Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam
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X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded <>
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From: MD James <>
Subject: Reposting - "Supergirl and X" - by MD James

Good news folks!  I've finally gotten an E-mail account of my own, so my
buddy David can get a break from the requests of people who constantly
ask to E-mail my stories.  BTW- no, I don't usually e-mail people with
reposts either.  (It'll also take care of some confusion with Celeste
and others who think David and I are one and the same.)

And to clarify something Celeste said about the story in her recent
review - this is based on CURRENT DC continuum, which means Lex Luthor
was thought of as a really nice guy for a while before people found out
what an asshole he really was.

OK, now on with the show...

WARNING:  This story contains material of a sexual nature. It contains 
explicit descriptions of sex, bondage and non-consentual sex. If you are at 
all offended by this kind of story, or under the age of 18, DO NOT READ ANY 
FURTHER!!  If you are an adult and you have children under the age of 18 
DO NOT LET THEM READ THIS!!  And if you are a bible-thumper, a moralist, or 
a postal inspector impersonating a real human being- FUCK YOU and READ THE 

Supergirl and other DC characters expressed in this story are copyrighted 
by DC Comics. All Marvel characters mentioned in this story are copyrighted 
by Marvel Comics.  This story is written for the sole purpose of 
entertainment and is not written for profit and cannot be transmitted, 
reproduced or otherwise traded for profit.  This story is entirely 
fictional.  No protomatter beings, multimillionaires, kryptonians, amazons, 
humans, clones, or other superheroes or villains were actually harmed in 
the making of this story.  

Lord Easystreet and the Orgasmatron come from the story "Presenting Batgirl 
and Wonder Woman" by Mr. X.  (Good story- if you don't have it, ask A.S.S. 
for a re-post!)

Note:  The story is based in (but not a part of) the DC continuum after the 
conclusion of The New Titans #130 but before the "Trial of Superman."  


Supergirl and X 
-by M D James

"You're mine Supergirl!"

Supergirl lay helpless on the examination table as Lex Luthor gloated over 
her.  She struggled to free herself from the bonds, but she found herself 
with no strength.  She tried to shape-shift into something that could break 
the bonds.. but even that didn't help.  Instead she was helpless in her 
nightgown as Lex Luthor stood over her with a pair of scissors.

"What... What are you DOING?" she said as she looked in fear at the 
scissors.  "When Superman hears about this.."

The very mention of the Man of Steel made Luthor's eyes go wide.  
"Superman?  Him?  Did he ever see you as I do?  Hmm?"  His free hand 
caressed up her bare legs.  A lock of red hair fell down onto Luthor's face 
as his hand move up the nightgown.  "Did you scream his name when we were 
in bed?  Did you think about him when you were making love?"  His hand 
reached her breast and he cupped it firmly, almost like it was a 
possession.  "No!  You screamed MY NAME!  LEX!  LEX!  LEX!  Remember?"  He 
moved the scissors down to the bottom of the nightgown.  "I own you, and 
now I'm going to take what's mine!"

Almost like a madman, he cut open the nightgown right up the center.  When 
the scissors proved to be too slow, he threw them aside and simply tore 
into the silk material, ripping it apart like it was paper.  She wore 
nothing underneath it.  He then tore the sleeves open and then pulled the 
whole ruined material out from under her like a magician.

Supergirl's eyes went wide in horror as Luthor ogled her naked body.  At 
that moment she wished she could at the very least turn invisible so he 
couldn't see her like this.

Very meticulously, Luthor began to disrobe himself.  The Italian jacket and 
slacks were hung over the nearby chair.  The red silk tie (a gift from Rush 
Limbaugh) and white silk shirt he lay on top.  Supergirl never knew what 
happened to Luthor's shoes and socks, but it seemed he didn't wear them 
when he entered the room.  Finally he stripped off his monogrammed boxers 
and faced Supergirl.  His body was lean and fit, the long red hair and 
beard crowning his face like a sun, as another circle of shorter red hair 
crowned his very big, and very ERECT penis.

It was bigger than even Supergirl could remember!  Twelve inches at least!  
It almost looked like Luthor had a third leg!

"Oh god!  No..."  Supergirl said with a whisper..

"I've been taking some of Gretchen's formulas," Luthor said with a devilish 
grin as he approached her.  "I'm more of a man now than Superman EVER could 
be!  And when I'm through with you, you're going to beg me for more!"

"No, Lex, please" she begged.  "Don't do this!  Please!  DON'T!"

He got up on the table with his enormous cock  playing between her legs.  
The tip began to ooze pre-cum over her blond pussy.

"GOD NO!  DON'T!!"

Luthor steadied himself above her naked body, preparing to ram his cock 
into her.  "I own you Supergirl.  And Lex Luthor TAKES what's his!"


Supergirl awoke screaming in horror.  Then she realized it was just a 
dream.  She clutched her hands around her nightgown to reassure her of 

"Mae?  Mae, dear, are you all right?"

Martha Kent came into the room.  Jonathan Kent was right behind her.  "We 
heard you screaming dear, are you all right?"

Supergirl closed her eyes and smiled slightly.  "Yeah, ma, I'm fine.  It 
was just a nightmare, that's all."

The Kents looked at each other strangely.  It has been a while since "Mae" 
(as they've called her) ever referred to Martha as "ma."  The only time 
when she did was when she had taken the form and identity of their adopted 
son, Clark Kent.

Martha sat on the edge of the bed and wrapped her arms around the blond 
girl.  "Are you sure dear?"

Supergirl hugged Martha like a daughter would a mother.  "Yeah ma.. I guess 
it was the stress of the mission, that's all."

Jonathan put a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder.  "You want to talk 
about it?"

She smiled.  "Uhh.. actually I'd like to get some fresh air, if you don't 

Martha kissed her on the forehead.  "Of course dear.."

"Any time you want to talk about it, we're here for you Mae," added 

"Thank you."

She waited until they left the room before getting out of bed.    She 
wished that she was in Clark's old bedroom.  Then perhaps she wouldn't feel 
so uneasy about calling Martha "Ma."  But the Kent house was destroyed by 
Conduit months ago.  That news didn't sit well with her either.  They were 
like parents to her, and not even Clark could tell her what happened.  And 
it wasn't like she couldn't be reached, she was working for the New 
Titans!  Clark could have easily placed a call to the Justice League for 
them to contact her!  But no, she had to find out the hard way after she 
returned from New Tamaran with Darkstar and Green Lantern.  

Once she learned that Jonathan and Martha were traveling around the country 
in an RV, she decided the least she could do was treat them to a night or 
two in a decent hotel.   She used part of the money she earned with the 
Titans for the first-class hotel suite that had two bedrooms.  It sort of 
reminded her of when she worked with Lexcorp.. and perhaps, she figured, 
was reason for the nightmares.

She telekinetically transformed her nightshirt into her red and blue 
Supergirl costume and stepped out on the terrace.  It was still the middle 
of the night, so she didn't have to worry about people noticing that 
Supergirl was one of the guests.  "Maybe the night air will do me good," 
she said to herself.

She took to the skies, getting a bird's eye view of the sleepy resort 
town.  It looked peaceful and quiet.  No villains to defeat, no aliens 
wanting to invade, no earth-shattering crisises to solve.. and no Lex 

The very mention of Lex Luthor made her skin crawl.  She had never known 
love before Luthor.  And she had never known betrayal before Lex Luthor.  
The man used her from the day he met her.  He masqueraded as a son he never 
had, and in doing so resembled the Luthor from her planet- the man who made 
her, and the man she eventually fell in love with before being killed by 
three super-powered tyrants.  She herself would not be alive if not for 

She loved Luthor, and Luthor used her at every conceivable opportunity.  
He treated her like a trophy, displaying her for the good of Lexcorp and 
himself.  And he tried to restrain her from "danger."  She initially 
thought that was because of his love for her, but she later learned it was 
because he WANTED Superman to die- so she could be Luthor's own personal 
"champion."  When Superman faced Doomsday, Luthor waited until the monster 
was at Metropolis before letting her go.  When Superman died, she served as 
the "new champion" for Metropolis.  And when it looked like Superman was to 
come back, he ORDERED her not to help him face off against the Cyborg.  
After all, the "perfect trophy" needs to be preserved, she thought.

Then there was the sex.  Not only was Luthor a domineering tyrant in the 
boardroom, but he was monster in the bedroom!  He fucked her in every 
conceivable position imaginable, and then because she was a shape-shifter, 
fucked her in every inconceivable position!  She shifted her form so many 
times that sometimes she was afraid she was going to return back to her 
protoplasmic state!  And she changed into many different women!  Maggie 
Sawyer, Cat Grant, Madonna, Hillary Clinton, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Black 
Canary..  not to mention every women ever employed by Lexcorp!  But the 
absolute worse secret she swore she would NEVER tell Clark was that 
Luthor's favorite sex role was for her to morph into Lois Lane!

But back then none of it mattered, because she LOVED Lex.  She lied for 
Lex.  She supported Lex.  And at one point, if she was told to she would 
have KILLED for Lex.

And it was only after she saw for the first time what Luthor was doing that 
she realized she was being used!  She went berserk at first, but later 
learned how she could do a lot more good by helping Clark and the 
government bring down Luthor.  She thought she could do this by joining the 
Titans.. but now it looked like the Titans were finished.  She didn't know 
what she was going to do next, but one thing was certain, she was going to 
bring down Luthor if...

Just then a flash of light caught her attention.  She flew over to find out 
what it was.

A truck carrying gasoline has jackknifed across the highway and caught 
fire.  She knew the flames could reach the gasoline tanks in a matter of 
minutes, and turn the whole section of highway into a fireball!

She landed near the cab of the truck and pulled the unconscious driver 
out.  Then, after carefully moving him to safety, she turned her attention 
to stopping the fire.  There were no lakes that were close enough for her 
to toss the truck into, and the fire would one spread faster if she picked 
up the truck and flew it anywhere.  She even considered shape-shifting 
herself into a gooey substance that would smother the fire, but she didn't 
know what kind of substance she could shift into.  

Then she remembered a scene from a "Fantastic Four" cartoon.  Supergirl 
surrounded the whole truck with a telekinetic field, then concentrated HARD 
to seal it shut... shut out the oxygen.  Sweat beaded down her beautiful 
face as she concentrated like never before.  It seemed like an eternity for 
Supergirl, but in a matter of minutes the fire was out.

She heard the applause of the stranded motorists, as well as the sirens 
from the police and fire units as they tried to arrive at the scene.  She 
rested by the hood of the nearest vehicle.  She had NEVER thought about 
using her psychokinetic powers that way before, and the strain on her whole 
body was enormous.  She felt like her body was swimming in sweat.

"Are you all right Supergirl?" the state trooper asked.

"Yes," she replied.  "Thank you officer.  I just never...."

Just then she saw a glimpse of a man behind the truck.  He was bald, with 
the striking features of.... Lex Luthor!

She pushed herself up from the hood of the car.  "Excuse me officer," she 
said as she flew behind the truck.

But he was gone.

Part 2

Supergirl spent the day with Jonathan and Martha Kent as they went on a 
scenic tour of the little resort town.  After the nightmare of almost being 
raped by Lex Luthor and then seeing what she thought was Luthor himself 
really shook her up.  She needed some time away from being Supergirl.  
Some time to be just "Mae."  

