From: Newsgroups: Subject: RP: Deirdre - Storylist (incl. keywords) Key to these keywords: x: means x is the gender of the narrator, e.g. m: means narrator is male; if it is 3rd person, then a 3 is used (z) means z doesn't happen in the story but is implied or expected. Example: a story with no female/female sex, thus not marked ff, is marked (ff) if a female thinks about having sex with another female sm, bd, & ds can sometimes be ambiguous: sm means pain inflicted (note: all sm in my stories is relatively mild--spankings, paddlings, and whippings) bd means someone is tied up ds means someone is bossing someone who is obeying also the usual: mf ff mm nc etc After..........f: (mf) (ff) spanking Afternoon......f: ff Airport........f: ff ds Assignment.....f: ff mf bd Back...........m: (mf) mm anal Backfire.......f: ff mf Ball...........f: mm mf ff anal Bank...........f: (ff) teen spanking mild Basement.......m: ff bd sm Beach..........f: mf (ff) Bet............m: ds bd sm (mf) (ff) Big............f: ff fff Birthday.......f: mf anal bd ds Bracelet.......f: (ff) ds (sm) Bride..........f: (mf) (ff) Bridesmaid.....f: (ff) ds (sm) Brother........f: mf teen incest Cabin..........f: mm mf hypnotism Camp...........f: ff teen seduction Checkup........f: ff ds Cheerleader....m: mm mf anal Chest..........f: ff mf ds anal bd sm Clean..........f: ff ds sm bd Clique.........f: (ff) sm bd Closet.........f: mf ff nc bd sm Coffee.........f: ff ds sm bd College........f: (ff) (mf) (sm) (ds) Company........f: (ff) bd sm Compensation...m: mf anal mm bd ds (sm) Convention.....m: mf mm ff nc bd anal Couch..........f: mf voyeurism Cousin.........f: ff mf (ds) Cozy...........m: mf anal ds (ff) Date...........f: mf mystery Daughter.......f: mf group anal (ff) Daydream.......f: (ff) Deal...........m: ff mf Debt...........m: mf (ff) Denial.........m: mm mf anal Desire.........f: mm mf Dip............f: ff ds Dive...........f: mf (ff) (mm) Doctor.........f: bd mf ff ds sm Door...........f: mf (ff) spanking Drawer.........f: fm mm (ff) ds sm bd Dream..........f: (ff) (mf) Dress..........m: mf tv ds (mm) Drop...........m: mf ff sm ds anal (incest) Dunes..........m: mm mf ff Easy...........m: mf ff anal Entertainment..f: ff ds (mf) Everything.....f: mf bd sm (ff) anal Exam...........m: mf (mm) (ff) (bd) (anal) Experiment.....f: (ff) bd mind-control Fashion........m: mf ff infidelity Field..........f: mf ff superman Fixup..........f: mf (ff) Flight.........f: mf (ff) daydreams Foreign........f: ff teen sm bd ds Found..........f: (hypnotism) (mf) (sm) Four...........f: ds bd (sm) (mf) (ff) Freebie........f: mf (ff) oral public Friend.........f: (ff) sm Games..........f: ds sm (mf) ff bd Gathering......m: mf ff ds incest mystery Girlfriend.....f: mf ff teen incest Glance.........m: nc mf (ff) bd ds Grad...........f: ds (sm) (ff) Groom..........f: (mf) Habit..........f: sm (mf) (ff) Hear...........f: ff fff Help...........m: mf ff Hidden.........m: fm ds incest spanking Home...........m: mm (ff) (mf) ds Honeymoon......m: (mf) mystery House..........f: mm mff bd (sm) mc Idea...........m: (mf) (ff) seduction Initiation.....f: (mf) ds (sm) Interview......f: ff daydreams Interview2.....m: mf mm daydreams Julie..........f: ds (ff) (mf) (sm) Key............m: mf (ff) (ds) Lake...........f: (ff) bd (ds) (sm) Landlady.......f: ds mf ff Lawyer.........f: ff Lunch..........f: (mf) ff bd sm Mall...........f: ff anal Merge..........f: mf ff ds bd Model..........m: mf ff bd sm Mom............f: ff (ds) (sm) (bd) (incest) teen Month..........f: ff (mf) ds bd (sm) supermodel Motel..........m: (mf) Mouth..........m: mf oral frustration Move...........f: ff mm mystery Movie..........f: ds mf ff Neighbor.......f: mf ff sm ds Neighbor2......m: mf ff anal ds bd sm Neighbor3......f: mf ff sm ds Niece..........f: ff Nurse..........f: mf anal mystery nurse Older..........f: ff spanking Other..........f: mm mf Over...........f: (ff) slavery Park...........m: mf Partners.......m: mf ff mm anal nc bd ds sm Party..........f: sm ds bd (ff) (mf) Pat............f: ff teen incest ds (sm) Patient........f: (ff) (sm) ds Photo..........f: (ff) (ds) Plan...........f: (ff) (mf) ds Pool...........f: ff ds sm bd Practice.......m: mf ds ff nurse Preparation....m: mf mm anal seduction Program........m: mf ff anal Reception......f: ff mf Recommendation.f: ff (mf) teen seduction Retreat........f: sm bd ds (ff) (mf) Reward.........m: mf (mm) seduction Rock...........f: mf (ff) exhibitionism Romance........f: (ff) repression Roommate.......f: mf ff ds sm bd Run............m: mf mm tv ds Seat...........f: mf ds Secretary......f: (ff) (sm) Shop...........f: (ff) Show...........3: mf ff anal silly Sight..........f: mf (ff) Sitter.........f: ff mf bd sm ds Slave..........f: (ff) ds Society........f: ff (mf) sm bd ds Spa............m: mf mm ff nc anal bd ds Spring.........f: ff hypnotism Stars..........f: mf (ff) Storm..........m: mf anal ds ff sm Summer.........m: mf (ff) ds anal mm bd nc Surprise.......m: mf mm (ff) nc anal Swap...........m: mm ff nc bd ds Sweet..........m: mf (ff) bd nc Tape...........m: mm mf anal nc Teacher........f: ff ds (mf) Tech...........f: (ff) (mf) ds (sm) Temp...........f: (ff) repression seduction ds Trial..........f: mf ff (mff) Trip...........m: mf (ff) Try............f: ff anal Tryout.........f: ff ds (sm) bd Tutor..........f: mf ff frustration Twin...........m: mf nc Upstairs.......m: ds sm (ff) Visit..........f: ff (incest) ds sm Wait...........f: mf Waitress.......f: (ff) spanking Walk...........f: mf public Wife...........f: mf ds ff Witch..........m: ff mf mm ds bd (sm) Work...........f: mf (ff) seduction Moderator's note ------ This was not posted. ------ end note