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                                  Andrew Roller Presents
                              NAUGHTY NAKED DREAMGIRLS
                                        HONEY HAVEN


                                         Chapter One

         I go to Teddy Bear High.  Don’t laugh, that’s its real name. 
Theodore Rooseveldt High.  President Theodore Rooseveldt invented the
name “teddy bear,” so all my friends and me like telling people that we
go to Teddy Bear High.
         At least, I used to go there.  Then I got hired away, as a
model.  At first my parents weren’t too thrilled about it.  After all, I
was only 14.  But the agent told my parents that I had an excellent
figure and face and needed to get started in the business at 14 if I
wanted to get ahead in it.  Of course, my mom wanted me to be a star
swimmer, and my dad still somehow thought that his “little girl” was in
the third grade.  The idea that I might have a sexy figure almost caused
him to punch out the agent.  But, fortunately, I prevailed.  I’d always
dreamed of being a supermodel.  Being stuck in Peoria, Iowa, I’d never
imagined an agent would actually find me here.  But she did.  So off I
went to New York, and then to my first assignment.  It was in Italy.  
         Little did I know what I’d get myself into.  My father insisted
that I be “chaperoned at all times,” as he put it.  The agent assured
him I would be.  But when I boarded the plane for Venice, my only
‘chaperone’ was a fellow model, like me.  Her name was Katrina.  She was
16.  She had shoulder-length brown hair and a soft, angelic face.  But
her eyes gave off a worldly flash whenever she looked at you.  She was
from Chicago.  She’d done a little modeling before, but this was her
first overseas trip, for a major agency.  Naturally I had all kinds of
questions for her.  She spent the flight telling me all about
modelling.  She was quite excited to be going abroad.  We’d be working
for an important photographer, she said (Eveline Elginton -- the name
meant nothing to me, yet) and staying in a mansion outside Venice, not
in some hotel.
         She was right on both counts.  We were met at the airport by a
private limo.  It whisked us out into the Italian countryside, leaving
the city and its charms, and problems, behind.  We were told we could
sightsee all we wanted after our assignment was done.  They’d give us
three extra days, paid, just for that.  In the meantime, however, we
were introduced to Heloise, who’d rented the mansion where we’d be
staying.  I have no idea who actually owned it.  But Heloise was sort of
our house mother there, though not in any censorious way.  She showed
Katrina and I to our private rooms.  As the other models arrived, she
showed them to their rooms.  A young bellboy carried everyone’s
luggage.  I thought he was kind of cute -- almost cute enough to be a
model.  From my bedroom window I watched everyone as they arrived.  They
were all young, up through the mid-20’s perhaps, both male and female. 
I noticed all of them were older than me.  I felt sort of special, being
included with models who were older and more experienced.
         The sun set over the Italian hills as I watched the models
arriving.  The bellhop appeared at my door and told me we’d all be
boarding a bus to go to a nearby restaurant, if I wanted to come along. 
He said there was no food in the mansion yet, although Heloise was busy
getting it stocked.  There had been a delay or mixup of some kind.  So,
still wearing my clothes from the plane, I went downstairs.  We all got
aboard a bus.  It was interesting, seeing all the other models close
up.  I sat in a seat next to Katrina.  We watched the scenery pass from
our window as the bus rolled into a nearby town.  We offloaded at the
restaurant.  You can imagine the other customers’ pleased looks when
they saw a whole bevy of voluptuous girls and dreamboat men walk into
the place!  But we managed to have a nice meal, spread out among the
tables of the restaurant.  I sat with Katrina and another woman, who was
perhaps 22.  Her name was Angela.  She was from Russia  She had flaming
red hair that hung in loose, natural curls all the way down her back.  I
felt sort of jealous of her.  I was just a typical American blonde, with
long straight blonde hair down my back, that had just a few waves in
it.  She looked at my bosom and told me my breasts might get too big for
me to be a fashion model.  They were already fairly large and heavy, as
big as Katrina’s, and she was 16, two years older than me.
         “Have you ever considered getting your breasts reduced?” Angela
asked me.  I looked back at her with wide eyes.
         “No,” I said.
         “Well, it’s a possibility,” Angela said.  “Keep it in mind, or
you may wind up doing cheesecake work.”
         “Have you had your breasts reduced?” Katrina asked.  Her voice
seemed a little worried, for if I had breasts that were too big, she
surely did too, for our bosoms were almost identical.  
         Angela brushed her hair back.  Her own bosoms, I thought,
seemed a bit big, compared to some models I’d seen on runways and in
         “No,” she said.  She sipped at her drink through a straw.  “A
doctor in Russia offered to do it for free, if I would let him bed me.” 
Katrina and I giggled.  Angela smiled, kept sipping.  
         “It’s not fair,” Katrina said.  “We’re told to get our tits
reduced, but guys don’t have to get their dicks reduced!”
         Angela smiled.  “You’d like for them to have to get their dicks
reduced?” she asked, still sipping on the straw in her drink.  I giggled
into my hand.
         “Well, I guess not,” Katrina said.  Angela smiled, looked at
me.  I smiled back, feeling conspiratorial, though she seemed, I think,
to have a deeper sense of it than I did.
         We finished our supper and were loaded back onto the bus.  We
were all pretty tired from our flights.  Dinner at the restaurant had
been our first good meal all day, thanks to airplane food.  Our stuffed
stomachs made us rather listless and sleepy on the ride back to the
mansion.  Goodbyes were said as we filed from the bus and into the
house.  We all went to our rooms.  Heloise reminded us that we’d have to
be up early the next morning, for our first day’s shoot with Eveline
         I fell right asleep.  I didn’t even bother to bathe.  I don’t
know about the others, but I slept right through the night.  The
excitement of my first day abroad, all set to be a model, had kept me
keyed-up all day.  The supper, mixed with a little wine, knocked me
out.  When I awoke in the morning I belatedly took a shower.  Then I
slipped into my clothes and hurried downstairs, to be ready for our
departure at 7 a.m.
         Heloise had apparently been trying to get a breakfast together
for us but Eveline, who I had yet to meet, had vetoed that.  It was felt
the restaurant would be quicker.  So, boarding the bus promptly at 7, we
went back to the restaurant.  Then it was off to the place where we’d do
our modelling.
         It was a beach.  It was open to the public, but fortunately it
was a weekday and there weren’t too many bathers there.  The beach was
fabulous, with slow, rolling waves gently washing its sandy shore. 
Being from Iowa, I guess I found most any beach impressive, but this one
was quite photogenic.  Eveline Elginton was already there, the famous
international photographer.  She was set up with a crew of helpers. 
There were lights, and cameras, just waiting for us to provide the
         We offloaded from the bus.  There was a small crowd of
onlookers but they were kept back by ropes.  An assistant of Eveline’s
greeted us.  His name was Enrique.  I thought he was rather handsome, in
a fatherly way.  He had greying hair and looked mid-fortyish.  His
figure was straight and erect, with broad shoulders.  I wondered if he
was a model too, or had been one when he was younger.
         Enrique walked us to a long table.  It had a wind screen behind
it, to keep back the breeze.  The table was piled with swimsuits that
we’d be modelling.  All the latest, of course.  I knew my friends back
in Iowa would be jealous when they saw me in a new swimsuit they hadn’t
even had a chance to buy yet.  Posing in a fashion magazine, no less!  I
was quite excited.  There were two cabanas and we were told the one on
the left was for the men to change in, the one on the right for the
women.  There were privies in them too, in case we needed to relieve
         Walking with Angela, Katrina and I made our way to the cabana. 
There were perhaps a dozen females in all.  Quickly we changed into the
bikinis Eveline’s assistant had helped us pick out.  Then it was back
outside, where we sat under sun umbrellas for the makeup people.  There
were three of them in all, and they worked quickly, for they had two
dozen of us to do in all, both men and women.  It looked rather strange
to see people stripped down to almost nothing, save for small bikinis or
Speedos, sitting having their makeup done.  The guys, wearing newly
fashionable ‘ball hugger’ swimsuits, sat with their cocks upstanding in
their suits as makeup women assiduously combed their hair and powdered
their features.  I admit I got a few hot flashes watching that.  When I
had to sit for makeup I found my nipples were poking into my bra, quite
visibly, for it was just a swimsuit bra, made of lycra.  I blushed, but
nobody seemed to mind.  They knew I was brand-new to modelling.  
         We worked all morning.  We tossed volleyballs, beachballs.  We
played in the sand.  We swam in the sea.  All the while Eveline and her
helpers directed us, and photographed us.  Whenever there was a free
moment we lounged under sun umbrellas or an open-fronted tent that was
already set up for our lunch.  Eveline didn’t want us to get too
tanned.  She wished to keep us light-skinned, with just a soft tan on
our limbs, and our faces and bellies.  The makeup people fixed our
makeup whenever we needed it and applied sun lotion judiciously.  We
couldn’t look all shiny in front of the cameras.  We had to look
natural, as if we were new at the beach, in our new bikinis.     
         At lunch we had fresh steamed crabs, brought in by a caterer. 
After lunch we changed into new bikinis, and Eveline photographed us
some more.  Then, as it was Europe, we girls removed our bras and played
with the men topless while Eveline took photos of us.  I was quite
breathless at first, being bare-bosomed like that.  Katrina, though she
hadn’t posed topless before, seemed to take it more in stride.  Angela
helped us both feel less nervous.  She was utterly casual as she walked
around with just a small thong-backed bikini on.  She posed with us and
told us not to feel worried that a crowd of people were staring at us. 
We were models, it was expected we’d be looked at, and anyway the
onlookers were watching everyone, including Eveline (who remained
dressed), and her camera men, and the guys who were modelling with us. 
Of course it was the dreamboat male models who were making me feel at
least as nervous as the crowd was.  But they were polite, speaking to me
softly and pretending not to notice my bosoms, and how my nipples stood
up so acutely.  Angela reminded me that the men, trapped in their
‘ball-hugger’ suits, had spent the whole day with their pricks standing
up in their suits.  I could hardly complain if my breasts were visible,
when they’d had to show off their credentials like that.  
         The sun sank low and Eveline called it a day.  We retreated to
the cabanas and changed back into our clothes.  The bus was summoned
from a nearby parking lot and we boarded it for home.  It was nice,
being models, in the transportation department.  Most people had to walk
to the parking lot to fetch their cars.  But we had been granted special
priviledges by the beach authorities.  Our bus could drive down the
walkway that ran from the parking lot to the beach, to pick us up, so we
wouldn’t be thronged with passersby asking for favors or autographs.
         I think we were all glad to retreat to our rooms for a shower
when we got back to the mansion.  All day at the beach can leave you
feeling rather wind blown and salty, even if you are a pampered model. 
I bathed myself and then changed into clothes.  I wore shorts and a
print shirt and sneakers.  I pulled my hair back and tied it off in a
long pony tail.  Heloise had finally gotten the food in, and we were
promised a casual, private meal at the mansion.  I went downstairs. 
There were tables set out on the lawn, in the gathering dusk.  Torches
provided illumination, and a single candle set on each table.  I found
Angela and Katrina sitting together at a table and joined them.  Waiters
brought in by Heloise served us.  It was pleasant, unhurried.  Two guys
came and talked to us, Mark and Dave.  They were both hunks.  I felt my
heart beat faster as Dave, who I considered the handsomer of the two,
turned his eyes on me.  Angela invited them to bring their chairs over
from their table and sit and eat dessert with us.  We would make room
for them.
         The men’s skin seemed to glow from their long day at the
beach.  They had full, hairy chests that they’d sheathed in t-shirts. 
They both wore baggy boxer shorts, a far cry from what they’d been
parading around in all day.  Both men wore rubber zories on their feet. 
They hadn’t bothered to tie themselves into sneakers like Katrina and
Angela and I had.
         Mark began feeding Katrina forkfulls of her cherry pie. 
Katrina could, of course, have fed herself, but she accepted Mark’s
generosity and let him put the food into her mouth for her.  Dave tried
the same trick with Angela.  She liked it so much that she moved from
her chair to his lap.  I sat by myself, still feeding myself, and
thinking perhaps that was the best way, rather than having some man feed
me, no matter how good-looking he might be.  But when Dave looked at me,
and smiled, I shivered.  He kept feeding Angela but I sensed he’d have
fed me if I’d asked him to, or if Angela hadn’t been there.
         I don’t know what my friends did that night, but I slept by
myself, with my teddy bear, that I’d brought with me from America,
keeping me company in my bed.  It had seemed quite important to me to
bring teddy along, when I first left Peoria.  But when I awoke in the
morning I looked at him and felt rather empty inside.  After all, the
bellhop had insinuated that he would enjoy spending the night with me,
and a male model named Steve had walked me to my room.  But except for a
quick, thankful kiss on Steve’s cheek, I’d kept him at bay.  The
bellboy, despite his nice features, I’d laughted at.  He, after all,
wasn’t even a model.  So I regarded his offer of night time
companionship with something close to derision.  
         We had another long day at the beach.  That night, at dinner,
Angela, sitting with me and Katrina again, and Dave and Mark and Steve
(we put two tables together), asked me a strange question.
         “Have you ever done any erotic photography?” Angela asked me.
         I looked startled.  
         “What?” I asked.
         “You know, nude photography, and sex and such things like
that,” Angela said.  
         “No,” I replied.  I had a cherry soda in a big, tall glass and
I put my lips over its straw to try to escape the conversation.
         “Are you still a virgin?” Angela asked me.  I felt myself
shrink in my chair.  Everyone at the table, even Katrina, looked at me
expectantly.  I sensed that I was unique.
         “I- I tore my hymen riding a horse,” I admitted.  Angela
         “That doesn’t count,” she said.  She brushed her long loose red
curls back away from her face.  The men grinned at each other.
         “And I-- I did it with a boy once,” I lied.  
         “Well, then, no harm in asking her,” Dave said to Angela.
         “Alright, then,” Angela said to me.  “We have an offer to do
some erotic photography.  A friend of Eveline’s.  It’s a woman, don’t
worry, so she’ll be sensitive to your--” Angela’s voice broke off.  I
expected to hear the word ‘inexperience’ but she spared saying it,
leaving her sentence unfinished.  Steve, who’d been so sweet to walk me
upstairs last night, coughed.  From nervous expectation or what, I don’t
know.  I know I was feeling tense and nervous!  I popped my straw in my
mouth and sucked at my cherry soda.  The men, the fiends, admired my
lips as I sucked on it, but I knew no other quick way to silence my part
in the conversation.
         Angela paid no heed to the fact that I was busy sipping my
soda.  “We’ll get a good rest tonight,” she said, still looking at me. 
At me!  As if I’d slept with someone other than my teddy bear last night
or, indeed, on any night of my life!  “The men, you know, have to be up
to the job.”  She turned her eyes from me, glanced at Dave, then back at
me.  “So what do you say?  You can do more work at the beach tomorrow,
out all day in the hot sun, or you can enjoy indoor comforts.”
         Honestly, I had no idea how to respond.  The beach was fun but
I felt my heart palpitating at the offer I was being given.  I didn’t
want to say yes, or no.  “I’m too young,” I said finally, lifting my
lips from my straw.