She decided to be as inconspicuous as possible.  She tied her hair back, 
changed into a baggy sweatshirt and jeans, and then put on a pair of 
wire-frame glasses.  "If it works for Clark, it should for me," she said 
to herself.  "Besides, Jonathan and Martha wear glasses, so I'll just look 
like I'm their daughter or something."

Martha took "Mae" to the local outlet store while Jonathan tried to call 
Clark and let him know where they were and that Supergirl was with them.  
Ever since Clark brought Matrix home from the dead husk that was once an 
alternate Earth, Jonathan and Martha had treated her like the daughter they 
never had.  And when Luthor betrayed her trust, the Kents were there for 

"Mae?" Martha said as she pulled out a dress from one of the racks.  It was 
a simple dress, red with white fringes.  It buttoned up the front and had a 
very modest V-cut at the top.  "What do you think?"

Mae thought about it for a second.  "Hmm.. no, I don't think so ma."

It was conservative.  Too conservative for her tastes.  Sure it was OK for 
her when she thought she was an alternate version of Lana Lang, in a world 
that seemed to be twenty years after it's time.  But today, as "Mae," she 
didn't care for it.  She got used to wearing some of the finest designs in 
the world when she was with Luthor.  Plus, she liked showing off her body.  
She got a secret thrill flying around as Supergirl with all the guys trying 
to get a peek of her red panties under her short red skirt.  She even 
thought about not wearing panties once, but she knew Clark would object to 
that.  There was even a section on the Internet about that called 
"alt.supergirl.panties" that she visited once using Clark's computer.  The 
standing argument was whether she was a natural blond.  She was almost 
tempted to let them know she was a natural gray blob of protomatter.

Seconds later, Mae found a dress that was more to her liking..  it was 
red, with a pleated short skirt that would barely reach the top of her 
thighs, a low cut back, and the only thing holding it on her body would be 
two spaghetti-thin straps on each shoulder.

"I like this one better," she said holding up the dress to Martha.

Martha wrinkled her nose slightly.  "I dunno Mae.. most women I know don't 
wear that sort of stuff.  It shows off too much of your skin."

"Well I don't mind that, ma.  I sort of like what I have," she said with a 
grin.  She looked at it for a second, and then put the dress back on the 

"Aren't you going to try it?" Martha asked.

"That's one of the pleasures of being a shape-shifter," Mae whispered.  "I 
can wear whatever I want to with just a thought!  Window shopping has a 
whole new meaning for me."

Martha chuckled.  "I guess it does, Mae."

As they left the store, a white limousine pulled into the parking lot.  It 
instantly caught the attention of Supergirl and Martha Kent.

"Hmm.. ," said Martha.  "I didn't expect to see any limousines here."

"Neither did I," Mae said.  "But look at it.  It's not even trying to find 
a parking spot!  It's almost as if.."

Just then she caught the license plates of the limo.  "LEX1"

Lex Luthor's limousine!

"He IS here!" Supergirl exclaimed.  "Ma, get to a phone, call Clark and let 
him know Lex Luthor is here.  I'm going to find out where he has been 

"But Mae.. Mae.. wait!"

But it was too late for Martha Kent.  Supergirl ducked behind the building 
just long enough to transform her clothed into her Supergirl outfit and 
then turn herself invisible.

She knew that if Luthor was trying to hide he was doing a poor job by going 
around town in his own stretch limousine!  Besides, she wondered, wasn't it 
destroyed when Luthor tried to destroy Metropolis?

Being suspicious, she kept her distance from the white limo and hovered 
overhead, trying to see if she could get a peek to confirm that Luthor was 
indeed inside.  Ever since his escape from custody Luthor has been 
infuriating both law enforcement and Superman in their attempts to 
recapture him so he could stand trial.  And while her business with the 
Titans often took her in different directions, she was still willing to 
whatever it took to see that Luthor didn't hurt any more women like he hurt 

* * * * *
Martha Kent found her husband and let him know what was going on.  

"Hmm.. Well Clark wasn't at his apartment, so I guess either he's with Lois 
or there's a problem somewhere he needed to be at as Superman."

"Well we HAVE to let him know that Mae is going after Lex Luthor!" insisted 
Martha.  "I don't want to see her hurt any more than that man has hurt 

"I know Martha, I know," Jonathan said as he put a reassuring arm around 
her.  "We both love her like a daughter, and I know Clark loves her like a 
sister."  He fished through his pocket for another quarter.   "I'll see if 
Lois is at home..."

* * * * *
"Oh Clark!" Lois moaned as she cupped her full breast.

"Oh Clark... Mmm.. stick it in me... OOOOH Clark..  Oh baby.. fill me up!"

Lois was panting hard as she pinched her nipple.  "Oh god.. oh baby.. fill 
me up Clark.. UUUUNNNGGGHHH...  Oh god... Oh... Oh...Oh god Clark, I'm 
gonna cum.... I.... I.... IEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..."


Lois just sat lay there on the bed panting as the phone rang.  On the third 
ring, she reached over and picked it up.


"Hello Lois?  Lois, this is Jonathan.. Is Clark there?"

"Clark?" she said as she sat up.  "No, sorry Jonathan.. he's not here.."

"Lois?  Are you OK?"

"Yeah," she said as she pulled the steel vibrator out of her brown muff.  
"I was.. just finishing a workout.. you know, aerobics and stuff?  Why?  
What's wrong?"

"Well Mae is here with us, we ran into her on our way to Chicago and she 
put us up in a nice hotel here.. anyways, Martha says the two of them saw 
Lex Luthor's limousine driving through her in Sugar Creek..."

"Lex Luthor?" she said startled.  "What is he doing in someplace called 
Sugar Creek?"

"We don't know dear.. anyways we wanted to let Clark know so he'd help Mae 
catch Luthor, but he doesn't seem to be at his apartment, so we figured 
we'd try you.."

"Well I don't know, Jonathan.. Clark has been pretty busy of late.  I don't 
even know where he is at times."

"Yeah, I can understand Lois.. it's sort of like being engaged to a doctor, 
you just don't know when he'd be needed.  Anyways, we need to let Clark 
know, so PLEASE when you see him..."

"I'll let him know the first thing," Lois said.  "And I'll see if there's 
someone else I can get a hold of to help.."

"OK dear.. thanks."

"Bye Jonathan."

As Lois hung up the phone, she looked down at her naked and sweat-soaked 
body.  "I WISH Clark really was here," she said to herself.  "This steel 
vibrator is sure as hell not a substitute for his cock of steel!  Anyways, 
I'd best take a shower and then see if I can get a hold of SOMEONE who can 
help Supergirl."

* * * * *


Roxy Leech screamed in horror as every fiber of her clothing was town apart 
and flew off her body.  Her white T-shirt, her khaki shorts, even her lace 
bra and panties seemed to fly in pieces, exposing her young nubile body 


"Oops!" Superboy said with a grin.  "Sorry Roxy.  I guess I got a little 
out of control with my tactile-telekinesis.  All that workout with 
Knockout, you know."

"Yeah I'll bet!" she said as she slapped the young man in the face and 
then rushed to her bedroom.

'How could he do this to me?' she asked herself.  All this time she was 
ready and willing to bed Superboy when that hussy Knockout shows up.  And 
ever since she pulled that little striptease with the kid a few days ago 
he's been anxious to see every women around him naked.  First Tana, now 

Just then the phone rang.

"Hello?" she said as she sniffled.

"Hello, this is Lois Lane of the Daily Planet.  Who am I speaking with?"

"This is Roxy Leech."

"Roxy?  Oh, Rex's daughter.. OK.. Well I need to get a hold of Superboy.  
It's urgent."

"Hold on," she moaned.  "I just saw him a second ago.."  She headed back 
out into the living room, but all she saw was her father coming into the 

"ROXY!" he said startled.  "What are you doing walking around bare-ass 

"Where's SB?" she said.  "Lois Lane is on the phone.  She says it's 

"The kid?  Oh, he just left with Knockout.  Something about more power 

"Yeah, I'll bet.." she mumbled and then went back into her bedroom.  
"Sorry Ms. Lane, SB just left a few minutes ago."

"What about Dubilex?" Lois asked.  "Can't you tell him?"

"Yeah, well I don't know where Dubilex is.  He's probably off exploring 
the island with Krypto."

"Well if you see Superboy let him know to call me, OK?  It's urgent!"

"I will," Roxy said.  "Bye."

* * * * *

Supergirl followed the stretch limo for ten miles outside town.  It didn't 
stop once after leaving the outlet mall, which gave a chill down her 
spine.. Does Lex know I'm following him, she asked herself.  No, couldn't 

The limo then made a sharp left off the paved road and down a dirt path.  
The sign at the start of the dirt road read "LEXCORP MINING COMPANY."  The 
words "CLOSED" were sloppily painted on top of the sign.

Supergirl kept her distance overhead, making sure she got a bird's eye 
view of the abandoned mining facility before she made her attack.  It was 
going to be a simple reconnaissance- scope out the area, make sure Luthor 
was there, and then come back with Superman to take Luthor down once and 
for all.

She had hoped the limo would stop by one of the office buildings so she 
could get a visual confirmation of Luthor.  He had played an annoying 
game of deception before, and she wanted to make sure he was here!  
Instead, the limo pulled up into the mouth of the mine shaft, which was 
apparently enlarged to support the long vehicle.  She had no choice but to 
follow it inside.

The limo drove only a few feet into the mine shaft before it's driver came 
out and moved to the passenger section.  The chauffeur was a very 
statuesque redhead, with a killer body clothed in a very tight traditional 
chauffeur outfit.  Very typical for a Lexcorp employee!

Supergirl hovered above the limo, waiting to see Lex exit.  Instead, the 
female driver reached into the back of the car and pulled out what appeared 
to be a person covered in a dark blanket.  Even in the diminished light of 
the mine she couldn't tell who the second figure was.  Was it Luthor?  
Could it be him?  Why was he hiding under a blanket?  Was this a trap?  The 
questions flooded her mind.  She HAD to make sure.

The duo ran briskly down the shaft until they met a steel-encased opening.  
The driver typed in a series of codes, then the massive door slowly opened.

Supergirl waited until the last minute before diving at super-speed through 
the opening.  Trap or no trap, she HAD to know if the second figure under 
the blanket was Luthor.

Once the doors closed she saw that the duo had vanished down the hallway.  
She remained invisible and hovered over the ground until she reached the 
end of the corridor.  The door on the other side was solid oak and had the 
initials L.L. ornately carved on them.

"No sense playing it safe now," she mumbled as she made herself visible.

With a powerful telekinetic blow, she blasted the doors apart, revealing a 
decorative drawing room on the other side.  She walked in, ready for 

A lone figure sat behind a Victorian desk.  He wore an expensive charcoal 
gray suit with a white shirt and black tie.  He was bald, yet he still had 
the determined face and piercing eyes of the man she once was in love 

"Luthor.." she whispered under her breath.

Part 3.

"Hello Supergirl," Lex Luthor said nonchalantly.  "Welcome to my little 
abode.  I'm glad you decided to stop by instead of sneaking around like 
some ghost.  Would you care for some tea?  I've got your favorite.."

"I'd rather see you behind bars!" Supergirl spat out, and then charged at 
super-speed at him.

