Followup-To: Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam Approved: X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded X-Story-Submission: From: (P. D. Michael) Newsgroups:,,,,,, Subject: The Light In Mother's Window Part 2 Reposted on request The Light in Motherıs Window by P. D. Michael Part 2 My Dad was a street car driver and worked all different shifts. His schedule was often upside down where he slept all day and worked all night. The one he hated most was 6 p.m. to 2 am. It meant that he left for work about 4.30 and got back home after 3. Heıd been tense about being away in the evening ever since he caught Tommy Dory peeping at my mother through the bedroom window that night. Truth be known, he had every reason to be concerned. The whole street would see him leave the house with his lunch pail and know he was gone then until the wee hours. It was almost a conspiratorial wink that would pass through the neighborhood as he made his way down to the bus. By the time the streetlights came on most of the real little kids were in bed. Dinner was long since cleared away and the adults relaxed on their porches with a cold drink. The work days were hard and people would begin to yawn almost as soon as the heavy robe of darkness settled in. Husbands dozed while their wives packed the next dayıs lunches and set the table for the morning meal. The routine hardly changed from house to house. Around nine-thirty, lights clicked on in bathrooms and bedrooms as the wives prepared for bed. Weary from the predictability of endless chores, the women looked forward to the pampering embrace of a warm bath and a couple of hours without kids under foot. That was the time when weıd make our way through the darkened yards watching for careless blinds and unsuspecting displays. Sometimes, even when a window was dark, weıd crouch beneath the sill listening to people we knew having sex. For days after weıd mimic the sounds of their passion remembering every grunt and four-letter word like it was the soundtrack from a favorite movie. It was after one such night of breathless watching that I cut back through the maple woodlot heading toward home. I was alone on the path behind our house and paused to look across the grass toward the lighted window. My motherıs bedroom appeared to be empty and there was no one in the yard. From around the corner of the house I could see the feeble beam of a flashlight and I could hear my mother calling softly for our dog. There was no time to cross the lawn and slip in through the open screen so I stepped further back into the bush where I was sure I wouldnıt be seen. She was wearing her robe and slippers and holding the light out in front of her to maximize its faint coverage. I crouched down as she crossed the lawn and watched her stand near the entrance to the woods. She called the dogıs name. From somewhere close by I thought I heard a whine in response. She heard it too and stepped a little ways along the path trying to pierce the inky blackness with her frail light. Again the whine and she moved further in until I could no longer make out her shape in the dark. The sound of her voice, never very loud, disappeared in the hiss of the wind on the trees. From nowhere, heavy footsteps suddenly pounded along the ribbon of packed earth. Voices were momentarily raised in excitement, then hushed to frantic whispers during what sounded like a fierce struggle. Just as quickly, the noises receded deeper into the bush. Only the sound of feet swishing through the grass and leaves gave away the direction they were going. I followed, straining my eyes to catch a glimpse of anything that moved in the moonless woods. The paths were familiar friends that I criss crossed every day. Yet the fear of being discovered by those I was following slowed my pace and kept me at a safe distance. From the direction they took, I was sure they were heading to an old pumphouse that belonged to the golf course. Nobody much used it anymore except us kids who took it over from time to time as a clubhouse. They were already inside by the time I crept up to the window. My mother was standing in the middle of the dirt floor with a flour sack over her head. Light from a coal oil lantern sent a flickering wash over the faces of the three men who surrounded her. One had his back to me and was spreading a gray woolen blanket over the peeling paint of the old table. Two other men that I didnıt know held onto my motherıs arms. When she began to speak They all listened. ŒI know itıs you Tommy,ı she said in a clear voice. ŒI know itıs you so just let me go and Iıll say nothing about this.