         “This is Europe, darling.  And southern Europe at that,” Angela
said.  “You don’t have to be a child if you don’t want to be.  Not
here.  But it’s up to you,” she added.
         I looked at Katrina.  She was my best friend, why wasn’t she
helping me out of this?  Because, I saw in her fiery young eyes, she’d
already agreed to do it.  She was from Chicago.  A big city.  She wasn’t
a small town girl, like me.  I felt a twinge of jealousy and blurted
out, without thinking, “Okay!”  Then I retreated to my straw again.
         Heloise appeared at our table.  “Hi, guys,” she said,
addressing us all.  “Is your dinner okay?”
         “Sure,” Steve answered.  “What’s for dessert?”
         “That depends on how exotic you want to get,” Heloise smiled. 
She wore a t-shirt that she’d knotted below her breasts, plus shorts. 
She let her hips sway forward, showing him the flat expanse of her neat,
suntanned belly.
         “Thanks, but I’ll just take the pie with ice cream on it,”
Steve answered with a grin.
         “Vanilla?” Heloise asked.  As easily as if she hadn’t been
rejected at all, she pulled a pencil from behind her ear and produced a
pad and wrote on it.  “What kind of pie?”
         “Cherry,” Steve said.
         It was with some trepidation the next morning that I got
dressed.  I was, after all, getting dressed only to get undressed again,
quite soon.  We were due at the photographer’s at nine.  I put on a pair
of white panties, printed with tiny daisies, and felt awkward knowing
that others would soon be seeing me take them off.  And not just my
fellow females in the cabana at the beach.  Not today.  Steve and Dave
and Mark would be there.  Perhaps the photographer would even photograph
me taking them off.  That thought sent a shiver up my spine.  I still
didn’t know her name.  I hoped she would introduce herself to me before
she asked me to strip for her.
         I looked at my bed.  A silver tray lay upon it.  A maid had
brought me breakfast in bed.  She’d said it was compliments of Heloise,
that she was trying ever harder to pamper us models.  Unfortunately I’d
barely touched my food.  My bacon and eggs were pristine, a waste of two
chicks and part of a hog.  My coffee was undrunk.  It sat well-cooled
now, in its china cup.  Beside the cup of coffee lay a barely-nibbled
croissant.  I was too nervous to eat.  Perhaps teddy, sitting next to my
tray, would eat my breakfast for me. 
         I put on a conservative white bra.  Then I donned a blouse,
which I carefully buttoned up.  It had long sleeves and a high collar. 
Finally I zipped myself into a miniskirt and slipped on modestly high
heels.  I tied my hair back in a ponytail and looked at myself in a
mirror.  Yes, I looked great.  Then I remembered I didn’t have any birth
control.  I’d never needed it before.  Would I need it today?  I wasn’t
sure.  Perhaps not.  Perhaps we would just be nude, and pretend.  Yes, I
told myself.  She was a female photographer, wasn’t she?  She wouldn’t
ask more than that.
         Katrina and Angela met me in the hall.  Katrina smiled, blushed
a little.  Angela put a slim arm around my waist and tossed back her
long red hair.
         “Come along, Lolita, you look terrific,” Angela said in her
Russian-accented voice.  I felt like I was in the grip of a bear,
despite her slim figure.  Yet I allowed her to walk me downstairs. 
There the men greeted us.  They looked as great as we did.  They wore
polo shirts, with slacks, except Steve wore shorts.  I couldn’t help
admiring his stocky, hairy legs with my eyes.  He saw my interest and
grinned.  I blushed.  His eyes fell to my breasts.  I turned away,
hoping to deny him a view of them.  I gazed about the large room we were
standing in.  I heard nothing but silence in the house.  I realized the
house was empty of models, except for us.  The rest of them were already
at the beach, working hard.  Heloise appeared in a doorway.  She smiled
at us.  She didn’t say anything.  I flushed quite red, realizing she
knew where we were going.  
         I heard a car pull up outside.
         “Come on,” Angela said.  She reached for my hand and took it. 
I resisted a little, then let her lead me outside.  It was a bright,
sunny day.  Yet I’d be posing indoors.  I felt a momentary relief at
that.  The sun was already hot.  Then I remembered I’d be nude, in a
bedroom, with three horny guys, and felt a wave of intense
         Our conversation in the car was pleasantly free of innuendo. 
You’d think, with three expectant guys, we’d be hearing sex jokes all
the way.  At least, I would have thought so.  But Steve and Dave and
Mark were men, not boys at Teddy Bear High.  So instead they talked
about soccer, or pointed out sights to us girls.  Angela had been to
Italy before and she pointed to a monument along the road as we passed
         “What’s that?” I asked.
         “An old road marker, left by the Romans,” she said.
         “I want to see the Leaning Tower of Pizza,” I said.  “Do you
think we could go there for lunch?  I like Pizzas.”
         Angela laughed.
         “That’s Piza, dearest, not Pizza,” Angela said.  “And no, they
don’t serve Pizzas there.  But I’m sure Svetlana will feed us
         “Who’s that?” I asked.
         “The photographer, silly,” Katrina said.  We three girls were
sitting in front and the men in back.  I was wedged between both Katrina
and Angela, Angela next to the window and Katrina next to the driver.
         “Oh,” I said, looking down at my hands.  “Well, I don’t know
         “You know enough to say ‘yes’ when you’re asked, and that’s all
you need to know,” Angela said pleasantly.  She took my hand and
squeezed it.  I looked up at her.  I felt comforted by her touch.  I had
an odd wish for her to keep holding my hand, right on through the rest
of the day.  
         We pulled up in front of an old brownstone within the outskirts
of Vienna.  The driver helped us girls out.  The men got out
themselves.  Dave walked to up to the door of the house and knocked on
it.  Large trees shaded us as we waited for the door to be answered. 
Across the street there was a park.  I could hear children playing in
         A maid answered the door.  She was middle-aged.  She wore a
traditional white apron and hat, plus a black pleated skirt.  She bade
us enter.  The men let us girls go first.  Behind us, the car pulled
         The house was well appointed inside, but we were given no time
to admire its furnishings.  The maid escorted us up a long narrow
staircase.  At the top there was a hall, and we were taken down it and
through a doorway.  I found myself standing in a large, well-lit
bedroom.  The bed, to my astonishment, had red satin sheets.  Its
headboard and baseboard were made of dark, rich mahogany.  Beside the
bed, on a table, there was an ancient china water pitcher.  But I saw no
glasses.  Perhaps the pitcher was for washing.  Under the table that
held the pitcher I saw a chamber pot.  I hoped it was empty.
         “Ah, you must be Katrina,” a female voice said to me.  I
turned, saw a woman standing near a camera.  She wore a loose skirt with
a tight bodice.  It accented her breasts, which were of a considerable
size.  Jewelry adorned her wrists, which were small, and a necklace
gleamed round her white, swan-like throat.  She had long brown hair
piled casually atop her head.  Beside her were two women assistants,
more casually dressed, one in a t-shirt and shorts and the other in
jeans and a very light, pullover sweater. 
         “No, I’m Cindy,” I said.
         “Fine,” the woman, whom I guessed was Svetlana, replied. 
“Please undress so we can do your makeup.”
         I realized, suddenly, that more than my face would be made up
today.  Every part of me would have to be examined and made perfect. 
After all, nothing would be hidden from the camera.  Feeling queasy in
my stomach, with the men and Angela and Katrina behind me now, and the
photographer and her crew before me, I began to unbutton my blouse.
         There were sounds of undressing behind me.  Svetlana used the
time to ask each of our names, which an assistant wrote down on a pad
for her, so she’d remember them.  It took me a little while to undress
and Katrina actually finished before me.  She headed over to the makeup
person and sat down in a canvas chair for her makeup.  
         I looked around.  I nearly lost my ability to breathe when I
saw the men.  At the beach, their cocks had been encased in swimsuits. 
I could only see an outline of them.  Now, however, in the bedroom, the
men stood naked and free of their clothes.  From each of their loins a
long, banana-like cock stood erect, arching expectantly up in the air. 
Underneath a full sack of sperm hung.  I shivered.  Angela took my
         “It’s quite a sight, isn’t it?” she teased me.
         “I-- Yes, it is,” I said.  Steve grinned at me.  I blushed and
turned away.
         “You’re next,” a female voice called out.  We all turned.  The
girl in the sweater and jeans was busy combing the tight curls of
Katrina’s pubis, but already she was motioning for Dave to present
himself.  He did, walking grandly across the room with his big organ
sticking out in front of him.  She took the comb from Katrina’s nest and
began working it over Dave’s more luxuriant growth.  Carefully she
avoided touching his ramrod hard cock.  
         “Ah, what a fine member,” Svetlana said.  She picked up a
portable camera and bent over Dave’s loins and snapped a picture of
him.  Dave grinned, loving the attention.
         My turn came next.  I was seated in the same chair that Katrina
had been in.  The canvas seat felt warm from her bottom.  The makeup
person, whose name was Dielle, powdered my face and my breasts.  She
touched up my lipstick, did my eyelashes.  She stenciled my eyelashes. 
She applied a very light, pink coating of rouge to my nipples that
matched their color.  The tips of my nipples, already excited, rose
under her touch.  I felt my nest wetten.  She was down there a moment
later, carefully combing my private curls.  
         “Oh, you’re wet already,” Dielle said.  I blushed fiercely. 
         Svetlana told Dave and Katrina to get on the bed.  “We’ll start
with some natural poses first, then move on to more complicated work,”
Svetlana told them.  I watched them both knee their way onto the bed. 
It was a big, sumptous bed, perfect for lovers.  Its red satin sheets
glowed under the studio lights.  Unfortunately Katrina’s favorite of the
three men was Mark, not Dave.  She turned and looked at Svetlana.
         “Could I pose with Dave?” she asked.
         “No, darling,” Svetlana replied.  “You’ll all pose with each
other before the day’s through.  Don’t worry about it.”
         “Okay,” Katrina answered.  She looked up at Dave.  She was more
than a head shorter than he, for he was a full grown man, the oldest of
the three males.  Her brown hair bobbed neatly about her shoulders.  It
had been glossed to perfection by the makeup girl’s hairbrush.
         “Please face each other.  Lean in to each other, as if you’re
about to kiss,” Svetlana ordered.  “Yes, good.  Don’t be afraid of him,
dear.  He’s only a man,” she told Katrina.
         “I’m not afraid of him.  It’s just that he’s so big,” Katrina
said.  She looked at Dave’s large penis and, after a moment, placed her
finger upon its crown.  She tried to push him back from her.
         “Darling, in the old days we were not allowed to show penises,
and mission number one would have been to jerk all the men off, in hopes
of hiding their equipment from the camera,” Svetlana said.  “But things
are different now.  Enjoy his penis.  Let it press up against your
belly.  Don’t be bothered by it, for heaven’s sake.  You do like boys,
don’t you?”
         “Yes,” Katrina admitted.  She let Dave enclasp her waist and
draw her close to his hairy body.  She flinched, feeling his cock press
up hard against her.  I saw a flash, heard a click.
         “Kiss,” Svetlana commanded.  Dave lifted Katrina’s chin.  She
closed her eyes.  He pecked a kiss on her lips.  She opened her lips a
little and let him kiss them again.  Suddenly, their mouths meshed. 
More flashes, more clicks.  Angela gave a small, polite clap for their
         “Now you,” Svetlana told me.  “Up on the bed.”  Dave and
Katrina were still deeply engaged in a kiss.
         “Huh?” I said.  “There’s already two of them there.”
         “We’re not confining ourselves to conservative shots, dear,”
Svetlana said.  “Do you think this is the 1890’s?  Get up on the bed
with them.”
         I rose from the comfort of my canvas chair.  Katrina was still
kissing Dave, so I cast an anxious glance at Angela.  But she was no
help at all.  She merely smiled, nodded.  I guess she approved of me
playing with her boyfriend.  Suddenly I wondered if I should ask for
birth control.  After all, Dave wasn’t wearing a condom.  And couldn’t,
either, for the point of photographing him in the buff was to be able to
to snap pictures of, among other things, his cock.  But I felt guilty,
asking, for it would mean we were to have sex.  I still hoped we
wouldn’t actually do it.  So I kept quiet.  I felt my breasts bobbing
nakedly on my chest as I crossed the room.  Dielle had slipped heels on
my feet.  They made me taller, elevating my bottom.  I could feel it
rolling with an alluring sway behind me.  All could be seen, even the
crease between my cheeks.  Absently I put my hands behind me, to hide
         “No!  Show your bottom,” Svetlana barked.  My hands flitted
away.  I saw a flash behind me, heard a click.  I felt my tummy swimming
with butterflies and was glad I hadn’t filled it with a breakfast it
couldn’t have kept down.  I patted my belly, trying to quell my
nervousness.  It was flat, smooth, even a little withdrawn.  I had an
innie navel.  I explored it briefly with my finger.
         I drew close to the bed.  My knees banged against the side of
it.  Dave, kneeling up upon the bed, turned to me.  Gallantly he passed
an arm behind my back.  I felt frail, captured by his big hairy arm. 
Katrina reached down from her perch on the bed.  Bending a little, she
freely clasped the nearest cheek of my bottom.  I flinched.  I felt her
hand exploring my bottom and lifted a hand to her face to try to push
her away.  I tried drawing back from them.  Dave’s arm kept me close.  I
pushed at Katrina’s face with my hand.  She opened her lips.  One of my
fingers stabbed into her mouth and, closing her eyes, she sucked gently
upon it.
         Flash.  click.  
         I was undone.  I was frozen forever on film, in a pose not
entirely becoming to my virginity.  Whose eyes would see me when the
pictures were developed?  I tried not to think about it.  
         I couldn’t free myself.  Dave’s big arm prevented me from
drawing back from the bed.  Katrina, handling my bottom, had me captured
by one finger.  I relented.  I let Dave pull me up between them, onto
the bed’s satin sheets.  My finger slipped from Katrina’s mouth.  She
smiled at me.  She pecked a kiss onto the side of my face.  Then, more
rudely, still palming my seat, her hand sought between the cheeks of my
         How erotic we must have looked!  Our tan lines showed, where
we’d worn our swimsuits at the beach, but we were free of them now,
displaying the complete nudity of our bodies to whomever might purchase
our photos.  We kissed, all three of us, nuzzling each other’s lips.  To
get revenge on Katrina, I placed a hand on her bottom, though I wasn’t
so indiscreet as to wedge my fingertips between her bottomhalves.
         The flashbulbs flashed repeatedly.  I heard the click of the
         We parted, slowly, unsure what to do next.  We remained
kneeling on the bed.  I gave a quick lick across Dave’s hairy chest,
then pulled back.  Katrina kissed him again, on the chin, too short to
kiss his lips unless he bent his face down to her.  Dave looked over at
Svetlana for direction.  He was hard, pulsing.  Katrina and I looked at
his big organ and imagined he must be ready to spend.  Oh, too soon! 