But instead of reaching Luthor, she instead impacted heavily on an 
invisible barrier.  Instantly she heard the doorway behind her slam shut 
with a second metallic door replacing the wooden one she shattered to get 
into the room.

"You must be kidding Luthor!" she said.  "I can break through this barrier 
and have you in custody before you can say 'I want my lawyers!'"

Luthor stood up from behind the antique desk.  "Really?" he said.  "Then 
perhaps I should make it somewhat more of a challenge.."

He pointed his left hand at Supergirl, which contained an odd remote 
control device that looked like a simple ink pen.  He clicked on the end.

Instantly a beam of blue energy hit Supergirl from behind.  She expected 
to feel pain, but instead she felt pleasure where the beam hit her.

"L-L-Luthor," she said in almost a murmur, "I d-don't know w-w-what this 
is, b-but it'll m-m-make your c-c-capture all the m-m-more pleasurable.."

Luthor smiled.  "Well then I guess it's not that much of a challenge.. 
Hmm.. how about this?"

With another click of the pen-like remote two more beams hit her on both 
sides.  She could feel absolute pleasure coming from her body.. almost 
orgasmic pleasure.. which focused especially on her breasts.  She could 
feel her nipples get rock hard and swell underneath her outfit, and she 
could detect that her panties were starting to get wet underneath her 
short skirt.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-what a-a-a-are y-y-y-you d-d-d-d-doing t-t-t-to m-m-m-me?" she 
demanded as the waves of pleasure hit her hard.

"I managed to acquire a little toy a while ago from a guy named Lord 
Easystreet.  He called it an 'Orgasmatron.'  He even said it managed to 
bring down someone as powerful as Wonder Woman, but I wasn't too sure about 
his idle boasting until I could try it out myself on someone I knew..  I'll 
be sure to thank him the next time I see him!"

Supergirl could only pant as the blue waves of energy pummeled her body 
with absolute pleasure.  She knew her panties were absolutely drenched in 
cum as she began to feel her first orgasm.  She tried to keep it silent, 
but her panting made it all the most evident.  Her body shook and she 
could feel herself start to swoon.

"Oh don't drop yet Supergirl," Luthor said as he moved closer to the 
barrier that separated them.  "This little experiment isn't over yet."

With another click of the remote another beam came from the floor of the 
room, targeted straight at Supergirl's cum-soaked crotch.  She screamed in 
absolute pleasure as the beams hit her.  Never before did she experience 
such pure pleasure in her life!  She desperately needed to get out of the 
room, or at least out of the way of the full force of the beams.. then 
maybe she could survive long enough for Clark to come to her aid.

Drenched in sweat, she slowly started to work her way to the locked door.  
She was too weak to use her telekinetic powers, but she hoped she would 
possess enough strength to open the metal door that barred her.

"Oh no you don't," Luthor said with a devilish grin.  "If you have THAT 
much of a fight in you then you should be able to handle the FULL force of 
this device!"

Supergirl's eyes went wide as she heard that.  She turned around and was 
just about to mouth the words "NO!" he clicked the remote again.  This 
time the rays from the Orgasmatron came from ALL corners of the room at an 
intensity she never could even imagine.

G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-H!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as 
she experienced multiple orgasms one after the other. "N-N-N-O-O-O-O-O!!!! 

She could feel her body start to lose cohesion as she shook violently 
amidst the pleasure and the intensity of the beams.  Her skin turned to 
gray, and she could feel her uniform return to it's protoplasmic state.  
Then blackness consumed her...

* * * * *

When Supergirl awoke she noticed something was wrong...

No, not the slight trembling in her limbs from the multiple orgasms she 
endured.  Nor the buzzing in her head that she couldn't determine if it was 
from being rendered unconscious or an after-effect of the Orgasmatron.  Nor 
the restraints that pinned her spread-eagled on a cold metallic table.  
Those realizations came afterwards.

Rather it was her CLOTHES..

Those who knew her knew that Supergirl's clothes actually were an extension 
of her protoplasmic body.  They were as much a part of herself as her blond 
hair.  This was why she was able to change clothes with just a thought.  
But the clothes on her body now weren't part of her body.. they were REAL 
CLOTHES placed on her body.  And a fairly close likeness of her Supergirl 
outfit as well!

Just then Lex Luthor entered the room.  He no longer wore the expensive 
business attire, but instead wore a simple gray jumpsuit.

"Hello my dear," he said nonchalantly.  "I hope you slept well."

"Fuck you Luthor!" she spat out with obvious venom.  "What the hell is 
this?  What's with the restraints?  What's with putting this bogus costume 
on me?"

Luthor picked up a computer notepad and made some calculations on it.  "To 
answer your first question," he said without looking at her, "this is my 
little workshop.  You will be calling it home."

"Like hell I will!"

He continued.  "To answer your second question, they are for my safety, 
because obviously you will not cooperate with me for the things I have 
in store for you.  But in time I won't be needing them."

"In your dreams baldy," she said defiantly.  "The minute I'm free you will 
WISH you killed me!"

Again, Luthor continued.  "To answer your third question, you will find 
that I have negated your powers, by a process I will explain shortly.  I'm 
sure for modesty's sake you are thankful I thought about giving you ANY 
kind of clothing.  And as for your little statement before those 
questions..."  He looked up at her with a devilish grin and said "All in 
good time, my dear!"

Supergirl's eyes went wide when she realized the implications of that 
statement.  "You WOULDN'T DARE!  I am a member of the Titans now!  Part of 
a federal agency!  The very act of capturing me is a violation of federal 
laws!  You'll get the death penalty!"

Luthor smiled as he turned his attention back to the electronic notepad.  
"Do you REALLY think that would stop me?  Lex Luthor has done much worse 
than even you yourself could comprehend, and done with complete impunity I 
might add...  Now, are you feeling any dizziness?  Any kind of nausea or 

"No.. all I feel is the burning desire to see you behind bars!"

He reached over with a free hand and started feeling Supergirl's face.  
"Hmm.. well as I was saying, you have been given a special implant while 
you were briefly in your protoplasmic form.  You probably could felt a 
slight headache when you awoke, but the sensation will slowly fade as your 
body adapts to the new device.."

He then caressed her hair, almost lovingly.  "The device monitors works 
much like your own mind in controlling your body and all it's wonderful 
powers.  Once installed it begins to learn every aspect of your body and 
all it can do.  The first thing I have done was to use it to negate all 
your super-powers.  You are no more powerful than any human female."  He 
then drew his hand down to her breasts.  "Hmm.. very nice work indeed.. my 
counterpart in the dead planet really did his job, didn't he?"

"Shut up!" she said with venom.  "You are NOTHING like the Lex Luthor I 
knew and loved!  NOTHING!  He didn't treat me like some kind of lab rat!"

"Of course THAT Lex Luthor wasn't interested in you as I am," he said as he 
tugged on the end of her top that was neatly tucked underneath her red 
skirt.  He pulled the end lose, exposing her soft belly as he slipped his 
hand underneath to her naked breasts.  "He wouldn't be wondering if your 
nipples were getting hard by the touch, like a human woman's would.  He 
wouldn't be wondering if your breasts would swell with anticipation as 
yours are now under my touch.."

Sure enough, Supergirl's breasts WERE swelling and she could feel her 
nipples getting harder with the almost gentle caress of Luthor's hand.  She 
grimaced, trying desperately hard to change herself or to even gain some 
semblance of control over her body again.  She tried thinking about all 
the things Luthor did in the past.. the way he hurt the Kents, hurt Lois, 
hurt her.. but her body continued to betray her mind.  She felt this ever 
more as Luthor moved his hand down past her belly, and down underneath her 
skirt and the waistband of her panties.

"N-no," she said, almost pleading.

"You're wet down there.  See?  The body DOES betray the mind after all," 
Luthor said with a smile as he withdrew his roving hand and put the 
electronic notepad down on the nearby table.  "You will be mine, 
Supergirl.  Body and soul.  You will be mine!"

"I'd rather die!" she said as she began to feel she was reliving her worst 

Luthor smiled.  "We shall see.."  Then he began to remove his jumpsuit.

"What are you DOING?" she demanded.

Luthor smiled as he pulled the jumpsuit down to past his hips.  "I'm going 
to take you, Supergirl.  Just like I said I would."

Supergirl's eyes went wide as she saw Luthor's chiseled, hairless physique, 
and then she saw his HUGE cock as it started to grow and harden.  It was 
clearly nine inches flaccid, but once it started growing it looked like it 
would be over a foot long!

'My god!' she said to herself.  'My nightmare is coming true!'

Luthor grabbed hold of his huge member.  "My friend here has been painfully 
lonely," he said with a chuckle.  "He misses your sweet cunt!"

"Don't you DARE!" she screamed.  "Don't you DARE do this!  Every hero in 
the world will come screaming for your blood, I promise you!"

"They'll just have to take a number!" Luthor said as he leaped onto the 
table and stood in front of her.  His now hard monstrous cock stood right 
in her face as he peered down to her chest.  "I have been waiting a LONG 
time to do this."

With both hands he ripped her tunic open right across the S-shield, 
exposing her B-cup breasts that were already hard.

"Oh god please Lex.." she said as she began to sob.  "For what we had I beg 
you.. PLEASE do-.."

She couldn't finish those words as Luthor shoved his hard cock into her 
open mouth.  "That's more like it!" he said with satisfaction.  "Just suck 
on that for a while.  And no biting!  Remember, you're human now.  I can 
hurt you in more ways than you know."

Supergirl started to gag as the huge cock was forced into her mouth.  Tears 
streamed down the sides of her face and she felt Luthor's hands on her 
breasts.  Then she felt Luthor's hand reach down and rip her panties off, 
then she felt a chill as his fingers thrust themselves into her wet pussy.  
She screamed as she was forced to suck on his cock.  The vibrations from 
her mouth added to Luthor's pleasure.

Luthor looked down at her with a sinister smile.  "Excellent!  You DO know 
how to suck cock after all!"

Supergirl barely caught Luthor's statement.  She was more interested in 
trying to free herself while still sucking on his monstrous member.  In all 
the time she was intimate with him he had NEVER been so big in his life!  
She wondered if his deal with the devil Neron had something to do with 
that.  But that statement he made caught her attention.. she's gone down 
on Luthor before (when his cock was more normally proportioned, that is) 
and he'd often commented that nobody could suck his cock like she could.  
So WHY was he acting as though it was his first time?

She was brought out of her concentration by a huge rush of sperm.  Luthor 
came inside her mouth, making her gag with his semen, and spraying some of 
it out of her mouth.

Luthor pulled his cock out from her mouth.  "Aw... you didn't swallow.  
Well you certainly are a mess, aren't you?"  He pulled her cape off from 
underneath her body and used it as a rag to clean off her face and the 
table.  "There, that's much better.."

Supergirl could only cough and fight to keep the bile that was building up 
inside her.  She had never retched before, and she certainly wasn't going 
to start now!

"Now," Luthor said as he hoped back on the table, his cock already hard 
again, "it's time for the Coup-De-Gras!"

Supergirl coughed as she began to realize what was going to happen.  "No 
Lex.. please.. not there.. not there!"

The tip of his cock touched her wet vagina.  Pre-cum started to already 
ooze from it.  Just like in her nightmare..

"No Lex.." she begged.  "Please.. no.."  

Then it slid into her.  