ı The third figure turned toward the light and I could see that it was Ray Dory, Tommyıs dad. He reached over and took the sack off my motherıs head. ŒItıs not Tom this time Evelyn. You caused enough shit for him over peaking in your window. You might as well see that itıs not the boy that youıre dealing with tonight.ı My mother appeared frightened as she looked at the three men. Her face looked like wax in the orange glow of the lanternıs light. Her arms were folded across her chest as if she was cold, but the night was warm and the air muggy and close. ŒI see that you still donıt pull your blinds Mickey,ı Ray grinned using the nickname my father always called her. ŒYou still like to put on a show for the neighbors.ı She said nothing and pulled the robe tighter around herself. ŒDo you know what the boys call a woman who flaunts herself, Mickey? ... Cockteaser.ı he answered himself. ŒIf youıre gonna tease cocks and make them hard, we think you should have to do your bit to put things right.ı While he was talking, his hand found one of the ties on my motherıs robe and he tugged it hard. She gripped the garment tighter to her body and he shrugged amiably. ŒHave it your way Mick. One way or another itıs coming off and youıre going to get the fucking of your life. But donıt worry. Youıll be back home in bed before your old manıs home from work.ı The other two took a stronger grip on her arms, holding them out away from her body while Ray undid the ties. The robe fell open and her legs, bare to mid thigh, flashed into view below her nightie. She struggled valiantly but they pulled the house coat from her arms and dropped it on the table. The brief nightdress hid little of the promise that it was supposed to cover. It draped revealingly between her breasts and clung like veneer to her belly. Flimsy as it was, the sense of her near nudity was heightened rather than hidden by the skimpy shift. One of the men gathered a handful of the thin cloth at the small of her back, pulling garment tight across her skin. The dark aureoles of her nipples showed through clearly and the shadowy nest between her legs stood out in full relief against the scanty covering. ŒPlease donıt.ı she whimpered ŒWhy? What are you hiding?ı Ray snickered, ŒHave you got the curse?² His hand inched the hem of her nightie up a few inches until the patch of auburn hair just peaked from beneath its edge. ŒI donıt see no rag,ı he announced with a facetious smile. My mother tried to twist away as he continued to raise the nightdress higher on her stomach. She tried to clamp her knees together when his hand descended to her thighs. ŒPlease donıt Ray,ı she pleaded. ŒDonıt what Mickey? Donıt look? Everybody knows you like the boys to look.ı ŒPlease.ı ŒWell why donıt you just show us yourself then?ı She looked frightened. Faced with a situation where she wasnıt in control, panic tugged mercilessly at her composure. The three men seemed to smell her fear and gain confidence from it. Ray Dory kept wheedling and needling her, coaxing her to strip for them under the threat of them ripping her nightie off anyway if she didnıt. She struggled determinedly shaking her head and weeping her refusal until he stepped toward her and reached out. ŒAll right! All right!!ı she sobbed, shrinking back away from him. ŒI will. I will. Just let go of me first. You can look. Iıll let you look. But you canıt touch me,ı she bargained desperately. They let go of her hands and she backed further into the cabin until the table was behind her and she could go no farther. Her hands were trembling as she slipped the nightie off her shoulders. The bodice stretched out as she pulled it down over her breasts and let it lodge on her hips. Dark, pink nipples, as hard as plum pits, stood out from her quivering breasts. Her hands cupped the fullness, holding them up as if for inspection. She watched the men appreciatively eyeing her while she, teasingly, rolled her ample breasts in her palms. She was well aware of the appeal her tits held for them. For a moment, she felt ŒGet up on the table,ı Ray told her and she wriggled her ass onto the edge. The nightie, balled up on her hips, caught as she slid back dragging itself down onto her thighs. She laid back raising her legs to slide it the rest of the way off. Naked, she now looked to the three men as if sheıd kept her part of the bargain. ŒPut your legs apart and show us what youıve got,ı Ray instructed. Reluctantly her thighs opened a few inches until Ray barked Œwide apart! I want to see every cunt hair!ı She spread them then and watched the flushed faces of the three men as they looked between her legs. ŒSqueeze your tits and play with your pussy,ı he snapped and my mother did as he asked. ŒWhat would hubby say if he could see you now?