Don’t let him!  I heard myself cry, inside my head.  Katrina must have
thought the same thing for we both laughed, suddenly, looking at his big
manhood.  Our breasts shook, attracting his eyes back to us.  Suddenly,
perhaps impulsively, perhaps at a signal from Svetlana, he lifted a hand
between each of our legs.  We were kneeling with our legs immodestly
open, not even really aware of it, until Steve’s big hand slid up to the
apex of our thighs.
         “Oh!” I gasped.  With a single finger Dave began sliding his
hand back and forth against the lips of my pussy.  His finger was
stiff.  I was soft and open against him.  Too open.  I drew my legs
together but heard Svetlana order me to keep them apart.
         “Ah!” Katrina protested.  Dave had one finger underneath her as
well, sliding it back and forth under her lips.  I felt myself wetten
upon his digit.  I looked down at his hand, heard Katrina murmur
something beside me.
         We reached for his cock.  He did not mind us handling it.  Our
fingers were small upon his big member.  I could feel it throbbing in my
grasp.  Would he spend?  I didn’t know.  He kept up the fingering of our
nests.  I let my head fling back.  I breahted a fevered sigh.  Beside
me, Katrina did the same.  More flashes, more camera clicks.  
         “Very good,” I heard Svetlana say somewhere behind me. 
“Spontaneous, without being disobedient to my direction.  I think we’ll
get along swimmingly.  Come down off the bed, you three love birds. 
What do you think you’re doing this for, pleasure?”
         Reluctantly Dave withdrew his hands.  I felt deprived with him
gone from between my legs.  I wanted him back.  I tugged on his dick. 
Angela appeared.  She disengaged Katrina and I from her lover’s penis.
         “That’s enough, girls,” Angela said.  “Wait for your next pose
now.  Would you like some refreshments?”
         “I want--” Katrina said dizzily.  I knew what she wanted.  The
same as I.  To continue in our wicked games.  But we were models, not
lovers.  With a somewhat palsied movement I slipped down from the bed. 
How strange, to leave it just when we were all so ready!  I blushed.  A
camera caught my blush, my wobbly knees, my aimlessly flitting hands,
wishing to grab onto something that was not mine.  Behind me Dave helped
Katrina down from the bed.  His cock jutted at my seat.  It stood up
rigid beside Katrina, pointing at the ceiling.  She reached for him. 
Angela slapped her hand away.
         Steven and Mark, I saw, through my passion-bleared vision, were
still both hard and erect.  Steven was sitting in the makeup chair,
getting his pubic hair combed.  Mark was standing beside him.  The
assistant in shorts and a t-shirt, whose name I still didn’t know, was
handing him a glass.  It contained ice water.  “Drink it down,” she said
to him, smiling.  “Svetlana will want some photos of your gorgeous cock
peeing it out.”
         Mark nodded, smiled.  He drank down the glass.  The assistant
had set up a big pitcher of ice water on a folding table.  It wasn’t the
one by the bed, which I guessed was for washing, but another, fetched
perhaps from the downstairs kitchen while we were on the bed kissing.
         “You too, hun,” the assistant said to Dave as he approached
         “Can I have a drink?” Katrina asked.
         “Only if you don’t mind having pictures taken of yourself
peeing,” the assistant replied.  She smiled.  She poured Katrina a
glass.  I asked for one too.
         Six females and three males.  In one bedroom.  We made quite a
group.  Three of the females were clothed, not models, but their
features were not displeasing.  I saw my favorite of the men, Steven,
gazing appreciatively at the rondeur of the pink sweatered makeup girl’s
bosoms as she bent over him to dust a light powder onto his cock.
         “What’s that for?” Steven asked.
         “It will make you horny as hell,” the petite makeup girl told
him frankly.  
         “I already am,” Steve replied.  He nuzzled the curve of her
sweatered bosom as she stood.  She ignored him.  
         “It’s talcum powder mixed with a small dose of chili powder,”
Dielle said.  “You may be horny, but not like you’ll be in a minute. 
You’ll have a desperate need to rub yourself, but you’ll be prevented
from doing it.  The photos should be breathtaking.”
         “Men, let’s get you both handcuffed to the bed,” Svetlana
said.  “Steven?  Mark?  Over here, boys.”
         “Ach.  I can feel it already,” Steven announced.  
         “You shouldn’t powder their penises until I’ve got them
cuffed,” Svetlana told Dielle.
         “Oh, I’m sorry,” Dielle replied.  “I didn’t know.”  I realized
she must be new to erotic photography makeup.
         “Over here, boys,” Svetlana said.  She pointed to the foot of
the bed, where two towering mahagony bedposts stood.  “Constance, get
the cuffs,” she said to the girl in shorts and a t-shirt.  
         I watched as Constance went to a wooden dresser next to the
bed.  She opened a drawer and took out two pairs of metal police
handcuffs.  She walked to the foot of the bed, where she stood
expectantly, waiting for the men.  Her hair was drawn into twin,
efficient pigtails.  I saw she wore no bra.  Her nipples rose into her
shirt as she watched the men approach.
         “Uh, my dick is feeling hot,” Steve complained.  
         “Put your back to the post, please.  Wrists behind you,”
Constance told him.  Steve obeyed.  He gave me a quick glance from
across the room.  I frowned.  Now he liked me, and sought me out, though
a moment ago he only had eyes for the pink-sweatered makeup girl.  I
felt a bit of vengeance in me.  I watched with satisfaction as he was
cuffed to the bedpost.  It looked very strong.  There were marks on it,
as if other young men had been cuffed there before him.
         Constance moved quickly to Mark.  Dielle crossed the room with
her makeup kit, in order to powder his dick.  Svetlana adjusted her
camera to capture the scene that was about to unfold.
         Without realizing it, I began frigging myself.
         “Don’t,” Angela said.  She slapped my wrist.  I drew my hand
from between my legs.  She moved to Katrina, who was dipping a finger in
her water glass and rubbing it across her slit, trying to cool herself.
         “Don’t masturbate,” Angela said.  She clasped Katrina’s small
wrist and pulled her finger from her dell.
         “I’m only trying to chill out a little,” Katrina replied.
         “I know,” Angela said.  “Go to the dresser and fetch a pair of
handcuffs for yourself and Cindy.  I’ll help you stay good by cuffing
your hands behind you where they can’t get you in trouble.”
         “Ohhh, I don’t want to,” Katrina said.  But, tossing her long
shoulder-length locks back from her face, she crossed the room.  She
opened the dresser and poked around.  “There sure are a lot of condoms
in here!” she announced.
         “I do a lot of sexual photography here,” Svetlana told her,
aiming her camera at the men.  “We’ll use those later.”  Katrina
sighed.  She drew a pair of handcuffs out of the drawer.  Then another,
for me.  
         “I don’t want any cuffs,” I told Angela.
         “And I don’t want you cumming before your time,” Angela
replied.  “Though you might do it as often as you please, it’s important
to keep you tense for the early photos.  It makes them sexier.”
         “Have you done this before?” I asked her.
         “No, dear.  Of course not,” Angela replied.  “This is just a
lark.  We’re really professional models, you know.  Not erotic ones. 
But I talked with Svetlana about it a lot on the phone.  Here’s the
cuffs.  Thank you, Katrina.  Turn around, Cindy.  Don’t make it
difficult for me.”
         I turned.  I showed her my bottom.  I put my wrists behind me,
presenting them to her.  In the distance I heard Steven (or was it
Mark?) groan with pent-up emotion.  I wondered how much difference there
was between us, and them.  They had big pricks and we had holes instead,
but we both seemed to need each other quite badly at the moment.
         I felt the steel of the handcuffs press against my wrists. 
They snapped shut.  First one, then the other.  Angela breathed on my
neck.  She bent, licked my ear, as if to reinforce my new subservience
to her.  I could do nothing but flinch.  I felt my teats quivering
before me, all stiff and hard, heavy for my age.  “Stand with your legs
open,” Angela told me.  “You have only a small slit.  Do not hide it
from the men’s view by pressing your thighs closed.  Let them see it at
least, though they cannot touch you.”
         I obeyed.  Somehow, dispite my misgivings, I liked obeying.  I
had only to do as she told me.  She would handle the rest.  
         Angela turned me, so I faced directly at the men.  She reminded
me to part my thighs.  Then she moved to Katrina.  My friend was as
submissive as I.  Dave’s hands between our legs had made us exquisitely
feminine.  Now he stood near us, drinking, so he could pee in Svetlana’s
photographs.  I glanced at him.  He smiled.
         “Give me a drink,” I said.  He approached, put his glass to my
lips.  I drank greedily at the water, wanting what he offered lower down
instead, but accepting the water in lieu of it.
         “Have you ever been whipped?” Dave asked me.  My eyes bulged. 
I spluttered in his glass.  He withdrew it.  Water dribbled from my lips
down my chin.  It fell in droplets onto my breasts.  They were promient,
sticking out in front of me like twin shapely gourds, forced forward by
my posture in the cuffs.
         “No,” I told him, wide-eyed.
         “Perhaps we can convince Svetlana to take some photos of it,
then,” he smiled.  
         “I don’t want to be,” I told him frankly.  He pressed a finger
to my belly.  He touched my navel hole.
         “No girl wants to be, especially her first time,” Steve assured
me.  “But there is a certain pleasure in it, you’ll find, being all
hot-bottomed, wiggling your ass.”
         “But who would do it?” I asked.
         “Perhaps me,” Dave replied.  His fingers played lower across my
belly and grazed the top of my pubic thatch.  I wondered at my being
bound, if he was going to frig me instead.  “Don’t worry, I’ve done it
before,” he told me.  “I know how to apply the strokes properly. 
Especially on a newbie.”
         “You’ve whipped other girls?” I asked.
         “A few,” he said.  I didn’t know if he was lying or telling the
truth.  About the number, that is.  About his experience, I had no
doubt.  He was at least twice my age.  He fondled my nest and let his
fingers wander dangerously close to my slit.
         “Are you going to do it then, for her?” Angela scolded Dave. 
He didn’t catch her meaning.  
         “If Svetlana lets me,” he answered.  He looked up from gazing
at my pussy.  “Oh, you mean frig her.  Perhaps I will, hmmm?  Just a
         “Eh!” I gasped suddenly.  It was an immodest cry, to be sure,
belted straight up from my tummy, but I couldn’t help it.  Dave had just
stuck his finger into my snatch.  Not far, just knuckle deep, but it was
the first ever to enter me.  Casually his thumb searched in the folds of
my labial lips for my clit.
         “Don’t!” I implored him.  I gazed beseechingly in his eyes.  I
searched for what, I wasn’t sure.  “I’m a virgin.”
         “What?” Dave asked.  He sounded like a man who’d been shot.
         “Ah, I knew it,” Angela said.  “Now all three of them will want
her.  So much for eroticism.  She’s never even been opened!”  She turned
from me, from Dave.  For his part, Dave suddenly became much more
         “Really?” he asked.  He made me gasp, and lurch forward, as he
intruded deeper in me, searching with his finger.
         “Don’t!” I pleaded.  “You won’t find anything.  I lost it on a
         He entered me more, more, jamming his finger up inside me.  But
with his other hand he stroked my long blonde hair.  My ponytail swished
across my back and fell off it, dangling below my face.  
         “No, I feel something,” Dave told me.  “Your hymen’s torn, but
not gone.”  I felt his big finger in me and tried clamping my thighs,
but he easily took hold of one of my legs and pulled them apart.  I was
just a girl, just 14, no match for him.  “You’ll need to have this
removed,” Dave told me.  “Not a problem, really.  I’m amply equipped to
take it from you.”  Bending under his searching, intruding finger, I
gazed at his penis.  It was big, hard.  Clear fluid dripped languidly
from its tip.
         “Will we have some honeymoon photos today then, hmmm?” I heard
Svetlana say.  Angela was telling her about my ‘problem.’
         Dave used my resistance to his advantage.  He bent me further. 
He reached behind me.  He palmed my ass.  “How about your bottom?” he
asked, feeling my cheeks.  “Have you been giving it away in back, to
save yourself in front?”  
         “Noooo,” I bleated.  I felt his hand part my cheeks and a
finger probe against the rubbery ring of my anus.  “I’m virgin ALL
OVER!” I shouted, but it was too late.  He’d already stabbed at me.  My
ring gave way and I felt his finger within my puckered hole, up to the
first knuckle.
         “God, you’re tight.  Quit squeezing your ass.  I told you to
keep yourself open, girl!” Dave reproved me.  I heard a whip crack in
the distance.  I gasped, thinking somehow it was me, but then realized
it was one of the boys.  Mark?  Steven?  I couldn’t tell.  I didn’t know
that much about them, yet.  But it wasn’t Dave, for he kept me bent
over, a finger up my twat and another exploring my asshole.
         “Do you want her, hmmm, boys?  My, how you struggle against
those posts!  Keep jabbing at me with your cocks, yes!  How helpless you
look.  Thrust at the camera, boys!” I heard Svetlana say.  “Don’t worry
about Angela and her penis whip.”
         CRACK!  Again the whip.  Again a scream, but it wasn’t me.  It
was one of the poor boys, chili powder burning his dick and a whip
cracking across it to make it hurt even worse.  I hoped Angela wasn’t
being too hard on them.  They had fine penises, and I was soft on
Steven.  But at the moment, bent over by Dave, I couldn’t do anything
but listen.  I wriggled against my captor.  Dave laughed.  He drew his
finger from my ass and pulled out of my twat.  
         “There, stand up,” Dave said.  “A virgin, by God!  In all your
private places and with an unwhipped bottom, too!  I’m going to have fun
with you!”
         I shivered in his grasp.  I didn’t think I wanted any part of
his fun.  But he jabbed at my belly with his penis, smearing his pre-cum
across my smooth, tanned flesh, as if it were his right to.  His
absolute right.  Well, he was the biggest and the oldest male in the
room.  But I was the littlest female.  Surely he had no right to claim
dibs on me.  I was too young for him!
         “Ah, Dave,” Svetlana said.  She left her camera and walked
across the room.  Her step was light, yet confident.  She placed a hand
upon his bare back.  It glided lower, it palmed his manly seat in open
admiration.  Then, suddenly, her tanned palm gripped one of his small
white buns.  With the bulging fullness of his asscheek pillowing in her
hand, she forcibly turned him.  He was a large man, and she was smaller,
and frail of figure, yet her grip was sufficient to get his attention
and to force him to obey.
         “Ugh, what do you want?” Dave asked irritably as he was brought
about to face Svetlana.  She paused.  His penis jutted at her.  Her hand
had slipped from his seat and now she passed an admiring fingertip along
the big veined length of his shaft.  I shivered, watching.  My dell was
safe for the moment, though it felt wet between my legs.  His attention,
though unwanted, had caused it to honey itself.  I wondered whose side
my body was on.
         “Dave, you are here to work, not to play,” Svetlana told my
attacker.  Possessively she clasped his organ, right behind the bulbing
cockhead, where the penis briefly narrows.  She ringed the area with her
thumb and forefinger, not able to completely close upon it, he was so
big, but taking possession of him all the same.  Then she looked over
her shoulder at Steve and Mark, suffering under Angel’s lashing whip. 