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Luthor said with satisfaction as he began to inch his 
massive cock into her cunt.   "YES!  That feels SOOOOO good!  This will be 
SOOO wonderful!"

She tried to shut everything out.  Tried to shut out the world.  Tried to 
shut out everything going on.  But it wasn't possible.  His cock was too 
big.  The waves of pleasure and pain swept her too fast.

"UUUUNNNGGGHHH... Lex... n-n-no... p-p-p-p-please!  OHGOD!!  It's 
UUUNNNNNGGGGHHHH!!!  It's too big... I can't ... I can't... 

The huge phallus was deep inside her.  Deep inside her all-too-human-
looking vagina and womb.  Luthor said nothing, but the huge smile on his 
face was very uncharacteristic of the millionaire businessman who always 
fucked with a straight poker face.  He began to pump his cock in and out of 
her, building a rhythm.

"NOOOO!!" Supergirl screamed.  "NO!  DON'T DO THIS!!!  UUUNNNNGGGHHHHH!!!  
OHGOD NO LEX!!!!   UUUNNNNGGGHHH!!!  DON'T!!!"  She could feel him start to 

But it was too late.  Luthor winced.  Then he shivered.  Then convulsed as 
his cock sprayed his sperm deep inside her.  Deep inside her body.  It 
almost felt like a fire hose of sperm spraying into her.

Part 4.

Luthor got off the table and looked down at the prone body of Supergirl.  

Her skirt was hiked up to her navel.  The blue tunic with the trademarked 
S-shield ripped down the middle, exposing her average but swollen breasts.  
The panties she was wearing were in a heap on the floor.  Her blond hair 
was wet from the sweat of her forced sex.  Cum began to ooze out of her 
swollen cunt.

Despite what had happened to her, though, she wouldn't cry.  She wouldn't 
give him that kind of satisfaction.  She fought the tears that welled up 
in her eyes.

"You bastard!" she said with venom.  "You're not Lex Luthor!  He would have 
never done this to me!"

"Lex" smiled.  "You're right.  I'm not Lex Luthor."

Supergirl was shocked at that revelation.  She had her suspicions, sure.  
After being raped by a huge cock who wouldn't?  But the confirmation that 
the man who just raped her wasn't Luthor still surprised her.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

The man who appeared to be Lex Luthor then began to change.  He morphed 
into a much younger man.  Still with a huge physique, and the same huge 
phallus, but now he was much younger.  In fact, he barely looked older 
than 21.  He had wavy blond hair, but still had the firm jaw and piercing 
eyes of Lex Luthor.

"You can call me X," the young man said.  "X Luthor.  Kind of a nice ring, 
don't you think?  Kind of like those comic book characters.. what were 
they?  Oh yeah.. X-Men."

"W-why?" she asked.  "Why did you do this to me?  Why impersonate yourself 
to look like Lex Luthor?  Why did you trap me?  Why did you rape me?"

"Oh come on now!" he said with a laugh as he picked up the computerized 
notepad again.  "Do you REALLY think I would get your attention if I looked 
just like I do now?  PUH-LEASE!  Besides, I like looking like dear old 
Daddy!  I get access to his secret finances, dinner at some of the finest 
restaurants without a reservation, and access to all of his goodies!"

"D-daddy?  You mean you're really... Luthor's SON?"

X smiled.  "You could say that... MOM!"

Supergirl's eyes went even wider.  "MOM??"

X laughed.  "Well you're not really my mother.  Technically I don't even 
HAVE a mother.  But you and I are related in one aspect.. we're both 
protomatter beings."

"The experiments," she mumbled.  "All those copies of me.."

X nodded.  "Exactly!  Doctor Packard had made copies of you using samples 
of your own protoplasmic body.  BUT Luthor didn't want just a copy of 
himself.  He still wanted to be human.  So his scientists whipped up a 
combination of homemade protomatter and human DNA, and PRESTO!  X Luthor 
is born!"

"Oh god.." she said.

X examined his body.  "Well I wasn't really 'born,' just created.  Anyways, 
the plan was to put Luthor's brain inside my body.  Then all hell broke 
loose.  You and the rest of the super-dopes busted dear old Daddy, and 
trash Metropolis in the process.  Lex got caught, and all the assets and 
programs were frozen.  They wanted to kill me, but I was too smart to let 
THAT happen.  So now I have this whole facility to myself.  EVERYTHING is 
at my beck and call.  For instance..."

X pressed a button on the notepad.  Instantly a small device came out from 
a recessed panel from behind a wall.  It was pointed straight at 
Supergirl's vulnerable body.

"That implant you have inside your head monitors everything that goes on 
in your body.  Kind of like a videotape.. given enough stimulation and it 
will know as much about your body as you do.  Sometimes even more."

At a press of a button on the notepad, a familiar beam of blue light hit 
Supergirl square in her navel.  The beam from the Orgasmatron swept her 
body again, this time stronger than she ever imagined it could be.  She 
screamed in pleasure.

"AAHHHHHHHH... No... not.. again..." she said as she could feel herself 
building for a powerful climax.

"Lord Easystreet told me that this works kind of like a drug," X said with 
a crooked smile.  "Once the initial wave sweeps you, your body doesn't need 
as much to get off on later.  Well, we shall see, won't we?"

The waves of the beam hit her, much stronger this time than before.  Her 
whole body shook.


She convulsed as she came like she never did before.

X meanwhile simply stood nearby, still very much naked, and still observing 
the readings on the little computer notepad.

"Excellent," he said with a smile.  "Simply excellent."

* * * * *

Lois Lane slammed the phone down in frustration.  So many phone calls- and 
yet there was no one whom she could call to contact to help Supergirl.

Superboy was no help.  Neither was the Alpha Centurion.  She tried to call 
the Titans, but she found out they disbanded quite recently.  She knew 
Supergirl and Arsenal were friends, but all she could get from Agent Steel 
was that Arsenal was on assignment in Asia.  And Clark was still around on 
the other side of the world.  She thought about using Clark's Justice 
League communicator, but it would have been impossible to explain how she 
knew about the device when Clark hadn't been a member of that group since 
he was brought back from the dead.

Finally, she realized there was one other call she could make.  It was a 
number Clark told her to use only if needed.  The number was on a piece of 
paper located just underneath a picture of her and her fiancée.  

"Yes?"  Came a dark and foreboding voice on the other end.

"This is Lois Lane.  Superman gave me this number in case he can't be 
reached and it was an emergency."

"This number is not a paging service!" said the dark male voice.

"This is an emergency," she said quickly, hoping the person on the other 
end wouldn't hang up.  "It's about Lex Luthor."

A second passed.  "What about him?"

"He was spotted in a place called Sugar Creek.  Supergirl was following 
him, and she asked for some assistance.  I can't contact Superman or any of 
the other heroes to help her.  She needs your help."

"Supergirl is a grown woman," the man said.  "She should be able to take 
care of herself.  But for Superman's sake, I'll take a drive over there.  
It should take me a day to get there from Gotham City."

"Thank you," Lois said with a sigh of relief.  Then the phone went dead.

* * * * *

Supergirl didn't know how long she was unconscious.  Hours?  Days?  It was 
all irrelevant to her.  She did know that X had cleaned her up and put her 
in another duplicate costume, only this time without the cape.

X walked into the room carrying a tray.  This time he only wore a white 
robe with the initials LL on it.  It was another one of Luthor's silk 

"Good morning my dear!" X said with a smile.  He set the tray at the table 
she was still strapped to and sat down beside her.  "I trust you are well 

"Why are you doing this?" she said with a somewhat horse voice.  "Why?"

"Still defiant I see," he said he ran his hand across her cheek.  "Perhaps 
after some breakfast you'll be a bit more receptive.  You do need to regain 
your strength."

He straw-fed her a glass of instant breakfast.  The meal tasted like 
chocolate but with a somewhat metallic bite to it.  Once she was finished 
he wiped the sides of her mouth with napkin, then set the tray aside before 

"Why I captured you?" he asked as he picked up his electronic notepad.  
"Why not?  I really wanted to try out my little tricks on Lois Lane, but 
when I saw you on my way back to town I decided you would be a whole lot 
more fun than old Lois.  There are plenty of things I can do with you that 
I can't do with someone like Lois."

"W.. What do you mean by that?" she asked with a quake in her voice.

"Well I don't really appreciate how your creator designed you," he said 
with a grin.  "Your body seems a bit.. well it seems a bit too plain.  
B-cup breasts, drab blond hair.. he made you more 'girl' than 'super.'"  
He then pressed a few buttons on his notepad.  "I think you need a change."

"What do y.. UUUNNNGGGHHH!"

She could feel herself change beyond her control.  Anytime she changes form 
outside of her Supergirl look she feels pain, but she never changed 
involuntarily before.  

The first thing she noticed was her breasts.  They were not only getting 
fuller, but bigger as well.  The added size pulled her tunic up over 
abdomen.  Her ass cheeks tightened, and her hair felt like it was on fire.  
She could also feel herself getting taller by a couple of inches.

Then the pain subsided.

"What.." she said in a octave just a bit higher than usual, "what did you 
DO to me?!"

Instead of telling her, X reached under the table and swiveled it up so she 
could see the changes in a full-length mirror.

Supergirl HAD grown an extra half-foot taller.  Her breasts had ballooned 
from a size 34B to a very ample 47DD.  Her waist had contracted to a 
diameter that would make most models jealous, even though her hips were 
more realistically proportional.  She had lost any kind of girlish features 
in her face, and her hair went from a drab blond to a very long and full 
platinum blond.

"Oh shit!" she said to herself.  "He turned me into a Barbie doll!  I look 
like I could be one of those sluts in the X-Men!"

X ripped open Supergirl's tunic again, exposing her giant melons to the 
cool air.  Even her nipples were enlarged slightly.  "THAT," he said with a 
sinister smile, "is more like it!"

He began to knead her breasts, and much to Supergirl's embarrassment, she 
was actually starting to get aroused by it more than ever.

"UUUUUNNNGGHH... OHHHHH..." she said as she began to pant.  She couldn't 
believe she was getting close to climaxing just by the way her breasts were 
being massaged.  "N.. no.. This is.. OOOHH.. this shouldn't.... MMMMM... 
feel so GOOOOOOOODD..."

X began to suck on one of her nipples, as Supergirl began to struggle 
against her restraints and her rapidly building orgasm.  She wasn't 
supposed to be aroused by this.  Yet she was.  She was actually getting 
turned on by it all.

"Like it?" X asked as he pulled his mouth off her nipple.  "I know you 
do... I made your tits extremely sensitive.  With time you'll cum by just 
me sucking on them.  But that's not all that's now sensitive..."

X unfastened Supergirl's skirt and pulled it off her.  Her legs were still 
restrained so he had to rip her panties off to expose her now hairless 

"What are you.." Supergirl started to ask, but then X began to lick around 
her bare crotch.  "I.. I... MMMMM....  Oooh... no... please.. HMMM...  OH 
FUCK... OH SHIT... AHHHHH... Oh GOD!!!  NNNHHHHH!... I... I.... Oh God... 

Supergirl shook violently as she climaxed.  Her wrists were raw from trying 
the restraints and trying to fight her orgasm.  She came quickly.  Too 
quickly for her!

X removed himself from between her wet thighs with a look of satisfaction.  
Then he removed the his white robe to expose her to his huge cock.  "I 
think you're ready for this now," he said with a grin.

