
is the best way of getting him out of your hair."

     "So when does this plan begin."

     "Bob might be ready now. All we need is a chance to get him
dressed in women's clothing, which will unlock his programming."

     Gloria thought for a minute. "That's easy enough, listen to
this ... "


     Bob felt funny, he'd just shaven his entire body. He knew this
was peculiar, but for some reason it didn't bother him. Gloria was
throwing a Mardi Gras party and Monica had talked him into going
disguised as a girl. "I'll take care of everything." She had said.
"You'll probably win first prize." 

     Now he stood around naked and hairless, waiting for his lover
to dress him. Monica started with a little black thing, which she
pulled up around Bob's hips. It resembled a g-string and she tucked
his cock back under it, then tied it in place. The tight garment
really compressed his cock and balls. Looking at himself, Bob
couldn't see any sign of his manhood. "It's called a gaff Bob. It
will keep you safe from discovery."

     Bob winced as Monica tightened the laces of what she called a
ribbon corset. It relentlessly squeezed his waist into definite
female proportions. Spandex panties were pulled up and Bob
discovered that they were padded, producing the illusion of a
woman's hips and ass on his male body. Over this were placed white
satin panties.

     "Why do I have to wear these panties, no one will be looking
under my dress?"

     "Bob, it's a necessary component of the image you want to
present to your audience. In order to project an air of femininity,
you have to feel feminine, and wearing dainty lingerie will help
you do just that."

     Sheer, light colored panty hose were pulled up Bob's hairless
legs. A strapless long line bra was placed around his chest and
hooked up. Pads were fitted into in the cups of the bra. Bob saw in
the mirror that he presented a very feminine profile. For some
reason it seemed natural.

     A petticoat was held out and Bob stepped into it. It was drawn
up, positioned about his waist, and fell to mid-calf. The tea-
length dress, which Monica had selected for Bob to wear, was a
delicate confection of light turquoise acetate taffeta. Monica
helped Bob get it over his head, then she zipped it up for him. The
dress had a low scoop neck and sported a big bow over Bob's padded
fanny. Matching satin pumps were slipped on Bob feet and Monica
went to work on his make-up.

     Monica placed a long brown wig, the same shade as his hair,
over Bob's head and brushed it out. Stepping back she looked at her
handiwork: eyebrows, plucked thin, arched over heavily made-up eyes
while bright red lips smiled at her. Bob looked wonderful.

     "He'll make such a pretty girl," thought Monica.


     At the party Bob was a smash. He looked just like a young girl
at her prom and no one would believe otherwise. The longer he
remained dressed as he was, the better Bob felt about it. It felt
entirely natural to be dressed as he was; he felt free and at peace
with himself.


     Bob Watson couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. For
about a month now, he had no appetite, had lost weight and interest
in sex with Monica, and had been very stressed out. Gloria sent him
to a doctor who had found nothing wrong with him, but referred him
to the psychiatrist that he was waiting to see, suspecting that
whatever it was bothering him, might be psychosomatic. Bob looked
at the name on the diplomas on the wall; Dr. Robert Weinstein.

     Bob had been talking to the Doctor for about ten minutes, when
the Doctor suggested hypnosis. "I guess I'll try anything," was
Bob's reply.

     Bob didn't know what to expect. He was given a shot and told
to look at a strobe light. He did so, then looked at the doctor,
"When will I be hypnotized?"

     "You have been Bob, you were under for about an hour."

     Bob was shocked, he had noticed no passage of time. "What did
you find out? Will I be o.k.?"

     "Bob, perhaps I should call your guardian in to discuss this."

     "No. Please Doctor. Whatever is wrong, getting Gloria involved
will only make it worse."

     "O.K. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but deep in your
psyche there is a woman trying to get out."


     "You are what we call a transsexual. We have no idea what
causes this, but your subconscious mind is that of a female. You
have repressed this trait so deeply, and it is so strong, that the
resulting psychological conflict is manifesting itself by
disrupting your health."