“I think I’m finished with them,” she said to Angel.  She tossed her
head.  Her pinned up hair had lost several strands.  They dangled down
in her face.  Failing to get them out of her eyes with her head’s
movement, she reluctantly lifted a hand and brushed them back behind her
ears with her fingers.  “Please jerk them off, so they won’t be
desperate and uncontrollable when you undo their handcuffs.  Then you
may unlock them and dismiss them.”
         “What?!” Steven, my favorite, blurted.  He had endured the
chili powder, and the penis whip, only, it seemed, to be summarily sent
home.  Mark looked equally vexed.
         “Oh, did you boys think you came here for free sex?” Svetlana
asked.  As she spoke, she stroked Dave’s big penis with her fingertip,
as if to soothe him and keep him obedient.  He was, after all, not
cuffed, as Dave and Mark were.  With her other hand she ringed his
cock.  Her thumb and forefinger, holding him, had the appearance of some
sort of erotic leash.  Miraculously, Dave stood still, soothed and held,
though he’d been about to rape me just minutes earlier.  “No, boys,
sorry.  I call the shots here.”  She laughed, for indeed she did, both
photographically and otherwise.  “Constance, man the camera,” she told
the young woman with the pigtails.  “I want to record their agony as
they’re forced to spend.”
         “What?!” Mark yelled.  He was almost apoplectic now.  He
strained at his bonds.  His beautiful chest muscles bulged, showing
themselves in straining detail, yet the police handcuffs held.
         “Darling, it’s *erotic* photography, remember?” Svetlana said. 
“This is all about people’s sexual organs, and how they respond under
the stress of erotic play.  You act as if Angela’s going to dismember
you.  Semen must be jettisoned every few days by the male.  You know
that.  Surrender your seed to her and quit complaining.  You’re like a
Doritos factory, aren’t you?  You’ll make more.  I’m quite sure of it.”
         “Yes, but--” Mark stammered.  
         “That’s what I wish to capture, dear,” Svetlana told him, still
pleasantly stroking Dave’s penis, keeping him tense but (at least
partly) satisfied.  “I don’t do bullshit erotic photography, sorry.  I
want to see you frustrated, tense, and yes, remorseful as your sperm is
forced from your body.  Then it’s home for you, while these girls remain
here, in my house, wet and hungry for your love.”  She laughed.  Her
breasts shook with her laughter.  “How pretty they’ll look, so sweetly
desperate for male attention, but with none but Dave here to service
them, and only if I let him.”
         I squirmed in my bonds.  I did not like the thought of myself
being seen in such a state.  Made up, my hair perfect, yet shivering
with sinful desire!  Katrina walked away.  Svetlana looked over her
shoulder, watched as the girl walked, with firm, defiant steps, toward
the bedroom door.  Her white bottom wiggled behind her.  It looked like
a rabbit’s tail, perched between her tanned back and legs.  I glanced at
Angela.  She still held the penis whip in her hand.  It looked small but
hurtful.  I wondered if it might not be used on our bottoms, and stayed
standing where I was.
         “Katrina, dear.  Where are you going?” Svetlana asked.  Her
voice was soft, melodious.  But it had a note of motherly displeasure in
         “I’m leaving!” Katrina said.  She didn’t bother to turn
around.  She spoke to the bedroom door, which she was now facing.  It
was closed.  She looked at it, wriggled her arms.  They were cuffed
behind her and she had no way of opening it without the use of her
hands.  Or so I thought.  Suddenly, Katrina dropped to her knees.  I
heard her bare knees strike the wooden floor.  I saw her wince.  She
wore high heels and had not realized that, in kneeling, she’d wind up
making an uncontrolled drop to the floor.  She recovered herself and,
nude as a jaybird, she put her mouth to the round handle of the door. 
She gripped the handle with her teeth and tried to turn it.
         Svetlana turned and looked at Constance.  The pigtailed girl
nodded.  She ran to the door.  I thought her purpose was to stop Katrina
but, then, I saw she was carrying a camera.  She lifted it to her face
and aimed it down at Katrina, standing over the girl.  Katrina, turning
the knob, looked up at the camera.
         FLASH!  click.  Poor Katrina!  Constance had captured her on
film, pathetically trying to open a door with her mouth.  I knew many
males would rejoice at that picture.  A handcuffed girl, trying to
escape her fate.  
         Katrina did not give up.  She gripped the doorknob more tightly
with her teeth.  It was big in her mouth, making her jaws split wide. 
It was made of brass and, being well polished, was slippery.  The saliva
from her mouth made it still more difficult to grasp.  Constance clicked
off photo after photo of her.  I felt sorry for Katrina, her bare
breasts, the tips risen, wiggling helplessly as she tried to escape. 
Now and then she strove against her handcuffs, moving her arms
fruitlessly.  The big metal handcuffs clung implacably to her wrists. 
Her bare ribs stood out below her breasts as she drew in her breath,
fighting against the door handle.  Her bare legs tensed.  Her bottom
bulbed behind her, an invitation to the whip, should Svetlana command
that it be used upon her.  We all watched, mesmerized.  There was a
certain pathetic sensuousness it Katrina’s plight.  I prayed she’d get
the door open, somehow, and planned to run through the open door the
minute her sacrifice paid off.  I bit my lip, watching.  How foolish it
was for she and I to come here!  We had been young and frivolous,
playing with fire, and now we were burning.  That it was between our
legs that we burned most of all was, I guess, due punishment for us,
that we deserved.  I bent my knees, then straightened my legs, then bent
my knees again.  I felt empty up between my legs, in my dell.  I wanted,
yet I planned to run the minute Katrina succeeded.
         A tear ran down Katrina’s face.  She was losing the battle and
she knew it.  She had done nothing but provide more photos for wicked
men and horny boys.  She released the doorknob from her mouth.  A sigh
escaped her lips.  They were wet with her own saliva.  It gleamed on the
doorknob too, where she’d slobbered upon it.  She bent her knees, as I
was doing, as if feeling the same need as I felt.  She straightened her
legs, bent them again.  “Oh!” she cried.  The camera clicked again,
capturing her arousal.  
         Svetlana tossed back her head and laughed.  “Such excellent
photos!” she said.  “And the day is still young, with the night not even
         “Boys, I’m going to put a cocktail glass down at your feet,”
Angela instructed Steve and Mark.  I turned to them.  I watched her
kneel.  Her breasts hung sweetly, their tips ripe and tremulous,
jiggling with the free movement of her naked bosoms.  Her belly was
flat, dimpled by her navel.  Her cunt showed raw between her legs as she
bent, a red wet gash.  There was a clink as first one glass, then the
other, was placed upon the bedroom’s wooden floor.
         “To Hell with that.  I have to go to the bathroom!” Mark
declared.  A jet of pee sprouted from the tip of his hard penis and went
arcing down to the glass.  He hit the rim, splattering pee in wide
spashing drops all about the missed receptacle.
         “Hey!” Angela cried.  She drew back.  Some of Mark’s pee,
hitting the side of the glass, had splashed on her.  Steven, meanwhile,
began peeing too.  He hit the bottom of the glass exactly, a perfect
gentleman, but the force of his falling urine was so strong that it
splashed right out of the glass.  Both boys were making a mess, creating
puddles on the floor.
         “Dielle!  Quickly!” Svetlana cried.  I thought her intent was
to somehow stop the boys.  Indeed, Angela, hearing her, reached up and
grabbed Mark’s big prick.  She squeezed it, trying to cut off the flow
of his pee.  She may as well have tried to stop up a broken fire hydrant
with her finger.  
         “Oh, my!  Stop!  Stop!” Angela yelled at Mark, kneeling below
him, looking up at him and his big penis beseechingly.  Yet Svetlana had
not cried out to Dielle to stop the boys from peeing.  She was much too
wicked for that.  Instead, she wanted their lewd act photographed!
         And it was.  Dielle manned the camera that stood on the
tripod.  She clicked off shot after shot.  Each was accompanied by a
bright flash that caught both the boys and poor Angela, trapped between
their peeing dicks.  Drops of Mark’s urine speckled her hand, her wrist,
her arm, even her belly and breasts.  At last the boys’ flow slowed. 
Both glasses were full with big puddles underneath them.  Mark had
finally found the center of his glass.  Little good it did, of course. 
His bladder, as well as Steve’s had held much more than any single glass
         “Well, are you happy now?” Angela glowered at Mark.  She
released his penis.  It still stood out from his body, big as a banana
and hard as well-wrought iron.  
         “No,” Mark answered truthfully, for his testicles still brimmed
with sperm.  Yet he did not want it wasted, spilled upon the floor as
his pee had been.  
         “Call the maid,” Svetlana told Dielle.  The girl let go of the
mounted camera and walked gracefully to a pile of photographic equipment
upon the floor.  She bent, and I saw her pick up a cell phone.  She
tapped in a number and held the phone to her ear.
         “Hilda?  Would you please come up?  Two of the boys have peed
on the floor.  Yes.  Right away, please,” Dielle said casually into the
phone, as if reporting a little accident by a baby (two, in fact!) to
its nursemaid.  
         “Angela,” Svetlana said.  “If you go to the dresser you’ll find
foley catheters in the bottom drawer.  Do you think you could manage to
catheterize the boys for me?”  Angela stood.  She brushed back her long
red hair.
         “I guess so,” Angela answered.  “I took a course in nursing
         “Good,” Svetlana said.  “It’s not too difficult.  And you look
so beautiful, in the nude.  I’d like for you to do it.”
         “Why in God’s name do you want us catheterized?” Mark asked
angrily.  Yet I sensed arousal in his voice, as if the thought of having
his penis run through with a catheter, fucked by it really, tempted him
against his will.
         “So you won’t make a new mess on the floor with your sperm,”
Svetlana told him.  Angela, meanwhile, picked up first one cocktail
glass, then the other.  She made a face.  The urine that brimmed in each
glass threatened to overspill the glasses’ rims and wet her hands.
         “What should I do with these?” Angela asked.
         “You could drink them,” Svetlana said.
         “Not on your life!” Angela answered, a little shocked.
         “Then water the plant with them,” Svetlana said.  “Over
there.”  She nodded to the big potted vine at the back of the bedroom.
         “Won’t it kill them?” Angela said.
         “Boys water plants all the time, I’m afraid,” Svetlana told
her.  “Just dump it in.  The soil will absorb it and the plant will draw
on the moisture and the nutrients.”
         “Does pee have nutrients in it?” Angela asked, still holding
the brimming glasses.  Above them her bosoms hung fresh and ripe, her
nipples fully sprouted, as if already watered by the glasses’ contents. 
         Svetlana laughed.  “I have no idea, dear.  Just get rid of that
urine, would you?  I’m afraid you’ll spill more of it on my floor.”
         “Okay,” Angela said.  She walked with some trepidation to the
plant at the back of the room, not wanting to get any more of the boys’
urine on herself than she already had.  Carefully she poured out their
pee.  Then she walked to the dresser and set both empty glasses atop
it.  They gleamed under the photographic lights in the room.  I heard
the door open.  We all turned.  The maid entered.  She was wheeling a
big bucket in front of her, with a mop standing in it.  Water sloshed in
the bucket.  I saw foam floating within it as she pushed it toward me. 
She looked with diffident eyes at young Katrina, nude and handcuffed,
kneeling on the floor.  She pushed the bucket past her.  Constance went
to the door and shut it.
         How embarrassed I felt!  I was made up like a doll, yet I was
totally naked and, worse, handcuffed.  It didn’t take a mature eye like
the maid’s to see I had a wet dell and wanted a cock up me.  I shivered
under her gaze.  It was imperious now, not modest at all, as if she were
secretly laughing at me.  I was young and beautiful, but I looked
utterly silly now, and she knew, I imagine, that I had a long night
ahead of me.  With Svetlana, it did not promise to be a honeymoon. 
Rather, I feared, it would be more like a visit to the Marquis de Sade!
         The maid stopped the bucket in front of Mark.  She eyed him,
his forthright cock, stiff and needy.  She got out her mop.  She rung it
in the steel rollers above the bucket and then plopped it on the floor. 
With quick, workmanlike strokes she brushed across the floor’s wooden
planks.  Fortunately the floor was well polished, else the pee might
have stained it.  She dipped her mop in the bucket, rung it out again,
and set to work on the floor once more.  Angela, meanwhile, drew
catheters from the bottom drawer of the dresser.  They were clear.  We’d
be able to see the boys’ sperm as it shot into them.  At the end of each
catheter Angela carefully attached a plastic medical bag.  I saw that
each was empty, waiting to be filled.  The boys, I had no doubt, would
take care of that, though they didn’t want to.
         “Thank you, Hilda,” Svetlana told the maid.  She had finished
her job.  She took one more look at Mark’s penis, then at Steve’s, and
headed with her bucket for the door.  I listened to the rollers
underneath the bucket as it wheeled across the room.  She opened the
door, passed through.  She closed it behind her.  I saw dejection in
Katrina’s eyes.  She’d missed another chance to escape.  
         Angela, smiling and confident, walked over to the boys.  She
laid down on the still wet floor their catheters, and the jar of grease
that would be needed to lubricate the free ends of the catheters.
         “If you don’t want us making a mess, why don’t you just have us
wear condoms?” Mark asked Svetlana with a frustrated look on his face. 
How strange it must have felt for him!  He was the man, with all his
bulging, rippling muscles, yet he was entirely at the mercy of girls! 
Dave showed no signs of wishing to get him out of his jam.  In fact, he
rather seemed to look forward to seeing the boys catheterized.
         “Because you have a cunt, not a cock, and things go up cunts,”
Dave laughed.  Svetlana patted Dave’s penis with her small hand, as if
to quiet a boisterous child.
         “No, dear,” she said to Dave.  Then, turning, she addressed
Mark.  “If you were to wear a condom, Mark, what would the camera
record, hmmm?”
         “It would show my cock wearing a condom,” Mark answered.  He
frowned, angry at being asked such a dumb question.
         “Correct,” Svetlana told him.  She stroked Dave to let him know
he was still her favorite, even if she was talking to Mark at the
moment.  “The camera would make a picture of your cock, but your lovely
big cock, my dear boy, would be concealed *within* the condom.  The
ladies and gay men I plan to sell your photo to don’t want to look at a
condom.  They want to see your young cock in all its glory.  But I can’t
have you mess my floor again.  Hence, the catheter is necessary.  Please
accept it in the spirit it’s given.”
         “What spirit is that?!” Mark gasped.  Angela chose him first
and advanced upon him with a catheter trailing from her hand.
         “The spirit of a penitent, accepting his justly due
punishment!” Svetlana said with a laugh.
         “I thought so,” Mark groused.
         Ah, how the boys struggled!  Each one tried to avoid the tip of
the catheter, squirming in his bonds.  But despite the wiggling of their
bare pricks, Angela had no difficulty capturing the manhood of each boy
in her hand.  With her other hand she stuffed in the greased tip of the
catheter.  The boys groaned.  They shuddered.  I had to avert my eyes
when Steven was poked.  I loved him too much to see it done.  Up the two
catheters went, up each boy in turn, until both had a line trailing out
of his cock, down to an empty bag which waited upon the floor to receive
their sperm.