"P-please..." the girl of steel begged as she panted.  "Don't... not now... 
please...  please..."

But it was too late as X stuck his cock-rod into her wet pussy.  If it were 
possible, Supergirl would swear his cock was even bigger than before as it 
entered her!  She screamed as it sunk into her.


"Yeah," X said as he began to slide his cock further up into her.  "I 
made .... UUHH... your pussy even tighter.....  UNNHHHH ...  than before, 
so you'll have to feel... UUNNHHH ... every inch of me!"


While X was busy thrusting into her, he pressed a button underneath the 
table.  Instantly, the restraints on Supergirl's ankles snapped open, 
freeing her legs.  Supergirl's realized that her legs were free, but 
instead of trying to use her legs to fight off X, she instead found herself 
wrapping her legs around the young man, helping him push deeper into her.  
She was shocked at her own actions.  She was getting RAPED.. AGAIN.. and 
yet now she's enjoying it!  What was wrong with her?

Supergirl screamed in joy as she climaxed again.  Then suddenly X began to 
shudder, and then Supergirl could feel him cum once again, spraying her 
womb with his sperm.  She could feel it spray into her like a hose.  How 
much sperm did he have?

X pressed another button and the table turned back upright.  He laid there 
with his deflating cock inside her.  Her new body was layered in sweat. 

"Get of me.." she said.

"No," X said with a smile.  "I like it here... you with your hot, sticky 
body, my cock inside your hot pussy.. your legs still wrapped around my 

Supergirl realized that indeed her legs were STILL wrapped around X's 
waist.  She unwrapped herself and let them fall to the table like they 
were phony.

"PLEASE," she said insistently, "get off me."

X did so, without comment or criticism.  His cock left her pussy with a 
soft "POP."  He stood there looking at her.  

Then, after slipping on his robe, he reached for the notepad and pressed a 
button.  The penlight beam of the Orgasmatron hit Supergirl on the chest, 
and she cried out in ecstasy as she climaxed again.. and again..

Part 5.

When Supergirl awoke, she realized that she was still restrained on the 
table.  She was still wearing her torn tunic and boots, but her red skirt 
and what was left of her panties were on the floor.  Yet she felt clean, as 
though she was given a sponge bath and a douche.

Then she heard the crumbling of concrete as the door was bring forced 
open.  Metal ripped open, and Supergirl could see a female hand coming 
through.  Then the door opened all the way, revealing a vision in red and 

"By the gods.." Wonder Woman said as she raced over to Supergirl.  She tore 
the restraints off Supergirl's wrists.  "Are you OK?  What happened?"

Supergirl couldn't contain her tears any more.  She reached out to the 
amazon princess, her mammoth breasts pressing against the amazon's own 
bustier-covered ones.  "Oh God Diana!" she cried in her new squeaky 
voice.  "It was... just so... horrible..."

"Shh...." Wonder Woman said as she comforted her.  "It's OK now..  I'm 

"It's.. that.. that THING..." she said sobbing.  "Looked like Lex 
Luthor....  claims to be his son!... he raped me.. changed my body to 
look.. like THIS!"

"Shh.." the amazon said again as she stroked Supergirl's hair.  "It's all 
right now.. It's all right..  He won't hurt you anymore."

"Are.. are you sure?" she said sniffling.

Wonder Woman pulled the helpless heroine closer to her, letting her hands 
feel down her bare skin.  They were warm and tingling.  "I have him tied 
up," she said in a soothing voice.  "He won't harm you anymore."

Supergirl could feel Wonder Woman's warm body against hers and felt 
strangely attracted by the heat and the sweet smell of her body.  She 
couldn't explain why.. she never really knew Diana in the few years since 
she was on Earth.  And she never felt this way about her before.. but 
something was now different.. maybe it was her new body, and how sensitive 
her nipples were as she clung close to the bare cleavage of the amazon 

She looked up and into the amazon's eyes.  "Diana?"

Wonder Woman smiled.  "It's OK dear," she said reassuringly.  And then 
brought her mouth to Supergirl's.

Supergirl kissed passionately, feeling the warmth of her skin against the 
amazon's skin.  She has never been a full lesbian before, although there 
were times when she found herself fantasizing about Lois Lane, but she 
attributed those to the bond she shares with Clark (not to mention the time 
she unknowingly impersonated Clark).  Princess Diana was absolutely 
beautiful, but it was only until now that she found herself aroused by the 
buxom amazon as well!

Diana pulled back from the embrace long enough to reach behind her and 
unhook her red and gold bustier.  Her ample breasts were clearly a match 
for Supergirl's new ones, with bright red pointed nipples.  Dropping the 
bustier on the ground, she moved back to the Maid of Might so she could 
suck on her tits.

"Mmm.." murmured the amazon as she slid what was left of Supergirl's tunic 
from her back.  "Yes.. oh yes Supergirl..  Suck on them!"

Supergirl couldn't believe she was sucking on Wonder Woman's breasts!  Her 
nipples were sweet, almost like honey.  Not to mention naturally HARD!  
Well, of course she was born from clay.. why not?  Her body was defined 
muscular, yet at the same time very feminine.  Her hands roamed down the 
amazon's tight stomach, then down underneath the waistband of her blue and 
white panties.

Diana pushed Supergirl back down on the table, letting her hands as well as 
her mouth explore the Maid of Might.  Supergirl shuddered as Wonder Woman 
began sucking on her very sensitive nipples.

"Oh..." she muttered.  "Oh yes..  please..."

Then the amazon princess moved her mouth down from her nipples, to her 
stomach, down to her very wet and bare pussy.

"OOOH.." panted Supergirl.. "MMMM! ... Yes!  Oh fuck yes!"

"What did you say?" Diana said as she raised her head.

"Fuck!" Supergirl replied.  "As in FUCK ME NOW!"

Diana smiled.  "OK then, if that's what you want.."

Wonder Woman peeled off her blue panties to show Supergirl her neatly 
trimmed bush.  Now naked except for her boots, tiara, and bracelets, she 
positioned her pussy until it was rubbing up against the horny body of her 

The two women began gyrating their hips frantically, rubbing pussies and 
clits against each other, trying to bring each other to climax as soon as 

"UUNNGGHHH!!" screamed Supergirl.  "YESSSSS!!!   FUCK!!!!  UUNNNGGHH!!!! 

"OH YES!" screamed Wonder Woman.  "UNNGGHH!!  UNNGGHH!! UUNNGGHH!!"

Supergirl never experienced such pleasure from a woman before in her life.  
Waves of sheer erotic joy seemed to emanate from their pussies as they 
gyrated in sync with each other.


Then Diana smiled.  "Then... UUNNGGHH!!... I've... UNNGGHHH!! ... got a 
surprise... UUNNGGHH!!!... for you!"

Supergirl wondered what Diana meant by that, then the amazon reached up in 
between their gyrating pussies.  Supergirl arched her neck to try to see 
what she was doing, but before she could get a look she felt something 
tremendously thick slide in between her pussy-lips.

"OOOOHHH!!!!!" Supergirl screamed in pleasure.  "OH GOD!.. THAT'S SO 

"Glad.. UNGH! ... you .. like ... it..." Diana said as they resumed their 

But this time it WAS different.  Diana didn't grind as much as she slapped 
her groin against the bare groin of Supergirl.  

Supergirl could feel herself begin to climax.  She shuddered in pleasure 
as she looked over and saw her amazon partner begin to cum as well.


The two women screamed in pleasure as they climaxed at the same time.  
Waves of pleasure swept through Supergirl's body, and she couldn't tell if 
the wetness she felt inside her was from her cum juices or from Diana's.

After a few minutes of panting, Supergirl could still feel something inside 
her, although she still didn't know what.  Was it a dildo?  Maybe Diana's 
tiara?  No, that was still on Diana's forehead.  What was it?

"What do you have inside me?" Supergirl asked.

"I'm surprised," came the reply, "that you've forgotten it so quickly!"

Supergirl looked up in horror.  There, standing before her was Wonder 
Woman, still with her feminine body, her long brunette hair, and her ample 
tits, but now with the huge cock of X Luthor!

"No.." she said as she shuddered.

"What's the matter, DEAR?" X said as he/she rubber his/her mammoth 
breasts.  "Didn't I say I had a surprise for you?  Don't forget I'm a 
shape-shifter as well!  Actually I kind of like this combination.  The 
first time I tried this I came just by rubbing my nipples.  But enough of 
this foolishness.."

Seconds later, X was back to his normal form.  "The good news is you won't 
be on this table anymore.  You're getting your own room, with a bed and 
breakfast service."

"Like HELL!" she said as she lunged at him.

X let Supergirl tackle him to the ground, smiling as they tumbled.  She 
stood over him, smacking and hitting him with pent-up rage.

"Goddamn fucking rapist!  Fucking freak!" she shouted as she repeatedly hit 
him with her fists.

X simply smiled, then he began to grow... and grow...

Before long, he was well over ten feet tall, as his muscles began to bulge 
out like some massive steroid case.  Supergirl wasn't even paying attention 
to the sudden changes on her captor until a mammoth hand pushed her off and 
flung her backwards to the other side of the floor.

"OW!" she screamed as she hit the back end of the wall.

But before she could recover, the mammoth form of X rolled her over on her 
stomach.  He looked down at her prone form, her huge breasts pushed out on 
side like balloons, and her tight little ass...

"NO!" she screamed as she instinctively knew what would happen.  "NOT 

She struggled in vain to free herself from X's grip, but it was too strong 
for her.  The size of his massive cock, now twice it's previous size, 
tapped her tight ass cheeks like a fist.  Please, she prayed, don't let it 
enter me!

But he did manage to ram the head of his cock into her rectum.

Supergirl screamed in an ungodly tone in both pain and joy.  It seemed when 
X re-engineered her body he also made her ass just as sensitive as her tits 
and pussy.

"UUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" bellowed the massive X as he 
strained to push all of his cock inside her bowels.

Supergirl could feel his cock as though it was going to come right out of 
her mouth.  She never thought she could experience both joy and pain at the 
same time, yet here she was screaming as her captor began to pump his 
gigantic cock in and out of her asshole.  There was no thought that came 
through her mind.  Any thoughts of escape or retaliation were gone.  
Instead the blinding pain and climax of her body as it was being obscenely 
violated.  She hated every minute of it.. 

And.. god help her.. she also began to enjoy every minute of it!

Just then X began to spasm.  He was beginning to cum, and from the rush of 
pre-cum Supergirl could tell it was going to be a massive orgasm.

"ERRRR-AAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" bellowed X as his cock began to 
spurt into Supergirl's bowels.

Supergirl could only howl as torrents of sperm shot up from her ass to her 
stomach.  It was worse than any enema she could ever endure as literally 
gallons of jism shot into her.  She could feel it bulge into her stomach, 
and she felt as though it was going to surge up through her throat.

The monstrous body of X shuddered as he continued to pump gallons of sperm 
inside her ass.  Small jets of it started to spray from her asscheeks.  
Supergirl's stomach started to take on obscene appearance as the sperm 
continued to pour inside her.

Finally X's cock and body returned to normal size, and the Girl of Steel 
could feel his cock pop out of her ass before she again blacked out....

