Newsgroups:, Followup-To: Organization: The Committee To Thwart Spam Approved: X-Moderator-Contact: Eli the Bearded X-Story-Submission: From: Sven the Elder Subject: You Always Sleep With Your Hairdresser -- Don't You? Moderator's note ------ Apparently something along the way stripped the MIME headers off of this. I tried several content-type suggestions with metamail but couldn't get any improvement. Things like this are why I really don't like MIME. ------ end note The story that follows is written by an adult, for adults, if you = can=B9t hack that, please leave and turn the lights out immediately. = In fact go lie down in a dark room - any bad feelings will go away = quite quickly. YOU ALWAYS SLEEP WITH YOUR HAIRDRESSER - DON=B9T YOU? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Sven the Elder I sleep with my gardener as well. I hadn=B9t really thought about it much until me moved locally about = a mile to our present area. The new garden needed a lot of work and = effort put into it to change it from wilderness to respectable. Me - = I just like pottering - my wife likes =8Cgardening=B9 as she puts it. = The family joke started when, early that spring, I was doing some of = the heavy work Jan can=B9t manage. It was early evening and I was on = my own out the front of our plot. It=B9s a reasonable size and I was = out of earshot of the house. While I was leaning on my rake having a = breather an old dear who I=B9d never seen before stopped to talk. I = should add that when I work on the garden I tend to be archetypal = scruffy, more like a bum. It wasn=B9t until afterward that I = realised just how much so on this occasion. The blue-rinse lady had stopped to chat. =B3I=B9m glad to see that = someone is doing something about the mess at last.=B2 She said. = =B3It=B9s been making the neighbourhood look down at heel.=B2 It was then I realised that she must have taken me for the hired = help, rather than the owner. In typical fashion she ploughed on = without waiting for comment - =B3it=B9s so difficult to find a = =B9good=B9 gardener these days!=B2 I grunted something to the effect that it was difficult, especially = with the cost of pay that was required. She looked at me closely: =B3What do you charge?=B2 she asked. =B3Five dollars an hour=B3 I responded, off the top of my head - I = didn=B9t know the going rate! =B3That=B9s very reasonable,=B3 she said, =B3Do you have a card so = that I might call you if I need some help?=B2 Now at this point my sense of humour began to get the better of me, I = should just have let the matter drop. =B3No,=B2 I said. =B3 But then = I doubt if you would be willing to make up the same perks of the job = anyway.=B2 =B3Oh I=B9m sure we could come to some arrangements,=B2 she said, = =B3I mean I could supply plenty of refreshments and a midday meal as = well.=B2 =B2Ah yes,=B2 I said, =B3 But I gets to sleep with the mistress of = the house as well.=B2 Ok I know. I shouldn=B9t have said it but she = was beginning to bug me by then. She took a moment for this gem to = be absorbed, me leaning on the rake, she standing with her mouth hung = open. Then she decided she had heard right - spluttered something = into thin air, coloured up and strode off muttering to herself. As I turned back to the job in hand I thought smugly to myself = =B3that=B9ll keep the local brigade talking for a bit.=B2 My other half came round the corner at the trot. =B3Damn!=B2 She = said, =B3I wanted to catch Mrs Digby, I was told she was the person = to speak to over the plans for the school extension - she=B9s the = Head of Governors you know.=B2 At this point my comment didn=B9t seem quite so good, but what the = hell - so I related the story. Now it has to be said that my lady = has a sense of humour that is only slightly less wicked than mine. = Fortunately she saw the funny side and went on =B3Well you could have = told her that you sleep with the taxi-driver, the cook, the bottle = washer and the hairdresser as well.=B2 =B3I=B9ll store that up and use it next time=B3 I said - =B3It=B9ll = give the old bat something to talk about anyway - if she dares.=B2 Jan muttered something about having to face the old girl - =B3I=B9ll = never be able to look her in the eye.=B2 Laughing still, I said = =B3You=B9ll think of something.=B2 In bed that night we were still chuckling at the thought of Mrs = Digby=B9s reaction. Our lovemaking was more intense than it had been = for a little bit. In fact I was jumped on! Jan called me =8Cthe = gardener=8C and told me that I ought to be able to =8Cmake that thing = grow and do a little rooting around=B9. Her kisses started from my = forehead, worked their way down my chest and headed south. As Jan = was on top this meant that I was able to inspect a ripe pair of = peaches on the way past, and very nice they tasted too. As she moved = on down and engulfed my penis with her delightful lips, she pressed = home her advantage and I was treated to wild honey pie - my = favourite. A quick explosion from her-self as I managed to eat her = centre was followed by her spinning round and impaling herself on me. = We both came together, me just a half stroke ahead, tasting each = others juices on our lips as the ecstasy took our breath away. As we = were drifting off to sleep Jan said =B3That was good, perhaps next = time I=B9ll be the hairdresser.