         “Alright boys, now its time for your big shoot out,” Angela
said.  Her long red curly mane bounced along her shoulders and down the
length of her back.  She was clearly loving torturing the boys.  I
wondered if she might not open a photographic studio of her own, where
she could lure young boys to their doom.  (Not to mention girls like
         “Dave, doesn’t that look fun?” Svetlana asked our uncuffed
         “No,” Dave said.  Yet when Svetlana reached between his legs
and gently squeezed his balls, I saw him give a pleasant groan.  
         “Just think, Dave.  In a minute both boys will be relieved of
all that nasty sperm that’s in their balls, making them feel so hot and
bothered.  Wouldn’t you be willing to undergo a catheterization, if you
could feel relaxed?” Svetlana asked.  With her other hand she gave his
penis feather-light strokes, so as not (hopefully) to make him
discharge, while still giving him a little pleasure.
         “No, no.  Not over my dead body,” Dave said.  Then he let out a
sharp cry.  Svetlana had given his balls a sharp squeeze and a yank.
         “You’ll kiss my toes if I tell you to,” Svetlana told Dave.  I
saw in her eyes she was testing him, wondering how far she could push
him.  He was, after all, quite large, and utterly free to strike her if
he wished, to kill us all, I imagine, if the desire came to him.  He
wore no bonds.
         “Uhn, don’t do that,” Dave said.  Yet he made no move to resist
the tall, elegant woman who so intimately possessed him.  In fact, I saw
him open his legs a little more, as if it was his fault she’d squeezed
him, for not giving her enough room between his legs.  She fondled his
sac with her fingertips, feeling for his two individual testes.  I think
she grabbed one and squeezed it alone, for his back suddenly tensed and
he let out a shout.
         “You are wicked, woman!” he breathed.
         “I use men and dispose of them at my pleasure,” Svetlana
replied.  Her voice was cultured, diffident.  She squeezed his other
ball, but more lightly, as if not to anger him too much.  “How big you
are!  And your equipment-- how magnificent!  Truly, if you were not so
large and perfect, I’d have you whacked off like the boys, and sent
away.  But you are special, aren’t you?  You want to stay the night with
me and see what I can do with you.”
         “I just-- thought I’d get out of the hot sun at the beach,”
Dave answered, truthfully.  “I had no idea you were such a demon!”
         “Demon*ess*,” Sveltlana told him.  She squeezed his right
testicle again.  (I only guess at this.  She sure squeezed something,
though, for Dave let out another howl.)
         “If you do that again, woman, I’ll kill you,” Dave said quite
seriously to Svetlana.  
         “My, my.  You men are always so violent,” Svetlana said.  “I’ll
have you know my name, to you at least, is not ‘woman.’  It’s Mistress,
from now on, and I expect you to use it, with respect and courtesy, when
addressing me.  Is that understood?”  
         “Yes,” Dave said.  I saw the muscles of his back tense,
expecting another squeeze, but she let him feel only the fondling of her
fingertips upon his balls.  
         “Very good,” Svetlana said.  “Understand, of course, that other
men might call me ‘woman.’  Men that I respect.  But not you.  You are
nothing to me.  Nothing, except for your beautiful big cock and your
wonderful balls.”
         “Yes, mistress,” Dave said.  I knew now why she’d kept him. 
She’d guessed, somehow, that big as he was, she could break him.  Steve
and Mark, however, were another matter, being younger and more
boisterous.  Yet I sensed Steve could be made obedient.  Perhaps it was
only my love for him.  He was the youngest, just like me.
         “Ah, Mark.  Why do you resist my touch?” Angela asked the young
man under her command.  (He, of course, was cuffed, being of a
hot-tempered personality.)  “Isn’t this your dream, little boy, to have
a beautiful woman fondle your cock like this?”
         “I’m not a little boy,” Mark protested.  He watched as Angela
fingered his big penis and, bending, ran her tongue along it.  Her
bosoms hung pendantly beneath her, like ripe fruit on display. 
Constance photographed them both.  Mark’s sighs, Angela’s loving
         “Cum, Mark,” Angela said.  “Do you want me to bite your penis? 
Is that what you need?”  She smiled.  She placed her teeth on his cock
and gently bit into his shaft.
         “No!” Mark gasped.  
         “Mmmm, you need a hickey on your cock,” Angela said.  She
closed her teeth until just a small bit of his cockskin remained between
them.  Then she bit, and Mark gave a loud yell.  When she lifted her
face from his penis there was a sharp red mark upon his shaft.  I could
not see it at the moment, being on the other side of Mark, but I had
little doubt it was there, and knew well what a hickey looked like,
having been given one by a boyfriend when I was ten.  My mom had spanked
me for it.  The boy had been younger than me, only nine, and she’d said
I was corrupting him.  But I’d had nothing to do with it.  (Of course,
we’d been playing doctor, which I didn’t tell her.)
         “Yes, poor Mark, I want to see that little bag at the end of
the catheter filled right up,” Angela told the young man.  “Svetlana
insists, and I’m not one to disobey her.  Are you?”
         “No,” Mark answered.  He cast a worried glance at Svetlana, and
Dave, who so recently had felt Svetlana’s displeasure between his legs.
         “Then shoot, Markie,” Angela said.  Seeing he was going to be
difficult, she picked up the jar of catheter grease from the floor.  She
dipped her fingers in it.  Looking at him, she said, “I guess I’m going
to have to give you the ‘Hustler’ treatment, eh Mark?  You’ve seen those
cartoons in Hustler, haven’t you?  Don’t tell me you never jerk off to a
porno magazine.  You know, those cartoons of men fisting themselves. 
That’s what I’m going to do to you, Mark.  Fist you until you shoot for
me.”  Angela greased both her palms, rubbing her hands together.  
         With wide eyes Mark watched as Angela took possession of him
with both her hands.  She had small hands, with delicate, tapering
fingers.  Nonetheless she clasped his banana-like prick firmly.  Then
she began yanking on it.  She drew her squeezing hands down its length,
then pushed up, as if trying to force Mark’s penis into his groin.  Then
it was down again, then up.  She looked like she might be fucking him
with a dildo, except his penis stood out ramrod straight and utterly
erect, unmoving except for the wicked movement she made along its length
with her squeezing palms.  I watched, tensely, mesmerized.  Even Katrina
was watching.  Our breath moved in and out of our frozen bodies, making
our breasts shiver, but otherwise we stood utterly unmoving and
spellbound.  Svetlana herself hardly made any movement, though her hands
continued to flutter along Dave’s shaft, to keep him under control.
         Angela moved with athletic grace, like a lioness.  With quick,
even strokes she pulled and pushed on Mark’s hard penis.  She looked
like a slim milkmaid milking, with determination, a stubborn cow.  Mark
gazed down at himself, then flung his head back, gasped, looked down
again, trying to hold himself in.  He did not want to be dismissed from
our party, I guess, or at least not in this ignoble way.  Across from
him, manacled to the other bedpost, stood Steve, waiting with horrified
eyes for his cock to be milked in turn.  I wished I could save him
somehow.  But it was hopeless.  Constance and Dielle were ever ready to
prevent any tricks, not to mention Svetlana, and Angela, who had already
punished the boys with a whip.
         “Uhn, uhn, uhn, stop!” Mark pleaded.  He tried looking at
Angela but, just as he did, she gave him another hard jerk, forcing his
eyes to the ceiling.  Her work was taking its toll on his willpower.  I
saw his back straighten.  His knees bent.  Suddenly, he loosed his
seed.  Instead of splattering over Angela it went shooting into the
clear catheter.  Svetlana let go of Dave’s prick and gave a quick clap
of applause.  It was joined by Constance, who clapped too.  Dielle was
too busy taking pictures to clap.  
         Angela let go of Mark’s dick.  She watched him ejaculate,
clapping as she watched.  Mark, desperate, looked at her.  How rude it
was for her to let go of him in mid spurt, I thought!  (I didn’t know
too much about boys’ anatomy but my girlfriend at school did, and she
said she said you had to keep rubbing them until they were done.)
         “Oh.  Do you want MORE, Markie?” Angela laughed.  “I thought
you didn’t want me to play with your penis.”  Then she took hold of him
again.  “Come, Markie, get it all out.  We don’t want you keeping any
back, do we?” she said.  Mark was forced to spurt and spurt until I knew
he must be empty.  I felt saddened, seeing his sperm in the bag, all
wasted like that.  Mark’s penis began to shrivel.  “There, Mark, you’ve
had your due.  Time to go home,” Angela said to him.  She wiped her arm
across her mouth.  He needed no more hickeys.  Giving him one had put
the sweat from his straining cock on her lips.
         Dielle went to the cell phone.  She picked it up and called the
maid.  “Please come up and escort Mark out of the house,” she said. 
“Yes, he’s quite finished.  Oh, he might come up again, but Svetlana
says she has all the photos she needs of him.”
         “Except for him dressing,” Svetlana said, raising her voice so
Dielle would hear.  “We need photos of him putting his pants back on.” 
She laughed.  “Sorry, Mark.  You are quite a hunk, otherwise you
wouldn’t be here at all.  But I need these sort of photos, you know, of
a young man getting his just desserts and going glumly away.  Try to
pout when Dielle takes your photo.  Who knows?  If you’re good you may
get a special invitation for a return visit.”
         “Forget it!” Mark said.  “I’m through with you, woman.”  He
glared at her.  Angela went to the dresser to fetch the key to his
         “Oh, do you think you’ve offended me, Mark?” Svetlana said. 
“No, dear.  I respect you.  Unlike Dave, here.”  She smirked, first at
Mark, then at Dave.  “Yes, you’re like a God to me, Mark, especially if
you’re obedient and let the maid take you out, without giving me any
trouble.  And now that I’ve angered you I’m tempted to be your slave,
and let you have your way with me.”  She stroked Dave’s cock.  “But it
will have ‘till wait until another day, Mark, when I can devote myself
just to you.”
         Mark looked confused.  I know that hot-tempered young hunk was
planning something when the cuffs were opened, perhaps smashing us all
to bits, if only he could get Dave to cooperate.  But now, with such a
beautiful, accomplished woman begging to be his slave, he didn’t know
what to do.  Svetlana had either picked out her men very well, which I
doubted, since she apparently didn’t even know our names when we showed
up.  Or she was expert at handling males, perhaps having photographed
hundreds of them as an erotic photographer.
         “Alright,” Mark said.  “Give me a call.  I’ll be at Heloise’s
for the rest of the week, working as a model.  I know you’re just
bitching me, though, to get rid of me.”
         “Hardly,” Svetlana said.  She looked at him with admiring
eyes.  “I don’t photograph nobodies.  Even if Dave is one,” she added,
casting a glance at the man she held by his dick.  “We’ll meet again,
sweetie, and you’ll hear me call you ‘Master’ the minute I set eyes on
         Dizzied by his torture, and even more by the prospect of a
submissive Svetlana, Mark allowed himself to be unlocked from the
bedpost by Angela.  He did nothing to any of us when he was free, just
stood there, dumbly, staring at Svetlana, visions of her as his slave
dancing in his mind.
         The maid entered.  She looked at us, at Mark, saw his small,
withdrawn prick.  He took a step forward.  The catheter swung between
his legs.  Angela touched a finger to his broad shoulder.
         “Mark, I don’t think you want to take that home with you,”
Angela said to Mark.
         “Oh, yeah,” Mark replied.  He looked down at the catheter still
hanging from his penis.  Angela turned him to face her.  She knelt.  I
saw Mark grimace as the catheter was withdrawn.  She held a betadine pad
in her hand and she smoothly passed it over his penis tip.  Then she
broke open an alcohol pad and wiped off the stain left by the betadine.
         “Okay, you’re free to go,” Angela said to Mark.  “Don’t forget
to dress first.  I’m sure the little girls playing across the street in
the park would just love to see your buff body walking out to the car.”
         “Yeah, that’s all I need,” Mark agreed.  “I think I’ve had
enough female attention for one day.”  
         The maid opened a closet.  She’d hung our clothes there.  She
pulled out a hanger.  Mark’s pants were draped over it, plus his shirt. 
She’d not bothered to hang his shirt up seperately.  She handed him his
         “Thanks,” Mark said.  “I’ll be leaving now.”  Dielle snapped
photos of him as he dressed.  Constance too, as if he were a visiting
Olympic champion, now taking his leave of us.
         Mark left.  The maid went with him, closing the bedroom door
behind her.
         “Well, Steven, you’re next,” Angela said to my love.
         “Oh, please, don’t!” I blurted.  To my surprise, Katrina
blurted the same.  We both looked at each other, a little jealously, as
if each of us had intruded on the other.
         “What?!” Svetlana asked.  
         “Please let him stay,” Katrina begged in a small voice,
kneeling on the floor, her hands bound behind her.
         “Well, Miss Misbehavior now seems a bit more interested in
sticking around,” Svetlana said.
         “I’m sorry I tried to escape,” Katrina said.  “I just-- felt
nervous, that’s all.”  
         “I understand,” Svetlana said.  “Do you promise to obey if I
let Steven stay?”
         “Yes,” Katrina gulped.  I felt a little angry.  He was, in my
mind, my boyfriend, not hers, though we hadn’t done anything together. 
I wished she would go back to her old ways of thinking, or, better yet,
try another escape, and succeed.  But we were here at Svetlana’s
pleasure, not mine, and she clearly wanted to keep the rest of us, at
least for a little longer.
         “Steven, do you promise to be obedient to Mistress Svetlana if
I don’t whack you off?” Svetlana asked.  Angela stood ready, her palms
greased, if he chose to answer in the negative.
         “Uh, yeah... I guess,” Steve answered.  He clearly wanted to
cum, just not in such an ignoble way as she had planned for him.  
         “Good, Steve.  Then I expect you to keep yourself stiff and
hard and ready for my instructions, okay?” Svetlana said.
         “Okay,” Steve replied.  He was, even as I watched, becoming
beguiled by Svetlana, just as Dave had been.  She had spells, this
woman, that she could cast with her eyes, or her mind, or something. 
Perhaps it was her softly beckoning voice.
         “Okay Mistress,” Svetlana corrected.
         “Yes...  Mistress,” Steve stammered.
         “Leave the catheter in for now,” Svetlana instructed Angela. 
“You never know, he might turn bad on us.  But unlock his cuffs.  I
doubt he’ll go anywhere with a foley catheter dangling between his
legs.  Steven, be careful you don’t step on the tube when you’re free,
okay.  That could hurt.”
         “Oh, yeah,” Steve said.  He’d never been catheterized before
and he looked with worried eyes at the thing dangling down between his
legs.  Would he have to carry his little empty bag with him, wherever he
went, the bag at the end of his tube?  Like a woman’s purse?  I guessed
so.  I felt sorry for him, but there was nothing I could do.  
         Svetlana turned to Katrina, then cast her eyes upon me. 