* * *

When Supergirl finally awoke, she found herself in a different room.  She 
was lying in the middle of a four-poster bed, which was in the middle of 
the room.  Each of the bedposts had a hitching ring on them, which looked 
all too familiar with the kind used for bondage.  It gave her the chills 
just seeing them.

She got out of bed shakily.  She could feel her asshole still swollen after 
the reaming she got from X.  Just sitting up gave her the shivers, and she 
could almost feel like there was some sperm in her bowels.  But other than 
that, she appeared to be as "normal" as she could given the circumstances.

She also noticed that X had dressed her differently again.  Now she was 
wearing a flimsy blue cover-up, the kind one would wear to hide a bikini.  
Only Supergirl knew she wasn't wearing anything underneath this garment.  
Her super-sensitive nipples could feel the light cloth as it brushed 
against them, and she could feel the cool air against her exposed pussy.  
The only thing keeping her modesty was a red tie-on sash that held the 
"costume" closed.  She also noticed the red "S" over her left breast, which 
wasn't the elegant red and yellow symbol she normally wore, but instead a 
crude letter as though it was done with a magic marker.

The room was a bright red, with mirrored walls and a mirrored ceiling.  
Even the carpet on the floor was a cheap red shag variety used in cheap 
porno flicks.  One of the mirrored walls had a sticker that said "PRESS ME" 
on it.  Curiously Supergirl did, only to have the wall open up to reveal a 
small closet containing more cover-ups like the ones she was wearing.  
Closing the closet, she found another door that led to a bathroom that 
consisted of a toilet, sink, and shower stall.

"Good Morning, Super-Slut."

X appeared on the other side of the metallic doorway.  Beside him was what 
appeared to be a serving cart filled with food.

"As I promised," he said with a flourish, "breakfast to go with the bed.  
Orange juice, pancakes, scrambled eggs, and buttered toast."

"The name is SUPERGIRL," she replied.  "Not Super-Slut."

"I don't think so," X said in reply.  "You're neither super, nor just a 
girl anymore.  You're a super-slut.  And that's what you are from now on.  
Oh, and I have taken some more precautions against further attacks.  You 
need to treat your host and lover with more respect."

"You are NOT my lover," she spat out.  "You're my rapist and my kidnapper, 
and believe me, when Superman and the others learn what you've done with me 
they'll hunt you down like the dog you are!"

X grimaced.  "Oh, well then I guess you don't appreciate my hospitality..  
You know, I could have left you shackled on the exam table, spread-eagle 
and fucked at any time.  I offer you a bed, clothes to wear, a bathroom, 
and even GOOD FOOD!  Well I understand.."

He started to leave with the serving cart.  Supergirl caught a whiff of the 
aroma of the breakfast he had prepared for her.  She didn't know how long 
she was captured, but she did know she was very hungry.  VERY hungry.

"... wait..." she managed to say softly.

X stopped in his tracks.  "Yes?" he asked as he faced away from her.

"I... I'm sorry," she blurted softly.  "I am hungry."

Her captor and host turned around.

"Then prove it."

Supergirl stammered for a minute.  "W-what do you want me to do?"

X gave a sly smile.  "You know what I want."

Supergirl sighed, then untied the sash holding her "clothes" together, and 
let the flimsy garment drop to the floor.  Then she walked close to him, 
kneeled, and undid the fasteners of his slacks.

"Yes," X said as he stroked her hair.  "You're learning.. my super-slut."

Supergirl grimaced at the word.  She wasn't a slut!  She was being held 
prisoner by a maniac rapist, and she was hungry!  If this was the only way 
to stay alive, so be it!  

X watched with delight as the Maid of Might began sucking on his growing 
cock.  "Yes.." he mumbled.  "Oh, yes... my super-slut... suck it all... oh 

Supergirl couldn't believe she was kneeling in front of her captor, letting 
herself be degraded while she sucked on his cock as though her life 
depended on it.  Worse yet, she found herself getting off on it!

"UUNH...  yeah!.. suck... suck it down...MMMM... oh.. that's so good... 
UUNNGGHH.. you're going to make me cum!"

She could feel the cock swell as he approached climax.  She debated between 
swallowing the cum or pulling it out of her mouth and jerking him off... 
but in the end she didn't have a choice at all.  X clamped his hands on the 
sides of her head, forcing her to swallow every drop of cum as it shot down 
her throat.

"Yes," X said quietly with immense satisfaction.  "You are learning.. my 

Part 6.

The license plates on the black car read "BW-10."  The driver, a muscular 
man with a chiseled face, exited the car and made it's way to hotel lobby.  
He didn't check in, but instead checked to inquire on an elderly couple who 
were traveling in an RV with a young woman.  After making a phone call, he 
decided to pay a visit to the county courthouse to check on the records of 
one Lex Luthor and any possible real estate holdings by Lexcorp in the 

* * * * *

Supergirl stood in the shower, letting the warm water splash across her new 
voluptuous body.  She had hoped the shower would help clear her mind, but 
it didn't work.  Even the rhythmic pulses of the shower reminded her of the 
Orgasmatron.  How, when it touched any part of her body, would drive her to 
powerful orgasms.  Any part; a finger, a toe, her nose, even the hair on 
her head.

She moved her soapy hands around her huge, firm breasts.  X had 
re-engineered her body so that not only were her breasts twice their normal 
size, but they were also more sensitive than before.  She felt the tingle 
of pleasure when she moved her slippery hands around them, grazing the 
extra-sensitive nipples.

How long has it been?  Days?  Weeks?  By her own rough count, at least four 
days have passed.  She worried about Jon and Martha Kent - the two people 
whom she considered to be the parents she never had.  No doubt they are 
worried to death about her.  She left Martha in such a rush to catch Lex 
Luthor, never to expect to be captured by a shape-shifter who called 
himself Luthor's "son."  She hoped they had the good sense to call Clark 
and get out of the area before anything else happened.  

"Where are you Clark?" she muttered under her breath.  "Where...?"

Then she realized she had gravitated her hands down past her stomach.. just 
above her bald pussy. "What am I doing?" she asked herself.  "I should be 
doing this.. I.."

But instead of pulling back, she felt her hands going instinctively for her 
clit.  She tried desperately to fight the urge to masturbate, but instead 
she felt the all-too familiar wave of pleasure hit her.

"UUNNGGHHH..." she moaned.  "N-no... I... can't... do..... OOHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

One hand went up to her swollen breasts as the other continued on her 
pussy.  She leaned back against the wall of the stall and spread her legs 
wide.  Her fingers began to rub around her clit, picking up speed.

"Can't...  Mustn't.. UNNGGHHH!!... No... I'm Supergirl... I'm not some 
cheap.. s-slut..."

She tried to think of something.. anything.. that could break her 
concentration.  The death of everyone she knew at the hands of three 
super-powered criminals, Doomsday pounding her into protoplasmic mush, 
Superman's death at the hands of Doomsday, the destruction of Coast City, 
being manipulated by everyone from Brainiac to Raven to Lex Luthor..  But 
as she remembered learning about Lex's duplicity, her mind went back to the 
times he seduced her.. how he used to make her cum twice before 
intercourse.. how his hands used to cup her breasts, which then were barely 
just more than a handful and not the mountains of flesh they were now.. how 
he used to play with her clit..

"OOH!" she exclaimed as she felt her body shiver.  She knew this as the 
telltale sign she was about to cum.  "C-Can't do this.. OOHH... OOHH... 

She spasmed uncontrollably as she climaxed.  Her legs gave way and she sank 
down to the floor of the stall, the water splashing rhythmically over her 

Supergirl cursed at herself as she picked herself up from the tiled floor.  
Why?  Why was she doing this?  She knew that somehow X was responsible for 
all of it, and somehow, no matter how long it takes, she'd find a way out 
of it all.

She dried herself off and then put on the flimsy blue outfit X had provided 
her as her only clothing.  She looked at herself in the mirror.  Her damp 
platinum blond hair running down her back, the twin mountains that were 
supposed to be her breasts.. she looked like Anna Nicole Smith's slutty 
twin sister!

Just then she heard a noise in the bedroom.  It sounded like someone was 
picking the lock that kept her prisoner.  She quickly made her way to the 
side of the door and waited for it to open, ready to pounce on whomever was 

The door opened and she could see a black shape with pointed ears enter the 
room.  Then the shape turned towards her direction..

It was Batman!

"Supergirl?" the dark knight asked when he saw her.  "Supergirl?  Is that 

She was ready to cry.  She wanted to race over to him.. but then she 
remembered that it could be a mistake.  The last time she trusted what she 
saw it turned out to be X disguised as Wonder Woman.  She wasn't going to 
fall for the same mistake again.

"Batman?  How did you know where to find me?" she said suspiciously.

"Superman contacted me," he said in a dark voice.  "He was too busy 
handling other crisis to come to your rescue, so he asked me to look for 

Supergirl walked over to him, ever so cautiously.  "And what happened to 

"He got away.  Don't worry, he won't go far, though.  Robin is following 

She was inches away from him.  He wrapped his dark arms around to comfort 
her.  "We'll find some way to get you back to normal," he said.

She wanted to believe that.  She really did.  Instead, she shoved him 
backwards towards the bed.

Batman was surprised.  "What are you doing?"

But Supergirl knew otherwise.  "Nice try," she said.  "But Superman 
wouldn't have been too busy to save me.  And the REAL Batman would have 
known why!"

The Maid of Might pounced on the man that appeared to be Batman with a 
ferocity.  She straddled over him.

"Err.. Supergirl.. What?"

She clawed at the bottom half that made up his black outfit.  The outfit 
seemed authentic, but she knew someone with access to a lot of money could 
get a real-looking Batman costume.  X certainly has access to Luthor's 
hidden funds.  The hidden catches that made up his pants came undone and 
she tugged it down past his hips.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he demanded as he tried to get up.

She pushed him back down on the bed and reached for his cock.  It seemed 
quite normal, but she knew X could shape-shift to make it look real.  Maybe 
this WAS his real size.  "This is what you want, isn't it?" she asked as 
she quickly jerked his rod erect.  "You want to continue these little 
games, right?  Let's just get to the chase."

She was vaguely aware that she had at least some of her powers back.  
Certainly super-strength and speed.  Strength to keep someone like him down 
on the bed, and speed to bring his cock to strength in a matter of 
seconds.  She took the cock into her mouth and quickly sucked on it.

"UUNNGGHHH!!... no.. Supergirl... what.... Are... you... UNNNNGGHHH!...."

Her head was a blur as she bobbed up and down on his rod.  It didn't take 
long for "Batman" to cum, and he spurted quickly in her mouth.

But she didn't stop there.  Instead, she continued sucking on his cock, 
quickly working it back up to fighting strength again.

"Super.. girl..." he pleaded, "please... don't.... AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!"

But it was too late. A second cum.  But she didn't stop, not even to clean 
up the mess from his first two loads.  Jism flowed down her mouth, acting 
as a lubricant on his cock as she continued at full speed.

It took a few more seconds for him to cum a third time, but this time it 
was much more painful for him.  "S-super... girl....  UNNGGHH... no...  
Please.. n-OOOOOOOO!"  His voice was strained.  His muscles spasming from 
the numerous orgasms.  "You'll.... Kill... me.... if... you..."

Then there was silence.

Supergirl looked up at the prone body of "Batman."  He was clearly in pain 
when he uttered those words, but checking on his pulse, she found that he 
was still alive - just unconscious.