=B2 I was amused, it was almost the first time Jan had admitted to having = any fantasy=B9s - she didn=B9t need them she said, or perhaps she = just felt she didn=B9t want to upset me. Me - sometimes I did = fantasise about the hairdresser - Jill was a drink on a stick, but I = didn=B9t really want Jan to know that I thought that way. I would = have loved to bed Jill, but well, relaxed marriage or not I had never = had the chance. I didn=B9t think Jill would reciprocate my lust = anyway. In fact Jan does my hair; It was one of those things she had = wanted to master earlier in life and never had the chance. Jill ran = an evening course at the local school, there were some spaces left so = Jan had joined and been properly taught. That was some months ago. The fun really started last night though. Jan had a phone call from = a friend who had moved away, about twenty miles. They hadn=B9t seen = each other for a couple of months and Sheila asked Jan over that = evening. I was planning a report for the office so I didn=B9t mind, = it would let me work at home without being disturbed. After about an hour there was a ring at the front door. Wondering = who it might be I went to answer and found Jill, the hairdresser = stood there with arms full, as usual, of hairdressing kit. Rather = than have her stand on the door I invited her in. As she stepped = past the mat she caught her toe and I suddenly had my arms full of = hairdressing accoutrements and one delectable hairdresser. It caught = me off balance and I fell flat on my back on the floor with Jill on = top, bits and pieces crashing everywhere. As we lay there, me = underneath, winded and trying to catch my breath she climbed off, = looked back, leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth. =B3I=B9m = not wasting that opportunity, I don=B9t get many these day=B9s=B3 she = said. I remembered then that Jan had said that Jill was = =B9resting=B9 between affairs as it were. =B3Where=B9s Jan?=B2 She = continued. =B2Out for the evening - she wasn=B9t expecting you.=B2 I replied. =B3Bugger=B3 said Jill, =B2Didn=B9t she mention our conversation?=B2 = My blank look as I sat up and got my breath back was enough response. = =B3I asked if I might cut your hair tonight, I want to try a new = style for the class. It needs hair like yours to work and I think = you=B9ll like it. Jan offered you as a model.=B2 Now slow on the = uptake I am not and the thought of this rather lovely vision bobbing = around nice and close definitely appealed. The hell with the office = report, Jill could groom me to her hearts content, and I said so. Shutting the front door, I turned and picked up the assorted bits = that Jill had dropped, carried them into the kitchen and put them on = the table. As she got ready I put the cd in the corner on, just = something background nondescript, I don=B9t remember what, filled the = coffee pot and set it going. Jill laughed, =B3we like our salon comforts then?=B2 Before I put on the proffered protective top I took my shirt off - = she looked a little surprised until I said, =B3I hate hair clippings = down inside my collar, anyway Jan should have told you.=B2 =B3Told me what?=B2 said Jill. =B3I always have my hair done topless.=B2 Jill grinned =B3No chance buster!=B2 She combed things into place for = a quick look, moved me over to the kitchen sink, removed my glasses, = bent me over and washed my hair. Having finished she put a large = towel round me, covered me over and sat me back down. She moved back = a bit and I heard her pick up her comb and scissors again as I dried = things off a bit. =B3Not too dry=B2 she said and took the towel = away. She took my breath away as well. Six inches in front of my eyes were = a lovely pair of naked tits, nipples sharpening in the breeze. =B3So = I changed my mind Sven, just look - no touchies - I know you and Jan = are liberally minded, but don=B9t think that that goes for me. Just = look!=B2 The grin on my face had obviously spoken volumes. Before = she could say anything or start styling I held her bum lightly and = pulled her forward a fraction and kissed both of her nipples very = quickly before she stop me. She gasped and dropped the comb into my = lap where it landed on my rising erection. =B3Now see what you=B9ve done=B2 she said. =B3No see what you=B9ve = done,=B3 I replied as her fingers touched the rapidly increasing bump = in my trouser front. Her fingers lingered for a second, her eyes = slightly wide, her mouth open a little. She looked at me and I = kissed her properly. She sat down suddenly onto my lap and putting = her arms behind my head kissed me. As her tongue sought mine, = thoughts of hair styling receded. I undid the snap of her skirt and = she stood up quickly and took it off, hanging it over the back of one = of the other chairs. She sat back down on my lap, facing me, a leg = either side and kissed me again. After a moment or two I stood up and she stepped back. She kissed me = again as she undid my trouser belt, bending quickly she slid them = off, pants and all. She gasped slightly as I bounced free, then I = gasped as she captured the head of my penis in her mouth slurping at = it rather than kissing. As she let go and stood back up, we held = each other close, my burgeoning erection now uncomfortably hard and = busy trying to burrow it=B9s way home. I slid my fingers inside her = panties and slid them down to a point where she kicked them off. As = she stood in front of me I sat back down on the chair kissing my way = down her front as I did. I reached the point of her delta and = realised that her trimmed centre was wet, that lovely fount begging = to be dipped into. Without hesitation I sipped, my tongue lapping at = Jills=B9 beautiful honey pot. When she couldn=B9t take any more she = moved forward and sat down again in my lap, carefully positioning = herself to touch the tip of my straining cock before anything else. = I gasped as she sat on top, sliding me into her hot, slippery, = grasping depths in one continuous flowing motion. She kissed me again, working her tongue and clenching muscles deep = inside her at the same time. Our breathing grew ragged as we reached = the edge, and then felt as if it stopped as we fell over the = precipice of orgasm. I spasmed once, twice, three times as I emptied = my soul into this delectable creature speared on my being. Then we = both went limp and I had to stop her from falling off. =B2Jeesus H!=B2 Jill exclaimed as she breathed for the first time in = what seemed an age. =B3I=B9m not used to that strength of coffee or = whatever it was caused that. I don=B9t think I could stand too many = at that Richter level.=B2 I kissed her gently before I said =B3Didn=B9t Jan tell you, I always = sleep with my hairdresser. Don=B9t you?=B2 =A9 Sven the Elder - Jan =8C97 Please post any comments to a.s.s.d -- Story Submission: Newsgroup FAQ: Archive site: (Not pretty yet)