“Girls, I want you both up on the bed, in a 69,” Svetlana said. 
“There’s no need to remove the cuffs.  How pretty you’ll both look,
cuffed, but with your faces between each other’s thighs!  Help them,
Constance.  Get them both on the bed.  Dielle, get ready to take more
         “Yes, ma’am,” Dielle and Constance said in unison.  She did not
reprove them for not calling her ‘mistress.’  I guessed the command only
applied to us, her erotic players, in her theatre erotique.  Dielle and
Constance were just stage hands, though pretty enough to play if
Svetlana chose to include them.
         A few minutes later I found myself flat on my back on the big
satin bed.  My knees were drawn up, but my legs were wide apart. 
Constance had insisted upon it.  I heard the camera clicking,
somewhere.  Dielle was already busy taking pictures.
         Above me hovered Katrina.  Her legs straddled my torso.  I
watched as Constance bent her down.  With her knees on either side of
me, Katrina’s head was forced down between my legs.  Her bare bottom sat
square upon my nose.
         “Hey!” I cried out.  I was a brownnose, my nose stuck up
against her anus hole and the cheeks of my face pressed ignominiously to
the cheeks of her ass.  I smelled her, but she smelled sweet, for they
had perfumed her bottom.  I knew my ass must smell the same to her, for
they had done the same to me.  Our bodies sweated a little, from
nervousness, from the tension we’d endured as we stood waiting upon
Svetlana’s commands, watching Mark be milked.
         I felt a soft sigh between my legs.  It tickled my thatch.  I
wriggled.  My hands were cuffed underneath me and I could do nothing
save close my legs.  I tried, found Katrina’s head was now between them,
keeping them open.  Frustrated, seeing her bottom lift a little off my
face, perhaps so she could somehow kneel more comfortably over me, I saw
her wet snatch.  I knew it would torture her to be tickled there, a
little.  Yet I didn’t have my hands available.  So, impulsively, I
darted out my tongue.
         “Yeek!” I heard at my tail.  Katrina had felt that!
         “Oh, they’re starting already!” Svetlana cried.  She had not
told us to tongue each other, just to pose.  Yet she had not forbidden
tonguing either.  She knew we were young, had never tasted pussy.  I
enjoyed hearing Katrina scream so much that I gave her another stab with
my tongue.
         Oh!  As soon as her second scream died she stabbed me back!  I
wasn’t sure she’d have the guts to do that.  I stuck my tongue in her
snatch again, deeper this time, to let her know I could fuck her if I
needed to, if she didn’t quit licking me.  I wanted her to get off me,
or at least not to sit her bottom on my face, like she had already.  I
didn’t like smelling her ass, even if she had to smell mine.
         “Yeek!”  This time it was me who screamed.  She went much
deeper than I thought she would.  That dratted girl!  First she’d stolen
Steven from me, and now she was licking my snatch!  Desist, already! 
Quit!  Here, for your displeasure, miss, have a really good stab from
         Our little battle quickly took the turn Svetlana had hoped for,
and I, at least, had hoped we could avoid.  I found myself enjoying my
friend’s licks.  I think she liked mine too, though we never spoke of it
afterward.  I stabbed deeper into her.  At the same time I began to lift
my hips, begging for her to reciprocate.  She did.  She squatted closer,
though not so close that I couldn’t do my work on her.  She left me a
small space so I could breathe.  She was artful, her legs split wide,
her thighs tensed, her soft petal-like dell poised over me and brushing
lightly against my lips.  I licked.  I liked licking.  For every lick I
gave her, she gave me one.  It felt dizzyingly pleasurable to have her
quick tongue between my thighs.  We licked more.  Soon we were no longer
counting strokes.  We were sluts.  We were greedy.  I ate her nest with
abandon.  She fed within mine, licking deep inside my lips, right to the
tempting shield of my half-torn hymen.  She tested it with her tongue. 
I begged her, bucking my hips up, to remove it with her tongue.  She
tried.  She tore it a little more, I think, though there was no blood
afterward.  Deep we delved.  Hungrily we ate.  Who took yours? I
wondered of her, with my licking tongue, as she nipped at my hymen.  Was
it a girl, like me?  I doubted it.  In any event she didn’t take mine,
only opened it a little more, leaving the rest for a man to undo.  Yet
we ate each other’s slits voraciously, like disciples on Lesbos, and, at
last, came upon each other’s faces.  She honeyed my nose with her
juices.  I honeyed hers.
         “Very good.  Excellent, girls,” Svetlana said when it was
over.  Constance helped Katrina and I sit up on the bed.  I felt the
satin sheets beneath my bare bottom.  Between my legs I was sinfully
wet.  I sat with my feet dangling over the side of the bed.  Katrina sat
beside me.  Our bare shoulders bumped.  We edged a little farther
apart.  Constance got the keys to our cuffs and unlocked our hands.  I
flexed my arms.  I saw Katrina flexing hers, beside me.  It felt good to
be free again.  I felt circulation flowing into my arms, my hands.  It
had been inhibited somewhat by the cuffs, by my enforced posture in the
cuffs.  Now they were free again.  I looked at my hands.  I flexed my
fingers.  I felt my shoulders, free to hunch forward again, if I wished,
not yanked back as they’d been.
         The satin felt wonderful on my bottom.  I wished to sit there
forever, pampered, relaxed, admiring the stiff men from my satin perch. 
I was a flower, a small bird.  I was a cat, with long lashes, taking in
the view.
         Constance went to the dresser.  She returned with a small box. 
It was made of plastic.  She opened it.  From it she drew two small
cloths.  They were scented with Aloe Vera.  
         “Wipe with these,” Constance said.  She gave me one, gave the
other to Katrina.  I wiped my face with it.  Constance laughed.  “No! 
Not your face.  Ohhh, you’ve smeared your makeup,” she said.  She tossed
the box onto the bed beside my hip and walked over to the makeup chair
to fetch a makeup kit to fix my face.
         “Wipe your pussy with it, silly,” Katrina scolded me.  She
wiped the cloth between her legs.  
         “Oh,” I said.  I dropped my cloth upon the floor and fetched
another from the box.  Constance returned.  As I patted my slit with the
cloth, wiping away my lustful secretions, Constance re-did my makeup. 
Katrina watched, then turned and looked at the men.  
         Angela, at Svetlana’s direction, was fitting both men with a
curious device.  It was made of leather.  At first I thought it was
meant somehow to cover their big cocks, to make them modest.  Angela
bent before my favorite, Steve, and put a small leather band around his
balls.  When she drew it tight he groaned.  He lifted his hand in the
air, and glared down at her kneeling figure.  I think he would have hit
her, but for the foley catheter stuck up his penis.  It gave Angela a
very easy way to discipline him.  One tug would make him most
remorseful.  So instead his hand wavered, and then fell to his side. 
Angela smiled, pulled the drawstrings tighter on the band.  Steve’s head
shot back and he let out a mournful, throaty howl.  
         “Yes, dear.  If it’s not tight you’ll spend.  This will force
your sac down and keep your seed inside you while I torture you some
more,” Angela said in a soft, whispery voice.  She knew how to put them
through excruciating pain without seeming mean about it.  She was
helping them, as she saw it.  Helping them retain their seed, so they
could stay nice and hard for us.  
         “Now the cock, dearest.  Tie the other part around his penis,”
Svetlana instructed Angela.  My friend lifted a second band, hanging
loosely in front of Steve’s balls.  It was attached to the part of the
device already ringing his sac.  Angela lifted up the second band and
wrapped it around the base of Steve’s shaft.  She drew it tight. 
Tighter.  Steve howled.
         “This is to keep back any sperm that somehow escapes your
balls,” Angela smiled up at Steve’s agonized face.  “You’ll be grateful
for it once I really start putting your penis through its paces, don’t
worry,” she told him.  
         “Do I have to wear one of those?” Dave asked Svetlana.
         “Of course, honey,” Svetlana said.  Lightly she stroked his
cock.  It stuck out massively in front of him, a kind of magic wand, of
great thickness, that Svetlana, a goddess and witch, could play upon
with her fingers.  Beneath his crotch Dave’s sac of sperm was drawn up
tightly, bulging with his need to spend.  The leather appliance would
force his balls down so they hung less tensely.
         Constance bade me to stand.  I did.  She turned me around. 
Bending over behind me, she clasped the cheeks of my bottom.  I yelped.
         “Shush, sweetie, I want to wipe your ass for you,” Constance
told me.  I shivered.  I froze.  My bottom had sweated a little as
Katrina had toungued me, but really!  I didn’t think this was really
necessary.  Katrina, seeing my fate, quickly stepped around me and got a
wet napkin for herself and wiped her bottom.  Dielle snapped a picture
of her hand wedged in her ass, wiping herself.  Katrina blushed.
         “Can’t I have any privacy?” Katrina asked.  Dielle giggled.
         “If that bothers you, wait ‘till you see how Svetlana and
Angela plan to torture the men’s dicks,” Dielle replied.  She took
another picture.  Constance crumpled the disposable cloth she’d used to
wipe me and threw it on the floor.  Then, picking up the same powder
puff she’d used to powder my face, she lightly brushed it between the
cheeks of my naked ass.  
         “Oh!” I said.
         “There, powdered on your cheeks at both ends,” Constance said. 
Dielle giggled again.  Constance turned to Katrina.  Reluctantly Katrina
opened her bottom.  She held it open with her palms as Constance
powdered her ass.  I watched, hearing the camera click in the
background.  We were on display.  We would be captured forever like
this, on film, twin girls with powdered asses wondering what was planned
for us.
         Angela reached back behind Steve and cupped his bare ass with
one of her small hands.  Wordlessly she turned him.  He was easy to
manipulate now, with his cock painfully bound in leather at its base and
his balls aching under the stress of their new imprisonment.  The foley
catheter insured his complete obedience.  He could not get it out
himself.  Without it, he surely would have reached between his legs and
untied the appliance so ruthlessly gripping his sex.  With it, he was a
captive, despite the freedom of his hands, the bulging muscles of his
arms, his thighs, his back.  Angela turned him as easily as she might
turn a baby.  When his bare ass was facing her she smiled.  She gave one
of his plump white buns a small lick.  She nuzzled the hairy ass crack
splitting his cheeks.  Then, lifting a long leash, she parted his strong
thighs with her hands.  Within, under him, her slender fingers attached
the leash to a ring at the back of his cockstrap.  
         Angela stood.  She brushed back her red curly hair.  She looked
poised, confident, despite her nudity.  Her small, slim back arched
proudly and she drew the leash up, up, until it threaded up through the
crack in Steve’s ass.  
         “Yes, dear, I have you reined like a reindeer,” Angela smiled
and laughed.  Steve squirmed at the pressure of the rings on his loins,
the sharp feel of the leather leash splitting open his ass.  “Shall you
take me home to the North Pole, hmmm?” Angela asked my favorite guy.  He
turned.  She watched, seeing his cock begin to come into view.  It
protruded in front of him like some lewd, horizontal stalagmite.  “No,
dear,” Angela chided.  She yanked hard on her leash.  Steve groaned. 
His back tensed.  He returned to his former position.  
         Svetlana, meanwhile, had taken it upon herself to tie down
Dave.  “Let’s get you saddled up,” she purred to him, tying a band
tightly around his balls.  Dave stood with his legs spread, his features
breaking into a sudden grimace.  He seemed both to dread her attention
and to long for it.  Her nails were sharp, her designs were wicked, yet
she handled him with such aplomb that I’m sure he must have felt like a
work of art.  She was nothing if not worshipful of him, especially his
big penis.  We all were, I suppose, with our lambent eyes, watching him
as he suffered.  I wondered who would be favored by his hard-on up her
snatch.  I hoped it would be me, yet I was fearful, both of losing my
virginity and of his tremendous size.  Still, my eyes glowed
passionately as I watched him.  It was fun to watch.  And painless.
         “Woman, if you weren’t so beautiful, I think I’d kill you,”
Dave said to Svetlana.  Her eyes flicked up at him.  
         “You aren’t the first to tell me that,” Svetlana answered.  She
looped the second leather band up around his cock and tied its
drawstrings.  Dave gave another grimace, yet suppressed any scream.  He
was less vocal than Steve.  ‘Well, he’s older,’ I said to myself. 
‘Steve is just a boy.  A young-man boy.  Dave is a full grown man.’  I
did not feel remorse for Dave.  He seemed old and slightly cruel, though
only in his 20’s.  His face had lines on it and I think he would have
enjoyed hurting us, if he could.  I was thankful that Svetlana could
keep him under such perfect control.
         Dave was leashed.  Svetlana, reluctantly I think, gave Angela
possession of him.  The nude young woman smiled.  She held them both
now, by their balls, in her small hands.  Her generous bosoms hung like
ripe, full fruit on her chest.  The men sported balls that hung with
generous fullness between their legs.  I knew we must be ready to play
at sex now, and wondered which of us would be spermed.
         “Costume them,” Svetlana said to Constance.  Nodding, Constance
went to the closet that housed our clothes.  For a moment I thought we
might dress, be free of this place, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about
that, with the men both so obviously ready to give pleasure to any
female who wanted it.  Yet Constance opened the far end of the closet,
sliding back the big doors.  I watched as she took out two chiffon
nighties.  They were baby doll nighties.  She walked over to Katrina and
I.  “Put these on,” she said.  “They’ve been specially made to fit your
         I blushed.  I felt flattered.  A brand new nightie, for me!  I
lifted my present carefully off its wire hanger.  I slipped it over my
head.  I shook out my hair.  I felt lovely.  I looked down at myself. 
My bosoms lifted the soft, sheer fabric, not hidden in any way, yet
feeling quite special enveloped in the soft nightie.  I could see their
pink tips.  Despite their delicacy, the nightie was more delicate, and
the risen stems of my teats gave an extra lift to the nightie.  
         I tugged at the hem.  Katrina, now wearing her nightie, tugged
at her hem too.  It barely covered my pubis!  Her nightie was just as
immodest.  I moved and the front of my nightie rippled, the hem trying
to rise.  It was so light and sheer that even the slightest movement of
my body would cause it to lift, the minute I let go of it with my
         “What’s the use of this if it can’t keep me covered?” I asked
         “It’s not supposed to do anything more than adorn you, decorate
you,” Svetlana replied with a smile.  “You’re an ornament, dear. 
Nothing more.”
         Dielle’s camera clicked.  I blushed a deeper pink.  Behind me
Constance lifted the back of my nightie up to my waist.  
         “Hey, what are you doing?” I asked, turning my head.  
         “I’m pinning it up in back,” Constance said.  “So your ass
shows.  It will make it easier for the men.”
         “To do what?” Katrina asked.  There was a note of alarm in her
         “To fuck you up the ass, after you’ve been whipped,” Constance
answered, matter-of-factly.
         “No!” Katrina cried.  I felt a shiver of fear run down my
         “Oh, please!” I said.  Quickly my eyes flew to Svetlana.
         “It will not be harsh, dears.  Why do you think I have the men
so well restrained?” Svetlana asked.  