ı Ray smirked. ŒOpen up and show us the pink inside,ı he directed. ŒYou knew Tom and his friends had been looking in your window most nights, didnıt you?ı he asked. ŒYou were just teasing the young fellas werenıt you Mickey?ı She didnıt offer an answer but they didnıt need one. One on each side of the table they pinned her against the blanket. Ray grabbed her behind the knees and dragged her down until her ass was at the tableıs edge and her legs thrashed wildly off the end. He stood between her open thighs and undid his faded Leviıs while she begged and threatened him. Rather than being intimidated, the three men seemed to enjoy her resistance. ŒThis is for Tommy and all the shit your prick teasing caused for him. Weıre all going to fuck you in every place a cock will fit. Before this night is through youıll admit that you teased the boys and caused their trouble. If you donıt youıll be late for your hubby coming home and weıll make sure he knows weıve all had you.ı He pushed into her, snickering amid her plaintive pleas for him to stop. Her head began to swing from side to side while her lips mouthed ŒNo! ... no!ı. She was powerless to prevent what was happening.With his two large hands holding her firmly by the hips she writhed like a pinned butterfly. But not to escape. To grind her cunt against him. There was no need to hold her arms any longer and the other men squeezed her tits and teased her nipples while she squirmed in delight. If there was any doubt about her enjoying what she was doing it disappeared with the first gasp of her orgasm. Her hands clawed at Rayıs hips pulling him deeper while she humped against him. For the first time I heard her voice shrill with passion imploring ŒFuck me ... fuck me oh Ray Iım coming... itıs soo good! sooo good!ı Ray was, himself, close and her wild behavior was enough to push him over the top. He clasped her in tight and pounded his prick deep inside of her. His large shoulders shook like he had the palsy and he grunted with each spasm that roared from his balls. For a moment he stood slumped over her while he regained his strength and then he moved to the side for the next man to take his place. My mother took the strangerıs prick in her hands and pumped it up and down to get him ready. There were no pleas to stop this time and she guided his stiff prick into her sweet spot. Ray stood beside her and rubbed his wet dick against her cheek. ŒSmell that Mickey?ı he grinned. Like the smell of your cunt? His large hand turned her head towards him and he pressed his member against her lips. ŒOpen up now, and taste your cunt on me. Youıll have to lick it all off clean so Muriel canıt smell it.ı She opened her lips and sucked him in . He stood with one foot on the floor with his other knee thrown across her chest to straddle her face. His cock had not fully recovered but it was hard enough to fill her mouth. ŒYouıre a little cocksucker too, are you Mickey?ı he grinned as he watched her pretty lips pull on his prick. Between her legs the other man had found his pleasure. Her ass was never still and he quickly neared his climax. Sheıd folded her legs up to let him in deep and he felt the hard mouth of her cervix on every stroke. Her hand had found its way between her legs and she rhythmically rubbed her clitoris sending waves of sensation through her striving belly. She was going to come again and both of her lovers could feel the explosive tension building within her. Ray was on the verge himself as he watched her pink tongue wriggling on his prick. I thought of how he and Muriel had watched her masturbate. Iıd heard his wife admit that sheıd like to be pleasured by Mickeyıs tongue. Ray watched as that same tongue teased all around the swollen head of his cock. Images of its probing bringing pleasure to his wife strobed through my thoughts. I watched him press deep, reaching for the back of her throat until spasms of exquisite pleasure milked his nuts. Muted by the flesh of his cock filling her mouth, a high pitched wail announced my motherıs orgasm. Her hips rose off the table offering the auburn treasure between her legs like a sacrifice to the god of lust. Back arched and belly writhing, she recorded her second powerful orgasm. The man between her legs bit down on his lip and ejaculated deep inside of her. Still recovering they rolled her onto her stomach and the third man repositioned her at the tableıs edge. Holding her by the hips he lifted her belly off the table so that her buttocks were raised. She went rigid as the realization of his intent became clear. Pressure from his cock against the crinkled whorl of her bum made her panic but three pair of hands held