Then she realized what she had just done.  She just raped a man.  She 
didn't just render the guy unconscious, she RAPED him!  She was no better 
than X when she did that!

She started to back up off the bed in horror.  "My god," she whispered.  
"What have I done?"

"What you were expected to," she heard from behind, "my little super-slut!"

She turned around.  X stood at the doorway.

"You did everything I expected of you," he said with a smile.  "Everything 
I prepared you for, my little super-slut!"

She started to pounce on him.  At super-speed, she would have him tied up 
and be out of there in no time.  But X didn't flinch.  Instead he pressed a 
button on his bracelet.

Supergirl then doubled over in pain.  Tremendous pain.

Then she felt herself getting heavy.  She opened her eyes and saw that her 
tits were growing.  Bigger and bigger.. bursting through the flimsy 
material she wore.  They inflated like twin flesh-covered balloons.

And it wasn't just her tits that grew, but her ass as well.  What was once 
tight was now expanding so that her backside pushed the cover-up to her 

"X!  What are you doing to me?" she asked as she grabbed her massive 
mammaries in a vain attempt to keep them from growing.

"I warned you about trying to jump me again," X replied.  "This is what I 

Then Supergirl saw him take his finger off the red button on the bracelet 
and press a blue button next to it.  Instantly she felt the telltale 
sensation of the orgasmatron as the beam hit her square on her growing ass 

She screamed.  "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! NO MORE!!!!!!!!   PLEASE!!!!!!!!!   

Her whole body shook as she climaxed.  She could feel her tits swell even 
more.  Then she felt moisture.  "MY GOD!  I'M LACTATING!"

Indeed, her breasts began dripping a milky substance from her enlarged 
nipples.  X was tempted to taste it, but decided against it.  Instead he 
stood there with that devious smile on his face.

Minutes later, the beam was turned off.  Supergirl lay face-down on the 
floor, in the same X-augmented body as before.  A puddle of substance from 
her breasts and a trial of cum from between her legs highlighted her body.  
What was left of her clothing was now just a shred of fabric by her waist.

X walked over to the bed at the unconscious "Batman" who still had his 
drawers down past his waist and his cock exposed.  "She'll never know," he 
mumbled.  "Never guess that you were just some stud from the local bar I 
picked up and tricked you into wearing that outfit.  And you'll never know 
who it really was who picked you up looking like my little super-slut."

* * * * *

Batman - the REAL Batman - made his way into the county courthouse in the 
dead of night.  He could have gone in daylight as Bruce Wayne, but he knew 
that anyone asking too many questions might tip off whoever had Supergirl.  
He needed to go at night, as Batman.

The deeds and tax rolls revealed much about Lex Luthor.  It seemed Lexcorp 
owned half of the buildings and banks in town.  There were many places 
where Luthor could have gone, and certainly many places where he could have 
squirreled some slush funds if he needed them.  But no place in town where 
Luthor could be hidden without attracting attention.  And certainly no 
place where they could hide a limo as big as the one that was seen in 

Then he discovered an abandoned Lexcorp mining company.  At least it was 
SUPPOSED to be abandoned.  However, when he checked with the local water 
records, he noticed that service was still continuing there.  Somebody was 
still using the place.

Part 7.

Time had no meaning for Supergirl anymore.  What little she knew since she 
awoke after the Batman hoax was that she was shackled to the four-poster 
bed.  She no longer had any kind of clothes on at all.  She was also 
vaguely aware that she got fucked often.  Her pussy and her ass were sore.  
She had a taste of cum in her mouth that she couldn't get rid of.  Her tits 
were wet and sticky with cum.

Everything else was a blur to her.  She was vaguely aware of faces.. 
different faces, but all still the same man..  X Luthor, using his own 
shape-shifting powers, made himself into different people, then repeatedly 
fucked her.  He made himself into so many people from her life that she 
couldn't keep track of what was real and what was a shape-shifter's 

There was another sensation she was vaguely aware of.. the Orgasmatron.  
The memorable hum and the blue glow that followed it.  When she wasn't 
getting fucked by X, he had that device on her.  It drove her to near 
insanity by forcing her to cum so many times.  There was a numbing 
sensation to her body now, almost like she wasn't really there.  She was, 
however, aware of the sore muscles and the tenderness of her wrists and 
ankles after straining against the restraints.  

She was tired, hungry, sticky, sore, thirsty, slightly numb, and extremely 
humiliated.  She vaguely wondered if X was going to shortly end it all for 
her.  It would be a godsend in her mind.  X has not only turned her into a 
slut, but she had RAPED Batman when he tried to rescue her.  How will she 
explain that to Clark?  To the other heroes?  There would be no explanation 
that would satisfy them!

Just then X walked into the room.  He no longer dispensed with clothes or 
disguises.  He was simply naked, with his big 14-inch cock half-erect 
sticking out like a divining rod.  He had a cocky smile on his face - the 
kind he always had just before he fucked her.

"Good morning my dear!" he said cheerfully.  "I have a treat for you 
today.. if you're behaving.  You ARE behaving, aren't you?"

She nodded.  She knew better than to reject him now.  

"Who are you?" he asked her as he put his hand into her stringy hair.

".. super.. slut.." she replied in a hoarse voice.

He stroked her hair like one would a pet.  "Very good, my super-slut.  Now, 
I have a gorgeous dinner for you if you're willing to do what's necessary.."

She knew what he wanted, and at that point nothing else mattered to her.  
Nothing.  She nodded her head in compliance.

X reached over and freed her from her wrist restraints.  Then he did the 
same with the restraints at her feet.  All the while he was careful to keep 
his left wrist away from her.. the wrist with the security bracelet that 
keeps her in check.

With the restraints off, Supergirl let her limbs fall as she felt the 
circulation return to them.  They were numb, and she had little or no 
strength left to move them.

X straddled over her, then dropped to his knees on top of her massive 
tits.  His huge cock was right in front of her face.  "Make it hard," he 
said with a sneer.

She reached up and with a shakily hand took the half-limp phallus into her 
mouth.  It got hard as she started sucking on it.  She could feel it get 
engorged with blood to it's maximum thickness.  Then X pulled it out of her 
mouth and placed it between her massive melons.

"Hold your tits tight," he said.  "Push them together."

Her fingers were still tingling as she complied, pushing her tits together 
as he began to pump his massive cock between them.  The sensation was 
unnerving for her - his cock between her super-sensitive tits.  She could 
feel the erotic sensations build within her again.


Superman returned to Metropolis in a huff.  It has been a grueling few days 
for him - helping out Japan from an earthquake, then a hurricane in 
Bangladesh, and then a tsunami in Hawaii, then an invasion attempt by a 
rogue Khund warlord.  

Running into Maxima didn't make it any easier.  The red-haired princess was 
still lusting for him in the worst way, and she still refused to take "no" 
for an answer.  At one point she filled his mind with her erotic fantasies 
- fantasies that involved the two of them bare naked, their 
genetically-flawless bodies grinding together in heated passion.  To see 
Maxima's perfect breasts and red-hot pussy - even as a mental illusion - 
got him a raging hard-on.  He was tempted like no other time before and he 
was that close to actually ravaging her... But then he remembered he still 
had Lois, and she has always been more than enough of a woman to satisfy 
his all too human desires.

The Man of Steel made a beeline to Lois' apartment, using his X-ray vision 
to make sure she wasn't with somebody.  Then he opened the window and let 
himself in.

Lois was in the kitchen when he entered.  "Clark?" she called out.

"Yes Lois," he said as he tugged off the cape and almost flew over to her.  
The smell of her body, the warmth of it, got him hard again.  "MMMMM... I 
don't know what's better, the smell of your cooking or the smell of your 

He nibbled on her neck, his hands roaming down to her tight ass underneath 
the black sweats.

"HMMM.." she said as she felt the bulge pressing into her lower abdomen.  
"Oh, baby, something got your attention.  I know you don't normally do this 
when you come in.."  

Then she suddenly backed away, bumping into the cabinet behind her.  
"OHMIGOSH!  I almost forgot!  Your parents!"

Suddenly that snapped him into attention.  So close after Conduit.. to hear 
anything about the Kents was hard for him.  "What?  What happened to them?"

"Nothing.. I think.. anyways they were in this small town with Supergirl, 
and Martha called me saying they thought they saw Lex Luthor in the area.  
Jonathan and Martha headed out of the area and Supergirl went to check on 
things.  I couldn't call you.. so I pulled out the number you asked me to 
use in case of emergencies.."

"Batman's number," Superman said.  "Did you hear anything else from Ma and 

"Only that they were staying just on the outskirts of Sugar Creek.."

In a flash Superman had grabbed the cordless phone and dialed the number to 
his adopted parents' cellphone.  "Ma?  Yes, it's Clark.  Listen, I just got 
back from space.  Lois told me a little about what's happened, and I'll be 
on my way there shortly.  You two go on to your next spot.  I'll get Mae 
and...  Yes Ma, I have.. a friend who should be there already.. so you two 
get going and Mae and I will meet you there.  I'll feel safer when the two 
of you are away from the area.  Yes Ma.. I love you too.  Bye."

"I'm sorry Clark," she said as he returned the phone to the charger.  "I 
should have said something the minute you came in, but you came in so 

"Don't worry about it Lois," he said as he gave her a quick peck on the 
cheek, then retrieved his cape.  "I'll be there in a few minutes, and if 
Luthor is still there I'll make sure he pays dearly for this!"


Batman walked stealthily into the hallway located at the end of the mining 
shaft.  He found Luthor's limousine parked with the engine cold.  It hadn't 
been used in days.

The hallway was dimly lit, leading straight to the room at the end.  Once 
inside the room at the end of the hallway he found it to be empty, but 
indications of a trap were there.  His night lenses picked up the 
reflections of small mirrors in one half of the room, and the telltale 
indentions of a recessed barrier.  On the other half of the room, he 
noticed the fine carpeting and the indentions in the shag that proved 
something heavy once rested there.  Perhaps a desk and a chair.  

On the other side of the room was another passageway.  That led to another 
hallway, this one brightly lit.  The hallway had a steep incline to it - 
the first door on the left had some sort of medical examination room in 
it.  Heading upstairs he found a second room - this one resembling a 
surgical observation room.  But unlike other observation rooms, this one 
had computer terminals and other devices inside it.  He quickly checked the 
monitor displays.  Each of them displayed different biological functions of 
someone referred to as "SUBJECT SS."  He wanted to look further at them, 
but decided first to do a quick check of the other rooms.  It would do him 
no good to check monitor readings if someone as devious as Lex Luthor was 

There were a few other rooms down the hall.  One was for a costume room 
with various outfits - including a close imitation to his own.  Each 
costume had a photograph or picture on the hangers.  He checked out the one 
with the imitation of his outfit - the picture appeared to be from a 
computer printout.  The notations on the bottom read "Lexcorp Security - 
Intelligence Division.  Subject:  Batman"

He was about to put the costume back on the hook when he noticed the tear 
along the waistband of the pants.  They were torn by somebody of great 
strength - the material used to make the outfit was of thick Latex, 
designed to stretch but not tear.  The kind of strength Supergirl would 

There were other outfits as well, but one caught his eye - the extremely 
accurate Supergirl outfits seen at the end of the room.  Of all the 
costumes, these didn't have any accompanying pictures with them.  But they 
didn't have to if it was Lex Luthor.  He knew Supergirl, was intimate with 
her.  No doubt Luthor has whole mainframes dedicated to her physical 
structure right down to the DNA.