         “Oh, who will whip us?” Katrina asked.  As she stood clutching
the hem of her nightie in front, Constance walked softly behind her. 
She lifted Katrina’s nightie in back, baring her bottom as mine had
been.  She slipped pins into it to hold it up.
         “Who would you like to whip you?” Svetlana queried.  There was
a look of amusement on her face.
         “Oh I would never PICK someone to whip me!  I don’t want to be
whipped!” Katrina said in a voice that suddenly sounded less defiant,
almost plaintive.  I wriggled my hips, feeling their freedom.  Would
they be constained soon, for-- I could not speak the words, even to
myself.  My eyes darted to Steve’s penis, then to Dave’s.  They both
stood out terrible and pulsing, sleek and strong and long, like sharks
hovering over trapped fish.  I was captive, and knew it.  Captive to my
own desires, and my fears, too scared to even try to run.  I felt a wave
of erotic tension pass through me.  It was unbidden, brought on by the
sight of the men’s hungry cocks.  Did I want them?  Surely I couldn’t
have such large appendages up my small virgin bottom.  Surely I could
not.  I would squeeze my cheeks and they would find me impossible.
         Constance finished pinning up Katrina’s nightie.  She bade us
to sit on the bed.  We did, our hips bumping.  I was glad for the firm
smoothness of the sheets under my hiney.  I pressed my rump into them
and prayed I wouldn’t have to get up.  
         Constance went to the dresser.  She returned with more
decorations for us.  Two pink bows for our hair, and leather collars for
our necks.  Katrina reached out, caught my hand.  She squeezed it
tightly, almost making me squeal.  I appreciated her grip, all the
same.  It was comforting in its tightness.  Painful but comforting.  She
eased her grip.  She shivered.  Constance freed my hair from its
ponytail.  She fluffed it with her hands.  She told me I had pretty
hair.  Then she tied the pink ribbon into my hair.  Dielle snapped my
photo.  Contstance adorned Katrina’s hair with a bow.  After that
Constance wrapped the leather collars around our necks.  She drew them
tight.  I felt submissive, collared like that, wearing such a pretty
bow.  I was girlish, meek.  Katrina gripped my hand again, but this time
not so hard.  We sat holding hands, waiting, while Constance fetched
more things from the dresser.
         She returned bearing wristlets of leather and ropes.  The ropes
were white, soft.  I reached out with my free hand and touched one.  I
looked up at Constance.  She held something else too, brought from the
dresser.  A box of kleenex.  I could guess why she needed that.  For our
bottoms, to wipe them after the men were through with our asses.  Or was
the box for blood?  I felt a queasiness in my stomach.  For a moment I
almost fainted.  Surely we would not be whipped until whoever punished
us drew blood?  I turned my eyes to Svetlana.  I wanted to ask, to
protest, but a mouse was in my throat.  Something, anyway, that
prevented me from speaking.  Perhaps it was the tightness of my collar. 
I opened my lips, closed them.  No sound issued.
         “A little more lipstick on her lips,” Svetlana told Constance.  
         “Alright,” Constance answered.  She had made me put out my
hands to be bound by the wristlets but, tossing them onto the bed, she
picked up her makeup kit from the bed’s nightstand.  She made me part my
lips in an O.  Still holding my hands out, waiting to have them bound, I
obeyed.  I was shivering, unthinking now, only able to do as I was
told.  Constance put another layer of lipstick on my lips, brightening
them.  Dielle’s camera clicked intrusively.
         The minutes of our preparation passed slowly.  Angela was taken
aside and her hair was given a new gloss.  Svetlana herself brushed it. 
Angela offered to but Svetlana said ‘No,’ she would do it.  She powdered
Angela’s bare breasts and touched up her nipples, using lipstick to make
them appear more red.  I sensed it would be Angela who whipped us.  I
gazed at her belly.  It was smooth and soft and her navel dimpled it
prettily.  I imagined it swollen a few months from now.  The men both
looked so virile.  Surely if they took her at some point tonight,
perhaps after doing myself and Katrina, she would not escape unscathed. 
Her belly seemed to invite impregnation, it was so alluring in its
flatness.  Below it was the spread of her hips.  They were wide and
womanly.  She would deliver easily between them, I thought.  They seemed
made for child-bearing.  Mine were still slim.  I was only 14.  But
Angela was full-grown, ripe for making babies.  I wished they would all
leave Katrina and I alone, and let us watch Angela being taken instead. 
I’d never seen anyone fucked.  It would be perfect, I thought, Angela on
her knees, or on her back, receiving both men at once, perhaps, one
plunging into her mouth while the other rammed himself up between her
legs to her womb.  She watched me with expectant eyes, perhaps knowing
my thoughts, perhaps not.  She assessed my own belly, the flatness of
it, the indrawn girlishness of it.  She gazed at my hips.  I knew she
must be thinking of my behind.  It was small, not like hers.  Small and
compact and with pert cheeks that still stuck out behind me with an
impudent, childish air.  Would she enjoy seeing stripes put across my
girlish bottom?  I would cry, like a baby, and she would discipline me
like a mother.  
         “I haven’t taken any birth control,” I blurted suddenly,
         “He’ll be going up you in back, not in front,” Constance
replied.  She was fastening Katrina’s wrist cuffs.  
         “But, what if he spurts a lot?” I asked.  My voice was
trembling but I felt suddenly assertive.  I did not want to get
pregnant.  Not at 14.  I wanted to see Angela get pregnant.
         “Do you have any pills?” Angela asked Svetlana with a toss of
her head.  Svetlana was drawing circles on Angela’s right nipple with
         “Yes, I’ll get some,” Svetlana replied.  She left off painting
Angela’s nipple and went to the dresser.  Returning, with the pill plus
a glass of water, she said, “Give it to her.  It will look pretty, your
feeding it to her.  Would you like to whip her also?”
         “Yes,” Angela answered.  “I’d like that very much.”
         Angela walked over to me.  I was trembling.  She bade me open
my mouth.  “Stick out your tongue,” she said.  I did.  She placed the
pill on my wet tongue and Dielle snapped our picture.  Then Angela made
me drink the water.  She held it for me.  
         “Do either of you girls have to pee?” Svetlana asked us.  “You
may be tied down awhile.  I don’t want you peeing on the bed.”
         “Can’t we even get up to pee, if we have to?” Katrina asked
with anxious eyes.
         “I’d prefer not to give you a bathroom break in the middle of
your whipping,” Svetlana said.  “Constance, pull out the chamber pot.  I
want both these girls to pee so we won’t be bothered with their bladders
when we’re trying to get some good photos of them and the men.”
         “And me,” Angela said, tossing back her red curls, savoring my
fright as she stood over me.
         “Yes, and you,” Svetlana agreed.
         I was forced to squat over the chamber pot.  Constance helped
me position myself and held me by my bottomcheeks as I squatted. 
Katrina held my hand.  Dielle stepped close and took awful pictures
(awful to me, anyway) of my pee spritzing out of my snatch.  The men
watched, hard stallions corralled by their foley catheters, but
anticipating a dinner bell.
         Katrina went after me.  The maid was called, to empty the
chamber pot.  I wished to wait for her entrance and exit, but that was
         “Please get up on the bed,” Angela said.  She placed a hand
under my elbow, softly, but with blazing eyes that seemed to drill right
into me when I looked at her.
         “Oh, can’t we wait?” Katrina asked.  “I do not wish the maid to
see us!”
         “No,” Svetlana answered.  “She is a female like you.  Doubtless
she tasted the whip when she was young.  Get up, girls.  I do not wish
to keep the men in suspense forever.  They are human, after all.”
         I heard a slapping sound.  I gave a quick glance at the men. 
Their hands were absently slapping their thighs.  I knew what they
wished most of all to do.  To yank on their cocks.  Right away.  Right
now.  Like small boys who can’t stand anymore having untended penises. 
They wanted to just forget everything, and yank and yank and yank on
thier big members and shoot their jism all over the floor.  Yet they
were men, and waited.  I rose, lifting my foot up, steadying myself with
one foot on the bed.  Angela, behind me, cupped my bottom to keep me
from falling.  I still wore the heels Constance had fitted to my feet. 
I lifted my other leg.  I stood momentarily on the bed, feeling Angela’s
eyes gazing at my bottom.  Then I tumbled to my knees.
         “Crawl up to the pillow,” Svetlana told me.  Angela helped
Katrina mount the bed.  Katrina did not try to stand on it.  Why had I? 
I didn’t know.  Was it to show off my bottom, its whiteness, the glow of
its powdered cheeks presented so neatly between the tanned skin of my
back and my thighs?  I did not know.  I kneed my way to the head of the
bed and grabbed at the big pillow lying there.  I pressed my face into
it.  I wanted to hide.  I wanted to be an ostrich.  Behind me I felt my
hiney lift up, high into the air.  I wiggled it.  I kissed my pillow.  I
felt so open, exposed.  It was erotic.  I wished one of the men would
leap on the bed, accept my invitation, and thrust himself between my
legs and take me right then, in my pussy, where I needed it.  The whip
would be skipped.  My ass would be spared.  I would save myself, with
just a soft wiggling invitation of my bare bottom to the men.  
         “Stretch out your arms,” I heard Angela say.  I lifted my face
from my pillow.  I felt a warm bump on my hip and realized Katrina had
taken her place beside me.  I waited for one of the men to jump behind
me and spoil Svetlana’s plans.  But neither one did.  Angela drew my
wrists out for me.  She took a rope from Constance and quickly,
expertly, tied my wrists to the headboard.  Katrina, beside me, extended
her arms and waited.  Did she want it?  This?  I didn’t know.  I didn’t
know anything anymore.  Perhaps she didn’t either.  I felt the coolness
of the air of the room on my fanny and wished again that one of the men,
it didn’t matter which anymore, would save us both.  Or at least me.  I
waggled my ass.  I was lewd, indecent, saucy.  I wanted.  I felt Angela
open my legs with her hands.  I blinked.  My wrists were bound, secure. 
Now she wished me more vulnerable in back.  
         “That’s it.  Show your slit, your little purse,” Angela said. 
“I’ll try not to bite it with the whip.”  A camera clicked.  I heard
Dielle try to suppress a giggle and fail.
         “Very good, Lisa,” Svetlana complimented me.  “You are truly a
perfect submissive.  I thought you might balk, being so young.  But you
hold the pose like a pro.  Have you fantasized of this, hmmm?”
         “No,” I said truthfully.  But then I remembered myself on my
bed at home, sometimes, hearing my father tramp up the stairs, his feet
heavy with sleep.  He would be going to his bedroom, with my mother,
talking so casually, yet I knew what they must do together beind that
closed, locked door.  I would think of his strong hands and his broad
shoulders and the belt he wore around his waist.  I would wish I’d done
something bad, so he might have to visit me, in my bed, before he went
to bed with my mother.  Once I reached back behind myself and actually
pulled down my pajama bottoms, hearing him come up the stairs.  He was
alone that night.  My mom was downstairs, playing a late game of cards
with some friends.  Lady friends, and it was just me and dad upstairs,
me in my bed and my daddy coming upstairs.  By then I was too old to be
tucked into bed anymore, yet I wished he might tuck me in.  But my door
was locked.  They had let me put a lock on my door when I turned 12.  I
heard my fathers footsteps pass my door.  I heard the door to his
bedroom close.  
         Now I was presented once again, like before, except this time
my wrists were tied and I didn’t have pajama pants ringing my knees that
could, if my hands were untied, be pulled up.  Instead my knees and legs
were bare and the nightie was pinned up behind me, showing all I had to
show.  I felt the sheer fabric of it sliding down my back and knew even
that was now practically useless.  I glanced at the nightstand beside
the bed.  The tissue box waited, a tissue already pulled up from within
it and ready to be used.
         We whimpered, Katrina and I.  We were both made to show our
figs.  I felt a wetness glistening within mine and wondered what kind of
weird slut I was to allow myself to be gotten into such a compromised
position.  Collared, ‘dressed’ in a nightie, with a pink bow adorning my
head as if I were a small girl sitting primly in Sunday School.  Or a
girl at the prom, but I was too young for the prom.  And too young for
this too, I knew, though I had no idea how I could get myself out of it
now.  I opened my lips to speak as I felt Constance put a knee on the
bed beside my face.  Before I could utter a sound she wreathed a black
cloth across my lips.  It was soft, but she wedged it deep in my mouth. 
I almost gagged on it.  It forced back my tongue.  My mouth was opened
into a rictus, with the cloth dividing my lips.  I looked like a fish
caught on a hook.  Dielle took my picture.  My eyes gaped as I felt
Constance tie off the gag in the nesting of my hair at the back of my
         A moment later and Katrina and I were both silenced and
suitably posed.  There was nothing more to be done, by way of
preparation.  I had my pill, Katrina was already on the pill.  The men
waited, their cocks stemming.  I could not see them but I sensed an
eagerness on their part to see us whipped.  I prayed it would not be
hard.  I’d never been whipped.  I suspected Katrina hadn’t been either. 
What would it be like, I wondered, even as my tummy knotted in fear and
wished that my teddy bear might save me, if the men couldn’t.  I
pictured him flying through the window, a brave little teddy bear, like
the brave little toaster in the video I’d watched when I was 6.  He’d
fly in and save me.  
         “Earnest!” I breathed into my gag.  It was the name of my teddy
bear.  He could not hear me.  My lips kissed the pillow beneath my
         “Oh, but it has so many thongs!” I heard Angela gasp, somewhere
behind me.  
         “Yes, each one is made of a small knot of leather,” Svetlana
told our mistress-to-be.  “They will feel like a flight of bees
connecting with their bottoms when you swing it,” Svetlana said.  “Their
bottoms should pinken right up.”
         “How many strokes?” Angela asked.  Her voice was casual.  I
imagined her fingers accepting the implement in her hands and reaching
out to feel its dangling tips.
         “As many as they can manage,” Svetlana replied.  
         “Do you wish me to draw?” Angela said.  Her voice sounded sexy,
inspired perhaps by what she could do to us.  Her nervousness at seeing
the cat was gone.  The cat.  The word resounded in my mind like a bullet
suddenly lodged and trapped in my skull but not yet spent.  The cat. 
I’d seen them in Pirate movies but never imagined I’d be subjected to
one.  Least of all on my bottom!  I pulled at my bonds.  Beside me,
Katrina gave a gagged whimper and yanked at the headboard of the bed
with her wrists.  It was no use.  We were both tied.  I’d seen a woman
once, in a Pirate movie, her dress opened in back and the cat used to
threaten her.  They had not struck her.  They had ordered her to tell
all she knew, but she wouldn’t, and just then the hero arrived and saved
         “Do not close your legs, Katrina,” I heard Constance say. 
There was a slap.  Flesh against flesh.  Katrina gave a yelp and there
was movement beside me.  “There, that’s better,” Constance murmured.
         “She wants it already, give it to her,” Svetlana said to
         “No!” Katrina shrieked, but her voice was so muffled they could
not hear, or if they did they didn’t care.
         “For God’s sake whip them if you’re going to,” Dave growled. 