her firmly in place. She squealed as his frenum slipped in past her sphincter. He pulled her to a kneeling position on the old table. She wanted to straighten up but they held her head-down and buttocks raised high while he slipped inexorably deeper into her anal passage. This was clearly not her favorite form of sex and she whimpered pathetically as he began to slide to and fro. His tempo increased as the tightness eased. Breath hissed from her each time he slammed forward and she mewled her dismay on every draw back. The other man was at her face now trying to get his cock into her mouth but she was too preoccupied with what was happening to her bum to accommodate him. Her tormentors took extra pleasure from the fact that she didnıt like it, mimicking her moans and sighs and taunting her with crude comments. ŒDid your stupid husband not know about your back door?ı Ray teased. ŒMaybe we could tell him how much you like it. She made a mistake then by blurting out ŒNo. Please. Donıt tell anyone about this.ı The deep concern in her voice gave them a clear insight to her vulnerability. They realised she would do anything to ensure they would say nothing. ŒWell you havenıt given us any reason not to let him find out, Mickey,ı Ray began. ŒYou know how men are. They talk about women theyıve fucked. One tells another and pretty soon it gets back to the womanıs husband and thereıs hell to pay. His pride is at stake.ı ŒYou canıt tell anyone,ı she moaned as the pounding from behind increased in tempo. Ray had his hand between her legs trying to capture her clit between his fingers. The man behind began to come. ŒYouıve got such a pretty ass Mick. Your old man doesnıt know what heıs missing. What do you think heıd say if he could see you bare assed and butt fucked. ŒYou might have pups after this Mickey,ı Ray snickered. Her knees were weak and she trembled when they finally let her down from the table. She reached for her robe and nightie but they werenıt ready to let her get dressed. ŒWeıll walk you home Mickey,ı Ray chuckled, ŒWe wouldnıt want anything to happen to you on the way.ı I flattened myself among the tall weeds and watched as they passed. They made her carry the lantern, letting its pale light illuminate her nakedness as she walked through the bush ahead of them. She picked her way carefully in her bare feet, holding the lamp high in one hand while her free hand stretched up on the other side for balance. Near the edge of the woods she found one of her slippers and stooped to pick it up, exposing the whole her shapely ass to the men behind her. ŒNeed a little touch up Mickey?ı the tall one asked, running his hand up between her legs. My mother flinched from his caress. He pulled her in close and felt her again until Ray cautioned him to ŒSave a little for the next time.ı She pulled away without a word and the three men watched her bare ass scurry across our lawn. The bathroom door was closed when I slipped back into the house. From the sound of water pounding heavily into the tub I knew she was freshening up for my fatherıs return. I laid awake for a long time replaying what I had seen. Flashes of guilt for not going to her aid battled waves of lust that turned my cock to rock. My balls ached for release. Inevitably, I could not stay my hand. Even though I was fearful that they may have hurt her, the memory of her orgasm overpowered any such concern. The frenetic movements of her thrusting hips and the wails of pleasure that escaped her lips burned like fresh coals in my memory. There were no sounds from the bathroom and I began to get worried. Thoughts of her being distraught, even suicidal, over what had taken place troubled me. The cold wet dew on the grass shocked my bare feet as I lowered myself to the lawn once more. The bathroom window was high and I had to stand on a saw horse to look in. She wasnıt moving and her eyes were closed. Her expression was trance like. The hot water she loved to bathe in gave her skin a pink flush. Her creamy legs stretched out toward the taps where her heels rested on the edges of the tub. Out of the water like glistening peaks her pink-tipped breasts rose and fell in a measured rhythm. Hovering just above the surface was the almost imperceptible roundness of her belly. At its base, the mass of auburn curls lay limp against her mound, saturated by the steamy bath. And just between the prominent lips, her middle finger wobbled back and forth over the tiny seat of her pleasure. -30- Comments are most welcome. If you have any of your own work that youıd like to have someone read for an objective opinion E-mail them to me. ­ PD -- Story Submission: Newsgroup FAQ: Archive site: (Not pretty yet)