Leaving the costume room, he checked out two of the other three rooms.  One 
was an ornate dining room with a fully stocked kitchen.  The other was what 
appeared to be an ornate suite complete with living room and bedroom.  The 
very last room was sealed with a metal door.  He didn't know what was going 
on there, but from the faint sounds he picked up he knew somebody was in 
the throws of sex.

He placed a warning device on the adjoining wall of that sealed door that 
would alert him to movement, then returned to the observation room.  One 
display caught his attention - the one marked "SS - Matrix Configuration."  
He knew that meant Supergirl, since she was the only person created from a 
protomatter matrix.  The computer was Windows95 based - so he pulled up 
the adjoining files about subject "SS."

The configuration files had numerous settings displayed.  The one currently 
displayed was for "Super-Slut" and had features that would put Wonder Woman 
to shame.  There were other settings as well, including one that would 
enlarge Supergirl's features to an obscene extreme.  It was marked 

Another terminal monitored Supergirl's mental output.  There were images 
and messages being flashed on the screen.  No doubt being transmitted 
straight to her brain.  The level of mental conditioning was to an extent 
he'd only seen once by the Mad Hatter.  These messages were erotic in 
nature, with detailed stories, sound clips, and scenes from porno movies 
added in for enhancement.

Then there was the third monitor.  One that had a closed-camera image of 
some guy fucking a nude blond woman the bore a striking resemblance to the 
"SS" configuration file.  There was a notation underneath the image - 
"ORGASMATRON STATUS:  STANDBY."  He knew about the Orgasmatron from 
Batgirl, and how Lord Easystreet almost put her and Wonder Woman into 
retirement through their humiliation.  

He went back to the first monitor.  If it WAS Supergirl being fucked by 
that guy in the third monitor, then it probably wasn't willing.  If there 
was some way to give her an edge..



Supergirl and X fell off the bed, rolling on the floor while he continued 
to pump his hard cock into her.  Over and over again he fucked her, 
bringing her from one climax to the next.  Her heavy breasts slapped her 
chin as he continued to fuck her.

"UUNNNGGHHHH...  OH GOD.... UUNNGHHH!!!!!!"  Supergirl writhed underneath 

"Yeah.." X said under his breath, "cum.... Cum again.... my... 

X closed his eyes, oblivious to what would happen next.

"What..." Supergirl said, "what... is.. happening.... 

X didn't know anything happened.. except that all of a sudden her pussy 
wasn't as tight as it was before.  He opened his eyes, only to discover 
the woman she was fucking wasn't her.  

It wasn't Super-slut.

It was Supergirl!

And Supergirl was aware of her transformation.  How could she not be 
aware?  Her tits shrunk back to normal size, she shrunk a few inches to 
normal, and even her voice went back down an octave to normal.  But the 
one thing that was still the same was that X was still fucking her.

"What.." X said.  "NO!  THIS CAN'T BE!"

He tried to pull away, but Supergirl locked her legs behind him, keeping 
him pinned down.  Then she grabbed hold of his left wrist.. and the 

X realized what she was trying to do.  "NO!  NO!  NOT NOW!!"

But it was too late.  She pressed hold of the blue button on the bracelet 
and pressed hard, using all her strength to lock it in.

The Orgasmatron was targeted for Supergirl, but because X was on top of her 
when the button was pressed, the beam hit X square in the back.  X's eyes 
went wide with pleasure as he let loose a bloodcurdling yell.  Then 
proceeded to pump his cock in and out of Supergirl at breakneck speed.

"UUNNNGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" cried the Maid of Might.  She was not only 
being fucked by X again, but she was also getting the residual effects 
from the Orgasmatron as it coursed through X.

"AAHHHHH" screamed X as he spasmed.  "T-T-THE PL-PLEASURE!!!!!!  C-C-CAN'T 

Over and over again X fucked Supergirl.  Supergirl could feel X's sperm 
pour out almost continuously into her vagina.  He was cumming almost 
continuously now.. which for a woman would be blissful, but for a man - 
even a shape-shifter - would be certainly lethal.  She wanted to relax her 
hand.. to stop the process, but in the throws of multiple orgasms every 
muscle was locked down hard.

"C-CAN'T S-S-STOP... UUNNGGHHHHHHHH!!" she screamed as yet another wave of 
pleasure hit her.

She could feel the torrents of sperm filling up her vagina, making it bulge 
out.  Jets of it started to spray out from her pussy lips as she felt him 
spasm over and over again.  She knew the sensations all too well, but she 
never had it hit her while being fucked.  It was like she was being fucked 
inside and out.

X meanwhile was in agony.  He had never been hit with the Orgasmatron 
before, but he knew what the effect would be if he was.  At first he was 
enraptured by the pleasure, but the pleasure quickly turned to pain as he 
realized that he was being forced to climax even faster than the last 
time.  And no matter how many times he shot his load, he was still rock 
hard!  He could feel his muscles tense up with every climax.. his heart 
beating faster and faster..

"H-HELP!!" he screamed, "I.. UUUNNGGGHHH.... C-CAN'T.... AARRUUGGHHHHH.... 


Superman was over Sugar Creek when his JLA communicator sounded.  Only a 
handful of people knew he still carried one - and one of them was Batman.  
He dove straight for the signal to the mine on the outskirts of the town.  

"Batman?" he said down the hallway.

Batman met him halfway in the second hallway leading into the examination 
room.  "Over here," he said grimly.

Superman raced ahead of him into the observation room.  Supergirl lay there 
on the medical table, quite unconscious.  She was once again dressed in her 
blue and red outfit.

"What.." Superman started to say.

"She's fine," the Dark Knight reassured him.  "Now anyways."

"Where's Luthor!" he demanded.

"He was never here.  Seems it was one of those Lexcorp copies of Supergirl 
disguised at Luthor.  That's who Supergirl found."  Batman pointed at 
Supergirl's temple.  "It had implanted some sort of device in her head.  My 
guess is it wanted Supergirl to give any information she knew about you.  
But I removed it a minute ago.  She should be fine now."

Superman looked up in disgust.  "Where is... it?"

Batman barely got the word "upstairs" out of his mouth before Superman 
bolted back up the hallway and into the last room that was open.

Aside from the bare bed with restraints, the only thing in the room was a 
puddle of gray mass that vaguely resembled a humanoid statue.  It was 
slowly melting itself into the carpet.

"Whatever it was," Superman said, "can't hurt her anymore..."

He rejoined Batman and an awakening Supergirl in the examination room.

"C-Clark?" Supergirl asked as her eyes fluttered open.

"I'm here Mae," Superman said as he took her hand.  "Are you OK?"

She blinked for a minute.  "Yeah.. I guess I am.."

She turned and saw Batman on the other side.  For a minute she had a 
feeling of absolute horror and guilt.  Her eyes went wide and her mouth 
gaped open.

The Dark Knight recognized her horror.  "What is it?" he asked.

Supergirl wanted to say something, but then the feeling passed.  "I don't 
know," she said.  "It was the weirdest feeling... like I did something 
really wrong.. but I don't know what..."

"It's probably nothing," Batman said.  "I've seen it before with some 
heroes who have been captured like you were."

"What do you remember?" Superman asked.

Supergirl thought about that for a minute.  "It's the damnedest thing..  I 
don't remember anything except going after someone that looked like Lex 
Luthor.  He trapped me in some sort of room... then... I'm sorry.. I can't 
remember anything after that."

"That's OK," Superman said.  "Let's get you out of here."

He helped Supergirl off the examination table.  She flinched slightly when 
she saw the table, but again she didn't know why.  Then she noticed that 
she had CLOTHES on, that the outfit wasn't an extension of her protomatter 
body.  But for some reason she felt comfortable with that.

Superman looked back at Batman who was still standing in the room.  

"I want to comb the area for clues," he said, "see if there's anything that 
might help us find Luthor.  Go ahead and get her out."

"OK," the Man of Steel said.  "And thanks for helping out..."

Batman watched them as the left the room.  He didn't want them to know the 
real truth:  that Supergirl's memory lapse wasn't just convenience, but 
something he deliberately did once he realized what Supergirl had done 
while being captured.

The observation room had recorded everything going on in the exam room and 
her cell.  They were on videotapes for X's personal amusement.  It recorded 
everything from her capture to her repeated rapes to raping someone who 
wore the fake Batman costume, then finally her act of vengeance against X.  

He returned to the observation room and pulled out the last tape in the 
recorder.  It was the tape where Supergirl killed X.  He knew she did 
because he was the one that triggered the computer to restore her 
appearance and her powers.  She could have forced herself off him at any 
time.  That was why he removed those memories from her mind before removing 
the implant and why he kept that knowledge away from Superman.  Clark was 
the closest thing to a friend besides Alfred, Jim Gordon, and Nightwing, 
and he knew that telling him the full extent of what X Luthor did would 
have driven the Kansas-raised kryptonian out of his mind.

He entered the living quarters which was ornately decorated with all of Lex 
Luthor's tastes, right down to the nude painting of Supergirl, done back 
when she was infatuated with him.  No doubt it was this picture that got X 
thinking about this whole sordid affair.  Behind the painting was a hidden 
control panel with three buttons and a lever.  He depressed the three 
buttons then put his hands on the lever.

"God forgive me," he mumbled before pulling the lever.

Five minutes later the mine, and everything inside it, exploded.


Onboard the luxury yacht "Regal" Lex Luthor relaxed on the observation deck 
facing the pool.  A beautiful blond girl dove into the water with grace and 
ease.  He watched as she pulled herself out of the pool, how the water 
clung to her short blond hair, how it dripped off the points of her 
bikini-clad body and down her bare skin.

Just then the ship's purser interrupted.  "Excuse me sir, but this fax just 
came in for you."

Luthor snatched the fax from the young man then sneered at him until he 
skulked away in fear.  Then he read the fax.

"Mister L. - Lexcorp facility #2345-654 at Sugar Creek exploded. Cause 
unknown, but Superman and Supergirl were seen in the area.  Fiscal leak in 
that area has also been stopped."

He didn't know why Superman and Supergirl were there, but for whatever 
reason it was for the best.  They were nowhere close to finding him, and he 
should be in Monte Carlo in another month.  Still.. Supergirl was someone 
whom he couldn't get out of his mind.  

Then he noticed the blond girl in the blue bikini.  Aside from the short 
hair, she could pass herself off as Supergirl.  She walked up to him.

"Excuse me," she said, "but I couldn't help but notice that you were 
looking at me."

"Really?" Luthor said.  "Well I must admit that I was.  You see, you sort 
of remind me of a former girlfriend."

"Oh!  How much like her?"

"Why don't you have dinner with me and I'll tell you all about her.  I have 
the executive suite."

Her eyes widened.  "Sure.. mister..?"

"Call me Lex," he said as he extended his hand.  "And you are?"

She took his hand.  "Aurora."

"An interesting name," he said with a grin.  "You can tell me all about it 
tonight.  Say around seven?"

"Seven it is."

He watched as she walked away.  Even her ass reminded him of Supergirl.

"Oh yes, I will have you," Lex said.  "My little super-slut."

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