“I can barely stand looking at the sight of their bare taunting asses!”
         “Oh, my, Dave feels taunted my you, Katrina,” Angela laughed. 
“Do you wish to tease him into saving you?  Hmmm?  How naughty!”  I
heard a rustling sound, as of cat-tails sweeping across a bare back. 
Angela’s back.  Then, suddenly, there was a whistling beside me and
Katrina yelped for all she was worth.  I felt her knees bounce on the
bed beside me.  “And you, Lisa, do you want your ass saved too?” I
heard.  There was another whistling, as of bees in flight.  Suddenly I
shrieked.  My bottom felt stung all over and I rocked forward, then
back, on my knees.  My cheeks wobbled under the blow and clenched.  I
felt my knees draw quickly across the bed and my thighs snapped shut
behind me.  
         “I told you not to close your legs!” I heard Angela say. 
Another swing, the cat whistling again behind me, and then my bottom
sizzled under a thousand buzzing, stinger-laden bees.  They caressed me
quite painfully all over my cheeks.  I screamed.  Despite my clamped
thighs, the bees managed to squirrel into the furrow of my behind.  
         Katrina screamed beside me.  Bees assailed her as my bottom
flexed and opened.  I gasped.  I felt tears plop onto my pillow.  My
cheeks were wet.  The lips of my sex were wet.  My bottom flamed.
         “OPEN your legs!” Angela shouted.  Again the cat bit me.  I
howled.  Crying, I spread my legs, and immediately she struck me again. 
The pain was unbearable.  The bees found their way into the depths of my
furrow and one of them kissed my anus.
         “Aughghggh!” I cried.  But the gag kept me silenced.  I heard
the door to the bedroom open.  Beside me Katrina let out a shrill wail. 
Despite my pain I turned my head.  Was it my teddy bear?  The maid!  I
felt new tears burst from my eyes and roll down my cheeks.  She looked
at me.  I hoped for pity in her eyes, but saw none.  She grinned,
instead.  It was the first time I’d seen her grin.  She was missing a
tooth.  I gasped.  Could she see the whiteness of my teeth over my gag? 
It divided my lips.  My teeth were white, perfect.  The cat connected
suddenly with my bottom and I gaped at her.  My lips curled back in a
grimace and I showed her my teeth, all of them, and then a scream
escaped from my throat.  
         I buried my face in my pillow.  I must have closed my legs
again, for I heard Angela yelling at me to open them.  I wriggled my hot
bottom, mournfully.  Somehow I managed spread my knees.  I showed my
fig, my slit.  I shook my hot bottom like a dog shakes himself when
emerging from water, hoping to shake off the pain of the cat.
         “A hard one now, on each of them, to make them completely
submissive for the men,” I heard Svetlana say somewhere behind me.  Who
could she mean, I wondered.  Us?  We were already getting it har--
         “YEEEEEEEEK!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.  My face flew
up from my pillow.  I heard the maid laugh.  There was a sloshing, as of
the chamber pot being lifted, so she could empty my pee.  I ground my
knees into the sheet of the bed and swung my bottom about like a hussy
looking for two-dollar johns.  I wept.  I drew in my ass cheeks and
pushed them out.  I worked my bottom, trying to get rid of the pain,
quite unable to.  I heard Katrina let out a banshee’s wail beside me. 
The bed was big but it seemed to rock under our efforts.  Then I felt
new movement behind me.  Heavy, substantial.  The bed dipped behind me
and I felt something like a big flagpole slap against my buttocks.
         “NO!” I shouted.  My gag kept me quiet, except inside my head. 
I felt fingers parting the cheeks of my ass.  They were blunt, large.  I
felt oil on their tips and suddenly they were rudely intruding, or
trying to, into the ring of my anus.
         “Be still girl, I have to lubricate your hole,” I heard a gruff
voice say.  Dave!  No!  I expected Steven and was being given Dave!  But
he was the biggest, and I the very littlest!  Beside me I heard Katrina
give a yelp.  
         “Hold still,” Steve’s voice said.  It was gentle, almost
afraid.  Dave was anything but that.  He ground a finger into my anus
and somehow managed, with a pained cry from me, to get it in me up to
the first knuckle.  I felt like I had a big walnut pushed into my
         Angela appeared beside me.  I felt her fingers as they ran
through my hair, heard her voice.  It was soft now.  Whisper-like. 
“Yes, dear, you did very well,” Angela said.  I imagined her big bosoms
hanging off her chest, their nipples sweetly lipsticked.  Suddenly I
turned my head and, though I was gagged, I sought for the solace of one
of her tits.
         “Oh, she wants to nurse!” Angela laughed.  “May I nurse her,
Svetlana?” Angela asked.
         “She might bite you,” Svetlana replied.
         “No, she won’t, will you, dear?  You’ll be too busy with Dave
for that, hmmm?  Oh, I DO want to nurse you!  Let me get your gag off! 
I’ll nurse you while you’re fucked.  It will help settle your nerves.” 
Angela reached for the knot of my gag behind my head.  “It’s her first
time,” she said aloud, to the maid.  The maid only grinned.  She was
still missing her tooth.
         My gag was loosed.  “OH, DON’TTTT!” I cried immediately.  But
Angela at once put my lips to her nipple and made me suck it.  I tasted
lipstick on my tongue.  I did feel comforted, but then Dave yanked the
cheeks of my ass apart and bumped something long and very hard up
against my anus.  I knew it couldn’t be his finger.  It was way too big
for that.  
         “Unnnfff!” I groaned.  I felt a stab in my anus.  A stab from a
very wide, blunt instrument.  It was slick with oil and grease.
         “Come on, open up for me,” Dave said, rather distressed.  “God
damn if that foley catheter wasn’t bad enough, now I’ve got to break in
a virgin.  Ouch!  Quit pulling on my balls!”  He cried.  I realized Dave
must still be wearing his leash.  Perhaps Svetlana was pulling on it.
         Oh, how my bottom burned!  My cheeks were all aflame and now,
to make matters worse, Dave was trying to fuck me!  I felt his penis’s
knobbed head press harder at my rosehole.  Angela pressed my face to her
bosom, urging me to suck.  I mouthed her nipple.  I ground my mouth into
it as I felt Dave assault me more deeply from behind.
         “Yes, I’m starting to go in, just a little,” Dave grunted to
         “Settle down and quit wiggling your ass so much,” I heard Steve
say to Katrina.  
         “Wider, dear.  He won’t hurt you.  Svetlana won’t let him,”
Angela told me, clutching me to her breast.  “That’s why she has him
leashed.  A quick poke is all she really wants, a nice shot of him stuck
in you, with his shaft sticking out of you, half in, half out.  Perhaps
she’ll even settle for just the head.  Let him get that at least into
you, so we can all end this more quickly.”  Angela stroked my blonde
hair as she spoke to me.  I sobbed.  My tears speckled the skin of her
         “God damn, I’m going in!!!” I heard Steve shout.
         “Why do I get stuck with the virgin?” Dave complained.  He gave
me another deep poke but my cherry hole still resisted him.
         “She’s virgin too, aren’t you, Katrina?” Steve asked
hopefully.  But Katrina only whimpered in reply.
         Dielle’s camera clicked.  The maid laughed.  I heard her leave
with the tub of sloshing pee.  My pee, and Katrina’s.  She would empty
it for us.  I felt my dew sprinkle the sheets.  A wave of intense
pleasure passed through me.  I gasped.  
         “She’s orgasming!” Angela cried.
         “Oh, catch it!” Svetlana told Dielle.  More clicks of the
camera as I swooned.  I felt a rude finger press between my legs and
search for my spot.
         “Yes, girl, have your orgasm, it will make it easier for me to
get myself up you,” Dave said encouragingly.  I felt my bottom open
wider.  I shouted, suddenly, in the throes of my pleasure.  He was
within!  I felt like a giant cucumber was suddenly in me!  I gasped.  I
felt all the air being driven from my lungs.  Dave worked a finger hard
in my slit.  I came again, wetting his digit, feeling him slide even
deeper inside me.
         “Oh!  Oh!  Oh!” Katrina cried beside me.  She was cumming to! 
We were doves, cooing for our masters.  They rodded us, skewering us
with their penises.  Our roasted bottoms were forced open.  
         “No, don’t squeeze!” I heard Steve cry.  Katrina kept up her
chorus of pretty ‘Oh’s.’  I heard Dielle scurry to the other side of the
         “Ah, all is lost,” Svetlana said.  She must have seen his cock
flexing, half in and half out of Katrina (surely he could not be all the
way up her!).  The cock ring, the ball ring proved inadequate in the
moment of need.  
         And then me!  At first I thought I was having diarrhea!  A
great wetness flooded me and I heard Dave, mounted behind me, let out a
groan.  It was both of disappointment and relief.  He had just the head
of his cock in me, but my squeezings had undone him.  He shot himself
into my virgin hole.  I felt his seed leaping up in me.  I clenched my
passage hard.  I did not wish to be inundated with his sperm.  I feared
he might make me pregant, somehow.  Yet the squeezings that kept back
his cock could not keep out his seed.  It got up me somehow and flooded
me hard.  I gasped.  I sucked upon Angela’s tit, hoping somehow she
could save me.  She stroked my hair.
         “There, there, your first fuck, and in such an unlikely place,”
Angela said.  She seemed aroused by my ordeal.  I felt her hips arch
forward beneath me.  My face was suddenly lifted from her breast,
lowered.  My lips grazed her tummy.  It was smooth, indrawn a little,
and she pushed me past her navel down toward her bush.
         “No!” I cried.  I smelled the perfume of her pubic hair.  She
offered me her bush.  I found myself licking it, exploring her nest with
my tongue.
         “Yes, darling.  Lick me like you licked Katrina.  Make me cum,”
Angela urged.  She pushed my face between her legs and made me lick her
directly on her fuzzed slit.  “Mmmm, please, right there.  Right THERE!”
Angela squealed.  I must have found her spot for she shoved her hips
even more urgently in my face.
         “Ahhh, they are all cuming now,” Svetlana said.  “It is a
perfect ending.  Catch it all, Dielle!”
         “I am ma’am!” Dielle answered.  

         I lay disconsolate on the bed.  Constance offered me lemonade
but I refused.  My bottom was sore.  I had to lie on my tummy to keep my
fanny turned to the air.  Katrina lay beside me.  Her hands were between
her legs, though, and I suspected she was pleasing herself with her
fingers.  She squirmed, sighed.  I kept my hands pressed to the sheets,
palms down, next to my thighs.  
         Angela sat on the bed beside me.  “I’m going to put cream on
your bottom to help it heal,” Angela murmured.  I heard a squirt, gasped
as a cold dollop of cream hit my bottom.  I heard the click of a
camera.  Was nothing sacred?  “There.  There,” Angela said quietly.  I
stiffened as her fingers touched my ass.  Very lightly she stroked it. 
I shivered, pressed my face to my pillow.  It was wet from my tears. 
“The whipping helped you,” Angela told me.  “Without it, think how hard
it would have been for Dave to get himself up you.”
         “I hate you,” I replied, but my pillow muffled my words. 
         “My, are you two rising already?” I heard Svetlana ask.  The
men, Dave and Steve, were strutting around the room, comparing notes on
our bottoms.  
         “We still have you to do, don’t we?” Dave asked.  “God, it
feels good to be out of that fucking cock ring!  Don’t ever put one of
those things on me again!”
         “I want both you boys to put on your pants,” Svetlana said. 
“I’m sorry, but the party’s over.  Perhaps I’ll invite you all back
again sometime.”
         “I thought we were going to stay all night?” Steve asked.  His
voice was high, hopeful.  Boyish.
         “What, don’t you get any except here at my place?” Svetlana
teased.  “I reserve the *right* to keep you all night, dear.  But you’ve
all performed wonderfully.  I do have other things to do besides
orchestrate your sexual satisfaction, even if I do get to take photos of
it.  Such a penis.  Try to get it into your pants, Steven.  I’m closing
up shop for today.  Perhaps we can do it again.”
         Constance went to work on Katrina’s bottom.  Katrina played
with her slit.  Her own slit, masturbating.  Angela told me I could play
with mine while she creamed me, but I refused.  I did not want to be
thought a slut.  No one stopped Katrina.  I thought perhaps Svetlana
would, for it was obviously not going to help the men get into their
pants.  But she didn’t and, at her insistence, both men did their best
to get into their trousers.  I listened to Katrina’s soft cries.  My
bottom began to feel a warm glow spread across it.  The sting of the
whip was transforming itself.  I sighed.  I wriggled my bare hips
against the bed.
         “Yes, it is not so bad, hmmm?” Angela asked me.  “Not so bad
after all.”  She patted my bare fanny.  She rose from the bed.
         I dressed.  I gave back my nightie.  I did not wish to keep it,
though Svetlana said I could.  I’d had enough of that nightie.  It had
left my bottom exposed and I’d paid an awful price for that.  
         I got on my miniskirt, wincing as I zipped it.  I didn’t dare
try to get into my panties.  Svetlana smiled.  
         “May I have them?” she asked.  I looked at her, at my undies.  
         “You’re strange,” I said.  I gave her my panties.  She put them
to her nose and sniffed them.  
         “My customers will pay top dollar for these,” she said.
         “Oh!” I gasped.  I could bear no more.  Svetlana handed my
flower-printed panties to Constance.  
         “Put them in a bag,” Svetlana said.  “To preserve their scent.”
         “Yes, ma’am,” Constance said.  She took my panties over to the
dresser and opened the drawer and took out a small Ziplock baggie.
         “Let’s go, dear,” Angela said to me.  She took my hand.
         “I want my panties back,” I told her.
         “Never mind.  They’ll be the delight of someone forever,”
Angela assured me.
         “Some pervert,” I said.
         We left the bedroom.  It was dark in the hall, compared to that
room with all its photographers lights in it.  I was thankful for the
shadows.  We went downstairs, my hips wobbling uncertainly as I walked. 
I carried my heels.  I was too unsteady to walk in them.  My cunt was
sore and my bottom ached.  Katrina carried her shoes.  We wore scorched,
opened.  Yet my dell was still virgin, and the men knew it.  Dave cast
me a sidelong glance.  I stuck out my tongue at him.
         “We could play some more, back at Heloise’s,” he said.
         “Not in my ass,” I replied.  I stuck out my tongue at him.
         “No, no.  Not in your ass,” Dave agreed.  I gave him a frown
and he laughed.  The front of his pants was bulging, but he was not so
desperate anymore.
         “She is not your slave, dear,” Angela told Dave.  
         “Sure, I know,” Dave said.
         The maid let us out the front door.  I did not look at her as
we left.  Outside, the sun was almost gone.  Long shadows stretched
across the street.  In the park across the street the children were
playing, but I couldn’t see them anymore, in amongst the shadowed
trees.  I could only hear them.  


----------------------- Dreamgirls -----------------------
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-Naughty Naked Dreamgirls (Library of Congress ISSN: 1070-1427) is
  copyright 1997 and a trademark of Andrew Roller.  Work by others
  copyright 1997 by the respective copyright holder.    

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