     Bob could not believe what he'd just been told. Then he
remembered the night he had dressed as a girl for the party, and
how he had felt about it. "Could wearing a dress cause this to
happen to me?"

     "No. This has always been in you. However, wearing women's
clothing could upset the delicate psychological balance of someone,
like yourself, who had been successful in suppressing his
transsexuality. Why? Have you done so recently?"

     "Well, I dressed up like a girl for a costume party about a
month ago."

     "Yes, that could have set you off."

     "So what can I do to get over this?"

     "Bob, I am afraid that it is not that simple. Years of
research with thousands of transsexuals has shown us that there is
only one thing that you can do and experience permanent relief, but
I do not think that you are quite ready to talk about that just
yet. You first have to get over the shock of finding out what you
are. To help you with that, I would like to refer you to a
colleague of mine, with much more experience in these matters, at
The Institute for the Amelioration of Gender Dysphoria."


     Bob was despondent, every day his anxious longing to be a
woman grew in intensity, with no relief in sight. He had been well
received at The Institute, and the director, Leslie van Damme, had
interviewed him personally as a favor to Bob Weinstein. 

     Bob had found Dr. van Damme to be a tall stunning blonde, he
also found out that she was a man. Bob discovered that he was not
alone. Indeed, the Institute had helped hundreds of others like
himself to become the women that they knew they were. Bob's tests
showed that he was definitely a transsexual and the Institute would
accept him into it's program.

     The road to womanhood was a long one, stretching over years.
Changing his sex would be a momentous and irreversible decision;
Bob would therefore be required to complete many prerequisites,
such as hormone therapy, which would ultimately result in him
living and working as a woman for a year to prove he was serious
about becoming one, before he would even be considered for surgery.
The problem was that Bob couldn't wait years. He needed relief now,
before he went insane.

     At dinner one night. Gloria confronted him. "What's been
troubling you Robert dear? You just mope around the house all the
time. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

     "No, I'm afraid not, but you might as well know what the
Doctor said. I am what they call a transsexual. My mind is the mind
of a woman and if I don't do something about it soon I will go

     "So what is it that you want to do?" Asked Monica.

     "Well it is not so much want as need. Science cannot change my
mind to match my body, but they can change my body to match my
mind, so eventually I plan to undergo sex reassignment surgery."

     Gloria grinned. Bob missed it and she was able to regain her
composure before saying; "Do you mean a sex-change? Isn't that a
little extreme dear?"

     "Perhaps it is," Bob replied, "but it's my only hope. They
can't even help me anytime soon. It takes forever to get ready for
the surgery."

     Then, per her instructions, Monica chipped in, "I read
somewhere that they do sex changes in other countries where there's
no wait and supposedly they do a much better job."

     "Really?" Asked Bob, his curiosity piqued.

     "Yes, except I read that it is horribly expensive."

     "That's O.K. I have plenty of money."

     "I don't think so young man." Interjected Gloria."You don't
get your money for another three years, and if you think that I
will approve of you doing such a thing to yourself, or give you the
money for it, you are seriously mistaken."

     Bob was close to tears, to be given new hope and then have it
taken away so quickly, was almost too much for him to bear. Then he
saw what he must do.

     "Please Gloria, you have no idea how much this means to me; it
is life or death. I need to be a woman. I know that you don't get
anything once I inherit and I'm sorry for what I said to you about
screwing you over when I get my money. I apologize. If you'll only
let me do this, I promise that I'll give you all the money you
could possibly want."

     Bob was in tears now; he got up and went to Gloria's chair,
kneeled and took her hand. "Please Gloria, I beg of you, save me,
help me become a woman."

     "Oh I will Robert. Don't you worry," thought Gloria. "You'll
get your wish in spades."

     Gloria looked at Bob for what to him seemed an eternity.
"Perhaps we can work something out." She said at last. 

To be continued...

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